ONLINECARSTORE ABSTRACT: Create a web application using Java for a car store that includes the customers to search forcarsandorderonlineandmanagetheirbooking A car (or automobile) is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transportation. An online carstore allows automotive marketing and classifieds website that connects buyers with theseller of vehicles. The benefits include on-demand transportation, mobility, independence,and convenience. The ability for people to move flexibly from place to place has far-reachingimplicationsforthenatureofsocieties. Objectives Due to the growing demandfor their services, mostcar store serviceshave a website.These websites allow the customers to not only browse through the services and plansoffered by the car store dealer, it also allows them to sign up for one of the offerings andalso make payments they have order. The website serves as an indispensable tool that letsthem put forward their best features and attract more customers thus help in generatingmore revenue. ScopeandApplicability The projectplan is toimplementa websitefor one of such car store website thatcan beused to maintain registered customers information and also allows new customers to lookthrough the catalog of the services provided andsign up forpurchasing any of the carsfrom range. This website mainly consists of 2 modules: user module, admin module. Thewebsite design is aimed to be simple, but attractive. The implementation will be such that itiseasyand aswellasuserfriendlyso thatthecustomersface notroublewhile usingit. 1 Purpose Anwebsitethatallowsacustomertosearchforvariouscarsavailableatthestore,segregate according to the price and model, Unique data of cars available, Time it takes fora car to get delivered, book the car online and enter the date they would visit the store andalso allows customers book for a test drive. Other features such as discounts, EMI Scheme,Insurance andClienttestimonials. 2 1.INTRODUCTION 1.1INTRODUCTION: The Indian auto industry became the 4th largest in the world with sales increasing 9.5 percent year-on-year to 4.02 million units (excluding two wheelers) in 2017. It was the 7thlargestmanufacturerofcommercialvehiclesin2017. The Two Wheelers segment dominates the market in terms of volume owing to a growingmiddle class and a young population. Moreover, the growing interest of the companies inexploringtheruralmarkets furtheraidedthegrowthofthesector. India is also a prominent auto exporter and has strong export growth expectations for thenear future. Automobile exports grew 20.78 per cent during April-November 2018. It isexpected to grow ata CAGR of 3.05 per cent during 2016-2026. In addition, severalinitiatives by the Government of India and the major automobile players in the Indianmarket are expected to make India a leader in the two-wheeler and four wheeler market inthe worldby2020. MarketSize Domesticautomobileproductionincreasedat7.08percentCAGRbetweenFY13-18with 29.07millionvehiclesmanufacturedin the country in FY18.DuringApril-November2018, automobile production increased 12.53 per cent year-on-year to reach 21.95 millionvehicle units. Overall domestic automobiles sales increased at 7.01 per cent CAGR between FY1318with 24.97 million vehicles getting sold in FY18. During April-November 2018, highestyear-onyeargrowthindomesticsalesamongallthecategorieswasrecordedincommercial vehicles at 31.49 per cent followed by 25.16 per cent year-on-year growth inthe sales ofthreewheelers. 3 Premium motorbike sales in India crossed one million units in FY18. . During JanuarySeptember 2018, BMW registered a growth of 11 per cent year-on-year in its sales in Indiaat 7,915 units. Mercedes Benz ranked first in sales satisfaction in the luxury vehiclessegmentaccordingtoJDPower2018Indiasalessatisfactionindex(luxury). Salesofelectrictwo-wheelersareestimated tohavecrossed 55,000vehiclesin2017-18. Investments In order to keep up with the growing demand, several auto makers have started investingheavily in various segments of the industry during the last few months. The industry hasattracted Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) worth US$ 19.29 billion during the period April2000 to June 2018, according to data released by Department of Industrial Policy andPromotion(DIPP). Some of the recent/plannedinvestments anddevelopmentsin the automobilesectorinIndia areasfollows: AshokLeylandhasplannedacapitalexpenditureofRs1,000crore(US$155.20million)to launch20-25newmodelsacrossvariouscommercialvehicle categoriesin2018-19. Hyundai is planning toinvestUS$ 1 billion inIndia by 2020. SAIC Motor has alsoannouncedtoinvestUS$310millioninIndia. Mercedes Benz has increased the manufacturing capacity of its Chakan Plant to 20,000unitsperyear,highestforanyluxurycarmanufacturinginIndia. As of October 2018, Honda Motors Company is planning to set up its third factory in Indiaforlaunchinghybrid and electric vehicles with the cost of Rs 9,200 crore (US$ 1.31billion),itslargestinvestmentinIndia sofar. GovernmentInitiatives TheGovernmentofIndiaencouragesforeigninvestmentintheautomobilesectorand 4 allows100per centFDI undertheautomaticroute. SomeoftherecentinitiativestakenbytheGovernmentofIndiaare- The government aims to develop India as a global manufacturing centre and an R&D hub.UnderNATRiP,theGovernmentof IndiaisplanningtosetupR&Dcentresatatotal costofUS$388.5milliontoenable theindustrytobe onparwithglobalstandards The Ministry of Heavy Industries, Government of India has shortlisted 11 cities in thecountry for introduction of electric vehicles (EVs) in their public transport systems underthe FAME (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid) and Electric Vehicles in India)scheme. The government will also set up incubation centre for start-ups working in electricvehiclesspace. RoadAhead The automobile industry is supported by various factors such as availability of skilledlabour at low cost, robust R&D centres and low cost steel production. The industry alsoprovides great opportunities for investment and direct and indirect employment to skilledandunskilledlabour. Indian automotive industry (including component manufacturing) is expected to reach Rs16.16-18.18 trillion (US$ 