Edit These Cells Use calculator to the right if you need help choosing a starting weight --> Day 1 2 Muscle Group Chest Front Delts Triceps Upper chest Traps Rear/Side Delts Biceps Rear Delts Exercise Barbell Bench Press Barbell Standing Press Weighted Dips Pec Deck Barbell Shrug Barbell Upright Row1 Dumbell curls Lindsi pull Quads Quads hamstring Calves Front Delts Traps Side delts Biceps High Bar Squats Leg Press Calves on Leg Press Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press Dumbbell Bent Shrug Barbell upright rows cable EZ Bar Curls2 3 4 5 Sets Reps Weight 4 8 100 3 8 50 4 8 30 4 12 5 10 80 3 10 45 3 8 20 3 10 40 4 6 5 2 5 4 4 8 10 8 10 20 15 12 150 400 300 35 25 65 35 4 3 4 8 8 8 160 120 95 AFAP 4 30 15 Body full 4 10 80 AFAP 50 4 AMAP 4 AMAP 3 10 3 10 0 65 60 15 20 Rest/Conditioning Glutes Hamstring Back Sumo Deficit Deadlift RDL Barbell Bent Row Back Abs Pullups Machine Crunches2 Chest Incline Close Grip Bench Chest Triceps Triceps Rear/Side Delts Biceps Wide Grip Pushup Overhead EZ Extension SS Incline Close Grip Bench SS Dumbbell Side Laterals Dumbbell Curls Quads Calves Rear/Side Delts Rear/Side Delts Smith Machine Feet Forward Squats Smith Machine Calves Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise SS Dumbbell Upright Row SS Biceps Dumbbell Occlusion Curls AFAP 50 20 Abs Hanging Knee Raises AFAP 30 0 Back Back Hamstrings Glutes Weighted Pullups Cable Rows Lying Leg Curls Glute Bridge 4 3 6 3 10 15 12 15 5 121 80 95 4 12 7 12 4 AMAP 4 AMAP 135 135 10 25 6 7 RPE/RIR Notes Recommended Weight by Rep Range Weight Reps Rounding Estimated 1RM Dampen Reps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 If you're unsure what weight to start with Do the prescribed reps in the fewest number of sets possible. exercises to the left, plug in your latest w Write in the number of sets you did in the highlighted cell. lifted for that exercise and the number of Then use the weight next to the program range for that exercise. 30 Seconds Rest. Do the prescribed reps in the fewest number of sets possible. Write in the number of sets you did in the highlighted cell. e.g. If you benched 200 pounds for 5 rep recommended starting weight would be 1 since that is the number next to the "8" re range, which is what is prescribed for the press in week 1. The "dampen" percentage is the % of yo rep max for the given weight. This is don you have some room to progress over th weeks. You can adjust this as you see fit similar in effect to the idea of the "trainin Do the prescribed reps in the fewest number of sets possible. used in GZCL or 5/3/1 programming. Write in the number of sets you did in the highlighted cell. Remember: this is a hypertrophy program Do the prescribed reps in the fewest number of sets possible. strength program. You should never be m Write in the number of sets you did in the highlighted cell. reps unless you're doing a set to failure. mmended Weight by Rep Range Input 100 4 2,5 110 95% Recommended Weight 103 98 95 93 90 88 85 83 80 78 73 68 u're unsure what weight to start with on the rcises to the left, plug in your latest weight d for that exercise and the number of reps. n use the weight next to the programmed rep ge for that exercise. If you benched 200 pounds for 5 reps, your ommended starting weight would be 170, e that is the number next to the "8" rep ge, which is what is prescribed for the bench ss in week 1. "dampen" percentage is the % of your "true" max for the given weight. This is done so that have some room to progress over the next 5 ks. You can adjust this as you see fit. This is lar in effect to the idea of the "training max" d in GZCL or 5/3/1 programming. member: this is a hypertrophy program, not a ngth program. You should never be missing s unless you're doing a set to failure. :)