Student Project Portfolio
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and
procedures for sustainability
Student Name:
Student Number:
Project Portfolio – Part A
Section 1: Briefing report
Section 2: Stakeholder meeting
Section 3: Policies and procedures
Section 3: Policies and procedures
Section 4: Action plan
Project Portfolio – Part B (Option 1 – Grow Consultants)
Section 5: RTO Inspection (Grow Consultants)
Section 6: Best practice memo
Section 7: Sustainability register
Section 8: Sustainability Implementation Report
Project Portfolio – Part B (Option 2 – Own Business)
Section 5: Action Plan Implementation Report
Student name:
Business that this
assessment is based
Grown Management Consultants
Area of sustainability:
Worker’s welfare
Waste management
Cleaning products
Description of policies
and procedures:
Because the organization currently lacks sustainability rules, other
applicable policies and procedures were implemented to maintain
a sustainable working environment.
Policy and procedure 1
Cleaning products
Policy and procedure 2
Cleaning products that were
environmentally friendly were
Waste Reduction and recycling
Utilized paper should be
Flinders International College V.1
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 2
recycled, and e-books should be
used instead of paper books.
Flinders International College V.1
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 3
Assessment Task 2: Policies and Procedures Development Project
Information for students
In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working
through a number of activities and submitting a completed project portfolio (Part A
You will need access to:
a business or simulated business which meets the requirements described in the
activities below
a meeting space or meeting technology
your learning resources and other information for reference
Project Portfolio (Part A) template
Simulation Pack (if you need a case
study). Ensure that you:
review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Business
Works Student User Guide
comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines
answer all questions completely and correctly
submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
submit a completed cover sheet with your work
avoid sharing your answers with other students.
Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A
of the Business Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:
where this task should be completed
how your assessment should be submitted.
Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A
template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has
provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.
Complete the following activities:
Carefully read the following:
This project requires you to develop, implement and review at least two
workplace sustainability policies and procedures for one area of
sustainability within a business. You will do this by:
consulting with relevant stakeholders
reviewing current policies and procedures
gathering information
following organisational policies and procedures
incorporating continuous improvement strategies
considering resource requirements
supporting implementation
tracking results
providing stakeholder feedback.
You will also integrate sustainability into your organisation’s wider
policies and procedures.
Selecting a business to work with
Vocational education and training is all about gaining and developing practical skills
that are industry relevant and that can help you to succeed in your chosen career.
For this reason, we are giving you the choice to base this project on your own
business, one you work in or a familiar with, or you can use the case study
provided. This will mean that you are applying your knowledge and skills in a
relevant, practical and meaningful way to your own situation!
If you choose to base your assessment on your own business or workplace, it is
important that you are able to access enough information for your chosen
business to be able to successfully complete each of the assessment tasks.
As a minimum, this will include organisational policies and procedures
related to organisational documentation, access to information sufficient to
develop sustainability policies and access to stakeholders.
You will make a final decision about whether to work with the case study
business or a real business in the next step.
Completing your Project Portfolio
You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The
steps you need to take to complete your Portfolio are described below.
Communicating with others
You will need to communicate with stakeholders to confirm their
requirements and to seek their advice and feedback. Your communication
may be directly with actual staff members from within your own business or
workplace. Alternatively, your fellow students and/or your assessor can play
the roles of the relevant people. This communication doesn’t have to be
face-to-face. Where communication is face-to- face, it doesn’t mean that all
parties must be in the same room – you can use video conferencing or any
other appropriate format, as long as it meets the requirements outlined in
this guide and in your Project Portfolio.
18. Preparation
Select a business to work with
As you saw earlier, this unit requires you to develop sustainability
policies and procedures for one area of a business. Some examples of
the policies and procedures that you could prepare include:
sustainable meetings
sustainable purchasing practices
sustainable workplaces
sustainable production
sustainability site plans.
Decide whether you would like to work with your own business or the
case study business and follow the relevant instructions below.
For students working with their own business
Check that you have access to the required policies, procedures, information
and stakeholders that you will require. You should also decide on the area of
the business that you will work with, the area of sustainability that you will
focus on and the policies and procedures that you will prepare.
Complete Page 4 of your Project Portfolio by:
describing the business
describing the area of sustainability that you will focus on
describing the two policies and procedures that you will develop.
Submit Page 4 to your assessor. Your assessor must approve your business
and the policies and procedures before you proceed with assessment.
For students working with the case study business
Take some time now to read through the Simulation Pack for this unit.
You will need to select an area of Grow Consultants to work with.
Choose areas that
interest you. There are some ideas given below – or you might choose
another topic altogether. It’s up to you. Keep in mind though that you will
need to be able to easily access information for your policies and
Sustainability ideas:
production processes
sustainable workplaces.
You will use your real names, backgrounds and communication preferences and
styles during all role plays or simulated communication to ensure that the
simulation is realistic.
You will also use information from real products and services to combine with
information provided in the simulation pack and include in your presentations.
Complete Page 4 of your Project Portfolio by:
describing the business
describing the area of sustainability that you will focus on
describing the policies and procedures that you will develop.
Submit Page 4 to your assessor. Your assessor must approve your
planned presentations before you proceed with your assessment.
Review all of your documents
Before you begin your assessment, read through all of your assessment
documents including this guide and your Project Portfolio. If you are
working with the case study business, you should also read through all of
the documents in the Simulation Pack.
If you are working with your own business or a business that you work in or
are familiar with, make sure that you have access to all of the documents
that you need and that you have familiarised yourself with them.