251.4-282.8 billion)by 2026. Two-wheelers are expected togrow9percentin2018. References: Media Reports, Press Releases, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion(DIPP), Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India (ACMA), Society ofIndianAutomobileManufacturers(SIAM), UnionBudget2015-16, UnionBudget2017-18 5 3.SYSTEMANALYSIS The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), or Software Development Life Cycle insystemsengineering,information systemsandsoftwareengineering,istheprocessofcreating or altering systems, and the models and methodologies that people use to developthesesystems.InsoftwareengineeringtheSDLCconceptunderpinsmanykindsofsoftwar e developmentmethodologies. ChallengeDescription 1. Thischallengerequiresyoutobuildafullyfunctionalwebsiteforacarstore.TheCustom er should be able to sign up and login into the application using the ID created.Without a login ID, customer can only search for discounts, cars available, discountsavailable andbookforatestdrive. 2. Thisincludeshighleveldesign, UIscreensdevelopment,datastorageandmanipulationandbusinesslogic usingthe conceptsofcoreandadvancedJava. 3. Arunningwebsitehostedlocallyorremotely(onacloud),thedesigndocumentcreatedandtheso urcecode usedina zipfile. Learning’s Aftercompletingthischallenge,weshouldhaveathoroughunderstandingof: 1. Creatingarealworldwebbasedapplication 2. Designinganapplicationusingflowdiagrams 3. AdvancedJavaconcepts:Servlets,JSP'setcandwebdesigntoolssuchasHTML, CSS. 4. DataManagementusingdatabasessuchasOracle, MYSQLetc. . 6 4.IMPLEMENTATION 4.1 IntroductionofTechnologiesUsed Initially Java language was called as “oak” but it was renamed as “java” in 1995.Theprimarymotivationofthislanguagewastheneedforaplatformindependenti.e.architecture neutral language that could be used to create software to be embedded invariousconsumerelectronicdevices. Applicationsandapplets An application is a program that runs on our Computer under the operating system of thatcomputer. It is more or less like one creating using C or C++ .Java’s ability to createApplets makes it important. An Applet I san application, designed to be transmitted overthe Internet and executed by a Java-compatible web browser. An applet I actually a tinyJava program, dynamically downloaded across the network, just like an image. But thedifference is, it is an intelligent program, not just a media file. It can be react to the userinputanddynamicallychange. JavaArchitecture Javaarchitectureprovidesaportable,robust,highperformingenvironmentfordevelopment. Java provides portability by compiling the byte codes for the Java VirtualMachine, which is then interpreted on each platform by the run-time environment. Java is adynamic system, able toload code when needed from amachinein the same room oracrosstheplanet. Compilation ofcode When we compile the code, the Java compiler creates machine code called byte code for ahypothetical machine called Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Compiling and interpreting javasource code. 7 Fig4.1:Structureofcompilation During run-time the Java interpreter tricks the byte code file into thinking that it is runningon a Java Virtual Machine. In reality this could be an Intel Pentium windows 95 or sunSPARCstation running Solaris or Apple Macintosh running system and all could receivecode fromanycomputerthroughinternetandruntheApplets. Simple JavawasdesignedtobeeasyfortheProfessionalprogrammertolearnandtouseeffectively.Ifyouar eanexperiencedC++Programmer,learningJavawillorientedfeatures of C++. Most of the confusing concepts from C++ are either left out of Java orimplemented in a cleaner, more approachable manner. In Java there are a small number ofclearlydefinedways toaccomplishagiventask. Objectoriented Java was not designed to be source-code compatible with any other language. This allowedthe Java team the freedom to design with a blank state. One outcome of this was a cleanusable, pragmatic approach to objects. The object model in Java is simple and easy toextend,whilesimpletypes,suchasintegers,arekeptashigh-performancenon-objects. Robust 8 The multi-platform environment of the web places extraordinary demands on a program,because the program must execute reliably in a variety of systems. The ability to createrobust programs was given a high priority in the design of Java. Java is strictly typedlanguage;itchecksthe codeatcompile timeandruntime. Java virtually eliminates the problems of memory management and deal location, which iscompletely automatic.In a well-written Java program,all run-time errors can andshouldbemanagedbyyourprogram. 4.2 MODULES: [Component 1]-Designingtheapplication The most important step in building an application is the design. The participant shouldcomeupwithaplanforthewebsiteandthefeaturesyouintendtoprovide.Thecompulsoryele mentsareaWelcomescreenwithSignUpandLoginbuttonsandadashboard. [To-do1]-Creating aflowdiagram It is helpful to create a flow diagram detailing out the various entry points i.e. Menu itemsthat shallbe availableinthewebsite andthecustomerjourneythrougheachofthese. [To-do2]-Creatingsamplescreensorwireframes In order to represent the final design of the website, the wireframes should be created. Awireframe is basically the UI element of the design that indicates the final look and feel ofthewebsiteincludingthe colorscheme,fontsandthenavigationscheme. [To-do 3]– DataModeling andreview 9 The design should also include the data components i.e. the table schemas that will be partof the application. The participant must design the tables based on the data that has to bestored inthe Databasetobedynamicallyfetched.Someexamplesinclude 1. A flights table, that stores the details of the flight such as flight number, the airlinethatoperates it,its sourceanddestinationairportetc 2. A customer table, thatstores thelogin details of the customer when they sign upandallowthemtousethis datatosignin. Aftercompletingtheabovesteps,reviewyourdesignandfinetuneittomakeanyimprovementsnec essary.Youcanapproachyourmentorforguidance onthis. [DesigningtheWelcomeScreen] The welcome screen or the home screen of the website should allow the user to search forflightsbyairline,sourceairportanddestinationairportorflightnumber.Whenthecustomer