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Crime Prediction Models & Accuracy Measures

June 2020
Considerations for developing predictive models of crime and new
methods for measuring their accuracy.
Authors: Chaitanya Joshi1,2, Clayton D’Ath2, Sophie Curtis-Ham3 and Dean Searle4.
Developing spatio-temporal crime prediction models, and to a lesser extent, developing measures of
accuracy and operational efficiency for them, has been an active area of research for almost two
decades. Despite calls for rigorous and independent evaluations of model performance, such studies
have been few and far between. In this paper, we argue that studies should focus not on finding the
one predictive model or the one measure that is the most appropriate at all times, but instead on
careful consideration of several factors that affect the choice of the model and the choice of the
measure, to find the best measure and the best model for the problem at hand. We argue that because
each problem is unique, it is important to develop measures that empower the practitioner with the
ability to input the choices and preferences that are most appropriate for the problem at hand. We
develop a new measure called the penalized predictive accuracy index (PPAI) which imparts such
flexibility. We also propose the use of the expected utility function to combine multiple measures in
a way that is appropriate for a given problem in order to assess the models against multiple criteria.
We further propose the use of the average logarithmic score (ALS) measure that is appropriate for
many crime models and measures accuracy differently than existing measures. These measures can
be used alongside existing measures to provide a more comprehensive means of assessing the
accuracy and potential utility of spatio-temporal crime prediction models.
1. Introduction
Crime prevention is key to reducing crime. One crime prevention strategy is to pre-empt crime and
use targeted policing and other measures to prevent it from occurring. The success of this strategy
partially rests on how accurately one can predict the time and location of a particular crime before it
happens. Such prediction should be possible, in principle, given relevant information (e.g., the location
and date/time of past crime, and the socio-demographic or environmental factors that are likely to
stimulate crime). However, crime is a dynamic and evolving process complexly related to a wide array
of factors, many of which are also dynamic and evolving. While numerous statistical models have been
built in the last two decades to predict crime with varying degrees of success, evidence of a rigorous
model building process has not necessarily been demonstrated in each instance. Any predictions need
to satisfy operational constraints so that they can be acted on. Otherwise, a model which may look
good on paper could turn out to be ineffective in practice. As a result, building crime models which
predict crime with a great degree of accuracy and are of practical use remains an ongoing research
problem (Lee et al. 2020, Santos 2019, Ratcliffe 2019).
Another important issue is how to accurately measure the accuracy of a crime model. Statistical
theory contains many standard measures to assess model fit and the predictive accuracy. While some
of these measures have been employed in the crime science literature, new predictive accuracy
measures have also been developed specifically for crime models. However, some of these measures
may have drawbacks and there is, as yet, no consensus on which accuracy measures are the most
appropriate for a crime model.
New Zealand Institute for Security and Crime Science, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Evidence Based Policing Centre, New Zealand Police, Wellington, New Zealand.
Waikato District, New Zealand Police, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Joshi, D’Ath, Curtis-Ham, Searle
The aims of this paper are first, to discuss the strengths and limitations of existing accuracy measures
and propose new measures and second, to highlight some additional challenges and key
considerations involved in developing and assessing predictive crime models. The structure of the
paper is as follows. Section 2 reviews existing predictive crime model approaches and measures of
accuracy proposed so far in the crime science literature. Section 3 proposes two new measures of
accuracy for crime models, namely, the penalized predictive accuracy index (PPAI) and the average
logarithmic score (ALS). In Section 4, we propose the use of the expected utility function to combine
multiple measures. Section 5 discusses some additional considerations involved in building and testing
predictive crime models. Finally in Section 6, we conclude by highlighting our key points and
implications for future research and practice.
2. Predictive Crime Models and Measures – a review
We first review some of the important crime prediction models developed so far and then the
measures of predictive accuracy or operational efficiency that have been used in the crime literature.
2.1 A Brief Review of Crime Prediction Models
A large number of different crime models have been developed over time. It is not possible to include
all of them in a brief review and more comprehensive reviews exist (e.g., Kounadi et al., 2020). Here,
we aim to highlight models that exemplify some of the important types of models that have been
Early approaches were primarily based on time series analysis and attempted to study how crime
rates, as well factors which could influence crime (e.g. unemployment rates, drug use, deterrence,
legislative changes) evolved over time, in order to explain the level of crime (e.g. Adams-Fuller, 2001;
Cantor & Land, 1985; Corman & Mocan, 2000; Sridharan et al., 2003). Such models have limited utility
as predictive models because the causal structure is often weak or partially incorrect (Greenberg,
2001) and because they make community level predictions which may not be as actionable as models
which make space and time specific predictions.
The terms retrospective and prospective have been used to classify the crime models (Johnson, et al.,
2007; Caplan, et al., 2011). While such classification has no formal statistical meaning, the terminology
is useful to distinguish the models based on the predictive rationale used.
Retrospective models use past crime data to predict future crime. These include hotspot based
approaches which assume that yesterday’s hotspots are also the hotspots for tomorrow. This
assumption has empirical justification: research has shown that while hot spots may flare up and cool
down over relatively short periods of times, they tend to occur in the same places over time (Spelman,
1995). Hotspot models have typically been spatial models only, not explicitly accounting for temporal
variations (e.g. Adams-Fuller, 2001), so seasonal or cyclical patterns could be missed. Retrospective
time series models have also been proposed (e.g., Gorr & Olligschlaeger, 2001; Gorr, et al.,2002), and
while the more complex of these methods are able to capture various patterns in crime over time,
they also increasingly become less user friendly and have to be aggregated to a community level (Groff
& La Vigne, 2002), limiting their use for informing patrol patterns.
