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Рабочая тетрадь Основные виды банковских продуктов и услуг

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
Рабочая тетрадь
по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности»
по теме: «Основные виды банковских операций и услуг».
Составитель: Т.Н. Головина
Как пользоваться рабочей тетрадью
Unit 1. Basic Banking Services
Unit 2. Types of Banks.
Unit 3. Bank Deposits
Unit 4.How Deposits Are Made
Unit 5. Bank Loans
Лексический минимум
Библиографический список
Как пользоваться рабочей тетрадью
Рабочая тетрадь по курсу «Иностранный язык» подготовлена в помощь преподавателям
английского языка и студентам очной формы обучения в качестве пособия для изучения
данного материала и для самостоятельной внеаудиторной работы.
Текстовый материал, размещенный в пособии, взят из оригинальных источников.
Степень трудности текстов различна и поэтому, в зависимости от уровня подготовки
студентов, рабочую тетрадь можно рекомендовать, как для системной, так и для выборочной
работы по одной из предложенных тем. На текстах пособия можно практиковать основные
виды чтения: просмотровое, ознакомительное, изучающее. Их можно аннотировать и
В содержание рабочей тетради входят также комплексы лексико-грамматических
упражнений к текстам.
Упражнения и задания рабочей тетради предназначены для самостоятельной работы
студентов, которая ориентирована на формирование и закрепление знаний и умений чтения,
понимания и перевода (в зависимости от уровня подготовки - со словарём или без него)
текстов профессиональной направленности и нацелены на
закрепление лексикограмматического материала и развитие речевых навыков.
Тексты и задания к ним позволяют улучшить владение английским языком и в то же
время окажут помощь преподавателю и студенту в расширении и систематизации знаний о
банковских продуктах и услугах за рубежом и пополнят запас профессиональной лексики по
данной теме.
Предполагается, что в результате работы по данному пособию студенты овладеют
минимальным объемом грамматического и лексического материала по вышеназванной теме,
что подготовит их к работе с документами и сформирует навыки ознакомительного и
изучающего чтения и перевода специальных текстов и банковской документации.
Отдельные задания рабочей тетради могут быть предложены преподавателем для выполнения под его руководством в ходе аудиторной работы или как домашние задания.
Приступая к работе с тетрадью, следует ознакомиться с источниками, рекомендованными в библиографическом списке. Рекомендуется последовательное выполнение заданий,
поскольку они связаны логикой освоения учебного материала.
Для самостоятельного контроля изученного материала в рабочей тетради предлагается
тест. Лексический минимум, содержащийся в рабочей тетради, дополняет лексику данного
методического пособия.
В рабочей тетради предусмотрено место для записи ответов.
Exercise 1.
Прочитайте и переведите текст устно со словарем.
Banks may be defined as firms producing and selling financial services. Their success or failure hinges on
their ability to identify the financial services the public demands, produce those services efficiently and
sell them at a competitive price.
In a dynamic sense a bank is a “pool of funds” that is constantly changing as new funds flow in and out of
the bank. Taking deposits, collecting and paying checks, and making loans are basic services offered
by banks. As the bank receives new deposits or existing depositors increase the holdings in their
accounts, management employs these funds in assets that will contribute earnings to the bank. Thus, the
deposit function of banks plays an important role in the economy and extending credit is the major source
of bank income. Bank investments contribute to the overall credit function by putting deposited funds to
Full-service banking in the 2000s has a different meaning than it had just a few short years ago. In the
past, the bank was considered to be offering full banking services if it offered checking accounts, savings
accounts, certificates of deposit (CDs), and a number of types of loans. These basic banking services are
still vital to the banking industry, but they no longer meet the definition of a full- service bank.
Customers’ demands have changed considerably. Now customers expect a full-service bank to hold
government securities, and to offer a wide range of financial services, including not only the basic ones
but financial and estate planning, brokerage, trust services, and various forms of insurance as well.
The bank must offer various specialized services not only to remain competitive, but to survive. If the
bank does not meet customer’s total financial needs, customers will move their business to an institution
that does.
Exercise 2.
Ответьте на вопросы к тексту “Basic Banking Services». Запишите ответы.
Why a bank is often called «a pool of funds»?
What are the bank’s basic services?
What is the major source of bank income?
How do bank investments contribute to the overall credit function?
What meaning did full- service banking have in the past?
Why do basic banking services no longer meet the definition of a full- service bank?
What will happen if the bank doesn’t meet customer’s needs?
What does the success or failure of banks depend on?
Exercise 3.
Переведите словосочетания на русский язык и запишите их.
резервуар средств - ………………………………………………………………………………..,
основные банковские услуги - …………………………………..……………………………… ,
основной источник средств - ............………………………………………………………….. ..,
полный комплекс банковских услуг - ………………………………………………………….…,
чековый счет - ……………………………………………………………………………………...,
сберегательный счет - ……………………………………………………………………………. ,
депозитный сертификат - ………………………………………………………………………… ,
государственные ценные бумаги - ……………………………………………………………….. ,
брокерские операции - …………………………………………………………………………….. ,
страхование - ……………………………………………………………………………………… ,
конкурентоспособный - …………………………………………………………………………… ,
удовлетворять потребности клиента - …………………………………………………………... .
Exercise 4.
Составьте предложения, запишите и устно переведите их.
1. A bank is a pool of funds ...
A. - is constantly changing because of internal and
external factors.
Customers demands ...
B. - to offer a wide range of specialized services.
The banking industry ...
C. - that is constantly changing as new funds flow
in and out of the banks.
