COMPREHENSIVE INDUSTRY DOCUMENT SERIES: COINDS/17/1983-84 EMISSION REGULATIONS (JULY 1984) PART ONE 4 j ·-- -- [EMRAl BOARD FOR 1HE PREUEDtlOD ADD COD1ROl OF WAlER POllU110D DEW DELHI • . : CO MPR EH ENSIVE INDUSTRY DOCU M ENT S ERIES: C OIN D S / 1 7 / 1 9 8 3-8 4 () "U () OJ m z < (j) () CD :J ....... ...., CD - EMISSION REGULATIONS (JULY 1984) PART ONE � � (") "'O (") O'" CD :J < (/) :J (") :J - - CEN TRAL BOARD FOR THE PREVENTION A N D CONTROL OF WATE R POLLUTION 5TH & 6TH FLOOR, SKYLARK, 60, Nt.HRU PLACE, NEW D ELHI - 110019. PREFACE This document contains emission regulations for six specific industrial operations of Industries under Section as per the Schedule 17 , of the Air (Prevention () "U () OJ The other indus- m z trial operations listed in the Schedule are under active (j) consideration for the national evolution of emission CD :J ....... and - Control of PoJlution) Act, 1981. < () ...., CD standards. - � ("') "'O ("') O'" CD :J < (/) :J ("') (NILA Y CHAUDHURI) Chairman :J - CONTENTS Subject Page Emission Standards () "U () OJ Cement 4 m z Thermal Power 9 (j) 12 CD :J ....... Integrated· Iron and Steel < () ...., Fertilizer (Urea) 14 Nitric Acid 15 Sulphuric Acid 18 Guidelines for minimum stack height 21 CD - :;E :;E � ("') "'O ("') O'" CD :J < (/) :J ("') :J - EMISSION-STANDARDS The emission standards for Cement, Thermal Power, Iron & S.teel, Fertilizer (urea), Nitric and Sulphuric Acid plants, six ou t of twenty industries listed in the Schedule in Chapter VII under Section 54 (3) of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1 981 are given below in abstract� As prescribed in the Air (Prevent-ion and Control of Pollution) Act, 1 981 Section 17 ( l) (g), the emission standards for the six air polluting industries mentioned above have been laid down. The emission standards for other industries covered in the Schedule will be brought out subsequently. The () "U () OJ m z rationale for adopting these standards are given in the report. < These standards are applicable up to December, 1 9 86 and will be reviewed again in January, 1 987 based on experience and input from the monitoring data obtamed in this.· period. The stack monitoring shall be done as prescribed by the Central Pollution Control Board. The State Board may adopt standards that are more stringent than thoS'e given below depending on the location of the industries ahd specially if it m a protected area. They shall not, however, relax the standards.. A protected area is one that it already polluted from being in a metropolitan/ industrial location or the area is sensitive because of its proximity to national parks, forests historical monuments and health resorts. l. Standard for particulate matrer emisswn Protected area 200 tpd and Jess 250 mg/Nm Greater than 200 tpd 150 mg/Nm 3 3 () CD :J ... .... ...., CD - � ("') -0 ("') 0CD :J < (/) :J ("') :J - CEMENT Capacity (j) Other area 3 400 mg/Nm 3 250 mg/Nm - 2 2. THERMAL POWER (a) Standard for particulate matter emission Boiler size Protected area Other area New Old (after J 979) (before J 979 3 Less than 200 MW 150 mg/Nm 200 MW anq above 3 150 mg/Nm 600 mg/Nm 3 350 mg/Nm 3 1 50 mg/Nm () "U () OJ (b) Standard for sulphur dioxide control (through stack height) Boiler size Stack height Less than 200 MW H 200 MW to Jess than 500 MW 220 metres 500 MW and more Q H = = = J 4 (Q) 03 .• 275 metres � ("') "'O ("') O" CD :J < (/) :J ("') Emission Ji.mits 150 gm/Nm 3 Coke oven Blast furnace during oxygen lancing () - Standard for particulate matter during normal operation (j) ...., IRON &: STEEL Steel making < CD Stack height in metres. Sintering plant m z CD :J ....... Sulphur Dioxide emission in kg/hr. Process 3 3 i50 mg/Nm 3 400 mg/Nm :J - - 3 4. FERTILIZER (Urea) Standard for particulate matter emission Emission limit Process 50 mg/Nm Pri11ing T,awer 5. 