attempts to book a flight from the list, he should be prompted with the login orsignupscreen. [To-do1]CreatetheUserInterfaceofthewelcomescreen In this section, the participant is free to make the welcome screen as simple or complex asper his/her own preference. Use JSP's integrated with HTML 5 andCSS tocreate thescreen and test it with no data or static data first. The welcome screen should be able todisplayalistofflightsbasedonsearchcriteria attheendofthis step. [To-do2]Createthe businesslogicelement orthecontroller Thelogicfor data handling andmanipulation and database connectivity is written insidetheservlets.ThedatapassedfromtheformscreatedintheJSPinstep1shouldbepassedto the servlets which then perform any validations required or fetch operations on thedatabase usingJDBC connectivity 10 [To-do 3] Create the tables required and connect to a database to fetch data dynamicallyUsingtheschemacreatedin Step1,populatedatainthetablesandmakesurethewelcomescreenworks withallthecomponents pluggedintogether. [Designing theSignUporLoginScreen] The Sign up/ Login screen appears when the user tries to book the flight (this can be doneby having a button next to flight details). The user will be prompted to sign up or login.However, if the user is already logged in , he should not be prompted with this screen againontapof«book»button. [To-do 1]Createa simpleSignUppage When the user clicks sign up, he should be redirected to a sign up screen. The UI of thescreen can consistof textfields toenter name, email, and password. Once the customerfills in all the details and submits, a row should be added in the customer table. Basicvalidationssuchasemailaddressformat,passwordlengthshouldbe takencare of. [To-do2]Createthelogin page The design of the login page is very similar to that of the sign up screen. However, whenthe customer logins using username and password, the system must check the database forvalidityandallow/blocktheuser. [To-do3]Integratethescreensandtestthemthoroughly Ensurethatthecustomerwhohasalreadyloggedinisnotpromptedtologinagainontapofbook.Fine tune anydesignorperformance concernsuptothispoint [Designingtheotherfeatures] 11 The other features will be visible to customers once they have logged in.Apart from thesearch feature the website can provide other facilities such as check in, baggage allowanceetc. The details are up-to the participant. Each feature should be designed using the 3 stepapproach of designing the UI, writing the business logic, data modeling and wiring all ofthese together. [To-do1]CreatetheUserInterface [To-do2]Createthebusinesslogicelementorthecontroller [To-do3]Createthetablesrequiredandconnecttoadatabasetofetchdatadynamically At the end of each element, do integrate and test with existing features to ensure that thebuiltfunctionalityisnotbrokenduetothenew code 12 5. SOFTWAREREQUIREMENTSPECIFICATION 5.1 RequirementsSpecification: Requirement Specification provides a high secure storage to the web server efficiently.Software requirements deal with software and hardware resources that need to be installedon a serve which provides optimal functioning for the application. These software andhardware requirements need to be installed before the packages are installed. These are themost common set of requirements defined by any operation system. These software andhardware requirements provide a compatible support to the operation system in developinganapplication. 5.1.1 HARDWAREREQUIREMENTS: Thehardwarerequirementspecifieseachinterfaceofthesoftwareelementsandthehardwareelem entsof thesystem.Thesehardwarerequirementsincludeconfigurationcharacteristics. System Hard Disk : PentiumIV2.4 GHz. :100GB. Monitor : 15VGAColor. Mouse :Logitech. RAM : 1GB. 5.1.2 SOFTWAREREQUIREMENTS: The software requirements specify the use of all requiredsoftware products like datamanagement system. The required software product specifies the numbers and version.Each interface specifies the purpose of the interfacing software as related to this softwareproduct. 13 Operating system : WindowsXP/7/10 CodingLanguage : Html,JavaScript,Java/J2EE(JspServlet) DevelopmentKit : JDK1.7 Database : MySQL IDE : Eclipse Server : Tomcat7.0 5.2 FUNCTIONALREQUIREMENTS: The functional requirement refers to the system needs in an exceedingly computercodeengineeringmethod. The key goal of determinant “functional requirements” in an exceedingly productstyle and implementation is to capture the desired behavior of a software package intermsofpracticalityandalsothetechnologyimplementationofthebusinessprocesses. 5.3 NONFUNCTIONALREQUIREMENTS All the other requirements which do not form a part of the above specification arecategorized as Non-Functional needs. A system perhaps needed to gift the user with ashow of thequantity ofrecords duringinfo.Ifthe quantity mustbeupdated in realtime, the system architects should make sure that the system is capable of change thedisplayed record count at intervals associate tolerably short interval of the quantity ofrecords dynamic. Comfortable network information measure may additionally be anon-functionalrequirementofasystem. Thefollowingarethefeatures: Accessibility Availability Backup 14 Certification Compliance ConfigurationManagement Documentation DisasterRecovery Efficiency(resourceconsumptionforgivenload) Interoperability 5.4 PERFORMANCEREQUIREMENTS Performance is measured in terms of the output provided by the application. Requirementspecificationplaysanimportantpartintheanalysisofasystem.Onlywhentherequire ment specifications are properly given, it is possible to design a system, which willfit into required environment. It rests largely with the users of the existing system to givethe requirementspecificationsbecause they arethe people whofinally use the system.This is because the requirements have to be known during the initial stages so that thesystem can be designed according to those requirements.It is very difficult to change thesystem once it has been designed and on the other hand designing a system, which does notcatertotherequirements ofthe user,is ofnouse. Therequirementspecificationfor anysystemcanbebroadlystated asgivenbelow: Thesystemshould beableto interfacewiththeexisting system The systemshouldbe accurate Thesystemshould be betterthanthe existing system Theexisting systemiscompletelydependentontheusertoperformalltheduties. 