New customers expect a full- service bank D. - it will not survive.
If the bank does not meet customer’s
E. - have changed considerably.
financial needs ...
Exercise 5.
Прочитайте текст рекламного буклета и заполните пропуски в тексте словами по смыслу.
Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы:
1. What alternatives do you have in investing or saving your money?
2. Why do people open bank accounts?
costs, reasons, account, money, buy, spend, products, expensive, cash, invest
Here is an extract from a brochure which Barclays bank gives its customers to convince them in
importance of keeping their money with a bank:
You have many choices concerning what you do with your . . . . (1) - spend it, invest it, or
hide it under your mattress. If you . . . . . (2) or save your money, you have many
For example, you can . . . . . (3) U.S. savings bonds or Treasury bills, purchase stocks or
bonds; invest in a mutual fund1; or open a savings or other deposit . . . . . (4) with a bank,
savings bank or credit union.
Opening account is like buying a car. Many . . . . . (5) are available - some plain, some
fancy, and some less and some more expensive than others. Because features of accounts
and . . . . . (6), it is important to shop around to make sure the account you choose is the best
one for you.
There are many . . . . . (7) for opening a bank account. First, an account may help you save
money. Second, an account may be a less . . . . . (8) way to manage your money than other
alternatives. Third, having your money in an account is safer than holding . . . . . (9). Finally,
keeping track of your money and how you . . . . . (10) it may be easier.
Exercise 6.
Установите правильный порядок слов в предложениях, запишите и устно переведите их.
1. What / may / banks / defined / be / as /?
mutual fund - a company without fixed capital that sells its own shares and uses the pooled capital of its shareholders
2. What / their / or / failure / hinge / does / success / on /?
3. Why / deposit function / play / does /the/ an important role / in the economy /?
4. How / contribute / bank investments / do / the overall credit function / to /?
5. Why / offer / services / the bank / must / various / specialized /?
Exercise 7.
Составьте предложения со следующими словосочетаниями и запишите их:
 a pool of funds
 basic services
 а source of bank income
 a wide range of financial services
Exercise 1 .
Прочитайте и устно переведите тексты 1-5. Подберите заголовок к каждому из них.
Commercial or retail banks are businesses that trade in money. They receive and hold deposits, pay
money according to customers' instructions, lend money, offer investment advice, exchange foreign
currencies, and so on. They make a profit from the difference (known as a spread or a margin)
between the interest rates they pay to lenders or depositors and those they charge to borrowers.
Banks also create credit, because the money they lend, from their deposits, is generally spent (either
on goods or services, or to settle debts), and in this way transferred to another bank account - often
by way of a bank transfer or a cheque (check) rather than the use of notes or coins - from where it
can be lent to another borrower, and so on. When lending money, bankers have to find a balance
between yield and risk, and between liquidity and different maturities.
Merchant banks in Britain raise funds for industry on the various financial markets, finance
international trade, issue and underwrite securities, deal with takeovers and mergers, and issue
government bonds. They also generally offer stock broking and portfolio management services to
rich corporate and individual clients. Investment banks in the USA are similar, but they can only act
as intermediaries offering advisory services, and do not offer loans themselves. Investment banks
make their profits from the fees and commissions they charge for their services.
In the USA, the Glass-Steagall Act (Закон Гласса - Стиголла) of 1934 enforced a strict separation
between commercial banks and investment banks or stock broking firms. Yet the distinction
between commercial and investment banking has become less clear in recent years. Deregulation in
the USA and Britain is leading to the creation of “financial supermarkets”: conglomerates
combining the services previously offered by banks, stockbrokers, insurance companies, and so on.
In some European countries (notably Germany, Austria and Switzerland) there have always been
universal banks combining deposit and loan banking with share and bond dealing and investment
A country's minimum interest rate is usually fixed by the central bank. This is the discount rate, at
which the central bank makes secured loans to commercial banks. Banks lend to blue chip
borrowers (very safe large companies) at the base rate or the prime rate; all other borrowers pay
more, depending on their credit standing (or credit rating, or creditworthiness): the lender's
estimation of their present and future solvency. Borrowers can usually get a lower interest rate if the
loan is secured or guaranteed by some kind of asset, known as collateral.
In most financial centers, there are also branches of lots of foreign banks, largely doing
Eurocurrency business. A Eurocurrency is any currency held outside its country of origin. The first
significant Eurocurrency market was for US dollars in Europe, but the name is now used for foreign
currencies held anywhere in the world (e.g. yen in the US, DM in Japan). Since the US$ is the
world's most important trading currency - and because the US has for many years had a huge trade
deficit - there is a market of many billions of Eurodollars, including the oil-exporting countries'
'petrodollars'. Although a central bank can determine the minimum lending rate for its national
currency it has no control over foreign currencies. Furthermore, banks are not obliged to deposit any
of their Eurocurrency assets at 0% interest with the central bank, which means that they can usually
offer better rates to borrowers and depositors than in the home country.
Exercise 2 .
Определите, который из трех отрывков наиболее точно и полно передает содержание текста.
Чего недостает в оставшихся двух?
First summary:
Commercial banks hold customers' deposits and make loans. Investment banks raise funds for
industry. Deregulation in Britain and the US is leading to the creation of financial conglomerates
similar to the universal banks that have always existed in German-speaking countries. A country's
minimum interest rate is usually fixed; banks charge progressively higher rates to less secure
borrowers. Many banks also do Eurocurrency business - lending foreign currencies, notably dollars,
at lower rates than in the currencies' home countries.