3 NITRIC ACID Standard for oxides of nitrogen, NO 3 kg of NO x x per tonne of weak acid (before concentration) produced () "U () OJ m z < 6. SULPHURIC ACID (j) Standard for sulphur dioxide and acid mist emission CD :J ....... () ...., CD - Process Single conversion single absorption Double conversion double absorption Sulphur dioxide emission Acid mist emission � 1 0 kg/tonne of concen­ trated (100%Y acid produced 3 50 mg/Nm 4 kg/tonne of concen­ trated (1 00%) acid produced 50 mg/Nm 3 (") "'O (") O'" CD :J < (/) :J (") :J - - 4 CEMENT Sources of Emission Generally particulates are emitted from the following sources ; i. Rotary Kiln (Dry, Wet or Semi-Dry). 11. Raw Mill, Clinker Cooler. iii. Finish Grinding. iv. Packaging, .:)torage (Silos). Besides emission is also associated with pulverisation of coal. The control of particulate r m the last three sources, namely, finish grinding, packaging and storage is usually practiced in India ( Refer Annexure -1) at the highest possible level because of the urge for saving the products and raw material both in old and obviously new plants. Furthermore, it is easier () "U () OJ m z < (j) () to control from these three sources because of conditions of opera tion. CD :J ....... But in case of the rotary kiln the control of emission is difficult because CD of elevated flue gas temperature and the presence of carbon monoxide. Due to technological limitations, most of the countries had to provide higher allocation of emission load to th� rotary kiln when all the above 4 sources are considered together. To site this the Canadian example is used, where the controlled emission in terms of daily quantum are as furnished in Table I. Table l Emission Guidelines for Cement Plants (Canada) New Plants Guidelines Existing plants 0.9 1.6 Clinker Cooler 0.6 0.6 F. inish 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 All others � ("') "'O ("') O'" CD :J < (/) :J ("') :J Kiln Grinding - - (lb/2000 lb of Cement) Source ...., - 5 - It may be seen that about 50 percent of total quantum of emission is permitted from the rotary kiln after approoriate control. Data provided in Table 2 suggest that about 3 to 4% of product 1s emitted when no control equipment is ·in position. If the industry tries to reduce this emission to 0.05 percent of product then the efficiency of control ranges between 98.3 to 98.8 percent, which must be within the technological capa­ bility of the country. Table 2 : Operation Characteristics oJ Rotary Kilns Unit 2 Unit l 3 Flow rate 1 000 Nm /hr Dust cone. gm/Nm (without control 3 Dust emitted tonnes/day (without control) Production tonnes/day Percent of product emitted NO TE Unit 3 () "U () OJ m z < 84 90 98 (j) () 22.4 3.65 35.60 CD :J ....... ...., CD - 7.88 - 45. l 600 1 000 l.3 1 4.5 8 3.9 1 500 5.6 It may be taken that approximately 3 to 4% of product is the emission (uncontrolled) from rotary kiln. � ("') '"O ("') 0CD :J < (/) :J ("') :J - The control devices associated with the rotary kiln should be capable of attaining an efficiency exceeding 99 percent. Hence the efficiency ranges prescribed here as 98.3 to 98.8 percent is quite conservative, and it is, there­ fore, expected that rotary kiln should not emit more than 0.05 percent of product after installing control devices. The corresponding concentration of emission is given in Table 3 for the 3 units. 3 between 1 40 to 320 mg/Nm • The concentrations range - 6 ·Table 3 : Emission Concentration in mg/Nm Production (P) J 00 tonnes/day (tpq) 3 FJow rate (Q) 1 000 Nm /hr 3 Emission concentration (C) mg/Nm 3 C (mg/Nm ) = = = = 3 Unit l Unit 2 Unit 3 6 JO 15 90 84 98 1 39 248 31 8 () "U () OJ 2080 (P/Q) arrived at as below 0.05 x p x lo? m_g/day 3 3 Q x J 0 x 24 Nm /day 0.05 6 x 10 24 x .Q x p = m z < 50000 x p 24 x Q (j) () CD :J ..... 