Prospective models use not just past data, but attempt to understand the root causes of crime and
build a mathematical relationship between the causes and the levels of crime. Prospective models are
based on criminological theories and model the likely prospect of crime based on the underlying
causes. It is therefore expected that these models may be more meaningful and provide predictions
that are more ‘enduring’ (Caplan et al., 2011). Prospective models developed so far are based on
either socio-economic factors (e.g., RTM by Caplan et al., 2011) or the near-repeat phenomenon (e.g.,
Joshi, D’Ath, Curtis-Ham, Searle
Promap by Johnson et al., 2007; PredPol by Mohler et al., 2011). The near-repeat refers to the widely
observed phenomenon (especially in relation to crimes such as burglary), where a property or the
neighbouring properties or places are targeted again shortly after the first crime incident (Johnson,
Employing a near repeat approach, Johnson et al. (2009) modelled the near repeat phenomenon (i.e.,
for how far and for how long is there an increased risk of crime) and produced a predictive model
named Promap. Mohler et al. (2011) modelled the near repeat phenomenon using self-exciting point
processes which have earlier been used to predict earthquake aftershocks. This model is available in
a software package PredPol. While these two models consider the near repeat phenomenon, they do
not consider longer term historical data, taking into account the overarching spatial and temporal
patterns. They also do not take into account the socio-demographic factors which can result in crime,
and long term changing dynamics in suburbs/communities.
In contrast, Risk Terrain Modelling (RTM), developed by Caplan et al. (2011) combines a number of
socio-demographic and environmental factors using a regression based model to predict the likelihood
of crime in each grid cell. However, this model does not consider historical crime data, thus may not
accurately capture the overarching spatial and temporal patterns in crime. It also does not take near
repeats into account and thus does not consider short term risks at specific locations. Recent research
has demonstrated that RTM can be less accurate than Machine Learning methods that better model
the complexity of interactions between input variables, such as Random Forest (Wheeler & Steenbeek,
Ratcliffe et al. (2016) argue that a model which includes both the short term (near repeat) as well as
long term (socio-demographic factors and past crime data) components has a superior ‘parsimony and
accuracy’ compared to models which only include one of those. While this argument is logical, their
assertion is based on comparing models using their BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion) values. While
BIC is a standard statistical measure to compare models, it measures how well a given model ‘fits’ or
‘explains’ the data (e.g., Dobson & Barnett, 2004) and does not directly measure the predictive
accuracy (e.g., Shmueli 2010). As discussed in Section 3, BIC is not the most appropriate measure to
find the model with the best predictive accuracy. Therefore the assertion made by Ratcliffe et al.
(2016) still remains to be verified.
In recent years several attempts have been made to build predictive crime models using artificial
neural networks based machine learning algorithms (Rummens et al., 2017; Tumulak & Espinosa,
2017; Wang et al., 2017; Chun et al., 2019). Each of these studies report encouraging results indicating
that neural network based models could play an important role in predicting crime in the future.
Neural networks are often considered as ‘black box’ models and a common criticism of such models
is that they cannot explain causal relationships. Thus, while a neural network model may be able to
predict crime with good accuracy it may not be able to highlight the underlying causal factors and
could lack transparency in how it works.
Lee et al. (2020) argued that transparency in exactly how an algorithm works is just as important a
criterion as predictive accuracy and operational efficiency. They point out that many of the available
crime models are complex, proprietary and lack transparency. They propose a new Excel based
algorithm that is fully transparent and editable. It combines the principal of population heterogeneity
in the space-crime context with the principal of state dependency (repeat victimization). The authors
claim their algorithm outperforms existing crime models on operational efficiency, but not on
accuracy. However, they do point to further improvements that could potentially lead to better
Joshi, D’Ath, Curtis-Ham, Searle
While individual authors have argued about the strengths of their respective methods, there have
been little in terms of independent comparative evaluations. Perry et al. (2013) and Uchida (2014)
concluded that statistical techniques used in predictive crime analytics are largely untested and are
yet to be evaluated rigorously and independently. Moses and Chan (2016) reviewed the assumptions
made while using predictive crime models and issues regarding their evaluations and accountability.
They concluded by emphasizing on the need to develop better understanding, testing and governance
of predictive crime models. Similarly, Meijer and Wessels (2019) concluded that the current thrust of
predictive policing initiatives is based on convincing arguments and anecdotal evidence rather than
on systematic empirical research, and call for independent tests to assess the benefits and the
drawbacks of predictive policing models. Most recently, Kounadi et al. (2020) conducted a sytematic
review of spatial crime models, and concluded that studies often lack a clear reporting of study
experiments, feature engineering procedures, and use inconsistent terminology to address similar
problems. The findings of a recent randomized experiment (Ratcliffe et al., 2020) suggested that use
of predictive policing software can reduce certain types of crime but also highlighted the challenges
of estimating and preventing crime in small areas. Collectively, these studies support the need for a
robust, comprehensive and independent evaluation of predictive crime models.
2.2 Measures for Comparing Crime Models
Being able to identify superior predictive models is central to the goals of predictive through focusing
preventive efforts where crime is forecast to occur. Note that a model will be superior subject to a
given data and a given set of criteria. It will not be possible to claim superiority over all possible
datasets and all possible criteria.