Second summary:
Commercial banks receive deposits and make loans. Merchant and investment banks arrange
security issues and offer other investment services. Yet the traditional distinction between
commercial and investment banks is now breaking down. Domestic interest rates are fixed by
central banks. Many banks also have branches abroad that do Eurocurrency business, making loans
in other European currencies.
Third summary:
Commercial banks receive deposits, lend money, and provide other services. Merchant and
investment banks lend money to industry. British and American banks are now joining together in
conglomerates. The interest rates that banks charge depend on the borrowers' creditworthiness.
European banks also do a lot of Eurodollar and petrodollar business.
Exercise 3 .
Найдите в тексте слова и выражения, по смыслу соответствующие следующим и запишите их.
to place money in a bank; or money placed in a bank
the money used in countries other than one's own
how much money a loan pays, expressed as a percentage
available cash, and how easily other assets can be turned
into cash
5. the date when a loan becomes repayable
6. to guarantee to buy all the new shares that a company issues,
if they cannot be sold to the public
7. when a company buys or acquires another one
8. when a company combines with another one
9. buying and selling stocks or shares for clients
taking care of all a client's investments
the ending or relaxing of legal restrictions
a group of companies, operating in different fields, that
have joined together
a company considered to be without risk
ability to pay liabilities when they become due
anything that acts as a security or a guarantee for a loan
Exercise 4 .
Составьте из предложенных глаголов словосочетания с существительными (e.g. to lend
money, to finance international trade), запишите и переведите их.
charge _____________________________________________________________________
do _________________________________________________________________________
exchange ___________________________________________________________________
issue _______________________________________________________________________
make ______________________________________________________________________
offer _______________________________________________________________________
pay ________________________________________________________________________
receive _____________________________________________________________________
settle _____________________________________________________________________
raise ____________________________________________________________________
fix __________________________________________________________________
security ____________________________________________________________________
interest _____________________________________________________________________
lend ______________________________________________________________________
universal _____________________________________________________________________
Exercise 5 .
Установите соответствие.
1. cash card
A. an arrangement by which a customer can withdraw more
from a bank account than has been deposited in it, up to an
agreed limit; interest on the debt is calculated daily
B. a card which guarantees payment for goods and services
purchased by the cardholder, who pays back the bank or
finance company at a later date
C. a computerized machine that allows bank customers to
withdraw money, check their balance, and so on
D. a fixed sum of money on which interest is paid, lent for a
fixed period, and usually for a specific purpose
E. an instruction to a bank to pay fixed sums of money to
certain people or organizations at stated times
F. a loan, usually to buy property, which serves as a security
for the loan
G. a plastic card issued to bank customers for use in cash
H. doing banking transactions by telephone or from one's own
personal computer, linked to the bank via a network
I. one that generally pays little or no interest, but allows the
holder to withdraw his or her cash without any restrictions
J. one that pays interest, but usually cannot be used for
paying cheques (GB) or checks (US), and on which notice
is often required to withdraw money
2. cash dispenser
3. credit card
4. home banking
5. loan
6. mortgage
7. overdraft
8. standing order
9. current account (GB) or
checking account (US)
10. deposit account (GB) or
time account (US)
Exercise 6.
Определите, каким видам банков принадлежат предложения, опубликованные на веб-сайтах
этих банков.
1. The Federal Reserve was founded by Congress in 1913 to provide the nation with a safer, more
flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system.
2. We provide a full range of products and services, including advising on corporate strategy and
structure, and raising capital in equity and debt markets.
3. Nearly twelve million cheques and credits pass through the system each working day. Cheque
volumes reached a peak in 1990 but usage has fallen since then, mainly owing to increased use of
plastic cards and direct debits by personal customers.
4. Why bank with us? Because we offer:
- a comprehensive range of accounts and services
- over 1,600 branches, many with Saturday opening
- free withdrawals from over 31,000 cash machines
- online and telephone banking for round-the-clock access to your accounts
Exercise 1.
Прочитайте и переведите текст устно со словарем.
Commercial banks deposits are characterized in several ways. The traditional categories of deposits are
demand deposits, savings and time deposits. Certain accounts, such as demand deposits are
transaction accounts and may be withdrawn by check, telephone transfer, automated teller machines,
and other electronic devices. Non-transaction accounts include savings and time deposits.
Depository institutions may offer a great variety of accounts, but they generally fall within one of these
three types:
Checking Accounts
With a checking account you use checks to withdraw money from your account. Thus you have quick,
convenient - and, if needed, frequent - access to your money. Typically, you can make deposits into the
account as often as you choose. Many institutions will enable you to withdraw or deposit funds at an
Automated Teller Machine (ATM) or to pay for purchases at stores with your ATM card.
Institutions may impose fees on checking accounts. Fees vary among institutions. Some institutions
charge a maintenance or flat monthly fee regardless of the balance in your account. Other institutions
charge a monthly fee if the minimum balance in your account drops below a certain amount. Some
charge a fee for every transaction, such as for each check you write or for each withdrawal you make at
an ATM. Many institutions impose a combination of these fees.
B) Savings Accounts
With savings accounts you can make withdrawals, but you can not use checks to do so. The number of
withdrawals or transfers you can make on the account each month is limited.
Many institutions offer more than one type of a savings account - for example, passbook savings and
statement savings. With a passbook savings account you receive a record book in which your deposits
and withdrawals are entered to keep track of transactions on your account; this record book must be
presented when you make deposits and withdrawals. With a statement savings account, the institution
regularly mails you a statement that shows your withdrawals and deposits for the account.
