A tribute to my wife Joyce who, knowing what she faced willingly took on the task of typing another manuscript. P.J.O. Cooling Towers Principles and Practice Third edition G. B. Hill, BSc (Hons), CEng, AMInstF E. J. Pring, lEng, FInst SMM, MlPlant E, FIWSoc. Peter D. Osborn, BScEng(Hons), CEng, FIEE Butterworth-Heinemann London Boston Singapore Sydney Toronto Wellington ^ PART OF REED INTERNATIONAL RL.C. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright owner except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 33-34 Alfred Place, London, England WC1E 7DP. Applications for the copyright owner's written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to the Publishers. Warning: The doing of an unauthorised act in relation to a copyright work may result in both a civil claim for damages and criminal prosecution. This book is sold subject to the Standard Conditions of Sale of Net Books and may not bre re-sold in the UK below the net price given by the publishers in their current price list. First published by Carter Thermal Engineering Ltd, 1967 Second edition, 1970 Third edition published by Butterworth-Heinemann, 1990 © Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, 1990 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Hill, G. B. (Gerald Bowen) Cooling towers. —3rd ed. 1. Cooling towers I. Title II. Pring, E. J. III. Osborn, Peter D. (Peter Digby) IV. Stanford, W. (William) 1930-. Cooling towers 660.283 ISBN 0-7506-1005-0 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Hill, G. B. (Gerald Bowen) Cooling towers/G. B. Hill,E. J. Pring, Peter D. Osborn.—3rd ed. p. cm. Rev. ed. of: Cooling towers/W. Stanford, G. B. Hill. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-7506-1005-0 1. Colling towers. I. Pring, E. J. II. Osborne, Peter D. (Peter David) III. Stanford, W. (William). Cooling towers. IV. Title. TJ563.H55 1990 621.1'97—dc20 Photoset by Genesis Typesetting, Laser Quay, Rochester, Kent Printed and bound in Great Britain by Courier International Ltd, Tiptree, Essex. Preface The first and second editions of this book were published in 1967 and 1970 respectively; changes which have taken place since then have necessitated a major revision of the earlier work including the introduction of the SI system of units. In the light of progressive removal of European trade boundaries the change to SI was considered to be essential. In making the change, those older engineers, who, like myself, feel more comfortable with imperial units, have been provided for by comprehensive conversion tables. The earlier editions were written against a background in which many small cooling requirements were catered for by 'once through' systems with warm water discharged to waste. Today's water costs and limited water resources render this approach quite untenable and it is now abundantly clear that water charges will go on rising at well beyond inflation rates in most industrialized countries. Recirculation is, therefore, absolutely essential and the mechanical draught evaporative cooling tower, in its many forms and sizes, is the cooling device with the lowest capital and running costs together with maximum operational flexibility. More effective technical press coverage combined with the development of compact factory assembled towers has, in the last two decades increased the system designers awareness of the advantages which these towers can offer; in particular, the recovery of the total capital investment, sometimes in a few months, from the savings in water charges. The objective of this edition, as with the first two, is to provide the reader with a better understanding of the theory and practice, so that installations are correctly designed and operated. As with all branches of engineering, new technology calls for a level of technical knowledge which becomes progressively higher; this new edition seeks to ensure that the principles and practice of cooling towers are set against a background of up-to-date technology. The need for this thorough treatment of cooling tower engineering is vi Preface increased by the apparent neglect of the subject during higher technical education. When the first edition was written, and in fact until the early 1980s, the cooling tower was perceived as an almost totally benign and beneficial piece of equipment. However, the outbreaks of legionnaires disease have understandably led to considerable public concern. The quality press and technical journals have kept the legionella hazard in perspective but the popular press and television have seized on the emotional aspects of the problem and exaggerated the dangers. All industrial activities, and indeed most human activities, carry with them some degree of risk, but safety consciousness both in industry and in everyday life can reduce those risks to an acceptable level. As far as is known, no properly designed and correctly maintained cooling tower anywhere in the world has been implicated in an outbreak of legionnaires disease. Tower manufacturers, water treatment specialists and filtration equipment suppliers have all been active and very thorough in providing the features and maintenance procedures essential to minimize the risk. The best estimate is that there are about 100000 cooling towers operating in the United Kingdom. The efficiency of cooling towers is such that, if these were replaced by non-evaporative coolers, such as finned tube air blast coolers (even if practicable) the increased power requirement would be about 800 MW. As a standard for comparison the much debated Size well Έ ' nuclear power station has a planned output of 1200 MW. The other crucial factor is that evaporative cooling can produce cooled water temperatures below the ambient air dry bulb temperature and these are commonly called for in industry and air conditioning systems. No other cooling method, apart from refrigeration, can achieve these temperature levels. The cost of refrigeration cooling systems can be up to eight times the cost of towers, they have much higher power consumptions and because they use CFCs they add to the problems of stratospheric ozone depletion and global warming. Undoubtedly cooling towers are essential and will continue to be installed and operated; their safe operation will rest with manufacturers, installers, maintenance and water treatment staff, with premises management having the ultimate responsibility. I must pay tribute to the contributions made to the earlier editions by my original co-author W. Stanford. The preparation of this third edition has been heavily dependent on the dedication and expertise of Peter Osborn who is a very experienced technical author and has devised the new format Preface vii which we hope our readers will find convenient for reference purposes. E. J. Pring, my other co-author, a well-known figure in the industry and a past Chairman of both the British Standards Committee on cooling towers and the Industrial Water Society, has been invaluable in helping to ensure that the latest technology has been incorporated. R. S. Phull undertook the arduous but essential task of checking the calculations, graphs and nomograms. Finally, my thanks to all those authorities and manufacturers who cooperated by supplying information and illustrations. G. B. Hill Acknowledgements Thanks are due to the undermentioned organizations and manufacturers who assisted with the preparation of this book or who gave permission for information, photographs, drawings, diagrams or data to be reproduced. British Standards Institution (see also bibliography): Charts at A.3.5.1, A.6.4.2 and A.6.4.3. Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (see also bibliography): Psychrometric chart at B. 1.15.1. Maps at C.4. The Industrial Water Society (see also bibliography) Maintenance schedule at A. 10.1. Midland Research Laboratories, UK Ltd. 66 Hounslow Road, Twickenham, Middlesex TW2 7EX. Tel: 01 755 2661: Help in preparation of Section A.8 also photographs A. 12.3 and A. 16.1 and diagrams A. 12.1 and A. 12.2. Bruel and Kjaer (UK) Ltd., Harrow Weald Lodge, 92 Uxbridge Rd, Harrow Middlesex HA3 6BZ: Help in preparation of Section A.6. Baltimore Aircoil Ltd., Corby, Northants: Illustrations A.2.2.2, A.2.3.4. Carter Industrial Products Ltd., Birmingham: Illustrations A.2.3.5, A.2.4.5, A.2.4.6, A.2.4.7, A.2.5.2, A.2.5.3, A.2.5.4, A.2.5.6, A.4.1.7, A.4.2.7, A.8.20.2, A.8.20.3, A.8.20.4, A.8.20.5, A.8.20.12, A.8.20.13, A.8.20.14, A.8.20.15, A.8.20.16, A.8.20.17, A.10.2.1. Davenport Engineering Co. Ltd., Bradford: Illustrations A.l.2.3, A.2.1.2, A.2.3.6, A.4.1.6. Film Cooling Towers Ltd, Richmond: Illustrations A.4.1.4, A.4.1.5. Heenan-Marley Cooling Towers Ltd., Worcester: Illustrations A.2.3.3, A.2.5.5, A.2.6.2, A.4.2.6. Plenty Ltd., Newbury: Illustrations A.8.20.8, A.8.20.9, A.8.20.10, A.8.20.11. IX x Acknowledgements Visco Ltd., Croydon: Illustrations A.1.2.4, A.4.2.1, A.4.2.2, A.4.2.3, A.4.2.4, A.4.2.5. Vokes Ltd., Guildford: Illustrations A.8.20.6, A.8.20.7. Section A Cooling tower practice A.l Fundamentals A. 1.1 Evaporative cooling When water changes its state from liquid to vapour or steam an input of heat energy must take place which is known as the latent heat of evaporation; this input energy must either be supplied from fuel as in a boiler or be extracted from the surroundings. Cooling towers take advantage of this change of state by creating conditions in which hot water evaporates in the presence of moving air; by this means heat is extracted from the water and transferred to the air and the process is known as evaporative cooling. The principle is very simple but the heat transfer processes are quite complex. Primitive cooling towers consist of no more than a four-sided wooden structure in which the hot water is introduced as a spray at the top of the tower, mixed with the cooling air and drawn off from a sump at the bottom; the water is thus cooled for return to the machine or process. The principal criteria on which the design and manufacture of cooling towers is based are: • Achieving maximum contact between air and water in the tower by the optimum design of tower packing and water distribution system as described below in A.4.1 and A.4.3. • Assisting the flow of air by means of fans. • Minimizing the loss caused by water spray escaping from the tower; control of spray loss is also of great importance in eliminating the risk of infectious diseases being transmitted to people by the warm moist air. • Relating the design of the tower to the volume flow rate of the water to be cooled and to the three critical temperatures, i.e. ambient air wet bulb, warm water input and cooled water output. • Ensuring that problems arising from the quality of the water such as corrosion, fouling and the growth of bacteria are properly understood and controlled. 1 2 Cooling tower practice • Taking due account of space limitations at the tower's location and of the possibility that noise from the tower may be a source of nuisance to those living or working in the vicinity. A. 1.2 Main components Figure A. 1.2.1 shows a schematic arrangement of a mechanical draught cooling tower and the cutaway section at A. 1.2.2 shows a typical layout of the main components which are defined below: Casing or shell The structure enclosing the heat transfer process reinforced as necessary to carry the other main items. Air inlet and air outlet The positions at which cool air enters, and warmed air leaves the tower. In natural draught towers the inlet is normally protected by drip-proof louvres and the outlet by a suitable grill. Where an induced draught fan is used the outlet is the fan casing; with forced draught the fan casing provides the inlet. Air outlet Fan r — " pzscr ■ 1 f· Casing or shell Drift eliminator J Inlet conn -« » w v V v v v v ^VVW'J "Ph |3£T K> ^erflow _/T[ Overfl CO nn. J i Tg Outlet itletX^ conn. Cold water basin / ' I l ^VVNX A N V. Water distribution II system ./% Louvres s_AIR INLET ah Make up Figure A. 1.2.1 Schematic arangement of a typical mechanical draught cooling tower 3 Figure A.1.2.2 Main components of a mechanical draught cooling tower. 1, Fan housing; 2, axialflowfan; 3, mild steel outer panels; 4, air inlet louvres; 5, integral sump; 6, packing; 7, gravityflowdistribution system; 8, drift eliminators Figure A.1.2.3 Polypropylene spray nozzle for water distribution 4 Cooling tower practice Fan Correct selection of fan according to the tower duty is of major importance; volumetric air flow rate, fan pressure developed and noise from motor and fan impellor must all be considered according to the duty and location of the tower. Drift eliminators These are positioned in the outlet airstream so as to prevent water droplets from being carried away from the tower by the airstream. Warm water inlet The point at which warmed water from the process enters the tower. Water distribution system Water entering the tower must be spread as evenly as possible over the cross-section of the tower; some of the methods used are: spray nozzles (Figure A.1.2.3), trough and gutter (Figure A. 1.2.4 shows the Vee notches along Figure A. 1.2.4 Typical trough and gutter distribution system A.l Fundamentals 5 the edge of the gutters). Figure A.2.3.3 shows two large towers with open pan diffusion deck. The drawing at A. 1.2.2 shows the inverted cones or cups from which the water is splashed. Packing (also sometimes referred to as fill) Consists essentially of a system of baffles which slows the progress of the warm water through the tower and ensures maximum contact between water droplets and cooling air by maximizing surface area and minimizing water film thickness. There are many different types of packing and these are described in A.3. Cold water basin (also referred to as tank or sump) The point at which the cooled water is collected before return to the process. Cold water outlet The point at which the cooled water leaves the tower. A. 1.3 Operating terms Operating terms are applied to air, water, temperature conditions and noise and these are further identified by Part 1 of BS 4485. Brief definitions of the main terms are given below and reference should be made to A.5 for details of terminology associated with noise: Air flow Total quantity of air including the associated water vapour flowing through the tower. May be expressed in kilograms per second or in cubic metres per second and if the latter it must be related to temperature. Re-circulation That proportion of the outlet air which reenters the tower. Fan power The power input to the fan in kilowatts. This excludes losses in driving motor, gearbox or power transmission, all of which, including mounting and support members are referred to as the fan drive assembly. Inlet water flow The quantity of hot water measured in cubic metres per second or per minute, flowing into the water distribution system. Drift loss Water loss caused by liquid drops carried away by the outlet air stream. Purge (also incorrectly referred to as blow-down) Water deliberately discharged from the system in order to reduce the concentration of salts and other impurities in the circulating water. Make-up Water added to the circulating water system to replace leakage, evaporation, drift loss and purge. 6 Cooling tower practice Concentration When water evaporates, dissolved solids and other impurities are left behind leading to an increase in concentration of these impurities. Concentration ratio Ratio of the total mass of impurities in the circulating water to the corresponding total mass in the make-up water. Water loading Flow of water related to the cross-sectional area of the packing normally expressed in kilograms per second (or per minute) per square metre of cross-section of packing. Heat load (or cooling load) Rate of heat removal from the water flowing through the tower expressed in kilowatts. Wet bulb temperature Temperature as measured by a wet bulb thermometer (see B.l.ll). Ambient air wet bulb temperature Wet bulb temperature measured on the windward side of the tower and free from the influence of the tower. Inlet air wet bulb temperature Average wet bulb temperature of the inlet air including any re-circulation effect. This is the wet bulb temperature used in the design of cooling towers, but it is difficult to measure with precision. See also B.4. Nominal inlet air wet bulb temperature An arithmetic average wet bulb temperature based on measurements taken within 1.5 m of the air inlets and between 1.5 m and 2.0 m above the basin kerb elevation on both sides of the cooling tower. Hot water temperature Temperature of water entering the distribution system. Re-cooled water temperature Average temperature of the water at the discharge point from the cold water basin excluding the effect of any make-up entering the basin. Cooling range Difference between the hot water temperature and the re-cooled water temperature. Approach Difference between re-cooled water temperature and the inlet air wet bulb temperature. It is clearly impracticable to cool the water to the inlet air level and the smaller the approach the more arduous tower design becomes. The minimum reasonable approach temperature is 2°C, however 4°C to 6°C is more usual. A. 1.4 The physical mechanisms of cooling tower operation Theoretical aspects of psychrometry and heat transfer are developed in some detail in Section B and in particular B.2.2 covers the physical processes, basic formulae and calculations associated with cooling towers; at this stage the mechanisms by A.l Fundamentals 7 which the water is cooled are best understood by reference to Figure A. 1.4.1 which illustrates a single droplet of water in the tower. The droplet is surrounded by a thin film of air which is saturated and remains almost undisturbed by the passing air stream. It is through this static film of saturated air that the transfer of heat takes place in three ways, i.e.: Convected heat Radiant heat Heat lost by evaporation—X/ Layer of air at 100% humidity and same temperature as water Bulk unsaturated air flowing past droplet Figure A. 1.4. Diagram showing the various ways in which a water droplet loses heat By radiation from the surface of the droplet; this is a very small proportion of the total amount of heat flow and it is usually neglected. By conduction and convection between water and air; the amount of heat transferred will depend on the temperatures of air and water. It is a significant proportion of the whole, and may be as much as one-quarter to one-third. By evaporation; this accounts for the majority of heat transfer and is the reason why the whole process is termed 'evaporative cooling'. 8 Cooling tower practice Evaporation is the key to the successful operation of cooling towers and is covered more fully in B.2.2, B.2.3, and B.2.4; the main principles are summarized below: The evaporation that occurs when air and water are in contact is caused by the difference in pressure of water vapour at the surface of the water and in the air. These vapour pressures are functions of the water temperature and the degree of saturation of the air, respectively. In a cooling tower, the water and air streams are generally opposed so that cooled water leaving the bottom of the pack is in contact with the entering air. Similarly, hot water entering the pack will be in contact with warm air leaving the pack. Evaporation will take place throughout the pack. It should be noted, that at the top of the pack, the fact that the air is nearly saturated, is compensated for by the high water temperature and consequently high vapour pressure. The amount of evaporation which takes place depends on a number of factors, including the total surface area the water presents to the air (which is why the pack design is so important) and the amount of air flowing. The greater the air flow the more cooling is achieved. This is because as the air rate increases, the effect of the water on its temperature and humidity will become less, and the partial pressure differences throughout the pack will be increased. The wet bulb temperature of the entering air has a very important effect. A lower wet bulb temperature produces a lower water-off temperature. The factors which influence the performance of a cooling tower may be summarized as follows: 1 The cooling range 2 The approach 3 The ambient air wet bulb temperature 4 The flow of water to be cooled (or circulation rate) 5 The rate at which air is passed over the water 6 The temperature level 7 The performance coefficients of the packing to be used 8 The volume of packing (i.e. height multiplied by horizontal cross-sectional area) Item 6 is important because much greater cooling is possible at higher temperatures; this is apparent from Table C.6 which shows how the total heat or enthalpy of saturated air rises exponentially with temperature. A.2 Types of cooling tower 9 Item 7 depends on how effectively the pack is designed and it follows that the volume of the pack (item 8) will directly affect tower performance. A.2 Types of cooling tower There are four major components which go to make up a cooling tower, namely the packing, drift eliminators, the water distribution system, and (excepting natural draught towers) the fans. The relative disposition of these components is the main determinant of the different types of tower. They are all dependent on hot water entering at or near the top of the tower and descending under gravity through the packing to the basin. Early designs of tower were constructed almost entirely from timber but, although timber is still sometimes used for frames of large towers it has been largely superseded by materials such as glass fibre, PVC, polypropylene, and steel which may be galvanized, treated for corrosion resistance, or stainless. A.2.1 Natural draught cooling towers Apart from the large hyperbolic concrete cooling towers which are a familiar sight adjacent to fossil fuel fired power stations, natural draught towers are rarely used today. Early designs of natural draught towers were constructed entirely from timber and were sited to take advantage of prevailing winds; this caused obvious limitations. Introduction of the hyperbolic shape enabled the chimney effect to be exploited and reduced the dependence on wind direction. The draught induced is a function of the difference in density between the ambient air entering the bottom of the tower and the air/water vapour mixture leaving the packing. Calculation of the operating air flow through the tower must take account of the draught induced and of the resistance to flow caused by packing and eliminators (reference should be made to BS4485: Part 2: 1988, Appendix E). The main features of a hyperbolic tower are shown at Diagram A.2.1.1 and the photograph at A.2.1.2 shows a group of towers for a power station. A.2.2 Cross-flow forced draught designs (Figure A.2.2.1 and illustration A.2.2.2) Air is forced through the packing horizontally with drift eliminators on the outlet side; axial flow fans are normally used. A simple gravity hot water distribution system may be applied. 10 Hot water distribution Drift eliminator Air inlet Air inlet Figure A.2.1.1 Natural draught hyperbolic cooling tower - ^ - r : , . .,:v. ' - n? f' -**£*· Figure A.2.1.2 A group of hyperbolic cooling towers at a power station 11 Hot water distribution pan -I- Inlet air Figure A.2.2.1 Cross-flow forced draught cooling tower Figure A.2.2.2 Cross-flow forced draught cooling tower Louvres Drift eliminator 12 Cooling tower practice Modular arrangements may be made to increase capacity by mounting two or more units side by side and such an arrangement facilitates control as fans can be switched on or off according to season and cooling demand. A.2.3 Cross-flow induced draught designs (Figure A.2.3.1) Axial fans are normal for this arrangement; this tends to give more even distribution of air through the pack compared with the forced draught design, but makes control of drift rather more difficult. Drift eliminator Air flow Figure A.2.3.1 Cross-flow induced draught cooling tower Hot water distribution pans Outlet air \ Figure A.2.3.2 Twin pack cross-flow induced draught cooling tower A.2 Types of cooling tower 13 Figure A.2.3.3 Two cross-tlow induced draught towers showing open pan gravity distribution system Twin pack versions of this design are shown at Figure A.2.3.2 and illustrations A.2.3.3, A.2.3.4 and A.2.3.5; this arrangement enables vertical discharge of the outlet air to be effected. Figure A.2.3.6 shows a multi-cell double intake cross-flow tower with cast in situ reinforced concrete shell. Fan power for a given performance is lower than with forced draught designs and a large area of drift eliminators can be accommodated. Fan motors are mounted in the warm moist air-stream and must be suitably protected, to IP55 weatherproof standards. 14 ipesS! !P5 f" ' -mi 1 - 1* *%' % 1 Figure A.2.3.4 Twin pack cross-flow steel frame induced draught cooling tower Figure A.2.3.5 Twin pack cross-flow glass fibre towers A.2 Types of cooling tower 15 Figure A.2.3.6 Multi-cell double intake cross-flow tower with cast in situ reinforced concrete shell A.2.4 Contra-flow forced draught designs (Figure A.2.4.1) Air is forced upwards through the pack by a fan mounted at low level. Axial or centrifugal fans may be used. Use of centrifugal fans enables the fan to be floor mounted with a resilient connection between fan casing and tower; such an arrangement reduces vibration and consequently noise, it also reduces the overall height of the tower where low silhouette is called for (Figure A.2.4.2, illustration A.2.4.5). With either fan type, re-circulation may be avoided where necessary by a canopy or directional louvres to concentrate the leaving air stream and increase its velocity. Modular designs with multiple fans may be used with fans switched in and out as needed; illustration A.2.4.6 shows an axial fan design. A two module centrifugal fan tower is shown at A.2.6.2 and A.2.4.7 shows a large timber frame axial fan tower. The use of forced draught fans facilitates indoor siting of cooling towers as shown in Figures A.2.4.3 and A.2.4.4. 16 Outlet air t t t t I I I I II I 1 II I II I I Eliminator &«««««««««««««* V Hot water distribution —7 7 7 7 7 7 J 7— I Air \ -*— flow ,\ )\Figure A.2.4.1 Contra-flow forced draught cooling tower with axial fan Outlet air t t t i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I &«««««««««««««*+■ V_ Hot water distribution Eliminator J Floor mounted centrifugal fan Figure A.2.4.2 Contra-flow forced draught cooling tower with centrifugal fan 17 Ä! ΧΛ Airflow ίt ^ Λ * ^ Figure A.2.4.3 Elevation of forced draught tower sited indoors t t t γ////////////λ ^L·. Ducting V\ Louvred openings Louvred opening Cooling tower □o y Centrifugal [L IFH fan IP 7 Δ^^ΖΖΖ7Ζ7ΖΛ 'ΖΖΖΖΖΖΖΖΖΖΖΖΖΖΖΖΖΖΖΖΖΖΖΖΆ Figure A.2.4.4 Plan of forced draught tower sited indoors V\ 18 Cooling tower practice Figure A.2.4.5 Low height contra-flow forced draught cooling towers with centrifugal fans A.2.5 Contra-flow induced draught designs (Figures A.2.5.1, illustrations A.2.5.2, A.2.5.3, A.2.5.4, A.2.5.5 and A.2.5.6) Axial flow fans are standard, and because the leaving air stream may be controlled in velocity and direction, re-circulation is minimized. Input air comes through louvred openings at the base of the tower and consequently performance can be affected by high winds; this can add to the airborne contaminants introduced into the cooling water. Multiple fan designs may be used enabling one or more fans to be switched off during periods of light load. Fan motors are exposed to the warm moist airstream and must therefore be suitably protected to IP55 weatherproof standards. A.2.6 Indirect evaporative cooling towers (Figure A.2.6.1, illustration A.2.6.2) When applied to air conditioning systems this design incorporates a serpentine coil in the tower instead of packing. Hot water, from the refrigeration plant water cooled condenser, is circulated A.2 Types of cooling tower 19 Figure A.2.4.6 Forced draught contra-flow cooling tower through the coil and cooled in the tower by the evaporative process (note that there are two independent water circuits). Although described as a closed circuit system water is still being evaporated in the tower and cooling efficiency is lower than with packed towers; a larger tower is needed with higher capital and running costs. Contamination of the closed cooling water circuit is avoided, but purging and treatment of the tower water is still required, and is likely to be more critical. Full evaporation cooling can be achieved by interposing a heat exchanger between the condenser cooling water circuit and a tower with standard packing. 20 Cooling tower practice Figure A.2.4.7 Forced draught contra-flow timberframe cooling tower A.2.7 Evaporative condensers (Figure A.2.7.1) The principle is similar to that of indirect evaporative cooling towers, but in this case refrigerant is piped from the condenser to the cooling tower and cooled by the indirect evaporative method before return to the evaporator/compressor of the air conditioning system. A.2.8 Some factors affecting the selection and performance of cooling towers Natural draught towers have limited specific application as described in A.2.1. For the majority of applications fans are essential and provide the only means of achieving a low approach temperature. For maximum cooling the contra-flow design with gravity water flow and vertical air stream is preferred. The cooled water meets dry air at the bottom of the tower and the hot water meets warm moist air at the top; this tends to ensure that evaporative cooling takes place throughout the pack. Eliminator Figure A.2.5.1 Contra-flow induced draught cooling tower Hot water distribution \««<«««««<««««ττπ\ \ \ 1 i t t f Outlet air Figure A.2.5.2 Contra-flow glass fibre induced draught cooling tower £ 22 Figure A.2.5.3 Contra-flow induced draught steel frame cooling tower Figure A.2.5.4 Contra-flow induced draught timber frame cooling tower 23 Figure A.2.5.5 Contra-flow induced draught cooling tower with glass reinforced casing showing spray nozzle distribution system "<N Figure A.2.5.6 Two induced draught cooling towers designed specifically to meet British Airport Authority architectural requirements for Gatwick North Terminal (each tower cools 2500 gallons per minute of condenser water) 24 Cooling tower practice Outlet air t t t t M<«««««««<«««««i±n<minator Hot water distribution ^. "V 7 7 7 7 J 7" Hot water from **process ^Serpentine: :coil : 3> Cooled water return to ~*—z process Pump for circulation Figure A.2.6.1 Indirect evaporative cooling tower Centrifugal fans are larger, more expensive and occupy more floor space than axial flow fans, but they can generate higher pressures and have lower noise levels. Direct drive of axial fans up to 1.8 m diameter is possible; on larger fans where much lower speeds are called for belt or gear drive becomes necessary (see also A.4.5). Control of cooling may be effected by varying fan speed or by using multiple fans switched on or off as needed. Control of the flow rate of an individual fan may be by way of pole-change 2-speed motors, by variable pitch fan blades, or where economically justified by inverter control for motor speed variation. Electric motors for all outdoor cooling towers require a degree of protection IPW55 to BS4999 and this protection is satisfactory for A.2 Types of cooling tower 25 Figure A.2.6.2 Forced draught closed circuit cooling tower motors driving induced draught fans which operate in the warm moist discharge air stream. For indoor forced draught towers standard TEFC motors to IP55 are satisfactory. The use of ventilated motors is unlikely to be justified except for indoor towers requiring large fan powers. Forced draught axial flow fans can be subject to icing up and because the clearance between fan impellor and fan casing is small this can have serious consequences. Fast tripping of the motor circuit under stall conditions can avoid damage but for critical 26 Cooling tower practice Refrigerant lines to and from coil in cooling tower Vapour pansion valve Compressor—H Evaporator (cooling coil) Figure A.2.7.1 Use of cooling tower as evaporative condenser installations a heater should be fitted or fans should be mounted on an inclined panel at 5-10° from vertical to ensure that water is drained back into the tower (see sketch at A.2.4.1). A.3 Rating, duty and physical size of cooling towers An indication of the complexity of cooling tower selection and design is given in Sections A l , A2 and Section A5 gives some of the practical aspects of tower selection; calculation procedures are covered by Section B. The notes which follow indicate some of the ways in which an impression may be gained of the space necessary to accommodate a tower for a given duty. A.3.1 The problem of units SI units are used throughout this book; it is the only international system and once properly understood it makes calculation work much more straightforward. Table C.3. gives conversion factors A.3 Rating, duty and physical size of cooling towers 27 for all the units likely to be encountered, but a reminder of those most relevant may be useful. Consideration starts from the flow rate of water to be cooled and, particularly for small packaged towers it is convenient to use litres per second (1/s), but when carrying out calculations it is safer to use m 3 /s. (1000 gallons per minute = 0.0758m3/s or 75.81/s). Because mass flow rather than volume flow should be used in calculations, note that, for the temperatures normally encountered, the density of water may be taken at 1000 kg/m3 (for more precise values refer to Table C.5). The specific heat capacity of water may be taken at 4.18 kilojoules per kg per °C (refer to Table C.5 for precise values). The kilogram calorie (kg cal) may be enountered; this unit is defined in terms of water at 15°C and at that temperature the specific heat capacity of water is 4.187, thus one kg cal = 4.187 kJ. For a given water flow rate the heat to be dissipated in the tower is: Mass flow rate (kg/s) x specific heat capacity (kJ/kgK) x cooling range (K) (K is the kelvin measured on the absolute scale starting at - 273°C, an interval of one kelvin is the same as 1°C). The calculation will yield an answer in kJ/s which by definition is kW. (100000BTU/hr = 29.31 kW). One ton of refrigeration is the cooling load necessary to convert one ton of water to ice at freezing point. One ton = 907 kg so the rate is 37.79 kg per hour and this represents a cooling load of 3.52 kW (because heat rejected at the condenser is greater than the heat extracted at the evaporator it is usual to add 25% to obtain the cooling load on towers used in conjunction with refrigeration plant). For those engineers who prefer to visualize values in imperial units the main conversion factors are included in the Tables at C.9; also at C.9 will be found two-way conversion tables Fahrenheit/Celsius for easy reference. A.3.2 The methods of specifying tower capacity • Most manufacturers will express the capacity of a given tower in kW at a stated cooling range; this may be a nominal rating based on 5°C range or it may stipulate the three temperatures, i.e. 