Governmental Funds (GRaSPP) Accounting for Activities Related to Serving the Public General Fund: Created at the beginning and accounts for General Activities that are NOT accounted for in any other fund. Revenue Sources: Taxes (property taxes), Public Safety & Regulations (fines), Intergovernmental (shared revenues), Charges for services, other revenues (interest income). Special Revenue Fund: Revenues & Expenditures that are legally restricted for specific purposes other than debt service or capital projects. Revenue Sources: Designated sales tax, Designated gas tax, Designated special fees, Designated admission fees, Designated parking fees, Designated state grants, Designated Federal grants. And: Debt Service Fund: Accounts for the accumulation of restricted, committed, or assigned resources (cash & investments) for the payment of currently due interest & principal on Long-Term general obligation debt . Revenue Sources: Allocated portions of property taxes Other Financing Sources: Debt proceeds associated with refunding debt, transfers from other funds. Capital Projects Fund: Purchasing Department , to account for resources restricted, committed, or assigned for the construction, purchase, or leasing of significant fixed assets used by the Governmental (GRaSPP) fund. Revenue Sources: Investment earnings, tax revenues specifically levied to fund capital improvement, capital grants, special assessments. Other Financing Sources: Bond issue proceeds, general fund (or special revenue fund) interfund transfers. Permanent Fund: Used to report resources that are legally restricted to the extent that Only earnings & NOT principal may be used for the purposes that support the reporting governments programs. (That’s for the Benefit of the Public). Ex: A Public Cemetery Perpetual care fund. Revenue Sources: May include investment earnings from the trust. Proprietary Funds (SE) Accounting for Business Type Activities Internal Service Fund: Established to Finance & account for services & supplies provided exclusively to other departments within a governmental unit or to other governmental units, typically on a cost-reimbursement basis. Ex: Central Janitorial departments, central repair shops, central purchasing & storage departments. Revenue Sources: Restricted grant revenues (recognized in year $ spent), Operating revenues from billings for services provided (recognized when earned), nonoperating revenues (e.g., interest earnings). Enterprise Fund: Customer NOT Citizen. They account for the acquisition & operating of governmental facilities & services that are intended to be primarily (More than 50%) Self-supported by user charges. Ex: Utilities (water & electric companies), Hospitals, Universities. All these are for the Public. Enterprise Funds are Required when any one of 3 criteria is met: 1. The activity of the fund is financed by debt secured by a pledge at fee revenue. 2. Laws require collection fees adequate to recover costs; or 3. Pricing policies are established to produce fees to recover costs. Operating Revenue Sources: Charges for services (utility fees, patient fees, tuition, etc.). Non-Operating Revenue Sources: Shared/grant revenues (gasolines or sales tax collected by one government). Ex: The state, and shared to another local government, Investment income. Fiduciary Funds (CIPPOE) Accounting for Financial resources held for others as trustee Custodial: Generally, collects cash to be held temporarily for an authorized recipient to whom it will be later disbursed. Ex: Tax collection funds, Clearance funds (Food stamps, traffic citations, child support, other court ordered payments), Special assessments. If a governmental unit has monitoring or similar administrative involvement, the special revenue fund is used. Investment Trust Fund: Accounts for external investment pools sponsored by a governmental entity. Ex: A state may act as the investment agent for Counties & Cities. The investments “external” to state government, those administered on behalf of the Counties & Cities, are reported in an Investment Trust Fund. Private Purpose Trust Fund: Is the designated fund for reporting all other trust arrangements under which principal & income are for the benefit of one of the following: specific individuals, private organizations, & other governments. Pension & Other Employee Benefits Trust Fund: Account for government sponsored defined benefit & defined contribution plans & other employee benefits such as postretirement health care benefits. *KNOW THE STATEMENTS FOR EACH LISTED ABOVE. SUCH AS PROPRIETARY FUNDS ARE THE ONLY FUNDS THAT REQUIRE A STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW* EX: Which of the following is a required “FS” for an investment trust fund? ANSWER: Statement of changes in fiduciary net position