C) Time Deposits (Certificates of Deposit)
Time deposits are often called certificates of deposit, or CDs. They usually offer a guaranteed rate of
interest for a specified term, such as one year. Institutions offer CDs that allow you to choose the length
of time, or term, that your money is on deposit. Terms can range from several days to several years.
Once you have chosen the term you want, the institution will generally require that you keep your
money in the account until the term ends, that is, until maturity. Some institutions will allow you to
withdraw the interest you earn but you may not be permitted to take out any of your initial deposit.
Because you agree to leave your funds for a specified period, the institution may pay you a higher rate of
interest than it would for a savings or other account. Typically, the longer the term, the higher the annual
percentage yield. Sometimes an institution allows you to withdraw your principal funds before maturity,
but a penalty is frequently charged.
Exercise 2.
Ответьте на вопросы к тексту “Bank Deposits». Запишите ответы.
What are the traditional categories of deposits?
What kinds of deposits may be withdrawn by check or electronic devices?
Name transaction and non-transaction accounts.
What are the three major types of accounts?
What kinds of accounts allow you to use checks?
Are fees imposed by institutions on checking accounts uniform or not?
7. What kinds of fees do you know?
8. Which account pays a higher rate of interest – a checking account, a savings account or a time
9. What kinds of a savings account do many institutions offer? How do they differ?
10. What is the major requirement to time deposits?
11. What happens if you withdraw funds before maturity?
Exercise 3.
Переведите словосочетания на русский язык и запишите их.
депозит до востребования - …………………………………………………………………… ,
сберегательный депозит- ……………………………………………………………………… ,
срочный депозит- ……………………………………………………………………………… ,
автоматический кассовый аппарат- ……………………………………………………………,
снимать деньги со счета- ……………………………………………..........................................,
оплатить покупку- ………………………………………………………………………………,
взимать комиссионные - ………………………………………………………………………. ,
ежемесячная плата за ведение счета - …………………………………………………………,
процентная ставка - …………………………………………………………………………….,
комиссия за минимальный остаток по счету - ………………………………………………..,
основная сумма вклада - ……………………………………………………………………….,
срок выплаты вклада - ………………………………………………………………………….,
Exercise 4.
Поставьте вопросы к предложениям и запишите их.
1. The traditional categories of deposits are demand deposits, savings deposits and time deposits.
. . . . . . . …………………………………………………………………………………….?
2. Transaction accounts may be withdrawn by check, telephone transfer, automated teller machines
and other electronic devices.
. …………………………………………………………………………………………….?
3. Time deposits are often called certificates of deposit.
. . . . . .……………………………………………………………………………………. ?
4. Fees vary among institutions.
…………………………………………………………………………………………… ?
Exercise 5.
Выберите правильную форму глагола- сказуемого. Устно переведите предложения.
1. The banking industry
is changing
has changed
2. Deposit function of banks
is playing
3. Many institutions
will enable
will be enabled
4. CDs allow you to choose the term that your
5. Often CDs
an important role in the economy.
you to withdraw or deposit funds at an
on deposit.
Exercise 6.
Найдите в тексте слова или словосочетания, объясняющие следующие предложения и
запишите их.
1. Account money held under one’s name in a bank.
2. An account from which money сan be withdrawn, used for day- to- day receipts and payments.
3. An account on which a bank pays a slightly higher rate of interest and which can be withdrawn on
demand but due notice must be given before taking out larger sums.
4. A record of deposits, withdrawals and interest paid into a savings account.
5. The price of borrowing money.
6. A sum of money to be paid as a punishment by the party who is guilty for breaking the contract.
7. A special form of time deposit when a depositor agrees to leave a stated sum of money with a bank
for a fixed period.
8. Debit from an account.
9. Anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods and services.
10. A written order by an account holder to his bank to pay money to a named person.
Exercise 7.
Письменно переведите текст на русский язык.
Наиболее крупным и важным источником средств для банка являются депозиты. В
традиционную категорию депозитов входят депозиты до востребования, сберегательные
депозиты и срочные депозиты. Некоторые счета, такие как депозиты до востребования
являются транзакционными счетами (transaction accounts), изъятия (withdrawals) с которых
могут производиться чеком, по телефону, с помощью банкомата и других электронных
средств (devices).
Нетранзакционные счета включают в себя сберегательные счета и срочные счета, хотя со
сберегательных счетов можно изымать средства без предварительного уведомления (without
notice). Розничные счета (счета физических лиц) и оптовые счета (счета предприятий)
включают в себя депозиты до востребования, сберегательные и срочные депозиты.
Exercise 1.
Прочитайте и переведите текст устно со словарем.
Customers make deposits in a number of different ways. By far the most popular is in person, in a branch
bank, at a teller’s window. Tellers are responsible for accepting and transmitting deposits, accepting
withdrawals, cashing checks, issuing traveler’s checks, and processing other items. Some customers feel
better about making the deposit in person to make sure the bank received it and to obtain a receipt
providing that the deposit was made. Banks try to make tellers available to customers by constructing
branches in convenient locations and installing drive- in- windows for convenience.
Customers may also make deposits at automated teller machines (ATMs). Automated teller machines
have been introduced to reduce access to tellers for routine transactions. The ATM, however, does more
by extending banking hours to 24 hours and expanding the bank’s service area. With ATMs, the customer
can obtain cash from checking and other transaction accounts, obtain credit card cash advances, effect
transfers between transaction accounts and credit cards, make deposits, and obtain account balance
information. ATMs may be accessed by bank debit cards or credit cards. Location of ATMs includes
placement in lobbies, in kiosks near the bank or in shopping centres, and in other locations with high
visibility for foot or automatic transport.