Make sure that you understand what you need to do and, if you
have any questions, speak to your assessor or workplace
19. Develop a briefing report
In this first activity, you will develop a briefing report. You should
conduct research relevant to your chosen area of sustainability which
identifies the following:
Relevant environmental and sustainability legislation, regulations
and codes of practice
Sources of information on sustainability, including incorporating
sustainability into business planning and using it as an
opportunity to identify new business initiatives.
Sustainability policies and procedures developed by other organisations
Life cycle mapping processes.
Here are two websites to get you started: materials-efficiency-forbusiness/resources-and-tools/life-cycle-management
Using your research and analysis, develop a briefing report which you
will use later in this assessment. Your briefing report should address the
Introduction, including current organisational practices.
Key sustainability facts and figures and the benefits to
businesses of implementing sustainable initiatives.
How sustainability can be built into business planning and can
inform business opportunities to reflect the organisation’s
commitment to sustainability.
Legal requirements in relation to workplace sustainability
relevant to Grow Management Consultants, as well as any
relevant regulations and codes of practices.
Details of three sustainability policies and procedures
researched and inclusions within the policy and procedures.
An overview of life cycle mapping, including life style stages, life
cycle map, life cycle matrix.
Identification of the most effective strategies to reduce
environmental impact relevant to your chosen sustainability area.
Provide an example to illustrate this concept. Attach your
example to your report as appendices; you should complete the
life cycle map and life cycle matrix and mitigating strategies.
Example actions should be included as below.
Example sustainability actions to inform the sustainability action
plan for the next 12 months. You should identify at least five
ideas initially, including
identifying priority actions and longer-term actions.
Recommendations on suitable performance indicators that can be used to
measure environmental performance once the policies and
procedures are implemented.
Options for strategies that could be implemented to ensure
that resource efficiency within the business is continually
reviewed and improved.
Proposed scope of the policies, including a list of headings to be
included and a brief description of each heading.
Recommendations for policy options including
discussion on likely effectiveness, timeframes and any
Work into Section 1 of your Portfolio.
Make sure you have answered all questions in each copy of Section 1
of your Portfolio. Submit to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence
– review the documents you need to attach as outlined in each copy of
Section 1 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon
20. Meet with your stakeholders
Now that you have developed a briefing report, you should consult with at
least two stakeholders to gather their advice and feedback. At the meeting,
the stakeholders will provide input into the development of the policy and
procedures through their comments and ideas. Encourage their participation.
During the meeting, demonstrate effective communication skills including:
speaking clearly and concisely
using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
asking questions to identify required information
responding to questions as required
using active listening techniques to confirm understanding.
Following the meeting, summarise the stakeholder feedback and finalise the
scope of the sustainability policies and procedures including:
required outcomes
methods of implementation.
Work into Section 2 of your Portfolio.
This meeting may take place with actual people who work for/who are
associated with your chosen business. Alternatively, classmates or your
assessor may play the role of one or more stakeholders. If in the classroom
setting, you will all take turns within your group to share your individually
developed briefing reports and to gather feedback and input. Your
discussions should take at least 20 minutes each.
This can either be viewed in person by your assessor or you may like to
video/audio record the session for your assessor to watch or listen to later.
Your assessor can provide you with more details at this step. If this session
is not viewed in person by your assessor, you will attach proof of the
meeting to Section 2 of your Project Portfolio.
Make sure you have answered all questions in each copy of Section 2
of your Portfolio. Submit to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence
– review the documents you need to attach as outlined in each copy of
Section 2 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon
21. Developing the sustainability policies and procedures
Develop the policies and procedures based on your briefing report and
stakeholder feedback.
Ensure that your policies and procedures include a statement about the
organisation’s commitment to sustainability, as well as how sustainability
initiatives will be incorporated into business planning and will also serve as
business opportunities.
Work into Section 3 of your Portfolio (note that two copies of Section 3
have been provided).
Make sure you have answered all questions in each copy of Section 3
of your Portfolio. Submit to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence
– review the documents you need to attach as outlined in each copy of
Section 3 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon
22. Developing an action plan
The next part of the assessment task requires you to develop an action
plan to implement one of the policies and procedures which you
developed earlier.
Your action plan should include:
The resources required for implementation of the policy (human,
financial, material)
A list of sources of resources required
A priority list for implementation
Individual responsibilities
Strategies for continuous improvement
Strategies for tracking and monitoring the success of the policy
Strategies for supporting implementation
Strategies for reviewing implementation (How will outcomes be
documented? How will feedback be provided? How will trends be
identified and recorded?)
An important part of your action plan should be a strategy for
communicating with stakeholders to generate engagement with
sustainability initiatives. As part of this, seek and incorporate feedback on
your action plan from one of the stakeholders who you consulted in
Activity 4. (If you are working on the Case Study business, seek feedback
from your Assessor.)
Work into Section 4 of your Portfolio.
Make sure you have answered all questions in each copy of Section 4
of your Portfolio. Submit to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence
– review the documents you need to attach as outlined in each copy of
Section 4 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon
Project Portfolio – Part A
Use Part A of your Project Portfolio with Assessment Task 2.
Section 1: Briefing report
State the purpose of the
report, including current
sustainability practices.
Attach copies of any
relevant, current policies
and procedures or
information to this
section of your portfolio.
The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the benefits of sustainable
policy practises in crop management. Also, in a professional
manner, provide other recommendations as well as sustainable
practises in the organisation. The purpose of this study is to
examine the present condition of Grow Management Consultants'
sustainability practises and execution so that adjustments may be
made to meet this aim. Business long-term viability Grow
Management Consultation recognises the need of adopting
sustainability throughout the company. It offers a number of
services to assist businesses, including:
assess current managers' leadership behaviour and
performance indicators; and • develop and implement
personalised leadership training based on the findings.
One of the company's primary consultants and directors,
Paul Burns, just completed a Sustainable Business course
and is keen to implement sustainable practises throughout
the board.
