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Lean Production: Principles & Implementation

Lean production
1) What is lean?
Lean is about providing value to the customer and speed.
Lean production, is a system of techniques and activities for running a manufacturing or
service operation. The techniques and activities differ according to the application at hand but
they have the same underlying principle: the elimination of all non-value-adding activities and
waste from the business
Examples of Lean Manufacturing practices can be found below.
Truck Manufacturing: Improving production levels and efficiency.
Customer Service: Streamlining the work process by mapping the value stream.
Process Automation: Improving transparency and flow tracking.
Innovation culture: Improving learning and knowledge sharing
2) In what kind of environment is lean production most successful?
 If the right environment set-up is established, a lean production system can achieve high
levels of productivity. Thus, to choose the correct environment following the 5S model is
Sort- is to remove the unrequired inputs.
Set in order- is to assemble the remaining items.
Shine- is to thoroughly clean the area where the set-up is to be placed.
Standardize- is to make standards in a documented manner.
Sustain- is to adhere to the standards that are formulated.
Some discretion, group effectiveness, empowerment, tram accountability, and work cells.
Educational Institutions
Government Institutions
Manufacturers (cable manufacturing, truck manufacturing)
Other Industries
 Healthcare
 Insurance
 Information Technology
 BioSciences
 Financial Services
 Printing
3) Different between push and pull production system?
Pull (succeeding node makes order request for
Push (to be scheduled and in the same
preceding node. Preceding node reacts by
direction of goods flow)
producing the order, which involves all internal
operatios, and replenishes when finished)
Production approximation
Production precision
Anticipated usage
Actual consumption
Large lots
Small lots
High inventories
Low inventories
Waste reduction
Management by firelighting
Management by Sight
Poor communication
Better communication
4) Smooth in lean production?
The smoothing of production is the most important condition for production by kanban and
for minimizing idle time in regard to manpower, equipment, and work-in-process.
Diminish as much as possible the quantity variance in a production line.
Smoothing of the total production quantity and smoothing of every model’s production
Enable the production operation to adapt promptly to fluctuations in daily demand by
evenly producing various kinds of products every day in a small amount.
Allow for response to the variations in daily customers’ orders without relying on product
If all processes achieve a production according to the takt time, balancing between
processes will improve and inventories of work-in-process will be eliminated.
Reduce the production lead time to promptly and in a timely way produce various kinds of
 Shorten the setup time for minimizing the lot size.