Another use for an ATM card is through a point-of-sale-terminal (POS). A POS terminal is a card
reading computer device connected to a cash register. It moves money electronically from the customer’s
account to the merchant’s account.
Customers may also make deposits to accounts by requesting the bank to transfer funds from one account
to another. Many banks offer telephone transfer services, whereby the customer can transfer funds
between accounts at the same bank by telephone. Customers may also wire funds from their bank to
another bank.
Exercise 2.
Ответьте на вопросы к тексту “How Deposits Are Made». Запишите ответы.
1. In what ways can customers make deposits?
2. What is the most popular way of making deposits and why?
3. How do banks try to make tellers available?
4. What kinds of transactions can the customer perform with ATMs?
5. Why were automated teller machines introduced?
6. Where are ATMs typically located?
7. How can ATMs be accessed?
8. What is a POS terminal?
Exercise 3.
Прочитайте текст рекламного буклета и заполните пропуски в тексте словами по смыслу. Ответьте
письменно на следующие вопросы:
1. When can a customer use the Barclaybank network?
2. What does «PIN» stand for?
3. How does a cash dispenser work?
4. What if a person loses his/her card or forgets his/her «PIN»?
5. Why are cards sometimes retained by cash dispensers?
access, dispensers, card, bank statement,
network, PIN, transaction, advice, application
Many customers see cash dispensers as a welcome alternative to making withdrawals at the counter.
Here is an extract from a brochure which Barclays bank gives its current account holders to explain
how their machines work:
Barclays Cash Dispensers Quick and easy access to your account
Barclays cash dispensers form part of a . . . . (1) of over 5,200 machines in the UK,
enabling you to withdraw cash from any cash dispensers belonging to Barclaybank
network. Our cash . . . . . . (2) are operational night and day. We are continuing to
expand this network by installing cash dispensers in places which are most convenient
for you; for example, supermarkets, motorway, service station, hotels, hospitals,
company premises and airports.
If you would like to access our current account through the cash dispensers, complete
the application and take or post it to your branch. Once your . . . . . . (3) is approved
you should receive your card within 14 days.
Having successfully applied for a . . . . . (4), you will be given your Personal
Identification Number (PIN). No one else can . . . . . . . (5) to your account, as your PIN
is known only to you and the Bank’s central computing system. Your PIN is
exclusively for your own use and must never be disclosed to anyone else.
All Barclays dispensers are quick and easy to use. So simple that it rarely takes more
than a minute to complete your . . . . (6). Once you’ve put your card in, the machine
gives you a step- by- step instructions how to use it. The machine then returns your
card, ready to use again whenever you need it. You can request an . . . . . . . (7) slip
which records the date, the location and the amount of cash you have withdrawn. You
can double- check this information on your . . . . . . (8).
If you lose your card or have forgotten your . . . . (9), just contact your branch. Usage
of this card will be stopped immediately. The Bank will instruct the computer system
to remind you of your PIN or issue you with a new one. Please note that cards are
occasionally retained by cash dispensers for one of the following reasons:
 they are out of date
 an incorrect PIN has been punched three consecutive times
 the Bank has been informed that the card is lost or stolen
Exercise 4.
Прочитайте и устно переведите предложения. Установите, какие из них относятся к недостаткам, а
какие - к преимуществам банкоматов.
Automated Teller Machines
You can get cash at any time of day and night virtually anywhere in the country.
Protection against theft or loss (you alone know your secret PIN ).
In case you forget the exact procedure the machine gives you instructions.
ATMs reduce access to tellers for routine transactions.
It may happen that ATMs are out of service when you need money.
ATMs are normally placed in convenient locations.
7. ATMs are expensive.
8. ATMs have expanded the banks’ service area.
9. With ATMs the customer can obtain various kinds of services.
10. ATMs provide a safe, convenient and prompt way to make deposits and withdraw cash.
Exercise 5.
Письменно переведите текст на английский язык и запишите его
Банкоматы – это многофункциональные автоматы. Первые банкоматы появились в конце
1960х. Большинство первых автоматов выдавало лишь небольшие суммы наличных денег. В
конце 1960х – начале 70-х клиенты имели большие трудности из-за поломки кассовых
автоматов. В результате большинство клиентов банков предпочитали выполнять свои операции
традиционным способом, непосредственно в банке, лично, у окошка кассира.
Первые банкоматы в России были установлены в 1989г. Госбанком СССР и Сбербанком СССР.
После реорганизации банковской системы в России в начале 90х в Москве были установлены
первые международные банкоматы.
Использование банкоматов для выполнения обычных банковских операций дает возможность
банковским кассирам уделять больше внимания специализированным продуктам и услугам и
расширяет временные рамки, в которые клиент может совершать банковские операции (banking
hours) до 24 часов в сутки.
Exercise 1.
Прочитайте и переведите текст устно со словарем.
Borrowing money from the bank is called a bank loan. People usually borrow money to buy
something they need now - paying back the loan (plus interest) over the set period of time.
To get a bank loan you will need to fill out a loan application. The bank will check the information
on your application to be sure you are a good credit risk. A good credit risk means that you make
enough money to pay back the loan. It also means you have paid your bills on time.
The bank will charge interest on the loan. Interest is the cost of using the bank’s money. Interest is a
percentage of the total loan. You will pay back the amount of the loan plus the amount of interest.
You must pay back the loan and interest by a certain day each month.