15 5.5 FeasibilityStudy: Preliminary investigation examines project feasibility; the likelihood the system will beusefultotheorganization.ThemainobjectiveofthefeasibilitystudyistotesttheTechnical, Operational and Economical feasibility for adding new modules and debuggingold running system. All systems are feasible if they are given unlimited resources andinfinitetime.Thereareaspectsinthefeasibilitystudyportionofthepreliminaryinvestigation: TechnicalFeasibility Operation FeasibilityEconomicalFeasi bility 5.5.1 TechnicalFeasibility Thetechnicalissueusuallyraisedduringthefeasibilitystageoftheinvestigationincludesthe following: Doesthenecessarytechnologyexisttodowhatissuggested? Do the proposed equipments have the technical capacity to hold the data required touse thenewsystem? Willtheproposedsystemprovideadequateresponsetoinquiries,regardlessofthenumber orlocationofusers? Canthe systembe upgradedifdeveloped? Aretheretechnicalguaranteesofaccuracy,reliability,easeofaccessand datasecurity? 5.5.2 OperationalFeasibility User-friendly Customer will use the forms for their various transactions i.e.for adding new routes,viewingtheroutesdetails.AlsotheCustomerwantsthereports toviewthevarioustransactions basedon theconstraints.Theseforms andreports aregeneratedas user-friendlytotheClient. 16 Reliability Thepackagewillspickupcurrenttransactionsonline.Regardingtheoldtransactions,Userwillenterthemintothesystem. Security Thewebserver and databaseserver shouldbeprotectedfromhacking,virusetc Portability The application will be developed using standard open source software (ExceptOracle)like Java, tomcat web server, Internet Explorer Browser etc these software will work bothonWindowsandLinuxo/s. Henceportabilityproblems willnotarise. Availability Thissoftwarewillbeavailablealways. Maintainability Thesystemusesthe2-tierarchitecture.The1sttieristheGUI,whichissaidtobefront-end andthe 2ndtieristhe database,whichusesMy-Sql,whichisthe back-end. Thefrontendcanberunondifferentsystems(clients).Thedatabasewillberunningattheserver.Usersaccesst heseformsbyusingthe user-idsandthe passwords. 5.5.3 EconomicFeasibility Thecomputerizedsystemtakescareofthepresentexistingsystem’sdataflowandprocedures completely and should generate all the reports of the manual system besides ahostofothermanagementreports. It should be built as a web based application with separate web server and database server.This is required as the activities are spread throughout the organization customer wants acentralizeddatabase.Furthersomeofthelinkedtransactionstakeplaceindifferentlocations. Open source software like TOMCAT,JAVA,Mysql and Linux is used tominimize thecostfortheCustomer. 17 6. Methodology SDLC(SoftwareDevelopmentLifeCycle)–UmbrellaModel Umbrella DOCUMENTCONTROL Business RequirementDocu mentation Requirements Gathering • • • Feasibility StudyTEAMFORMA TION Project SpecificationPREPAR ATION ANALYSIS &DESIGN INTEGRATION & SYSTEMTESTI NG Umbrella ASSESSMENT CODE UNITTEST ACCEPTANCE TEST DELIVERY/INS TALLATION Umbrella TRAINING Figno.6.1Umbrella model SDLC is nothing but Software Development Life Cycle. It is a standard which is used bysoftwareindustrytodevelopgoodsoftware. RequirementsGatheringStage The requirements gathering process takes as its input the goals identified in the highlevelrequirements section of the project plan. Each goal will be refined into a set of one or morerequirements. These requirements define the major functions of the intended application,define operational data areas and reference data areas, and define the initial data entities.Majorfunctionsincludecriticalprocessestobe 18 managed,aswellasmissioncriticalinputs, 19 outputs and reports. A user class hierarchy is developed and associated with these majorfunctions, data areas, and data entities. Each of these definitions is termed a Requirement.Requirements are identified by unique requirement identifiers and, at minimum, contain arequirementtitleandtextualdescription. Figno. 6.2RequirementsGatheringstage Theserequirements arefully describedin theprimary deliverablesfor this stage:theRequirementsDocumentandtheRequirementsTraceabilityMatrix(RTM).Therequire mentsdocumentcontainscompletedescriptionsof eachrequirement,includingdiagrams and references to external documents as necessary. Note that detailed listings ofdatabasetablesandfieldsarenotincludedinthe requirementsdocument. The title of each requirementis also placed into the first version of the RTM, along withthe title of each goal from the project plan. The purpose of the RTM is to show that theproduct components developed during each stage of the software development lifecycle areformallyconnectedtothecomponentsdevelopedinpriorstages. In the requirements stage, the RTM consists of a list of high-level requirements, or goals,by title, with a listing of associated requirements for each goal, listed by requirement title.Inthishierarchicallisting,theRTMshowsthateachrequirementdevelopedduringthis 20 stage is formally linked to a specific product goal. In this format, each requirement can betracedtoa specific productgoal,hence the termrequirementstraceability. The outputs of the requirements definition stage include the requirements document, theRTM,andanupdatedprojectplan. Feasibilitystudyisall aboutidentificationof problemsinaproject,numberof staffrequired to handle a project is represented as Team Formation,in this case only modulesareindividualtaskswillbeassigned toemployeeswhoareworkingforthat project. ProjectSpecificationsareallaboutrepresentingofvariouspossibleinputssubmittingtotheservera ndcorrespondingoutputsalongwithreportsmaintainedbyadministrator. AnalysisStage The planning stage establishes a bird's eye view of the intended software product, and usesthis to establish the basic project structure, evaluate feasibility and risks associated with theproject,anddescribe appropriatemanagementandtechnicalapproaches. Figno.6.3Analysisstage 21 The most critical section of the project plan is a listing of high-level product requirements,also referred to as goals. All