Uploaded by Kelvin Rubix

30-Day Python Programming Course Outline

Day 1: Hello World! - print a simple "Hello World!" message in Python
Day 2: Variables and Data Types - learn about variables and the different data types in Python
(strings, integers, floats, etc.)
Day 3: Operators - learn about the various mathematical and logical operators in Python
Day 4: Control Flow (if/elif/else) - learn how to control the flow of your code using if/elif/else
Day 5: Loops (for/while) - learn about for and while loops in Python
Day 6: Functions - learn how to create reusable blocks of code using functions
Day 7: Lists - learn about Python's built-in list data type
Day 8: Tuples - learn about Python's tuple data type
Day 9: Dictionaries - learn about Python's dictionary data type
Day 10: Sets - learn about Python's set data type
Day 11: File I/O - learn how to read from and write to files in Python
Day 12: Exception Handling - learn about handling errors and exceptions in Python
Day 13: Classes and Objects - learn about object-oriented programming in Python
Day 14: Modules and Packages - learn about how to organize your code into reusable modules and
Day 15: Regular Expressions - learn about using regular expressions in Python
Day 16: CSV Files - learn how to read and write CSV files in Python
Day 17: JSON Files - learn how to read and write JSON files in Python
Day 18: Web Scraping - learn how to scrape information from websites using Python
Day 19: REST APIs - learn how to interact with REST APIs in Python
Day 20: GUI Development - learn how to create graphical user interfaces in Python
Day 21: Multithreading - learn about parallel execution of code in Python
Day 22: SQLite Database - learn how to interact with SQLite databases in Python
Day 23: Debugging - learn how to debug your code in Python
Day 24: Testing - learn how to write tests for your code in Python
Day 25: Deployment - learn how to deploy your code to a production environment
Day 26: Performance Optimization - learn about ways to optimize the performance of your code in
Day 27: C Extensions - learn how to extend Python using C or C++
Day 28: Python Standard Library - explore the many modules and packages in the Python Standard
Day 29: Third-Party Libraries - learn about popular third-party libraries for Python
Simple To do List
In this project, you will create a command-line based to-do list application. The application will allow
users to add, view, and mark tasks as completed. Here is an outline of the project:
1. Create a main menu that displays the options for the user:
Add a task
View all tasks
Mark a task as completed
Quit the program
2. Implement the "Add a task" option, which allows the user to enter a task description and
stores it in a list.
3. Implement the "View all tasks" option, which displays all the tasks (both completed and not
completed) in the list.
4. Implement the "Mark a task as completed" option, which allows the user to mark a task as
completed by its index in the list.
5. Use a loop to keep the program running until the user selects the "Quit the program" option.
You can use Python's built-in list data type to store the tasks and a simple text-based user interface
for the menu and task input/output. This project should give you a good opportunity to practice
using control flow, functions, and basic data structures in Python.