2080 p Q ..., CD - Recommendation For rotary kiln the daily quantum of emission .ts to be computed on the basis of 0.05 tonne per tonne of cement l?�oduced. The average concentrations to be maintained by the industry may be computed on the basis· of the air . 3 flow rate, expressed in N m /hr maintained in the kiln. It is also expected that emissions from cement plants of capacity less . that 200 tpd would be comparatively lesser than a large cement plant. Also keeping in view that , certain areas would haxe to environmentally protected because it is already . , · polluted or is a sensitive area, the fo!Jowing standards are adopted : Capacity Protected area tpd and less 3 250 mg/Nm Greater than 200 tpd 150 mg/Nm 200 3 Other area � ("') "'O ("') O"' CD :J < (/) :J ("') :J - - 7 - The concentration should not exceed under normal operation. The standards shall apply to rotary kiln, raw mill, packaging, storage (silos) and finish grind­ ing. Mui ticyclone shall be fitted to clinker cooler. Emission limits from pulverisation of coal are not prescribed for the present. () "U () OJ m z < (j) () CD :J ....... ...., CD - � ("') "'O ("') O'" CD :J < (/) :J ("') :J - ANNEXURE LIST OF EXISTING CONTROL EQUIPMENT I IN SOME CEMENT PLANTS Cement Plant Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 1. Year of 1970 1972 1977 1980 198 2 1981 1982 1981 Commissioning - Unit 9 Trial run started m z < (/) () CD :::l ....... ..., CD 2. Crusher Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone () ""U 3. Raw Mill () Bag type dust ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP Multi- Multi Multi- Multi- Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone ESP collector 4. Rotary Kiln 5. Coal mill 6. Cement mill Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone Bag Bag Bag Filter Filter Filter Cyclone ESP ESP ESP ESP Cyclone Bag ESP Cyclone ESP Collec- �� 0 "O () O'" CD :::l < c;;· :::l 9 :::l "-"" tors ESP 7. Packing plant Cyclone OJ ,...... Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Filter Filter Filter Filter Filter Filter Filter Filter Filter - 9 THERMAL POWER For the present, control equipment will be required to limit the particulate matter emission. in thermal power stations For keeping the sulph\Jr dioxide level in the ambient within the air quality standards, the method required shall be by maintaining a minimum stack height. Basis 1. Separate limits have bee ' n laid down for each of the following categories of boilers : () "U () OJ Category Description less than 200 MW (a) m z 200 MW and above (b) (j) < () It is considered that category (a) will comprise mainly captive power CD :J ....... plants of industries, and existing thermal power plants (Utilities) oper­ CD ated by State Electiricity Boards. Category (b) will comprise large thermal power stations operated by Central Agencies. 2. The limits would also vary depending upon the ash content of coal Emission factors for different types of boilers are furnished used. in Table 2.1 . Table 2.1 Emission Factors for Large Industries Boilers Particulates kg/t of coal burned Sulphur dioxide kg/t of coal burned Pulverised Central 8.0 (A) 19 (S) wet bottom 5.5 ( A) 1 9 (S) Dry bottom cyclone 8.5 (A) 1 9 (S) spreader stoker 1 .0 (A) 19 (S) 6.5 (A) 1 9 (S) A S = = Percent Ash content of coal Percent Sulphur content of coal - � (") "'O (") O'" CD :J < (/) :J (") :J - (EP A: AP -42) Type ...., l0 - - Sampling conducted at a recently commissioned 200 Power Station showed that 99.78% MW Thermal removal of particulate matter can be achieved with ESPs of latest indigenous design. The details are provided in Table 2.2. Table 2.2 : Electrostatic Precipitator Efficiency Type A B c 1 5.5 l 20.95 21 .29 3 Outlet concentration of dust mg/Nm. 30.6 46.7 44.6 Efficiency % 99.75 99.70 99.79 Inlet concentration of dust gm/Nm 3 () "U () OJ m z < Source : Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) (j) () ln developing the standards it is considered that category (b) plaAts must install ESPs to achieve 99.78% removal as demonstrated at the 3 above plant. A standard of 1 50 mg/Nm is proposed in these cases. 