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College of social science and humanity
Department of civics and ethical studies
Senior Essay proposal on; Assessing institutional challenges in
promoting good governance in civil service office in case of sinana
Submitted; 27/07/2015EC
Bale Robbee; Ethiopia
UNCTAD....................United nation conference on trade and development
UNDP..........................United nation development program
UNESCAP..................United nation economic and social commission for Asia
And the pacific
CSA.................................Central strategy agency
IMF..................................International monitory fund
USAID...............................United states Agency for international development
CPA…………………..capital personal agency
FCSC………………..Federal Civil Service Commission
ibid............................is an abbreviation for the Latin word ibidem
Table content
Table content……………………………………….3
Chapter One.................................................................6
1. Introduction...............................................................6
1.1 Background of the study........................................7
1.2 Statement of the problem.......................................8
1.3 Objective of the the study.......................................9
1.3.1 General objective.................................................9
1.3.2 Specific objective..................................................10
1.4 Research question.....................................................10
1.5 Scope of the study......................................................11
1.6 limitation of the study…………………………….
1.7 Significance of the study...........................................
1.8 Organization of the paper........................................11
2. Chapter Two...............................................................12
2.1 Review Literature......................................................12
2.1.1 Conceptual frame work.........................................12
2.1.2 Theoretical frame work...........................................12
2.2 Type of Governance....................................................13
2.2.1 Local Governance....................................................13
2.2.2 Global Governance..................................................13
2.2.3 Corporate Governance................................................13
2.2.4 Information Technology Governance........................14
2.25Participatory Governance............................................14
2.2.6 None profit Governance...........................................14
2.3 Forms of good Governance........................................... 14
2.3.1 Occurrence of Governance..........................................15
2.3.2 Principle of good Governance...................................15
2.3.3 Elements of good Governance..................................16
2.3.4 Features of good Governance...................................16
2.4 The relationship between democracy and good Governance....17
2.5 Good Governance in Ethiopia....................................18
Challenges of good governance …………………….19
2.6.1 External challenges for promoting good governance …19
2.6.1 Internal challenges for promoting good governance….19
Chapter Three.......................................................................22
3 Research methdology.......................................................22
3.1 Description of the study area..........................................22
3.2 Research design............................................................22
3.3sample technique.........................................................................23
3.3.1 Primary source................................................................23
3.3.2 Secondary source............................................................23
3.4study population................................................24
3.5data source............................................................24
3.3.1 Primary source Secondary source............................................................
Secondary source............................................................
3.6 data collecting instrument ……………………………………………..24
3.7 method of data analysis....................................................24
3.8 Ethical consideration..........................................................23
CHAPTER FOUR ………………………………………………
4.1 Conceptual Assessment about challenges of Good Governance……
4.2. The Practice of Good Governance in Assosa woreda civil service office…
4.3 Shared Values at Assosa woreda civil service office………………………
4.4 Ethical Based Behaviors in Assosa woreda civil service office……………..
4.5 Structure and Formal Working Procedures of Assosa woreda civil service
4.6 Introduction of the Citizen Charter in Assosa woreda civil service office…...
Chapter Five……………………………………………………………….
The concept of governance is not new, it is old as human civilization but its
terminology become popular and fashionable and its part of the global interest
in the 1990s (bell,2002).
Governance is a dynamic interaction between people. Structure, process and
traditional that support the exercise of legitimate authority in the provision of
sound leadership, direction, over sight and control of the intuit in order to
ensure that it’s propose is achieved and there is a proper accounting for the
conduct of its affairs that use of its resource and the result of its activates and
the term governance describes “the processes of decisions are implemented”
(Mona, 2002).
The term good governance is un settled in meaning through 1980s and 1990, do
near countries and institution trended to make aid conditional up on reforms is
recipient country which found largely in effective in encouraging real policy
change, more recently donors such as international pone tray fund, world bank
and united states are in erasing insisting up on performing and good
governance as prerequisite for aid, a practice called ”selectivity ”so, this term
which mean good governance have different meaning based on different factory
such as aid organization, UNDP, corporate governance and other and agencies
based on their context (Abedellatif, A:2003)
According to corporate governance, good governance mean the stake holders
or beneficiaries fell like they have vice in what affect then and their particular
interest are recognized and also, good governance is an intermediate term used
in international development literature to describe how public institution
conduct public affairs and manage public resource (ibid, it often emerges as
model to compares in effective economic or political bodies.
