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Ayurveda Tidbits: Honey, Treatments & Diet

Ayurveda tidbits
Nabinam madhuavisyandi snigdham shleshmaharam saram
Puranam grahi tadruksham medoghnamtilekhanam
Newly made honey posseses characteristics of avishyandi, snigdha, kaphanashak and sarak(laxative)
whereas old honey is grahi, ruksha, medoghna and lekhana etc.
Laghu manjisthadi quath, yashtimadhu ghan vati and simhanad guggul
Tonsillitis in children
Trikatu 50gms+baheda25gms+prawal pisti 10gms+vradhivatika10gms+giloy sat10gm+swarn vasant malti
1gm or 2gm (if chronic) make 50 pudies and take empty stomach with honey
Kanchnar guggul
If cold or allergic rhinitis add laxmi vilas ras or Tribhuvankirti ras
I am treating a pt. of Tonsilitis from last one month, 13 yrs boy with sitopladi+amrita satva+saphatik
bhasm+godanti mishran, kanchanar gugulu+tripala gugulu, (2bd), tab septilin2bd, syp bresol 2tsf tds,
and SIVA drops (JRK Sidha) 10drops with honeny , gagles of sapatik in hot water morning and salt one
time , in first 15 day he recovers very fast after that recovery is not satisfactory, surgeons adv.him
immediate surgery,
on 14th, elder male aged 56 years came in OPD with low backache, tingling and numbness in both lower
extremities, constipation (passage of hard stool in alternate days), headache. non hypertensive, non
diabetic, non alcoholic, non smoker. on examination; HR -76/min, BP -190/110, JVP0, CVS - S1normal S2
loud, no added sounds, RS normal, P/A normal, SLR: + ve bilaterally, knee, ankles and plantar reflexes
are diminished. ECG is done, normal findings. BSL is normal, CBC- normal, urinalys- normal. X-ray;
lumbosacral AP & Lateral view, degenerative changes with osteophytes; lumbar spondylosis. Rxsinhadad guggul 500 mg bid, lakshadi guggula 500 mg bid, Vishatinduka vati 250 mg bid, gandharva
haritaki vati 4gm at night, combination of punarnava gokshuru vacha jatamansi shankhapushpi each
1gm, tds, snahana svedana and Kati basti.. Admission in morning time .. In evening BP was 180/100, so, I
decided not to start modern antihypertensive drug.. On 15th in morning BP was 170 /100, in evening
160/100, today in morning 140/90 mm of Hg. Now no headache, bowel motion is normal. There is
improvement in low backache and numbness & tingling, SLR is normal
.Vishmusti or Vishtinduk Vati good for somatic nerve
2. agnitundi vati for spasmodic autonomic nerve pain
3. navjivan ras for febrile illness induced neuralgia
4. karskar vati for LMN implications particularly male
sexual incapability.
During the use of these formulations care should be
taken to avoid dry foods and must take milk products.
Due to autonomic nervous system dysfunction as in
DM, when spastic colon is present, my choice is
sinhadad guggul, agnitundi vati, and gandharva
haritaki ..
Parnabeeja swarasa , gopitta and kutaki churna in small
quantity for blockage / stone of Gall bladder .
In cholangiocarcinoma(vatolbana tridoshaj shakhashrita
kamala), carcinoma of the ampulla of vater, GB carcinoma
following drugs can be used
Lahsuna is bile secretagogue
Bhallatak-Gulmanashak,vat,pitta,kapha hara,chedi
vivandha nashak
During a meal, sweet tastes should be taken at the beginning, sour-tasting and salty foods should be
eaten in the middle, and all the other foods— those with pungent, bitter, and astringent tastes—should
be taken at the end. This is the correct order for eating foods with different tastes. Charaka Samhita
Chapter 26, v. 43–44
Hot and Unctuous(Subdues Vata) Almonds, Apples, Beets, Black cumin, Coconut (dried), Eggs, Figs, Fish,
Ghee, Honeydew melon, Kidney beans, Malai (scum of cooked milk), Mango, Meat, Milk (buffalo and
goat), Peanuts, Pine nuts, Pistachios, Rock sugar candy, Sago, Sesame seeds, Sweet potatoes, Urad
beans (whole and split, unpeeled), Wheat
Cold and Unctuous(Subdues Pitta) Bitter melon (karela), Butter, Buttermilk, Coconut (fresh), Cucumber,
Grapefruit (sweet), Flaxseeds, Ice cream, Lemons, Locast, Lychee, Oranges, Panir (milk cheese), Peaches,
Pomegranate (sweet), Pumpkin, Radishes, Spinach, Squash, Tinda (round summersquash), Water (fresh),
Watermelon, Zucchini Hot and Dry(Subdues Kapha) Anise, Alcohol, Black pepper, Cinnamon, Dates
(dried), Eggplant, Fenugreek, Ginger powder, Gram (chick-peas and chick-pea flour), Grapes, Grapefruit
(sour), Honey, Kohlrabi, Lentils, Mint, Mustard greens, Onions, Peas (dried), Pickles (all types), Red
pepper, Salt, Tea, Walnuts
Cold and Dry(Subdues Pitta and Kapha) Barley, Berries, Cauliflower, Coriander, Corn, Ice, Lotus roots,
Pears, Pomegranate (sour), Rosewater, Tamarind, Vinegar
Neutral Cow’s milk, Moong (mung) beans, Tomatoes, Turnips
Ayurvedic texts state that proteins are needed in quantity by the human body until thirty-five years of
age. Using large amounts of protein after this age is useless and harmful; after thirty-five, or forty, one
should use the following sources of protein: Grains: Amaranth, Barley, Gram, Wheat Beans: Garbanzo,
Lentils, Moong (mung), Soybeans, Split peas, Sweet peas, and all Beans (fresh or dried).
