UNITED INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Course Syllabus 1. Course Title Electrical Circuits 2. Course Code EEE 2113 3. Spring, 2023 4. Trimester and Year Pre-requisites 5. Credit Hours 3 6. Section D and F 7. Class Hours 8. Class Room Section D ----Sat, Tue (08:30:AM - 09:50:AM) Section F -----Sun, Wed (08:30:AM - 09:50:AM) Section D ----404 Section F -----329 Ikram Mohammad Nurul Huda nurulhuda@cse.uiu.ac.bd(Preferred) Instructor’s Name 10. Email 9. N/A 11. Contact no. 12. Office 219(D) 13. Counselling Hours Saturday ----- 10:00am-02:00pm Sunday ------- 11:30am-02:00pm Tuesday ------ 10:00am-02:00pm Wednesday ------ 11:30am-02:00pm 14. Text Book Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (5th Edition) by Alexandar and Sadiku 15. Reference N/A 16. Course Contents (approved by UGC) Fundamental electrical concepts and measuring units, D.C. voltages, current, resistance and power, laws of electrical circuits and methods of network analysis, principles of D.C. measuring apparatus, laws of magnetic fields and methods of solving simple magnetic circuits. Alternating current, Instantaneous and RMS current, voltage and power, average power combinations of R, L & C circuits, Phasor, representation of sinusoidal quantities. 17. Course Outcomes (COs) COs CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 18. Teaching Methods 19. CO with Assessment Methods Description Demonstrate an understanding of the basic circuit principles by solving simple circuit. Apply circuit analysis techniques like KCL, KVL node and mesh analysis to analyze larger circuits with multiple sources. Simplify complex circuit to speed up solving process by applying different circuit theorems Analyze small AC circuits and relate different AC quantities in practical application. Lecture, Case Studies, Project Developments. CO CO1, CO2 CO3, CO4 Assessment Method Attendance Assignments Class Tests MID Exam FINAL Exam Percentage (%) 5 5 20 30 40 Instructions: 1. Side-talking when the class lecture is being delivered is prohibited. For any problem, you can raise hand and ask me. CELL-PHONE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED DURING CLASS. 2. If you need to go to the washroom, you can go without asking my permission. 3. Late entrance is not allowed except for any unavoidable reason. 4. Makeup of class test is discouraged. If you miss the class test, you have to let me know the reason through email prior to the class test with proper documents. Do not email me without strong reason for missing the class test. If I find the reason satisfactory, I would take the makeup class test within one week. Remember, after one week makeup of the class test is not allowed anymore. 5. Makeup of MID/FINAL exam is highly discouraged. If you miss the MID/FINAL exam, you have to let me know the reason with proper documents to the head of the dept. If the head of the dept. permits you, only then I would take MID/FINAL exam. 6. While delivering the class lectures, you can ask any questions related to the topic if you don’t understand without any hesitations. Do not be afraid to ask questions. If you can raise good questions, then there might be bonus marks for you!! 7. If you fail to understand any topics, you can always email me or come to me during counseling hours. 8. I will try to give two assignments will be provided. One is before the MID exam and another one is before the FINAL exam. 9. I will try to take 4 class tests. Best three/two will be counted out of 4 class tests. 10. Necessary files will be uploaded in LMS.