The concept contras on responsibility of government and government bodies
to meet the mass as opposed to select group in society (UNESCAP, 2009). in
1990s there ware gradual emergency of promotion of democracy and the
strength on of good governance as both and object and conduction for
development of organization. Since 1990s good governance made for
development policy is linked with request for political reformed
governance and sustainable development are indivisible, that is the lesson of all
our efforts and experience, from Africa to Asia to Latin America without good
governance, the rule of law, predictable administration, legitimate power and
responsive regulation is impossible to being sustainable development.
Therefore deferent researcher was going to assess the institution and
governance in Benishangul Gumuz regional states of Ethiopia, in cases of
Assosa Woreda civil service and capacity building office employees. This I will
going to conduct my study to investigate institutional challenges in promoting
good governance in the case of sinana woreda civil service office.
1.2 statement of the problem
Institutions will have their own role in the process of promotion good
governance in creating favorable condition for its realization. However, it faced
with so many challenges. These may start from government arrangement to the
system of administration with in the institutions them selve (Mathura, 2002)
In Africa good governance has been debated since the 1960s that is following
the independence of majority of African countries from the European colonial
control (ibid).
Recently, the concept of good governance has been captured from different
perspective by political leaders, institutions and by the national and
international community’s (ibid)
However, African states faced with the absence of good governance this is
because of the absences of well-organized institution of good governance. As a
result, the following problems exist in the continent for instance, absence of
education, materiality health care, and gender in equality: AIDS, corruption,
weak institutional structure, marginalization are some manifestation of
challenge of goods governance in Africa (yuval, 2003)
There is a challenge of goods governance in Ethiopia and the level of achieving
good governance has been one of the lowest
even by Africa context
(UNESCAO,2009). Since the building up of democratic system and nurturing
of responsive public service, is impossible without implementing the element of
good governance, which are vital towards efficiency and effective crevice
delivery. Good governance is fundamental not only in public institution but also
in private institution (ibid).
The main objective of the study will focus on assessing the institutional
challenges in promoting good governance in the case of Assosa woreda civil
service office. In address those and other related mechanisms the researcher
will looking at the state of accountability, transparency, and role of law.
1.3 Objective of the Study
The researcher had both general and specific objectives
3.3.1 General objective
The general objective of the study will to investigate the institutional challenges
in promoting good governance in Benishangul gumuz regional state in case of
Assosa Woredas civil service office.
1.3.2 Specific objective
In addition to the general objective, the study will have the following specific
objectives of the study.
To examine the current the current status of Assosa city administration
public service office.
To identify the conceptual assessment about challenges of good
To analyze the components of good governance that has sound effect on
promoting good governance in the study area.
1.4 Research Question
The study will be attempted to answer the following question.
What does the current administration look like in Assosa Woreda public
service office?
What are the conceptual assessment about challenges that of good
What will be done to promote good governance in the study area?
1.5 Scope of the study
The study will be better if it were conducted in Benishangul gumuz regional
state. But due to time and finance constraints the study will be conduct in
Assosa woreda civil service administration and capacity building office
employees, and it will not be extend to another Woreda which are found in
Benishangul gumuz regional state.
1.6 significance of the study
This study had the following significance the first and for most one of these
researchers will be expected to solve the already identifying problems by
forwarding possible recommendations. Secondly; it will have also create
awareness for the communities through the form of mass media that will be
taken as case study on how the institutions for the enhancement of governance
face so, many mechanisms and these research will have also its own supportive
importance to academic area and it can serve as an input for those who are
interests to conduct further research in the future
1.7 Limitation of the study
This research will be face certain constrains on problem that research is
conduct this research to successful work. This includes nature of the research,
language barriers, shortage of secondary data source that connect directly with
the study area. In addition to this, in the course due to lack of experience,
shortage of time and as well as finical constrains.