Crime science research has employed both the standard statistical measures as well as measures
developed specifically for predictive crime models. There is, however, little consensus as to how to
best measure, and compare, the performance of predictive models (Adepeju et al., 2016). Here we
provide a brief review of some of these measures. It is not an exhaustive review but highlights
measures that exemplify the different types of approaches that have been proposed. Some of these
measures assess the ability of predictive models to accurately predict crime (i.e. whether the
predictions come true) while others assess their ability to yield operationally efficient patrolling
patterns; minimising patrol distance whilst maximising potential prevention gain. Model assessment
is typically based on comparing predictions derived from one time period (or a model derived from a
‘training’ dataset) to observed crimes in a subsequent time period (or an independent ‘test’ dataset),
as distinct from measures of model ‘fit’ to the original data. To account for variability in predictive
accuracy over time, the reported value is often the average value of the measure over several test
time periods. Specifically, because we focus on the measures of predictive accuracy or operational
efficiency, we do not include the measures of model fit, such as the BIC, in this review.
A natural approach to assess the predictive accuracy of a model is by looking at the distribution of
True Positives (TP), False Positives (FP), True Negatives (TN) and False Negatives (FN). Several of the
accuracy measures proposed in the crime literature are indeed based on one or more of these
quantities. This includes the ‘hit rate’ (Bowers et al., 2004; Chainey et al., 2008; Johnson et al., 2009;
Kennedy et al., 2010; Mohler et al., 2011; Hart & Zandbergen, 2012; Perry et al., 2013; Adepeju et al.,
2016; Lee et al., 2017; Rummens et al., 2017) which is the proportion of crimes that were correctly
predicted by the model out of the total number of crimes committed in a given time period
(TP/(TP+FN)), and is typically applied to hotspots identified by the model. Similarly, a measure termed
as ‘precision’ and defined as the proportion of crimes that were correctly predicted by the model out
of the total number of crimes predicted by the model (TP/(TP+FP)) has also been proposed (Brown &
Davis, 2006; Rummens et al., 2017). Finally, a measure termed as ‘predictive accuracy’ (PA) that
Joshi, D’Ath, Curtis-Ham, Searle
measures the proportion of crimes correctly classified out of the total number of crime
((TP+TN)/(TP+FP+TN+FN)) has also been used (Mu et al., 2011, Malik et al., 2014, Araujo et al., 2018).
Note that while the terms used, namely, hit rate, precision and predictive accuracy may appear to be
novel, the measures themselves are well established in statistical literature (e.g., Fawcett (2006)).
Thus, hit rate refers to what is also commonly known as the ‘sensitivity’ of the model, whereas,
precision refers to what is also commonly referred to as the ‘positive predictive value’ or the PPV.
Finally, predictive accuracy refers to what is often referred to as ‘accuracy’ (Fawcett, 2006). A
contingency table approach, which takes into account all four – TP, TN, FP and FN – quantities has also
been used (Gorr & Olligschlaeger, 2002), and statistical tests of association on such contingency tables
have also been applied (Caplan, 2011; Kennedy et al., 2011; Ratcliffe et al., 2016). Rummens et al.,
2017 used receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis that is fairly common in other domains such
as science or medicine (e.g., Brown & Davis, 2006; Fawcett, 2006). ROC analysis plots the hit rate
(sensitivity) against the false positive rate 1-specificity (FP/(TN+FP)) at different thresholds.
A related measure that has been developed and widely used in the crime literature is the predictive
accuracy index (PAI; Chainey et al., 2008; Levine, 2008; Van Patten et al., 2009; Tompson & Townsley,
2010; Hart & Zandbergen, 2012, 2014; Harrell, 2015; Drawve et al., 2016; Adepeju et al., 2016;
Rummens et al., 2017). Hit rate does not take into account the operational efficiency associated with
patrolling the hotspot identified. For example, a large hotspot may have a high hit rate simply because
it accounts for more crime, yet, such a hotspot will have very little practical value in terms of
preventing the crime since it may not be effectively patrolled. PAI overcomes this drawback by scaling
the hit rate using the coverage area. If two hotspots have a similar hit rate, the one which has a smaller
coverage area will have a higher PAI. Thus, PAI factors in both the predictive accuracy as well as the
operational efficiency of the model.
Several other attempts have been made to incorporate operational efficiency into a measure. Bowers
et al. (2004) proposed measures such as the Search Efficiency Rate (SER) which measures the number
of crimes successfully predicted per Km2 and Area-to-Perimeter-Ratio (APR) which measures how
compact the hotspot is and gives higher scores for more compact hotspots. Hotspots may be compact
but if they are evenly dispersed over a wide area then they would still be operationally difficult to
patrol compared to if the hotspots were clumped together, for example. The Clumpiness Index (CI;
Turner, 1989; McGarigal et al., 2012; Adepeju et al., 2016; Lee et al., 2017) attempts to solve this
problem by measuring the dispersion of the hotspots. A model which renders hotspots that are
clustered together will achieve a higher CI score compared to a model which predicts hotspots that
are more dispersed. The Nearest Neighbour Index (NNI; Johnson et al., 2009; Levine, 2010) provides
an alternative approach to measure dispersion based on the nearest neighbour clustering algorithm.