'hot water', 're-cooled water' and 'design air wet bulb'. Knowing the cooling load and cooling range enables a first approximation of tower size to be established. 28 Cooling tower practice • The volume rate of water flow is a main parameter of a given tower design and manufacturers will normally include this information in standard literature. • The key to the capacity of a tower, and hence one of the main determinants of its physical size, is the cross-section area and the height of the pack. Because volume rate of air flow through the pack is critical to its performance manufacturers often give air flow rate for their standard ranges. The convenient unit is m3/s and the specific heat capacity of air may be taken as 1.0 kJ/kgK (for precise values see Table C.5). The density of air varies inversely with absolute temperature and at 15°C it is 1.226 kg/m 3 . A.3.3 Design factors which affect tower size Figures A.2.2.1, A.2.3.1, A.2.3.2, A.2.4.1, A.2.4.2 and A.2.5.1 show in diagrammatic form the layout of standard towers and in considering space requirements for standard towers some general rules apply: • The contra-flow forced draught arrangement shown in Figure A.2.4.1 occupies minimum floor space but tends to have a high profile because the full diameter of the axial fan must be accommodated in one side panel of the tower below the pack. • The contra-flow induced draught tower shown in Figure A.2.5.1 requires less space below the packing but for satisfactory air flow the fan casing and air circuit necessitates a projection at the top. • Minimum silhouette height is achieved by a forced draught floor-mounted centrifugal fan (Figure A.2.4.2), but this will increase floor space required. Floor space can be reduced somewhat by encroaching on the area needed for the cold water basin. • Cross-flow towers are compact whether forced draught (Figure A.2.2.1), induced draught (Figure A.2.3.1) or twin pack (Figure A.2.3.2). The twin pack has the advantage over the other two because the air is discharged vertically. The above comments refer only to tower height and floor space there are many other factors which influence tower selection. A.3.4 The use of selection charts For a given duty a tower may be selected from a standard range or it may be designed for that particular duty. A.3 Rating, duty and physical size of cooling towers 29 Where selection is from a standard range a modular approach is used with two or more pack heights for a standard pack area. The modules are mounted side by side with interconnected pipework to and from the process. The nomogram at A.3.4.1 enables the liquid loading for a typical contra-flow packing, as used in medium sized towers, to be determined from the three variables: Hot water temperature Cooling range - Ambient air wet bulb temperature. The pack plan area required is obtained by dividing the water flow rate in kg/s by the liquid loading in kg/sm2. In the example shown on the nomogram 30°C hot water temperature, 6°C cooling range and 20°C ambient wet bulb temperature yields a liquid loading of 4.2 kg/sm2. The full calculation procedure is reviewed in B4 and B6. In practice the pack cross-section area and pack height will be selected from standard pack module sizes. A.3.5 Effect on tower size of the variation of the main parameters The main determinant of the size of a mechanical draught cooling tower is the cross-section area and the height of the pack; relative overall height and floor space requirements will be modified with different types of tower as already described in A.3.3. The following general statements may be made with regard to pack cross-section area: • It will increase steeply as approach temperature is reduced towards the minimum practical level of 2°C. • Between the normal limits of wet bulb temperature (14 to 22°C in temperate climates) the area required will be at a minimum at 14 and a maximum at 22°C. • Area will be at a minimum when cooling range is at a minimum (around 6°C) increasing to a maximum when cooling range reaches 20°C. These general statements are expressed in chart form at A.3.5 which is reproduced by permission from British Standard 4485: Part 3: 1988. In this chart the plan area factor is shown as unity for the average UK conditions, i.e. 12°C cooling range, 5°C Approach and 17°C Wet bulb temperature. A typical waterloading value for these conditions is taken in BS4485 at 2.3 kg/sm2. 3.0 4.0 5.0 L: Liquid loading (Kg/s.m2) 6.0 7.0 20 30 35 40 45 50 T-|: hot water temperature (°C) 25 Figure A.3.4.1 Nomogram for determination of liquid loading of contra-flow medium sized towers 2.0 31 1.5 l_ o CO CO CD CD C CO Q. o 1.4 1.3 17 GO'f <*&> ^ l 1.1 1.0 MΖ'ύ, > 0.9 CO Ό/ύ CD cc 0.8 te, %» β Λ %, %> 0.7 J I i JL 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Wet bulb temperature (°C) 0.6 6 J 7 I 8 L 9 10 L J I I 11 12 13 14 15 16 Cooling range (K) J L _L 3 4 5 6 7 Approach (K) *ν Λ 17 J_ j 18 19 20 I 8 Figure A.3.5.1 Mechanical draught counterflow tower: variation of tower size with cooling range, approach, and wet bulb temperature 32 Cooling tower practice Sample calculation. Water flow 0.75 m 3 /s Wet bulb 16°C Cooling range from 35 to 22°C = 13°C Approach = 22° - 16° = 6° Relative plan factors (from the chart) Cooling range (13°C) 1.04. Approach (6°C) 0.85 Wet bulb (16°C) 1.06 Overall plan area factor 1.04 x 0.85 x 1.06 = 0.95 Hence plan area = 0.75 (m3/,)x 1000 (kg^3) 2.3 (kg/m2s) A.4 Cooling tower components and construction materials The relative disposition of the four major components is determined according to the main categories of tower as reviewed in A.2. In addition to these four, i.e. packing, drift eliminators, water distribution system, and fans, the review which follows covers the cold water basin, the pumps, the structure or frame, and the cladding. The section ends with some general comments on materials used. The importance of maintenance and the influence which tower design can have on maintenance procedures are reviewed in Section A. 10. A. 4.1 Packing The traditional material used for cooling tower packing was timber, and, even though packs are now formed mainly from plastics, notably PVC (polyvinylchloride), timber remains the most straightforward material to consider in order to understand how the packing actually functions. There are two fundamental approaches to packing design - the first is splash packing in which the hot water falling through the tower is encouraged to form droplets. The mechanism by means of which these droplets cause cooling has been reviewed in A. 1.4. The second approach to design uses the film principle in which the hot water is encouraged to spread out on a surface and form a thin film, thus providing the maximum surface area for evaporation and hence allowing cooling to take place. 33 ι» Water droplets 4* !/ Airflow Figure A.4.1.1 Rectangular section timber lath splash packing *4 ^J Water droplets •• Air flow Figure A.4.1.2 Triangular section timber lath splash packing 34 Cooling tower practice The splash mechanism is illustrated at Figure A.4.1.1 where staggered layers of timber laths are used to break the falling water into small droplets. There is a tendency for these droplets to agglomerate into larger drops at the edge of each lath, but as they fall to the next staggered layer they are broken down again. Because timber has a roughened surface thorough wetting is assured with consequent maximum evaporation as the water passes through the pack. Improved air flow is achieved by using timber laths of triangular cross section as shown in A.4.1.2. The photograph at A.4.1.3 shows a form of splash packing used in a large all-timber construction tower. In early designs timber grids were used to maximize the film cooling effect; these grids consisted of 20 or more timber slats each Figure A.4.1.3 Timber splash packing A.4 Cooling tower components and construction materials 35 Figure A.4.1.4 Side elevation of PVC packing showing redistribution of water across the plate 35 to 50 mm deep by 10 to 15 mm wide with 20 or more grids mounted transversely one above the other to form the pack. This approach has been superseded by moulded packing which 36 Cooling tower practice provides the maximum surface area without the bulk of the timber slats; this has enabled the overall size of packing to be radically reduced. Figure A.4.1.5 View from above of packing in Figure A.4.1.4 A.4 Cooling tower components and construction materials 37 PVC is the most widely used material but other plastics have been used, including polystyrene, polypropylene (for high temperature applications) and polyethylene. Vacuum formed PVC packings depend for their effectiveness on corrugations which ensure even distribution of the falling water whilst at the same time presenting the lowest resistance to air flow consistent with ensuring maximum evaporative cooling. Figure A.4.1.4 illustrates a packing which has a primary waveform corrugation in one plane and a secondary smaller waveform at a skew angle to the primary. This double wave is well illustrated at A.4.1.5 which views the same packing from above. The photograph at A.4.1.6 shows three types of plastic film packing with varying plate spacings and configurations for varying water qualities and thermal efficiencies. The fourth pack at the rear is of the plastic splash deck type. A.4.1.7 shows packs in demountable plastic coated wire baskets. Plastic packings have many advantages, notably: • Lightness and consequent ease of removal and replacement • Inert in any water whether acid or alkaline • They do not break down to form a sludge as can happen with timber or metal packing Figure A.4.1.6 Three types of plastic film packing with a plastic splash deck type packing shown at the rear 38 Cooling tower practice Figure A.4.1.7 Plastic film packs in demountable plastic coated wire baskets • • • • • Growth of scale is inhibited They do not provide nutrients to support algae or bacteria They are unaffected by electrolytic action Easily formed to any shape required Non-flammable (if PVC) A.4.2 Drift eliminators The original purpose of drift eliminators was to control unnecessary loss of water and to reduce the nuisance caused to those close to a tower who might be subjected to a damp spray; drift loss of between 0.1 and 0.25% of the total water circulation rate was considered acceptable. The availability of PVC as a packing material and the complex shapes into which it could be formed enabled drift loss to be radically reduced; widespread concern about legionnaires disease (referred to in A.9) brought A.4 Cooling tower components and construction materials 39 into sharp focus the need for extremely tight control of drift. Losses below 0.005 and down to 0.001% can now be readily achieved and may be specified for cooling towers in sensitive locations. Expressing drift loss as a percentage of total circulation can be misleading, as it implies that the loss in mg/m3 rises in proportion to the water flow rate, which it does not! In fact, within wide limits it is little affected by water flow rate. It is now believed that the t t Air flow Figure A.4.2.1 Metal lipped corrugated plate eliminator Extruded plastic drift eliminators Air flow Figure A.4.2.2 Aerofoil section plate eliminator 40 Cooling tower practice spread of infection is related more to the number and size range of aerosols released than to the mass of water in mg/m3; the need is to devise a method of testing which relates eliminator efficiency directly to risk of infection. The evolution of the modern drift eliminator is illustrated by the diagrams at A.4.2.1 and A.4.2.2. A.4.2.1 shows a metal lipped corrugated plate design which is heavy, prone to build-up scale, very difficult to clean and not very efficient. The extruded plastic eliminator shown at A.4.2.2 consists of aerofoil section plates of 150mm depth; performance is satisfactory at air velocities around Air flow Figure A.4.2.3 Elevation of high efficiency plastic eliminator showing 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-pass arrangement Figure A.4.2.4 Plan view of plastic eliminator shown at A.4.2.3 A.4 Cooling tower components and construction materials 41 Figure A.4.2.5 High efficiency 2-pass drift eliminator module with cut-away section showing the pack formation one metre per second; for velocities normally associated with mechanical draught towers (2.5 to 3.0m/s) the efficiency is poor. Figure A.4.2.3 shows, in elevation, the shape of a two, three, and four pass plastic eliminator and Figure A.4.2.4 shows the same eliminator in plan; the photograph at A.4.2.5 shows a two pass eliminator module mounted in a frame. Figure A.4.2.6 shows an alternative design with a panel removed to show the simplicity of installation. Eliminators of this type can restrict drift to 0.005 with single pass, to 0.001% with two pass and to nearly undetectable levels with 3 or 4 pass. Figure A.4.2.7 shows the complete eliminator fitted to a tower. In contra-flow cooling towers the eliminators are fitted above the water distribution system and can be designed for single, two, or three/four pass as required by application. In cross-flow forced draught towers of the type illustrated in sketch A.2.3.1 the eliminator is fixed alongside the pack on the air discharge side and is sometimes integral with the pack. Careful fitting and sealing of drift eliminators is essential to ensure that all discharge air passes through the eliminator passages. 42 Figure A.4.2.6 Alternative high efficiency eliminator without frame and with section removed to show simplicity of installation and facility for sealing Figure A.4.2.7 Complete eliminator as fitted to a tower A.4 Cooling tower components and construction materials 43 A.4.3 Water distribution All contra-flow towers, whether forced or induced draught have the hot water distribution system below the drift eliminators, whereas with cross-flow designs the reverse is the case (see Figures A.2.2.1, A.2.3.1, A.2.3.2). There are four approaches to the design of water distribution systems: • The open pan or diffusion deck system is shown in the photograph of an induced draught tower at A.2.3.3. This consists of a pan of the same area as the pack having a number of holes so as to give an even spread of hot water across the pack and should have a cover to reduce algae growth. Water may be delivered into the pan from an open pipe. • The trough and gutter design with overspill as shown at Figures A. 1.2.2 and A. 1.2.4. The inlet water is delivered to a main trough which will normally be of suitably treated steel; there are a number of outlets in the base of the trough feeding the water into a series of gutters so as to cover the total area of the pack. Various designs are used to spill the water from the gutters on to the pack, examples being Vee notches or simple corrugations along the sides of the gutters. • Spray distribution from nozzles as Figure A. 1.2.3. The nozzles are made from injection moulded PVC or polypropylene. The water is delivered to a main header pipe which has a series of branches running across the pack area with the distribution nozzles fitted into the branches. The nozzles need to be easily detachable for cleaning and any grommets used should be of material which does not provide nutrient for bacteria. The pipework can be either steel, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), or UPVC (see A.4.6.2). • A variation on the nozzle approach in large site constructed towers uses timber troughs into which are fitted a series of nozzles to direct the water into splash cups; this improves the distribution of water to the packing (refer Figure A. 1.2.2). All water distribution systems will require pump and suitable pipework to deliver the water to the top of the tower, but the size and mounting position of the pump will depend on volume flow rate and pump pressure requirements. A.4.4 Cold water basin The cold water basin, also referred to as the sump, tank, or pond requires a number of connections: 44 Cooling tower practice • An inlet for make-up water from supply mains with float valve or other means of control to maintain the water level. • Connections for filtration and water treatment (filtration and water treatment covered by Section A.8) • Provision for thermostatically controlled electric immersion heater to prevent freezing of the pump suction outlet. • Provision for purge which can be automatically controlled to limit the amount of dissolved solids in the water system. • The basin must be provided with an overflow outlet, a connection for the cooled water return pipework and minimum 80 mm drains in floor of basin. The design should be such that there are no internal up-turned flanges or pockets where sludge could accumulate, and preferably designed with sloping sides and base (see Figure A. 10.2.1). A.4.5 Fans and fan drives Fan engineering is a complex and specialized subject and there are many inter-related factors which affect the selection of fans, notably: • The air flow rate varies directly as the fan speed. • The pressure exerted varies as the square of the fan speed. • The power absorbed varies as the cube of its speed. • In general the higher the fan speed the higher the noise level; fan manufacturers publish characteristics of their fans which give details of noise levels under BS test conditions (refer also to Section A.6). • The larger the diameter of a fan of a given type the greater the air flow rate it can handle. • The available speeds of squirrel cage motors on 50 Hz supplies are 2920 - 1450 - 950 - 720 - 580 - 480r.p.m. and on 60 Hz supplies are 3520 - 1750 - 1150 - 840 - 690 - 560r.p.m. As the speed of the motor goes down the frame size and hence the cost of the motor rises and below around 500 r.p.m. it is more economical to use a standard 4-pole motor with belt or gear drive to the fan. Belt drive is invariably used for centrifugal fans. Some of the main features of fan requirements for cooling towers are: • The volumetric flow is measured in m3/s and for standard packaged cooling towers varies from around 0.5m3/s to 50m3/s. Large towers require very much higher volumes (of the order 500m3/s per cell). A.4 Cooling tower components and construction materials 45 • Standard practice is to express the pressure available from fans in kilopascal (kPa) and fan manufacturers will supply characteristic curves for their various designs of fan showing the relationship between pressure generated and volume delivered. The pressure available falls away as volume increases until a point is reached where the pressure falls off very rapidly and the fan will no longer move the air. In any ventilation or air moving system the objective is to match the characteristics of the fan to the pressure and volume requirements of the system. With modern packing and drift eliminators the pressure drop in a cooling tower is low so that fans can be operated at close to their maximum volume. A.4.6 Materials used in cooling tower manufacture The most important materials used in cooling tower manufacture are steel, timber, and plastics - the main characteristics and applications of these three groups of materials are reviewed below. Aluminium and ceramics are rarely used and asbestos cement, though once a popular material, is now ruled out because of health hazards from asbestos fibres. A.4.6.1 Steel Due to its strength and ease of fabrication, mild steel has obvious advantages for the construction of cooling towers, but it is essential that it should be coated for protection against corrosion attack. Mill galvanized sheets will give good protection, but once sheets have been cut, drilled, welded and formed, areas are exposed for attack; even the smallest unprotected areas can lead to corrosion at a rate comparable to that of unprotected mild steel, (see A.8.12 and A.8.13). Protective paints can be applied to exposed areas but such protection must be inspected regularly and re-treated when necessary. Better protection can be obtained by the hot dipped galvanizing process after the tower sections have been cut, shaped, drilled and welded as necessary; thorough cleaning and smooth fettling of weld seams is essential before hot dipping. An alternative process is the electrolytic zinc coating of steel sheet, followed by an etch primer with finish based on epoxy, acrylic, or vinyl resins and final stoving. Many other finishes may be used including bitumen, plastic coating, and synthetic rubber coating, but in every case thorough cleaning and degreasing is essential for the best results. Even though relatively costly, stainless steel is used increasingly for cooling tower manufacture; with an \\Vi% chromium content 46 Cooling tower practice its corrosion rate is superior to that of untreated mild steel by a factor of up to 250 when used in severe marine industrial environments. The use of steel pipework, in conjunction with plastic piping, should be avoided as far as possible, as differential expansion may cause problems. A.4.6.2 Synthetic materials UPVC (unplasticized polyvinyl chloride) is a widely used material which can be vacuum formed into complex shapes and does not soften or distort in temperatures up to 60°C. It does not support combustion, but is subject to attack by some organic solvents. Used for packing, drift eliminators, and pipework; if correctly designed and suitably stiffened can be used for fabricated sections of towers. GRP (glass reinforced plastic) covers a range of materials based on polyester which are widely used for the construction of small packaged towers (see Figure A.2.5.2). Suitable for service in temperatures up to 80-100°C. Should be treated with fire retardant. ABS (Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene) has high impact strength and is suitable for temperatures up to 60-70°C. An alternative to GRP for tower construction. Polypropylene, polystyrene and high density polyethylene can be used for packing and drift eliminators. Polypropylene with glass reinforcement may be used for fan blades on axial fans. When used for packing polypropylene has the advantage of a higher softening temperature and can be used up to 80-90°C; it can be ignited but burns quite slowly. Polystyrene can be used up to 60°C; however, high impact polystyrene, if ignited becomes a hazard as it burns very rapidly and gives off toxic fumes. Polyethylene may be used up to 60°C; it ignites but is slow burning, and like polypropylene, will sustain combustion unless extinguished. All plastic materials are subject to attack by organic solvents but UPVC is less vulnerable than the others. A A. 63 Timber Correctly prepared and applied, timber remains a cost effective material for tower structures and very many towers have been in service with timber frames, cladding, and packing for 25-30 years. On large, site constructed, towers timber has also been used for A.4 Cooling tower components and construction materials 47 stairways, walkways, and fan casings. Timber should be treated after fabrication with suitable preservatives as specified in BS 4485: Part 4: 1988. The three timbers most widely used are: Western red cedar which is the most durable and absorbs the least amount of preservative, but is costly. Douglas fir is likewise resistant to the absorption of preservatives. Baltic redwood absorbs the largest amount of preservative, but when properly treated it has a useful life comparable to the other two. Towers manufactured from timber structures can be expected to give good service for up to 30 years if well maintained. The rotting of all types of timber takes many forms and is caused by various species of fungus; it is an essential part of the ecological process by which dead trees in their natural state are broken down and returned to the soil. The materials from which trees are made up are cellulose and lignin; some fungi attack primarily the cellulose and others can attack both. The process of rot is associated with the life cycle of the fungus and starts with spores which are carried in the air to the surface of the timber; under suitable damp or wet conditions the spore germinates, releases enzymes which dissolve the cellulose or the lignin and enable the fungus to digest them as food. The next stage is for strands from the fungus to spread through the wood and extend the process of decay. The strands are known as hyphae and the mass of these hyphae is referred to as the mycelium or fungus plant; the mycelium eventually throws up a fruiting spur or sphorophore which, when ripe, breaks down into spores to start the cycle again. There are thousands of species of fungi, a number of which invade wood. Massive decay of timber results from attack by fungi of the basidiomycetes group; this group includes the common mushroom and most of the fungi which produce noticeable sphorophores (fruiting bodies). The different forms of wood rot are distinguished in ordinary language according to their appearance and main features, i.e. brown rot, white rot, wet rot, dry rot, soft rot, and stain (stain discolours the timber but does not destroy it). True dry rot (serpula lacrymans) is not of great consequence as far as cooling towers are concerned and attacks mainly inside buildings where it has the ability to spread into bricks and concrete there to remain dormant and later spread into fresh timber. 48 Cooling tower practice Brown rot (which attacks only the cellulose) and white rot (which attacks both cellulose and lignin) both play their part in cooling tower timber, but the main culprits are wet rot and soft rot. Wet rot is familiar in fence posts at close to ground level and causes decay in tower structural members which remain wet but are not immersed. Soft rot occurs when the surface of the timber is softened and in the early stages the interior remains sound. Many fungi cause soft rot, the common ones being fusarium, gaphium, gliodadium and chaetomium globosum. All timber used in towers can be affected by soft rot but timber packing is particularly susceptible because the fungi causing the condition can thrive even though the timber is continually wetted. Treatment of timber to prevent fungal decay consists of causing fungicides to penetrate deep into the cellular structure of the timber; this is best achieved by first removing moisture from the timber in treatment plants by subjecting the timber to a vacuum to draw out the moisture. This is followed by flooding with fungicide liquid usually under a small pressure to ensure penetration. The timber is then drained and subjected to a further vacuum to remove surplus fungicide and to conserve material. Preservatives which can be used with good effect are copper chrome arsenates and creosote, which give good results with thorough penetration. A general disadvantage of the use of timber in cooling towers is that it provides a surface on which algae and bacteria can develop more readily; consequently the use of structural steel for the framework of large towers is increasing. A.5 Practical aspects of tower selection A.5.1 Heat energy calculations The subject is treated fully in Section B.3.1, but a reminder of the ground rules is not out of place: • All energy including heat energy is measured in the practical unit of kilojoules (kJ). • Rate of energy flow is measured in kilowatts (kW) and one kilowatt equals one kilojoule per second. In every case the first objective is to establish the rate of energy flow which determines the cooling load on the tower. There are four sets of conditions: A.5 Practical aspects of tower selection 49 (1) Where the cooling process is based on mains water running to waste and the requirement is to supply a cooling tower to reduce water charges. Data required are: Mean temperature of mains water (outlet temperature required from tower) Normal temperature of water running to waste (inlet temperature to tower) Volume flow in litres per second From B.3.1 The heat energy flow in kilojoules per second (kilowatts) is: Lw x Cpw x (Tj —T2) Lw Cpw Ti T2 = = = = mass flow of water (kg/s). specific heat capacity of water (kJ/kgK) inlet temperature (K) outlet temperature (K). K is the temperature in kelvins (one kelvin = one degree Celsius) Up to 45°C the mass of one litre of water is very close to 1 kg and over the same temperature range the specific heat capacity of water is very close to 4.2kJ/kgK (see Table C.5 for more precise values). Thus for a flow rate of 50 litres per second and a temperature difference of 12°C the heat energy flow is: 50 x 4.2 x 12 = 2500 kW 2500 kW is the basis for tower design. (2) Where heat is to be extracted from a process: The rate of energy flow in kilowatts (Q) comes from the equation: Q m Cp At = = = = m x Cp x At mass flow of material being cooled (kg/s) specific heat capacity of ditto (kJ/kgK) temperature fall of ditto (K) The material being cooled can be solid or liquid. (3) Where in addition to sensible heat extraction the process involves a change of state which will normally involve condensation of a gas to a liquid. The latent heat of evaporation of water at atmospheric pressure is 2250kJ/kg. 50 Cooling tower practice Thus the heat energy flow required to evaporate 2 litres of water per second is: 2 x 2250 = 4500 kW The rate of heat extraction required to condense the equivalent amount of water vapour will also be 4500 kW (4) Where the source of heat is power input either electrical or mechanical. Power output from an engine or an electric motor is expressed in kW and it is normal to assume that the whole of the power supplied to a process will be dissipated as heat in the process; thus for cooling tower design the total output is used. Remember that the input to an electric motor must take care of losses in the motor itself and these losses are dissipated by the cooling fan of the motor. This will warm the air but will not affect the process cooling requirement. Having established the rate of energy flow the next objectives are to determine water flow rate, the re-cooled water temperature and the design wet bulb temperature; each of these is reviewed in the paragraphs which follow. A.5.2 Determination of water flow rate The majority of applications will involve a heat exchanger in the process itself and optimum design will therefore require a balance between the heat exchanger and the cooling tower. A low water flow through the exchanger associated with a high temperature rise will necessitate a large exchanger, but as the temperature range increases the cooling tower will become smaller and its flow rate will also be low. The total pressure loss through the heat exchanger has an important bearing on the cooling water flow rate. The detailed treatment of heat exchanger design is beyond the scope of this book; suffice to say that the flow rate through the tower can be arrived at only after a very thorough investigation of the process itself. A.5.3 Determination of the re-cooled water temperature This is the desirable water temperature, in summer, to the inlet of the cooling process. For a given air wet bulb temperature, the re-cooled water temperature has a considerable effect on tower size. To cool water to the wet bulb temperature of the air would require an infinitely A.5 Practical aspects of tower selection 51 large cooling tower. More practically, as one tries to cool nearer to the air wet bulb temperature the tower size increases very rapidly. It is not usual to have an approach to the air wet bulb temperature of less than 3°C - a more usual figure is 4°C. However, reputable manufacturers will guarantee an approach to within about 2°C of the air wet bulb temperature if this is required. When selecting a re-cooled water temperature, therefore, choose the highest possible temperature which will permit cooling water to do what is required of it. To do otherwise merely results in the selection of a larger (and therefore more expensive) tower than is necessary. A.5.4 Choice of design air wet bulb temperature The choice of the design air wet bulb temperature is of vital importance; it is based on relevant meteorological information, but must be modified to take account of the consequences of the design figure being exceeded under operating conditions. As the highest daytime air wet bulb temperatures recorded in meteorological data sheets refer to only short or peak periods of time, or to temperatures recorded at the same hour each day, it is normally possible to design for a figure less than the highest recorded, for two reasons: (1) Temporarily warmer re-cooled water from cooling tower packing is quickly lowered in temperature by mixing with the cooling tower pond water. (2) The thermal lag inherent in the cold water basin, and cooling system compensates for most of the peak time cooling tower performance, when re-cooled water leaving the tower packing may, for minutes only, be higher than desirable. Hence, where a fairly liberal cold water basin capacity is specified, or where high summer conditions may correspond to times of reduced heat dissipation from process plant, or where a small temporary rise in cooling water temperature is acceptable, a design air wet bulb temperature of 2-5°C below peak temperatures recorded is usually adopted. Towers designed for air conditioning plant in the UK must be able to cope with a very few abnormally humid summer days and will therefore rarely be operating at full capacity; this is in contrast to tropical installations which operate close to full capacity for much of the summer period. As a basis for assessing design values for both wet and dry bulb temperatures the Chartered Institution of Building Services 52 Cooling tower practice Engineers publishes in Section A2 of their Guide a series of maps of the UK showing isotherms averaged over the years 1960 to 1974 and covering the summer period June to September. Maps are available showing sets of isotherms based on percentage values 1 and 2x/2%; the percentage refers to the number of hours as a proportion of the total when the value shown on the isotherm is exceeded. The maps are reproduced at C.4. If operating air wet bulb temperature rises above design level there will be a small rise in the temperature of the water leaving the tower, but this rise will be less than the excess over design level. The design temperature must be assessed on the merits of each application after careful consideration of the points referred to above. To illustrate the effect of wet bulb temperature on tower performance the chart at Figure A.5.4.1 shows the results of wet bulb temperature variation on a specific tower. Here, for constant water flow rate, air flow rate, and temperature range, the variation in water-off temperatures with wet bulb temperature is given. A.5.5 Effect of altitude Special consideration must be given when the site is at any appreciable altitude above sea level. 