1.7 organization of the study
The study will have five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction part that
deals about the background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of
the study, significant of the study. The scope of the study considerations. The
second chapter will be review of related literature on good governance. The
third chapter will be research methodology limitation of the study; the fourth
chapter will be discussing about data analysis and data interpretation. Finally,
the last chapter five will be deals about the conclusion and some
2.1.1. Conceptual frame work
In the last twenty years, the concept of "governance" has become widely used
in both the academic and donor communities. These two traditions have
dissimilar conceptualizations (Folke, etal; 2005) First, there is the academic
approach, which focuses mainly on the study of the different ways in which
power and authority relations are structured in a given society. Second, there
is a donor community approach, which put emphasis on the role of state
structures play in ensuring social, economic and policy equity and
accountability through open policy processes (Ibid). As(Morgan, 1995) define
good governance in academic approach, the generic understanding of
governance is the management of resource and policy making by means of
exercising authority(power). Thus, it entails all instruments through which
different policy stake holders exercise legal rights with the aim to achieve
political, economic, cultural and social objectives.
In this sense, the term "governance " appears to be more and more used in
order to denote complex set of structures and processes( at the public as well as
at the private level), which are generally associated with national
administration(Ibid). However, its definitions offer a rather broad horizon of
interpretation: whenever we can find this term, its definition varies slightly. For
instance, in the report of commission on global on Global governance "our
Global neighborhood"(1995) defined as Good governance is some of many ways
individuals and institutions, public and private, manage their common affairs.
It's a continuing process through which conflicting or divers interests may be
accommodated and cooperative "action may be taken. It includes formal
institutions and regimes empowered to enforce compliance, as well as informal
arrangements that people and institutions either have agreed to or perceive to
be in their interest (Ibid).
2.1, 2 Theoretical frame work
Good governance are highly normative and value-laden terms (Farazmend,
2004), that means from a socio-cybernic viewpoints, good governance is
emerging patterns that arising from governance. In addition to this, as
(Fredrickson and Smith, 2003) prefers to define good governance as "the
attempt to comprehend the lateral and institutional relations in administrations
in the context of disarticulated states. Good governance is an indeterminate
term used international development literature to describe how public
institutions conduct public affairs and manages public resource (Morgan,
1986). The concept of' good governance" often emerges as a model to compare
in effective economies or political bodies with viable economies and political
bodies (Ibid).
2.2. Types of governance
2.2.1 Local governance
They comprise asset of institution, mechanism and processes through which
citizens and their group can articulate their interest and needs, mediate their
difference and exercise their rights and obligations at local level(European
commission,2007).1t seeks two include multiplicity of formal or informal
relationship between different actors in development (for example, local
government, the private sectors, associations demonstrated agencies) that
shape and influence the output and effectiveness of political and administrative
system at a sub nation level (Ibid).
The building blocks of good local governance are many from them: citizen
among key actors at the local level, capacity of local actors at all sectors,
multiple flows of information of accountability and pro-poor orientation
(UNDP, 2004).
2.2.2 Global Governance
In contrast to the traditional meaning of governance to denote the regulation of
interdependent relationship in the absence of an overarching political
authority, this is in the international system or relationship between
independent states (Add ink, G.H, 2005).
2.2.3 Corporate Governance
The first documented use of word corporate governance is by Recharged
Eels(l960) to denote the. Structure and functioning the corporate polity
(Ske1cher, and Mathur; 2004).The corporate governance concept itself is older
and was already used in finance and textbooks at the beginning of 20th century
2.2.4 Information technology Governance
Information technology governance primarily deals with connections between
business locus and Information technology management (polua, 2002).
The goal of clear governance is to assure the investment in information
technology generate business value and mitigate the risks that are associated
with information technology project (Ibid).
2.2.5 Participatory Governance
Participatory Governance Participation of citizen in the process of governance
with the state and the ideas is that citizens should
Participation of citizen in the process of governance with the state and the ideas
is that citizens should play more direct roles in public decision making or at
least engages more deeply with political issues (IMF, 2005). In practice
participatory governance can supplement the roles of citizens as voters or as
watch dogs through more direct forms of involvement.
2.2.6 Non-profit Governance
Non- profit governance focuses primarily on the fiduciary responsibility that a
broad of truth sometimes called director, the term are interchangeable has with
respect to the exercise or authority over the explicit public trust is understand
to exist between the mission of a organization and these whom the organization
serve(Mintzberg; 1993).
2.3 Forms of Good Governance
In international affairs, analysis of good governance can be taken at anyone of
the following
Between government and market.
Between government and citizens, between government and the private
or voluntary sector.
. Between local institutions and urban and rural dwellers, between
branch and as well as between nation state and institutions.
. The institutions can be reformed to promote good governance, namely
the state, the private sector and civil society (UNSCAP, 2009), and amongst of
various cultures the need and demand form reform can be depending on the
Priorities, of that country's society (Ibid). A variety of country level invites and
international movements put emphasis on various types of governance reform
and each movement for reform establish criteria for what they consider good
governance bas cd on their own needs and agendas.