of the software product requirements to be developed duringthe requirements definition stage flow from one or more of these goals. The minimuminformation for each goal consists of a title and textual description, although additionalinformation and references to external documents may be included. The outputs of theproject planning stage are the configuration management plan, the quality assurance plan,and the project plan and schedule, with a detailed listing of scheduled activities for theupcomingRequirementsstage,andhighlevelestimates ofeffortfortheoutstages. DesigningStage The design stage takes as its initial inputthe requirements identified in the approvedrequirements document. For each requirement, a set of one or more design elements will beproduced as a result of interviews, workshops, and/or prototype efforts. Design elementsdescribe the desired software features in detail, and generally include functional hierarchydiagrams, screen layout diagrams, tables of business rules, business process diagrams,pseudo code, and a complete entity-relationship diagram with a full data dictionary. Thesedesign elementsareintendedtodescribethesoftwarein sufficientdetail thatskilledprogrammersmaydevelopthe software withminimaladditionalinput. 22 Figno.6.4 Designingstage When the design documentisfinalized and accepted, the RTMis updated toshow thateach design element is formally associated with a specific requirement. The outputs of thedesignstage arethe designdocument,anupdatedRTM,andanupdatedprojectplan. Development(Coding)Stage The development stage takes as its primary input the design elements described in theapproved design document. For each design element, a set of one or more software artifactswill be produced. Software artifacts include but are not limited to menus, dialogs, datamanagementforms,datareportingformats,andspecializedprocedures andfunctions.Appropriate test cases will be developedforeach set of functionally related softwareartifacts, and an online help system will be developed to guide users in their interactionswiththesoftware. 23 Figno.6.5 Codingstage Integration& Test Stage During the integration and test stage, the software artifacts, online help, and test data aremigrated from the development environment to a separate test environment. At this point,all test cases are run to verify the correctness and completeness of the software. Successfulexecution of the test suite confirms a robust and complete migration capability. During thisstage, reference data is finalized for production use and production users are identified andlinked to their appropriate roles. The final reference data (or links to reference data sourcefiles)and productionuserlistarecompiledinto theProductionInitiationPlan. 24 Figno.6.6IntegrationandTestingStage Installation&AcceptanceTest During the installation and acceptance stage, the software artifacts, online help, and initialproduction data are loaded onto the production server. At this point, all test cases are run toverify the correctness and completeness of the software. Successful execution of the testsuiteisaprerequisite toacceptance ofthesoftware bythe customer. After customer personnel have verified that the initial production data load is correct andthe test suite has been executed with satisfactory results, the customer formally accepts thedeliveryofthesoftware. Figno. 6.7Installation 25 Maintenance Outer rectangle represents maintenance of a project, Maintenance team will startwithrequirement study, understanding of documentation later employees will be assigned workandtheywillundergotrainingonthatparticularassignedcategory. 7. SystemDesign 7.1 SYSTEMARCHITECTURE The purpose of the design phase is to arrange an answer of the matter such as by thenecessity document. This part is that the opening moves in moving the matter domain tothe answer domain. The design phase satisfies the requirements of the system. The designof a system is probably the foremost crucial issue warm heartedness the standard of thesoftwarepackage.It’saserious impactonthelaterpart,notablytestingandmaintenance. The output of this part is that the style of the document. This document is analogous to ablueprintofanswerandisemployedlaterthroughoutimplementation,testingandmaintenance. The design activity is commonly divided into 2 separate phases SystemDesignandDetailedDesign. System Design conjointly referred to as top-ranking style aims to spot the modules thatought to be within the system, the specifications of those modules,and the waythemmove withone anothertosupplythespecifiedresults. At the top of the system style all the main knowledge structures, fileformats, outputformats, and also the major modules within the system and their specifications squaremeasure set. System design is that the method or art of process the design, components,modules,interfaces, and knowledge for a system to satisfy such asneeds. Users will readitbecausethe applicationofsystems theorytodevelopment. Detailed Design, the inner logic of every of the modules laid out in system design isdetermined.Throughoutthispart,thesmallprintoftheinfoofamodulesquaremeasure 26 sometimeslaidoutinahigh-levelstyledescriptionlanguagethatisfreelanceofthetargetlanguage withinwhichthesoftware package caneventuallybe enforced. Insystemdesignthemaintargetisondistinguishingthemodules,whereasthroughoutcarefulstyle themaintargetisonplanningthelogic foreveryofthemodules. 