24 r23 2 22 CD Ω. Based on Water flow rate 2.4 kg/s per m 2 of packing area Cooling range 6°C Air velocity 2.5 m/s Altitude up to 300 m E 2 21 2 20 19 14 15 16 17 18 19 Ambient wet bulb temperature (°C) Figure A.5.4.1 Relationship between re-cooled temperature and wet bulb temperature for typical contra-flow pack A.5 Practical aspects of tower selection 53 The greatest effect of altitude is that the mass of air delivered by the fan is reduced. This is due to the reduction in density combined with the fact that a fan is essentially a constant volume machine (Table B.5.2 gives air density data). The tower is designed on mass flow of air per unit horizontal cross-sectional area of pack and care must be taken, therefore, when selecting the fan. In other words, a tower selected for a duty at sea level might be incapable of meeting that duty at a higher altitude. The other factor is that as altitude increases, air at a given temperature is capable of holding a larger amount of water vapour. This tends to offset the density factor, but its effect is comparatively small particularly at low water temperature levels. A.5.6 Choice of site The available site can often determine the type of tower to be used, or occasionally the type of tower necessary can determine the site. In practice the engineer assesses the possible sites he might use, the types of tower available and then makes a judgement which depends upon various factors: • Facilities for mounting water circulating pumps and convenient routes for pipework. A common problem arises when a tower is mounted below the level of a large capacity cooling system. When the pump is switched off the system empties into the tower basin and valuable water is lost down the overflow. The problem can be avoided by: Mounting the tower on the same level as the system Making the basin large enough to accept the drain back Fitting non-return valves in the pipework • The load-bearing capacity of the surface on which the tower is to be placed. If a tower is to be mounted on a roof a cross-draught, low-silhouette tower (with large plan area) might be needed to limit the load on the roof. It should be remembered that the operating weight, i.e. including water in the distribution system, packing, and sump should be used when making roof stress calculations. • Restrictions to airflow to and from the tower. 54 Cooling tower practice This can be caused by: Air intake too close to a wall Re-circulation arising because discharge air is deflected back towards the air inlets; re-circulation will cause the wet bulb temperature to rise with consequent reduction in tower performance If the obstruction is nearer than a distance corresponding to 150% of the air inlet height there are definite possibilities of excessive air inlet resistance, insufficient air supply and increased noise level. Good practice is to work to a minimum distance 200% of the air inlet height. The effect of obstructive walls on both incoming and outgoing air is more serious in a forced draught cooling tower. Another cause of increased wet bulb temperature and reduction in performance is siting the tower near hot air or gas discharge points, such as ventilation outlets or boiler flues. • The need to site the tower indoors. If this is necessary due to site restrictions it is essential to duct the outlet from the tower through the roof or wall of the building. It is not always necessary to duct fresh air to the tower inlet as when conditions permit large louvres can be placed in an adjacent wall. In these conditions, the layout of the forced draught tower makes it a very convenient choice. Figures A.2.4.1 and A.2.4.2 show the way in which this type of tower can be used to give a very compact arrangement. • The permissible operating noise level of the tower. Although noise level is normally of minor consequence in industrial cooling applications it can be of major importance if the tower is sited near residential or office buildings. Limitation of noise level can be a major factor in deciding the size and type of tower and may necessitate changes in tower design or the use of sound attenuation methods. The subject of noise is dealt with in some detail at A.6. A.5.7 Appearance Much progress has been made since the days of the unsightly timber tower with exposed framework, blemishes from water leakage and the depressing appearance of creosoted timber. Modern advances in shell design and much improved cladding finished in suitable pastel colours have gone a long way towards A.6 Noise and noise control 55 making the cooling tower more attractive in appearance. The illustrations at A.2.4.7, A.2.5.4 and A.2.5.6 are good examples of acceptable appearance. A.5.8 Capital costs and operating costs As a general statement, for a given type of tower, it is possible to make an economic choice between a tower with high initial cost and low operating costs or with a low initial cost and higher operating costs. The former tower will have a larger pack and consequently require low fan power and the latter will be capable of handling the cooling load with a smaller pack but greater fan power. Running costs are also affected by the pump size which is itself determined by the head from the cold water basin to the warm water inlet pipe, together with pressure loss in the pipework. In practice the type and size of tower to be used will be influenced by such factors as space available or indeed the value of the space which the tower will occupy. With water charges already very high and set to rise more rapidly than other costs there is unlikely to be very much difficulty in justifying the cost of a cooling tower where cooling water was previously run to drain. A pay-back period of less than one year is likely. A.5.9 Performance testing British Standard 4485: Part 2: 1988 deals comprehensively with testing of cooling towers with sections covering: Conditions of validity of tests Instruments and methods of measurement Test checks and readings Test procedures Computation of results Evaluation of thermal performance In addition the standard includes appendices, tables and figures relevant to cooling tower performance and testing. A.6 Noise and noise control A.6.1 The subjective nature of sound Sound is caused by vibrations and can be transmitted through any fluid, but it is most familiar when carried by the atmosphere; the 56 Cooling tower practice human reaction to sound depends on the delicate and very complex mechanism of the ear. The limits of detection of sound by a young person with acute hearing are defined in 2 ways: • Through the range of frequencies from the lowest tone which can be detected by the human ear to the highest note which can be recognized (some forms of life can detect sounds above the range of frequencies recognizable to humans). • The power of sound, which is directly related to the pressure created in the atmosphere by the sound wave, spreads from a level which is just detectable to a level at which pain will be felt and damage to hearing may result. The difference between sound and noise depends to a large extent on the reaction of the individual. T o p ' music is enjoyable sound to some and intolerable noise to others; the dripping of a tap which is inaudible in the daytime can cause real distress in the silence of the night. Subjective reaction and the level of background noise will have an important influence on whether noise from a cooling tower will be objectionable. A.6.2 The basis of sound measurement Propagation of sound may be understood by considering the analogy of beating a drum; the vibration of the surface of the drum produces pressure variations in the air which move away from the drum as longitudinal vibrations. Sound waves are said to be longitudinal because the pressure variations take place in the same plane as the direction of wave travel; this is in contrast to the wave produced by flicking the end of a flexible rope which produces transverse waves with disturbance at right angles to the direction of wave travel. Sound measurement is based on the reaction of the human ear with a zero point at a pressure level corresponding to sound which is just detectable and extending to a maximum just beyond the threshold of pain. The minimum pressure detectable is 20 micro-pascals (20 μΡζ) and the maximum tolerable is 20 million micro-pascals or 20 Pa. Because this range of pressures is so wide an arbitrary logarithmic scale of decibels is used with zero at 20 μPa and increasing by 20 decibels for each tenfold increase in pressure: 20 μΡ& corresponds to 0 decibels (dB) 200 μPa corresponds to 20 dB A.6 Noise and noise control 57 2000 μPa corresponds to 40dB, and so on up to 200 000 000 μPa corresponds to 140 dB The system of measurement is applied to the range of frequencies recognizable, which, with optimum hearing extends from 20 hertz (20 vibrations per second) to 20000 hertz (20 kHz). The range of sound power levels is shown at Figure A.6.2.1. As with any vibrations, frequency and wavelength are related by velocity and in the case of sound waves in air this is 344 metres per second at 20°C at sea level. This velocity is independent of frequency but increases with increasing temperature. WAVELENGTH = 200 000 000 SPEED OF SOUND FREQUENCY ** 130 20 000 000 Pneumatic hammer—► 120 2 000 000 100 Threshold of pain -Low level jet aircraft 110 90 -Heavy traffic 200 000 80 70 Office20 000 60 50 2000 40 -Library 30 Countryside—► 2 0 0 20 10 Pressure (micropascals) 20 Threshold of hearing Sound power level (dB) Figure A.6.2.1 Sound pressure levels and sound power levels 58 Cooling tower practice Thus for a pure tone of frequency 20 Hz the wavelength will be 344/20 = 17.2 metres. Pure tones of fixed frequency may be produced by tuning forks or by electronic means, but musical notes have quite complex waveforms because of the presence of overtones (defined scientifically as harmonics). Noise in general consists of a mixed bag of frequencies which are not pleasing in the sense that musical tones can be. 'White' noise is an expression used in radio signal detection and consists of vibrations spread over the audible range to produce the 'rushing water' noise heard when a radio transmission is off tune. The pressure of a sound wave, which in turn determines the sound power measured in decibels, is related to the amplitude of the sound wave as illustrated at Figure A.6.2.2. Figure A.6.2.2 Sound wave - variation of pressure On the logarithmic scale of decibels described above an increase of 6 dB represents a doubling of pressure, but for the sound to appear to be twice as loud an increase of 10 dB is needed (this is an example of how the decibel scale attempts to reflect the subjective nature of sound; a doubling of loudness is what most people will sense when the level is increased by 10dB). The sensitivity of the human ear varies with frequency as shown in the family of equal loudness curves at Figure A.6.2.3. These curves show how some frequencies can be detected at lower A.6 Noise and noise control 59 110 dB 50 100 200 500 1k Frequency (Hz) 2k 5k 10k 20k Figure A.6.2.3 Curves showing frequency for equal loudness at sound power levels 10-130 dB pressure levels than others, with the greatest sensitivity between 2 and 5 kHz. It is clear from the curves that in the 2 to 5 kHz band, high sound pressure levels will be least tolerable and therefore most likely to cause damage to the ear. Each of the curves is related to the sound pressure level at 1 kHz and by moving down the frequency scale of the 70 dB curve it can be seen that a sound pressure level of 85 dB will be necessary at 500 Hz to give the same loudness as at 1 kHz. A.6.3 The measurement of sound Sound level meters consist of microphones connected to electronic circuitry which produce a digital display in decibels. Measurement is designed to take account of the equal loudness curves and thus to correct for the varying sensitivity of the human ear. An electronic network 'weights' the sound according to frequency and the weighting now universally accepted is the Ά ' weighting which is based on equal loudness contours at low sound power levels (SPLs) and corresponds most closely with subjective tests. The Έ ' and 'C' weightings were based on medium and high sound power 60 Cooling tower practice levels and are now rarely used. Thus sound power levels are now commonly expressed in dB(A). BS 4485: Part 2: 1988 Water Cooling Towers, Methods for Performance Testing stipulates that the Ά ' weighting shall be used. Because sound is a form of energy the damage to hearing which may result from exposure depends on the duration as well as the intensity of the sound. For this reason a value known as Leq has been devised; this enables a varying sound level to be analysed electronically and translated into an equivalent continuous sound having the same energy content. An alternative approach is the sound exposure level (SEL), which is defined as the constant level acting for one second which has the same amount of acoustic energy as the original source. To a sensitive ear the minimum energy required to produce sound recognition is approximately 4 x 10~19 joules; hearing becomes painful and damage may ensue at 4 x 10~5 joules. Octave band level 120 110 100 90 80 70 2 o Q. T3 C 3 O CO 60 50 40 30 20 10 J_ _L _L _L J_ _L 31.5 63 125 250 500 1 K 2 K 4 K 8 K Frequency (Hz) Figure A.6.3.1 Octave band analysis A.6 Noise and noise control 61 In order to make suitable allowance for the varying aural response to different frequencies the total audible spectrum of frequencies is divided up into Octave bands'. The definition of an octave band is the same as that for the diatonic musical scale where the frequency of the top note of the octave is double the frequency of the bottom note. Thus if the centre frequency is 1 kHz the span will be from 0.707 kHz to 1.414 kHz. Instruments have been designed to measure the SPLs in each of the octave bands through the audible range and the result can be presented in a spectrogram showing the sound power levels in each band, (see Figure A.6.3.1). To assess the relative importance of the SPLs of the range of octave bands it is necessary to use a family of noise rating curves as shown in Figure A.6.3.2. Each curve has a noise rating related to the value of sound pressure level at 1 kHz (thus N70 intersects the vertical axis at 70dB at 1000Hz). Superimposing the spectrogram on the NR curves enables the frequencies causing the maximum noise problem to be identified (see Figure A.6.3.3). Octave band level NR 120 110 100 CO "O 90 80 o 70 c 60 Q. O c/) 50 40 31.5 63 125 250 500 1 K 2 K 4 K 8 K Frequency (Hz) Figure A.6.3.2 Noise rating (NR) curves to ISO R 1996 62 Cooling tower practice i Octave band level L 120 X W V ^^ " 110 CO "D 80 70 O Q. "O C D O CO 60 50 120 110 V \ V \ ^ 100 90 NR ^^^ - - H^ -H _ "~ 100 "" 90 "" 80 - 70 ^^^NS^^^^T— §vv$vXx; ΛΛΛΛΛΛ " — """ 40 60 50 30 —- 40 20 — 30 20 10 5 _I i i i i V ^ "Ί t31.5 63 125 250 500 1 K 2 K 4 K 8 K ™ Frequency (Hz) Figure A.6.3.3 Identifying octave bands for maximum noise problem A.6.4 The effect of distance on sound power levels Sound pressure levels are independent of distance but free field sound power levels decline with distance according to the chart at A.6.4.1 (free field sound power levels are those in which the effects of reflection and absorption of sound by buildings and other obstructions have been fully discounted). From the chart it can be seen that at a point 10 times the distance of the sound level meter from the sound source there will be a reduction in level of 20dB so that 80dB will sound like 60dB. More precise information on attenuation for distance from source is given in BS 4485: Part 3: 1988 from which Figure A.6.4.2 is reproduced. This chart shows the effect of frequency on attenuation with separate curves shown for each of the octave bands from 63 Hz to 8 kHz. As can be seen, up to approximately 10 metres from the source attenuation is independent of A.6 Noise and noise control 63 30 r 00 o ■ 3 ■o CD * 10U _J 5 I 10 I 15 I 20 I 25 Distance from source Distance of meter from source Figure A.6.4.1 The effect of distance on sound power level frequency, but beyond that point the low frequencies are more persistent than the high as distance increases. The direction in which sound is projected from the tower also has an influence and is also frequency dependent. Figure A.6.4.3 from BS 4485: Part 3: 1988 shows how the maximum perception of noise from a tower is in positions close to vertically above the tower with a directivity index +5 dB for frequencies 500 Hz and above. Conversely at an angle of 20° or more below the horizontal level at the top of the tower the directivity index is approximately -18dB. A.6.5 Subtraction and addition of noise levels The chart at A.6.5.1 may be used to assess the effect of background noise on a sound level measurement. Clearly, if the background noise is very close to the noise being measured the impact of the measured noise will be of no consequence. The measured noise must be more than 3 dB (A) above the background level before any adjustment can be assessed. As an example: 60 dB (A) Total noise measured with cooling tower running 52 dB (A) Background noise alone 8 dB (A) Difference Correction (from chart) 0.8 dB (A) Noise from tower 60 - 0.8 = 59.2 dB (A) 2 3 4 5 10 100 Distance f r o m source (metres) Figure A.6.4.2 Attenuation for distance from source 1 For hemispherical propagation and source sound power level re 1 0 - 1 2 W and sound pressure level re 2 x 10~5 N/m 2 1000 3000 Octave bands centre Hz A.6 Noise and noise control LO CM 1 O ID CM 1 O O LO I I I +10r- l· £ 60° h •σ 00 0-45° +5 X I Vertical angle of projection 65 75° 3 45° -5 Fan y .;= -10 ^ ^ O ^ Γ^ 85° ^100° 110° -15h -20 _ 90° •s^ 100° N ^ 110- 180°] Ground 10 | I 100 1 K 10 K Octave band centre frequency (Hz) Figure A.6.4.3 Directivity correction The chart at A.6.5.2 may be used when two sources of noise are to be added. As an example: Source No. 1. Source No. 2. Difference Correction (from chart) Total noise 78 dB (A) 84 dB (A) 6 dB (A) 1.0 dB (A) 84 + l = 85dB(A) If the two sources are identical in value it can be seen from the chart that 3 dB (A) must be added to obtain the combined level. A.6.6 Sources of noise from cooling towers A.6.6J Noise from fans The factors which contribute to the noise level of fans are: • Noise increases with increased peripheral speed (the speed at which the tips of the fan blades move through the air) • Noise increases as the power absorbed increases and as the static pressure developed increases (the static pressure from the 66 6h CQ 5h « 3 o u 2h _L 1 _L 2 3 _L 4 5 _L 6 Difference between total noise level and background level (dB) Figure A.6.5.1 Correction for background noise 3r- CQ T3 2 1 o 0 _L 5 J_ 10 Difference between levels (dB) Figure A.6.5.2 Addition of noise level from two sources 15 A.6 Noise and noise control 67 fan must balance the total resistance to air flow through the tower). • In the case of axial flow fans noise is reduced as the number of fan blades (or the 'solidity' of the fan) increases. • Noise is closely related to the design of the fan and its casing, in particular centrifugal fans are inherently less noisy than axial flow fans. Fan manufacturers provide comprehensive charts for their various fan designs and these show how fan power, fan speed, and static pressure are inter-related; such charts will also show the noise rating at the various operating conditions. BS 848: Part 2: 1985 gives the basis on which octave band spectra and sound power levels are supplied by fan manufacturers. A.6.6.2 Noise from air movement Air turbulence in some designs of tower can cause significant noise which will increase as the air flow rate increases. Careful design and the avoidance of obstructions to the air stream caused by fan bearers and safety mesh supports can minimize the problem. A.6.6.3 Structural vibration Secondary vibration originating from the fan and fan drive mountings can cause noise particularly in induced draught designs where the fan and drive are mounted at the top of the tower. These problems are minimal with forced draught designs having floor mounted centrifugal fans. A.6.6.4 Bearing noise Bearing noise is generally indicative of defective or worn ball or roller bearings or it can be due to incorrect alignment or wrongly fitted drive systems where gearboxes or pulley drives are used. Modern high quality ball or ball and roller bearings can perform as well as sleeve bearings. A.6.6.5 Electric motor noise High speed (two pole) induction motors are invariably noisier than four or six pole designs and highly fluxed motors will generate magnetic noise from the stator winding laminations. Slow speed motors are more expensive than high speed for a given kW rating, but the design of the drive system starts from the required fan speed, and motor speed must be chosen accordingly. Motor manufacturers will offer special designs for quiet running and will provide noise data for tneir standard ranges. 68 Cooling tower practice A.6.7 Achieving low noise level in cooling towers It is clearly desirable to know in advance the noise level expected and the design of the tower can then, at a price, achieve the desired result. The location of the tower and its proximity to residential or other sensitive areas must be considered before putting forward proposals. Some of the methods to be considered are detailed below. A.6.7.1 Derating the tower By selecting a tower which is physically oversized for the cooling load, but with a correspondingly lower air speed, a slow speed fan can be fitted. This has the added bonus of greatly reduced fan power but can be a costly method of noise reduction. A.6.7.2 Attenuation Noise attenuators (or silencers) are a practicable means of noise reduction on small towers where their size and weight does not impose excessive strain on the tower shell. Straight-through silencers are the simplest but the degree of attenuation is slight, whereas pod or splitter type silencers give much better attenuation but impose a pressure loss and usually require bigger fan motors. The cost, weight and height of silencers, increase very rapidly with size and they are not often a successful form of attenuation for larger fans. If noise emission from the air inlets is also a problem, inlet silencers would be a much more difficult and costly proposition. A.6.73 Electric motor drives In addition to selecting motor speed and design for low noise there is a good case for the use of two-speed motors. This will enable the tower to operate at lower fan speed and hence lower air volume during periods of low cooling demand (notably at night). Motor switching can be a source of noise which, because it is intermittent, may cause problems. A.6.7 A The use of centrifugal fans The most effective noise reduction is obtained by designing the tower using centrifugal fans. For small to medium towers, it is also relatively inexpensive although it can double the floor area occupied by the tower. Centrifugal fans are inherently quieter for comparable duties and although bulky they are often the only practical solution if really low noise ratings are required. A.6 Noise and noise control 69 Reference may be made to Acoustic test procedures for water cooling towers by K. Marriott of Industrial Commercial and Technical Consultants. A.6.8 Noise level reduction of an existing tower What can be done if an installed cooling tower proves too noisy? Obviously this will depend upon how noisy it is and upon site circumstances. The action taken should be effective and the cost as low as possible. Often it is possible to accept a slightly higher recooled water temperature than that specified. Also, the maximum cooling capacity can sometimes be found to exceed the required cooling duty by a considerable amount. Either or both of these considerations may reveal that the tower can be derated by reducing the airspeed and a lower fan r.p.m. can be used (this would involve a change of electric motor or a rewind of the original motor if the impeller were directly driven). If the resultant noise level is still not low enough, sound baffling may now be considered. This can take the form of extra sound absorbent cladding to the tower or sound baffling walls enclosing the tower. If the noise level is still not low enough, then straight through silencers may be considered, provided the tower's structural design is strong enough (or can be reinforced) to take the weight. Often only pod-type silencers are sufficiently effective. Unfortunately a more powerful fan motor may need to be fitted. If the tower were excessively noisy or if the stipulated noise level were clearly beyond the capability of a pod-type silencer, then the tower would have to be dismantled and rebuilt using a centrifugal fan. The lesson to be learned is that the noise problem should be fully investigated before a tower is ordered. Considerations such as noise reflection, reverberation, vibration and diffraction should be referred to experts. A.6.9 Calculation of tower noise level and of the attenuation necessary to meet various criteria The process must start from the design criteria of buildings or residences which may be affected by tower noise; such criteria must include recommended noise levels over the eight standard octave bands together with the noise rating (NR) level. As an example hospital wards have recommended levels from 60 dB (A) in band 1 (centre frequency 63 Hz) down to 23 dB (A) in band 8 70 Cooling tower practice (centre frequency 8 kHz). The recommended NR level is 30 dB (A). Data is available on the attenuation which can be achieved by brickwork, concrete, and typical building construction. A typical building with doors and windows open will provide attenuation of 17 to 20 dB (A) from bands 1 to 8 rising to 23 to 34 dB (A) if doors and windows are closed. Further data are available on ambient sound pressure levels in different locations, for example night time urban areas 52 to 22 dB (A) from bands 1 to 8. Meeting the necessary criteria must start from the octave band spectrum of the tower itself. The extent to which the tower is enclosed by walls or screened by buildings causes the first attenuation and this is followed by the attenuation arising from the distance of the tower from the building where noise may be a nuisance. The ambient level must be taken into consideration, and finally the attenuation provided by the building itself, in order to determine whether tower noise is likely to cause a nuisance. Reference may be made to BS 4142 (1967), Methods of rating industrial noise affecting mixed residential and industrial areas. A.6.10 Legislation and regulations relating to the enforcement of noise restrictions European community directive 80/188 EEC lays down criteria for the enforcement of noise restrictions in the work place; this directive is in line with the UK Noise at Work Regulations 1989 No. 1790 effective 1st June 1990. The UK Health & Safety Executive has issued two noise guides: No. 1 covers the legal duties of employers No. 2 covers the legal duties of designers, manufacturers, importers and suppliers. The UK HSE has also issued a brief guide Introducing the Noise at Work Regulations. The regulations define two levels at which action is called for; the first level is 85 dB (A) and the second level 90 dB (A) both being based on daily personal exposure to noise (Lep, d). Second level action is also called for if the peak sound pressure is at or above 200 Pa. Even below 85 dB (A) employers are required to reduce the risk of hearing damage to the lowest level reasonably practicable. Section 58 of The Control of Pollution Act (1974) states that A.7 Industrial applications 71 noise which is a nuisance becomes a statutory nuisance and, in general, subject to the power of the Public Health Department of the Local Authority to prevent the nuisance from continuing. Indeed the Local Authority has a duty to exercise this power. This they do mainly by persuasion and advice, although they can bring proceedings in a Magistrates Court for the enforcement of an abatement notice. A fine and a continuing daily penalty are the result of ignoring this. If work could be carried out to reduce the noise to a satisfactory level, and the offending firm is reluctant to do this, the Local Authority also has power to carry out such work as is required and then charge the offender the full cost. Alternatively three or more persons who, as occupiers of land or premises are aggrieved by the noise nuisance, may start proceedings under the Act. Noise can also be the subject of a civil action under Common Law if it continually interferes with health, comfort or convenience 'according to plain and sober and simple notions obtaining among English people'. Only one aggreived person is needed for this. Under The Control of Pollution Act, it is a defence for the offender to prove that he has taken the 'best practicable means' to prevent or counteract the noise, having regard to cost and local conditions and circumstances. This defence does not apply under Common Law. It is also no answer to say that the cause of the noise is the exercise of a business or trade in a proper manner. A.7 Industrial applications Evaporative water cooling towers are used for a large number of diverse applications each requiring special treatment in terms of temperature levels, methods of control and layout of pipework. Some of the most important applications are reviewed below: A.7.1 Refrigeration plant Condensing temperature The condensing temperature of the majority of water cooled condensing units lies between 35°C and 45°C. Low condensing temperature requires lower water temperatures and consequently larger cooling towers; an economic balance must be struck. For each ton of refrigeration (3.5 kW cooling) the rate of heat extraction from the condenser is approximately 4.2 kW. This 72 Cooling tower practice requires approximately 600 litres of water per hour with a temperature difference of 6°C across the condenser: 600/3600 (kg/s) x 6 (K) x 4.187 (kJ/kgK) = 4.2 kW approx. (see A.5.1 heat energy calculations) A good compromise between condenser size, tower size and compressor power can be obtained with cooling tower temperatures 33°C on and 27°C off for UK or other temperate climate installations; appreciably higher temperatures are acceptable for tropical conditions, but even where high wet bulb temperatures prevail, cooling tower approach temperatures are seldom onerous. Factors affecting condensing temperature The performance of refrigeraion plant depends on a number of factors, but two in particular affect the cooling tower design, namely water temperatures and the overall heat transfer coefficient of the condenser. Raising the water temperature raises the condensing temperature and reduces the refrigeration capacity and may overload the compressor motor. Raised water temperatures arise because the ambient air wet bulb temperature rises above the design figure or because flow is restricted by silt deposition or scale formation on the condenser tubes. Silt and scale reduce the overall heat transfer coefficient and cause some reduction in flow rate, leading to an increase in condensing temperature. Control of condensing temperature Constant condensing temperatures are essential for correct operation of the refrigeration plant. As the temperature of the water from the tower varies with air wet bulb temperature and load variation, some form of control is necessary. There are two main methods which are: (1) Direct control With this system the refrigeration pressure, which is directly related to the condensing temperature, is used to control the water flow to the condenser by means of a valve. The small by-pass ensures that water always flows through the pump to prevent overheating (Figure A.7.1.1). (2) Indirect A temperature sensing element on the condenser flow line operates a three-way mixing valve on the pump suction. This ensures a constant flow of water at a controlled temperature. 