Rino Burkhardt Axel Preiss Andreas Joss Niklaus P. Lang Authors’ affiliation: Rino Burkhardt, Axel Preiss, Andreas Joss, Niklaus P. Lang, School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland Correspondence to: Prof. Niklaus P. Lang Freiburgstrasse 7 Bern CH-3010 Switzerland Tel.: þ 41 31 632 2577 Fax: þ 41 31 632 4915 e-mail: nplang@dial.eunet.ch Influence of suture tension to the tearing characteristics of the soft tissues: an in vitro experiment Key words: flap tension, oral mucosa, periodontal surgery, suture materials, tissue trauma Abstract Objectives: To evaluate the influence of flap tension on the tearing characteristics of mucosal tissue samples in relation to various suture and needle characteristics. Material and methods: Lining and masticatory mucosal tissue samples obtained from pig jaws were prepared for in vitro testing. Tension tearing diagrams of 60 experiments were traced for 3-0, 5-0 and 7-0 sutures with applied forces up to 20 N. In the second part, the same experiments were repeated with 100 diagrams to test the influence of needle characteristics with 5-0 and 6-0 sutures using only gingival tissue samples. Results: 3-0 sutures mainly lead to tissue breakage at an average of 13.4 N. In contrast, 7-0 sutures only resulted in breakage of the thread at a mean applied force of 3.7 N. With 5-0 sutures, both events occurred at random at a mean force of 14.6 N. Irrespective of the needle characteristics, the mean breaking force for gingival samples with 5-0 and 6-0 sutures was approximately 10 N. Conclusions: Tissue trauma may be reduced by choosing finer suture diameters, because thinner (6-0, 7-0) sutures lead to thread breakage rather than tissue breakage. Date: Accepted 14 June 2006 To cite this article: Burkhardt R, Preiss A, Joss A, Lang NP. Influence of suture tension to the tearing characteristics of the soft tissues: an in vitro experiment. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 19, 2008; 314–319 doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2007.01352.x 314 Wound closure is a key prerequisite for healing following surgical interventions and most important to avoid complications. Various techniques are proposed to achieve optimal wound closure, among which titanium clamps used in thorax surgery (Liu et al. 2004; Pearl & Rayburn 2004) and adapted to vascular surgery needs are the latest development (Demaria et al. 2003). This technique is not yet well documented in the oral surgical or periodontal field. The proposed advantages include a reduction in closing time. Biocompatibility and stability of the clamp material are essential. However, various aspects have precluded the routine use of these devices so far: (1) the small diameter of the clamps appears to prevent a closure of flaps thicker than 1 mm. (2) Closing forces of clamps are not controllable. (3) A very high price of the devices will also render titanium clamps unsuitable for mucosal wound closure in the oral cavity. Another technique for closure is the application of adhesives (cyanoacrylates), introduced into oral surgery in the 1970s (Forrest 1974; Miller et al. 1974) . Despite good acceptance by the patients, an improved control of blood coagulation and a bacteriostatic effect (Singer et al. 1998), wound closure by liquid cyanoacrylates is technically difficult to achieve and hence, soft tissue healing seems to be delayed (Greer 1975). In addition, adherence to the movable wound edges is not guaranteed for the entire healing period (Bhaskar et al. 1966). Such characteristics render wound closure by adhesives inappropriate as well. c 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation c 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard Burkhardt et al . Suture tearing characteristics The most popular technique for wound closure remains the use of sutures that stabilize the wound margins sufficiently and ensure a proper closure for a defined period of time. However, the penetration of a needle through the soft tissue causes an additional surgical trauma, and the presence of foreign materials in a wound may significantly enhance susceptibility to infection (Blomstedt et al. 1977; Österberg & Blomstedt 1979). Hence, it is recommended to choose sharp, cutting needles to penetrate the relatively dense masticatory mucosa. To reduce trauma (Edlich et al. 1990) and, at the same time, the diameter of the access hole, less bacteria will invade the stitch canal. The effects of the initial surgical trauma caused by the penetration of needle and thread (Postlethwait et al. 1975) reach a peak on the third postoperative day and may be followed by bacterial infection (Selvig et al. 1998). These negative effects may be improved by selecting monofilament threads (Selvig et al. 1998), with the use of anti-infective agents (Leknes et al. 2005) during the woundhealing period and the coating of resorbable suture strands with antibacterial substances (Storch et al. 2004; Ford et al. 2005). Another shortcoming of wound closure using sutures is the lack of appropriate tension control. It is generally recognized that high tensions exerted by sutures and applied to the wound edges may lead to tearing of the soft tissue margins, resulting in a secondary intention healing. These soft tissue dehiscences may prolong the healing time (Selvig et al. 1992), cause additional bone resorption of the underlying bone (Wilderman et al. 1960; Costich & Ramfjord 1968) or jeopardize the healing results (Nowzari & Slots 1994; De Sanctis et al. 1996). For this reason, ‘passive wound closure’ is normally recommended for periodontal and/or oral surgical procedures, especially in combination with guided tissue regeneration and bone augmentation procedures. In most surgical specialties, the relationship among wound tension, blood flow and flap viability is well documented in animal (Myers et al. 1965; Stell 1980; Larrabee et al. 1984) and human studies (Cherry et al. 1983; Marks & Argenta 1988; Shapiro et al. 1996). As the visco-elastic properties and the blood supply of the skin and oral mucosae are not identical (Baker 1991), the results of the skin flap studies cannot be extrapolated to the mucosal tissues. Only one clinical study has focused on wound tension and primary wound closure after surgical interventions (Pini Prato et al. 2000). In a split-mouth designed randomized-controlled clinical trial, the percentage of root coverage was investigated in relation to flap tension. On the test sides, the tension was released by a periosteal incision before suturing and amounted to a mean of 0.4 g compared with the contralateral sides with a mean of 6.5 g, respectively. Three months after the surgical interventions, the root surfaces in the test group were covered to 87 13%. In 45% of the treated recessions, a complete root coverage was achieved. The corresponding figures for the control sites were 78 15% for the mean recession coverage, and 18% of the treated recessions yielded a complete coverage. A regression analysis showed that a minimal flap tension did not influence the results, but with increasing flap tension, a reduction in recession coverage had to be expected (Pini Prato et al. 2000). It is the aim of this study to analyse the influence of the applied flap tension on the tearing characteristics of mucosal tissues for various sutures sizes and needle characteristics in an in vitro experiment. Material and methods Harvesting of samples To calibrate the set-up, a pilot experiment with eight pig mucosal samples was performed and yielded a tension in the range of 5.1–15.3 N before tearing. One hundred and sixty samples of pig jaw mucosa were harvested from the lower jaws of 40 fresh pig cadavers. The samples were prepared on the same day of the experiments. Using a periodontal probe and a roll technique, the muco-gingival junction was identified and marked with a felt pen (Fig. 1). Two gingival and two lining mucosal samples were harvested with sharp surgical blades from each jaw. The rectangular samples were trimmed to a length of 25 mm and a width of 5 mm. The desired mucosal thickness of 1 mm was difficult to achieve due to the softness of the tissues. To avoid bias, the thicknesses c 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation c 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard Fig. 1. Mucogingival junction, marked to define the area for graft harvesting. of the tissues were measured at three different locations (bottom, mid and top part) of the samples using a special caliper designed for soft tissue assessment (Frank Prüfgeräte GmbH, Birkenau, Germany). Applying a low constant pressure, the samples were compressed until no further thickness changes were seen within 30 s. The values were then read to the nearest 0.01 mm. To prevent the soft tissues from drying during the time between harvesting and the assessment, the samples were kept hermetically sealed and cooled in a refrigerator at 51C and were only taken out one hour before starting the experiments to warm up to room temperature. Tension experiments of the mucosal