2.3. 1 Occurrence of Governance
In general terms, governance occur in three broad ways;•
Through networks involving public-private partnership or with the
community organization.
Through the use of market mechanism whereby market principle of
allocate resources while operating under government regulation, and
Through top-down method that primarily involve government and the
state bureaucracy (Mona, Plough, 2002). These modes of governance often
appear in terms of hierarchy, markets, and networks (Ibid).
2. 3.2 principle of Good Governance
As cited by Misfiring (2002), the UNDP (1997) articulate eight (8) basic
principle of good Governance.
A. Participation: good governance involves equality of participation in
decision making. All people, irrespective of sex, class or race should be
heard and allowed to participate in deliberation that affect the directly
or indirectly (Misfiring, 2012). Unfettered participation is a key to good
governance, since it counter balance dominant actors in society checks
and balance that expand space in which societal debates can unfold
(Ibid). In many instance participation must be informed and organized
through civil society actors who can often leverage recourse more
successfully in democratic society, good governance is implies that
organization should encourage participation from both those who may
benefit or be harmed by any decision taken and citizens can participate
in burials ways, ranging from voting to involvement in acts of civil
B. Responsiveness: In good governance, the governing body must be
responsive to the needs all the governed in reasonable time frame
(Poluha.20'II). Good governance is about building trust and ensuring that all
citizens are treated equally (Ibid)
C. Consensus buildings the governing body must mediate difference between
stakeholders/citizens to reach a broad consensus. The government should work
sustainable human development and fairness of outcomes (Menocal, 20' 11).
D. Accountability: Governing institution /organization must be accountable to
the public they serve and to those affected by the entire range of decision or
action they make and implement.
E. Transparency: Institution must strive for transparency in their decision
making process, so that interested parties could understand the bases of
decision, and monitory thc progress, information must be freely available to the
public at all.
F. Legality: - the governing body must work with in legal frame works there
are drafted in fair manners. Informed impartially, and related to human right
issues (IMF, 2005). The rule of law must be prevailing and be over seen by an
independent judiciary and an incorruptible police force (ibid).
G. Strategic thinking: in good governance decision makers should have a broad
and long terms vision on how to improve the governance to ensure sustainable
economic and social development.
H. Equality: Good governance involves guaranteeing the right of all individuals
to maintain and improve their wellbeing in an equitable and inclusive manner.
Equality in god governance requires that, all decision at an organization should
be made within a frame work of out ward looking and future oriented (Agree
Sam, 2000).
2.3.3 Elements of good governance
Good governance comprises the existence of effective mechanisms, process and
institutions, through which citizens and group articulate their interests exercise
their legal rights, meet their obligation and mediate their difference. It’s
essential characteristics are participation, rule of law, transparency,
responsiveness, consensus orientation, equity, effectiveness, efficiency,
accountability and strategic vision (Jackson:2003).
2.3.4 Features of good governance
The key of that constitute good governance include the promotion of democracy
and open pluralistic society strength of transparency, accountable, efficient and
national and local government, the promotion of respect for human right; the
reinforcement of rule of law, including fair and accessible legal and judicial
system, the promotion of independent media and the dissemination; anticorruption initiative and effort to reduce excessive military expenditure (Khan,
The term democracy is etymologically originated from the Greek word” demo
“and “Katya” which means people and rule of administrate 20on respectively
(Abram L,1995). Conceptually democracy is defined from different direction
by different scholars in varied context, that means for instance as Abraham
Lincoln defined, democracy is a government of the people and for the people.
In addition to this, as ( Kassaye, 2001) stated that, democracy can be
Defined as one or more of the following perspectives: "As way of living and
working together, as popular sovereignty, as political equity, as popular
consultation, and as majority rule and minority right
Generally. All people of the country cannot become ruler, if a system of
Government administered by representative of the people of the country (Ibid).
So, in one country, good governance is fundamental to insure democracy.
Unless good governance is created, the development of democracy will too
slowly, to progress. The relationship between good governance and democracy
could be seen in linear way/we can say they are two side of the coins which
means they are not strictly separated (Uubikyla and Volavirta; 2004). IIowever,
democracy nit only makes a difference, but it would also be the basic ingredient
and major prerequisite for all other items including the core characteristics of
good governance, which means as aforementioned, where there is no
democratic system, good governance is impossible. I ,e. they are interrelated
each other. The task of building democratic system is a process that requires
tremendous efforts to develop and growth starting from the citizens activity to
the public offal's such as which is the concerning pubic body.