73 Air discharge 1 ^ T 1 "t Cooling tower 1| | 1 Condenser L ■■ jjl ll i -ij| 1 < » r 1 H-tXM + ί Χ Η ~ , xvPump Flow regulating valve (pressure controlled) Figure A.7.1.1 Cooling circuit schematic for direct control of condenser head pressure Air discharge Cooling tower Mixing valve (temperature controlled) Figure A.7.1.2 Cooling circuit schematic for indirect control of condenser head pressure 74 Cooling tower practice The system is said to be indirect because it controls water temperature, not condensing temperature. The system is not desirable if an unloading compressor, with consequently wide variation in load, is used. In an absorption refrigeration system, however, this method of control is normal practice (Figure A.7.1.2). Medium/large tonnage plant Where there is a wide summer/ winter or night/day variation of refrigeration duty on substantial plants, good refrigeration design practice generally incorporates flexible control of two or more compressors. The condensers of these plants may be served economically by a cooling tower with several cells, each of which can be manually or automatically put into or out of action as refrigeration load changes. Alternatively, a cooling tower may have its cell or cells fed by a variable quantity of air, through the medium of two-speed or multi-speed fan motors, or variable pitch impellers. A.7.2 Air compressors Pressure, volume and temperature of an ideal gas are related by the equation: ipressure x volume = a constant temperature This relationship applies to most common atmospheric gases. Compressing air will cause its temperature to rise and in an air compressor the heat generated is carried away by a water jacket surrounding the cylinder walls (small air compressors may be air cooled, but industrial compressors are invariably water cooled). Most reciprocating compressors have two stages of compression and it is common practice to have an intercooler between stages which is also water cooled. When atmospheric air is compressed the water vapour content is compressed with it, but because of the rise in temperature it remains in the vapour phase; as the compressed air subsequently cools in the pipe system and in the air receivers condensation occurs and can cause severe problems. For this reason it is common practice to fit an after-cooler to lower the temperature of the air leaving the compressor and to make provision for draining off the condensate. For very dry air the after-cooler requires a refrigeration system but for many industrial installations the after-cooler can be in circuit with the cooling tower as shown in Figure A.7.2.2. The standard layout without after-cooler is shown at Figure A.7.2.1. A.7 Industrial applications 75 Air discharge \ / Cooling tower Compressor Pump Figure A.7.2.1 Cooling circuit for single-stage air compressor without after-cooler Air discharge \ Cooling tower / iio-gH Compressor Pump Figure A.7.2.2 Cooling circuit with after-cooler The amount of water required for cooling will depend on the type of compressor and on the amount of air being handled, but Table A.7.2.3 gives basic data needed. As an example assume 25°C inlet water temperature for a 7 m3/min 700 kPa single stage compressor with after-cooler Cooling water flow required (using values in Table A.7.2.3): after-cooler 7 x 8 . 0 = 5 6 litres/min jacket 7 x 2.65 = 18.5 litres/min Total 74.5 litres/min or 4.47 m3/h 76 Cooling tower practice Table A.7.2.3 Waterflowin litres/min per m3/min free air delivered Water inlet temperature Equipment to be cooled After-cooler or inter-cooler separate (550/700 kPa 2 stage) Inter-cooler and jacket in series (550/700 kPa 2 stage) After-cooler (550/700 kPa single stage) Both high and low pressure jackets with water separator from inter-cooler (550/700 kpa 2 stage) Jacket (275 kPa single stage) Jacket (415 kPa single stage) Jacket (550 kPa single stage) Jacket (700 kPa single stage) 15°C 20°C 25°C 30°C 4.0 4.7 5.4 6.2 7.0 4.5 6.3 5.3 7.0 6.1 8.0 6.9 9.1 7.8 10.5 1.6 0.9 1.4 1.9 2.4 1.75 1.1 1.6 2.05 2.55 1.9 1.2 1.75 2.2 2.65 2.1 1.4 1.85 2.35 2.8 35°C 2.4 1.55 2.05 2.5 3.0 Water temperature rise based on the above flow rates will be 8 - i r C ; the actual figure must be assessed for a specific installation. The pipework layout is shown at Figure A.7.2.1. Installation It is clearly desirable that the tower should work only when the compressor is in use and for this reason it is usual for control circuits to be wired so that the pump and fan of the cooling tower run only when the compressor motor is running. The possibility of pump failure leading to damage to the compressor because of overheating can be safeguarded by a pressure switch in the delivery line wired to the no-volt coil of the compressor motor starter. Further economy can be achieved by thermostatic control of the fan motor so that the fan does not run when water temperature falls below the design figure (for example when the ambient temperature is low). Whenever possible cooling towers for compressors should be located outside to take advantage of the lowest air wet bulb temperature; where this is not possible external air should be ducted to the inlet of the tower. A.7.3 Engines The function of the cooling tower when applied to diesel engines is to remove the heat from the combustion process whilst retaining the cylinder wall temperatures at the relatively high level (70-80°C) necessary to ensure efficient combustion. Heat is also A.7 Industrial applications 77 Table A.7.3.1 Engine cooling requirements Equipment Jacket water Oil cooler Inter-cooler Heat dissipation rate (kWperkW) Water temperature (°C) On Off rate (1/hr/kW) 0.4/0.6 0.07/0.09 0.07/0.09 43 40 27 54 43 32 50/75 37/50 25/75 Water flow generated in oil coolers and inter-coolers and this needs to be removed. Table A.7.3.1 gives, for general guidance only, some typical heat dissipation and flow rates for cylinder jacket, oil cooler, and inter-cooler. Engine type, speed, power, and site conditions will affect the values used and optimum cooling arrangements will depend on engine manufacturers data. Figure A.7.3.2 shows a typical layout with oil cooler only; Air discharge ^—U Figure A.7.3.2 Cooling circuit schematic for diesel engine Figure A.7.3.3 shows the oil cooler and inter-cooler connected in line. Control of the cooling water volume through the inter-cooler and oil cooler may be achieved by using bypass pipework; a typical diagrammatic arrangement is shown at A.7.3.4. 78 Cooling tower practice 49 °C Engine J 35 °C 33°C Pump Cooling tower Figure A.7.3.3 Typical water temperature in a diesel engine cooling circuit which includes an inter-cooler and an oil cooler Engine jacket Cooling tower 3 27 m /h 50 °C 27 m 3 /h 27 m3/h , | 33.5°C 26 5 oC 3 6m /h < 26.5 °C 24m3/h- 39 °C E E± 34 °C 26.5 °C CO 24 m 3 /h —H 31 C Oil cooler 27 m 3 /h 31 °C 21 m 3 /h —H 32 °C Intercooler Figure A.7.3.4 Typical water flow rates and temperatures in a diesel engine cooling circuit including inter-cooler and oil-cooler bypass circuits Effects of changing water temperature For correct performance of the engine it is essential that design water temperatures are maintained; maximum and minimum temperatures are often specified and thermostatic control is advised. Where the standard (specified) temperature is exceeded the engine must be de-rated by 3-4% for every 5°C increase. Whereas a temperature of 25°C is well within the capabilities of an evaporative cooling tower in temperate climates, engine sizes must be increased in tropical or sub-tropical countries A.7 Industrial applications 79 where air wet bulb temperatures above 25°C or even above 30°C may be encountered. This de-rating sometimes makes it economic to separate the cooling of the inter-cooler from that of the jacket and oil cooler and to use a separate smaller tower for the former. A.7.4 Metallurgical processes Continuous bright annealing furnaces Metal is moved through the furnace by mattress conveyors or rollers; there are tunnels leading to and from the main heating zone which is maintained at around 850°C for steel or around 550°C for non-ferrous metals. The whole of the interior of the furnace is filled with a protective atmosphere to prevent scaling. To prevent oxidation the metal must be cooled to 250°C before leaving the exit tunnel and this cooling is achieved by water flowing through jackets in the cooling tunnel. The temperature of this cooling water is usually stipulated at 24-27°C with a permissible rise of 5-8°C. There are three elements which contribute to the total heat to be removed by the cooling water and the temperature range in each case will be from the heating zone temperature (850°C or 550°C) to the cooled metal temperature (250°C). Calculations must be made of the heat lost by the metal being treated, by the trays on which the metal is supported and by the protective atmosphere. The massflowrate and the specific heat capacity of each of these three elements will be needed and the temperature range will enable the cooling duty to be calculated in kilowatts and translated into water mass flow rate from the cooling tower based on a temperature rise of 5-8°C. The protective atmosphere generators used with these furnaces also require cooling necessitating a cooled water temperature of 25°C and a rise of around 17°C. Flow rates of cooling water will vary from 10 litres per minute up to 250 litres per minute. Manufacturers data will enable the load on the cooling towers to be calculated. 'Pot' type annealing furnaces In these furnaces the metal is heated in a furnace in a sealed pot containing a protective atmosphere; after treatment the pot is allowed to cool by radiation to the atmosphere for about one hour followed by a long period (10-15 hours) during which it is further cooled by water pouring over it. The total heat to be rejected is calculated as before but the rate at which heat is rejected varies widely; initially the cooling water temperature will be raised to close to boiling point and 80 Cooling tower practice will then gradually fall until it reaches the required pot temperature of 50°C; the rate at which heat is dissipated will be in accordance with the typical cooling curve shown at Figure A.7.4.1. For the cooling tower to function satisfactorily the wide variation in water temperature must be smoothed by means of a balance tank containing a volume of water well in excess of the amount circulating. The arrangement is shown in Figure A.7.4.2 which shows that two pumps are necessary to maintain circulation. Time Figure A.7.4.1 Heat dissipation curve Induction furnaces Heat is generated in induction furnaces by passing an electric current through windings and using ferrous metals as the core as in transformers; heat is generated in the ferrous metals because of the induced eddy currents. The materials from which these furnaces are constructed require cooling to protect them from the high temperatures involved and this cooling is effected by water coils built into the furnace walls. The arrangement is shown in Figure A.7.4.3 with two pumps as for 'pot' type furnace cooling. Water flowing from A.7 Industrial applications 81 Air discharge ,' 1 1 ■v J_ —j[ Ä ·.»>> il 1 1l· Cooling tower \ 1|| o o o o o <> -r><u Pump Balance tank Figure A.7.4.2 'Pot' cooling schematic incorporating a balance tank ΠΓΤΊ Air discharge J* Collecting tank Induction furnace L· Pressure operated valve pUmp Ά ' Cooling tower Pump 'B' Figure A.7.4.3 Schematic of cooling circuit for an induction furnace the furnace is discharged into an open tank or tundish to provide visual evidence that water is flowing. Safeguards must be used to ensure that there is no interruption to water flow: The two pumps are interlocked to prevent one tank being drained and the other overfilled. The level in the collecting tank is controlled by a float switch which starts pump 'Α' only when needed. 82 Cooling tower practice Pump Έ ' is controlled by a pressure switch to prevent the furnace being operated without water flowing. A 'run-on' period is controlled by a time switch so that residual heat is removed by the cooling water after the furnace is switched off. Quenching Quenching is the rapid cooling of hot metals (at around 1000°C) by plunging them into a tank of water or oil. A large amount of heat enters the tank in a very short time, typically around one minute, and when the tank is constantly in use it is necessary to provide continuous cooling. With water this can be achieved by circulating direct to the cooling tower as shown in Figure A.7.4.4 - however, if the quenching medium is oil a heat exchanger must be introduced as shown in Figure A.7.4.5. Calculation of cooling load will be based on mass of metal being quenched, specific heat capacity, and temperature before and after quenching. Circulation rates of water and oil will be determined by the engineer designing the cooling system and he will also design the heat exchanger when oil is the quenching medium. The re-cycled water should be filtered full stream. Air discharge Cooling tower fcUr^ , A <k A ΪΪΪΪΪΪ Pump Filter a Pump Quench tank Figure A.7.4.4 Schematic of cooling circuit for a continuous quench tank using water sprays A.7 Industrial applications 83 Air discharge Cooling tower Process heat exchanger Oil tank Oil pump Water pump Figure A.7.4.5 Schematic of cooling circuit for an oil quench using an oil/water heat exchanger Exhaust ventilation slots around periphery of tank Water coil Work o / / \ *>< o o o 0 o 0 J i i i *___— - — Immersion heaters Figure A.7.4.6 Schematic showing principle of operation of a degreasing tank Degreasing A typical degreasing tank is shown at Figure A.7.4.6. The degreasing solvent, normally trichlorethylene is contained in the bottom of the tank and heated to drive off vapours which surround the work and dissolve off the grease. The trichlorethylene vapour is condensed by water cooled coils at the top of the tank and returns to the tank base. With the introduction of the COSHH regulations exhaust ventilation slots around the periphery of the tank are essential and open tanks are coming increasingly under scrutiny; enclosed tanks with solvent recovery are available and much to be preferred on environmental and solvent cost grounds. With today's water costs it is clearly uneconomic to run the cooling water to waste and Figure A.7.4.7 shows the arrangement incorporating a cooling tower. 84 Cooling tower practice Air discharge r o 0 o o- 0 — 1 II . . . —- — / { —| 1 f-—————^ 0 o \ [ 1 \ m; v_^) r J i zq| J Cooling tc Figure A.7.4.7 Schematic of cooling circuit for a degreasing tank The solvent heaters should be interlocked with the cooling tower fan and pump so that they operate only when the cooling system is running. Calculation of the cooling load may be based on the input from the solvent heaters; water temperature entering the cooling coil should be 24-27°C and the temperature rise 17°C approximately. Water treatment and regular purging are necessary to prevent scale build-up in the cooling coils which can seriously affect cooling capacity. A.7.5 Chemical and refinery plants This covers a very wide range of possible applications often involving large mechanical draught towers or in some cases natural draught hyperbolic towers. In other cases where processes call for relatively small flow rates, small to medium size towers may be dedicated to each process. Special care may be needed to avoid chemical contamination of cooling water also the presence of organic solvents may cause problems with plastic materials used in tower construction. Because of present day concern with environmental problems the plumes from towers may lead to complaints in residential areas so that careful siting of the towers is necessary. A.7.6 Turbine condenser cooling It is in the power generation turbine field where the largest water flows, the easiest cooling duties, and the largest cooling towers are met. A.8 Water quality and treatment 85 In Europe the easy cooling demanded is met by natural draught towers except in a few exceptional cases where mechanical draught towers are required for reasons of height limitations. In tropical areas, however, steam turbine condenser cooling demands mechanical draught cooling towers for optimum efficiency, for in such situations the natural draught tower is generally unreliable. Cooling ranges vary between small industrial and giant power station condensers, but are between 6 and 12°C. Approach temperatures may be 12-17°C according to locality. In most cases, fogging hazard from wind-assisted precipitation of the saturated exhaust air, is a special consideration where visibility in public areas and road icing in winter may be possible. These are special risks with batteries of giant mechanical draught towers, for which there may be additional chances of recirculation - one tower inducing saturated vapour from another tower's exhaust where tower siting is not ideal. Whether met by natural or mechanical draught cooling towers, turbine condenser cooling is demanded for firmly defined thermal duty at equally firmly defined air wet and dry bulb temperatures. In Britain power stations do not have their towers specified principally for summer air conditions as generating stations are fully loaded only in winter. In tropical situations, though, some generating stations are fully loaded in high summer on account of large air conditioning and refrigeration demand and here it is appropriate to design condenser and cooling tower operating performance for summer air temperatures. A.8 Water quality and treatment A.8.1 The constitutents of 'pure' water Probably the most important characteristic of water is its ability to dissolve chemical substances which in turn is related to its propensity to promote chemical reactions between compounds which are held in solution (known as solutes). With the exception of combustion and petrochemical reactions very little of the chemical activity taking place in the environment does so without water being either the medium or the solvent. It is water's ability to dissolve and to promote chemical reactions which causes the complexity of water treatment. No natural water is pure; evaporation from a freshwater surface will yield a vapour which immediately commences to pick up gases, aerosols and sub-micron size particles from the atmosphere 86 Cooling tower practice (aerosols have been variously defined, but in this context they are largely invisible very small particles either liquid or solid; a micron is one millionth of a metre and is written one μπι). When water reaches the surface of the earth as rain or melting snow it takes into solution further substances which it encounters in running into rivers (surface waters) or in percolating through soil and rocks to form ground waters. A brief reference to atomic theory is necessary to understand the manner in which substances are held in solution in water; this can start with consideration of hydrogen which is the simplest element of all and contains a nucleus made up of a singe proton with a positive charge which is balanced by an orbiting electron with a negative charge. Nearly all the mass of all elements comes from the nucleus and hydrogen is said to have an atomic mass of one. Naturally occurring substances have alternative structures and in the case of hydrogen there is a nuclide (formerly referred to as an isotope) which has an atomic mass of two. This nuclide, deuterium, accounts for 0.014% of the total and has a proton and a neutron in the nucleus, the neutron has no charge but has almost exactly the same mass as the proton. In combination with oxygen deuterium forms 'heavy' water. Tritium, accounting for only one part in 1018 of the total is radioactive and has one proton and two neutrons and hence an atomic mass of three. 'Normal' oxygen has 8 protons and 8 neutrons in the nucleus balanced by 8 orbiting electrons and has atomic mass of 16. The nuclide oxygen 18 has 8 protons and 10 neutrons and makes up 0.2% of the total; approximately 0.2% of natural water is therefore based on oxygen 18. The familiar chemical formula of water is H 2 0 but the shape of the water molecule is H H rather than H - O - H . This shape is caused by 'lone pairs' of electrons, which enable the water molecule to bond to other molecules in a process known as hydrogen bonding. The shape H H is referred to as a discrete molecule; water consists of a mixture of discrete H 2 0 molecules together with the more complex A.8 Water quality and treatment 87 H H I Λ\ 0' H- .0 x I 4 ,H Ή- , H- -o.. -/0 ■. xu or -o. S H • H ^ 0 . . . - ^ H H Figure A.8.1.1 Aggregate water molecules aggregated molecules as shown in Figure A.8.1.1. This linking is of special importance in relation to the formation of charged particles (or ions) in solution on which the chemistry of water treatment depends. A.8.2 Ionization of water In its stable condition with orbiting electrons balancing the protons in the nucleus an atom or a molecule remains unchanged, but an external stimulus can force an electron into an unstable orbit with some absorption of energy and the atom or molecule is then in a state of excitation. Further stimulation can cause the electron to be ejected with a further absorption of energy; the atom or molecule then becomes positively ionized (carrying a positive charge). Alternatively an electron can be gained leading to a negatively charged condition. The extent of the charge, either positive or negative, can be varied by the loss or gain of two or more electrons. The charged particles are known as ions, negatively charged particles are called anions and positively charged are called cations (as with anode and cathode in batteries and cells). Matter in gaseous or liquid form can become ionized and the behaviour of these ions plays a crucial part in chemical reactions. Water itself without the presence of dissolved solids can become ionized by the sub-division of H 2 0 into the positive ion H + and the negative hydroxyl ion O H - thus: H 2 0 ^± H + + O H " (the arrows indicate that this is a reversible reaction) 88 Cooling tower practice The extent of ionization of the bulk water represents an extremely small proportion and is expressed in moles per litre (one mole is the quantity of substance whose mass in grams is equal to the molecular mass of that substance; thus one mole of water will have a mass of 18 grams because the molecular mass of water is 18). In bulk pure water there are 55 moles per litre, but only 10~7 moles per litre of H + and 10~7 moles per litre of O H - . Without contamination from external sources H + and OH~ will remain in balance at these levels. The 10~7 figure (1/10 million) is referred to as the concentration level and this figure is the key to the acidity or alkalinity of the water or the pH level which is referred to below. A.8.3 Acidity, alkalinity and pH value The acid-base (or acid-alkaline) relationship is the key to the reactivity of chemical compounds and is directly related to the phenomenon of ionization. The same relationship may be stated as oxidation-reduction with oxidation involving the loss of one or more electrons with position ionization and reduction involving electron gain with negative ionization. The general definition of an alkali is a base which is soluble in water and reacts with acids to form salts. Water in which there is a balance between positive and negative ions is said to be neutral and in the case of 'pure' water the concentrations of H + and OH~ will be equal at 10~ 7 . Water in this condition is said to have a pH of 7. If the concentration of the H + ion is increased to 10~4 the water would become acid with a pH of 4 and an OH~ level of 10~ 10 . Conversely if the OH~ level were increased to 10" 4 the H + level would fall to 10~ 10 ; the water would then become alkaline with a pH level of 10. It is the negative logarithmic value of the hydrogen ion concentration which gives the pH, pH4 is strongly acid, pHIO is strongly alkaline. In practice, because the H + and OH~ ions in water remain in equilibrium, the acidity or alkalinity of water is determined by the presence of either acid or base radicals which are in solution in the water. Some of the common ions found in water supplies are: cations sodium N a + , calcium Ca + + , magnesium Mg + + , potassium K + and iron F e + + Anions chloride Cl~, bicarbonate H C O ^ , carbonate CO^~ and sulphate S O J Some typical reactions which result in these ions going into solution are: A.8 Water quality and treatment 89 H 2 S 0 4 (sulphuric acid) -* 2H + + S O ^ " NaOH (sodium hydroxide) -* Na + 4- OH~ and probably the most important reaction of all: H 2 0 + C 0 2 (carbon dioxide) -* H + + HCO ? " (bicarbonate ion) The importance of this reaction is that, when C 0 2 is available to dissolve in the water it creates a buffer capacity to resist changes in pH level when either acids or bases are added. The reaction is reversible and thereby enables the water to take either salts or acids into solution; the higher the level of C 0 2 in solution the greater the capacity of the water as a solvent. If the water is strongly alkaline a further reaction can take place: HCO3" -> H + + C O 3 This reaction is again reversible depending on whether H + is removed or added. There are many other reactions which provide the source of cations such as gypsum (calcium) and dolomite (calcium and magnesium); both of these minerals also yield anions from the same reactions: CaS0 4 .2 H 2 0 (gypsum) = C a + + + SO4"" + 2 H 2 0 CaMg(C0 3 ) 2 (dolomite) 4- 2H + = C a + + + M g + + + 2HC0 3 " (bicarbonate ion) A.8.4 Hardness The origin of hardness terminology stems from the use of soaps or wetting agents which render hard water more effective as a solvent for dirt and grime. Salts of calcium and magnesium are commonly found dissolved in water supplies and they form insoluble salts when soap is added; they then separate out and float to the surface as a scum. The most common substances found in water supplies are bicarbonates, sulphates, chlorides and nitrates of calcium and magnesium. Calcium predominates in fresh water but magnesium predominates in sea water (the latter has a much greater total concentration than fresh water). The term temporary hardness is applied to those substances which can be decomposed by heat (principally the bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium): Ca(HC0 3 ) 2 (calcium bicarbonate) —» C a C 0 3 carbonate) + H 2 0 + C 0 2 (calcium A more precise definition of this type of hardness is alkaline hardness. All salts of calcium and magnesium remaining in 90 Cooling tower practice solution after heating are classified as permanent or non-alkaline hardness. The alkaline hardness salts, the bicarbonates, react with mineral acids to release carbon dioxide and form the relevant mineral salts: Ca(HC0 3 ) 2 + H 2 S 0 4 (sulphuric acid) -» CaS0 4 (calcium sulphate) + H 2 0 + 2 C 0 2 A.8.5 Dissolved solids In addition to the hardness salts other substances such as sodium chloride, sodium sulphate, and silica are found dissolved in water, but as explained in A.8.2 and A.8.3 above they exist in solution as separate charged soluble particles either cations or anions. A.8.6 Suspended solids Substances with limited solubility in water can remain suspended and will be carried by water when velocity is high enough; otherwise they will tend to settle out. These solids include dust, the products of corrosion, precipitated temporary hardness, algae, bacteria, fungi, and residues from chemical treatment. A.8.7 Dissolved gases The evaporative cooling process, by its nature creates droplets or thin films of water in intimate contact with air. The nitrogen in air is inert and of little consequence, but oxygen will be dissolved and the presence of dissolved oxygen in the circulating water has an important influence on corrosion problems and water treatment. Contaminants in the air such as sulphur dioxide and ammonia will affect the pH level and have repercussions on the approach to water treatment. A.8.8 Measurement of the contaminant content of water by proportion Accepted practice is to express the content of salts and gases whether dissolved or suspended as parts per million by weight (p.p.m.); thus 1000000kg of water containing 100kg of sodium chloride has a concentration of 100p.p.m. Because calcium carbonate is found in all water supplies and because it has a molecular mass of 100 it has become standard practice to use calcium carbonate as a basis for expressing the A.8 Water quality and treatment 91 quantities of all other hardness salts and alkalinity and hence to simplify calculations of quantities of water treatment materials. Thus magnesium hardness in terms of C a C 0 3 = 50p.p.m. means that hardness due to magnesium salts is equal to that which would be caused by 50ppm of C a C 0 3 . This convention is not applied to silica, dissolved gases or suspended solids and rarely to sodium chloride. A.8.9 Water softening by ion exchange Water softening by lime and soda process has now been almost entirely superseded by the use of resins which are regenerated by salt or in special circumstances the reverse osmosis process may be used. Where very pure water is needed the process used is de-ionization sometimes referred to as de-mineralization. For cooling tower installations water softening may in certain circumstances be justified economically for small plant but a full softening process cannot normally be justified for large installa­ tions. The resin process is referred to as 'base exchange' or 'ion exchange'. Calcium and magnesium hardness can be removed by passing the water through a bed of resin mixed with a natural mineral known as zeolite enabling the calcium or aluminium base to be exchanged for sodium: CaCl 2 (calcium chloride) + (NaZ) 2 (zeolite) —> CaZ 2 (calcium zeolite) + 2NaCl (sodium chloride) The calcium zeolite produced by this reaction will absorb a certain amount of hardness, but when the capacity of the resin bed has been fully utilized it must be regenerated using a flushing solution of brine: CaZ 2 + 2NaCl -» 2NaZ 4- CaCl 2 Alkaline hardness caused by calcium bicarbonate can be removed selectively by choosing a special resin in its hydrogen form, i.e. a resin which has been regenerated with acid instead of brine: Ca(HC0 3 ) 2 4- 2ΗΖ -> CaZ 2 + 2 H 2 C 0 3 (carbonic acid) The carbonic acid can be decomposed by air scrubbing (intimate exposure to air): H 2 C 0 3 i± H 2 0 + C 0 2 Carbon dioxide gas is removed by the air, causing the equilibrium position to move, producing more carbon dioxide. The water 92 Cooling tower practice produced by this process has its alkaline hardness removed and will not form scale (see A.8.10). Deionization or demineralization is a resin process which produces a very high quality of water by using two resins, one to deal with cations and one to deal with anions: H 2 C (cation resin) + 2NaCl -> 2HC1 + Na 2 C OHA (anion resin) + HC1 -> H 2 0 + AC1 At the end of the two reactions the product is water, together with the two resins which must be regenerated. The two resins are used in a mixed bed when very high quality water is called for. The measure of the quality of water is its conductivity, as electricity can be conducted through water only when the water is ionized enabling electrolytic action to take place. The unit of measurement of conductivity is Siemens per metre. One Siemens is the reciprocal of one ohm and was previously called one mho. Conductivity of water softened by a standard base exchange process would be of the order of 20 micro Siemens per metre (20 x 10~ 6 Siemens). Using the cation and anion resins together can yield water down to 1 x 10~6 Siemens per metre. Another process used for water softening is reverse osmosis. When two solutions of different concentrations are separated by a membrane through which the solutes are able to permeate there is a tendency for the two solutions to become equal in concentration because solute from the stronger solution flows through the membrane until the concentrations are equal. The pressure which causes this to happen is known as the osmotic pressure. By introducing an external source of pressure which reverses the flow, concentration can be increased on one side of the membrane leaving the other side with softened water. It should be emphasized that, with other than mains water, filtration will normally be required before softening and reference should be made to A.8.17 below. Paragraphs A.8.1 to A.8.9 above are concerned with the general questions affecting water, its content and its purification; in the paragraphs which follow (A.8.10 to A.8.17) reference is made to the problems of water quality in cooling systems and the techniques which can be applied to alleviate these problems. A.8.10 Scale and its control Calcium carbonate is the most usual constituent of scale and like all forms of scale deposit it is crystalline in nature; the process of A.8 Water quality and treatment 93 scale formation starts with nucleation in which a few atoms form an orderly arrangement which develops into the crystal shape typical of the scale forming substances. Solutions need to be alkaline for scale formation (pH greater than 7) in contrast to the acid conditions which cause corrosion. The decomposition of calcium bicarbonate by heat to form calcium carbonate has been referred to in A.8.4 and magnesium bicarbonate is broken down in the same way; magnesium carbonate is fairly soluble but will form insoluble magnesium hydroxide: MgC0 3 + H 2 0 -> Mg (OH)2 + C0 2 Calcium sulphate has limited solubility which decreases as temperature rises and it is therefore also scale forming. When the limit of solubility of the water is reached these compounds together with silica compounds and others form the hard crystalline layer of scale on the surface with which the water is in contact. The importance of the bicarbonate ion has been referred to in A.8.3 and this buffer capacity has an important influence on the rate of scale formation; other factors are the concentration of calcium ions, alkalinity, temperature of the water, and the presence of dissolved solids. The Langelier index later modified by Ryznar attempts to apply a mathematical basis to the prediction of the scale forming tendency in the light of all these factors. Conversion of bicarbonate into more soluble form by the use of acid as referred to in A.8.4 is a ready means of controlling scale formation, but overdosing creates conditions in which corrosion will follow. It is because this alkaline/acid balance is so critical that care is needed in relying solely on the Langelier indices particularly where water conditions are fluctuating and temperature is changing. An alternative to acid dosing is to use the base exchange softening process (see A.8.9) which will remove completely the main source of scale; however, as it is only the alkaline or temporary hardness which causes the scale the treatment does more than is necessary and hence can become an expensive method of dealing with the problem. Furthermore base exchange leads to a high pH, alkaline water which causes the lignin to be leached out of timber used in cooling towers leading to early deterioration of the timber. Avoidance of problems is best achieved by continuous monitoring of pH level with automatic dosing of acid monitored by a signal from a pH meter. 