samples All the measurements were performed in the technical laboratory of a Swiss textile company (Swisstulle, St Margrethen, Switzerland). To evaluate the tension-tear behavior of the gingival and mucosal samples dependent on different suture materials and sizes, a tear test apparatus (Frank Prüfgeräte GmbH) from the textile industry was used. This machine allowed a numerical recording of the tension-tear behavior simultaneous with a graphic documentation. Before starting the experiment, each tissue sample was marked with an identification number and three measurement marks. Two of these were marked simultaneously at the lower and upper sample margins, 3 mm away from the tissue margins, and one was marked in the centre of the sample. The tissue sample was attached to the machine by a hydraulic clamp with its lower end in point C (Fig. 2), similar to a vice. The upper margin was penetrated with one of the test sutures in point A. The suture strand was turned to a loop, tied together and fixed to the movable 315 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 19, 2008 / 314–319 Burkhardt et al . Suture tearing characteristics measurement arm of the machine (Fig. 2). The experiment was started when the sample was in an upright position with only minimal tension on the suture. The measurement arm now moved away with a constant speed of 10 mm/min, and the actual tractive force was determined constantly with a precision of 0.001 N. Data collection and statistical analysis In the first part of the experiment, the tensional behaviour of three different su- Fig. 2. Tissue sample, attached to the test machine with a 7-0 suture. Table 1. Events by thicknesses of threads and tissue composition (mucosal/gingival tissues) EventMucosal samples 3-0 A B C D 9 1 Gingival samples 5-0 7-0 5 5 10 3-0 5-0 7-0 5 4 1 9 6 1 4 A, breakage of thread; B, breakage of tissue; C, breakage of tissue at tissue clamp; D, tissue withstanding. ture sizes was studied in pig jaw lining mucosa and gingiva. All the sutures used in this part of the study were monofilas ment threads (Ethicon , Norderstedt, Germany), made of polyamid or polypropylene with suture strengths of 3-0 (metric 0.200–0.249 mm), 5-0 (metric 0.100–0.149 mm) and 7-0 (metric 0.050– 0.069 mm) according to the United States Pharmacopoe. For each suture strength, 10 mucosal and 10 gingival samples were evaluated, resulting in a total of 60 tensiontearing experiments. For the evaluation, four different events were recorded: (A) breakage of sutures (inside or outside the knot), (B) tissue tearing (beginning at the penetration hole, at the middle or upper margin of the sample), (C) tissue tearing at the attachment clamp of the machine or (D) tissue withstanding the applied tension forces up to 20 N. The behavior of the graft samples under increasing tension was recorded numerically and traced graphically. Furthermore, the maximum force for the mentioned criteria to occur was determined. Based on pilot experiments, the maximum force applied was limited to 20 N. Besides the tensiontearing behaviour of the different suture diameters, the influence of the sample thickness and tissue characteristics (gingiva vs. lining mucosa) was evaluated as well. A nonparametric one-way test (Kruskall– Wallis) was used to analyse the influence of sample thickness and tissue characteristics on the maximum force applied. In the second part of the study, the influence of the needle characteristics on Fig. 3. Mean maximum forces applied to the mucosal samples dependent on suture diameters and needle characteristics. 316 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 19, 2008 / 314–319 the tearing properties of the tissue samples was recorded. Cutting needles, in combination with monofilament polypropylene threads of 5-0 and 6-0 strengths, were compared with round-tip needles in the the same thread combinations. In each group, 25 gingival samples were evaluated, amounting to 100 experiments. Results Influence of mucosal thickness and graft composition During harvesting of the grafts using a surgical blade, attempts were made to keep the width of the graft in the same order of magnitude. However, the assessed thickness at the border of the graft with the penetration hole ranged from 0.56 to 2.42 mm, averaging 2.07 mm for gingiva, and from 0.38 to 1.46 mm, averaging 0.91 mm for alveolar mucosa. In tearing the samples, either the sutures or the tissues were torn to breakage. Table 1 indicates the proportions of broken tissue or suture samples, respectively, for