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Physical Science Lesson Plan: Earth & Natural Resources

Learning objectives should describe what students should know or be able to do at the end of the
course or lesson that they couldn’t do before. So students at the end of the lesson will be able to:
A. identify renewable resources and nonrenewable resources.
B. describes how living things benefit from the environment.
C. protects and conserves the available natural resources.
A topic is about Earth and its Natural Resources. Materials that will be use Pictures, Print
Materials. The science process will be Observing, Communicating, Comparing, Classifying.
The motivation activities will provide a necessary plan toward a basic understanding of the
issues involved in lesson plan.
So in this lesson I will show students a picture of the Earth
Class, what picture is on the board? Students answer should be: The picture of the earth.
When you look at the earth from the outer space, what does it look like? Students answer should
be: it is look like a blue marble.
What do you think is the bluish color surface of the earth? Students answer: the bluish color that
covers the surface of the earth is water.
Very good!
Now class, how many percent of the earth’s surface is covered by water? Students answer: 75%
of the earth’s surface is covered by water.
Very good!
As you look closer, what is the other color that you see? The answer: Green
What does the green color represent on earth’s surface? The answer: the green color represents
the land.
Very good!
How many percent of the earth’s covered with land? The answer: 25% of the land.
Yes, great correct.
Is earth also covered with air? The answer: yes it is covered with air.
What color represents the air in this picture? The answer: The white color represents the air.
Correct, Very good.
Presentation activities are designed to further enhance understanding. In addition to lecturing, so
we can use visuals, graphic organizers and various modes of interaction between students.
Students takes responsibility for his learning by participating in group-work and sharing his
understanding with others. So I’m going to do a puzzle activity and then students have to analyze
and do abstraction.
Now class, let us have picture puzzle. As you can see, I have here 4 envelopes. Inside it is the
picture that you are going to form.
I will divide you into two groups. Each group will have two envelops to form.
It is clear?
Group: 1
The result should be like this students work:
Group: 2
The result should be like this:
Now the task is -Analysis
Where do we find the animals? The answer: In the environment
Correct. And what is environment? The answer: Environment is everywhere that makes up the
surroundings and affects the activities of living things. It consists of all living and non living
things on earth.
All things that we see in our surrounding are all part of the environment, including us.
Can you give examples of living things? Human, plants and animals
What do we call the things in the environment? The answer: Natural resources.
What are natural resources? The answer: A natural resources is anything the people can use
which comes from nature the land, water and air.
How do living things benefit from the environment? The answers: Without water, air and land,
living things cannot exist, so they are dependent upon the environment.
Correct. Now class let us go back with these two groups.
There are two groups of natural resources.
Can you identify the first picture in the first group? The answer: Sunlight
Does sunlight give us unlimited supply of light in a day?
Very good!
What about the other picture? The answer: Animals
Very good! Can animals be replaced? How? The answer: yes it can replace through
Correct. This group of natural resources was considered as renewable resources.
What are renewable resources? The answer: Renewable resources are natural resources that can
be replaced or renewed within a short period of time.
Can you identify the pictures in the second group? The answer: Petroleum and Coal.
If the first group are called renewable resources, how about the second group ? The answer:
Non-renewable resources.
Why do you think petroleum and Coal is under nonrenewable resources? The answer: Because it
takes a long period of time to replace it.
Now class what are nonrenewable resources? The answer: Nonrenewable resources are natural
resources that cannot be easily replaced within a short period of time. They can take hundreds
even millions of years to form.
Do you think the improper use of this nonrenewable resources good in our environment? Why?
The answer: No. because it can cause pollution that is very harmful to our environment.
Do you have any idea what are the uses of these nonrenewable resources? The answer: these are
for running electricity and energy.
So what do we need to do to these nonrenewable resources? The answer: We need to use them
Very good!
How do we prevent pollution? The answer: We can prevent pollution by proper disposal of these
nonrenewable resources.
Very good!
Is it important to conserve and protect our natural resources? Why? the answer : yes, it is because
we need it to survive.
What do we need in order to survive? The answer: We need the earth’s natural resources.
What is the difference way to conserve our natural resources? The answer: Recycling.
What are the things that can be recycling? The answer: Bottles, newspaper, magazine, boxes etc.
Very good!
This task is – Abstraction and summary for previous information
Again class what are natural resources? The answer: Natural resources are the naturally
occurring materials that are used by living things.
Correct! What are the two groups of natural resources? The answer: Renewable and
Correct! What are renewable resources? The answer: Renewable resources are the natural
resources that can be refill in a short period of time.
Very good! Give me example of renewable resources. The answer: sunlight, water, plants and
Correct! What are nonrenewable resources? The answer: Nonrenewable resources are the natural
resources that cannot be easily to replaced within a short period of time.
Correct. What do we need to do to those nonrenewable resources? The answer we need to use it
Application activities will lead the students to appreciate the overall themes and ideas in lesson.
In order to create further understanding, the student must go beyond root memorization and
demonstrate real- word application of the newly-learned information.
Now class, I want you to look under your chair. As you can see some of you have the picture. I
will call you one by one and then you will tell what is in the picture then identify what group of
resources is that.
So by this activity students will present information and trying to know the answers rather than
the teacher present the idea.
Evaluation and Assessment
This step is so important we can check students understanding it can be informal-questions ask
students to tell us what they know about the subject now or formal-tests, worksheet,
presentations, oral reporting. I’m going to give students first a sheet to fill in the blanks, then a
Write R on the blank if the material is renewable and N if it is renewable.
------------------1. Stars
------------------2. LPG
------------------3. Vegetable
------------------4. Tree
List at least 5 natural resources found in Lebanon.
This final step gives students the opportunity to reflect on what they have learned, which is
important for retention. Summarize what has been learned.
So class Tell me what do you learn about the environment? What are the natural resources? Tell
me the difference between renewable and non renewable resources.
So that was our lesson today, hope you like it, next session we will talk about PARTS OF A