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lec 4

Lecture – 04
Networking Structure of Cloud Hosting Data center
Essential Characteristics of Cloud Computing
Business Drivers for Cloud Computing
Revisiting NIST Definition of Cloud Computing
Some key terms about Cloud Computing
Scaling, Cloud Service Providers & Consumers
Basic Concept of Network
A network is a set of devices (often referred to as nodes)
connected by communication links. A node can be a
computer, printer, or any other device capable of sending
and/or receiving data generated by other nodes on the
network. A link can be a cable, air, optical fiber, or any
medium which can transport a signal carrying
Summary Of Previous Lecture
In a physical network, multiple LANs and WANs are joined together by the
Hence there can be more than one route between two hosts.
Routing is a service of Network layer to find the best route.
Routing is performed by applying routing protocols and using the decision
tables called routing tables in each router.
Forwarding is the action performed by a router on the basis of routing
protocol and routing table according to the destination address of each packet
received at any interface.
Concept of Virtualization
Virtualization: It is a technology used to enhance the
utilization of computing resources.
► A single hardware machine is multiplexed among multiple
virtual machines (VMs).
► A software based virtual machine monitor/manager (VMM) or
hypervisor is a program that manages the hardware
resources for the VMs and also keeps each VM from
disrupting other VMs.
Networking Structure of Cloud Hosting Data center
At the core of a cloud is a cluster of VMs/ physical servers.
There can be tens of thousands of physical servers in a data center.
With each physical server hosting multiple VMs, the cloud hosting
networking structure becomes a little complicated.
The cluster nodes are used for computations. Some nodes are used for
workload allocation, some for monitoring and some for load balancing.
Some node called gateway nodes provide the interface of cloud
service/s to the outside world (through internet).
Networking Structure of Cloud Hosting Data center
Cloud hosting data center has a layered architecture for the Internet access.
The servers are physically connected to layer 2 switches. There is a top of
rack (TOR) in each rack. One server is connected to only one TOR switch.
The TORs are connected to aggregate switches (AGS).
The AGSs provide the cross rack inter VM connectivity.
There are a few access routers (AR) and border routers (BR) at layer 3.
The layer 2 AGSs are connected to BR through AR.
The BRs are connected to Internet.
Networking Structure of Cloud Hosting Data center
Some problems solved by the hypervisor solutions:
The VMs hosted on one server may belong to different vLANs.
A single vLAN may span over multiple data centers.
A company may own multiple data centers and may want to migrate
the VMs across data centers.
Networking Structure of Cloud Hosting Data center
Essential Characteristics of Cloud Computing
On-demand self-service: The user can automatically be allocated the computing
resources without any manual operations (except the initial signing up process). The cloud
management software handles the resource management and provisioning.
Broad Network Access: The cloud resources can be accessed through network through
broad range of wired and wireless devices. Various connectivity technologies are
Resource pooling: Resources (Computing, memory, storage, network) are available in
volumes and therefore can be pooled. The resources can be physical or virtual. Multiple
users can simultaneously share these resources through dynamic allocation and
Essential Characteristics of Cloud Computing
Rapid elasticity: The cloud resources are virtually
unlimited. So much so, the provisioning of these
resources can shrink and expand elastically
according to demand.
Measured Service: The resource usage is charged
by the provider from users, according to usage.
Business Drivers for Cloud Computing
Various business drivers lure the organizations to start using Cloud.
These include (but not limited to):
IT Capacity Planning
► Cost Reduction
► Organizational Agility
IT Capacity Planning:
It is the estimation and fulfillment of future IT requirements of an organization.
The over provisioning of IT happens when acquired equipment is more than the estimated
requirements. Resulting in over expenditure.
Business Drivers for Cloud Computing
The under provisioning occurs when the equipment turns out to be inadequate to
fulfill the IT requirements of the future.
IT Capacity planning is a difficult job as it should cover the fluctuating load.
Usually the companies adopt any of the following strategies:
Lead Strategy: Adding new IT capacity in anticipation of future needs.
Lag Strategy: Adding new IT capacity when the IT resources reach the full
Match Strategy: Adding IT capacity in small increments.
Business Drivers for Cloud Computing
The capacity planning may lead to adopting the option of Cloud Computing
and then planning for future needs of Cloud resources rental instead of
purchasing the IT equipment.
Cost Reduction: The costs include
Cost of acquiring the IT infrastructure
Operational overheads such as technical personnel salaries,
upgrades, utility bills, security, accounts and administrative staff
Why not choose the Cloud instead ?
Business Drivers for Cloud Computing
Organizational Agility: It is the responsiveness to the change. We consider the
change in IT for this topic.
A possible shift, upgrade or acquiring a new software may require to upgrade the
The routine procedures and the business may come to halt or the competitors may out
run if the organization fails to invest in IT just because of lack of affordability.
The Cloud on the other hand, just charges for the usage of IT resources, no need to
invest in infrastructure.
Revisiting NIST Definition of Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a model for enabling global, convenient, on-demand network
access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks,
servers, storage, applications & services) that can be rapidly provisioned and
released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.
Cloud computing can fulfill the business drivers such as
IT Capacity Planning
Cost Reduction
Organizational Agility
Some key terms about Cloud Computing
Some key terms and concepts essential for understanding Cloud Computing course:
IT Resources
Cloud Consumers
Cloud Providers
Cloud IT Resources: Can be physical or virtual resources (virtual resources are
implemented in software):
Physical/Virtual machines/servers
Physical/virtual storage
Some key terms about Cloud Computing
On-premises: An IT resource which is hosted/located at the enterprise's premises.
It is different from a Cloud resource since a Cloud resource is hosted on Cloud.
An on-premises IT resource can be connected to a Cloud resource and/or can be
moved to a Cloud.
However the distinction is difficult for private clouds.
Cloud Providers: The party providing the cloud-based IT resources.
Cloud Consumer: The user of cloud-based IT resources is called cloud consumer.
Scaling, Cloud Service Providers & Consumers
Scaling: It refers to the ability of an IT resource to handle increased or
decreased usage demands.
Following are the types of scaling:
► Horizontal scaling: It is the scaling out or scaling in of the IT resources
of same type. The number of resources increases or decreases according
to load.
► Commodity hardware can do the work, instantly available IT
resources, not limited by hardware capacity
Scaling, Cloud Service Providers & Consumers
Physical server pool
Virtual machines
Horizontal scaling with increase in demand
Scaling, Cloud Service Providers & Consumers
Vertical scaling: When an IT resource is replaced with a resource
of higher capacity (scaling up) or when replaced with the resource
of lower capacity (scaling down) according to workload.
Specialized server are required, instantly available IT resources,
additional setup is required (downtime required during
replacement), limited by maximum hardware capacity, less
common in Cloud.
Scaling, Cloud Service Providers & Consumers
Dedicated physical server with 4 CPUs
Vertical scaling with increase in demand
Virtual machine with 2 vCPU
Scaling, Cloud Service Providers & Consumers
Cloud Service: Any IT resource (software/VM) that is made remotely available
by the cloud provider.
Remember that not all the IT resources deployed in a cloud environment are
remotely accessible. Some resources are used within the Cloud for support and
monitoring etc.
The human users interact with a leased VM.
Client programs interact with cloud software service/s through API calls.
The software program and service accessing a cloud service is called a cloud
service consumer