both mucosal and gingival tissues and suture strengths of 3-0, 5-0 or 7-0 sutures, respectively. It was evident that for 3-0 sutures, the breakage occurred in the tissues rather than in the threads irrespective of the tissue characteristics. On the other hand, the 7-0 suture threads generally broke before the tissues did, while for 5-0 sutures both events occurred at random (Table 1). The mean maximum forces, which could be applied to the mucosal tissue samples until an event occurred in the different test configurations, are shown in Fig. 3. There was a statistically significant difference (Po0.05) between the 3-0 and the 7-0 suture diameters. Analysing the tearing behavior of the 3-0 sutures within the range of 20 N, the thickness of the sample had no influence on the breakage of the tissue irrespective of its characteristics (Fig. 4). In contrast, the tearing behaviour of the 7-0 sutures yielded much lower forces causing breakage of the thread generally not exceeding 5 N (Fig. 5). Again, 7-0 sutures broke without any influence of either tissue characteristics or thickness. Figure 6 depicts the tearing behaviour of the 5-0 sutures for both mucosal and gingival tissues. Both tissue and thread breakage events were observed and appeared to occur c 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation c 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard Burkhardt et al . Suture tearing characteristics from analysis due to breakage of the tissue at the attachment clamp of the machine. The fourth event defined as tissue withstanding the applied tension forces of up to 20 N occurred in five gingival tissue samples for the 3-0 sutures. In these samples, tissue breakage occurred at an applied tension force up to 40.5 N. Influence of needle characteristics and thread diameter Fig. 4. Maximal force applied to the tissue samples up to breakage of either the threads or the tissues relating to the thicknesses of the tissues at the upper margin. Diagram for 3-0 sutures. Fig. 5. Maximal force applied to the tissue samples up to breakage of either the threads or the tissues relating to the thicknesses of the tissues at the upper margin. Diagram for 7-0 sutures. Based on the results of the previous experiments, the 5-0 and 6-0 suture material was tested regarding the characteristics of the attached needles (rounded tips vs. triangular cutting tips). For each tearing experiment, 25 gingival samples were tested, amounting to a total of 100 samples. Tearing to tissue breakage occurred in a range of forces of 3.3–15.1 N, while threads broke at a force varying from 5.7 to 20 N. The needle characteristics did not influence tissue breakage (Fig. 8). Tearing of the gingival samples occurred between forces of 5.6 and 15.1 N for round needles and 3.3 and 13.8 N for triangular cutting needles, averaging 10.1 N for the former and 9.9 N for the latter. The mean breakage of the tissues occurred at 13.2 N for the 5-0 sutures and 6.8 N for the 6-0 sutures, resulting in a statistically significant reduction in tissue breakage force for the 6-0 suture independent of the needle characteristics. Discussion Fig. 6. Maximal force applied to the tissue samples up to breakage of either the threads or the tissues relating to the thicknesses of the tissues at the upper margin. Diagram for 5-0 sutures. at random within a force range of 7–20 N. Tissue thickness or characteristics, again, did not influence the forces needed to cause breakage. The medium forces applied to cause either tissue or thread breakage were 13.4, 3.6 and 16.1 N for the 3-0, 7-0 and 5-0 sutures, respectively (Fig. 7). The breakage force of the 7-0 sutures was statistically significantly lower (Po0.05) than that of both the 3-0 and the 5-0 sutures. Out of the 60 tension-tearing diagrams, only four assessments had to be excluded c 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation c 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard The present study has clearly demonstrated that depending on suture strength, the dynamic tearing to breakage may both occur at the tissue level or within the thread. While the 3-0 suture almost exclusively led to tissue breakage, the 7-0 sutures broke before tissues were torn in every instance. This in turn means that a clinician will influence the amount of damage to the tissue by selecting a thicker or thinner suture material. Considering this fact, it may be speculated that wound dehiscence may be prevented by the choice of thinner sutures. In addition, the choice of a thin suture material (7-0) may be suitable to achieve passive wound closure and hence, a reduction in trauma to the tissues. 