Commercial banks have assumed the role of financial intermediary, accepting deposits and putting
them to profitable use. However, as changing market and economic conditions create new customer
needs and increase competition in the financial services industry, banks have broadened their loan
products and introduced many new types of loans. Banks provide many different types of loan
«packages» to a wide variety of customers - to suit all kinds of needs. The most regularly used types
of loans provided by banks are :
An overdraft
A personal loan
A mortgage.
An overdraft facility means that your bank agrees to let you make payments out of your
personal account up to an agreed limit even if you do not have the money in your account. The
overdraft is by far the cheapest form of borrowing, but it can only be obtained if the bank manager
considers the customer to be creditworthy.
A personal loan is the sort of borrowing you would think about when you have decided on a fairly
expensive purchase and want to spread the cost over one or two or perhaps up to five years. The
bank loans you a fixed amount of money for an agreed period of time, at a fixed rate of interest - to
be repaid in a fixed monthly installments.
A mortgage is a special type of loan taken out to buy a property. This could be a house, a flat, a bungalow etc. It is
provided by banks, building societies and other financial institutions. All mortgages are for a fixed term and the loan has
to be repaid with interest.
Each loan will have different interest rates and rules. Ask questions about the loan. If possible,
check with other banks before you decide to take a bank loan.
These questions might help you:
How much income do I need to get the loan?
How much interest will I have to pay?
What will my monthly payment be?
How much is the late fee?
Sometimes the bank will not give a loan. If the bank does not agree to a loan, you might get a loan
with a cosigner. A cosigner agrees to pay back the amount of your loan if you can not make the
Before loaning you money, creditors look for an ability to repay debt and a willingness to do so and
sometimes for a little extra security or collateral, such as a savings account, certificate of deposit, or
another asset to protect their loans. They speak of the five Cs of credit: capacity, collateral,
character, capital and credit history.
Capacity. Can you repay the debt? Creditors ask for employment information, i.e. your occupation,
how long you’ve worked, how much you earn. They also want to know your expenses, how many
dependents you have, or whether you pay alimony or child support.
Will you repay the debt? They look for signs of personal stability and financial
responsibility, i.e. how long you’ve lived at your present address, whether you own or rent and whether
you are protected with enough life insurance.
Collateral and Capital. Is the creditor fully protected if you fail to repay?
Creditors want to know what you may have that could be used to secure your loan (your collateral),
and what sources you have for repaying debt other than income, such as savings, investments, or
property (your capital).
Credit History. Lenders want to know you’ve been a good credit risk in the past. Creditors will look at
your credit history, how much you owe, how often you borrow, whether you pay bills on time, and
whether you live within your means.
Exercise 2.
Ответьте на вопросы к тексту “Loans». Запишите ответы.
1. Why do people borrow money?
2. Why have the banks broadened their loan products?
3. Name the most regularly used types of loans.
4. What is a mortgage?
5. When can the overdraft be obtained?
6. Why does someone need a personal loan?
7. What do creditors look for before loaning you money?
8. Comment on the five Cs of the credit.
Exercise 3.
Переведите словосочетания на русский язык и запишите их.
financial intermediary - ………………………………………………… . . . . . . .. ,
to accept deposits - . . . . …………………………………………………………. .,
profitable use - . . . . . . . ……………………………………………………………,
mortgage - …………………………………………………………………………,
to repay debt - ……………………………………………………………………. ,
employment information - ………………………………………………………. .,
expenses - ………………………………………………………………………… ,
dependents - ……………………………………………………………………… ,
financial responsibility - ………………………………………………………….. ,
to secure a loan - …………………………………………………………………. .,
collateral - . . . . . . ………………………………………………………………….,
to live within smb’s means- ………………………………………………………. ,
installments - ………………………………………………………………………. ,
to overdraw an account - …………………………………………………………..,
creditworthy - ……………………………………………………………………… ,
interest on loan - …………………………………………………………………… ,
Exercise 4.
Совместите термины с их определением и устно переведите их.
1. Loan
2. Credit card
3. Collateral
4. Credit
5. Maturity
6. Mortgage
7. Investment
8. Lender
9. Overdraft
10. Installment
A. Provision of funds to customers by means of loans, overdraft
facilities, etc.
B. Date on which a loan or a deposit is due to be repaid.
C. A form of consumer credit, being a card issued by a bank or
other finance organization which allows the customer to get
credit at most shops, restaurants, garages, hotels, etc.
D. The act of investing, of using money to obtain income or profit.
E. Smth. lent, esp. money, on condition that interest will be paid at
an agreed rate and that the amount lent will be repaid at an
agreed time or in agreed manner.
F. A security given for the repayment of a loan.
G. An agreed sum of money which by arrangement a bank allows a
customer to overdraw his account.
H. A contract by which the owner of land borrows money, giving
the lender an interest in the land as security for the loan.
I. One of a series of regular payments, made under an agreement,
in order to settle a debt, esp. to buy an asset.
J. Individual or a firm that extends money to a borrower with the
expectation of being repaid, usually with interest.
Exercise 5.
Прочитайте текст рекламного буклета и заполните пропуски в тексте словами по смыслу. Ответьте
письменно на следующие вопросы:
1. What kind or goods for your home can you buy with Barclayloan ?
2. What rules should you follow when you borrow ?
repay , mortgage, buy, home, property, price,
lender, credit, borrow, package
Here is an extract from a brochure which Barclays bank gives its customers to explain what kinds of
loans they can get:
Buying your first home is an exciting experience. There are so many properties to choose
from and nearly as many ways to buy them. When it comes to choosing your . . . . . (1) it can
all be confusing without the help of an expert like Barclays.