94 Cooling tower practice A.8.11 Purging and purge rate calculations When water is evaporated in a cooling tower all the contaminants in the water remain either in solution or suspended and in the course of time the concentration of these contaminants increases. This build-up is controlled by purging (see A. 1.3 for definition) and discharging to drain; the resulting loss is referred to as the purge loss; make up water is introduced to compensate, thus keeping the overall concentration of all contaminants under control. Some definitions: Concentration factor The extent to which contaminants and scale forming substances are allowed to build up in the water circulating will clearly affect the treatment required to maintain satisfactory conditions in the tower. If the amount of water lost due to evaporation is half the circulation rate the amount of contaminants in the water will double and the concentration factor is thus two; if the loss rises to three-quarters of the circulation rate the amount of contaminants will quadruple and the concentration factor becomes four. Evaporation loss This may be calculated from the operating conditions in the tower or may be determined by measurement under controlled conditions. A practical value is 1.8% of the circulation rate for every 10°C temperature drop in the tower. Drift loss This arises from water droplets which are carried away in the air above the top of the tower. A figure of 0.1% to 0.025% was at one time acceptable for mechanical draught towers but with modern drift eliminators this figure can be reduced to 0.001% (see also A.4.2 and A.9.3). Wastage This is made up of drift loss, leakage from the system, purge and withdrawal of water for other reasons but it excludes evaporation: ~ . £ A , v wastage (W) + evaporative loss (E) 4 Concentration factor (n) = ^—-— —wastage (W) E Hence W = n- 1 Make up required = W + E = E H n- 1 All the above is best illustrated by a practical example of a tower A.8 Water quality and treatment 95 circulating 1800 m3/h with a temperature drop of 17°C: Evaporation loss 17/10 x 1.8% x 1800 = 55m 3 /h Drift loss say 0.005% x 1800 = 0.9m 3 /h Leakage loss say = 22 m3/h Assume that the maximum concentration factor permitted to enable satisfactory water treatment to be achieved is 2.1: Wastage required = 55/(n - 1) = 55/1.1 = 50m 3 /h Make up water required = 5 5 + 50 = 105 m3/h Purge required = 50 - (0.9 + 22) = 27.1 m3/h A.8.12 Corrosion Corrosion is an electrolytic phenomenon and is exactly analogous to electrolytic cells which have an anode, a cathode and an electrolytic solution. Dissolved salts in the water provide the electrolytic solution, anodes and cathodes are formed in different parts of the metal structure and a current of electrons flows from the positively charged anode and metal will go into solution. The metal is of course normally iron and the reactions are: At the anode: Fe —> F e + + 4- 2e The iron is dissolved yielding electrons and positively charged ions. At the cathode: 0 2 + 4e + 2 H 2 0 -> 4 0 H " Negatively charged hydroxyl ions are produced In the electrolyte: F e + + + 2 0 H " -> Fe(OH) 2 The net effect is for iron to be corroded away to go into solution or to form a deposit of ferrous oxide. These two mechanisms of corrosion are illustrated in simplified form at A.8.12.1. A.8.13 Balancing the treatment for scaling and corrosion The objectives are to restrict scale formation by reducing the alkalinity and then to avoid corrosion by blocking the electrolytic action. The presence of oxygen in the water is critical in the formation of the hydroxyl ions (A.8.12) but because cooling tower water is constantly aerated it is quite impracticable to scavenge the oxygen which is there. The presence of dissolved carbon dioxide depresses the pH level and permits acid attack. Corrosion attack may be minimized by surface treatment of steel used in construction and 96 Cooling tower practice Na+ Ca+^ OH Fe \ I/ ci"S04 - F e ( O H ) 2 ^ H+ Anode Corrosion cell Figure A.8.12.1 Corrosion cell (Reproduced by courtesy of Midland Research Laboratories) n Available to the _ ,,x2 metal surface n uH 0 V|\ 0 2 + 2H 2 0 + 4e- Corrosion products = M(OH2) e~ 7X e~ -Base metal (M)Cathode Anode Cathode Differential aeration cell under a deposit Figure A. 12.2 Differential serration cell under a deposit (Reproduced by courtesy of Midland Research Laboratories) by close control of the manufacturing process so that sites where electrolytic action can commence are protected. The approach to blocking electrolytic action takes two main forms: Anodic in which the sites at which anodic action can take place are protected by an oxide film; heavy dosing is needed because even a small number of uninhibited sites can suffer severe pitting attack. Chromates, nitrites, ortho-phosphates, silicates, and tannins have been used for anodic protection, but all have their disadvantages and they have largely been superseded. A.8 Water quality and treatment 97 Cathodic inhibitors interfere with the oxygen reduction at cathodic corrosion sites by forming a protective film; they can be used at lower dosing levels and are less toxic and therefore cause fewer problems with effluent. Calcium carbonate scale formation associated with alkaline waters is a good corrosion inhibitor, but its activity needs to be modified to avoid the problems of scale build-up. Polyphosphates and phosphonates are used as modifiers; the polyphosphate chain molecules tend to break down into orthophosphate and this tends to limit their effectiveness. Control of scale and corrosion requires a balanced approach based on a careful appraisal of water quality and operating conditions, but some of the most up-to-date approaches are: • Zinc in combination with various polymers notably phosphinocarboxylic acid and polyacrylate gives good corrosion protec­ tion when dosed at 2 to 5ppm Z n + + . This formulation also provides good scale control with calcium carbonate present up to about lOOOp.p.m. with pH at 8.5. The extent of corrosion is normally expressed as the average depth of metal corroded away in the course of the year and the above treatment would be expected to restrict corrosion to 35-40 μηι per year (35-40 microns = 35-40 x 10~ 6 metres - 1.5mil or 0.0015 inches). • The phosphonates, aminomethylene phosphonic acid (AMP) and hydroxyethylidene disphosphonic acid (HEDP) represent an important technical development. Most organic treatment programmes are now based on the use of HEDP plus various organic polymers such as polycarboxylic acids. Phosphonates have excellent ability to distort crystal growth and thus control scale whilst at the same time holding corrosion rates to 40-50 μm/year or much lower in some conditions. • Molybdate/phosphonates give good results and are finding favour increasingly, but they are rather more expensive. From the above review the need to seek the advice of specialists in determining the best treatment programme will be self-evident. A.8.14 Deposits In addition to the scale forming chemicals which have already been discussed, cooling tower water will contain a variety of contami­ nants which are carried into the tower from external air circulating through the packing Depending on the location of the tower a whole range of dusts and particulate matter from urban pollution and industrial 98 Cooling tower practice processes will find its way into the cooling water and in due course be deposited in pockets where water velocity is low. Design of the tower itself to avoid these pockets is important not just because of deposits, but also to avoid the problems of microbiological growth which are referred to in A.8.16. Chemical agents which are referred to as dispersants are used to assist in keeping these deposits suspended in the water so that the concentration can be controlled by purging. Some of the dispersants which can be used are the lignosulphonates, the carboxymethylcellulose compounds and synthetic polymers, such as polyacrylates and polymethacrylates. It must be emphasized that formulation of the best treatment must consider also the questions of scale and corrosion. A.8.15 Fouling Fouling in its broad sense refers to any of the deposits which can form on metal surfaces in cooling systems and has been referred to in A.8.10 (scale), A.8.12 (corrosion) and A.8.14 (deposits); microbiological fouling is covered by A.8.16. It can also occur as a result of using water which is contaminated with silt or mud or because leaks in the process may permit the introduction of oily deposits or organic matter. Such fouling can seriously interfere with heat transfer and can also encourage microbiological growth. Some of the approaches used for dealing with fouling are: • Surfactants (surface acting agents) which aim to disperse or emulsify oily contaminants. • Dispersants are chemicals used to prevent the accumulation of sludge (see A.8.14). • Coagulants which have the effect of converting dispersed solid matter into a coherent jelly-like mass. • Antifoams. Foaming can occur in cooling towers because of high concentration of contaminants or because of over use of chemicals or biocides. Quick action is needed to control the problem and various antifoam chemicals are available. Absorption is the key to the function of dispersants and coagulants. Molecules of the additive material absorb the particles of foreign matter. By preventing agglomeration of particle size the total amount of contaminating material can be kept dispersed throughout the total volume of water available. Coagulants work in entirely the opposite way, but by producing a completely controlled mass of material, density can be reduced. A.8 Water quality and treatment 99 A loose, fluffy floe results, which, having a density close to that of water, cannot form a hard deposit. Any, or all, of the special properties of these materials may be used, singly or in combination, depending upon the type of fouling that must be controlled. Dosing is either continuous or intermittent, preferably the former. Anti-fouling chemicals are compounded with the general water treatment programme which must be tailored to meet the overall requirement of the system. A.8.16 Microbiological fouling Cooling systems make up water very often contains live micro-organisms. Industrial intakes may be contaminated with sewage waste and once the cooling water system is open to the atmosphere at any point airborne organisms will start to circulate. Water used for cooling purposes will often have pockets or areas in the system where, unavoidably, temperatures will be ideal for encouraging rapid growth of any of these living materials. Spray oxygenation and the unavoidable and accidental inclusion of such nutrients as phosphates, hydrocarbons, and ammonia encourage proliferation. The variety of such organisms is very wide. They can be classified broadly as, algae, bacteria (aerobic and anaerobic), fungi, and moulds. Algae are identifiable by colour - green or blue-green; they thrive only in daylight, being dependent on photosynthesis. Although algae are found mostly in exposed areas of the cooling tower and open ponds, dead material floats away and is circulated round the system. Very little of this debris is needed to block tubes, tube plates, and circulating mains. Algae aid in production of scale by absorbing carbon dioxide from the water, thus promoting breakdown of soluble bicarbonates to yield the insoluble carbonates which deposit as scale. In the process of liberating oxygen, corrosion is stimulated. Bacteria, unlike algae, develop rapidly out of the light and when totally enclosed. If not checked, bacteria will block the system with or without help from algae in just the same way. The photograph at A.8.16.1 shows corrosion build-up and live-sludge deposits in a shell and tube heat exchanger. Both algae and bacteria produce slimes which encourage electrolytic corrosion cells by preventing inhibitors from forming protective films on metal surfaces. Slime-laden cooling systems are particularly prone to pitting corrosion. Anaerobic bacteria, particularly those known as 'sulphate reducers' or iron bacteria are present, but dormant, in all natural water supplies, ready to 100 Cooling tower practice Figure A.8.16.1 Corrosion build up and bio-sludge deposits in a shell and tube heat exchanger (Reproduced by courtesy of Midland Research Laboratories) proliferate on encountering favourable temperatures and/or nutrients. Sulphates in cooling water supplies are reduced by anaerobic bacteria to hydrogen sulphide, rapidly attacking steel and producing deeply pitting corrosion. Fungi can produce the same effect, though it is less usual for them to do so. Biocides fall into two main groups: Oxidizing biocides These are based on chlorine, bromine and their compounds. Chlorine in gaseous form released from cylinders is used in very large industrial installations but its use otherwise is now limited because so many systems run in the alkaline mode. Chlorine loses its effectiveness above pH 7.5 and is useless as a biocide above pH 8.O. Sodium hypochlorite is used more than gaseous chlorine because it is easier and safer to handle; it is also relatively cheap. As with gaseous chlorine effectiveness declines above pH 7.5. Since virtually all water supplies used for cooling purposes have some organic and/or ammonia content, a part of any chlorine used will be lost by immediate reaction and since a surplus of 'free' chlorine is essential for biocidal purposes the initial demand must be catered for. This may easily exceed by several parts per million the dosage required. A.8 Water quality and treatment 101 Maintenance of a free chlorine content of 0.5-1.0 p.p.m. measured at the water inlet to the cooling tower is essential. The required rate of chlorine addition is determined by measuring the difference in chlorine concentration between water entering and leaving the cooling tower. Chlorine is lost by aeration and timber towers are especially vulnerable; the chlorine is absorbed by timber and if the pH exceeds 8.0 serious degradation of timber will follow due to the solubility of lignin. Chlorine dioxide is a biocide in its own right and does not depend for its effectiveness on the release of chlorine; however it is difficult to handle and consequently rarely used. Pellets are available which release bromine and chlorine in ratio 2:1 and they are very effective as a biocide up to pH 9. Non-oxidizing biocides Smaller cooling systems, notably those used for air conditioning make use of the non-oxidizing group of biocides of which the two principal groups now used are the quaternary ammonium salts and the sulphur compounds. Methylene-bis-thiocyanate (MBT), di-thio-carbonates and the thiones. It is common practice to use two non-oxidizing biocides to give broad band coverage and they are sometimes used with an oxidizing biocide. Normally, application requires the addition of the liquid treatment as a shock dose applied to the water in the tower pond. Frequency of dosage is usually dependent upon skilled observations of biological activity, or, more precisely, by laboratory use of microbiological examination and colony counting techniques. It is most often found that intervals of three to seven days between shock dosages suffice to maintain control. Exceptions occur when unusual quantities of nutrient materials find their way into the circulating water. Unusual ambient or process temperature conditions may produce a similar effect. These conditions can occur suddenly, but once detected can be overcome by increasing the frequency and/or strength of shock dosage. A.8.17 Water treatment system controls Dosing of water in its simplest form can be by adding chemicals by hand according to a programme determined from an assessment of what may be needed; at the other extreme chemicals may be added by means of pumps which respond to a feedback from the water condition. Feedback can be based either on the total dissolved solids (TDS) in the water or on the rate at which make 102 Cooling tower practice up water is introduced. The TDS can be measured by conductivity and thus provide a control signal; make up water must be measured by a water meter. Because invariably there are fluctuations in water condition which call for changes in dosing rate, simple dosing has obvious limitations; on the other hand the more sophisticated the control system the higher the capital cost of the plant. The various methods employed are: • Shot or slug dosing carried out manually. • Drip feed dosing using a header tank with a pre-set valve to control flow. • Set rate dosing using a pump so that the rate of dosing is better controlled than with drip feed. Set rate dosing can be either continuous or intermittent and if the latter an electronic timing device will be needed. • Continuous mechanical dosing related to volume of make up water, this approach necessitates a water meter in the make up pipe. • Continuous mechanical dosing related to TDS requires a conductivity instrument. • Control of purge rate can be based on a timer responding to the amount of make up water added with a pre-set time for purge; control can be further improved by a solenoid valve activated from a conductivity meter enabling the TDS to be held at a pre-determined level. A special case where shot dosing has advantages is in the control of bacteria and algae using non-oxidizing biocides (see A.8.16). Because bacteria and algae can become immune to these biocides more than one formulation is needed and a strict regimen of dosing can become a disadvantage. The simple methods of control are labour intensive and require skill and knowledge so that regular checks are made as to how the water is responding to treatment; the more sophisticated approaches are more reliable and less prone to human failing, but regular checks are still needed to ensure that pumps, valves, and controls are functioning and to watch for changes in water quality which may call for some modification to the routine. In any dosing system there must be a routine which ensures that supply tanks containing the inhibitors are regularly topped up. A.8.18 Electromagnetic and electrostatic water treatment These systems have been evolved with the objective of inhibiting scale formation without the use of chemicals. Various approaches A.8 Water quality and treatment 103 are used, but all are designed to modify crystal growth by disturbing the nucleation process. The end result is that crystals form in a different way; the shape of the crystal alters in a non-uniform manner so that the build-up of scale is inhibited; it has also been shown that magnetic fields can cause deposited scale to soften and disperse. Most of the systems produce an electromagnetic field in the water being treated and the strength of the field is of the order of 0.1 to 0.2 tesla. Some use permanent magnets of the rare earth/cobalt type and with these there is no power consumption; others have electromagnets with 240 volt windings and, depending on size, these will consume up to 600 watts. A further approach is to use an electrostatic field at 20 kV with solid state conversion from 240 volt a.c. supply and up to 500 watts input; with these devices ultrasound at 35 kHz is also generated from 240 volt 40 watt input. The ultrasonic vibration is used to prevent scale from building up on the electrode. Turbulence plays a part in these systems, normally because of the configuration of the unit itself which is flanged into the pipework system; in other cases an impeller is incorporated in the unit to promote turbulence. The physics involved has been thoroughly investigated by Professor John Donaldson and Dr Sue Grimes of the chemistry department of City University, London. Their report in the New Scientist, February 18th 1988 confirms beyond doubt that the magnetic process works and suggests that excitation of the ions in the water is a factor. The ionization interferes with the nucleation process and thus inhibits crystal growth. Most of the devices are 'on line' and are therefore connected into pipe-work, but the permanent magnets are also used 'clamped-on' to pipe runs. The advantages which follow from the avoidance of chemicals are lower operating costs, absence of environmental problems and less complication in the overall water treatment programme. Avoidance of scale formation whether by chemical treatment or electro-magnetic devices will have beneficial effects on the rate of bacteria growth and the consequent need for biocide treatment. A.8.19 Ultra-violet light microbiological control The use of ultra-violet radiation in the 200/290 nanometres wavelength range has long been established as a biocidal procedure, particularly where a high degree of sterilization is called for, as in the pharmaceutical and food industries. The 104 Cooling tower practice radiation dose necessary to kill 90% of the organisms present is taken as a basis and this dose varies, depending on the organism, from 2 to around 20 milliwatt seconds per square centimetre of irradiated area. Doubling this dose will kill 99%, doubling again will kill 99.9% and so on. The technique has been applied to the control of the legionella organism in evaporative cooling systems; depending on water quality, UV radiation may be combined with purging of the water or may be used in conjunction with other treatments such as total dissolved solids control using conductivity measurements or dosing for the control of scale and/or corrosion. UV radiation has also been used in conjunction with the electromagnetic treatment described in A.8.18 above. A.8.20 Filtration The costs involved in the production of high quality water cannot be justified for cooling tower installations, neither is such water quality necessary. Systems based on de-ionization or reverse osmosis are not therefore used. The reason for the use of a filtration system is to remove solids and contaminants which could build up and provide a breeding ground for micro-organisms. It is not considered necessary to filter out particles smaller than about 120 μπι as particles below this size are likely to stay in circulation rather than settle out to form pockets of debris. The main approaches are reviewed below: Sand bed filters These have long held an important place in water preparation for many industrial applications and municipal water supply systems, but in the light of concern over legionnaires disease (see A.9) it is no longer a preferred method. For the record, these filters are based on silica sand, anthracite, and coal either as a mixture or as discrete layers in the bed. In down-flow filters the raw water flows through the sand bed under pressure from the top of the bed, the contaminants are deposited in the bed and the filtered water is then pumped to the cooling system. Contaminants are removed by back flushing (reversing the direction of water flow under pressure) and during the flushing period the filter is isolated from the cooling water system. Downflow filters are limited in capacity to approx. 250 litres per minute per square metre of filter area. The use of an upflow system enables the entire depth of the bed to be used to trap solids, with the top layer acting as a fine filter. The holding A.8 Water quality and treatment 105 capacity of an upflow filter can be up to 50 kg per square metre of filter area. Mechanical filters These are capable of removing solids in the range 50 μπι to 1000 μπι and the wedge wire filter is typical of this class. The principle is illustrated in diagram A.8.20.1 showing the filter in cross-section and the wedge shape of the wires. Water flows axially through the centre of the filter and radially out through the wires. Solid matter is trapped by the wires and the particle size is Impurities trapped on ^ Γ ν Wedge section inside by w i r e s ^ ^ W * · ^ — - " " " " wires running ^^■^ ^^\ ^ parallel to flow Raw water flows through pipe axially ^ - " - ^ \ \ X ^ Filtered water flowsradially out Note: 16 wires only shown for clarity, in practice there would be many more of much smaller cross-section Figure A.8.20.1 Construction of wedge wire filter determined by the space between the wedges; the wires run the length of the filter parallel to the unfiltered water flow. Figure A.8.20.2 shows an in-line Unijet filter with a single wedge wire cartridge and the diagram at A.8.20.3 shows the valve arrangements for filtration mode and flushing mode. Note particularly that unfiltered water is used for flushing. A more advanced approach using the same principle is shown at A.8.20.4 which illustrates an in-line strainer type filter having no internal moving parts; the diagram at A.8.20.5 shows how the path of flushing water leaves the filter body radially from the flow. Each of the four wedge wire filters can be flushed separately using unfiltered water and allowing the remaining filters to stay on stream. 106 Cooling tower practice 0 # φ Figure A.8.20.2 In-line Unijet filter Salisbury filter This is an alternative to the wedge wire construction which has internal moving parts and uses a stainless steel spirally wound coil with raised nidges to provide the gap through which the filtered water flows. The spiral of stainless steel is shown at A.8.20.6. The diagram at A.8.20.7 shows a three pod filtration unit with one pod in the flushing mode; note particularly that when the flow is reversed for flushing, the spiral filter opens up so that build-up of solids is 107 Unfiltered Γ~**^\ 1 Γ Λ Λ Pressur ^ gauge Pressure gauge -O Filtered Unfiltere N Waste Ki Filtered Filtration mode Valves 1 & 2 open Valve 3 closed Flushing mode Valves 1» 2 & 3 to be open \ /Waste l l l l ^= Flow pattern Flow pattern flushing mode filtration mode Figure A.8.20.3 Unijet valve modes Figure A.8.20.4 Doucet in-line strainer type jet filter Figure A.8.20.5 Doucet jet filter (4 element/flush version) Pressure gauge Pressure differential switch C Flush valve Flush valve Solenoid valves A.8 Water quality and treatment 109 Figure A.8.20.6 Detail illustration of filter element showing raised nidges Upper manifold Outlet Pressure sensor Jointing clamp Filter element (open) — Filter pod ^Retaining spring —Jointing clamp Pressure sensor Inlet Lower manifold Jointing clamp Filter p o d s @ & @ - Filtration mode Self-cleaning mode Figure A.8.20.7 Three pod filtration unit with one pod in flushing mode readily flushed away; when filtration is resumed the spiral closes again. Selection of the pod for flushing is by a rotating collector shoe which opens each pod in turn. Simple strainer This type of filter with quick release cover is shown at A.8.20.8. 110 Cooling tower practice Figure A.8.20.8 Strainer type filter with quick-release cover This utilizes a steel mesh basket for coarse filtration. A stainless steel mesh insert may be used for 50 μπι to 750 μιη filtration. A refinement of this filter uses a disposable polypropylene cartridge element as A.8.20.9 and this can achieve filtration down to 5 μπι to 10 μπι for special applications. Self-cleaning filter This is illustrated in diagram A. 8.20.10; this uses multiple strainer packs with the whole assembly rotated against fixed cleaning knives to remove deposit of dirt on the inlet side of the filter, as shown diagrammatically at A.8.20.11. Hydrocyclone filter The principle of the hydrocyclone type filter which has no internal moving parts is illustrated by the diagram at A.8.20.12. The inlet water enters the hydrocyclone tangentially and the spiral movement down the cone promotes high centrifugal force to separate particles with specific gravity above that of the carrier fluid. The solids are deposited at the base of the hydrocyclone and A.8 Water quality and treatment 111 Figure A.8.20.9 Quick-release filter cartridge in polypropylene led to a solids reservoir at the base of the unit. This is flushed periodically, operated by a timer device. Pressure drop across the unit is only 0.4-0.6 bar. 112 Outlet Strainer pack Strainer pack locating lugs Figure A.8.20.10 Self-cleaning filter Fixed cleaning knives Strainer blade Strainer pack spindles Spacing washers Dirt entrained on pack being removed Distance piece Dirt deposited in slot Dirt falls into sump (zone of no flow) on reverse motion Figure A.8.20.11 Cleaning mechanism for self-cleaning filter A.8 Water quality and treatment 113 Figure A.8.20.13 shows a single hydrocyclone and Figure A.8.20.14 shows in conjunction with diagram A.8.20.15 how multiple hydrocyclone separators can be supplied from a central manifold. Clean water Raw water I f Solids, sand, mud, etc. Figure A.8.20.12 Principle of hydrocyclone filter Full filtration of all return water to the cooling tower is not always required and the 'side-stream' approach is often used in which around 15% of the flow rate is diverted through the filtration system. This approach entails water losses whilst ensuring that the build-up of pockets of silt and contaminants is controlled. The diagram at A.8.20.16 shows the pipework layout and a typical installation using hydrocyclone filtration is shown at A.8.20.17. Filtration is considered to be an essential contributor to system safety; it reduces fouling in tower packs and in heat exchangers or condensers, and it also enables water treatment systems to become more effective with consequent savings in energy, in chemical costs and in maintenance hours required. 