Sustainability facts
and figures
Include information
on sustainability
facts and figures, as
well as the benefits
to businesses.
Attach links to
relevant research,
information etc to this
section of your portfolio.
Paul's involvement at the workshop had an influence on the
strategic plan, which was recently modified.
As part
 It incorporates the following statement in its mission
 We are committed as a corporation to the health of both
economic and ecological systems, as well as the health of
individuals and other living things.
 The Strategic Plan, on the other hand, does not include any
specific initiatives, so the remark looks to be only lip service
for now.
 Paul is keen to develop a sustainability plan and practises for
the entire company, including travel, purchasing, office energy
use, office supplies, and cleaning.
 Paul, on the other hand, has said unequivocally that he does
not want to spend money on policy and procedure
development, and that all work must be done in-house,
therefore consultants cannot be recruited.
Switching to energy-efficient lighting and regulating lighting
settings according to the production schedule will save money in
the long term. Monthly utility expenses will be reduced as a result
of solar and wind energy. Supplies can be saved by recycling and
utilising e-books.
The advantages of workplace sustainability are typically the
advantages of growing Management Consultants in terms of
corporate objectives.
The following are some of the advantages of implementing
sustainable initiatives for businesses:
• A better reputation in the community since the firm is
perceived as environmentally conscious
• Cost savings through policies like double-sided printing and
• Increased efficiency and competitiveness
• Recruit and retain staff
• Increase consumer sales and loyalty
• Strengthen supplier relationships Information on the firm, as
well as relevant research
Current challenges and practices within the organization:
• Older-style fluorescent lighting is used in all offices, the staff
room, and the restroom. After the workday is done, these lights are
commonly kept on.
• There are no explicit energy use standards for staff, nor are there
any reminder signs.
• The business has no equipment acquisition policy and instead
buys whatever is on offer at the time; the two biggest consultants
have corporate autos.
Both cars are now five years old and require replacement.
• The company holds regular get-togethers and workshops. An
outside caterer provides the catering, which includes all dishes and
cups (plastic).
• Contract cleaners clean the workplace once a week with standard
cleaning supplies.
• Employees acquire stationery on an as-needed basis, which
usually results in large inventories of items like scratch pads and
review printer paper.
• There may be a waste canister and reusable canisters, both of
which are generally used correctly.
Success in implementing sustainable business practises is
inextricably linked to innovation. If you want to dramatically cut
waste and energy consumption, you will need to innovate, whether
opportunities and
you are a start-up or a well-established corporation. We may create
a brand image by expressing that we are environmentally
conscious, which will demonstrate to our customers that we care
Describe how
about the environment. Using e-books instead of paper will also be
sustainability can be built a cost-effective strategy to save money. Another essential approach
is to use recycled water in the office instead of the supply water.
into business planning
and can inform business
opportunities to reflect the
commitment to
Example sustainability
policies and procedures
Report on three
sustainability policies and
procedures that you have
identified and reviewed.
Summarise the areas that
they address.
Include copies of the
policies (or links) to this
section of your portfolio.
Policy 1
Cleaning product policy: Grow Management Consultancy will
only stock cleaning goods that are toxin-free.
Purchase procedures are as follows:
1. No items containing the following must be included in
purchase requisitions:
a. Phthalates, which are found in air fresheners; b. Triclosan,
which is found in dishwashing solutions.
c. Quaternary ammonium compounds, which are utilised in
textiles; d. Chlorine, which is used in toilet cleaning.
2. Purchase requisitions must be for the items listed below. a.
Fragrance-free or all-natural organic items, such as oils, as
alternatives to Phthalates.
3. Hand soaps and sanitizers must fulfil at least one of the
following criteria.
a. Antimicrobial agents are not present.
b. UL Ecology 2784, which applies to hand cleaners and soaps.
4. Monitoring procedures.
Policy 2
Waste reduction and recycling policy
There are four phases to implementing this policy.
1. Encourage the increased use of digital mobile technology to
reduce excessive resource use and paper waste.
2. Minimize- Minimize waste production and disposal. Ensure
that all printers are set to print double-sided by default.
Purchasing in bulk reduces the amount of paper and plastic
packaging used.
3. Reuse- Reuse waste materials instead of creating new ones.
Examine procedures for disposing of outmoded ICT equipment,
with an emphasis on finding new applications or users.
4. Disposal - Waste is only disposed of if there is no other
feasible option.
Policy 3
Reduction and recycling of waste is part of the policy.
There are four phases to putting this policy in place.
1. Encourage the increased use of digital mobile technologies to
reduce excessive resource use and the creation of paper waste.
2. Minimize- Minimize the amount of trash produced and
disposed of. Double-sided printing should be the default setting
on all printers. Purchasing in bulk helps to cut down on the
amount of paper and plastic packaging used.
3. Reuse- Reuse waste materials instead of producing new ones.
Review rules for disposing of outmoded ICT equipment, with an
emphasis on finding new applications or users.
4. Disposal - Waste should only be disposed of if no other option
life cycle mapping approach helps you to gain a better
Life cycle mapping
understanding of resource, energy, and water flows, as well as
Explain life cycle mapping identify important environmental consequences and more
as it relates to one of your accurately decide on mitigation solutions.
The First Step: Life Stages Identify and document the major
stages/processes in the manufacturing of your product or service in
Victoria resources from
the linear life cycle.
Step 2: Create a life cycle chart for your product or service that
their website), including
lifestyle stages, life cycle depicts the major stages. Some of things will occur 'outside your
map, life cycle matrix and gate,' so keep that in mind.
Step 3: Determine the most significant environmental
identify and selecting the consequences.
most effective strategies
Step 4: Develop an environmental mitigation strategy.
to reduce environmental
Consider the life cycle mapping of a book.