3.(a) In addition to the size of the boilers, qualified above, additional consi­ deration should be given to its age and its location. The age is impor­ tant fr:om the point of view of the cost-benefit aspect and the location from its en"4ironmental impact. 3.(b) BHEL came out with ·their improved ESP design in 1 979. Therefore, all plants commissioned after 31 st December, 1 979 are being classified as new plants. Even if the boiler has been installed prior to 1 979, the plant will be· classified as new, in this standard, if the ESP has been installed after December, 1 979. New plants should meet an 3 emission level of 350 mg/Nm (equivalent to about 99.4% collection efficiency). This is more relaxed than the standard for boilers greater than 200 MW because the emission load from the smaller boilers will 3 be less. Further, for older plants, a standards of 600 mg/N m is proposed because these plants may have constraints on both funds Finally in areas where the environmental quality has to be protected 3 a standard of 1 50 mg/Nm is being adopted. CD :J ....... ...., CD - � ("') "'O ("') O'" CD :J < (/) :J ("') :J - 4. 11 - The· standards adopted for the Thermal Power Plants are : New (after 1979) Old Boiler size Less than 200 MW 600 mg/Nm 200 MW and above 3 350 mg/Nm 150 mg/Nm Protected area 3 150 mg/Nm 3 150 mg/Nm 3 3 Stade Height Requirement for Sulphurdioxide Control To maintain a healthy ambient air quality the stack height for boilers should be as follows () "U () OJ m z < Boiler size Stack height 200 MW and More to Less than 500 .MW 220 Metres () 500 MW and More 275 Metres CD Less than 200 MW Q H = = H = 14 (Q) (j) CD :J ....... ...., - 0. 3 � ("') "'O ("') Sulphur dioxide emission in kg/hr O'" CD :J < (/) :J ("') Stack height in metres Flue Gas Desulphurization No s.tandards for sulphur dioxide emission is being prescribed, the control being effected through the height of the stack. For plants having boilers of 500 MW and more, necessary space has to be provided for installing flue gas desulphurization device, should there be requirement in the future. a :J - - 12 - INTEGRATED IRON AND STEEL l. Sources of emissions The sources of pollutant emissions are : i. Sintering ii. Coke Oven rn. Blast furnace iv. S teel making (oxygen lancing) There will also be emissions from captive power plant and coal handling 2. operations which are not considered here. m z Sintering plant (j) From the sintering plant, dust emission is expected to be 2.5 percen t CD :J ....... of product. < () A survey of the s teel plants in the country reveals that flue gas collection system in the sintering plants are such that it is not possible to correctly measure the flow rate and the dus t concen­ tration. No data otherwise is available to estimate the raw emission in terms of concen tration. In the absence of any monitoring data it• is considered that we will have to go by the achiev$ibility of venturi scrubber, bag filter or ESP, preceded by cyclones if necessary, in which case it is possible to achieve 3 an outle t emission of 150 mg/Nm . Therefore the emission limit 3 for sintering plant is adopted as 150 rng/Nm . 