Uploaded by Cynthia Chand

Gassy Bacteria for Cancer Cell Destruction

Bar-Zion, Avinoam, Atousa Nourmahnad, David R. Mittelstein, Shirin Shivaei, Sangjin Yoo, Marjorie T. Buss, Robert C. Hurt, et al. “Acoustically Triggered Mechanotherapy Using Genetically
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Fernando, Ann, and Jean Gariépy. "Coupling Chlorin E6 to the Surface of Nanoscale Gas Vesicles Strongly Enhances Their Intracellular Delivery and Photodynamic Killing of Cancer Cells."
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Kauscher, Ulrike, et al. "Physical Stimuli-Responsive Vesicles in Drug Delivery: Beyond Liposomes and Polymersomes." Physically-Triggered Nanosystems for Therapy and Diagnosis, vol. 138,
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Rahul Rao. “Researchers are using gassy, explosive bacteria to destroy cancer cells”. Popular Science. 2021 Oct 2. [accessed 2022 May 1].
Wang, Tianhe, et al. "Floating Escherichia Coli by Expressing Cyanobacterial Gas Vesicle Genes." Journal of Ocean University of China.JOUC, vol. 14, no. 1, 2015, pp. 84-88. ProQuest,