For example, we can offer a special . . . (2) to First Time Buyers including a facility to
borrow up to 95% of the property purchase. . . . (3) .
Having moved in, you need to turn your house into a home. A Barclayloan could help you
to . . . . . (4) the carpets, sofa or washing machine you need, and a Barclays Personal
Overdraft could help purchase lower cost items such as wallpaper, or materials to carry out
repairs. Even if you’ve done it all before and are moving on to a bigger and better . . . . . (5)
you could benefit from Barclays mortgage. If you need more room for your family, but don’t
want to move your house, remortgaging your existing . . . . . ( 6 ) could help finance an
extension or perhaps a garage or even a conservatory.
Please note: Barclays is a responsible . . . . . (7) and when considering your application for
borrowing, your financial circumstances will be appraised.
It’s not the use of credit, but rather the overuse of . . . . . (8) that gets people into trouble.
You’ll do fine if you follow these two rules: . . . . . (9) only for worthwhile purposes and then
borrow only as much as you can comfortably . . . . . (10 )
Vocabulary notes:
materials to carry out repairs – материалы для ремонта;
a conservatory – оранжерея, теплица.
Exercise 6 .
A. Найдите синонимы следующим выражениям и запишите их.
1. what you can earn when you leave your money in the bank
2. an amount of money borrowed from a bank for a certain length of time, usually
for a specific purpose
3. something that acts as a security or a guarantee for a debt
4. an arrangement to withdraw more money from a bank account than you have placed in it
5. a long-term loan to buy somewhere to live
B. Установите, верны или нет следующие утверждения. Устно обоснуйте свой ответ.
1 Current accounts pay more interest than savings accounts.
2 There is less risk for a bank with a mortgage than with unsecured loans without collateral.
3 Traveller's cheques are safer for tourists than carrying foreign currency.
4 The majority of customers prefer to do their personal banking at the bank.
5 Bank branches are now all in shopping centres.
True/ False
Exercise 7.
Письменно переведите текст на английский язык и запишите его.
Банковские кредиты являются основным источником (major source) банковского дохода.
Прежде чем выдать ссуду, банк должен получить определенную информацию о клиенте. Банк
должен знать:
 какая сумма нужна клиенту;
 цели и срок кредита;
 каким образом заемщик (borrower) погасит ссуду.
Овердрафт – это наиболее распространенный и удобный способ заимствования у банка.
Процентная ставка может меняться ежедневно (overnight) . Индивидуальная ссуда – это один из
способов финансирования покупки дорогостоящих товаров, таких как машин, мебели и др.
специфических товаров и услуг. Процентная ставка устанавливается на весь срок ссуды.
To review the material, perform the following tasks:
Distinguish among the various types of deposit accounts.
Describe the difference between demand deposit account, savings account and time deposit
account.(In doing this, refer to chart “ Overview of Basic Accounts and Services “).
List the basic categories of bank loans and speak on them.
Identify the five C’s of credit and speak on them.
Discuss with your partner or in group why bank services are so important to community.
With your partner, play the roles of a bank clerk and a customer. The customer wants to:
open an account;
take out a loan ;
Imagine that you are now a consumer loan officer and you work at the First County Bank,
New York. By yourself, or together with your colleagues, you must decide whether to
approve of decline a loan application. You must remember about the five Cs of the credit.
What questions would you ask your potential borrower before loaning him money? Write
down your questions, let your partner answer them and answer your partner’s questions.
1. Overview of Basic Accounts and Services
Type of Account
Regular checking
Services Provided
Service charges.
All costs associated
with processing
checks and deposits
preparation and
mailing of
Charges for
Processing costs and
interest expense.
transaction services,
monthly statements.
Savings Accounts Transferable on
demand, small or
no minimum
passbook services
and periodic
Deposit $2500 minimum
balance, no rate
Maturity of from ceilings.
7 to 31 days
Time deposit,
Penalty for early Processing costs and
rollover provisions. withdrawal.
interest expense.
No rate ceilings.
Time deposit,
Penalty for early Processing costs and
rollover provisions. withdrawal.
interest expense.
Maturity of 31
days or longer
Итоговый тест:
* 1. Найдите соответствие:
demand deposit
1. сберегательный депозит
2. срочный депозит
3. депозит до востребования
* 2. Найдите соответствие:
1.изъятие средств со счета
2.плата за ведение счета
3.уведомление об изъятии средств со счета
* 3. Найдите соответствие: mortgage
1. овердрафт
2. ипотека
3. обеспечение
* 4. Найдите соответствие:
1. конкурентоспособность
2. оценка кредитоспособности
3. кредитоспособность
* 5. Найдите соответствие: real estate
2.недвижимое имущество
* 6. Выберите правильную форму глагола:
Technology . . . . . . . . constantly and rapidly.
1. changes
2. is changing
3. has changed
*7. Выберите правильную форму глагола:
Banks . . . . . . . offering home banking services now.
1. interested in
2. interesting
3. are interested in
* 8. Выберите правильную форму глагола:
Credit cards . . . . . . . .
1. are issued
2. issued
by credit card companies and large banks.
*9. Выберите правильную форму глагола:
Any customer . . . . . . . . for a credit card.
1. can to apply
2. can apply
* 10. Выберите правильную форму глагола:
Lenders want to know you . . . . . . . a good credit risk.
1. you have been
2. you are
3. you has been
* 11. Вставьте предлоги:
Before loaning you money, creditors look . . . . . . . an ability to repay debt.
* 12. Вставьте предлоги:
By far the most popular way of making deposits as . . . . person..