3. () "U () OJ Coke Oven In the coke oven, process coal is heated in a battery to drive away the organic matter and other impurities to obtain coke. Heat source is coal or gas. About 60% of the total coke plant parti­ culate emissions are accounted. for b'y coke oven charging and about 30% by discharging (WHO: ESP/8 3.49). Attempt should be made to ...., CD - � ("') "'O ("') O'" CD :J < (/) :J ("') :J - - 13 - control emissions both from coke oven charging as well as from dis­ charging. No limit is proposed for the coke oven section. 4. Blast furnace The top gas from the furnace which contains significant concentration of particulates, after necessary cleaning, is used as a source of energy in all the steel plants. Tapping is also a source of particulate emission which may be required to be controlled. Considering the amount of emission from the Blast furnace, no limit is proposed. 5. Steel making process with oxygen lancing The emission from this section would be normally high only during oxygen lancing. temperature. The gas would contain iron particles and be of high In view of the above, high energy venturi scrubber or bag filter is the recommended control equipment. is noted that ESP can also be used. However, it In the absence of any monitoring data, a limit is adopted based on achievability. During non-lancing 3 period the emission can be controlled to 150 mg/N m or so, the figure 3 of 400 mg/Nm is adopted to take care of the lancing period. 6. The following standards are adopted : Process i. Sintering P iant 11. Coke Oven iii. Blast Furnace l v. Steel Making a. During l\lormal Operation b. During Oxygen Lancing Emission limit for particuJa te matter J 50 mg/Nm 150 mg/Nm 400 mg/Nm 3 3 3 () "U () OJ m z < (j) () CD ::J ....... ...., CD - � ("') "'O ("') O'" CD ::J < (/) ::J ("') - 14 - FERTILIZER (UREA) 1. Background There are a number of nitrogenous, phosphatic and complex fertilizer . manufacturing plants in the country. sulphuric acid and nitric acid Some of the plants have captive (intermediates) manufacturing units; the emission limits for these units will be as per those developed separately for the respective acid plants. Emission limits for fluoride in case of phosphatic fertilizer plants is under preparation. nitrogenous fertilizers calcium ammonium are nitrate, ammonium sulphate, The various ammonium nitrate, ammonium chloride and urea. () OJ manufacturing urea are taken up for the present. 2. () Plants "U m z Source of emission < (j) The source ·-of emission of particulate matter urea dust from the urea () CD plants is the prilling tower. Prilling tower use cooling air for the urea � ...., prills and are mostly discharged from the top. In this process, the CD - molten urea is sprayed from the top of the prilling tower and the cold air flows counter current, which picks up fine particles of alongwith moisture. urea The size of the particles range from 2 to 200 0CD ::J < (/) ::J mJCrons. 3. Emission limits 3 The air flow rate through the prilling tower is 400 - 500 m /hr per tpd (tonne per day) of urea (Fertilizer Association, India). The dust 3 content of exhaust air could be around 300 - 500 mg/N m . In order to arrest these particles a scrubber followed by a demister should be provided. � ("') '"O ("') The expected efficiency of removal is around 90%. Therefore the limit for particulate emission urea dust through the vent of the prilling tower adopted as : Process Emission limit for particulate matter Prilling Tower 50 mg/Nm 3 : - - 15 NITRIC ACID I • Background The ammonia oxidation processes account for 90% of the nitric acid production in the country. The processes are divided into four basic steps : Oxidation of NH 3 to NO Oxidation of NO to N0 Absorption of N0 2 () "U () IJJ in water Concentration of HN0 2. 