CYLINDRICAL SHELL UNDER UNIFORM INTERNAL PRESSURE (SEE RD-1171.1) The minimum thickness of cylinder shells under internal pressure shall be the greater of (a) or (b) below, but not less than 1/4 in. (6 mm). Internal pressure, P 5.0 72.5 bar Tensile modulus in the longitudinal psi (axial) direction, E1 28137.3 28137300 ksi psi Inside diameter of shell, D 203.2 8.0 101.6 4.0 mm Tensile modulus in the in circumference (hoop) direction, E2 mm Length of Shell, L in 1004.5 1004502 1314 51.73 ksi psi mm in Inside radius of shell, R Select the greater of (a) or (b) below : a. Longitudinal Stress, t1 t1 = PR 2 (0.001 E1) = 0.005 = 0.13 b. Circumference Stress, t2 t2 = in mm PR 0.001 E2 = 0.29 = 7.33 Therefore let t = t2 = in mm 8 mm > 0.13 mm = 0.31 in CYLINDRICAL SHELL UNDER EXTERNAL PRESSURE (SEE RD-1171.2) The maximum allowable external pressure between stiffening elements is computed by following : Outside diameter, Do Do = 2 (R + t) = 2 (19.1 +0.87) Axial tensile modulus, Eat 8.6 in. Design factor, F 5.0 219.2 mm A knockdown factor using rigorous equations, KD 0.84 Length of Shell, L 28137.3 ksi 28137300 psi 1004.5 ksi 1004502 1500 59.06 psi mm in. Hoop flexural modulus, Ehf Length of Shell, L Ehf 3/2 Eat Eaf 1/2 (1 -ʋx ʋy) 1/2 L 2 2 Flexural poisson's ratio in the hoop diraction, ʋx Reduction factor, Υ (a) Υ = 1 - 0.001 Zp, if Zp ≤ 100, (b) Υ = 0.9, if Zp > 100 0.39 0.00674532 0.920814857 2566.14964 (Do / 2) t ≤ 15.94 100 Allowable external pressure, Pa KD 0.8531 Υ Ehf (1 - ʋx ʋy) = 167.40 3/4 3/4 1/4 Eat 1/2 L (Do/2) psi t F 5/2 in 0.39 = Pa = mm Flexural poisson's ratio in the axial diraction, ʋx Coefficient, Zp Zp = 1500 59.06 90724.7081 541.9689949 0.98 THICKNESS OF HEAD SHELL UNDER INTERNAL PRESSURE (SEE RD-1173.1) The required thickness of vessel heads under internal pressure shall be computed by the appropriate equation for ellipsoidal head : Internal pressure, P 5.0 72.5 203.2 8.0 Inside diameter of shell, D bar Design modulus for the head, Ehd psi mm in 1004.5 ksi 1004502 psi Minimum thickness of head, t2 t2 = PD 2 (0.001 Ehd) = = 0.29 7.33 in mm THICKNESS OF HEAD SHELL UNDER EXTERNAL PRESSURE (SEE RD-1173.2) The required thickness of an ellipsoidal head under external pressure shall be determined in the same manner as outlined in RD-1172.2 using the following equation : Outside radius of crown portion of head, D Design modulus of head, E 4 101.6 in. mm Flexural poisson's ratio in the axial diraction, ʋ1 0.39 1004.5 1004502 ksi psi Flexural poisson's ratio in the hoop diraction, ʋ2 0.39 Factor depending on ellipsoidal head proportions, Ko 0.90 Design factor, F 5.0 Height of head, H 101 4.0 mm in. Major - to - Minor axis ratio : Do h Allowable external pressure, PA PA = = 0.41 (E/F) (t) 3 (1 - ʋ1 ʋ2) 1/2 191.76 psi 2 (Ko Do) 6865.29512 35.80128162 2 = 8.0 4.0 = 2.0