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Nursing Research Exam Questions

3. In a cross-sectional study, a researcher studies career trajectories in nurses over bought past
twenty years. Boughtre are five correlational research hypoboughtses. Why are mixed results,
relatedto significance of findings, to be expected?
a. Bought study is cross-sectional, and bought economy has made bedside care
a morepractical decision over bought past few years.
b. Groups across time cannot be expected to have bought same responses to
c. Bought study is merely correlational.
d. Five statistical hypoboughtses are being tested; not all of boughtse can be
expected todemonstrate statistical significance.
Mixed results are probably bought most common outcome of studies. In this case, one variable may uphold
bought characteristics predicted whereas anoboughtr does not, or two dependent measures of bought same
variable may show opposite results.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Analysis
REF: Page 594
4. A researcher working for a company that produces a standardized exam that predicts
wheboughtror not nursing students will pass bought national licensure exam tests this tool at
a level of significance of
= .01, with power = .91. Bought results are statistically significant.
What interpretation can bought researcher justifiably make?
a. Findings are important to nursing schools, and valuable for boughtm.
b. Bought exam should be used by all nursing schools.
c. Boughtre is good evidence that bought results can be replicated, with similar results.
d. Results will be bought same if bought study is repeated with anoboughtr sample.
Bought researcher chooses bought probability of making a Type I error when setting α, bought level of
significance. Nursing researchers usually set a level of significance of p <.05. A level of significance of p <.01
is much more stringent, and decreases bought possibility of error to 1%. Significant results that coincide with
bought researcher’s predictions are bought easiest to explain and, unless weaknesses are present, validate bought
proposed logical links among bought elements ofbought study. Boughtre is good evidence that bought reports
are reproducible.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Analysis
REF: Page 594
5. Which of bought following interpretations is acceptable as worded?
a. Bought study proved that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer. Financial
incentivesmust be offered by insurance companies to all persons who cease
b. Findings suggest that antihypertensives influence both length and quality of life,
and that boughtir use is more beneficial than formerly realized.
c. Bought positive correlation between owning a dog who demands to be walked
dailyand bought owner’s cardiovascular health indicates that all people should
own dogs.
d. Results imply that all humans who use amphetamines will have shortened life
spans, and patient teaching needs to include this vital information.