Legal requirements
in relation to
List and explain
key legislation
related to
sustainability and that
is relevant to the
Sustainability actions
Include example
sustainability actions
to inform the
action plan for the next 12
months. You should
 Paper is made from wood and trees as raw materials.
 Product development
 Marketing and distribution
 Make use of purssace
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation
Act 1999 (EPBC Act)
 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2001
 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation
(EPBC) Act Regulations
 Work Health and Safety Act 2011
 Corporations Act 2001
 Australian and international standards relating to
corporate sustainability include:
ISO14001 Environmental management
ISO 26000:2010 Guidance on social responsibility
The AS/NZS 3598:2014 standards
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
The triple bottom line of environmental quality, social equity and
economic prosperity
The global standards for sustainability reporting (The GRI
I will participate in a variety of sustainability initiatives throughout
the course of the year in order to inform the sustainability strategy.
1. Examine the policy on book publication.
2. Solar-powered green purchasing policy
3. Using more sustainable cutlery to replace plastic plates in
4. Using environmentally friendly cleaning products.
5. Replacing equipment that is not offering long-term solutions.
identify at least five ideas
including identifying
priority actions and longerterm actions.
The key performance indicators (KPIs) provide benchmarks
against which to assess an activity's success in achieving its
Provide recommendations objectives. SMART goals guarantee that your objectives are
specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely.
on suitable performance
By the year 2022, By 2023, trash and harmful cleaning products
indicators that can be
will have been reduced by 20%.
used to measure
This year, we will save 20% on solar energy power.
By 2023, increase employee wellbeing by 20%.
Reduce paper use by 30% by 2023.
performance once the
policies and procedures
are implemented.
Performance indicators
Continuous improvement
Discuss possible
strategies for ensuring
that resource efficiency
continues to occur.
Policy options
Recommendations for
policy options including
discussion on likely
effectiveness, timeframes
and any costs.
Staff meetings are held once a month to get input.
External specialists should be included
The energy audit.
After explaining the nature of the problem or issue and presenting
study findings, policy recommendations are made. All aspects of
the firm shall be covered by sustainability rules and processes,
including but not limited to:
• Purchasing
• Energy use in the office
• Office supplies
• Travel
• Cleaning
Proposed scope
Policy 1
Provide a scoping of
the Sustainability
Policies and
Procedures, including a
list of headings to be
included and a brief
description of each
Waste reduction and recycling policy There are four phases to
implementing this policy.
1. Encourage the increased use of digital mobile technology to
reduce excessive resource use and paper waste.
2. Minimize- Minimize waste production and disposal. Ensure
that all printers are set to print double-sided by default.
Purchasing in bulk reduces the amount of paper and plastic
packaging used.
3. Reuse- Reuse waste materials instead of creating new ones.
Examine procedures for disposing of outmoded ICT equipment,
with an emphasis on finding new applications or users.
4. Disposal - Waste is only disposed of if there is no other
feasible option.
Policy 2
Employee Benefits Program
1. Dress code: Grow Management Consultant employees are
expected to represent the company, thus positive, well-made
attire and a professional look are necessary.
2. Visitors in the workplace- To protect the safety and security of
the organization's personnel and facilities, only authorised
visitors are permitted to enter the workplace.
3. Preventing Workplace Violence- All workers, colleagues, and
temporary employees should be treated with civility and respect
at all times.
Current policies and procedures
Links to research
Links to review procedures
Section 2: Stakeholder meeting
Summarise the
stakeholder feedback
How will you implement
the stakeholder feedback
in your policies and
Stakeholders were happy about the adjustments we are seeking
to make with Grow consultant's sustainability policy. They like
the fact that we utilised non-toxic chemicals, recycled paper, and
reusable cutlery.
Attach a recording of the
meeting if your assessor
did not observe or
participate in the
Attach any notes from the
meeting to this section of
your Portfolio.
Policy 1
Use the feedback from the
meeting to finalise the scope
of your sustainability
policies and procedures
Workplace energy use
outcomes KPIs
methods of implementation.
• Lower your energy use. For example, using low-energy light
bulbs throughout and ensuring that computers are turned off
after use are two examples.
• For the bulk of your lighting needs, switch to low-energy light
· At the conclusion of the workday, make sure all lights are
turned off.
• Create formal energy use standards for employees or post
reminders on the wall.
Solar energy will save 20% of power this year, and employee
wellbeing will improve 20% by 2023.
By 2025, the corporation intends to be 80 percent sustainable..
Policy 2
Waste reduction and recycling policy.
• Increase the frequency with which stationery is acquired to
avoid accumulating things like notepads and A grade printer
paper, and avoid utilising paper wherever possible. Delivering
invoices and quotes as PDF files through email, for example.
At the firm, meetings and workshops are held on a regular
The cuisine is prepared by an outside caterer, and all reusable
dishes and glasses are given (paper)
By 2023, trash and harmful cleaning products will have been
reduced by 20%..
Recording of meeting (if relevant)
Notes from meeting (if relevant)
Policy and Procedure 1
Section 3: Policies and procedures
Purpose statement
Explain the main reason
for the policy and the
issue it is designed to
Outline overarching
policy principles, for
example, organisational
commitment and
compliance with
Procedures will contain
enough detail to enable
action, so the procedure
is supported and applied.
If there are consequences
relating to not following
a procedure, these must
be stated clearly in this
Roles and
responsibilities should
be documented.
The following table should
be used. Numbering
should be used.