2 3 m z Sources of emission < The main source of emission is the spent (tail) gas from the absorption tower in which N0 nitric acid. is absorbed in water to produce weak (50%-70%) 2 The pollutants are primarily nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide and trace amounts of nitric acid mist. The spent gas after energy recovery and acid mist removal is normally emitted through a stack. The uncontrolled emission is estimated to be 25 to 27.5 kg of i'Y.O / tonne of weak HN0 produced. (EPA:AP-42, Part A). As per data 3 reported by an Indian plant the uncontrolled emission level 1s in the range of 2000-4000 pp rn. In general, the quantity of NO emission is directly related to the x kinetics of the nitric acid formation reaction. The specific operating variables that increase tail gas NO I. insufficient air supply, x emission are which results in incomplete oxidation of NO 2. low pressure in the abosorber 3. high temperature in the cooler-condenser and absorber 4. production of an excessively high-strength acid and (j) () CD :J ....... ...., CD - � ("') "'O ("') O'" CD :J < (/) :J ("') :J - 16 5. operation at high throughput rates, which results in decreased residence time in the absorber. There will also be emission from the tower in which concentration of the weak acid 1s carried out and is estimated at 0.1 to 2.5 kg/tonne (EPA: AP-42, Part A). 3. Control of Emission The stack gas before release to the atmosphere can be treated by a catalytic combuster or on an alkaline scrubber. In the catalytic combustor tail gases are heated to ignition temperature, mixed with fuel (natural gas, hydrogen, or a rnixture of both), and passed over a catalyst. The reactions that occur result in the successive reduction () "U () OJ m z < to NO. The extent of reduction of N0 to NO in the combustor 2 2 is, in turn, a function of plant design, type of fuel used, combustion (j) temperature and pressure, space velocity through the combustor, type CD :J of N0 and amount of catalyst used and reactant concentrations. () ....... ...., CD - The expected efficiencies of control in the case of catalytic combustor are as follows (EPA: AP-42) Control efficiency Type of fuel 78.97 Natural gas 97 - 99.8 Hydrogen � ("') "'O ("') O"' CD :J < (/) :J ("') :J - 75% Hydrogen + 25% Natural gas The other method of NO x removal is by scrubbing. 98 - 98.5 As per data reported by an Indian plant, from an inlet concentration of 2000-4000 ppm, NO x can be reduced to about 300 ppm, providing an efficiency of about 90%. 4. Emission standard Considering 90% as the achievable control, an emission limit of 3 kg NO /tonne of weak acid produced (before concentration) averaged x ovt. a 2 - hour period, is adopted. ,· 17 - No limits for acid mist is envisaged because it is considered as insig­ nificant. The standard is as follows : NO x emission from Nitric Acid Plant 3 kg of NO x per tonne of weak acid (before concentration) produced () "U () OJ m z < (j) () CD :J ....... ...., CD - � ("') "'O ("') O'" CD :J < (/) :J ("') :J - - 18 - SUL PHURIC ACID l. Background Sulphuric acid is produced mainly by the Contact Process. This involves the catalytic conversion of sulphur dioxide, produced by burning sulphur, into sulphur trioxide, which is then absorbed in strong sulphuric acid. 2. Source of Emission Pollutants emitted from the plants are so2 , so and acid mist. Nearly 3 all sulphur dioxide emission from sulphuric acid plants are found in the exit gases of the so converter. The amuunt of so2 emitted 2 to so 3 is inversely proportional to the conversion efficiency. The conversion () "U () OJ m z is affected by the following : < i. number of stages in the catalytic converter ii. the amount of catalyst used iii. the temperature and pressure and 1v. the concentration of reactants (502 and 02). CJ) () CD :J ....... .., CD Uncontrolled , em1ss1on for var10us conversion efficiencies are furnished in Table l. Table l : Conversion Efficiency and Sulphur Dioxide Emission Conversion of so2 emission, Kg/ MT of l 00% H 2so produced 4 2 l 93 48.0 94 41 .0 95 35.0 96 27.0 97 29.5 98 1 3.0 99 7.0 99.5 3.5 99.7 2.0 1 00 (Source: EPA: AP-42) oo.o 19 - In addition to exit gases, small quantities of sulphur oxides are also emitted from storage tank vents, loading operation, sulphuric acid concentrarbrs and through leaks. 