27 Figure7.1:FlowChartdiagram 7.2 DATAFLOWDIAGRAMS 28 Data Flow Diagram can also be termed as bubble chart. It is a pictorial or graphicalform, which can be applied to represent the input data to a system and multiple functionscarriedoutonthedataandthegeneratedoutputbythesystem. A graphical tool accustomed describe and analyze the instant of knowledge througha system manual or automatic together with the method, stores of knowledge, and delayswithinthesystem.Thetransformationofknowledgefrominputtooutput,throughprocesses , is also delineate logically and severally of the physical elements related to thesystem. The DFD is also known as a data flow graph or a bubble chart.TheBasicNotationusedtocreateaDFD’sare asfollows: Dataflow: Process: . Source: DataStore: Rhombus:decision 29 7.3 UMLDIAGRAMS The Unified Modeling Language allows the software engineer to express an analysis modelusing the modeling notation that is governed by a set of syntactic semantic and pragmaticrules. A UML system is represented using five different views that describe the system fromdistinctly different perspective. Each view is defined by a set of diagram, which is asfollows. UserModelView This view represents the system from the users perspective. The analysis representationdescribesausage scenariofromthe end-users perspective. StructuralModelview In this model the data and functionality are arrived from inside the system. This modelviewmodels thestaticstructures. BehavioralModelView It represents the dynamic of behavioral as parts of the system, depicting the interactions ofcollection between various structural elements described in the user model and structuralmodelview. ImplementationModelView Inthisthestructuralandbehavioralasparts ofthesystemarerepresentedastheyaretobebuilt. 5.3.1 USECASEDIAGRAM Ausecasediagramatitssimplestisarepresentationofauser'sinteraction with thesystemanddepictingthespecificationsofausecase.Ausecasediagramcanportraythe 30 different types of users of a system and the various ways that they interact with the system.This type of diagram is typically usedin conjunction with the textualuse case and willoftenbeaccompaniedbyothertypes ofdiagramsas well. 31 Figure7.3.1UseCaseDiagram 5.3.2 CLASSDIAGRAM Theclassdiagramisthemainbuildingblockofobjectorientedmodeling.Itisusedbothfor general conceptual modeling of the systematic of the application, and for detailedmodeling translating the models into programming code. Class diagrams can also be usedfordatamodeling.Theclassesinaclassdiagramrepresentboththemainobjects,interactionsin theapplication andtheclassestobeprogrammed.A classwith threesections,inthediagram,classesisrepresentedwithboxeswhichcontainthreeparts: Theupper partholdsthenameoftheclass Themiddlepartcontainstheattributesoftheclass 32 The bottompartgives themethodsoroperations the class cantakeorundertake. Figure7.3.2:ClassDiagram. 5.3.3 SEQUENCEDIAGRAM A sequence diagram is a kind of interaction diagram that shows how processesoperate with one another and in what order. It is a construct of a Message Sequence Chart.A sequence diagram shows object interactions arranged in time sequence. It depicts theobjects and classes involved in the scenario and the sequence of messages exchangedbetweentheobjectsneededtocarryoutthefunctionalityofthescenario.Sequencediagr ams are typically associated with use case realizations in the Logical View of thesystem under development. Sequence diagrams are sometimes called event diagrams, eventscenarios,andtimingdiagrams. 33 Figure7.3.3:Sequencediagram 5.3.4 ACTIVITYDIAGRAM Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of stepwise activities andactionswithsupportforchoice,iterationandconcurrency.IntheUnifiedModelingLanguage, activity diagrams can be used to describe the business and operational step-bystepworkflowsofcomponentsinasystem.Anactivitydiagramshowstheoverallflowof 34 control. 34 Figure7.3.4:ActivityDiagram 5.3.5 COMPONENTDIAGRAM Component diagram is a special kind of diagram in UML. The purpose is also differentfrom all otherdiagrams discussed sofar.It does not describe the functionality of thesystembutitdescribesthe componentsusedtomake those functionalities GUI SelfDiagn osis Advanced database Figure7.3.5:ComponentDiagram 5.3.6 DEPLOYMENTDIAGRAM Deployment diagram is a structure diagram which shows architecture of the system asdeployment (distribution) of software artifacts to deployment targets. Artifacts representconcreteelementsinthephysicalworldthatarethe result ofadevelopmentprocess 35 <<server>> database <<server>> software systemapplicatio nserver <<client>> browser <<client>> browser Figure7.3.6:DeploymentDiagram 8. TESTING Testing is the process where the test data is prepared and is used for testing the modulesindividuallyandlaterthevalidationgivenforthefields.Thenthesystemtesting takesplacewhich makes sure that all components of the system property functions as a unit. The testdata should be chosen such that it passed through all possible condition. The following isthedescriptionofthetesting strategies,whichwerecarried outduring thetestingperiod. 8.1 SYSTEMTESTING Testing has become an integral part of any system or project especially in the field ofinformation technology.The importance of testing is a method of justifying, if one is readyto move further, be it to be check if one is capable to with stand the rigors of a particularsituation cannot be underplayed and that is why testing before development is so critical.When the software is developedbefore itis given touser to user the software mustbetested whether it is solving the purpose for which it is developed.This testing involvesvarious types through which one can ensure thesoftware is reliable.The program wastestedlogicallyandpatternofexecutionoftheprogramforasetofdata arerepeated.Thus 36 the code was exhaustively checked for all possible correct data and the outcomes were alsochecked. 8.2 MODULETESTING To locate errors, each module is tested individually.This enables us to detect error andcorrect it without affecting any other modules. Whenever the program is not satisfying therequired function, it must be corrected to get the required result. Thus all the modules areindividually tested from bottom up starting with the smallestand lowestmodules andproceeding to the next level. Each module in the system is tested separately. For examplethe job classification module is tested separately. This module is tested with different joband its approximate execution time and the result of the test is compared with the resultsthat are prepared manually. Each module in the system is tested separately. In this systemtheresourceclassification andjob schedulingmodulesaretestedseparately andtheircorresponding resultsare obtainedwhichreducestheprocesswaitingtime. 