317 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 19, 2008 / 314–319 Burkhardt et al . Suture tearing characteristics clinician may choose sizes between the two extreme values tested in the first part of this study. When the 5-0 or 6-0 suture material is selected in periodontal surgery, the results of the present study indicated only minor differences in their tearing characteristics for two needle designs and between the 5-0 and 6-0 sutures. To achieve primary wound closure in periodontal plastic surgical procedures, very low tension forces have to be applied to the suture material. So far, very low tension forces have been documented in one study reporting on recession coverage (Pini Prato et al. 2000). This principle would preclude the application of hitherto used 3-0 suture materials. It is, therefore, evident that thinner suture materials will be recommended for more advanced periodontal surgery. In this respect, the findings of the present study have documented that both 5-0 and 6-0 suture material with different needle designs may be applicable for routine use, while 7-0 sutures clearly represent a category of sutures that requires visual rather than tactile control in handling. It has to be realized that more than one suture combination should be available for covering the various needs associated with the various procedures in periodontal surgery as the choice of an ideal needle-thread combination may also be influenced by the tissue biotype and the surgical procedure itself. While the very thin suture material, such as the 7-0, is appropriate for fine closure of releasing incisions predominantly in the alveolar mucosa or in thin gingival morphotypes, such material is not suitable for closure of more dense mucosal tissue, where the needed forces applied would result in thread breakage. In the latter cases and more for routine use of periodontal flap closure, the clinician may choose the 5-0 or 6-0 sutures. Depending on the suture material, the breaking strengths of 5-0 sutures approximately range from 10 to 25 N (Lünstedt et al. 1986). This will result in a combination of and optimization of the tearing characteristics of both the thread material and the gingival tissues. Considering the level of breaking resistance of a 5-0 suture, it may rather be a problem of the needle characteristics when suturing thick tissue biotypes or palatal masticatory mucosae than a problem of the suture thread. Therefore, for suturing dense mucosal tissues, an appropriate 5-0 thread should also be attached to an ideal needle with improved bending properties and a tip that retains its sharpness after several tissue passages. Blomstedt, B., Österberg, B. & Bergstrand, A. (1977) Suture material and bacterial transport. An experimental study. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 143: 71–73. Cherry, G.W., Austad, E.D., Pasyk, K.A. & Rohrich, R.J. (1983) Increased survival and vascularity of random pattern skin flaps elevated in controlled expanded skin. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 72: 680–687. Costich, E.R. & Ramfjord, S.F. (1968) Healing after partial denudation of the alveolar process. Journal of Periodontology 39: 5–12. Fig. 7. Dispersion of maximum forces applied, dependent on different suture diameters. Statistically significant difference between 7-0 and 5-0/3-0 sutures (n), no significance between 3-0 and 5-0 sutures (NS). Fig. 8. Dispersion of maximum forces applied, dependent on different suture diameters and needle characteristics. Statistically significant reduction in tissue breakage force for the 6-0 suture compared with the 5-0 suture material (n). No influence of the needle characteristics. On the other hand, several factors may preclude the use of thin suture material in periodontal surgery: (1) the handling of 7-0 sutures inevitably requires magnification if its benefits are to be fully appreciated. (2) The dense masticatory mucosal tissues may require cutting needles that may not be affixed to sutures available in such dimensions. Neither are the appropriate lengths or stiffnesses of the needles required for proper suturing, e.g. in the interproximal spaces, available with 7-0 or smaller sutures. As a consequence, the References Baker, S.R. (1991) Fundamentals of expanded tissue. Head and Neck 13: 327–333. Bhaskar, S.N., Jacoway, J.R. & Margetis, P.M. 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