3. Emission limits Recent monitoring carried out by the Central Board at two plants one double absorption and the other single, is furnished in Table 2. Table 2: Sulphur Dioxide and Acid Mist Emission from Sulphuric Acid P !ants Type of plant and capacity, tpd so emission 2 Quantum Concen:ration mg/m3 Kg/t of H So 2 4 Acid mist Quantum Concentration () "U () OJ m z < (j) Single* absorption 100 25 1775 29 860 () CD :J ....... ...., CD Double absorption 300 7 1 250 12 1400 at l 00°c * with mist eliminator In both the plants the so emiss10ns are uncontrolled. From the emis­ 2 s10n data and conversion efficiencies (Table 1) it may be presumed that 99% and 96.5% conversion efficiencies are achieved in double and single absorption processes, respectively. But the double absorption process is expected to achieve 99.7% conversion, the corresponding so emission being 2 kg/tonne of H 5o (1 00%). Adopting 99.4% 2 2 4 as the stable average efficiency, an emission limit of 4 kg/tonne of H so averaged over 2 hour, in case of double con tac t double absorption 2 4 process. Plants having single absorption process are required to reduce 50 emission 2 for instance, by absorption in sodium sulphite or bisulphite and recycling the same. A limit of 1 0 kg/tonne of H so ( 100%) averaged over 2 4 2 hours is suggested as the limit for 50 em1ss10n for these plants. 2 - � ("') "'O ("') O'" CD :J < (/) :J ("') :J - - 2 0 - A mist eliminator can achieve 97.5% acid mist removal. Thus an 3 outlet concentration of 50 mg/Nm can be achieved with an inlet 3 concentration of 14-00 mg/Nm of acid mist. The following standards are adopted : Process l. Sulphur dioxide em i s sion Single conversion 10 Single absorption 100% H2so4 kg/tonne of Acid mist emission 50 50 mg/Nm 3 3 mg/Nm () "U () OJ produced 2 . Double conversion 4 Double absorption 100% H2 so4 kg/tonne of produced 50 mg/Nm 3 m z < (j) () CD :J ...... ..., CD - � ("') "'O ("') O" CD :J < (/) :J ("') :J - - 21 1. 2. GUIDELINES FOR MINI MU M STACK. HEIGHT Plant Type Stack Height For all plants except Thermal Power Plant 30 m For plants where the sulphur dioxide emission is estimated as Q(kg/hr) the stack height, H in metres is given by H 3. = 03 14 (Q) . For plant� where the particulate matter emission 1s estimated as Q (tonnes/hr) the stack heigt1t, H in metres is given by H = 74 (Q) 0.27 () "U () OJ m z < (j) () 4. If by using the formula given m 2 or 3 above, the stack height arrived at, is more than 30 m then this higher stack height should be used. In no case should the height of the stack be less than 30 m. CD :J ....... ...., CD - � (") "'O (") O'" CD :J < (/) :J (") :J - CENTRAL BOARD'S PUBLICATIONS COMPREHENSIVE INDUSTRY DOCUMENT SERIES: COINDS Pri= 2. 3. 4 5 6 7. Comprehensive Industry Document Mon Mode Fibre Industry. (Comprehensive Industry Document Senee: COINDS! l/1979-80) Mmimol Notionol Stondorde Mon Mode Fibre Industry. (Comprehensive Industry Document Series: COINDS/211979-80). Comprehensive Industry Document Oil Refinenee. (Comprehensive Industry Document Serie•: COINDS/311981·82). M1mmol Notional Stondo?"de Oil Refineries. (Comprehensive lnduetiy Document Series: COINDS/4/1981-82). Comp:ehensive Industry Document Chlor-Alkoli IAbrtd9ed) Industry. (Comprehensive [nduetry Document Series; COINDS/5/1979-80). Minimal Notional Standa.tcle Couetic Soda Industry (Comprehensive Industry Document Series: COINDS/611979-80) Comprehensive Industry Document Khondaori (SuQor) Industry (Comprehensive Industry Document Seriee: COINDS/7/1980-81). 