A model that predicts hotspots that change little over consecutive time periods may be operationally
preferred over a model where the predicted hotspots vary more. Measures have been proposed to
measure the variation of the hotspots over time. These include, the Dynamic Variability Index (DVI;
Adepeju et al., 2016) and the Recapture Rate Index (RRI; Levine, 2008; Van Patten et al., 2009; Hart &
Zandbergen, 2012, 2014; Harrell, 2015; Drawve, 2016; Drawve et al., 2016). One advantage of DVI is
that it is straightforward to calculate and does not require specialized software. However, if the actual
crime exhibits spatial variation over time then one would expect a good predictive model to capture
it and hence the DVI would be higher for that model compared to (say) another model that did not
capture this variation, and hence had a lower predictive accuracy. Thus, measures such as DVI need
to be considered in conjunction with the predictive accuracy of the model, and not independently.
Finally, the Complementarity (Caplan et al., 2013; Adepeju et al., 2016) is a visual measure that
Joshi, D’Ath, Curtis-Ham, Searle
measures the number of crimes that were uniquely predicted by a given method using a Venn
Some measures may be arguably superior to others because they account for more aspects of
accuracy. For example, PAI could be considered as superior to the hit rate because it also accounts for
the corresponding hotspot area. But in other cases, the measures measure accuracy differently. For
example, the hit rate measures the sensitivity whereas the precision measures the PPV. Each of them
captures the accuracy in some way- but not the other. In such cases, which measure is more
appropriate depends on the particular application and the subjective opinions of the analysts. Rather
than aiming to find just one measure, we recommend using multiple measures to ensure that all
aspects of accuracy are assessed. Kounadi et al. (2020) also argued in favor of including complimentary
measures. In fact, as we illustrate later in this paper, some measures can be combined in the desired
way using the expected utility function. The model with the highest expected utility can be considered
to be the best model.
The predictive accuracy of a given model will vary over time since the data considered in building the
model and the actual number of crimes that happened during the prediction period will vary with
time. Therefore, in practice, accuracy obtained over time will have to be somehow summarised.
Considering the mean value is important but will not measure the variation in the accuracy observed
over time. Therefore, it is also important to consider the standard deviation of the accuracy as well.
A final issue is to test whether the differences in accuracy (however measured) between models are
statistically significant. Adepeju et al. (2016) employed the Wilcoxon signed-rank test (WSR) to
compare the predictive performance of two different models over a series of time periods. WSR is a
non-parametric hypothesis test that can be applied to crime models under the assumption that the
difference in the predictive accuracy of the two methods is independent of the underlying crime rate.
When comparing multiple models, a correction method such as Bonferroni’s has to be applied to
ensure that the probability of false positives (in relation to whether the difference is significant or not)
is maintained at the desired (usually 5%) level.
3. New Measures for Crime Models
Here we explain a possible limitation of the PAI and propose the use of a new measure (Penalised
PAI: PPAI) that we have developed to address that limitation. We also propose the use of another
measure (Average logarithmic score: ALS) that has recently been used in another domain but that
we believe, could be useful for predictive crime models too.
3.1 Penalised Predictive Accuracy Index (PPAI)
A limitation of PAI is that as long as the model is correctly identifying a hotspot, it will prefer the model
whose hotspot area is smaller simply because of the way PAI is formulated. This drawback is best
illustrated by a simple hypothetical example. Suppose an urban area consists of 15 hotspots which
together account for 42% of the area but 83% of the crime based on historical data. They have been
listed below in decreasing order of their individual PAI (the top hotspots have the highest hit rate and
the smallest area). We use a/A to denote the proportion of area covered by hotspot/s and n/N to
denote the proportion of crimes in that hotspot/s, where, n denotes the number of crimes in that
hotspot and N the total number of crimes in the urban area.
Joshi, D’Ath, Curtis-Ham, Searle
Suppose that we are comparing four models: models M-I, M-II, M-III and M-IV. The hotspots
identified, their collective relative area, hit rate and PAI are listed in the table below.
Hotspots identified
Here, model M-I correctly identifies the top three hotspots (each covering only 1% of the area and
together they account for 27% of the crime). Model M-II only identifies the top hotspot and yet, PAI
for model M-II is higher than the PAI for model M-I.
PAI (M-I) = 0.03 = 9
PAI (M-II) = 0.01 = 10
However, model M-I is clearly superior since it correctly identifies the top 3 hotspots compared to
model M-II which only identifies the top one. While smaller hotspot areas are considered relatively
easier to patrol, identifying smaller or fewer hotspots, by definition, also means capturing a relatively
smaller proportion of crime. As illustrated by above example, PAI could fail to penalize a model which
only identifies a subset of the hotspots compared to another model which may be able to correctly
capture more hotspots.
To overcome this limitation, we propose a Penalized PAI (PPAI) which penalizes the identification of a
total hotspot area that is too small.
π‘Ž 𝛼
The penalization is done by using an extra parameter α whose value is fixed by the user. The value lies
between 0 and 1. The value of α is related to the importance of the collective size of the hotspots. In
the extreme case when α=0, the size of the hotspots is not important at all. Mathematically, for α =0,
the denominator becomes 1 and PPAI reduces to the hit rate, i.e. attaching 0 weight to the hotspot
area ensures that it is not considered. At the other extreme, α=1 indicates that the hotspot size is
extremely important. Mathematically, a unit weight represents no penalty and PPAI reduces to the
PAI. Thus, both the hit rate and the PAI can be considered as special cases of PPAI. For 0 < α < 1, PPAI
would prefer a model that strikes the desired balance between capturing enough hotspots and yet
ensuring that the collective hotspot size is not too large for practical considerations.
Next we provide two ways of determining the value of α and two different usages of PPAI.