The sustainability policy of Grow Management Consultants refers
to the use, development, and conservation of resources at a rate
and in a way that allows people to meet current demands while
also providing for future generations. Our sustainability policy
outlines our commitment to policies and practises that promote
environmentally responsible operations. Policies that encourage
energy efficiency can help to boost economic development, reduce
glasshouse gas emissions, and improve energy security. Fewer
glasshouse gas emissions, a reduced demand for energy imports,
and lower family and economic expenditures are just a few of the
benefits of energy efficiency. Scope Outline broad policy concepts,
such as organisational dedication and legal compliance. All
government agencies are focused on reducing their carbon
footprint, reducing waste, and improving efficiency..
All government agencies are focused on reducing their carbon
footprint, reducing waste, and improving sustainability. Energy
efficiency refers to the use of much less energy to accomplish the
same activity - in other words, eliminating power waste. Energy
efficiency plays several roles in the path of long-term financial
development. As a result, it adds to carbon discounting, resulting in
reduced climate change. It also leads to the creation of jobs,
reducing poverty and allowing for more sustainable living..
Procedure title
1) Energy Usage
• Set a reminder to turn off lights
at the end of the workday.
• Replace incandescent bulbs
with CFLs.
• Make use of solar energy as a
source of energy.
Policy and Procedure 2
Design to reduce the use of non-renewable energy
Section 3: Policies and procedures
Purpose statement
Explain the main reason
for the policy and the
issue it is designed to
Outline overarching
policy principles, for
example, organisational
commitment and
compliance with
Grow Management Consultants' sustainability policy refers to the
efficient use, development, and protection of resources at a cost
and in a way that allows people to meet their current needs while
also providing for the needs of future generations. Our
commitment to methods and regulations meant to sell ecologically
responsible activities is outlined in our sustainability coverage. The
procurement policy, in particular, makes a strong case for the
organization's involvement in procurement and sustainability.
All departments of the government are focused on decreasing their
carbon footprint, minimising waste, and improving sustainability.
Sustainable procurement is a process by which businesses meet
their needs for goods, services, works, and utilities in a way that
maximises cost-effectiveness over the life cycle while also
addressing fairness concepts for long-term development, resulting
in societal and environmental benefits across time and space.
Procedures will contain
enough detail to enable
action, so the procedure
is supported and applied.
If there are consequences
relating to not following
a procedure, these must
be stated clearly in this
Procedure title
Reduce the usage of nonrenewable resources and
• For lunch and other purposes,
using reusable utensils such as
Purchase recycled paper for your
As far as possible, avoid the use Send your message via email.
of paper. Ship a bill, for example,
or send PDF files as attachments
to emails.
Ordinary conferences and
seminars are held at the agency.
Catering is provided by an
outside caterer with all reused
plates and cups supplied in
The following table should paper.
be used. Numbering
should be used.
Roles and
responsibilities should
be documented.
All reusable plates and glasses
were provided by the caterer,
along with all reused plates and
Section 4: Action plan
Sustainability Action Plan
Current: (August 02, 2021)
The firm was employing antiquated fluorescent lights, which were not turned off at the end of the day by the employees.
• Using CFL lights and reminding employees to turn them off.
The corporation does not have a process for acquiring equipment and instead purchases it as needed, frequently buying whatever is on
sale at the moment.
Keep a supply of sustainable equipment on hand so that we do not have to acquire non-sustainable equipment.
The corporate cars used by Principal Consults are five years old and in need of replacement.
• Replace outdated vehicles with new ones and urge employees to take the train rather than driving.
Meetings and workshops are held on a regular basis, however cuisine is provided by an outside caterer that uses plastic cups and plates.
• Reusable cups and bowls should be used.
Contract cleaners clean the office once a week using standard cleaners that utilise harmful materials.
• Use chemicals that are non-toxic.
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BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 27
Future: (insert month & year here)
Measures of Performance
Using CFL lamps and reminding employees to switch off lights.
Reduce the cost of energy by 20% by 2024.
Stock up on sustainable equipment so we do not have to acquire nonsustainable equipment.
By 2022, use 80 percent more sustainable items and stationery.
Replace outdated cars with new ones, and encourage employees to take Reduce the company's and employees' carbon emissions by 40%
trains rather than driving.
by 2022.
When having meetings, use reusable cups and bowls. When cleaning the By 2023, waste and harmful cleaning products will be reduced by
business, use non-toxic products.
30%. By 2025, reduce the consumption of plastics by 40%.
Strategy for Achieving Objectives
Step by Step Plan
a. Replace all florescent lamps with CFL lights
b. Send reminder to the staffs about energy usage and to turn off the lights.
Save the energy by
30% and encourage
products. For example
Energy Conservation
Reduce the use of plastics
Reduce carbon emission
Due Date
April 2022
January 2022
By 2022
All Staff Member
August 2022
All staff member
05 August 2021
All staff
10 November
All staff
c. Switching off all the electrical appliances when not in use
a. While conducting meeting use reusable cups, plates and glasses.
b. Place a meeting to plan the reduction of carbon emission and carbon foot print.
c. Encourage staff to use public transport whenever possible
d. Replace principal consultant’s vehicles.
Reduce the use of chemical
a. Advice the consultant’s company to use toxic free chemicals.
b. Purchase requisitions must not include any products that contain:
b, Phthalates- used in air freshener
60% of all the
suppliers to be
done by 2022
60% of all the
suppliers to be
green by 2022.
60% of all the
suppliers to be
green by 2022
By 2022
By 2022
c, Perchloroethylene- used in carpet cleaning
d, Triclosan- used in dishwashing liquids
e, Quaternary ammonium compounds- used in fabric softeners
f, Butoxyethanol- used in window cleaner
g, Ammonia- used on polishing agents
h, Chlorine- used in toilet cleaning
I, Sodium hydroxide – used in oven cleaners
c. Alternative to phthalates- Fragrance free or all natural organic products such
as oils
d. Hand soap and hand sanitizer must meet one or more of following standards
a, No antimicrobial agents (other than as a preservative) expect where required.