According to information from the U.S. Department of Food and Agriculture, meat, milk, and fish
contain all eight essential amino acids and all vegetables contain some of them. By consuming a variety
of fresh vegetables and legumes, we can derive the important benefits of these essential amino acids.
Soybeans have a higher protein content than meat.
Carbohydrates are the starches and sugars that provide the body with its most readily digestible fuel.
Foods rich in carbohydrates must be chewed for a long time to assimilate the digestive juices from the
saliva, thus helping the digestive process. A high-carbohydrate diet will eventually produce fat. The
process of converting carbohydrates into fat occurs mainly in the liver. Muscles also store glucose as
glycogen. When carbohydrates are present in excessive amounts, a diet becomes imbalanced.
Glucose, a simple sugar, is carried by the blood to wherever there is activity. Glucose is found in raisins
and sweet grapes. All sugars are converted into glucose before they are used in the body tissues.
Fructose is found in honey, fruits, and certain plants and vegetables. Fructose is easily assimilated and
may be absorbed through the stomach walls and in the digestive tract.
Sucrose is found in sugar cane, maple sugar, and red beets.
Maltose is found in all sprouted grains. Maltose is created in all grains during the process of sprouting
and starch digestion.
Lactose is found only in milk. Less quickly digested than plant carbohydrates, lactose also produces more
Fats provide heat and maintain the body temperature. They provide calories and save the protein from
being used as fuel. Fats convert carotene (provitamin A) in the body to vitamin A and provide the system
with vitamins D, E, and K. A layer of fat under the skin provides heat insulation. Fats also save the body
from dryness and dehydration and provide a protective padding around the vital organs.
The five kinds of fats, listed according to highest food value, are: butter, ghee, natural oils,
hydrogenated oils, animal fat. Of these, butter, when very fresh and in its raw form, is the best. The fat
content of this type of butter is easily digestible, except when used in cooking. Next comes ghee, which
is harder to digest than butter but better for cooking and more easily digestible than vegetable oils. It
can also be stored for a long time without refrigeration. Among vegetable oils, almond oil is superior in
digestibility, followed by sesame, peanut, and mustard. After these natural vegetable oils come
hydrogenated oils. Animal fats are the most difficult fats to digest. They tax the system by needing more
heat to break down and soften. When coming in contact with body temperature, lard, for instance,
remains hard, while the other fats become soft. For a healthy individual, moderate consumption of ghee
or butter is not harmful. If easily digested, they make the body strong and provide vitality. But if the
system is not able to digest these fats properly, then their use becomes harmful; they can damage the
digestive system and create liquid stools, dysentery, weak teeth, and diabetes. Fats are needed in the
quantity of 1½ to 2ounces per day. It is possible for people who eat a combination of dried fruits, nuts,
and seeds to obtain from these foods enough fat for their needs. People who eat wheat and yogurt, or
take buttermilk and other dairy products, also get enough fat. Those who are fond of ghee and butter
should do work, exercise, or play games that require expenditure of physical energy.
For those who work with their brains, ghee and butter are a necessity. However, intake should not
exceed one-third to one-half cup daily, depending on one’s weight and digestive ability.