The first option is to choose α = n/N (hit rate). Choosing α = n/N means that the hotspot area identified
by a model is weighed by the relative proportion of crimes (n/N) which take place in that area. Thus,
if a model identifies hotspots where fewer crimes take place then it will be penalized more (α smaller)
than a model that identifies hotspots where more crimes take place. We illustrate this by calculating
PPAI with α = n/N for the hypothetical example considered above.
Joshi, D’Ath, Curtis-Ham, Searle
PPAI (M-I) = (0.03)0.27 = 0.6958
PPAI (M-II) = (0.01)0.1 = 0.1584
Since model M-II identifies hotspots that account for much smaller proportion of crimes, it is penalized
more and as a result has a much smaller PPAI value than model M-I. Suppose we have two additional
models to test: models M-III and M-IV. Model M-III identifies the top hotspot and three other smaller
hotspots, in total accounting for 23% of the crime (much higher than model M-II), however, these
hotspots are also much larger accounting for 11% of the area together. Model M-IV is a clearly an
inferior model that identifies the bottom three hotspots. Model M-IV achieves the least score on both
PAI as well as PPAI, as one would expect. Model M-III however, achieves a higher PPAI but lower PAI
compared to model M-II.
PPAI (M-III) = (0.11)0.23 = 0.3821
PPAI (M-IV) = (0.15)0.1 = 0.1209
(α = 0.9)
The second option is to find the optimal value of α so that PPAI will peak at the desired hotspot area.
For example, operationally, it may only be possible to effectively patrol, say, 2% of the area at a time.
The objective then is to find a model which will identify the best hotspots totaling to 2% of the area.
To do this, one first finds the optimal value of α using a grid search algorithm and then uses this value
of α to evaluate PPAI for all models under consideration. The model with the highest PPAI is the most
suitable for the hotspots totaling 2% of the area in terms of the predictive accuracy. The value of α
that is optimal according to this criterion will differ from dataset to dataset.
We illustrate how the grid search method can be used to find the optimal α value using our
hypothetical example. First, we list the hotspots in an increasing order of their size (smallest first) and
within that using the decreasing hit rate (smallest area with highest hit rate first), as shown in the
table above. We then identify the top hotspots that account for 2% of the area. In our case, the top
two hotspots together account for the 2% of the area, as desired and together they account for 19%
of all crime. The optimal α value is then found by calculating the PPAI for all the cumulative hotspot
levels for each value of α from 0.01 to 0.99 and finding the α value that yields the highest PPAI at the
desired cumulative level (in this case, 2%). Often, there may be a range of values that satisfy this
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criterion. For instance, for our example, any value of α between 0.87 and 0.92 will ensure that the
PPAI for 2% cumulative level is higher than at any other level (say 1% or 3% or higher). Within this
range of values, we find the value for which PPAI for 2% level is the most different from the
neighboring levels (1% and 3%). That value of α is the optimal value and in our case it turns out to be
0.9. Using α=0.9 gives us the following PPAI scores for the four models.
PPAI (M-I) =
Since the PPAI was asked to find optimal models for the top 2% hotspot area, the scores are now much
different. Model M-I is still the best model, but it is now closely followed by M-II, whereas model MIII which identified hotspots of much larger area has a much smaller PPAI score. Model M-IV is clearly
still the worst rated model, as expected. Thus, PPAI parameter α provides flexibility around the
importance of hotspot area and even allows to choose α that is optimized for a certain desired hotspot
level, constituting an important improvement over PAI.
3.2 Average Logarithmic Score (ALS)
In predictive modelling one typically uses two sets of data. A training dataset – the data used to fit the
model and a testing dataset – the data that will be used to test the model predictions. In applications
such as crime modelling, where a process evolves over time, the testing and the training datasets
typically correspond to data from two distinct time periods. Using a separate testing data ensures that
the predictive accuracy is correctly measured. One of the reasons why standard statistical model
fitting measures such as AIC, BIC and R2 cannot measure the predictive accuracy of a model very
accurately (Shmueli, 2010) is that they use the training data only. This is because their main objective
is to measure how well a model explains a given set of data and not how well it can predict unseen or
future data.
Average logarithmic score (ALS), first proposed by Good (1952) and later advocated by Gneiting and
Raftery (2007) for its technical mathematical properties, computes the average joint probability of
observing the testing data under a given model. In simple terms, if the ALS for model A is higher than
the ALS for model B then that implies that model A is more likely to produce the testing data than
model B. Thus ALS directly measures the predictive accuracy of a model.
ALS = 𝑁 ∑𝑁
̃𝑖 , πœƒ ),
𝑖=1 log 𝑓(π‘₯
Where, π‘₯Μƒ denotes the testing data, θ denotes the model parameters and f(π‘₯̃𝑖 , πœƒ) denotes the
probability of observing the testing observation π‘₯𝑖 under the model. ALS was used by Zhou et al. (2015)
to measure the predictive accuracy of their spatio-temporal point process model to predict
Ambulance demand in Toronto, Canada. Similar models have been used for crime (e.g., PredPol,
Mohler et al., 2011). ALS is not limited to just one type of models though. It can be used for various
types of models including regression based models (e.g.,RTM, Caplan et al., 2011), kernel density
estimation (KDE) based models (e.g., Chainey, 2013) and even artificial neural network models as long
as the network is designed to predict crime probabilities. Thus, ALS could be a suitable measure for
predictive accuracy for a large number of predictive crime models.