* 13. Вставьте предлоги:
To survive, banks must produce their services efficiently and sell them
. . . . . . . . . a competitive price.
* 14.
Вставьте предлоги:
Basic banking services are still vital . . . . . banking industry.
1. for
2. to
3. of
* 15.
Вставьте предлоги:
You may pay . . . . . . . purchases . . . . stores . . . . . . your ATM card.
1. with
2. for
3. at
* 16.
Вставьте предлоги:
Some institutions charge a fee . . . . . every transaction.
1. on
2. for
3. at
* 17.
Найдите соответствие:
A bank account is ....
1. an account money held under one’s name in a bank
2. a document promising to pay a sum of money
3. the price of borrowed money
* ***************************************************************
* 18.
Найдите соответствие:
A savings account is ....
1. money placed with a bank on current account on which checks may be drawn
2. money placed with a bank on a deposit account earning interest
3. type of bank account to deposit money that is not needed for a longer period
that needs notice of withdrawal
* 19.
Найдите соответствие:
A demand deposit is ....
1. money placed with a bank on current account on which checks may be drawn
2. money placed with a bank on a deposit account earning interest
3. type of bank account to deposit money that is not needed for a longer period
4. that needs notice of withdrawal
* 20.
Найдите соответствие:
A time deposit is ....
1.money placed with a bank on current account on which checks may be drawn
2.money placed with a bank on a deposit account earning interest
3.type of bank account to deposit money that is not needed for a longer period
that needs notice of withdrawal
* 21.
Найдите соответствие:
1. Automated Clearing House
2. Automated Teller Machine
3. Point-of-sale transaction
A. Электронная система
межбанковских клиринговых
B. Терминал для совершения расчетов
в торговой точке
C. Банкомат
* 22.
Найдите соответствие:
1. drive-in-window
2. PIN
A. личный идентификационный номер
B. касса по обслуживанию клиентов в автомобиле
* 23.
Перевод словосочетания “ выверка счета ... :
1. balance reporting
2. trust receipt
3. account reconcilement
* 24.
Перевод словосочетания “ подавать заявку на ... :
1. to assume
2. to afford
3. to apply for
* 25. Перевод словосочетания “обман, мошенничество” :
1. fraud
2. fault
3. failure
* 26.
Закончите предложение:
Depository institutions may offer a great variety of . . . . . . .
1. customers
2. tellers
3. accounts
* 27.
Закончите предложение :
Banks may be defined as firms producing and selling financial . . . . . .
1. documents
2. services
3. statements
* 28. Закончите предложение :
People usually take out . . . . . . . in order to buy something expensive .
1. overdrafts
2. mortgages
3. personal loans
* 29.
Найдите синонимы :
1. buy
A. take out
2. withdraw
B. purchase
3. collateral
C. security
* 30.
Найдите антонимы:
1. success
2. income
3. private
A. expense
B. public
C. failure
ACH ( Automated Clearing House )
annual percentage yield
bank loan
branch bank
certificate of deposit (CD)
CHIPS ( Clearing House Interbank
Payments System)
credit risk
demand deposit
drive- in- window
employment information
extend ( syn. to expand )
extend credit
flow in
flow out
full- service banking
hinge on
home improvement loan
impose fees (syn. to assess, charge )
interest- bearing account
автоматическая клиринговая расчетная палата
позволить себе (быть в состоянии)
годовой процентный доход
предполагать, допускать
доступный, наличный
банковская ссуда
получать деньги в кредит
банк, имеющий филиалы
брокерские операции
способность, возможность
депозитный сертификат
электронная система межбанковских клиринговых
залоговое обеспечение
риск неплатежа по ссуде
в настоящее время
депозит до востребования
устройство, приспособление
касса по банковскому обслуживанию клиента в
использовать, применять
информация о занятости
выдавать кредит
приток ( ресурсов)
отток ( ресурсов)
полный комплекс банковского обслуживания
зависеть от . . .
ссуда на улучшение жилищных условий
взимать комиссионные
платеж в рассрочку
процентный счет
keep track
maintenance (flat) monthly fee
minimum balance fee
night depository
overdraft facility
passbook savings account
POS ( Point-of- Sale- Terminal )
reduce access
repay debt
responsible for
routine transactions
savings deposit
small businesses
sound credit rating
statement savings account
teller’s window
time deposit
ежемесячная плата за ведение счета
срок выплаты вклада
комиссия за минимальный остаток средств на счете
ипотечная ссуда
банковский сейф для приема депозитов в вечерние
или ночные часы
возможность овердрафта , право на превышение
кредита в банке
превысить остаток счета в банке
сберегательный счет со сберкнижкой
общая сумма выплаченной заработной платы
резервуар средств , «пул»
терминал для совершения расчетов в торговой
собственность, имущество
уменьшить доступ
погасить долг
отвечать за что- либо
повседневные операции
сберегательный депозит
мелкие предприниматели
устойчивая кредитная репутация
сберегательный счет с предоставлением выписок
по счету
кассовое окно
срочный депозит
снимать средства со счета
1. P.A. Carruba. Principles of Banking. American Bankers Association, 2010.
2. Jan MacKenzie. Professional English in Use. Finance, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
3. “English for Banking”, a writing skills course for banks and their customers, Francis Radice,
Prentice Hall International English Language Teaching, 1997.
4. Англо- русский словарь по экономике и финансам под ред. проф. Ф.В. Аникина, С.Петербург, Экономическая школа, 1993.
5. http://www.bankrate.com/finance
6. http://www.finanza toolbox materials