2.5 Good governance in Ethiopia
Although. Ethiopia is a part of Africa, treating our history separate from other
African countries
And makes the subject relevant to our case (Dani.M,2001). After several
movements Uprising.
Resistance. Coup attempts and blood shade wars by different people and parts
in the past regimes, good governance in Ethiopia come to new phenomena
started from 1991. Then, a new constitution was drafted and .coming to force
.This constitution protects human and democratic rights for the peoples. It
determination (FDRE,Art,39). It also decentralizes power to the various region
of the country and established a federal government (Kassaye, 2001). Even
through democracy and good governance are interrelated we can no say
absolutely if there is democracy it also exists of followed good governance, since
good governance is an endless process which means it needs
lot of activities (Ibid).Currently the government of Ethiopia has working
corporately with USAID focusing on building the institution of good
Simultaneously USAID works with Ethiopian government and civil society
partners to promote the culture or pluralism including that of respect for the
rule of law and tolerance of differing perspective (http/:www.USAID).
2.6 Challenges of good governance
India is a country with diversity within diversity in a sense that it is large
enough in size with different geographical diversity and population and has a
multicultural, multilingual, multiregional society and also having different
religions, sects, ideologies and a federal parliamentary “sovereign socialist
secular democratic republic with multiparty system and having constitutional
supremacy and judicial review to ensure and protect the fundamental rights of
the people. And because there is so much diversity so there can be many
challenges affecting the good governance and these challenges are: Social
Politics. SAPRU, R K and SAPRU, Yudhishthira; Good governance through
e-governance with special reference to India; INDIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC
ADMINISTRATION (NEW DELHI), V.60 (No.2), 2014(Apr, 2014)
There are a lot of things which are obstacle for the performing of good
governance. So, we can categorize the challenges in to external and internal
2.6.1 External challenges for promoting good governance
 Weak enabling environment at the country level. It means the need to
mechanism in difficult environment with very little political by in form
of government.
 Donor harmonization;- lack of harmony in donor strategic vision and
 Weak capacity and credibility of nationals; - which mean technical and
organizational skill to monitory and engaged in demand for good
governance mechanism .
 Dependency on donor support in terms of both funds and man power.
 Risk of politicization elite capture and fraud.
2.6.2Internal challenges for promoting good governance
 The absence of accountability and rule of law; - it's the major challenge
to promote good governance in the institution that show lack of freedom
to peoples to do. The government official sometimes put themselves above
the rule of law.
 In justice; - injury, wrong governance this nouns denotes acts or
condition that cause people to suffer or closely undesirable.
 Gender in equality; - gender in equality is guaranteed by the constitution
of our country article 25 of FPDRE. But, gender in equality of reflected
in developing country like Ethiopia.
Corruption; - the high level of corruption has been widely perceived as a major
improving equality of good governance (Indian corruption Study, 2005).
Generally, internal challenges of good governance are;
 Lack of democratic government accepted by the majority of the
 Lack of resource in the government to fulfill its function
 Lack of equal participation, free and fair election
 Lack of media able to report freely and resource for political parties.
 Lack of education for significant parts of population of the states.
 Civic neglect;- an exaggerated desire for easy living can be seriously tried
to the good governance
 Bureaucracy; - in a country which the bureaucracy is tights, the
bureaucracy takes too much of governance. The principle of
representative democracy can be violated, if the bureaucracy is intense.
This affects the authority of elected representative to work in their
capacity Thus, the challenges of good governance need to be redressed to
insure sustained democracy.
 Public life should be improved; people should be educated so as to.
Cultivate the culture of democracy and good governance (Kassaye,2002)..
Despite all these things the question of inflation, corruption, poverty,
unemployment, discrimination, agitation, separatist movements, heinous
crimes, illiteracy, malnutrition, child trafficking, human trafficking, starvation,
farmer’s suicide, inefficiency of government to fight with famine, draught, and
flood, all remains unsolved.