One should not drink water: Just after waking up Immediately after exercise Following an attack of
diarrhea Within 25 minutes of taking an enema Immediately before or after urinating After sexual
intercourse Half-an-hour before or after meals After hot drinks After taking milk, cream, butter, dried
fruits, fruits, or sweets After eating a cucumber, honeydew, or cantaloupe
Apart from ingesting the amounts already present in vegetables, fruits, and grains, salt should be
avoided by those suffering from: Anemia Eye and heart Arthritis diseases Coughs and colds High blood
pressure Eczema and Hysteria other skin diseases Madness Epilepsy Pleurisy.
Salt helps protein digestion and keeps the stomach and intestines free from toxins and gases. Salt kills
poisons, nourishes cells, and facilitates the growth and development of tissues. The use of salt is a must
for vegetarians.
A milk fast, or milk kalpa, is a form of treatment used by homeopaths and Ayurvedic physicians for
patients who have completely lost hope of living a healthy and happy life. Extremely weak or very
elderly people should not go on a milk fast, nor should people suffering from chronic diseases, or those
recovering from an operation. Otherwise, it is good to fast on milk for forty days as a means of
purification. If used regularly and exclusively for two weeks or more, milk cleanses the digestive tract,
stomach, and intestines and expels waste products and toxins from the system. This cures all diseases
caused by toxic buildup and provides an environment that stimulates the natural healing power from
within, thus rejuvenating the entire organism.
Premature aging can be cured easily by taking milk as a main part of the diet, or by going on a Milk Kalpa
until the system reorganizes itself. It also soothes minor troubles that occur as a natural part of the
aging process. There are cases of octogenarians suffering from gout (pain in the joints), chronic
constipation, and loss of digestive fire (loss of appetite), having been cured by using milk as the main
dietary staple. Ayurveda recommends fresh milk fasts for the following ailments:
Gases of all kinds
Stomach ailments
Urinary troubles
Burning sensation
Neuralgic pains
Chronic constipation
Amoebic dysentery
Chronic kidney disease
Goksuradi guggulu (compound Ayurvedic
preparation: Gokshura+Guggulu+Triphala+Trikatu+Musta) 1 g three
times a day.
Rasayan churna (Gokshura+Amalaki+Guduchi in equal quantities) 3 g two
times a day.
Varunadi kvath (ingredients: Varuna tvak+Bilva
moola+Apamarga+Chitrak moola+Arani+Shigru+Bruhati+Kirattikta+Kar
anja+Shatavari) 10 g two times/day.
Niruha basti of Punarnavadi kvatha[7] daily
From Planet Ayurveda
Mutrakrichrantak churna 1 tsf twice
Rencure capsule 2 cap twice
Varunadi vati 2 tab twice
daily(Varun,punarnava,Gokshur,Shuddha guggul)
Chandanadi churna 1 tsf twice daily(safed
Punarnavadi mandoor2 tab thrice
avya,haridra,vidanga,chitrak,mandoor bhasma)
Treatment of acute myeloid leukemia
Cancer treatment in Ayurveda
(1) Drugs and Herbs of Ayurveda used according to specific system location
(a) Brain Cancer - Ayurvedic Herbs
–Mandukaparni (Bacopa monerea)
-Kastoori Bhairav Rasa with combination of divya herbs.
(b) Oropharyngeal Cancers - Ayurveda Herbs
– Kasamarda (cassia oxidentalis)
-Mahalaxmi vilas Rasa
(c) Lung Cancers - Ayurveda Herbs
- Pippali (Piper longum)
-Hirak Rasayan
(d) Stomach Cancers - Ayurveda Herbs
– Shatavari (Asparagus resimosus)
-Amlaki (Philanthus amblica)
-Banga Bhasma
-Amaltas (Casia fistula)
-Bhoy-Amli (Philanthus nurare)
-Sarphunkha (Tephrosia purpura)
(e) Intestinal Cancers - Ayurveda Herbs
-Shigru (Moringa olifera)
-Panchamrut purpti
(f) Female Genital Cancers - Ayurvedic Herbs
-Ashoka (Seraka Ashoka)
-Vaikranta Bhasma
(g) Mail Genital Cancers - Ayurveda herbs
-Triphala (Three myrobelans)
(h) Liver Cancers - Ayurveda Herbs
(i) Blood Cancer - Ayurveda Herbs
-Anantmula (Hermidesmus indicus)
-Suvarna Vasant Malti Rasa
(j) Bone Cancers - Ayurveda Herbs
-Aabha Gugglu
-Madhu Malini Vasant Rasa
(k) Breast Cancers - Ayurvedic Herbs
(l) Skin Cancers - Ayurveda Herbs
-Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia)
-Samira Panaga Rasa
-Kaishore Gugglu
-Gandhak Rasayan
(2) Drugs of Ayurveda According to the general condition of the patient
-Sutashekhar rasa
-Punarnava Mandura
-Aarogya Vardhini
-Avipattikar Churna
-Kamadhugdha Rasa
-Swarna Gairika
-Laghu Vasant Malti
-Hirak Bhasma
(3) Drugs pf Ayurveda according to the Agni of the patient
-Swarna Makshika Bhasma
-Shivakshara Pachan Churna
-Chitrakadi Vati
-Trifala Churna
-Panchskhar Churna
(4) Drugs of Ayurveda used in all cancers
-Kanchnara Gugglu
-Kaishore Gugglu
-Bhallatak Phalmajja Churna
-Trifala Gugglu
-Tribang Bhasma
-Shilajatu Vati
-Aabha Gugglu
-Laksha Gugglu
(5) Drugs of Ayurveda according to Nadi
-Vishtinduka for Vatta Nadi
-Katuki for Pitta Nadi
-Bhallatak for Kapha Nadi
-Combination of above for dvidosha Nadi
-All three for Tridosh Nadi
(6) Decoctions of Ayurveda for purification of body cells
Prescribed to all patients. One, two or more from the following
-Varunadi Kwath
-Panchvalkal Kwath
-Manjishthadi Kwath
-Dashmula Kwath
-Varunadi Kwath
-Kanchnar Kwath
(7) Drugs of Ayurveda for symptomatic relief
-All Gugglu preparations for pain relief, and tumor reducing.
