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1. Aldefer - ERG theory
2. Locke - goal-setting theory
3. McClelland - needs-based theory
4. Vroom - expectancy theory
5. Abraham Maslow - hierarchy of needs
6. Adams - equity theory
7. Korman - consistency theory
8. Deci and Ryan - self-determination theory or intrinsic/extrinsic motivation
9. Herzberg - two-factor theory
1. train raters - fifth step in evaluating employee performance
2. biodata - best predictor of job performance and future employee tenure
3. predictive validity - Your NCAE scores predict your performance in your specific course. What type of
validity is this?
4. Terminate Employees - What is the last step in performance evaluation (for special cases)?
5. convergent validity - Paige is a registered psychometrician. He plans to create a measure of
depression that will be compared to a standard depression scale. What specific type of validity will he
6. differential validity - Mr. X is a social psychologist who wants to test the power of persuasion in
decision-making. It turns out during his experiment that his result is valid to the same group but is
more valid or favors the other group. What specific validity is being illustrated in this passage?
7. Wonderlic Personnel Test - the most widely used cognitive ability test in the industry
8. mixed-standard scales - used to overcome the problem of forced-choice rating scale
9. organizational analysis - type of analysis that provides supportive climate for the training
10. behavioral modeling - trainee follows an ideal behavior to be better
11. person analysis - you determine the employees who need training
12. OJT - informal training which teaches us skills that require supervision
13. mentoring - type of training method where the veteran in the company helps the employee not only to
adjust to the job but also to advance in the organization
14. case study - effective in applying knowledge and learning problem-solving skills
15. apprentice training - training program usually found in the craft and building trades
16. task analysis - used to identify the task performed by each employee
17. role play - utilize necessary interpersonal skills by acting out simulated roles
18. coaching - utilize experienced employees or professional employees
19. paired comparison - Between Michael and John and Liam and Niall, the first pair is the better
employees. What form of ranking is this?
20. BARS - use critical incidents (samples of behavior) to formally provide meaning to the numbers on a
rating scale
21. graphic rating scale - type of scale that is susceptible to halo and leniency error
22. contextual performance - perform tasks outside one’s job description
23. Three important things to consider in developing a training program:
-establish goals and objectives
-establish motivation to your employees
-choose the applicable or best training methods
24. Eight steps in performance evaluation:
Step 1: Determine the Reason for Evaluating Employee Performance
Step 2: Identify Environmental and Cultural Limitations
Step 3: Determine Who Will Evaluate Performance
Step 4: Select the Best Appraisal Methods to Accomplish Your Goals
Step 5: Train Raters
Step 6: Observe and Document Performance
Step 7: Evaluate Performance
Step 8: Communicate Appraisal Results to Employees
25. split-half method - utilized when one is dividing the test items into an odd-even distribution and
subjecting them to correlation to get a validity
26. 0.86 - accepted reliability coefficient in the industry for test-retest reliability
27. 0.89 - accepted reliability coefficient in the industry for alternate forms reliability
28. incremental validity - a predictor’s ability to explain an outcome
29. criterion validity - The managerial score is related to the actual measure of performance. This is an
example of _____.
30. concurrent validity - Your psychological statistics scores is related to your current SPSS usage. What
type of validity is this?
31. face validity - type of validity where the items in the test are scrutinized by the testtakers
32. Strong Interest Inventory - most commonly used interest inventory
33. potency bias - Establishing or adding integrity tests in the selection process is very important to
control aggressive behavior and avoiding negligent hiring. Which is the least utilized theory-based
bias on how aggressive indiviuals think or believe?
34. siena reasoning test (SRT) - a potential breakthrough in cognitive ability tests
35. physical ability - type of ability that is being measured in two ways: through job simulation and ability
36. in and out - two levels of the in-basket technique
37. proportion of correct decisions - used when test scores and criteria are plotted on the graph
38. testing - Applicant experience can be measured in four ways. Which is the least likely to be included?
39. Three parts of a training program:
-three considerations (objective, motivation, training method)