114 :> Doucet Figure A.8.20.13 Single Doucet hydrocyclone filter 115 Ι^ ί^ 1; J^ \ ^^^ϊ;ΐιι^.. Figure A.8.20.14 Multiple hydrocyclone separator 116 L220V50 Hz Figure A.8.20.15 Diagram showing manifold arrangement for multiple hydrocyclone filter Figure A.8.20.16 Typical unijet side-stream filtration arrangement for small to medium size cooling towers D.R.V. Double regulating valve; I.V. Isolating valve; P.G. Pressure gauges (0 - 4 bar range); A.D.V. Auto discharge valve Refiltered water connection Cooling tower Pump 118 Cooling tower practice Figure A.8.20.17 Hydrocyclone filter installation with electromagnetic treatment device A.9 Legionnaires disease A.9.1 A brief history Legionnaires disease takes its name from the 1976 American Legion Convention in Philadelphia where the bacterium causing the disease was first identified. The 1985 outbreak at the District General Hospital in Stafford, involving as it did, 101 victims of whom 28 died, caused great alarm because cooling towers were implicated and because of concern that further outbreaks, particularly in hospitals, might follow. Legionnaires disease is a form of pneumonia and there is little doubt that the bacterium has always been present in natural waters and in domestic and industrial water systems; it is therefore reasonable to assume that cases of the disease prior to 1976 were classified simply as pneumonia. Of the many strains of the legionnella bacteria most are considered harmless, a few produce mild infections, but one in particular known as sero group I is virulent and constitutes a major hazard to health or life in those individuals who become infected. A.9 Legionnaires disease 119 those susceptible are considered to be no more than 1% of the population with the emphasis on middle-aged males who are smokers or those who are already sick and whose immune systems are at a low ebb; hospital medical patients are especially vulnerable. Writings on the subject have been voluminous, starting in the UK from the Badenoch report into the 1985 Stafford outbreak. A full bibliography is given at pages 187 and 188. A.9.2 A perspective on risk The Western way of life inevitably involves a trade-off between the benefits we enjoy from the products and services on offer and the hazards associated with manufacturing and providing those products and services. The function of the Health & Safety Executive in the UK, of the Environmental Protection Agency in the USA and of environmental bodies in other countries is to be aware of the hazards, use the most up-to-date knowledge and technology to control emissions and to set exposure limits. In the ultimate these bodies can invoke power to impose penalties on organizations or individuals who fail to take all reasonable precautions to protect their employees and the general public against the hazards. Quite apart from organisms which cause disease there may well be thousands of substances used by industry, agriculture and the general public which may be classified as hazardous. The objective is to control the use of these substances and maintain equipment so that the risks may be classified as tolerable. A.9.3 The facts on cooling towers and legionella • There is ample evidence that outbreaks in which cooling towers have been implicated have arisen because of an ill-planned or poorly maintained installation. This was certainly the case at Stafford and in an article published in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, November 1989, Dr S. Forbes-Pearson, at the time of writing Chairman of the Cooling Water Group of the Industrial Water Society and President of the Institute of 120 • • • • • Cooling tower practice Refrigeration stated: 'No properly designed, maintained and installed cooling tower anywhere in the world has ever been implicated in an outbreak of legionnaires disease.' Legionella pneumophila is present in almost all natural water sources, but requires a critical level of concentration of sero group I before it becomes a serious hazard to health or life. The bacterium thrives at 37°C (blood heat) and as temperature falls it becomes much less active, but can remain dormant at very low temperatures; at above 65°C it does not survive. It requires a source of nutrient from the water such as algae or dead bacteria in sludge or slime; iron oxide plays a significant role in enabling the bacterium to thrive. It must be carried in sufficient concentration in aerosols not larger than 5 microns in size, and these aerosols must be inhaled and then penetrate deep into the lungs in order to set up an infection. The bacterium can be carried in mains water, which, even though it may be treated and thus safe for drinking, is not completely sterile. Sources of infection are hot water systems, calorifiers and cooling towers, but transmission to the lungs occurs through spray as in showers or from drift in the case of cooling towers, Maintaining a temperature of 70°C in hot water systems is sufficient to prevent risk of infection, but at this temperature a risk of scalding may be introduced. Modern drift eliminators enable drift to be controlled to as low as 0.001% of the total amount of water circulating in the tower (see A.8.11) and this control is a key aspect of containing the spread of the disease. It is important to distinguish between drift which is in the form of droplets or aerosols and water vapour forming the plume above the tower. This vapour arises from the cooling process and does not carry bacteria. A.9.4 Alternatives to the use of cooling towers Those outbreaks of legionnaires disease which have been attributed to cooling towers have invariably arisen when the towers were used in conjunction with air conditioning systems. Air conditioning calls for control of temperature and control of humidity; if the weather is warm the need is for cooling and this cooling is provided by a refrigeration system with compressors, condensers and evaporators. The evaporators will provide the A.9 Legionnaires disease 121 cooling to the system, but in the process the condensers will extract heat which has to be rejected. The evaporative cooling which is provided by cooling towers enables water to be circulated through the condensers and then cooled in the towers before being returned to the condensers. If air cooled condensers are to be used as an alternative, they can at best achieve cooling temperatures 7-10°C higher than those obtainable from towers; there will be repercussions on the refrigeration plant with consequent increase in capital cost, running cost and space required. Retrofit, as opposed to new plant will increase these problems; either way fan power and consequently electricity consumption will be up to six times greater and there will be a substantial increase in noise level. An alternative to open evaporative towers is to use indirect systems in which the condenser cooling water is circulated through a coil in the tower which is itself cooled by the evaporative process; this reduces the risk of infection but efficient eliminators are essential and bacteria may still be present. Cooling efficiency is reduced and a larger installation will be needed for comparable duty with consequent increases in capital and running costs. Achieving cooled water temperatures close to those obtained with evaporative towers necessitates refrigeration which, in addition to high costs, has environmental disadvantages; it uses CFCs, and every kW of additional power consumption means an annual 13.5 tonnes of C 0 2 discharge from fossil fuel fired power stations. A.9.5 Reducing the risk of infection Cooling tower manufacturers have responded to the challenge of legionella in many ways, as have water treatment and filtration specialists. Sections A.8.17 to A.8.19 cover water treatment and section A. 10 covers recommended maintenance procedures. The main factors affecting risk reduction are: • Location of tower to minimize risk of aerosols being carried into the ventilation system. • Use of modern correctly fitted drift eliminators. • Use of modern PVC packing which should be de-mountable and accurately fitted into the tower. • Good designs of towers use glass fibre, coated steel or stainless steel to minimize corrosion. 122 Cooling tower practice • Avoid spray nozzles when towers are in sensitive locations. • Provide for ease of maintenance by having inspection ports and a suitably protected internal light so that build-up of sludge can be detected early. • Provide a quick-release hinged door to facilitate cleaning of the tower and cold water basin. • Consider modifying or changing the cold water basin if there are internal up-turned flanges or other pockets where sludge can accumulate. Cleaning the basin can be simplified if drainage points of minimum 80 mm diameter are provided in the floor of the basin. • Filtration, water treatment and maintenance procedures are covered by A.8 and A. 10, but an automatic self-cleaning filtration system in conjunction with a treatment and disinfection procedure is likely to prove the most effective approach. A.9.6 Health and Safety Commission proposals The Health and Safety Executive Guidance note EH 48 (see D.2) defines requirements as at the end of 1989, but in November 1989 the Commission issued a consultative document The Control of Legionella, Proposals for Statutory Action. The document examines the alternatives of a new code of practice which could be approved under Section 16 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 or new regulations which would come under Section 15. Registration, licensing and prohibition of cooling towers are all considered, but a new code of practice would avoid the bureaucracy and heavy costs involved in these three approaches, and would still give the HSE the necessary powers. A likely basis for the future would appear to be an assessment on the lines of the COSHH regulations followed by a written procedure to be implemented and monitored for effectiveness. Central to such a procedure must be the responsibility of the management of the tower operators. The draft of a possible code of practice covers: • Identification and assessment of risk • Prevention or control of risk • Management and the selection, training and competence of personnel • Record keeping • Responsibility of manufacturers, suppliers and installers. A. 10 Maintenance 123 A. 10 Maintenance A. 10.1 General considerations Cooling tower manufacturers will normally supply comprehensive installation, operation and maintenance instructions and these must be studied and understood by the person responsible for operating the tower; in addition the Cooling Water Group of the Industrial Water Society has published Keeping your Cooling Tower Safe giving maintenance guidelines for the prevention of legionnaires disease (see also A.9.5). The first essential is a properly documented record which not only indicates the intervals at which inspections and checks are carried out, but also provides confirmation that the maintenance tasks have been completed. Where planned preventive maintenance and/or computer aided maintenance procedures are used the cooling tower maintenance record should form the input document to the data processing system. Because of the great importance attached to proper maintenance of the water system and proper water treatment the notes which follow are sub-divided between general maintenance of the tower and maintenance of the water system. A. 10.2 Maintenance of the tower and its structure General The general condition of the tower should be checked at each inspection visit noting any deterioration of protective finishes and also noting whether external environmental factors are having an effect on the condition of the tower, examples being excessive dust or grime from local building operations or emissions from nearby industrial processes. Drive systems This heading includes fans and fan motors, pump and pump motors, belt or gear drives, bearings and motor control gear. Checks should include noise or vibration, pulley alignment, belt tension, pulley guards, bearing lubrication, supply voltage and motor current and free rotation of fans, motors and shafting. Eliminators These should be checked for fouling, slime or scale build-up and cleaned as necessary; they should also be checked for correct sealing into the tower structure. Eliminators which fall short of the standard described in A.4.2 (loss 0.001 to 0.005%) should be replaced. Packing PVC packing is becoming almost universal and should be checked for build-up of slime or debris and cleaned as necessary. Where timber packing is still in use it should be 124 Cooling tower practice checked for build-up of scale which, if unchecked can cause collapse from its weight; checks should also be made for fungal attack and badly decayed timber should be replaced. If towers are used in conjunction with air conditioning systems timber packing should be replaced by PVC packs which are demountable for cleaning. Where towers with wood packing are out of action during warm dry weather steps should be taken to shade the packing from direct sunlight and if necessary the packing should be dampened from time to time to avoid degradation. Water distribution system Periodic thorough cleaning and disinfection of the water system should take place at the same time that eliminators and packing are cleaned; typical requirements are: Clean all debris Inspect cold water basin, clean and flush Clean basin strainer Check water level and water make-up Inspect heat transfer surfaces for fouling Inspect water distribution pipe-work and valves Check and adjust bleed rate (purge) Check pan heaters where these are installed to protect against freezing Check operation of make-up valve Drain basin and drain all pipework (drain should be 80-100mm diameter). If the cold water basin is difficult to clean because of up-turned flanges or inaccessible recesses consideration should be given to modifying or replacing it. Figure A. 10.2.1 shows a satisfactory design. Tower structure In the case of steel packaged towers the protective finish should be checked at intervals to prevent the onset of corrosion. Timber towers should be checked for damage to coping, handrails, staircases, or evidence of rot due to leakage; structural fixing bolts should be inspected for evidence of corrosion and replaced as necessary with corrosion resistant bolts. Concrete towers require inspection every few years as does any other concrete structure; after very long service spalling may occur due to corrosion of reinforcement. Towers can be thoroughly cleaned without the need for maintenance staff to work inside them by designing the sump as A. 10.2.1, by fitting quick release hinged access doors and by providing a waterproof internal light. (N o in O CO "* <j) o Dimensions other than drain are mm 3" BSP drain 3 kW immersion heater Figure A. 10.2.1 Cold water basin design for easy cleaning oo CD 2" BSP overflow Outlet connection Fan thermostat / - 3/4" BSP male cold water make-up connection 126 Cooling tower practice A. 10.3 Water treatment Water treatment is fully covered by Section A.8 and the approach to the treatment of any particular cooling tower installation is best established by consultation with water treatment specialists. If there are doubts about availability, qualifications, or experience of suitable personnel to carry out the treatment programme then it may well be prudent to sublet water treatment to specialists. Some general guidelines are: • Bear in mind that almost all water treatment chemicals are pH sensitive with optimum levels varying according to the chemical concerned from 6.5 to 8.0. Never below 6.0 or above 9.0. Chlorine in particular is far more effective as a disinfectant at or below pH 7.0 and at pH 8.0 its activity is greatly reduced. • Routine monitoring of water condition should include pH, TDS (from conductivity measurement), total bacteria count, chemical concentration, and biocide concentration. • No matter what the treatment programme, it will cease to be effective when the water condition reaches the point where thorough cleaning and disinfection of the system has become necessary. • It is possible to test for legionella concentration or for total bacteria count. It is extremely difficult to eliminate legionella completely and its presence in low concentration should give no cause for concern (less than 1000 bacteria per litre is considered low). Total bacteria count does not, of itself give an indication of the presence of legionella, but it is a useful guide as to the general condition of the water and enables any upward trend to be detected and dealt with (around 1000 organisms per millilitre is considered entirely satisfactory, but if the level approaches 100000 organisms per millilitre action should be taken to reduce h). • Frequency of cleaning and disinfection will depend on the operation of the tower, but for continuous operation it should be twice per year; it should always be carried out on re-start after a shut-down period or at any time when tests indicate that cleaning is needed. • Water treatment specialists will provide a cleaning procedure programme which is entirely separate from the water treatment programme. After cleaning and disinfection (normally with chlorine) the water treatment programme must be resumed. • Scaling, fouling, and contamination due to silt and airborne debris can be radically reduced by using a side-stream filtration system so that sump water is re-cycled at least six times per of service Start-up • • • • • • Weekly Figure A. 10.4.1 Recommended maintenance schedule Check and service fan drive system Lubricate fan shaft bearings Check motor(s) voltage and current Check unit for unusual noise/vibration Check fan and p u m p motors for proper rotation Check fans for rotation w i t h o u t obstruction Inspect protective finish Drain sump and piping Check pan heaters and accessories Check and adjust bleed rate Check chemical feed equipment Check water quality against guidelines Check drift eliminators Inspect w a t e r distribution Inspect heat transfer section for fouling Check and adjust sump water level and make-up Clean sump strainer Inspect sump - clean and flush if required Clean debris from unit Inspect general condition of unit Description • • • • • • • Monthly • • • Every six months • • • • Shut­ down • Annually 1 128 Cooling tower practice hour. Maintaining cleaner water by this means can radically reduce the need for treatment. • Alternatives to chemical treatment merit careful evaluation, examples being pasteurization, ultra-violet radiation and the use of electro-magnetic systems as described in A.8.18 and A.8.19. A. 10.4 Maintenance schedules Cooling tower manufacturers and water treatment specialists will provide a schedule of maintenance tasks appropriate to the tower, its location, and operating conditions and Table A. 10.4.1 is extracted from Keeping Your Cooling Tower Safe already referred to in A. 10.1 (the first 13 items are considered to be essential for the control of legionella). Section B Cooling tower theory and calculations B. 1 Psychrometry Psychrometry is the science of measuring the moisture content of the atmosphere; some basic definitions are given below. B.l.l The atmosphere Unpolluted air close to the Earth's surface consists by volume 78% nitrogen, 2 1 % oxygen, and the remaining 1% made up of argon, neon, krypton and helium, plus trace quantities of carbon dioxide and many other gases. B.1.2 Moisture in the atmosphere Moisture in the air, being superimposed on the gaseous content does not affect the relative proportions of nitrogen, oxygen, etc. This moisture content may be expressed as a proportion by weight, i.e. kg of moisture per kg of dry air or it may be related on a percentage basis to saturation of the air (saturation is the point at which, under given conditions, no further moisture can be held in the air and condensation will begin to take place). The weight basis is referred to as absolute humidity and the percentage basis as relative humidity with saturation represented by 100%. B.1.3 Atmospheric pressure and partial pressure Atmospheric pressure depends on altitude and on meteorological conditions, but standard pressure has been defined as one bar or one atmosphere, both of which are equal to 101.325 kilopascals (kPa). (In imperial units this is equivalent to 14.69p.s.i.) Each of the constitutents of air exerts its own individual pressure on its surroundings; this is known as the partial pressure and is in 129 130 Cooling tower theory and calculations direct proportion to the percentages in B. 1.1. Thus: Partial pressure of nitrogen = 78/100 x 101.325 = 79kPa Partial pressure of oxygen = 21/100 x 101.325 = 21.3 kPa B.1.4 Vapour pressure Water exerts a pressure at its surface known as vapour pressure and there is a definite relationship between this pressure and the temperature of the water (see B.1.6 below). B. 1.5 Saturated air The difference between the vapour pressure at a water surface and the partial pressure of water vapour already in the atmosphere causes evaporation. The maximum amount of water vapour which air can absorb depends on the temperature of the air and when this maximum is reached the air is said to be saturated and the vapour pressure at that point is the saturation vapour pressure. Critical point- 210 190 _ 170 ω S 150 CD _ § 130 1 90 < 70 - 50 30 10 I — 4 — 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Temperature (°C) Figure B. 1.6.1 Relationship between temperature and pressure for saturated steam B.l Psychrometry 131 B.1.6 The saturation curve This is the most important characteristic of air/moisture mixtures and is the key to both steam calculations and psychrometry. The saturation curve is the relationship between pressure and temperature for steam calculations or the relationship between vapour pressure and temperature of saturated air for psychrometry calculations. The shape of the curve is exactly the same for both. Steam tables give values up to the critical point (22120kPa absolute pressure and 374.15°C temperature) and the shape of the curve is shown at Figure B. 1.6.1. For psychrometry calculations a much lower temperature limit suffices; a typical curve is shown at B. 1.6.2 and values may be obtained by referring to Table C.5. It 10 60 20 30 40 50 Temperature (°C) Figure B.l.6.2 Saturation curve for air/moisture mixture 132 Cooling tower theory and calculations should be noted particularly that curve B. 1.6.2 is based on the standard atmospheric pressure of 101.325 kPa. (It is the vapour pressure which varies with temperature.) The points on the curve represent the saturation vapour pressure for the corresponding temperature and therefore indicate the maximum amount of water vapour which can be retained in the air at that point. B.1.7 Absolute humidity The amount of moisture in kgs per kg of dry air (see B. 1.2) at any given condition of air temperature and atmospheric pressure. B.1.8 Relative humidity The ratio expressed as percentage of actual vapour pressure due to moisture in the air to the saturation vapour pressure at the same air temperature. B. 1.9 Dew point The temperature at which a mixture of air and water vapour becomes saturated. B.1.10 Dry bulb temperature Air temperature measured in the normal manner. B . l . l l Wet bulb temperature Evaporation of water necessitates an input of heat which is known as the latent heat of evaporation; when water is boiled, heat is supplied and steam or water vapour is produced. When atmospheric conditions are such that water evaporates there must be an input of heat energy and this heat is derived by cooling the immediate surroundings of the evaporating water. This is the mechanism of ground frost, where clear skies promote evaporation from the Earth's surface; frost is formed on the ground even though air temperature may be a few degrees above freezing point. This principle of evaporative cooling is crucial to the function of cooling towers. If the bulb of a thermometer is kept constantly wetted and the evaporation of moisture encouraged by a moving air stream with minimum velocity 5 metres per second, then the temperature recorded by the thermometer will be depressed until equilibrium is B.l Psychrometry 133 reached. The temperature then recorded is known as the wet bulb temperature and has a precise relationship to the humidity of the air. This relationship is enlarged on at B.l. 16 and the mathematics behind it are given in B.2.2. B.l. 12 Measurement of wet bulb temperature The sling psychrometer consists of two mercury-in-glass thermometers mounted on a frame which can be whirled about a handle. The bulb of one thermometer is dry and that of the other is kept wetted by means of a 'sock'. Care and experience is needed to obtain reliable results from this device and there must be ample space to swing the assembly, the alternative is to use an aspirated psychrometer which incorporates a small fan designed to ensure a minimum velocity of 5 m/s of air across the wet bulb. B.l.13 Humidity calculations (refer to C.2 for definitions) The absolute humidity in kg per kg of dry air may be calculated from the relative molecular masses of air and water (28.96 and 18.02 respectively) by using the formula: (18/29) x pJ(P - pv) where pv = partial pressure of vapour and P = atmospheric pressure (101.325 kPa as standard) As an example the saturation vapour pressure corresponding to 30°C may be taken from table C.5, i.e. 4.24 kPa. Hence absolute humidity = (18/29) x 4.24/(101.33 - 4.24) = 0.0271 kg/kg If the vapour pressure is less than saturation level, say 2.5 kPa absolute humidity = (18/29) x 2.5/(101.33 - 2.5) = 0.0157 kg/kg relative humidity will be 2.5/4.24 = 59% As, under these conditions, vapour pressure is low compared with atmospheric pressure the value of relative humidity is close to the ratio of masses of water present, i.e.: (0.0157/0.0271) x 100% = 57.9% B.l. 14 Total heat or enthalpy All substances whose temperatures are above absolute zero (—273°C) contain heat energy but in calculations involving fluids 134 Cooling tower theory and calculations (air is a fluid) it is standard practice to take 0°C as the datum point for measurement. There are four elements to the total enthalpy (total heat content) of an air/water vapour mixture: Dry heat content of the air The energy in kilo joules required to raise the temperature of the air from 0°C to the dry bulb temperature, i.e.: Mass of air (kg) x specific heat capacity of air at constant pressure (kJ/kgK) x temperature increase (K) Measurements of moving air streams are made on a volume basis and must be converted to mass using the value of air density. Air density at 0°C is 1.293 kg/m3 and this value varies inversely with absolute temperature. Thus at 20°C it is: 1.293 x 273/(273 + 20) = 1.205 kg/m3 The specific heat capacity of air varies slightly with temperature but at normal ambients it is close to 0.99kJ/kgK. For most practical calculations involving a moving air stream the dry heat content in kJ/s may be taken as: Volume flow (m3/s) x 1.2 x dry bulb temperature (K) (Note that kilojoules per second is exactly the same as kilowatts) Heat content of liquid phase water (Depending on the conditions of pressure and temperature, water will exist as one of the three phases, solid, liquid or vapour, i.e. ice, water, or water vapour.) This is the energy required to raise the moisture content from 0°C to the dew point temperature, i.e.: Moisture content (kg/kg) x mass of dry air (kg) x specific heat capacity of water (kJ/kgK) x temperature interval from 0°C to dew point (K). The specific heat capacity may be taken from table C.5, at normal ambient temperatures it is close to 4.18kJ/kgK. Latent heat of vaporization of moisture content The energy required to evaporate the moisture at dew point, i.e.: Evaporative increment enthalpy (kJ/kg) x moisture content (kg/kg) x mass of dry air (kg) Table C.5 gives the evaporative increment which at normal ambient temperatures is close to 2440kJ/kg. Sensible heat content of water vapour rising from dew point to dry bulb temperature Specific heat capacity of steam (kJ/kgK) x B.l Psychrometry 135 moisture content (kg/kg) x mass of dry air (kg) x temperature increase from dew point to dry bulb (K). The specific heat capacity may be taken from C.5. (1.88kJ/kgK at normal ambient temperatures). A simple example illustrates the procedure: Dry bulb temperature 26°C Wet bulb temperature 20°C Dew point 17°C Saturation vapour pressure (from table C.5) 3.36kPa Moisture content = (18/29) x {3.36/(101.33 - 3.36)} = 0.0213 kg/kg For the present it must be accepted that 20°C dry bulb with 26°C wet bulb represents 57% relative humidity (rh) (refer to B.l. 15 below). The vapour pressure corresponding to 57% rh is 3.36 x 0.57 = 1.92 kPa and the moisture content = (18/29) x {1.92/(101.33 1.92)} = 0.0120 kg/kg The four elements may now be calculated based on 1 kg of dry air: Dry heat = 1.0 x 26 = 26.0 kJ Liquid phase = 0.012 x 4.18 x 17 = 0.9 kJ Latent heat = 2440 x 0.012 = 29.3 kJ Sensible heat= 1.88 x 0.012 x (26-17) = 0.2 kJ Total 56.4 kJ In calculations involving dry bulb temperatures below 50°C and above dew point, dry heat, and latent heat invariably account for the bulk of the energy. For cooling tower calculations the total enthalpy of saturated air is of major importance. For saturation, dry bulb, wet bulb, and dew point temperatures are all the same and in the above case the calculation becomes: Dry heat = 1.0 x 26 Liquid phase = 0.021 x 4.18 x 26 Latent heat = 2440 x 0.021 = 26.0 kJ = 2.3 kJ = 51.2 kJ Total 79.5 kJ The sensible heat content is zero and the calculation may be simplified for saturated air by taking the specific enthalpy of saturated vapour from table C.5 (2549kJ/kg), hence: Total heat = 26 (dry heat) + (2549 x 0.021) = 79.5 kJ. B.l.15 Psychrometric charts Humidity Quite complex calculations are involved in establishing humidity values from wet and dry bulb temperatures, but the task Figure B. 1.15.1 Psychrometric chart - 10°C to 60°C (Reproduced by courtesy of the Chartered Institution of Services Engineers. Pads of charts for record purposes are available from CIBSE Bookshop 222 Balham High Road London SW12 9BS) CIBSE PSYCHROMETRIC CHART B.l Psychrometry 137 is simplified by the use of charts which have been prepared for various temperature ranges (they are also available for pressures other than standard atmospheric). A typical chart is illustrated at B.l. 15.1 and working copies of such charts may be obtained from the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers. Figures B.l. 15.2 and B.l. 15.3 illustrate the way in which these charts are constructed and show how data may be obtained from them. The horizontal axis is dry bulb temperature and the slope of the curves is based on saturation vapour pressure. The lines of dry bulb temperature on B.l. 15.2 are close to vertical at lower temperatures but slope slightly to the right as temperature increases. The upper saturation curve represents 100% humidity and other curves are drawn with humidity from 90% down to 10% rh. There is a series of wet bulb temperature lines sloping down from the 100% curve. Using values from the example B.l. 14 it can be seen that the intersection of the 26°C dry bulb line (1) with the 20°C wet bulb line (2) meets the rh curves at 57% (3). Any two of these three values enable the third one to be established. mTT 100 90 80 70 Co / <bi J> "O 60 / / / / LJ / / / VAQ/ / / ^ z M, /up % ^/y^ h A /c Y y c n Q< ^ > / 40 π E >V 30 / s% / . Js ¥te*^ A^P<. ^> y 15 20 25 30 Dry bulb temperature (°C) 20 0.028 t > CO DC 0.024 B 0.022 | 0.020 t 0.018 22 c 8 —0.016 o- CD 0.014 ^ 0.012-1 _ 0.010^ —0.008 0.006 10 ' ^ 35 D CD rw 10 - 50 / " nD* yC £> 0.030 0.026 ω <? %fT7 <fr / s£ ~ Λ TV / f®U / S> / —< 0.004 —\0.002 40 Figure B.l. 15.2 The psychrometric chart showing relative humidity, dew point, and moisture content, based on barometric pressure 101.325 kPa 138 Cooling tower theory and calculations Dry bulb temp. (°C) Figure B. 1.15.3 The psychrometric chart showing specific volume and specific enthalpy, based on barometric pressure 101.325 kPa On the right there is a horizontal scale of moisture content enabling the value of 0.012kg/kg to be read at (5). Extending the same line back to the saturation curve enables the dew point to be read off at (4), i.e. 17°C. Reaching dew point in this way is known as sensible cooling (no latent heat is involved). If the 26°C dry bulb line is extended vertically to meet the 100% humidity curve it will do so at (6) and this enables the saturation vapour content to be read off at (7), i.e. 0.021 kg/kg. Achieving saturation in this way is known as isothermal humidification (adding water without change of temperature). If, from its original state at (3) the air reaches saturation by moving along the wet bulb line to the saturation curve, the process is called adiabatic humidification and there is no change in enthalpy. Referring now to chart B. 1.15.3 two further scales have been introduced and for the sake of clarity the wet bulb lines and the moisture content scale have been omitted. The specific enthalpy B.l Psychrometry 139 lines enable the total enthalpy to be established. A line drawn from point (3) to point (8) gives the specific enthalpy at 57 kJ/kg (56.4 calculated). Extending the line from (1) to (9) gives the enthalpy at saturation from the scale, i.e. 80kJ/kg (79.5 calculated). The final set of lines gives specific volume and at the original conditions it can be seen from (10) that this is 0.865 m3/kg. When working on cooling tower design problems it is convenient to be able to refer to a table giving the total enthalpy of saturated air at different temperatures rather than to depend on the use of charts. The necessary data is included in Table C.6 and the values have been calculated as in the example in B.l. 14. In practice there are small variations in the amount of energy arrived at by different approaches; for example, if liquid phase water at 0°C is superheated directly to the saturation temperature rather than first as liquid to the dew point, the energy calculation is marginally different. Complete saturation is difficult to achieve in practice and this also has an effect on theoretical values. The values given in Table C.5 may be used with confidence for practical calculations. B.l.16 Wet bulb temperature and system equilibrium So far it has been taken for granted that there is a definite relationship between wet and dry bulb temperature and humidity, but this phenomenon is so important that more detailed consideration is called for. Suppose that unsaturated air is brought into contact with liquid water under adiabatic conditions (i.e. such that no heat is received or given up to the surroundings during the operation). Since the air is not saturated, water will evaporate into it and increase the humidity of the air. The latent heat of evaporation of this water cannot be supplied externally since by definition the process is adiabatic and therefore, must be supplied by the cooling of either the air or the water or both. Consider the case in which a stream of unsaturated air, at constant initial temperature and humidity is passed over a wetted surface. If the initial temperature of the wetted surface is approximately that of the air, the evaporation of water from the wetted surface tends to lower the temperature of the liquid water. When the water becomes cooler than the air, sensible heat will be transferred from the air to the water. Ultimately the equilibrium will be reached at such a temperature that the loss of heat from the water by evaporation is exactly balanced by the heat passing from the air into the water as sensible 140 Cooling tower theory and calculations heat. Under such conditions the temperature of the water will remain constant. This temperature is the wet bulb temperature. If the initial temperature of the wetted surface is below the wet bulb temperature then it will rise to the wet bulb temperature. B.2 Heat transfer theory B.2.1 Some general notes on heat transfer There are three mechanisms by which heat is transferred, namely conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is the only way in which heat can be transferred through solids; it plays a strictly limited role in heat transfer through liquids and is not applicable to gases at all. Convection occurs because hotter and therefore less dense fluids rise and set up circulation and it is the principal method of heat transfer in fluids. Heat transfer by radiation is critically affected by the temperature difference between the radiating surface or source and the body receiving the radiation. Energy transferred by radiation travels from the source to the receiver direct