Resourcing plan
Resources required
a. Human resources- to replace lamps and send reminders
(human, financial, material)
Save the energy by 30%
and encourage using
sustainable products. For
example; Reduction of of
carbon emission.
b. Materials- energy efficient lamps, solar etc.
c. Financial- Money to replace the lamps and send reminder
d. Annual travel plans
a. Reusable cups, plastics and glasses.
b. Cloud services, high net worth internet
Recruitments, party contractor,
hardware store.
Hardware store contractor
Mr. Ctechnical
Mr. C- technical
Financial management
Travel desk and financial
Retails management department
Internet Service provider/
broadband/Network providers
Mr. F-IT
c. Capital or money is needed to do all of the following work.
Reduce carbon emission
a. Office Stationary
b. Hand operated paper shredder, refillable markets, rechargeable cells etc.
Stationery market
Mr. Gpurchasing
Mr. Gpurchasing
Continuous improvement
Explain your strategy for
continuous improvement
Tracking and
monitoring success
Outline your strategy for
tracking and monitoring
the success of the policy
I have addressed all of the company's long-term concerns. The
company's fundamental issue is that it has failed to take moves
towards becoming more sustainable. We are attempting to select
for more sustainable goals using the techniques outlined above,
which will not only boost the firm's image but will also help the
company make profit in the long term. Replacing ageing lighting
with energy efficient lights, for example, would be helpful to the
organisation both now and in the future. We are also attempting to
introduce the usage of reusable utensils and reducing the use of
non-sustainable items and stationery.
By 2021, the energy bill will have been reduced by 20%.
By 2025, reduce the consumption of non-recyclable paper by 40%.
By 2023, use 80 percent more sustainable items and stationery.
Reduce the company's and employees' carbon emissions by 40% by
By 2023, trash and harmful cleaning products will have been
reduced by 30%.
I will encourage everyone to utilise environmentally friendly items.
Supporting implementation Similarly, as the firm progresses and strives towards sustainability,
I will be guiding staff. In addition, I will be monitoring employees as
What support will
they shift to a more sustainable lifestyle. Instead of driving, I would
you provide to others
urge employees to take trains or public transportation. I will always
be there to assist them if they become confused or want
The outcomes will be documented in a meticulous manner. There
Reviewing implementation will be a step-by-step procedure that employees must follow, and
the consequences will be determined by whether or not the
Describe your strategy
method was followed. Similarly, because we have defined the
for reviewing
goals, the outcomes will be determined by how well they are met.
implementation. How
An energy audit will also be conducted to determine how much
energy was saved. Meetings and regular email updates will be
will outcomes be
used to offer input. Meetings will be held on a regular basis, and
documented? How will
patterns will be identified. Emails will be issued to the employees
feedback be provided?
about what they are doing well, and comments will be offered if
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BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 34
How will trends be
identified and recorded?
something needs to be changed..
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BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 35
Describe the process
that you used to seek
feedback on your action
Summarise the
feedback that you
received and describe
how you
incorporated it.
Attach a copy of the
feedback that you
received to this section
of your portfolio.
A meeting with the company's stakeholders and employees was
conducted. The action plan was praised by all of the employees.
Stakeholders were similarly optimistic about the impact that
sustainability will have. Almost all of the feedback was favourable,
however one of the comments I got was that I was expecting a lot
of change in a short amount of time. As a result, I set a target of
incorporating all of the agenda by 2025. Similarly, one of the
employees proposed that if feasible, electronic copies of books be
used, which was a fantastic suggestion that was adopted into
every step after that.
Project Portfolio – Part B (Option 1 – Grow Consultants)
Use this section of the Project Portfolio if you are completing Option 1 with Assessment Task 3
(that is, if you are working with the case study business).
Note: If you are completing Option 2 for Assessment Task 3, you should not complete this
template. A separate template has been provided for you later in this document.
Assessment Task 3: Sustainability Initiatives Implementation
Information for students
In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working
through a number of activities and submitting a completed project portfolio (Part B).
You will need access to:
the business or simulated business that you worked with in Assessment Task 2
your learning resources and other information for reference
Project Portfolio template (Part B)
Simulation Pack (if you need the case
study). Ensure that you:
review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Business
Works Student User Guide
comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines
answer all questions completely and correctly
submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
submit a completed cover sheet with your work
avoid sharing your answers with other students.
Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix
A of the Business Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:
where this task should be completed
how your assessment should be submitted.
Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A
template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO
has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.
You have two options for this section of your assessment – Option 1 is for students who are
working from the case study business. Option 2 is for students who are working from their own
Important: You should only complete ONE of the following options. If you are unsure which
option you should complete, speak to your assessor.
Activities – Option 1 (Grow Consultants)
Option 1 is for students who worked from the Grow Consultants case study in Assessment
Task 2. If you completed Assessment Task 2 using your own business, skip straight to
Option 2. If you are unsure, speak to your assessor. DO NOT COMPLETE BOTH
Complete the following activities:
Undertake an inspection of your RTO facility
Assume that, following acceptance of your sustainability policy and
procedures, you have been asked to implement strategies identified in your
action plan for the continuous improvement of resource efficiency. This is
to include an inspection of the workplace to identify environmental
sustainability and resource usage issues and to identify and report on
possible solutions.
You will therefore undertake an inspection of the RTO facility using the
environmental sustainability and resource Usage Record Template
provided in Section 5 of your Project Portfolio (Part B).
Record at least three actual or potential environmental sustainability and
resource usage issues that you find.