Unlike PAI and PPAI, ALS is not restricted to the concept of a hotspot. By definition, ALS considers
predictions across the whole region and thus measures the accuracy of the model over the entire
region and not just specifically within the hotspots. However, one can restrict ALS to the hotspot
region (if so desired) by only considering the testing data that falls within the hotspots in calculating
the ALS.
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A possible drawback of ALS is that, by definition, it can only be used for models that can compute the
probability of crime occurring. For example, if a model simply classifies an area as either a hotspot or
not, without being able to quantify the probability of it being a hotspot then ALS cannot be computed
for such a model.
4. Using Expected Utility to combine multiple measures
As discussed, different measures consider different aspects of predictive accuracy and operational
efficiency. While there could be reasons why one of those measures could be considered to be the
most appropriate measure for a given analysis, in general, using multiple measures will provide a
more complete picture of the performance of a model. It is also possible that multiple measures will
rate the given models differently and may not all agree on which model is better.
One way to combine multiple measures while being able to account for the importance of each
measure, is by using the concept of expected utility. The notion of utility was first introduced in the
context of Game Theory by Neumann and Morgenstern (1947). It is now widely used in Bayesian
statistics, game and decision theory and economics (e.g., Robert, 2007; Peterson, 2009; Barber, 2012).
More recently, expected utility has been used in Adversarial Risk Analysis models that model the
actions of the strategic adversary and find the optimal actions for the defender (e.g., Rios et al., 2009;
Rios and Rios Insua, 2012; Gill et al., 2016; Joshi et al., 2019).
Finding the expected utility of a model involves considering the utilities (gains or losses) associated
each outcome and then taking a weighted sum (expected value), where the weights are proportional
to the probabilities of the outcomes to arrive at the net average gain/loss of using the model. The
utility can be either positive (indicating that gains outweigh losses) or negative (losses outweigh gains)
or 0 (losses = gains). One then chooses the model which has the maximum expected utility.
To illustrate the benefits and usage of expected utility, consider the four measures discussed earlier –
the true positives (TP), false positives (FP), true negatives (TN) and false negatives (FN). Each of these
measure the predictive performance of a model in their unique way. Taking all four of them in to
account will provide a more complete picture of the overall performance of a model. However, this
now requires either a multi-dimensional evaluation (since a method with a very high true positives
rate, could also have a very high false negative rate, for example) or summarizing the four measures
into a single measure in an appropriate way.
One approach is to use the contingency table approach and find the p-value of the Chi-squared
statistics to summarize these four measures into one (Gorr & Olligschlaeger, 2002). While such an
application of the Chi-squared test will determine if the predictive accuracy of a model was statistically
significantly different than a random assignment of hotspots, the Chi-squared test does not test for
the direction of the difference nor is it able to be used to identify which of the two models is better.
Further, a contingency table approach is unable to weigh the four outcomes differently based on their
relative importance. These drawbacks are also applicable to other alternatives for the Chi-squared
test, such as a Fisher’s exact test. Alternatively, one can use the receiver operating characteristics
(ROC) analysis (Rummens et al. 2017), however, this uses just two of the four measures: true positives
and false positives.
Applying an expected utility approach, each of the four measures can be weighted and combined. A
predictive crime model will label a cell/area as ‘+’ (crime likely to happen) or ‘-‘ (crime unlikely to
happen). We first find the expected utility of a positive /negative label and then find the expected
utility of the model.
Expected utility (+) = % TP × utility (TP) + % FP × utility (FP)
Joshi, D’Ath, Curtis-Ham, Searle
Expected utility (-) = % TN × utility (TN) + % FN × utility (FN)
Expected utility (model) = % ’+’ x Expected utility (+) + % ’-’ x Expected utility (-)
In policing, the utilities will be subjective and there are likely no fixed norms about what utility should
be attached to which outcome. This is a decision which requires consideration of not only the
associated costs and gains of crime and policing responses but also the kind of police response that is
considered appropriate for a given community (Fergusson, 2020). These considerations are likely
complex and utilities could be different for different crime types, locations and time periods. However,
the subjectivity associated with determining utilities will make model assessment more realistic and
relevant for each analysis. This feature sets the expected utility measure apart from most other
measures discussed.
In illustrating this measure, for the sake of simplicity, we have elected to attach relative utility values
between the range +1 and -1, where +1 indicates the most desirable outcome and -1, the least
desirable. For example, a correct prediction, whether a TP or a TN, may be considered as highly
valuable and therefore utility (TP)= utility (TN) = +1. However, a FP, where the model predicted the
cell to be a hotspot but no crime happened during the prediction window, could be considered as a
more acceptable and smaller loss (the cost of resources spent) than the FN, where the model
predicted the cell to be not a hotspot but a crime did happen, resulting in the cost of that crime to the
victim and society (in investigating and dealing with the offence). Therefore, we may assign utility (FP)
= -0.5, and utility (FN) = -1.
Suppose we have two models. Model A with a very high TP rate but also a very high FN rate. Model B
with a slightly lower TP rate but substantially lower FN rate. Expected utility will enable us to identify
which model is better according to the utility criteria. We assume that both the models predict 5% of
cells to be hotspots (i.e % ‘+’ = 0.05).