8 Mintmol Notional, SuQor Jnduetry. iCom:>reheneive !ndueb-y Document Seriee: COINDS/911980-Bll. 9 Comprehensive Industry Document Fermentction (Molt�riea. Breveriee ond Dietillenee) Industry. (Comprehen6lve Industry Document Seri.,.: COINDS/10/1981-82). Re. 100/. Ra. 40/- Ra 100/Ra. 40/. Ra SQ/. Re. 40/. Ra. 401· Ra. SQ/. m z CONTROL OF URBAN POLLUTION SERIES: CUPS l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Union Temtory of Delhi (Abnd9ed) (Control ol Urbon Pollution Senee: CUPS/l/1978-79). U mon Temtory ol Delhi IDetoiled). iControl of Urban Pollution Senea: CUPS/2/1978-79). < Ra. 40/- Ra BO/. Ra. 40/. lnduetiial Survey Union Temtory of Delhi (Control ol Urban Pollutton Series: CUPS/3/1978-79) Waeter Water Collection Treatment & Diepoeol in Clop I Cttieo. (Control ol Urban Pollution Series: CUPS/4/1978-79). Statue of Water Supply a.nd Wastewater Collection Treatment & Diapoa<1l m Close II Towne of India (Control ol Urban Pollution Senee: CUPS/6/1979.80). U.T. ol ChondrQarh. Preliminary Report (Control ol Urban Pollution Series: CUPS/811981-82). Inventory & Aeeeument of Pollution Emieelon In dnd Arourd Aora-Mathurn Re91on iAbridQed) (Control of Urban Pollution Setiee: CUPS/7/1981-82). Ra. 100/. !l-- 100/. Ra SOI· Ra SO/. Ra. 40/· Ra. 40/· ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDY OF RIVER BASIN SERIES: ADSORBS L 2. 3 4. 5 6. Umon Territory of Daman, Dadra and NaQ1n Haveli (AbridQed). (Aeeeeement ond Development Study ol River Baein Sertea: ADSORBS/111978-79). Scheme for ZoninQ and C1a1aificotion of Indian Rivera Eetuariee tmd Coaetdl Wdtera (Pt One: Sweet Water). (Aeeeeement and Development Study ol River Baein Serieo; ADSORBS/31197 8-79). Bosin eub-Boein Inventory of Water Pollution: The GdnQa Basin Pt 1-Yomund sub-basin (Aeeeoement ond Development Study of River Baein Series: ADSORBS/3/1980-81). Comprehensive Pollution Survey end Studiee ol GanQa River Boein in Weat BenQdl. IAeeeeement and Developntent Study ol River Series: ADSORBS/4/1980-81). Union Territory ol Goo. Doman & Diu (Dietl Goo) AbridQed. IAeseeement ond Development Study ol River Boain Series: ADSORBS/5/1982-83). Stream Water Ouality m Ma1or Rivers'" Gujarat DurinQ Biennium 1979-81 (Aeeeeement and Development Study ol River Boein Series. ADSORBS/6/1981-82). Ra. 100/. Ra. 200/. 0rQcniaation dnd Activitiee of State Water Pollution Control Boards. 2. (ProQromme Objective Series: PROBES/3/1978-79). Industrial Eetote PlonntnQ: (ProQramme Objective Series; PROBES/411979-80). 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 Epieodal Pollution A Coee Study Union Teriitory of Goo . (Proqromme Obiective Series: PROBES/511979-80). PJ'OC'eedinqe of the Workshop on Biolcq1cal lndicatore and Indices on Environmental Pollution. iPro9romme Obiective Senee: PROBES/6/1980-81). Ocean-Outlall for Pondicherry Papers Ltd. A Coee Study Union Territory of Pond1cheny. (ProQramme Objective Series: PROBES/711982-83). Initial Evaluation-Oil DrillinQ & Group GathetinQ Stdtion. iProQromme Objective Series: PROBES/8/!'981-82). Simple Guide Code ol Procilice for better Houee-KeepmQ and Pollution Control in ElectroplatinQ Industry (EnQlieh/Hindl) (ProQramme Objective Series: PROBES/911981-82). (j) () CD :J ....... ...., CD - � ("') "'O ("') O'" CD :J < (/) :J ("') :J - PROGRAMME OBlECrIVE SERIES: PROBES 1. () "U () OJ Not !or &le Ra. 100/Ra. 151· Ra 65/· Ra 301· Ra. S/. CENTRAL BOARD FOR THE PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF WATER POLLUTION STH & 6TH FLOORS, SKYLARK BUILDING, 60 NEHRU PLACE, NEW DELHI-19