Your assessor will advise you of the date and time of the inspection
and will observe you conducting the inspection.
Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 5 of your Portfolio
(Part B). Submit to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your
evidence – review the documents you need to attach as outlined in
Section 5 of the Project Portfolio (Part B) and make sure you attach
these upon submission.
23. Develop a memo for staff about best practice sustainability procedures
Assume that you wish to commence implementing a further initiative from
the action plan, which is to provide regular communications to staff about
sustainability practices.
Based on one of the issues identified in your environmental sustainability
and resource usage record, develop a short memo to send to staff about
best practice sustainability procedures. For example, if you have identified
that water usage is high, you could write about tips to reduce water usage.
The memo you develop must be written in plain English and in userfriendly language and be designed to promote engagement in sustainability
The memo should be no more than one page and include images such as
photos or graphs to assist with understanding and engagement.
Work into Section 6 of your Portfolio (Part B).
Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 6 of your Portfolio
(Part B). Submit to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence
– review the documents you need to attach as outlined in each copy of
Section 6 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon
24. Develop a sustainability register
You are required to develop a register for recording and tracking all
continuous improvements in resource efficiency.
The register should be able to include, as a minimum, the ability to
record the reported opportunity, action to be taken, responsibility,
timelines and outcome.
Work into Section 7 of your Portfolio (Part B).
Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 7 of your Portfolio.
Submit to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence
– review the documents you need to attach as outlined in each copy of
Section 7 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon
25. Develop a sustainability implementation report
Assume that the sustainability policy and procedure you
developed has been implemented, as well as findings from regular
sustainability inspections.
Sustainability initiatives implemented include:
Energy audit and all recommendations implemented including
signage about energy use (e.g. switch off lights at night, turn down
brightness, turn off taps)
Recycling policy introduced, and three more recycling bins introduced.
Green purchasing policy developed (on staff intranet, email sent
to staff to advise).
Green transport policy developed and implemented (on staff
intranet, email sent to staff to advise).
Assume also the following sustainability targets:
Reduce electricity consumption by 20% within six months.
Promote awareness of sustainability initiatives amongst all staff members
A staff survey has been undertaken (see the Simulation Pack for
results), as well as an energy audit.
The results of the energy audit are as follows:
Actions implemented:
replace halogen downlights with energy efficient downlights and
connect to natural gas, converting to an energy source with onethird of the greenhouse gas emissions of electricity from coal
replace electric storage hot water heater with instant solar hot water
replace air conditioner with a more efficient
inverter unit. Prior to energy audit:
Annual energy bill: $2,415 a year
Annual greenhouse emissions: 18 tonnes
a year Six months later:
Annual energy bill: $1,800 a year
Annual greenhouse emissions: 10.2 tonnes
a year One year later:
Annual energy bill: $2,215 a year
Annual greenhouse emissions: 14 tonnes a year
Note: Four new staff members employed may account for increase.
Energy targets were not adjusted to account for the new staff.
You are required to review the results of the staff survey and the energy
statistics provided.
Based on your review, develop a short report that outlines:
 Analysis of staff survey results and achievements against targets
 Analysis of energy audit data and achievements against targets
 Recommendations for additional actions that need to be taken based
on the data above.
 Summary of the success of the sustainability policy and procedures
based on analysis.
 Updates to sustainability policy and procedures to account for
recommended improvements.
Work into Section 8 of your Portfolio (Part B).
Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 8 of your Portfolio.
Submit to your assessor for review.
Section 5: RTO Inspection (Grow Consultants)
Areas of RTO and
practices reviewed
Use of
Identify equipment that use
energy and determine which
equipment uses the
most/least energy?
Grow Consultants was inspected, and the following factors were
• Chemical usage- Contract cleaners clean the office once a week
using standard cleaning agents.
• Reminder to employees: All offices, the staff room, and the
restroom have older type fluorescent lighting. After the workday
is done, these lights are commonly kept on. There are no explicit
energy use guidelines in place for employees, nor is there any
signs to remind them.
• Documents- Employees purchase stationary on an as-needed
basis, leading in vast inventories of products like notepads and A
grade printer paper. The corporation does not have a process for
acquiring equipment and instead purchases it as needed,
frequently buying whatever is on sale at the moment.
• Vehicle Replacement: The two main consultants have business
automobiles. Both cars are five years old and in need of
The greatest energy is used by air conditioning and
refrigerators, while the least is used by printers. Staff members
were not aware of the need of turning off the lights after office
hours and on weekends, but following consultation and
reminder, they are now doing so more frequently. They have
been utilising the mode/screen saver, to be sure. Around the
conclusion of the workday, a reminder is issued to switch off the
lights and utilise the screen saver.
Are switches left
Do staff use the
sleep mode/screen
currently in place to help
minimise energy wastage?
Energy usage e.g.
water, electricity gas
How is energy used on a
Taps can be found in bathrooms and a variety of other places.
The majority of the water is used by flushes. It was discovered
that employees frequently forgot to turn off the taps, resulting in
water waste. As a result, automated taps have been fitted, which
close automatically when the hand is removed.
daily basis?
What things/tasks use up
the most energy?
Are switches left
Are staff using
energy sensibly?
What practices are in place to
support effective energy use?
Describe workplace
waste. How is it
disposed of?
Because we are also a publishing firm, the majority of our trash
is printing papers. We made an effort to limit waste by utilising
recyclable paper and using fewer paper. We are attempting to
leverage electronic data while simultaneously encouraging
customers to purchase books. Furthermore, we only use colour
printing when it is absolutely necessary.
Are staff conscious of
waste management
practices e.g. recycling,
reuse, disposal?