Model A
Model B
TP (%)
Model A
Expected utility (+) = 0.85 × 1 + 0.15 × (-0.5) = 0.775
Expected utility (-) = 0.3 × 1 + 0.7 × (-1) = -0.4
Expected utility (A) = 0.05 x 0.775 + 0.95 x (-0.4) = -0.34125
Model B
Expected utility (+) = 0.75 × 1 + 0.25 × (-0.5) = 0.625
Expected utility (-) = 0.45 × 1 + 0.55 × (-1) = -0.1
Expected utility (B) = 0.05 x 0.625 + 0.95 x (-0.1) = -0.06375
In the above example, both models have an expected utility that is negative (as a result that 95% of
the cells are labeled ‘-‘ and the FN rate is high). However, it also reveals that model B has much smaller
negative utility despite having a smaller TP rate. Thus, we now know that model B provides better
predictions overall after taking account of all the possible outcomes and the utilities associated with
each possible outcome.
Joshi, D’Ath, Curtis-Ham, Searle
A limitation of the expected utility is that, it cannot be applied to all accuracy measures. By definition,
expected utility can only be applied to measures that correspond to mutually exclusive events. It is
not possible to combine say, the PPAI and the ALS using expected utility. In addition to TP, FP, TN and
FN, some other related measures too can be combined using expected utility. For example, sensitivity
(hit rate) can be combined with specificity (TN/(TN+FP)) and PPV (precision) can be combined with
negative predictive value (NPV) which is TN/(FN+TN) and so on.
An additional option is to define a weight measure inspired by the expected utility concept. The
probabilities can be replaced by weights that are positive and sum to 1 (just like probabilities) and
represent the relative importance of each measure. We illustrate this method with the same
hypothetical example, where we have the two models A and B, but we now wanted to use two
different measures, namely hit rate and precision. We can combine them by taking the weighted sum
of their scores. Using the hypothetical TP, FP, TN and FN values already considered, we can calculate
the hit rate and precision for these two models as shown below. Here, Model A is the better model
according to precision but Model B is the better model according to the hit rate.
Model A
Model B
Hit rate
Note that since we have assumed %’+’ =0.05’ for both the models, hit rate (A) =
85*0.05/(85*0.05+70*0.95) = 0.06 and similarly, hit rate (B) = 75*0.05/(75*0.05+55*0.95) = 0.067.
Also note that in this case because each model yields hotspots of the same area (5%), the PAI ranking
will be exactly same as the hit rate ranking. An analyst might want to give a considerably high weight
to the hit rate (say w =0.7) and the remaining (1-w =0.3) to the precision. The weighted aggregate for
the two models then become:
Model A: 0.7*0.06 + 0.3*0.85 = 0.297
Model B: 0.7*0.067 + 0.3*0.75 = 0.271
Taking into consideration the relative importance of the two measures, we can now see that Model A
is the better model overall. That this ranking does not match the ranking obtained using expected
utility on TP, FP, TN and FN is not surprising because different measures were used here and combined
Another challenge is that when combining different measures one needs to ensure that the results
are not distorted due to scaling. This issue did not arise when combining hit rate and precision, since
both will always take values between 0 and 1. However, other measures could yield high positive
values or even large negative values (in case of ALS, being aggregation of log probabilities), simply
because of the way they are defined. To avoid distortion due to scaling, weighted aggregation should
only be performed after standardizing the scores (0 mean and unit standard deviation), where
possible. Alternatively, models could be ranked according to each measure and the weighted
aggregation can be performed on the ranks.
5. Additional Considerations when Choosing and Comparing Models
Development and comparison of predictive models is not straight-forward; it requires careful
consideration of various issues of both a technical and practical nature. Further to our proposed
methods to support robust and comprehensive evaluation of crime prediction models, here we
elaborate on some additional issues to consider in selecting and assessing models.
Joshi, D’Ath, Curtis-Ham, Searle
Technical considerations
Performance of a predictive model depends on several key technical factors. These include the type
of model used, the variables included in the model, the tuning or calibration of any free parameters,
the sparsity of the data, the predictive window used and finally, the way in which its accuracy is
From a purely technical point of view, a model should only be considered if it is appropriate given the
aims of the analysis and if any founding mathematical assumptions made by the model have been
satisfied by the data. Additionally, one must consider the practicalities of data pre-processing or datacoding needed, the ease or complexity of implementing the models and the computational and
financial costs needed to run these models.
During the model building process, one or more free parameters may need to be assigned a value.
Common examples include the bandwidth in a kernel density estimation model or a smoothing
parameter in a time-series model. A common approach with crime data is to aggregate it over
rectangular grid cells and then use this aggregated data for analysis. Here, the cell size is also a free
parameter. Predictions will likely be sensitive to the values assigned to such free parameters (Chainey,
2013; Adepeju etal, 2016). Their values must thus be assigned based on some theoretical or empirical
justification and not arbitrarily. It is also advisable to perform some robustness analysis to understand
the sensitivity of the predictions to the assigned values.
The quality and usability of the predictions are usually a product of the type of the model used and
the factors included. For example, a model which considers socio-demographic factors but not spatial
or temporal factors may yield predictions which are independent of space and time. Therefore, it may
be of lesser operational value than a model which also considers space and time and offers predictions
specific to a given location and time. However, such a model is also likely to require a larger and denser
dataset in order to provide accurate predictions. Further, the predictions of a model are usually only
valid for the range of the predictor variables considered in the analysis. These are not likely to be valid
or accurate for values of the predictor variables outside that range as well as time periods too far out
in the future. The factors used may change with space and over time; the model assumptions may not
be valid in the future or to a different area.
