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SAP SSO Setup in SAP BO BI4.0 CMC Guide

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Setup of SAP SSO Service in SAP BO BI4.0 CMC
Creado por Former Member, modificado por última vez por Simone Caneparo el mar 15, 2013
Product versions: SAP BO BI4.0
1. Steps required for setting SAP SSO Service in SAP BO BI4.0 CMC
1. Log into SAP BO BI4.0 CMC as Administrator,
2. Go to Authentication -> SAP
Setup Entitlement Systems
3. Import Roles
4. Check if SAP Authentication is enabled on the Option tab
5. Import keystore keystore.p12 file
The message No key store file has been uploaded indicates no previous uploads
Setup of SAP SSO Service in SAP BO BI4.0 CMC - Business Intelligence (BusinessObje... Page 2 of 5
(Please refer to Generate keystore and certificate for SAP BO BI4.0 for more details about how to create keystore)
6. Setup Key Store/Private Key password, Private Key Alias and System ID
System ID is PALM in this example. It has been defined when certificate is imported in SAP BW.
Please refer to Import SAP BO BI4.0 certificate into SAP BW for more details
(In below example the password is the same for both . It is admin1)
7. Setup Security Token Service
The Security Token Service is running as part of Adaptive Processing Server (APS)
Go to CMC -> Servers and check if APS has Security Token Service
Setup of SAP SSO Service in SAP BO BI4.0 CMC - Business Intelligence (BusinessObje... Page 3 of 5
If not, stop APS and add Security Token Service, then start APS
References and links
How to setup SSO against SAP BW with SAP BO BI4.0 Common Semantic Layer (UNX) or BICS
Import SAP BO BI4.0 certificate into SAP BW
Setup of SSO againt SAP BW for SAP BO BI4.0 BICS or JCO connections
Generate keystore and certificate for SAP BO BI4.0
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18 Comentarios
Hi Sinisa,
Thanks for the information. Great post but in first screenshot on post, you are using BI40 as username to logon Application server. What must this users roles? How we should configure it? If
you enlight me on that subject I'll be appreciated.
Thanks and Regards
David Ocean
Josh Pare
Sinisa, these posts have been a great help in trying to learn this new functionality within BOE. Is there a way to remove the keystore from the CMC once a file has been uploaded?
Andreas J.A. Schneider
So SNC is not required anymore?
Erik Sabol
Hi Sinisa,
I have multiple APS services running in my environment, each with a different sub-services (BEx, MDAS, etc.). Do I have to assign Security Token Service to all of them?
Josh Pare
Andreas, the SAP SSO service in BI4.0 is not a replacement for SNC. SNC is still used for pre-existing 3.1 technologies, i.e older universes, crystal++.
Erik, only the APS' running the DSL bridge would need the security token service also running.
I have the same question as Josh. I've imported the key store, but now want to remove it. If I empty all the fields, I can't update the page.
How can I do this?
UPDATE: Note 1651327 specifically says removing the key store is not possible (dated Nov 2011).
This article describes how to remove the STS service from the APS, which should mean that the key store is no longer used.
Josh Pare
That is correct David. I wrote that article after finding it is not possible. There is an idea place submission on this if you'd like to vote for it, however at the current time it is not possible to
simply remove the keystore. Removing the STS service is the only way possible to ensure STS is not being called.
Setup of SAP SSO Service in SAP BO BI4.0 CMC - Business Intelligence (BusinessObje... Page 4 of 5
Former Member
Hello, Sinisa,
I would like to recommend you to update point two about link to the post http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/BOBJ/How+to+create+CRYSTAL_ENTITLEMENT+SAP+role and for example
SAP Note 1680005. I miss it, here.
Update: I am not able to find, what has to be a type of CRYSTAL user. Could you append here the SAP Note regarding this? Thank you.
Hans Segers
Dear all,
What is the procedure to setup SSO to multiple BW systems, say a DEV and a PRD system ?
Josh Pare
From a single BI system you would just add the certificate to any BW systems you wish to connect to, you'll also need to create the ACL entry, no work on the BI side though only the BW
Nandan Tadahal
You can use IDT to verify if the SSO is working fine.
1. Create a BICS connection in the IDT.
2. Select the “Use Single Sign on” authentication mode.
3. Enter the BW system details (Client, System ID and application server details). BW system details can be obtained by selecting System
Properties from SAP Logon.
4. Click on “Test Connection”.
Daniel Klein
@Guest from June 20, 2011: this user is used to retrieve the user details and roles from the target system. He is NOT used for authentication or data fetching during query runtime.
See http://www.sapsecuritypages.com/sap-authentication-cmc/
Former Member
I assume that only one BW system can be connected to SAP BO BI as an SSO system
since we don't have any administration for different storefiles!? etc..
Customer wants test bw and prod bw on SAP BO BI 4.1 DEV as SSO connectivity.
Wobi, wondering
Former Member
@Wobi: Re: Setup of SAP SSO Service in SAP BO BI4.0 CMC
Former Member
Thanx Ladislav - I remembered that we can't manage several keyfiles: but it's not necessary at BO side - BW can handle this!
"From a single BI system you would just add the certificate to any BW systems you wish to connect to, you'll also need to create the ACL entry, no work on the BI side though only the BW
sides." as Josh explains some lines above!
So its possible!
Former Member
What I would add is: usually I get a BW user from a different clientnumber than the 000 - so my bw users coming form Client 100 had Trouble with Desginstudio SSO
We had to add the ACL also for Client 100 to get Designstudio SSO finally to work -
Setup of SAP SSO Service in SAP BO BI4.0 CMC - Business Intelligence (BusinessObje... Page 5 of 5
Former Member
Well this time it seems we had to keep the ALIAS in CAPITAL Letters - that was the best info from SAP Support â—¾ wobi
Former Member
Dear All,
we have configure SSO as mentioned above.how we need to test SSO from BW system BO.
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