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Residential Airparks: Fly-In Communities Explained

"Fly-in community" redirects here. Fly-in community may also refer to a remote and isolated
Hangar homes at Independence State Airport.
A residential airpark (also spelled air park) is also referred to as a "fly-in community". The word
can also refer to a community specifically designed around an airport where the residents each
would own their own airplane which they park in their hangar usually attached to the home or
integrated into their home. The residential airpark or fly-in community features one or
more runways with homes adjacent to the runway. Many fly-in communities feature a variety of
amenities, such as golf course, equestrian facilities and more. Residential airparks or fly-in
communities are usually privately owned and restricted to use by the property owners and their
invited guests. Most do not include commercial operations or businesses. The communities have
also become a niche real estate market, with some firms dedicated solely to these developments.
Ideas for airparks existed as early as 1944.[1] However, the first airpark was Sierra Sky Park in
Fresno, California, established in 1946.[2] The Living With Your Plane Association estimates that
there are at least 426 residential airparks in the United States. Florida is estimated to have 52
airparks, followed by Washington with 50, California with 28, and Oregon with 23.[3]