8.3 INTEGRATIONTESTING After the module testing, the integration testing is applied.When linking the modules theremay be chance for errors to occur, these errors are corrected by using this testing. In thissystem all modules are connected and tested. The testing results are very correct. Thus themappingofjobs withresourcesis donecorrectlybythesystem 8.4 ACCEPTANCETESTING When that user fined no major problems with its accuracy, the system passers through afinal acceptance test.This test confirms that the system needs the original goals, objectivesand requirements established during analysis without actual execution which eliminationwastageoftimeandmoneyacceptancetestsontheshouldersofusersandmanagement,i tisfinallyacceptable andreadyfortheoperation. 37 8.5 TESTCASES: TestCa Test seId 01 Test TestSteps Case Case Name Desc. Uploadthe Verify tasks either dataset is Step Expected Actual Test TestPri Case ority Status Ifdatasetis file not loaded uploaded ornot It cannot File display the is High High loaded file which loaded displays message task waiting time 02 Upload Verify Ifdatasetis It patients either not display display dataset dataset uploaded dataset dataset reading reading process process loaded not or cannot It can low High 38 completed 03 If not Itcannot completed Preprocess Whether It can Medium ing preprocessi applied display displaythe ngonthe the necessary dataset necessary data appliedor data not further High for for further process process 04 Prediction Whether If Random Prediction applied Forest algorithm not Random Random treeisnot tree generated generated High High High High is appliedon thedataor not 05 Recomme Whether If not It ndation predicted displayed cannot Itcanview view prediction prediction containing displayed containing patientdata ornot patient data is data 06 Noisy Whether Records the Chart is Ifgraphis graph not displayed Itdoesnot show It shows Low the the Mediu m variations variations displayed in inbetween ornot between clean and 39 cleanandno noisyre isyrecords cords TABLE 8.5.1TESTCASES 9. SCREENSHOTS 40 Home: Adminlogin: Adminhome: 41 Addmodels: Viewmodels: 42 Adddiscounts: Viewbookings: 43 Viewappointments: Viewfeedback: 44 Viewfeedback; Userregistration: 45 Userlogin: Userhome: 46 Search: Viewbookings: 47 Viewappointments: Sendfeedback: 48 Emicalculator: Insurance: 49 Discounts: 50 10. CONCLUSION It has been a great pleasure for me to work on this exciting and challenging project. Thisproject proved good for me as it provided practical knowledge of not only programming inJava and HTML web based application and no some extent Windows Application andMySQL, but also about all handling procedure related with “Car Store”. It also providesknowledge about the latest technology used in developing web enabled application andclientservertechnology thatwill be greatdemandin future. This will providebetteropportunitiesand guidancein futureindeveloping projectsindependently. FutureEnhancements: It is not possible to develop a system that makes all the requirements of the user. Userrequirements keep changing as the system is being used. Some of the future enhancementsthatcanbedonetothis systemare: Asthetechnologyemerges,itispossibletoupgradethesystemandcanbeadaptab le todesiredenvironment. Basedonthefuturesecurityissues, securitycanbeimprovedusingemergingtechnologieslikesinglesign-on. 51 11. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] d=3&issueid=94&articleid=1282&action=article[5]h ttps://logisticsmanagementandsupplychainmanageme BIBLIOGRAPHY JAVATechnologies JAVACompleteReference Java Script Programming by Yehuda ShiranMasteringJAVASecurity J2EE Professional by ShadabsiddiquiJAVAserverpagesbyLar nePekowsleyJAVA Server pages by Nick ToddHTML HTMLBlackBookbyHolzner JDBC JavaDatabaseProgrammingwithJDBC byPatel moss.SoftwareEngineeringbyRogerPressman 52 SAMPLECODE ActivatePage Code: <%@pageimport="java.sql.*"%> <%@includefile="connect.jsp"%> <%@pagesession="true"%> <% String username =request.getParameter("username"); try{ Statement st=connection.createStatement(); intj=st.executeUpdate("updateusersets tatus='Activated'whereusername='"+username+"'"); if(j!=0) { response.sendRedirect("viewusers.jsp?msg=success"); } else{ out.println("failed"); } }catch (Exceptione){ e.printStackTrace(); } %> AdminPageCode: <htmlxmlns=""> <head> <metahttp-equiv="Content-Type"content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <title>AFastParallelCommunityDiscoveryModel</title> 53 <link href="|Arvo"rel="s tylesheet"type="text/css"/> <linkhref="styles.css"rel="stylesheet"type="text/css"/> </head> <body> <divid="container"> <divid="header"> <p><font size="6" color="black"> A Fast Parallel CommunityDiscovery Model on Complex Networks Through ApproximateOptimization</font></p><br/> <divclass="clearfloat"></div> <divid="navcontainer"> <ulid="navlist"> <li><ahref="index.html">Home</a></li> <liid="active"><ahref="admin.jsp">Admin</a></li> <li><ahref="user.jsp">User</a></li> <li><ahref="register.jsp">Register</a></li> </ul> </div> <divclass="clearfloat"></div> <div><imgsrc="images/headerPic.jpg"alt=""/></div> </div> <divid="contentBody"> <divclass="threeBoxes"> <divclass="box"> <center><h2>AdminLogin</h2> <formname="myform"action="adminact.jsp"method="post"> <tableborder="0"> <tr><td><fontcolor="black">UserName</td><td><inputtype="text" name="username"required=""/></td></tr> <tr><td><font color="black">Password</td><td><inputtype="password"name="password "required=""/></td></tr> <br> <trrowspan="2"align="center"><td><br><inputtype="submit"name=" submit"value="Login"/></td></tr> <tr></tr> </table> </form> </center> </div> <divclass="links"> <h3>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Menu</h3> <ul> <li><ahref="index.html">Home</a></li> 54 <li><ahref="admin.jsp">Admin</a></li> 55 <li><ahref="user.jsp">User</a></li> <li><ahref="register.jsp">Register</a></li> </ul> </div> <divclass="clearfloat"></div> </div> </div> <divid="footer"> <p> Developedby:<ahref="">1000Projects< /a> </p> </div> </div> </body> </html> Boundary NodeActionPageCode: <htmlxmlns=""> <head> <metahttp-equiv="Content-Type"content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <title>AFastParallelCommunityDiscoveryModel</title> <link href="|Arvo"rel="s tylesheet"type="text/css"/> <linkhref="styles.css"rel="stylesheet"type="text/css"/> </head> <body> <divid="container"> <divid="header"> <p><fontsize="6"color="black">AFastParallelCommunityDiscove ry Model on Complex Networks Through ApproximateOptimization</font></p><br/> <divclass="clearfloat"></div> <divid="navcontainer"> <ulid="navlist"> <li><ahref="adminhome.jsp">Home</a></li> <liid="active"><ahref="">Admin</a></li> <li><ahref="logout.jsp">Logout</a></li> </ul> </div> <divclass="clearfloat"></div> 56 <div><imgsrc="images/headerPic.jpg"alt=""/></div> </div> <divid="contentBody"> <divclass="threeBoxes"> <divclass="box"> <%@pageimport="java.sql.