Date of inspection/review:
Completed by:
10 March 2022
Section 6: Best practice memo
Grow Management Consultancy Form
Grow management consultant's key goal is to reduce its environmental effect while maximising
present resource consumption. We aim to do this by including all employees in promoting
environmentally responsible behaviour. We are now devoted as a company to the economic and
ecological well-being of both humans and other living things. Guidance, on the other hand, is
required to direct our approach so that we can actively move forwards.
To ensure the long-term viability of our company, we must work together as a team and adhere
to all policies and procedures. The moto for sustainability should be reusing and recycling. As
we are bringing a big change in the company so it’s our responsibility to ensure that we are
doing as the plan and as a team we are helping each other.
We are dedicated to assisting in the creation of a more sustainable environment and to
enhancing the good effects we have on it.
-Assure that all applicable laws, regulations, and our clients' and other key stakeholders'
expectations are met.
-Ensuring that our procedures and practises minimise waste and energy consumption.
-Assuring that our employees and distributors share our commitment to sustainability.
-Ensuring that we try new ways to improve our sustainability performance on a regular basis.
This is how the firm may improve and have more sustainable brand impressions.
Next week, we will have a training session to ensure that everyone understands and practises
Let us work as a team to make this happen.
Time; 8:00am
Venue: Conference room
Section 7: Sustainability register
Develop a sustainability register here. Remember that your sustainability register will be used for recording and tracking all continuous
improvements in resource efficiency. Your register should be able to include, as a minimum:
the ability to record the reported
opportunity the action to be taken
the person with responsibility for the
action timelines
Sustainability issues
Develop notices/
sign/ SOP for
 Check with organisation1
policy &legal requirements
 Keep message short&
 Use colors to Draw
Book a venue
Prepare training materials
Invite participants
Conduct assessment at
the end of training session
Recycle all possible
Run an information
session on
Buy and use recycled
Use sustainable paper
Use recycled timber
Marked with post-fibre, or
where products have virgin
Convey message in
very understandable
In progress
Admin Manager
Educate staff to
ensure sustainability
HR Manager
In progress
Extensive research being
done to prepare training
Recycling paper and
containers reduce
waste to landfill by up
to 27% Review paper
purchase at time of
printing contract
Recycled timber
building and buy
furniture made from
recycled timbers,
where products have
FSC logo
All staff
In process
All staff has been noticed
about the change and
All staff
In progress
A meeting was held to
inform the staff
A meeting has been
scheduled with Admin
Manager& CEO to confirm
the language & content of
the notices/ sign/SOP for
Instant solar panels
Eliminate household
emission electricity
Using solar energy
will be better than
electricity, less
emission generated
by household
In progress
Use energy efficient
white goods
Up to 50% reduction in
household emission from
Change all white
goods to energy
efficient standard,
using energy efficient
white goods will be
better than the normal
one, less emission
generated household.
In progress
A timeline of 3 years has
been given inorder to
complete this and there
was a meeting held
between stakeholders and
The company is
researching in the best
way possible to ensure
that they choose right
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for sustainability | 22
Section 8: Sustainability Implementation Report
Results of the employee
survey and achievements
versus goals are analyzed.
Data from energy audits is
analysed, and
achievements are
compared to goals.
Based on an assessment of
the data, recommendations
for additional actions that
need to be performed
Flinders International College V.1
The staff was delighted and eager to put the sustainability goals
into action. The majority of the employees were aware of
environmental activities such as recycling, taking public transit,
turning off lights, printing on both sides, and not leaving a
running tap. However, there were still many things to be done,
such as turning off the lights while leaving the workplace, and so
on. While our goal was to reduce our energy bill by 20% by
2022, we were fairly successful. Similarly, despite our goal of
reducing non-reusable paper consumption by 40% by 2025, we
are only able to achieve 10% of that goal. We are also making
improvements in terms of using environmentally friendly items
and stationery. There has been a significant Reduction of waste
and toxic cleaning products this year.
The company's energy aims were to cut the bill by 20%, but we
were only able to achieve 10% of that. It is a significant
accomplishment, and the goal has been reached thus far.
Based on an examination of the data, the following are
recommendations for additional actions that should be taken:
• Employees should be more energy conscious and keep track
of whether or not they are turning off lights.
• Growth consultants should concentrate more on online or ebook sales and create e-book-specific ad campaigns.
• Employees should not use paper carelessly and should aim to
print double-sided wherever possible.
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 23
Based on the analysis, a
summary of the success of
the sustainability policy
and method.
Updates to the sustainability
policy and procedure to
reflect the improvements
that have been suggested.
The policies and processes that were implemented were a
mixed bag of success. Even though we were able to cut our
energy consumption by 10%, some employees are still not used
to turning on the screen saver when their laptops are not in use.
Furthermore, waste management is another great firm
approach. Adapting reusable utensils for workplace use has also
shown to be useful. Purchasing a sustainable product with
future usage in mind has shown to be relatively successful.
Purchasing environmentally friendly stationery has also shown
to be relatively beneficial.
Updates to the sustainability policy and process to reflect the
improvements that have been suggested:
We were told that the corporation should pay attention to
employee wellbeing as well. As a result, the following actions
were taken:
1. Workplace Violence Prevention - All workers, including
temporary and associate staff, should be treated with civility and
respect at all times.
2. Meal period- During each workday, all workers and related
members are required to circulate across the workplace.
3. Lighting; Appropriate and adequate lighting must be supplied
in all areas of the workplace to allow for safe working and
4. Effective and appropriate ventilation delivering fresh and
cleansed air is required in all workplaces.
5. Employees will be recognized and thanked for extra acts of
kindness each week on the thank you board.
6. Employees will be given the tools they need to complete their
7. Employees who are unwell or on maternity leave are granted
compensated time off.
8. To decrease stress, employees are urged to take five days off
twice a month.