3. Research methodology
3.1 Description of the study area
This description study area will be conduct as Assosa zone in Assosa worda
Administration, Assosa worea is one of the 20 Woredas in the benishangul
gumuz regional state of Ethiopia; part of the Assosa zone, it is bordered by
kormuk and komosha in the north, by mengie in the northeast by oda buldigilu
in the east, by bambasi in the southeast by mao komospecial woreda in the south
and by Sudan in the west. This woreda is named after this largest settlement,
Assosa Rivers include the Yaquis and its tributaries, the bulddine one of the
highest points in Assosa is mount Bange
3.2 Research Design
The study is conduct by applying qualitative and quantitative method of
research. The relational of choose qualitative method is the nature of the
research as the study stress on societal life of human beings and the researcher
use more describe manner, more over qualitative research is more preferable
to collect data about human life realties, phenomenon as well as interaction.
The research use design exploratory research design for the purpose of more
use the qualitative research about rarely use quantitative design. According to
(Burns and Bush, 2006).Exploratory research design is referred as gathering
information in an informal and unstructured manner. The exploratory
research design is proper when the researcher know small about the
opportunity or issues. The researcher use exploratory research design because,
of more use the qualitative for the purposes of analysis by narration,
explanation, ideas, opinions, and interviews by different side. On the other
hand, to use quantitative statistical data will analyze. 3.3 Sampling technique
In the study the researcher will utilize purposive sampling technique to select
the key informants. Because the researcher select this technique was to get
relevant information about the study, hence, interviews are expect to have
better information and knowledge about institutional mechanisms of
promoting good governance in study area.
3.3 study population
When conducting research, quality sampling may be characterize by the
number and selection of subjects or observations obtaining a sample size that
is appropriate in both regard is critical for many reasons, most importantly a
large sample size is more representative of the civil servants. Limiting the
influence of outliers or extreme observation. Sufficiently Large sample size is
also necessary to produce result among variables that are significantly
From 10 total sample size the researcher selected 5 respondents of
questionnaires and 5 of them for interview. But not use this formula because
the target population is less than 100 due to reason the researcher will use 5
respondents. Therefore, the population of for my study is concern Assosa
woreda civil service office civil servants. Such as head of the office, vice heads,
professionals of the office and customers by accidental sampling will be my
study population.
3.4 Data source
For this study, the research will be using both primary and secondary data
source in order to gather the target information from research participants a
written documents.
3.4.1 Primary data source
The researcher will mainly use primary data sources because it gives first hand
in formation about the assessing institutional challenges on promoting good
governance in Assosa Woreda civil service office, the primary sources of data
will be gather from key informants interview and questionnaires.
3.4.2 Secondary data sources
In addition to primary source, the researcher will be use secondary data source.
In this case books, magazine newspaper, journals and articles and also other
related researcher output will as secondary data sources.
3.5 Data collecting instrument.
3.5.1 Key informants interview
Key informants interview will be conduct with civil servants of the office. Key
informants will serves as important source for the research to collect pertinent
and relevant data about the assessments of institutional challenges in
promoting good governance in study area.
3.5.2 Questionnaires
A questionnaire is a device consisting of series of questions dealing with some
psychological, social, and educational topics sent or given to an individual or
group of individual with the objective obtain data with regard to some problem
under investigation (Koul.L.1984).The researcher the reason for it is the
instrument of by which information is obtained from respondents in written
form because it is unchangeable. In Addition of this less expensive, quick result,
stable and uniform. In my study questioner will be distributed for Assosa
Woreda civil service office civil servants.
3.6 Method of data analysis
Qualitative thematic analysis had been use to analyze the data after collecting
are the necessary information and it was use to analysis specific situation and
to reach in the conclusion and recommendation that might useful for the
institution. Hence the study was analyzed in such manner.
3.8 Ethical considerations
Ethical considerations will be very critical to conduct this study. Accordingly
the researcher will apply the following ethical values.
The researcher does not avoid any sort of the interviews information and
will report their report honesty was decreed by proclamation no. 691/2010
(Ministry of Civil Service Bulletin.
The researcher will be collecting all the necessary data from the
participant in ethical and transparent manner.
The researcher will be observing proper procedures and process in line
with the academic advisor.