-Gandhak Rasayan for infections
-Bilva, Mayurpichha, Tankan, sphatika for loose motions and vomiting
-Shigru, Chitrakadi vati for pain in the abdomen
-Rohitaka, Shamaka yoga for pain in pancreas and renal colic.
-Shirashooladi vajra rasa, for headaches
-Beejapuraka and trikatu in jaundice
-Vasa+Goat milk in bleeding
-Aabha+Madhumandura in bone pain
(8) DARF methodology to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy
Some of the most common side effects of chemotherapy
-Mucositis- in the form of mouth ulcers, vomiting, loose motions etc.
-Phlebitis-In the form of skin discolouration with veins paining
-Leukopenia-In the form of low w.b.c. counts with increased chances of infection.
-Hair loss
Therapies three days prior to chemotherapy-Sadhya Snehan-One teaspoon cow ghee+one teaspoon salt, mixed and consumed at
morning, empty stomach with hot water.
-Manjishthadi Kwath and Kanchnar Gugglu. During chemotherapy, coriander leaves juice
frshly prepared about 20 to 30 gms, twice a day.
Treatment during Radiotherapy
-Sadhya snehan + Matra basti for three days
-A piece of tamarind to be kept in mouth during R.T. is advised in mouth and throat
-A vaginal tampon of Erand oil is applied daily in vaginal cervical and rectal cancers.
-A mrudu virechan –Mild laxative is always advised during R.T, except in vaginal and
cervical cancers.
-Symptomatic treatment as per the situation is offered.
Treatment of leukemia
Ashwagandha cap 2 cap bd
Curcumin cap 2 cap bd
Guggulu cap 2 cap bd
Tulsi cap 2 cap bd
Chandraprabha vati 2 tab bd
Kanchnar guggul 2 tab bd
Andrographis paniculata, Annona atemoya, Phyllanthus
niruri, Piper longum, Podophyllum hexandrum,
Tinospora cordifolia, Semecarpus anacardium, Vitis
vinifera, Baliospermum montanum, Madhuca indica,
Pandanus odoratissimum, Pterospermum acerifolium,
Raphanus sativus, Barleria prionitis, Prosopis cineraria,
Amorphopallus campanulatus, Oxoxylum indicum,
Basella rubra, Flacourtia romantchi, Moringa oleifera,
Ficus bengalensis, Curcuma domestica, Allium sativum,
Calotropis gigantean, Datura metel, Hygrophila spinosa,
Juniperus indica, Moringa oleifera, Nigella
sativa,Picrorrhiza kurroa, Rubia cordifolia, etc. are various
plants having scientific evidence of anticancer property.
Nine plant-derived compounds including vinblastine,
vincristine, etoposide, teniposide, taxol, navelbine,
taxotere, topotecan and irinotecan have been approved
for use as anticancer drugs. 10-hydroxycamptothecin,
monocrotaline, d-tetrandrine, lycobetaine, indirubin,
colchicinamide, curcumol, curdione, gossypol and
homoharringtonine are few more plant-derived
compounds of high hope.
Ashmari chikitsa
Praval panchamrit
Muli kshar
Gokshuradi guggul
Varunadi kashaya
Hazrool yahood bhasma
Sweta parpati
Chandraprabha vati
Gomutra haritaki