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SAP BO BI4.0: SSO Setup for SAP BW BICS/JCO Connections

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Setup of SSO againt SAP BW for SAP BO BI4.0 BICS or JCO connections
Creado por Former Member, modificado por última vez por Simone Caneparo el mar 15, 2013
Product versions: SAP BO BI4.0
1. Introduction
The below are listed steps that outline how to create OLAP BICS Connection for SSO access against SAP BW in IDT tool.
The similar steps could be applied for SAP Java Connector (JCO) connection used for relational UNX universe against SAP BW.
2. SAP SSO setup with Information Design Tool (IDT)
1. Run IDT
2. Insert session against repository by using SAP Authentication
(Make sure that user used to create repository session has all IDT rights setup in CMC)
3. Create OLAP connection
Setup of SSO againt SAP BW for SAP BO BI4.0 BICS or JCO connections - Business Int... Page 2 of 4
4. Select SAP BICS Client
5. Set connection parameter
(Make sure that you set Use Single Sign On)
6. Select Info Cube
Setup of SSO againt SAP BW for SAP BO BI4.0 BICS or JCO connections - Business Int... Page 3 of 4
(Or BEx query in the case that you selected SAP BICS Client in previous step)
3. Create WebIntelligence report with OLAP BICS connection
WebIntelligence is used as an example of BI4.0 client tool to explain necessary steps for setting SSO against SAP BW
Once BICS connection is created and available in the repository, user can use it to create WebIntelligence document/report.
The below image shows available data source options for WebIntelligence document/report. Bex is one of the options
and that means utilization of OLAP BICS connection.
4. Create WebIntelligence report with UNX universe
The steps to setup SAP Java Connector (JCO) for UNX universe are similar to those outlined for BICS connection.
JCO connection has to be created inside of the repository. This connection is using Data Federator that is running on server
side which the reason why it cannot be local connection.
Once UNX universe is created by using JCO connection, users will be able to used it to create WebIntelligence documents/reports.
References and links
Setup of SSO againt SAP BW for SAP BO BI4.0 BICS or JCO connections - Business Int... Page 4 of 4
How to setup SSO against SAP BW with SAP BO BI4.0 Common Semantic Layer (UNX) or BICS
Import SAP BO BI4.0 certificate into SAP BW
Setup of SAP SSO Service in SAP BO BI4.0 CMC
Generate keystore and certificate for SAP BO BI4.0
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3 Comentarios
Former Member
Former Member
Can anyone tell me EXACTLY what should be in the SYSTEM field when trying to establish a session in IDT to create the OLAP connection? Is it JUST system id that is defined in the BW
ACL? I am trying that and IDT is saying that it cannot find that server name in the CMC....PLEASE HELP!!!
Former Member
FYI, here's painful lesson we learned that I want to share for the benefit of others:
When using SSO, the OLAP Connection must use UPPERCASE for the SAP System Name. Using lower-case for the OLAP Connection's SAP System field will result in a Java Null pointer
error when accessing the connection via WebI in the BI Launch Pad, or an "inalid password or account locked" message referring to the SAP Authentication user being locked-out if the
System name for SSO OLAP Connections was in lower-case. After working with SAP Support for a while, the engineer referred us to SAP Note 2156919
(http://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/2156919) which essentially says the SAP System name is case-sensitive when using STS for SSO OLAP Connections in BI 4.0 and 4.1. This is a
good article to read as it hints at some peculiar mechanics going on with SSO OLAP Connections for BW.
Furthermore, although the SAP Note doesn't mention this, the SAP Support engineer informed us that the SIA must also be restarted to clear-out obscure caching areas (possibly in
WebI or Dashboard Cache/Processing Servers, he said). It turned out that after hours of re-creating and re-importing certificates and key stores; hours of fiddling with upper vs. lower-case
System name in OLAP Connections; and hours reviewing the SAP Authentication tab for mistakes... what was needed all along to get SSO-to-DB working correctly was simply to use
an UPPERCASE System name, then restart the SIA to trigger BI 4.0 to release a bad case-sensitive cache related to the old lower-case System name. SSO then worked as expect.
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