The size of the dataset and the density or sparsity of the data are also critical factors. Size relates not
only to the number of observations, but also to the amount of information available for each
observation and its spread across space and time. Typically, larger data contains more information
and allows for more advanced models incorporating more variables. Its density or sparsity depends
on how many observations are available with each level of a given factor. For example, in a small town
with low crime rate, it may only be reasonable to include either the spatial factor or the temporal
factor but not both. Implementing a model on data that is too small or sparse may lead to overfitting
and hence, poor predictive accuracy. Typically, data become sparser as more factors are considered
affecting the optimal cell size and other free parameters.
Finally, multiple measures are available to measure the performance of a model and compare multiple
models. Some measures consider the goodness of fit, some others look at the predictive accuracy and
indeed some others may take into account the operational utility. The same model may fare
differently when assessed using different measures. Therefore, one needs to identify the most
appropriate measure for the study and then use that measure to identify the best performing model.
For example, as discussed earlier, traditional goodness of fit measures such as AIC (Akaike Information
Criterion) or BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion) may be more appropriate when comparing models
to see which one of them ‘explains’ the data better. However, as noted above, these do not measure
Joshi, D’Ath, Curtis-Ham, Searle
predictive accuracy and are therefore not the most appropriate measures for finding the model that
has the highest predictive accuracy. Another, more complex issue is how to identify the best model
when different measures point to different models. We have proposed one solution, considering the
expected utility measure or the weighted aggregate measure discussed in Section 4. Either of these
options involves making a subjective choice, meaning that someone with a different set of preferences
for measures could choose a different model as the best model for the same data and using the same
set of measures. Further, different analysts may prefer to use other measures altogether, hence are
likely to arrive at different conclusions about relative model performance. Analysts should recognize
this subjectivity and provide a clear rationale for the choice of models, performance measures and
weights used to combine the measures. This will go towards providing more transparency and
reproducibility of studies of crime prediction models.
Other considerations
Although the focus of this manuscript is on technical considerations, there are several practical issues
to consider in deciding on the most suitable predictive crime model including ethical and legal aspects.
As discussed earlier, Lee et al. (2020) have argued that transparency in exactly how an algorithm works
is just as important a criterion as predictive accuracy and operational efficiency. But it is also important
that the data used is obtained using best practices, is accurate and not a product of racially biased or
unlawful practices. Recent research (Richardson et al., 2019) has highlighted the ramifications of using
predictive policing tools informed by ‘dirty data’ (data obtained during documented periods of flawed,
racially biased and sometimes unlawful practices and policies). Predictive policing models using such
data could not only lead to flawed predictions but also increase the risk of perpetuating additional
harm via feedback loops.
Finally, the choice of model is also a choice of policing theory. As Ferguson 2020 argues, when
purchasing a particular predictive technology, police are not simply choosing the most sophisticated
predictive model; the choice reflects a decision about the type of policing response that makes sense
in their community. Foundational questions about whether we want police officers to be agents of
social control, civic problem-solvers, or community partners lie at the heart of any choice of which
predictive technology might work best for any given jurisdiction.
6. Discussion and Summary
Significant research effort has focused on developing predictive crime models. Many different models
have been proposed and claims made about the superiority of a given model. As pointed out by several
literature reviews, these claims have often not been based on rigorous, independent and impartial
assessment. While finding or developing appropriate measures to assess and compare the
performance of these models has not received nearly equal attention, a few measures have been
developed specifically for crime application. However, existing measures have limitations and further
work on finding appropriate measures is needed. The ALS measure described above is one such
measure. It has been used in other domains, measures aspects not measured by existing measures,
and could be used for a wide variety of crime models.
It is worth emphasizing that there can be no single model or indeed no single measure that is superior
over all others at all times. Future studies should explicitly explain why certain measures were
considered the most appropriate for the problem at hand and demonstrate how a given model
performs according to those measures. As discussed, the accuracy achieved not only depends on the
model but on the quality of the data and its density or sparsity. The quality of the data refers not only
to omissions or inaccuracies in the data but also on whether the data reflects flawed or biased
practices. The choice of model is not only about the predictive accuracy or the operational efficiency
Joshi, D’Ath, Curtis-Ham, Searle
possible, but also about the choice of policing theory and what is appropriate for the community in
It is therefore important to develop measures which empower the practitioner with a certain level of
flexibility to tweak the measure so that it is the most appropriate for a given situation. The penalty
parameter in the PPAI measure that we propose does precisely that. It empowers the practitioner to
choose the right balance between capturing enough crime and operational efficiency for the problem
at hand. Since different measures measure different aspects of accuracy and efficiency, it may be
desirable to use multiple measures to assess models. However, this can be challenging because
different measures could rank models differently and combining the measures may not be
straightforward. A possible solution is a mathematical function that empowers the user with the
flexibility to combine multiple measures in a way that is desirable for the problem at hand. We suggest
using the expected utility function and its extension, the weighted aggregate for this purpose.
The concept of utility or weights reflects subjective inputs and therefore could be perceived as
undesirable. However, they in fact model the human decision-making process. Decision makers have
different set or preferences and value systems which are often reflected in the decisions they make.
The use of weights enables the practitioner to translate their thought process in an objective
mathematical equation and ensures that the equation will identify the correct model once the weights
have been elicited according to the user’s preferences. Since every dataset, prediction problem and
context is unique, a seemingly ‘objective’ or ‘one size fits all’ solution is unlikely to be the right
approach. Instead, we advocate solutions that empower practitioners to tailor their assessment to
their particular problem and to clearly document their decision-making. In doing so, future studies are
more likely achieve standards of transparency, reproducibility and independence that will move crime
prediction forward as a science.
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