with no effect on the air in between. The mechanism of convective heat transfer from solids or liquids to air or gases is critically dependent on the behaviour of a nearly stagnant layer of air or gas at the surface of the solid or liquid. This layer is referred to as the boundary layer or film and much of the complexity of heat transfer theory arises from defining the film heat transfer coefficient. The factors which can influence convective heat transfer are: • The temperature difference • The properties of the fluid, i.e., velocity, kinematic viscosity, dynamic viscosity, thermal conductivity, density, thermal expansivity, specific heat capacity B.2.2 Heat transfer theory applied to cooling towers In the case of cooling towers two fluids are involved, namely air with moisture content up to saturation point and water which enters the tower at high temperature and leaves the tower cooled. The main source of the heat transferred in cooling towers is the latent heat or evaporative increment and this heat must be extracted from the water as it flows through the tower. The mechanism of evaporative cooling has already been referred to at B.2 Heat transfer theory 141 A . l . Some 75% of the total heat transferred is carried across the interface between water and air by diffusion of water vapour which is subsequently distributed to the bulk of the air by convection. The balance of the heat is transferred by conduction and convection between the water and the air. There are thus two mechanisms, i.e. mass transfer and heat transfer. Considering once again the water droplet illustrated at A. 1.4.1; because the mass of air is very much greater than the mass of water it may be assumed that no significant change will take place in the condition of the air. In practice the air does change and has an important effect on the operation of cooling towers and this will be explained later. The droplet will be surrounded by the boundary layer of air; water vapour will be diffusing through this layer at a rate of W kilograms per second (using a rate per second ensures consistency in units even though for a single drop the value will be extremely small). If the specific latent heat of the diffusing vapour stream is λ^ (kJ/kg) then the rate at which heat is diffusing will be W x \w (kJ/s or kW). Since the wet bulb temperature is below the temperature of the bulk of the air there will be sensible heat flowing into the droplet at a rate q (kJ/s or kW) and the wet bulb temperature will stabilize at the point where these two values are equal i.e.: B.2.2(i) q = WxXw From heat transfer theory: q = ocxA(t-ti) B.2.2(ii) q = sensible heat flow rate (kW) a = film heat transfer coefficient (kW/m 2 K) A = superficial area of drop (m 2 ) t = bulk air dry bulb temperature tj = temperature at the interface between water and air (the dimensions of oc can be shown to be kg/s3K) By changing the value and the dimensions of the coefficient, it is possible to express the rate at which water vapour is diffusing from the droplet either in terms of partial pressure or in terms of absolute humidities: W=KgxA(pipg) B.2.2(iii) W Kg Pi pg = rate of water diffusion (kg/s) = film coefficient for diffusion (dimensions s/m) = partial pressure at interface (kPa) = partial pressure in the bulk air (kPa) 142 Cooling tower theory and calculations Alternatively: W=K1gxA(xi-xg) B.2.2(iv) 2 Kg = now has dimensions kg/m s Xi = absolute humidity at the interface (kg/kg) xg = absolute humidity in the bulk air (kg/kg) In equations (ii), (iii) and (iv) the expressions in brackets are referred to as the 'driving force', in other words it is the difference of temperature, vapour pressure or absolute humidity which maintains the heat transfer process. This is analogous to electrical circuits where voltage drives the power; also to compressed air systems, ventilation systems, and fluid distribution which requires pressure from the compressor, fan or pump to keep the system going. Substituting the values of q and W from equations (ii) and (iv) in equation (i) and noting that the water temperature at equilibrium is the wet bulb temperature of the air (making tt = tg) it follows that: Xi ~xg = oc(ti - tg)/(Kg x λνν) Β.2.2(ν) A very important conclusion may be deduced from the above equation. As a and Kg are coefficients corresponding to the same film, it is reasonable to assume that any influence which tends to change the thickness of the film, and hence the values of the coefficients, will cause the same percentage change in oc as in Kg and the ratio oc:Kg should be independent of variables such as viscosity and air velocity. Experiment has shown this to be so. For any value of t and xg therefore, there will be a definite value of tg and Xi which will balance the equation, as xt and tg are coordinates of the saturation line on the psychrometric chart. The wet bulb temperature (tg) (i.e. equilibrium temperature) therefore depends only upon the temperature and humidity of the air, and is independent of factors which might influence the thickness, and hence resistance of the air film in contact with the water. B.2.3 The approach to practical cooling tower calculations The mechanism of heat transfer is best understood by considering a contra-flow cooling tower in which the water to be cooled enters at the top of the tower and the cooling air is either induced or B.2 Heat transfer theory 143 forced through the tower from the bottom to the top. At the top of the tower the water will be above the dry bulb temperature of the air, but as the water descends and its temperature falls a point will come when the water temperature falls below dry bulb, but remains above wet bulb. These two sets of conditions are examined separately. As the water descends still further it will continue to cool towards wet bulb temperature, but in practice will never actually reach it; to do so the tower would need to have infinite height. Figures B.2.3.1 and B.2.3.2 illustrate the two sets of conditions and show the temperature and humidity gradients across the film of water and the air film which are in contact at the interface. In B.2.3.1 the temperature (ί,) at the interface is lower than the temperature (Γ) of the bulk of the water, but remains above the temperature (t) of the bulk of the air. There will be a transfer of heat from water to air partly in the form of sensible heat (H) because of the temperature difference (T — t) and partly in the form of latent heat (L) because water vapour is formed which diffuses across the interface. In B.2.3.2 the situation is different because T is lower than t\ there will now be two sources of heat at the interface, one (L - H) from the bulk of the water because of the temperature difference (T — ti) and another (H) from the bulk of the air because of the temperature difference (t — tt). These two sources together equate with the latent heat (L) arising from evaporation at the interface. In both cases the humidity at the interface (JC,) is greater than that of the mass of air (xg) and this difference provides the driving force causing the diffusion of moisture through the air film and the consequent transfer of latent heat to the bulk of the air. The net transfer of heat will become steadily less as the water descends through the tower; at the base of the tower the driving force will be at its minimum and sensible heat (H) will almost equal latent heat (L) so that heat transfer is also at a minimum. B.2.4 The use of overall heat transfer coefficients and volumetric coefficients Heat transfer and diffusion from the bulk water to the bulk air depend on the air film coefficients oc and Kg (see B.2.2 above) and also on the heat transfer coefficient of the water film. As the actual temperature at the interface and the contact area between air and water cannot be determined by normal experimental methods it is not practicable to assign values to these coefficients. For these reasons overall coefficients are used, i.e.: and humidity x/// flow across YÄ Y/ O/ vA 7 ^ >. gradient Air f i l m interface diagram Latent heat carried by w a t e r v a p o u r (L) Sensible heat to bulk air (H) Figure B.2.3.1 Heat transfer in cooling towers - water temperature above drv bulb Temperature Water f i l m Energy Sensible heat f r o m bulk w a t e r ( L + H) and humidity (ZJ5I K/ g j gradient diagram Latent heat carried by w a t e r v a p o u r (L) Sensible heat to bulk air (H) Figure B.2.3.2 Heat transfer in cooling towers - water temperature below dry bulb Temperature (L-H) Sensible heat f r o m bulk w a t e r air, X, = h u m i d i t y at interface, x g = h u m i d i t y of bulk air T = t e m p e r a t u r e of bulk water, t, = t e m p e r a t u r e at interface, t = t e m p e r a t u r e of bulk B.3 Heat transfer calculations 145 • An overall heat transfer coefficient based on the temperature difference bulk water to bulk air (T - t) • An overall diffusion coefficient based on the humidity difference (xw - xg) where xw is the saturation humidity corresponding to the bulk water temperature T, and xg is the absolute humidity of the bulk air. These two coefficients are then further modified so that they refer to a unit volume of the cooling tower packing and these modified coefficients are known as volumetric coefficients. Both a and Kg depend upon a constant related to the film and the thickness of the film; the constant is thermal conductivity in the case of a and the diffusion coefficient in the case of Kg. In both cases the thickness of the film is primarily a function of the mass velocity of air passing the film. B.3 Heat transfer calculations B.3.1 Merkel's theory and calculation of mean driving force Calculation of cooling tower performance using mass transfer and heat transfer separately is very laborious and Merkel's total heat theory is a means of simplifying the process. The theory states that the total heat transfer taking place at any position in the tower is proportional to the difference between the total heat of the air at that point and the total heat of air saturated at the same temperature as the water at the same point, i.e.: Q = KxAx(Hw~Hg) B.3.1(i) Q = heat transferred by conduction and evaporation (kJ/s or kW) K = heat transfer coefficient (dimensions kg/m2s) A = area of contact between air and water (m2) Hw = enthalpy of air saturated at water temperature (kJ/kg) Hg = enthalpy of ambient air (kJ/kg) To make use of Merkel's theory two steps are necessary: • Combine K and A into a single coefficient KgA based on unit volume of the pack (see B.2.4). This avoids the problem of determining the area of contact. • Determine the mean value of the enthalpy difference or the mean driving force. The equation applies only to a single point in the pack, whereas water and air conditions vary throughout the tower. 146 Cooling tower theory and calculations The method of arriving at the mean driving force is illustrated by the chart at B.3.1.1. The chart has been drawn with actual values of enthalpy on the vertical scale and with a typical range of water temperatures on the horizontal scale. The values for the saturation line are taken from C.6. 280 r 280 260 U 260 24θ[ 240 j? 220r 220 5 200 200 75 180 180 g 160 160 % 140 140 CD (Λ 120 120 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 Water temperature (°C) 50 Figure B.3.1.1 Driving force diagram The next step is to draw the air condition line: <\> = φ Lw -spw Tj T2 LwxCpw(Tj-T2) B.3.1(ii) = total rate of heat dissipation from the water (kW) = mass flow rate of water (kg/s) = specific heat capacity of water at constant pressure (kJ/kgK) = water inlet temperature (°C) = water outlet temperature (°C) B.3 Heat transfer calculations 147 The heat dissipated from the water will equal the heat gained by the air <b = La{Hgl-Hg2) B.3.1(iii) La = airflow rate (kg/s) Hgl = enthalpy of outlet air (kJ/kg) Hg2 = enthalpy of inlet air (kJ/kg) The heat loss to surroundings may be neglected hence: Lw x Cpw (Tj - T2) = La (Hgl - Hg2) B.3.1(iv) which can be written: H^ = Lw x Cpw x (T, - T2) + H^ B 3 1(v) La As this is a linear equation the air condition line on chart B.3.1.1 must always be straight. The vertical distance between the saturation line and the air condition line gives the difference in enthalpy (or driving force) at any cross-section through the packing. The mean driving force is related to the average vertical distance between the air condition line and the saturation curve. It can be arrived at mathematically using integration, or graphical methods can be used to measure the area between the line and the curve. The process is simplified by a chart devised by W. L. Stephens and shown at B.3.1.2. A factor is obtained from the chart which enables the mean driving force to be calculated. By adopting the concept of mean driving force and using a factor related to the volume of the pack the equation for total heat transferred becomes: φ = KgA xlxax AHm B.3.1(vi) = height of pack (m) / a == area of pack (m2) KgA == volumetric heat transfer coefficient (dimensions kg/m3s) AH == mean driving force (kJ/kg) Heat values from B.3.1(ii), B.3.1(iii) and B.3.1(vi) are all equal hence: 8 = Lax(HgJ-Hg2) I x ax AHm B.3.1(vii) v } 148 Cooling tower theory and calculations y m/y2 0.3 0.16 0.2 25 0.4 0.5 values of factor f 1.0 1.5 , y m/ y —· ' 7 -6n 0.25LL?.fiip£ 0.16 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.60.7 0.8 1.0 y m /y2 Figure B.3.1.2 Chart for determination of mean driving force and as φ = Lw x Cpw x (Γ, - T2) (from B.3.1(ii)) equating B.3.1(vi) with B.3.1(h) KgA x I x a x AHm = Lw x Cpw x (T2 - T2) i.e. KgA = Lw X CpW X {Tj — 12) *TT ^ B.3.1(viii) v (I x a x AHm) ' The equations assume that La and Lw remain constant but due to evaporation this is not true in practice; however, at normal temperatures the error from this assumption is not significant. B.4 Selection of tower size for a given duty 149 In a practical situation values will be known for Hgl, Hg2, Lw, La, Tj and T2. The air condition line can be drawn by connecting the points Hgl and Hg2. From water temperatures on the horizontal scale it is possible to mark off the driving force at the top of the tower, at the bottom of the tower and at the mean point; these three driving forces are designated on Steven's chart as ylf γ2, and ym respectively. Values may be obtained from the enthalpy chart and must then be converted to ratios ym'.yi a n c · Ym'Y2· These two ratios are the vertical and horizontal axes of Steven's chart and enable the factor / to be read off, and the mean driving force to be calculated: AHm = fx ym =f(Hwm - Hgm) / B.3.1(ix) Steven's factor enthalpy at mean position on saturation line enthalpy at mean position on air condition line B.3.2 The volume transfer coefficient The value of the volume coefficient KgA depends upon the type of packing used in the tower, and on the water and air flow rates. Values of KgA are obtained experimentally by the manufacturers of the packing and are expressed in the following form: KgA = Cx i^Jx i^j B.3.2(i) Lw and La are water and air flow rates in kg/s. a is the horizontal cross-sectional area of the pack C, m, and n are constants (or performance coefficients) for the pack as determined by the manufacturers. B.4 Selection of tower size for a given duty B.4.1 Data requirements As always when designing equipment to meet a number of parameters there is an element of trial and error or optimization in the design process; the manual approach to calculations is reviewed below, but in practice manufacturers will use computer programs, practical experience and accumulated data in order to put forward designs to meet users' specifications. 150 Cooling tower theory and calculations The data required will be: 1 Inlet water temperature T1 (°C) 2 Outlet water temperature T2 (°C) 3 Water flow rate (kg/s) 4 Design ambient air condition (wet bulb temperature and any correction necessary for atmospheric conditions due to elevation above sea level) 5 Air flow rate per unit of horizontal cross-sectional area of pack 6 Values for the three constants C, m and n B.4.2 Sample calculation - Diesel engine cooling Data available: Recirculating cooling water required (Lwi) 0.025 m3/s. Inlet water temperature (Tj) 49°C. Outlet water temperatue (T2) 32°C. Air flow rate per unit area of packing {LJa) 2.2kg/sm2. Packing height 0.6 m Assume cross-section area (a) of packing 7.5 m2 (first estimate based on experience) Evaluate water mass flow rate (Lw) Lw = Lwi x p = 0.025 x 995 = 24.9 kg/s (995 is density of water (p) over cooling range - from Table C.5) LJa = 24.9/7.5 = 3.32kg/sm2 LJa = 2.2kg/sm2 Hence La = 2.2 x 7.5 = 16.5 kg/s Evaluate volumetric heat transfer coefficient (KgA) based on given constants for the pack: C = 2.98, m = 0.2, n = 0.27 KgA =Cx i—\ x i—\ (refer to equation B.3.2(i)) = 2.98 x (3.32)0·2 x (2.2)0·27 = 4.69 From Table C.6, the specific enthalpy of incoming air based on 18°C ambient wet bulb is 51.0kJ/kg. B. 4 Selection of tower size for a given duty 151 Evaluate Hgl Hgl = Hg + [Lw X Cpw x (Tj - T2)]/La (refer to Equation B.3.1(v)) = 51 + [24.9 x 4.175 x (49 - 32)]/(2.2 x 7.5) = 158.1 Evaluate Hgm Hgm = (Hg2 + Hgl)l2 = (51 + 158.1)/2 = 104.6 (for clarity the above information is shown on the driving force diagram at B.4.2.1) H w l = 262.0 260 240 B 220 3 200 1 180 c O Έ o cl Hwm = 171.0 / 160 -m 140 12 ' Hg-, = 158.1 0 _Hw2=111 ^ H 100 2 ' / I / g m I y / / S = 104.6 \yS y r \ 80 60 - H g 2 = 51 ^ / I I I I I I I I 40 , Bottom I 30 i ! Middle Position in tower I I I | Top I U 40 50 Water temperature (°C) Figure B.4.2.1 Driving force diagram - cooling tower for diesel engine 152 Cooling tower theory and calculations Evaluate Steven's ratio Temperatures at top (Tj) middle (Tm) and bottom (T2) of tower are 49°C, 40.5°C and 32°C respectively. Values of Hwl, Hwm and Hw2 corresponding to top, middle, and bottom of tower are taken from Table C.6. Thus: Hwl = 262kJ/kg, Hwm = 171kJ/kg, Hw2 = l l l k J / k g Evaluate driving forces for the three positions in the tower: Top (yj) = Hwl - Hgl = 262.0 - 158.1= 103.9 Middle (ym) = Hwm - Hgm= 171.0 - 104.6= 66.4 Bottom (y2) = Hw2 ~Hg2 = 111.0 - 51 = 60.0 Evaluate Steven's ratios yjyi yjy2 = 66.4/103.9 = 0.64 = 66.4/60.0 = 1.11 Read value of factor (/) from Steven's chart / = 1.04 Calculate mean driving force (AHm) &Hm = ymxf= (refer Equation B.3.1(x)) 66.4 x 1.04 = 69.1kJ/kg Evaluate KgA from Equation B.3.1(ix) KgA = [24.9 x 4.175 x (49 -32)]/(0.6 x 7.5 x 69.1) = 5.68 This value is substantially above the 4.69 calculated from formula B.3.2(i). Re-calculating using a cross-section area of 8.6m 2 yields 4.6 which is clearly satisfactory. B.4.3 Sample calculation - prediction of the performance of an existing tower Data available: Height of pack (/) 0.6 m Area of pack (a) 4.2 m2 Design water flow rate {L*w) 41 m3/hr (0.0114 m3/s) Air flow rate (La) 10kg/s KgA at design air + water flow 11.0 Calculate the re-cooled water temperature at 38°C inlet and 20°C ambient wet bulb assuming outlet temperature 25°C Mass water flow rate (Lw) = 0.0114 x 995 = 11.34 kg/s (Density of water 995 kg/m3) B.4 Selection of tower size for a given duty 153 Determine the enthalpy values: = 57.6kJ/kg (from Table C.6) Hgl = 57.6 + [11.34 x 4.175 x (38 - 25)]/10 = 119.2kJ/kg "gm = (57.6 + 119.2)/2 = 88.4kJ/kg Hwi = 150.0 kJ/kg (at 38°C) 1 = 108.2 kJ/kg (at 31.5°C) \ (Values from C.6) Hw2 = 76.6kJ/kg(at25°C) J (The values are shown on the chart at B.4.3.1) 150 H w 1 = 150.0 "^* / 130 H g l = 119.2 H w m = 108.2 a. 110 ' H gm = 88.4 ^ 90 b H CD Q. 70 ^ w2^^-"^^ J6.6 S ' Hg2 50 „57.6 Bottom I I 25 ^ y^ | ^ ^ \ \ ^ s ^ ^S* ^ I | | I I I i I I I I I I I Middle Position in tower Top _!_ 38 40 30 31.5 35 Water temperature (°C) Figure B.4.3.1 Driving force diagram - prediction of cooling tower performance Determine mean driving force using Steven's factor: Ίΐ - HW1 -H - Qngl 150.0 = 119.2 = 30.8 ym = Hwm - Hgm= 108.2 - 88.4 = 19.8 Ί2 = Hw2 - Hg2 = 76.6 - 57.6 = 19.0 yjyi = 19.8/30.8 = 0.64 yjy2 = 19.8/19.0 = 1.04 From Steven's chart/ = 1.05 Mean driving force = 1.05 x 19.8 = 20.8kJ/kg 154 Cooling tower theory and calculations Evaluate KgA from Equation B.3.1(ix) KgA = [11.34 x 4.175 x (38 - 25)]/(0.6 x 4.2 x 20.8) = 11.74 This value is higher than the design value of 11.00 indicating that 25°C is a little low. The reader may care to re-work the calculation at, say 25.6°C which will yield a value for KgA closer to 11.00. B.5 Corrections for altitude The standard psychrometric charts are based on an atmospheric pressure of 101.325 kPa and the information on the charts may be used to cover normal variation in meteorological conditions at sea level. However, for altitude above say 300 metres corrections need to be applied. The total heat of air at a particular dry bulb temperature and absolute humidity is independent of barometric pressure. However, the moisture-carrying ability of the air is increased with reduced pressure, and the composition of the air/water vapour mixture at saturation changes. Referring back to B.1.13 it was stated that absolute humidity may be calculated from (18/29) (ps/P - ps) where ps is saturation vapour pressure and P is atmospheric pressure. At an altitude of say 1500 metres P will fall to approximately 85kPa and this will lead to an 18% increase in absolute humidity with consequent increase in total heat at saturation. The chart at B.5.1 enables the necessary corrections to be made to the total enthalpy in kJ/kg for a range of saturation temperatures and atmospheric pressures. Table B.5.2 gives details of barometric pressure according to altitude based on standard pressure at sea level and also shows the change in density of air at different temperatures. Barometric pressure is constantly varying with meteorological conditions and all the figures given are related to a sea level pressure of 101.325 kPa. The ability of moisture-laden air to carry a higher enthalpy at high altitudes tends to reduce the size of cooling tower required for a given duty. On the other hand increased fan power is needed. This is because fan design is volume based and for a given volume the mass will be lower at high altitudes and this in turn will reduce the enthalpy carried. Once total heat and mass flow have been adjusted for altitude the calculations can proceed as already described. (ed>|) ajnssajd ouaqdsounv Figure B.S.t 10 15 20 25 30 1.88 35 40 Temperature of saturation (OC) 45 50 55 60 155 1.89 156 Cooling tower theory and calculations Table B.5.2 Variation of air density with altitude and temperature Altitude 300 m below sea level Sea level 300 m 500 m 1000 m 1500 m 2000 m 2500 m 3000 m 3500 m 4000 m 4500 m Density of dry air (kg/m3) Barometric pressure kPa 0°C 10°C 15°C 20°C 25°C 30°C 105.5 101.3 97.8 95.5 90.2 84.9 80.0 74.8 70.3 65.8 61.7 56.8 1.346 1.292 1.247 1.218 1.150 1.083 1.020 0.954 0.897 0.839 0.787 0.724 1.299 1.247 1.204 1.176 1.110 1.045 0.985 0.921 0.865 0.810 0.760 0.699 1.277 1.226 1.184 1.156 1.092 1.028 0.968 0.905 0.851 0.796 0.747 0.687 1.255 1.205 1.163 1.136 1.073 1.010 0.952 0.890 0.836 0.783 0.734 0.676 1.234 1.185 1.144 1.078 1.055 0.993 0.936 0.875 0.822 0.770 0.722 0.664 1.212 1.164 1.124 1.060 1.036 0.976 0.919 0.859 0.808 0.756 0.709 0.653 B.6 The use of charts for calculation of cooling tower duties B.6.1 Data presentation The practical selection and application of cooling towers is necessarily based on information documented by manufacturers, which has resulted from experience and much calculation work. Such information is conveniently expressed in chart form and Figure B.6.1.1 is an example which has been derived from data covering a particular type of plastic film packing. The curves are drawn for a specific wet bulb temperature and volume flow for a series of water outlet temperatures. On the chart shown the volume is in litres per second per square metre of packing and as the density of water is close to 1.0 kg/litre the value of LJa may be taken direct from the vertical axis of the curves. The area of packing may then be found by dividing the total water flow rate in kg/s by the value of LJa. • The first essential is to determine the cooling load which will be expressed in kW; the general principles are covered by B.7 below. • A design air wet bulb temperature must be selected and this will vary depending on location worldwide and on meteorological conditions. The CIBSE maps showing isotherms of UK wet bulb temperature have already been referred to at A.5.4 and B.6 The use of charts for calculation of cooling tower duties 157 29 + 7.1 =36.1 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Water inlet temperature (°C) 55 60 Figure B.6.1.1 they are reproduced at C.4; these maps provide a basis for design air wet bulb levels. • The approach temperature, which is the difference between outlet temperature and wet bulb, must also be established; between 4°C and 6°C is normal, closer than 3°C is expensive to achieve. B.6.2 Sample calculations The calculations which follow start with a specified cooling load, inlet temperature, outlet temperature and wet bulb temperature; 158 Cooling tower theory and calculations 3.0 _ 2.93 __2.67 _ \ 2.0 i i 1.83 38°C inlet line ^~"---~^^ i IS. 1.0 i 35°C inlet line i ~"~" ) inlet line 29°C 1 15 I 20 I 25 1 30 35 1 1 40 45 1 50 1 55 60 Water inlet temperature °C Figure B.6.2.1 Water/temperature curves derived from B.6.1.1 they then go on to examine the effect of reducing or increasing the cooling load and of varying the temperature range. Data: Air conditioning plant, total rate of heat dissipation 326 kW Temperatures: Wet bulb 18°C Onto condenser (outlet from tower) - 23°C Off condenser (inlet to tower) - 29°C Hence total volume flow 326/[(29 - 23) x 4.175] = 13 litres/s (4.175 is the specific heat capacity of water over the temperature range (see B.4.2)). The conditions are illustrated by Chart B.6.2.1 which is derived from B.6.1.1 but with a limited range of flow and temperature; it can be seen that the volume flow per square metre of packing is 2.67 litres and the area of the tower will therefore be: 13/2.67 = 4.87 m 2 B.6 The use of charts for calculation of cooling tower duties 159 (1) Consider a flow rate reduced from 13 to 11 litres per second because of scaling of the condenser tubes. The new temperature difference is arrived at from the formula: Td (K) = Heat dissipation (kW = kJ/s)/[Flow rate (kg/s) x specific heat capacity (kJ/kgK)] thus Td = 326/(11 x 4.175) = 7.1°C The next step is to use the new value of Td to construct a constant temperature difference curve as shown dotted on Chart B.6.1.1. Start with the 20°C curve and find a point corresponding to 20 + 7.1 = 27.1°C on the inlet water temperature scale; next add 7.1 to the 23°C curve and find the point corresponding to 30.1°C inlet and so on: . . . The new flow rate will be 11/4.87 m2 = 2.261/sm2 The intersection of this flow rate with the constant temperature difference curve corresponds to 29.6°C inlet, 22.5°C outlet as shown on B.6.1.1. (2) Consider an increased cooling load at 360 kW with volume flow 131/s. Based on 2.671/sm2 and the 7.1°C constant temperature difference line the new temperature range is 30.5°C inlet, 23.4°C outlet (refer B.6.1.1). (3) Based on the 326 kW condenser cooling load, if the flow rate is halved the temperature range must be roughly doubled to deal with the same load. (4) Consider an outlet temperature 23°C but with inlet increased to 35°C. From Figure B.6.2.1 the flow rate is 1.831/sm2 and with half the original volume flow, i.e. 6.51/s the tower area required is 6.5/1.83 = 3.55 m2. (5) Based on outlet 26°C and inlet 38°C (i.e. twice the original range) and coupling this with half the original volume flow, i.e. 6.51/s the flow rate from B.6.2.1 is 2.931/sm2 and the tower area required is: 6.5/2.93 = 2.22 m2 The above examples make clear the advantages which can be gained from higher temperature operation and increased temperature range. For air conditioning and refrigeration duties higher temperatures may not be admissible, but for many industrial processes where temperature is less critical an increase can have a major effect on the size of the tower. 160 Cooling tower theory and calculations B.7 Determination of water cooling duties It is in this field of investigation that the use of the SI system gives the maximum advantage in simplifying calculation. All forms of energy may be expressed in kilojoules and all power, heat flow, or rate of working in kilojoules per second which by definition is kilowatts. In assessing cooling requirements of any industrial process the following must be considered: • Sensible heat given up when material is cooled • Latent heat released due to a phase change, i.e. gas to liquid or liquid to solid • Mechanical power into the process whether from the shaft of an electric motor or from the output shaft of any other source of mechanical power. • Heat released as a. result of exothermal chemical reactions. • Electrical energy supplied direct to the process and absorbed in heat due to the electrical resistance of the material heated or due to either inductive or dielectric heating: (1) Sensible heat (kW) = material flow rate (kg/s) x specific heat capacity of material (kJ/kgK) x temperature difference hot to cold material (K). (2) Latent heat (kW) = material flow rate (kg/s) x latent heat of condensation (gas/liquid) or fusion (liquid/solid) (kJ/kg). (3) Shaft outputs of power sources whether electric motors, engines or turbines are expressed in kW and it may normally be assumed that the bulk of the energy supplied in this way is dissipated as heat in the process. (4) Electrical energy supplied to the process by direct or indirect resistance or by inductive or dielectric means is best assessed from manufacturers information on kW output. Industrial electrical heating plant normally requires a transformer (if resistance) or a converter if inductive or dielectric. In each case there will be losses between the supply mains and the output terminals and these losses should not be included in calculations of cooling requirements. Assuming that all the energy supplied to the process will manifest itself as heat to be removed by the cooling tower provides a margin of safety and ensures that ample cooling capacity is available, but may result in a design which is over generous. The alternative is to analyse in detail the heat transfer going on in the process itself; such an analysis will disclose the rate at which heat is being dissipated before the cooling medium takes over. B.8 Symbols used in calculations 161 B.8 Symbols used in calculations Symbol Description Units P Atmospheric pressure Partial pressure of water vapour Saturation vapour pressure Rate of diffusion of water vapour Sensible heat flow Specific latent heat of water Film heat transfer coefficient Superficial area Bulk air dry bulb temperature Temperature at interface Film coefficient for diffusion Partial pressure at interface Partial pressure in bulk air Film coefficient Absolute humidity at interface Absolute humidity in bulk air Sensible heat transfer Latent heat transfer Wet bulb temperature of air Saturation humidity in bulk air Heat transferred by conduction or evaporation Heat transfer coefficient Enthalpy of air saturated at water temperature Enthalpy of ambient air Volumetric heat transfer coefficient Total rate of heat dissipation from water Mass flow rate of water Specific heat capacity of water at constant pressure Temperature of bulk air Water inlet temperature Water outlet temperature Air flow rate Enthalpy of outlet air Enthalpy of inlet air Mean driving force Height of pack Area of pack Driving force top of tower Driving force bottom of tower Driving force mean point of tower Steven's factor kPa kPa kPa kg/s kW kJ/kg kW/m2K m2 °C °C s/m kPa kPa kg/m2s kg/kg kg/kg kW kW °C kg/kg kW kg/m2s kJ/kg kJ/ke kg/nrs kW kg/s kJ/kgK °C Pv Ps w q λγν a A t U K 8 Pi Pg Kig *i x s H L h X Q K Hw n* KgA Φ Lw ^pw T Tj T2 La Hgi Hg2 AHm I a Ίι Ί2 Im £ f 11 n P t °c °c kg/s kJ/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg m m2 kJ/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg Performance coefficients for the pack J Density of water kg/m3 Section C Data and tables C.l The basis of the SI system of units The SI system of units was formally established in 1960 and it is to be hoped that 1992 will herald the total acceptance of the system in Europe; if this happens the remainder of the World's industrial countries will have little option but to fall into line. Once the effort has been made to express all quantities in SI units calculation procedures become very much more straightforward. Length, Mass, Time, Temperature and Electric Current are fundamental to measurement and if we add to these luminous intensity and amount of substance we have the seven basic units of SI; there are just three supplementary units namely Plane Angle, Solid Angle and Radioactivity. From these ten the complete system of units is derived. For calculation work there are four important concepts which need to be grasped: • All forms of energy can be expressed in the practical unit of kilojoule (kJ) • Energy flow rate whether electrical, mechanical, heating, or cooling is measured in kilojoules per second (kJ/s). (One kJ/s = one kW). • The practical unit of pressure is the kilopascal (kPa). 