*"%> <%@includefile="connect.jsp"%> <%@pagesession="true"%> <% String username = request.getParameter("username");Stringcommunity=request .getParameter("community"); Stringairtel="Airtel";Str ingjio="Jio"; inti=0;intj=0; intother=0; intother1=0; Stringsql2="select*frompostswhereusername='"+username+"'"; Statementst2=connection.createStatement();Res ultSetrs2=st2.executeQuery(sql2); int k = 0;while( ){ k++; } if(community.equalsIgnoreCase(airtel)){ Stringsql="select*frompostswhereusername='"+username+"'andcomm unity='"+community+"'"; Statementst=connection.createStatement();Res ultSetrs = st.executeQuery(sql);while({ i++; } other=k-i; 57 Stringsql3="select*fromboundarynodeswhereusername='"+userna me+"'andcommunity='"+community+"'"; Statementst3=connection.createStatement();Res ultSet rs3 = st3.executeQuery(sql3);if({ PreparedStatementps = connection.prepareStatement("updateboundarynodes set communitycount = "+i+", totalcount = "+k+",others = "+other+" where username = '"+username+"' and community ='"+community+"'"); ps.executeUpdate(); } else{ PreparedStatementps=connection.prepareStatement("insertinto boundarynodesvalues(?,?,?,?,?)"); ps.setString(1,username);ps.setSt ring(2,community);ps.setInt(3,i); ps.setInt(4,k);ps.setInt( 5,other);ps.executeUpdate (); } } if(community.equalsIgnoreCase(jio)){ String sql1 = "select * from posts where username ='"+username+"'andcommunity='"+community+"'"; Statementst1=connection.createStatement();Res ultSet rs1 = st1.executeQuery(sql1);while({ j++; } other1=k-j; Stringsql3="select*fromboundarynodeswhereusername='"+userna me+"'andcommunity='"+community+"'"; Statementst3=connection.createStatement();Res ultSet rs3 = st3.executeQuery(sql3);if({ 58 PreparedStatementps = connection.prepareStatement("updateboundarynodes set communitycount = "+j+", totalcount = "+k+",others="+other1+"whereusername='"+username+"'andcommunity = '"+community+"' ");ps.executeUpdate(); } else{ PreparedStatementps=connection.prepareStatement("insertinto boundarynodesvalues(?,?,?,?,?)"); ps.setString(1,username);ps.setSt ring(2,community);ps.setInt(3,j); ps.setInt(4,k); tInt(5,other1);ps.ex ecuteUpdate(); } } %> <% Stringsql4="select*fromboundarynodeswhereusername= '"+username+"' and community = '"+community+"' ";Statement st4=connection.createStatement();ResultSetr s4=st4.executeQuery(sql4); %> <center> <h2><fontcolor="black"size="5">BoundaryNodes </font></h2> <style> td{ text-align:center; } </style> <tableborder="1"> <trstyle="background-color:coral"> <th><fontcolor="white">UserName</th> <th><fontcolor="white">Community</th> <th><fontcolor="white">Count</th> <th><fontcolor="white">TotalCount</th> 59 </tr> <% %> while({ <tr> <td><fontcolor="black"><%=rs4.getString(1)%></td> <td><fontcolor="black"><%=rs4.getString(2)%></td> <td><fontcolor="black"><%=rs4.getString(3)%></td> <td><fontcolor="black"><%=rs4.getString(4)%></td> </tr> <% } %> </table> <BR/><BR/> <ahref="boundarynodes.jsp"><buttont ype="button">BACK</button></a> </center> </div> <divclass="links"> <h3>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;AdminMenu</h3> <ul> <li><ahref="adminhome.jsp">Home</a></li> <li><ahref="viewusers.jsp">ViewUsers</a></li> <li><ahref="boundarynodes.jsp">BoundaryNodes</a></li> <li><ahref="chainmodel.jsp">ChainModel</a></li> <li><ahref="mountainmodel.jsp">MountainModel</a></li> <li><ahref="landslidemodel.jsp">LandslideModel</a></li> <li><ahref="logout.jsp">Logout</a></li> </ul> </div> <divclass="clearfloat"></div> </div> </div> <divid="footer"> <p> Developedby:<ahref="">1000Projects< /a> </p> </div> </div> </body> </html> ChainModelCode: 60 <htmlxmlns=""> <head> <metahttp-equiv="Content-Type"content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <title>AFastParallelCommunityDiscoveryModel</title> <link href="|Arvo"rel="s tylesheet"type="text/css"/> <linkhref="styles.css"rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> </head> <body> <divid="container"> <divid="header"> <p><fontsize="6"color="black">AFastParallelCommunityDiscove ry Model on Complex Networks Through ApproximateOptimization</font></p><br/> <divclass="clearfloat"></div> <divid="navcontainer"> <ulid="navlist"> <li><ahref="adminhome.jsp">Home</a></li> <liid="active"><ahref="">Admin</a></li> <li><ahref="logout.jsp">Logout</a></li> </ul> </div> <divclass="clearfloat"></div> <div><imgsrc="images/headerPic.jpg"alt=""/></div> </div> <divid="contentBody"> <divclass="threeBoxes"> <divclass="box"> <%@includefile="connect.jsp"%> <% String sql4="select * from boundarynodes";Statement st4=connection.createStatement();ResultSetrs 4=st4.executeQuery(sql4); %> <center> <p><fontcolor="red"size="5">ChainModel </font></p><br/> <style> 61 td{ 62 text-align:center; } </style> <tableborder="1"> <trstyle="background-color:coral"> <th><fontcolor="white">UserName</th> <th><fontcolor="white">Community</th> <th><fontcolor="white">Count</th> <th><fontcolor="white">TotalCount</th> </tr> <% %> while({ <tr> <td><fontcolor="black"><%=rs4.getString(1)%></td> <td><fontcolor="black"><%=rs4.getString(2)%></td> <td><fontcolor="black"><%=rs4.getString(3)%></td> <td><fontcolor="black"><%=rs4.getString(4)%></td> </tr> <% } %> </table> </center> </div> <divclass="links"> <h3>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;AdminMenu</h3> <ul> <li><ahref="adminhome.jsp">Home</a></li> <li><ahref="viewusers.jsp">ViewUsers</a></li> <li><ahref="boundarynodes.jsp">BoundaryNodes</a></li> <li><ahref="chainmodel.jsp">ChainModel</a></li> <li><ahref="mountainmodel.jsp">MountainModel</a></li> <li><ahref="landslidemodel.jsp">LandslideModel</a></li> <li><ahref="logout.jsp">Logout</a></li> </ul> </div> <divclass="clearfloat"></div> </div> </div> <divid="footer"> <p> 63 Developedby:<ahref="">1000Projects< /a> </p> </div> </div> </body> </html> 64