100 kPa = one bar and one bar is very close to one atmosphere in value. • The kelvin (K) is the measure of temperature and, as a temperature interval, is identical to one Celsius degree. The zero of the kelvin scale is absolute zero ( - 273.15°C) so that 20°C = 293.15 K. 162 163 C. 1.1 Basic units Quantity Dimensional definition Title Length (/) Mass (m) Time (t) Electric current (/) Temperature (Γ, Θ) Luminous intensity (/) Amount of substance (n) m kg s A K cd mol metre kilogram second ampere kelvin candela mol C.1.2 Supplementary units Quantity Dimensional definition Title Plane angle (a) Solid angle (Ω) Radioactivity (Λ) Frequency (v) rad sr Ci l/s = Hz radian steradian curie hertz C.1.3 Prefixes 1018 1015 1012 109 106 103 exa peta tera giga mega kilo E P T G M k io- 1 8 i<r15 io- 12 10- 9 1(Γ 6 IO - 3 atto femto pico nano micro milli a f P n μ m 164 Data and tables C.1.4 Derived units Quantity Definition Title Area (A) Volume (V) Velocity (v) Angular velocity (ω) Acceleration (a) Density (p) Momentum (p) m2 m3 m/s rad/s m/s2 kg/m3 kg m/s Rotational frequency Force (F), weight (W) Work (A), heat ( £ ) , energy (//) Power (P) Temperature interval (Θ) Heat quantity, (Q, H), latent heat (L), enthalpy (H) Heat flow rate (φ) Density of heat flow (q), heat flux (σ) Thermal conductivity (κ) Thermal transmittance (a) Heat capacity, entropy (S) Specific heat capacity, specific entropy (s) Specific energy (v) Specific latent heat (λ) Pressure (stress) (p) Viscosity (dynamic) (μ) 1/s = Hz N J square metre cubic metre metre per second radian per second metre per second squared kilogram per metre cubed kilogram metre per second = newton second reciprocal second (hertz) newton (kg m/s2) joule (n m = kg m2/s2) watt (kg m2/s3) kelvin or degree Celsius J/kgK J/kg J/kg N/m2 Ns/m 2 Viscosity (kinematic) (ψ) Mass flux (φ) Surface tension (γ) Specific volume (v) m2/s kg/s N/m m3/kg w Kor°C J w W/m2 W/mK W/m2K J/K joule watt watt per metre squared watt per metre kelvin watt per metre squared kelvin joule per kelvin joule per kilogram kelvin joule per kilogram joule per kilogram pascal newton second per metre squared metre squared per second kilogram per second Newton per metre metre cube per kilogram C.2 Definitions and relationships of relevant units (The units are tabulated at C.l.l to C.1.4 and these tables show symbols, definitions, and titles) MASS is measured in kg and is defined as the quantity of matter measured by weighing against standards. The unit of FORCE is the NEWTON which, when applied to a mass of one kg will cause it to accelerate by one m/s2; force thus has units kgm/s 2. C.2 Definitions and relationships of relevant units 165 WEIGHT is also measured in newtons; the earth's gravity will exert a force of 9.8 newton on a body of mass one kg (g, the acceleration due to gravity at the Earth's surface is about 9.8 m/s 2 ). The unit of WORK, HEAT or ENERGY is the JOULE which is the work done when a force of one newton acts for a distance of one metre: its units are thus Nm or kgm 2 /s 2 . WATT is the unit of power defined by a rate of working one joule per second. The units are kgm 2 /s 3 ; HEAT FLOW RATE and ENERGY FLOW are expressed in watts. PASCAL is the unit of pressure measured in N/m 2 ; its units are kg/ms 2 . DENSITY is the mass per unit volume (kg/m3) at a stipulated temperature. SPECIFIC VOLUME is the volume per unit mass (m 3 /kg). SPECIFIC LATENT HEAT is the heat required to effect a phase change in a substance at constant temperature expressed in kilojoules per kilogram. The latent heat of vaporization decreases with increase in pressure up to a critical point when it becomes zero (for saturated steam 374°C, 221 bar). SPECIFIC H E A T CAPACITY is expressed in kilojoules per kilogram per kelvin for gases (kJ/kgK). Two values are defined, one at constant pressure and one at constant volume; the former is used in calculations covered by this book. THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY is the ability of a material to transmit heat expressed in watts per square metre of surface area per kelvin of temperature gradient for a unit thickness of one metre, i.e. (W/m 2 K) x m = W/mK. THERMAL RESISTIVITY is the reciprocal, i.e. mK/W. THERMAL RESISTANCE = m 2 K/W. THERMAL TRANSMITTANCE - W/m 2 K. ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY (ω) is the mass ratio of water to dry air in an atmosphere carrying water vapour and is defined: ω = (18/29) {ρν,Ρ - pv) where pv = partial pressure of water vapour P = total pressure of the mixture (atmospheric pressure for air conditioning calculations). 18 and 29 are taken as the relative molecular masses of water vapour and air respectively. 166 Data and tables RELATIVE HUMIDITY is the ratio (expressed as a percentage) of the partial pressure of water vapour present in air to the saturation vapour pressure at the same temperature. SPECIFIC HUMID HEAT CAPACITY (S) of an air-water vapour mixture is the amount of heat (kJ/kgK) required to raise one kg of the mixture by one kelvin (assuming there is no phase change) ^ = Lpa + tO X Cpwv where Cpa is specific heat capacity of air at constant pressure. ω is absolute humidity (kg/kg). Cpwv is specific heat capacity of water vapour. TOTAL SPECIFIC ENTHALPY is the sum of enthalpies (kJ/kgK) of the dry air and its associated water vapour related to 0°C and is in four components: • The air component = Cpa x air temperature • The water component to dewpoint = Cpw x dewpoint temperature (°C) {Cpw = specific heat capacity of water) • The latent heat component of vapour at the dewpoint • The superheat component = Cpwv x temperature rise above dewpoint (°C) Note: Although joules are the standard unit of energy in the definitions of specific latent heat, specific heat capacity, specific humid heat capacity and total specific enthalpy, kilojoules are generally a more convenient unit in practice. 167 C.3 Conversions into SI units Length 1 inch (in) 1 foot (ft) 1 yard 1 mile = = = = 25.4 mm 0.3048 m 0.9144m 1.609 km Area 1 square inch (in2) = 645 mm 2 1 square foot (ft2) = 0.0929 m2 1 square yard = 0.836 m 2 1 hectare = 10 4 m 2 = 4047 m 2 1 acre Volume 1 cubic inch (in3) 1 cubic foot (ft3) 1 imperial gallon 1 US gallon = = = = = 16 390 mm 3 0.0283 m 3 4.5461 0.004 456 m3 0.005 458 m 3 Mass 1 pound (lb) lton 1 ton (US) 1 tonne 1 grain = = = = = 0.4536 kg 1016 kg 907 kg 1000 kg 0.065 g Force l i b ft 1 ton ft 1 ton (US) ft = 4.448 N = 9.964 kN = 8.895 kN Pressure 1 atmosphere (atm) lbar 1 inch mercury 1 inch water gauge 1 mm water gauge 1 lb/in2 1 ton/in 2 1 ton (US)/in 2 Velocity 100 miles per hour = = = = = = = = 101.3 kPa 100 kPa 3.386 kPa 249.1 Pa 9.807 Pa 6.895 kPa 15.440 MPa 13.780 MPa 100ft/s = 161 km/hr = 44.71 m/s = 30.48 m/s Density 1 lb/ft3 1 lb/in3 = 16.02 kg/m3 = 27 680 kg/m3 Specific volume 1 ft3/lb = 0.0624 m3/kg Temperature 1°F = 0.5556°C = 0.5556 K 32°F equates with 0°C Power 1 horse power (H.P.) = 0.7457 kW 1 BThU/s = 1.055 kW 100 000BThU/hr = 29.31 kW 1000 lb steam/hr = 284 kW 1 centigrade thermal unit per second = 1.899 kW 1 ton (cooling) = 3.52kW = 37.79 kg ice melted jDer hour Energey, work, heat 1 British thermal unit (BThU) 1 kg cal = 1 kcal 1 therm = = = = = = lkWhr 1000 lb steam evaporated1 from and at 100°C = lH.P.hr = 6 10 tons coal equivalent (mtce) = 106 tons oil equivalent = (mtoe) 1055 J 4187 J 100 000 BThU 29.3kWhr 105.5 MJ 3.6MJ 1.0237 GJ 2.685 MJ 26.4 PJ 44PJ Heat content 1 BThU/lb 1 BThU/ft3 1 BThU/gallon 1 BThU/gallon (US) = = = = Thermal conductivity 1 BThU in/ft2 hr°F = 0.1445 W/mK Specific heat capacity 1 BThU/lb °F = 4.187 kJ/kgK Heat transfer coefficient lBThU/ft 2 hr°F = 5.678 W m 2 K Fluid movement 1000 ft3/min 1000 gallons/min 1000 gall (US)/min 1 ft3/hr Kinematic viscosity 1 stokes 1 ft2/s 1 ft2/hr Dynamic viscosity 1 poise 1 lb/ft s 1 lb/ft hr Redwood 100-5000 2.326 37.26 232.1 278.7 kJ/kg kJ/m 3 kJ/m 3 kJ/m 3 = = = = = = = 0.472 m3/s 4.546 m3/min 45461/min 0.0758 m3/s 0.0910 m3/s 0.028 m3/hr 7.778 X 10" 6 m 3 /s = = = = 1 cm2/s 0.001 m2/s 0.093 m2/s 25.8x 10" 6 m 2 /s = = = = = 0.1Ns/m 2 0.1 Pas 1.49 Pas 0.000413 Pas 24-1200 mm2/s 168 C.4 Meteorological tables and data DRY-BULB TEMPERATURES EXCEEDED FOR l % O F PERIOD JUNE-SEPT. 1960-74 16 17 «L Figure C.4.1 Screen dry bulb and wet bulb isotherms for the UK for temperatures exceeded for the stated percentage of hours during June to September: period 1964-1970 (a) Dry bulb temperatures exceeded for 1% of hours (°C) 169 DRY-BULB TEMPERATURES EXCEEDED FOR 2\% OF PERIOD JUNE-SEPT. 1960-74 Figure C.4.1 (b) Dry bulb temperatures exceeded for 2Vi % of hours (°C) 170 WET-BULB TEMPERATURES EXCEEDED FOR 1 % OF PERIOD JUNE-SEPT. 1960-74 Figure C.4.1 (c) Wet bulb temperatures exceeded for 1 % of hours (°C). (Reproduced from Section A2 of the CIBSE Guide by permission of the Chartered Institution) 171 Figure C.4.1 (d) Wet bulb temperatures exceeded for 2l/z % of hours (°C) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Temp. (°C) 0.67 0.71 0.76 0.81 0.87 0.93 1.00 1.07 1.15 1.23 1.32 1.41 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.82 1.94 2.06 2.19 2.34 Pressure (kPa) 8 11 14 17 21 25 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 59 63 67 71 75 79 84 Saturated liquid Saturated vapour 2505 2507 2508 2509 2511 2512 2514 2516 2518 2520 2522 2524 2527 2528 2529 2532 2533 2534 2536 2538 Evaporation increment 2497 2496 2494 2492 2490 2487 2484 2482 2480 2478 2476 2474 2472 2469 2466 2464 2462 2459 2457 2454 Specific enthalpy (kJ/kg) Steam 1.87 1.86 Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (kJ/kgK) 0.0052 0.0055 0.0058 0.0062 0.0066 0.0070 0.0074 0.0079 0.0085 0.0091 0.0097 0.0104 0.0111 0.0119 0.0127 0.0136 0.0145 0.0155 0.0165 0.0175 Density (kg/nrf) 4.220 4.216 4.213 4.210 4.207 4.204 4.202 4.199 4.197 4.195 4.193 4.192 4.190 4.188 4.187 4.185 4.184 4.183 4.182 4.180 Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (kJ/kgK) Water 998 999.8 1 999.7 1 999.6 1 999 1 | 999.8 999.9 999.9 1000.0 999.9 Density (kg/m 3 ) 1 1 0.989 1 1 0.988 0.987 0.986 1 0.985 1 Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (kJ/kgK) Dry air 1.288 1.284 1.279 1.274 1.270 1.265 1.260 1.256 1.252 1.247 1.243 1.239 1.234 1.230 1.226 1.221 1.217 1.213 1.209 1.205 Density (kg/m*) C.5 Variation with pressure/temperature of physical properties of steam, water and dry air 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 2.49 2.65 2.81 2.98 3.17 3.36 3.55 3.78 4.00 4.24 4.49 4.75 5.03 5.32 5.62 5.94 6.27 6.62 6.99 7.38 7.78 8.21 8.65 9.10 9.58 10.1 10.6 11.1 11.7 12.3 13.0 88 92 97 101 104 109 113 117 122 126 130 134 138 142 147 151 155 159 164 168 173 177 181 185 188 192 197 201 205 209 214 2452 2450 2446 2444 2442 2440 2437 2435 2432 2430 2427 2425 2423 2420 2418 2415 2413 2411 2408 2406 2403 2401 2399 2397 2395 2393 2390 2387 2385 2383 2378 2540 2542 2543 2545 2547 2549 2550 2552 2554 2556 2557 2559 2561 2562 2564 2566 2568 2570 2572 2574 2576 2578 2580 2581 2583 2585 2587 2588 2590 2592 2594 I 1.91 1.90 1.89 1.88 0.0190 0.0203 0.0215 0.0228 0.0242 0.0255 0.0269 0.0283 0.0300 0.0318 0.0337 0.0355 0.0373 0.0395 0.0416 0.0437 0.0460 0.0482 0.0505 0.0529 0.0554 0.0584 0.0614 0.0642 0.0670 0.0703 0.0732 0.0764 0.0802 0.0839 0.0877 4.175 4.174 4.175 990 I 989 I 988 I I 991 I 992 I 994 I 993 I 996 I 995 I 4.176 I 0.996 0.995 0.994 0.993 0.992 0.991 I I 0.990 I 997 4.177 I 4.179 I 4.178 1.201 1.197 1.193 1.189 1.185 1.181 1.177 1.173 1.169 1.164 1.161 1.157 1.154 1.150 1.146 1.142 1.139 1.135 1.131 1.128 1.124 1.121 1.117 1.114 1.110 1.107 1.103 1.100 1.096 1.093 1.089 e/j Pressure (kPa) 13.6 14.2 14.9 15.7 16.4 17.1 18.0 18.9 19.9 31.2 47.4 70.1 101 1560 8590 18770 22120 Temp. eC) 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 360 374.15 218 222 226 230 234 238 242 246 251 293 335 377 419 853 1345 1767 2107 Saturated vapour 2595 2597 2599 2601 2602 2604 2606 2608 2610 2627 2643 2660 2676 2791 2751 2482 2107 Evaporation increment 2377 2375 2373 2371 2368 2366 2364 2362 2359 2334 2308 2283 2257 1938 1406 775 0 tOtOtOtOlOtOtOtOtOtOtOtOtOtOtOtOls) k-^k_*totOtON>tOtOK>N>tOtOtOtOtO tO H- H^ ooooHOsiM\oooooNjp\yiA^w K)OOOOM Saturated liquid vlNlLfiW^v)OiWMO\K)OO^OONtOa) R s l K ) M H a O W s l O ( X ) a ^ N ) M \ O ^ U i 1.92 I 1.93 I 1.94 1.95 1.97 2.00 2.03 2.90 6.13 30.0 Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (kJ/kgK) 0.0914 0.0955 0.0980 0.102 0.106 0.111 0.117 0.123 0.129 0.197 0.290 0.422 0.59 7.9 46.3 146.0 315.0 Densi?:. (kg/m ) I 4.177 I 4.176 I Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (kJ/kgK) 4.178 4.184 4.192 4.201 4.211 4.452 5.790 * 3 y i O N O s - J O O O O O O O O O O O O O Ό O U) VO Ui 4^ tO '►-» ί-* i-k I-k ► ' _> 'Η^ ί-k Ö Ό Ό oro R 3 ?> 987 I 986 I 985 I 984 I 983 978 972 965 958 864 713 440 316 Densi?:. (kg/m ) 1.008 1.030 1.052 I 0.998 0.997 Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (kJ/kgK) Dry air 0.972 0.946 0.746 0.616 0.558 0.546 1.000 1.086 1.083 1.079 1.076 1.073 1.070 1.066 1.063 1.060 1.029 (kglm) D ensi?:. Notes: The temperature column applies to all values. The pressure column is 'absolute' for steam and 'saturated vapour' for air/moisture mixtures. Values of the properties of dry air relate to temperature and are based on standard atmospheric pressure 101.325 kPa. U) U> U» t o k-k ►_> H ^ IOCTstOtOtOi-^i-kk--k t-n -t*. Ο ore R as 4^ 4^ ί-k ί-k . 00 -J AOO 4 ^ -f^ ^ KJ t o ί-k — · k O vo M M K ) y i 4^ "-J "^ vo ^Λ O K J Specific enthalpy (kJ/kg) W*k-vl00\0*Ov0O\O k _ - ^ » _ ' (J\ Ui ON v j v l 00 . ONOU>4^00lyibJOOU) Water O O Q . to O oo i O O O O O O > N ! s j >J v j 00 00 > O U> OS VO U> Ov © © © © © © ► l/i l/i bs -<J vo vo < Steam HI Moisture content (kg/kg) 0.00413 0.00438 0.00469 0.00500 0.00538 0.00575 0.00619 0.00662 0.00713 0.00763 0.00818 0.00876 0.00933 0.00996 0.01059 0.01135 0.01212 0.01288 0.01371 0.01467 0.01564 0.01667 0.01770 0.01881 Temp. eC) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 11.20 12.98 14.81 16.70 18.64 20.65 22.72 24.86 27.07 29.35 31.72 34.18 36.73 39.37 42.11 44.96 47.93 51.01 54.21 57.55 61.03 64.67 68.47 72.43 Enthalpy (kJ/kg) 11.38 13.16 15.00 16.89 18.84 20.86 22.93 25.08 27.30 29.59 31.97 34.44 36.99 39.64 42.40 45.26 48.24 51.33 54.54 57.90 61.39 65.05 68.87 72.84 O.l°C 11.56 13.34 15.19 17.09 19.04 21.07 23.14 25.30 27.53 29.83 32.21 34.69 37.26 39.92 42.68 45.55 48.55 51.65 54.89 58.25 61.76 65.43 69.26 73.26 0.2°C 11.74 13.53 15.37 17.28 19.24 21.28 23.36 25.52 27.75 30.06 32.46 34.95 37.52 40.19 42.97 45.85 48.85 51.97 55.21 58.59 62.12 65.81 69.66 73.67 0.3°C 11.91 13.71 15.56 17.48 19.45 21.49 23.57 25.75 27.98 30.30 32.70 35.20 37.79 40.47 43.25 46.15 49.16 52.29 55.55 58.94 62.49 66.19 70.05 74.08 0.4°C 12.09 13.89 15.75 17.67 19.65 21.69 23.79 25.97 28.21 30.54 32.95 35.46 38.05 40.74 43.54 46.45 49.47 52.61 55.88 59.29 62.85 66.57 70.45 74.50 0.5°C 12.27 14.08 15.94 17.87 19.85 21.90 24.00 26.19 28.44 30.77 33.20 35.71 38.31 41.01 43.82 46.74 49.78 52.93 56.21 59.64 63.22 66.95 70.85 74.91 0.6°C 12.45 14.26 16.13 18.06 20.05 22.11 24.22 26.41 28.67 31.01 33.44 35.97 38.58 41.29 44.11 47.04 50.09 53.25 56.55 59.99 63.58 67.33 71.24 75.32 0.7°C Enthalpy at intermediate temperatures C.6 Variation with temperature of the enthalpy of saturated air 12.62 14.44 16.32 18.25 20.25 22.31 24.44 26.63 28.89 31.25 33.69 36.22 38.84 41.56 44.39 47.34 50.39 53.57 56.88 60.33 63.94 67.71 71.64 75.73 0.8°C 12.80 14.63 16.51 18.45 20.45 22.52 24.65 26.85 29.12 31.49 33.93 36.48 39.11 41.84 44.68 47.63 50.70 53.89 57.22 60.68 64.31 68.09 72.03 76.15 0.9°C SLl Moisture content (kg/kg) 0.02004 0.02129 0.02253 0.02405 0.02550 0.02711 0.02878 0.03053 0.03242 0.03439 0.03645 0.03865 0.04094 0.04338 0.04559 0.04876 0.05162 0.05472 0.05793 0.06124 Temp. COC) 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 76.56 80.87 85.36 90.04 94.93 100.0 105.3 111.0 116.8 123.0 129.4 136.2 143.2 150 158 167 175 184 194 205 Enthalpy (kJ/kg) 76.99 81.32 85.83 90.53 95.44 100.5 105.9 111.6 117.4 123.6 130.1 136.9 143.9 151 159 168 176 185 195 205 O.l°C 77.42 81.77 86.30 91.02 95.94 101.1 106.4 112.2 118.0 124.3 130.8 137.6 144.6 152 160 169 177 186 196 206 0.2°e 77.85 82.22 86.76 91.51 96.45 101.6 107.0 112.7 118.7 124.9 131.4 138.3 145.2 152 161 169 178 187 197 207 0.3°e 78.28 82.67 87.23 92.00 96.96 102.1 107.6 113.3 119.3 125.6 132.1 139.0 145.9 153 162 170 179 188 198 208 0.4°e 78.72 83.12 87.70 92.49 97.47 102.7 108.2 113.9 119.9 126.2 132.8 139.7 146.6 154 163 171 180 189 199 209 0.5°e 79.15 83.56 88.17 92.97 97.97 103.2 108.7 114.5 120.5 126.9 133.5 140.4 147.3 155 163 172 180 190 200 210 0.6°C 79.58 84.01 88.63 93.46 98.48 103.7 109.3 115.1 121.1 127.5 134.2 141.1 148.0 156 164 173 181 191 201 211 0.7°C Enthalpy at intermediate temperatures 80.00 84.46 89.10 93.95 98.99 104.2 109.9 115.6 121.8 128.1 134.S 141.8 148.6 156 165 173 182 192 202 211 0.8°e 80.44 84.91 89.57 94.44 99.50 104.8 110.4 116.2 122.4 128.8 135.5 142.5 149.3 157 166 174 183 193 203 213 0.9°e ~ -....) 0\ 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 0.0648 0.0687 0.0725 0.0764 0.0810 0.0858 0.0914 0.0962 0.1012 0.1070 0.1138 0.1199 0.1260 0.1341 0.1423 0.1517 214 225 237 249 262 275 289 304 320 337 355 374 394 415 437 460 215 226 238 250 263 276 291 306 322 339 357 376 396 417 439 216 227 239 252 265 278 292 307 323 341 359 378 398 419 442 217 229 241 253 266 279 294 309 325 342 361 380 400 422 444 218 230 242 254 267 281 295 310 327 344 363 382 402 424 446 220 231 243 256 269 282 297 312 329 346 365 384 405 426 449 221 232 244 257 270 283 298 314 330 348 366 386 407 428 451 222 233 245 258 271 285 300 315 332 350 368 388 409 430 453 223 235 247 259 273 286 301 317 334 351 370 390 411 433 455 224 236 248 261 274 288 303 318 335 353 372 392 413 435 458 LL\ U I W M ^ S H 7 I W M O 0 0 V J O \ ^ W K ) ωο\οοοοοοκ)(7ΐοιηΜθοιηωκ) UiWO000\UiWMO00vJ(yi^WK) U i M O O O O N ^ W M ^ O O v j L n ^ w K ) ^ t O O O ) i ^ ^ M O \ O s l O \ y i i i K ) H - K ) ^ O O O O O O M U ) - X 1 K ) O O U I K ) ^ V J ^ ^ο--ισΝθ--οΌΚ)θ^^οο-»οοοσΝ'-νι U I ^ W K ) M M O O V 0 ^ 0 0 0 0 V J V J 0 \ 0 N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ^ ^ U U ^ ^ ^ ^ ö ö o ö ' o o ö ' o *73.0/62.7 1.0 1.7 2.3 3.1 3.9 4.8 9.5 11.5 0.080 0.090 446 736 1181 2567 2029 3516 *60.3/52.5 1.6 2.7 3.9 5.5 7.8 Π3.7/9.2 17 60 122 209 318 *10.3/6.8 72.6 259 559 957 1445 0.030 0.040 0.50 0.060 0.070 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 Volume (m 3 /min) *88.9/77.9 1.4 1.7 98 169 252 537 924 13.6 29 48 70 *17.1/12.5 * 102/90.1 0.8 617 1072 30.9 52.4 79.8 169 284 4.4 9.1 15.1 22.3 *21.3/15.8 927 276 347 44.2 75.8 114 161 215 2.4 4.1 6.1 12.4 21.0 7.7 12.9 19.3 40.3 68.3 145 250 383 541 727 1.2 1.7 *33.4/26.6 2.3 3.8 5.7 *26.7/21.0 Pressure drop (kPa per 100 m) The numerals marked * are external/internal diameter (mm). C.7.1 Flow of water at 15°C in Schedule 40 steel pipe C.7 Relationship between pressure drop and volume flow in steel pipes 69.0 86.2 11.4 19.3 29.0 40.0 54.1 1.1 1.5 3.2 5.4 *42.2/35.1 31. 39. 5. 9. 13. 18. 24. 0. 1. 2. *48. 77.3 110 147 192 239 295 355 420 488 563 644 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 14.1 29.5 51.2 0.100 0.150 0.200 260 295 331 42.0 47.3 52.8 58.5 64.9 71.4 86.0 102 119 137 86.3 97.7 109 122 135 150 175 214 19.6 23.2 27.3 31.9 36.8 40.3 47.9 56.6 65.8 75.9 120 144 169 197 228 5.3 7.4 9.9 12.8 16.1 10.8 15.2 20.3 26.4 32.9 32.2 44.9 60.6 78.0 97.9 1.0 2.1 3.6 2.0 4.2 7.2 5.9 12.5 21.2 37.7 45.2 53.4 62.7 72.2 21.8 24.6 27.7 30.8 34.2 10.1 12.2 14.6 16.9 19.4 2.8 4.0 5.3 6.8 8.4 *114/102 1.1 1.9 12.2 14.7 17.2 20.0 23.2 7.2 8.1 9.1 10.0 11.1 3.4 4.1 4.7 5.5 6.3 *141/128 1.4 1.8 2.3 2.8 425 930 4.9 5.9 6.9 8.0 9.1 2.9 3.2 3.6 4.1 4.5 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.5 *168/154 0.9 1.2 105 226 391 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 *219/203 0.9 1.0 1.2 274 382 518 669 845 48.8 103 181 179 *324/303 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.8 2.3 3.4 4.9 6.5 8.5 10.7 13.0 18.4 *273/255 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.5 2.8 3.2 4.3 5.5 8.4 11.8 15.8 20.4 25.6 31.3 44.7 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.0 Volume (m 3 /min) *406/381 0.9 1.1 1.6 2.1 2.7 3.3 4.1 5.7 *356/333 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.2 3.1 4.2 5.4 6.7 8.1 11.4 156 178 199 *457/429 1.2 1.5 1.9 2.3 3.2 45.2 54.5 64.5 74.9 85.9 141 170 *508/478 1.9 98.2 133 172 26.4 29.7 33.1 36.9 41.0 81.8 92.4 104 116 128 Pressure drop (kPa per 100 m) 200 259 38.7 52.6 67.3 104 147 18.1 21.7 25.3 29.6 33.9 10.5 11.8 13.2 14.7 16.3 49.9 65.0 81.6 99.2 141 9.9 13.4 17.2 26.2 37.3 4.6 5.6 6.5 7.6 8.7 2.7 3.1 3.5 3.9 4.2 180 Data and tables Velocity is calculated from 55 60 65 70 75 30 35 40 45 50 14 16 18 20 25 24.6 31.7 39.8 48.7 75.8 108 146 190 239 , mls (;r/4 x (int. diamt) Volume 60.0 77.6 97.5 119 183 66.9 90.3 117 147 181 15.3 19.8 24.6 30.2 46.9 107 127 149 170 198 33.2 44.6 57.8 72.6 88.8 7.7 9.9 12.4 15.2 23.4 59.4 70.8 82.2 95.5 110 18.3 24.8 31.9 40.0 49.1 4.4 5.6 6.9 8.4 13.0 34.3 41.1 47.5 55.2 62.8 10.8 14.4 18.6 23.3 28.4 2.5 3.2 4.0 4.9 7.6 13.6 16.1 18.9 21.6 24.6 4.3 5.7 7.4 9.2 11.3 *610/575 1.3 1.6 2.0 3.0 191 248 181 Elbow Long 90° bend Return bend Globe valve Gate valve Tee-run Tee-outlet Fitting 9.2 0.18 0.11 0.32 0.62 0.07 0.09 0.40 6.8 0.14 0.08 0.25 0.48 0.05 0.06 0.25 0.25 0.14 0.48 0.80 0.10 0.13 0.52 12.5 21.0 0.47 0.24 0.75 1.4 0.18 0.24 1.0 15.8 0.35 0.17 0.60 1.1 0.13 0.17 0.7 0.62 0.33 1.0 1.9 0.25 0.33 1.3 26.6 0.86 0.46 1.3 2.6 0.34 0.45 1.7 35.1 1.0 0.54 1.6 3.2 0.40 0.53 2.1 40.9 Pipe bore (mm) C.7.2 Equivalent length (m) of pipe fittings for resistance calculations 1.4 0.74 2.1 4.0 0.55 0.73 2.9 52.5 1.7 0.88 2.5 4.8 0.68 0.9 3.7 62.7 2.2 1.1 3.3 6.2 0.83 1.1 5.0 77.9 2.6 1.3 4.0 7.8 1.0 1.3 6.3 90.1 3.2 1.6 4.7 9.3 1.2 1.6 7.4 102 4.4 2.1 6.3 13.0 1.6 2.1 10.0 128 Acetic acid Acetone Alumina Aluminium Aniline Asbestos Ashes Asphalt Brickwork Brine Carbon tetrachloride Cellulose Cement CFCs (average) Clay Coal Coal tar Coke Concrete Copper 2.1 2.1 1.0 0.9 2.1 0.8/1.0 0.9 1.3 0.85 3.1 0.85 1.3 0.85 1.0 0.9 1.05 1.5 1.1 0.70 0.38 Ether Ethyl alcohol (100%) Fire brick Gasoline Gelatine Glass Glycerin Gypsum Hydrochloric acid (10%) Iron Leather Liquid paraffin Limestone Lubricating oil Machine oil Magnesia Marble Mild steel Olive oil Nitric acid (10%) 2.1 2.7 1.05 2.2 3.7 0.85 2.4 1.1 3.1 0.45 1.5 2.9 0.9 1.9 1.7 0.85 0.9 0.47 1.5 3.8 Paraffin Porcelain Quartz Rock-salt Rubber Silica brick Silver Stainless steel Stonework Sulphuric acid (10%) Toluene Turpentine Xylene Vulcanized rubber Wood Wool 2.2 1.1 0.8 0.9 2.0 0.9 0.24 0.46 0.8 3.9 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.8/2.7 1.4 The values in this table are based on 20°C ambient temperature. The supplementary table gives values for iron and some steels up to 1200°C C.8 Specific heat capacity of some common substances High purity iron Mild steel Medium carbon steel Nickel-chromium steel Stainless steel 100200 0.49 0.51 0.52 0.52 0.50 0100 0.45 0.48 0.47 0.48 0.47 300400 0.58 0.59 0.59 0.58 0.59 200300 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 500600 0.70 0.72 0.70 0.74 0.75 400500 0.63 0.65 0.63 0.64 0.66 0.82 0.82 0.81 0.98 0.88 600700 1.00 1.19 1.35 0.98 0.89 700800 Temperature (°C) C.8.1 Effect of temperature variation on specific heat capacity of iron and steel 0.74 0.68 0.60 0.57 0.81 800900 0.62 0.65 0.63 0.63 0.65 9001000 0.59 0.65 0.63 0.64 0.65 10001100 0.62 0.66 0.65 0.66 0.65 11001200 0.65 0.68 0.67 0.67 0.67 12001300 185 C.9 Temperature conversions and some conversions to imperial units Degrees Fahrenheit to Degrees Celsius F 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° 110° 120° 130° 140° 150° 160° 170° 180° 190° 200° 210° 0° 1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° 7° 8° 9° °c _ °C °C 0 5.6 11.1 16.7 22.2 27.8 33.3 38.9 44.4 50.0 55.6 61.1 66.7 72.2 77.8 83.3 88.9 94.4 100.0 °C 0.6 6.1 11.7 17.2 22.8 28.3 33.9 39.4 45.0 50.6 56.1 61.7 67.2 72.8 78.3 83.9 89.4 95.0 °C 1.1 6.7 12.2 17.8 23.3 28.9 34.4 40.0 45.6 51.1 56.7 62.2 67.8 73.3 78.9 84.4 90.0 95.6 °C 1.7 7.2 12.8 18.3 23.9 29.4 35.0 40.6 46.1 51.7 57.2 62.8 68.3 73.9 79.4 85.0 90.6 96.1 °C 2.2 7.8 13.3 18.9 24.4 30.0 35.6 41.1 46.7 52.2 57.8 63.3 68.9 74.4 80.0 85.6 91.1 96.7 °C 2.8 8.3 13.9 19.4 25.0 30.6 36.1 41.7 47.2 52.8 58.3 63.9 69.4 75.0 80.6 86.1 91.7 97.2 °C 3.3 8.9 14.4 20.0 25.6 31.1 36.7 42.2 47.8 53.3 58.9 64.4 70.0 75.6 81.1 86.7 92.2 97.8 °C 3.9 9.4 15.0 20.6 26.1 31.7 37.2 42.8 48.3 53.9 59.4 65.0 70.6 76.1 81.7 87.2 92.8 98.3 - - - - - 4.4 10.0 15.6 21.1 26.7 32.2 37.8 43.3 48.9 54.4 60.0 65.6 71.1 76.7 82.2 87.8 93.3 98.9 _ 5.0 10.6 16.1 21.7 27.2 32.8 38.3 43.9 49.4 55.0 60.6 66.1 71.7 77.2 82.8 88.3 93.9 99.4 - - Degrees Celsius to Degrees Fahrenheit C 0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° 0° 1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° 7° 8° 9° op op op op op op op op op op 32.0 50.0 68.0 86.0 104.0 122.0 140.0 158.0 176.0 194.0 212.0 33.8 51.8 69.8 87.8 105.8 123.8 141.8 159.8 177.8 195.8 35.6 53.6 71.6 89.6 107.6 125.6 143.6 161.6 179.6 197.6 37.4 55.4 73.4 91.4 109.4 127.4 145.4 163.4 181.4 199.4 39.2 57.2 75.2 93.2 111.2 129.2 147.2 165.2 183.2 201.2 41.0 59.0 77.0 95.0 113.0 131.0 149.0 167.0 185.0 203.0 42.8 60.8 78.8 96.8 114.8 132.8 150.8 168.8 186.8 204.8 44.6 62.6 80.6 98.6 116.6 134.6 152.6 170.6 188.6 206.6 46.4 64.4 82.4 100.4 118.4 136.4 154.4 172.4 190.4 208.4 48.2 66.2 84.2 102.2 120.2 138.2 156.2 174.2 192.2 210.2 - - - _ - _ _ _ _ 186 Volume One One One One cubic metre litre US gallon cubic foot 219.97 gallons 0.220 gallons 0.833 gallons 6.23 gallons Pressure One One One One One pound per square foot standard atmosphere foot head of water 62°F inch head of mercury 32°F kilogram/square centimetre 0.00694 psi 14.696 psi 0.4325 psi 0.4912 psi 14.22 psi Mass One gram One kilogram One tonne 0.0022 lb 2.205 lb 2205.01b Power One One One One One horse-power kilowatt kilocalorie/hour foot-pound/second kilogrammetre/second 2545.0 Btu/h 3412.0 Btu/h 3.968 Btu/h 4.627 Btu/h 33.47 Btu/h Bibliography (concerned mainly with publications on legionnaires disease) British Standards Institution: (Copies of standards from BSI sales, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes, MK14 6LE Tel: 0908 220022). BS 4485 Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 Water Cooling Towers BS 848 Part 1 Methods of Testing Performance of Fans Part 2 Methods of Testing Noise of Fans Health and Safety Commission: Consultative document CD 18 (F) November, 1989, The Control of Legionellosis - Proposals for Statutory Action Health and Safety Executive: (All publications available from HMSO) Noise guides based on Noise at Work Regulations 1989, No. 1790 No. 1. Legal duties of employers No. 2. Legal duties of designers, manufacturers, importers and suppliers Guidance note EH48 Legionnaires Disease The Industrial Water Society: (The Secretary, Cooling Water Group, Old Tolson's Mill, Litchfield Street, Fazeley, Tamworth, Staffs, B78 3QB) Guide to Mechanical Draught Evaporative Cooling Towers Keeping your cooling tower safe (Maintenance guidelines for the prevention of legionnaires disease) The Badenoch Committee: First report of the committee of inquiry into the outbreak of legionnaires disease in Stafford, April 1985. Chairman, Sir John Badenoch. HMSO CMND 9772 submitted 14.3.86 and presented to Parliament June 1986 Second report published 1987. Department of Health and Social Security and the Welsh Office: The control of Legionellae in health care premises. A code of practice HMSO ISBN 0 11 3211457, 1988. 187 188 Bibliography The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers: (CIBSE Bookshop, 222 Balham High Road, London, SW12 9BS. Tel: 071 675 5211) Technical Memorandum, TM13 - Minimizing the risk of Legionnaires Disease R. J. Oughton, C. Eng., F.I.Mech.E., F.C.I.B.S.E.: (Directorate of Mechanical and Electrical Services, Property Services Agency) Legionnaires Disease in Refrigeration and Associated Equipment British Association of Chemical Specialists: Code of Practice for the Control of Legionella by the Safe and Effective Operation of Cooling Systems. K. Marriott Industrial Commercial and Technical Consultants: Acoustic Test Procedures for Water Cooling Towers - March, 1989. E. J. Pring, Sales Projects Director, Carter Industrial Products Ltd.: Safer Evaporative Cooling Systems by means of Improved Design Technology Baltimore Aircoil Ltd.: BAC Position Paper on Legionnaires Disease NalflocLtd.: Biocidal Control of Legionella Pneumophila in Cooling Water Systems Dubois Chemicals Ltd.: Reducing the Risk of Legionnaires Disease Refrigeration and Air Conditioning: A major feature in the November 1989 issue included contributions from: Dr. S. Forbes Pearson, Chairman of the Cooling Water Group of the Industrial Water Society. A. F. Wigley, Managing Director of Visco Ltd. G. B. Hill and E. J. Pring, respectively Technical Director and Sales/Projects Director, Carter Industrial Products Ltd. Phil. Andrews, Engineering Director, Heenan-Marley Cooling Towers Ltd. Index ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), 46 Absolute humnidity, 132 Acid, 88 Acidity of water, 88 Addition of noise levels, 63 Air, relative density, 172 Air saturated, 130 Air compressors, 74 Air conditioning plant, 51 Air flow, 5 Ait inlet, 2, 54 Air outlet, 2, 54 Algae, 99 Alkalinity of water, 88 Alternatives to cooling towers, 120 Altitude, 52, 154 Ambient air, 6 Ambient air wet bulb temperature, 6 Antifoam, 98 Appearance, 54 Approach, 5 Atmosphere, 129 Atmospheric pressure, 129 Atmospheric towers, 9 Attenuation, 68, 69 Axial fan, 24 Bacteria, 99 Barometric variation, 52 Base exchange, 91 Basin (tank/sump/pond), 5 Biocides, 99 Bleed-off (see Purge), 5, 43, 94 Blowdown (see Purge), 5, 43, 94 Capital costs, 55 Casing (shell), 2 Centrifugal fan, 24, 68 Chemical plants, 84 Chimney, tower, 9 Chlorine, 100 Cladding, 45, 46 Coagulants, 98 Cold water basin, 5, 43 Cold water outlet, 5 Compressors, air, 74 Concentration, 6 Concentration of mineral salts, 95 Concentration factor, 94 Concentration ratio, 6 Condensing temperature, 71 Conduction, 7 Contra-flow, 15, 18 Control of Pollution Act, 70 Convection, 7 Cooled water output temperature, 1 Cooling duty, 150 Cooling load (heat load), 6 Cooling range, 6 Corrosion, 1, 95 Corrosion protection, 45 Costs, 55 Cross-flow, 9, 28 Decibel, 56 Degreasing, 83 Deionization, 88 Density, relative of air, 172 Deposits, 97 Design air wet bulb temperature, 51 Dew point, 132 Diffusion deck water distribution, 43 Dispersants, 98 Dissipation of heat, 140 Dissolved gases, 90 Disolved solids, 90 Drain connection, 43 Drift, 38, 94 189 190 Index Drift eliminator, 4, 38,123 Drift loss, 5,94 Driving force, 145 Dry bulb temperature, 132,137 Electric motors, 24,44, 68 Electromagnetic treatment, 102 Electrostatic treatment, 102 Eliminators, 4, 38,123 Engines, 76 Enthalpy, 133,178 Evaporation, 6, 94 Evaporative cooling, 1 Evaporative condensers, 20 Fans, 4, 5, 20, 24, 44 Fan characteristics, 44 Fan control, 24 Fan drive assembly, 5 Fan power, 5 Fill (see Packing), 5, 32,123 Film packing, 32 Filtration, 104 Forced draught, 9-15 Fouling, 1,98 Fungi, 99 Furnaces, 80 Gearboxes, 20 GRP (glass reinforced plastics), 46 Hardness (alkaline, permanent, temporary), 89 Hardness of water, 89 Heat conduction, 140 Heat content, 133 Heat convection, 140 Heat dissipation (latent, sensible), 133 Heat energy calculations, 48 Heat exchangers, 83 Heat load, 6 Heat radiation, 140 Heat transfer, 140 Humidity calculations, 133 Hydrocyclone separators, 113 Hyperbolic tower, 9 Ice formation, 25 Indirect evaporative cooling tower, 18, 120 Induced draught, 12,18 Induction furnaces, 80 Inlet air wet bulb temperature, 6 Inlet water flow, 6 Ion exchange,91 Ionization of water, 91 Ions, 91 Langelier index, 92 Latent heat, 133 Latent heat dissipation, 1 Legionnaires disease, 118 Lignin in timber, 47 Low silhouette tower, 18 Maintenance and maintenance procedures, 123-128 Maintenance schedule, 128 MBT (methylene-bis-thiocyanate), 101 Mean driving force, 145 Mechanical filters, 105 'MerkelY theory, 145 Metallurgical processes, 79 Meteorological data, 168-171 Microbiological fouling, 99 Mineral salts (concentration), 95 Natural draught, 9 Noise criteria curves, 69 Noise frequency, 55, 56 Noise level, 54, 63-68 Noise level addition, 63 Noise level meters, 59 Noise level reduction, 69 Noise measurement, 56-67 Noise nuisance, 65-67 Noise sources, 65-67 Nominal inlet air wet bulb temperature, 6 Open pan water distribution, 43 Operating costs, 55 Overall heat transfer coefficient, 143 Overflow outlet, 43 Packing, 5, 32,123 Partial pressure, 129 Perforated pan water distribution, 43 Performance coefficients, 149 Index Physical properties (steam/water/air), 172 Plastic packing, 32 Polypropylene, 32, 37 Polystyrene, 37 Pond (tank, sump, basin), 5, 43, 94 Power conversion table, 186 Psychrometric chart, 136 Psychrometry, 129-139 Pumping head (pump pressure), 43 Purge, 5, 43, 94 Radiation, 7 Re-circulation of air, 5, 53 Re-cooled water temperature, 6, 50 Refinery plants, 84 Refrigeration, 71 Relative density of air (table), 172 Relative humidity, 132 Sand bed filters, 104 Saturated air, 130 Saturated air enthalpy table, 175 Saturation cur ? e, 131 Scale, 92 Selection charts, 28,156 Sensible heat dissipation, 134 Silencers for fans, 68 Site of towers, 53 S.I. Units, 162 S.I. Units conversion table, 167 Sling psy chrome ter, 133 Sound attenuation, 68 Sound exposure level, 60 Sound frequency, 55-59 Sound level meter, 59 Sound measurement, 59 Sound power level, 56-59 Sound pressure level, 56-59 Specific heat capacities (table), 183 Splash deck, 34 Splash packing, 34 Spray loss, 1 Spray nozzle, 43 Steel, 45 Stevens chart, 148 191 Strainer type filters, 105 Sump (basin, tank, pond), 5 Surfactant, 98 Suspended solids, 90 Tank (sump, pond, basin), 5 Temperature conversion table, 185 Temperature range (cooling range), 6 Testing, 55 Timber, 46 Timber rot, 47 Total heat, 133 Tower structure, 123 Trough and gutter water distribution, 43 Turbine condensers, 84 UPVC (Unplasticized Polyvinylchloride), 46 UV light biological control, 103 Vapour pressure, 8,130 Volume conversion tables, 186 Volumetric coefficients, 143 Volume transfer coefficient, 149 Warm water input temperature, 8 Warm water inlet, 2 Wastage, 94 Water acidity, 88 Water alkalinity, 88 Water contaminant control, 90 Water distribution system, 4 Water flow, circulating, 50,150 Water flow-pipe capacities, 178 Water loading, 6 Water neutrality, 88 Water off temperature, 8 Water pH, 88 Water softening, 91 Water temperature, re-cooled, 50 Water treatment, 95,101, 102,126 Water vapour pressure, 130 Wet-bulb temperature, 6, 48-55,132, 135-139