3.7 Organizational Profile
The Ministry of Civil Service is an autonomous organ of the federal
government. The law establishing the institution assigned multiple
responsibilities to it and requires it to play a pivotal role in promoting good
governance by insuring the establishment of competent and effective civil
service; insuring merit based recruitment and selection of the regional civil
servants; adopting strategies for the sustainable development and use of human
service and follow up the implementation; insuring the establishment of
competence and performance related pay and reward system and some other
duties and responsibilities that the low has provided the most important
provisions that define its structure, autonomy, powers and duties.Modern
public administration in Ethiopia was started in turn of the first decade of the
20th century during the time of Emperor Minilik II. The Emperor appointed
nine Ministers marking the beginning of modern administration in the
fulfilled due to the absence of practical rules and regulations pertinent to
Towards improving the state of affairs in state functions and public services a
government institution known as Central Personnel Agency /CPA/ was
established with duties and rights by order no. 23 of 1961 to promote
centralization and apply rules and regulations in providing public services.
During the military regime its name was changed to Public Service Commission
/PSC/ with a new organizational structure. After the downfall of the Military
regime in 1991, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) reestablished the Federal Civil Service Commission /FCSC/ by proclamation no.
8/1995. Meanwhile it was found essential to redefine the organization, powers
and duties of the executive organs of the FDRE; hence the merger of the
ministry of Capacity Building and the Federal Civil Service Agency (now
Ministry of Civil servant Respondent by Gender and Work Position
unintentionally, almost equal ratios of male and female were randomly given
the chance to fill the questionnaire. This balance in sex ratio is 1:1.
On the other hand, the table 3.1 below indicates that 2 respondents hold the
work position of human resource and the remaining 3 are experts in the
Table 3.1 Bio data of Assosa woreda civil servant Respondents’
No of
Service year in No. of Sample
respon respondent
3.8 Work Plan and Budget
Work plan and time schedule
The table below shows the detail information regarding on the course of
research in terms of functions to be perform and the action plan require. The
research will acquire five months and three weeks to accomplish.
Duration (in month )
Feb, 2019
Mar 2019
April 2019
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Draft Related
June 2019
2 3 4
strategy with
Collection of
Data Analysis
Final Report
This study conducts to assess the institutional challenges in promotion of good
governance. Thus, to this objective of the study researcher give due emphasize
in for going the issues, such as the current status of Assosa city administration
public service office, Conceptual Assessment about Good Governance, The
Practice of Good Governance in civil service office, Shared Values, Ethical
Based Behaviors, Structure and Formal Working Procedures, Introduction of
4.1 Conceptual Assessment about challenges of Good
Assosa woreda public service employee was revealed that in the conceptual
understanding about good governances as follows indicated in the table below.
Table 4.1 Employees’ Conceptual Assessment on challenges of Good
Description of statements
Many employees know about Good
Language used in Good Governance is
easy to read and understand.
The necessary trainings related to
governance are given for employees.
Partially agree
In the table 4.2 above about the conceptual assessment of good governance in Assosa
Woreda Civil Service indicates that of the employees know about good governance.
But among those five respondents 2 are strongly agree, 1 is partially agree 2 are dis
agree and none of them do not know respectively. Of the respondents many
employees know about good governance. And from the total respondents no one do
not know about the knowledge that many employees have about good governance.
The statement is strongly agreed by 2 respondents as it is acceptable.
Also, 2 respondents have agreed on the language used in good governance is easy to
read and understand. Few of them have responded that they do not know whether
the language is easy to read and understand or not. Though, no one disagree, 3
respondents give their opinion as partially disagree on the idea. It is pertinent that,
good governance would come with the continuous trainings given starting from the
lower level workers to the higher officials. In this case, only 2 of the respondents are
strongly agreed and the other 3 partly disagree and on the statement related to the
training activities given about good governance for the employees,2 are strongly
agree,3are partially agree and no one is also disagree and even don’t know whether
the same trainings are given or not. Surprisingly, though there is a deference of
opinions on other statements, majority respondents have strongly agreed on the
importance of good governance in public service. And also the interview
respondents of my study says that Good governance as expressed through factors
or challenges like reliability, predictability and accountability is increasingly
seen as a key factor in ensuring Assosa woreda prosperity. However, many
aspects of the relationship between good governance and woreda prosperity are
still poorly understood and may indeed vary across woredas.
Therefore, based the data analyzed under table 4.1 is concern in the public services
office of Assosa woreda the employees has some problems in understanding the
concepts of good governance and also the administrative bodies could not provide
training regularly on the issues of good governances.
4.2. The Practice of Good Governance in Assosa woreda civil
To know the perception of those employees about the existence of good governance
ministry only one statement was given for those respondents. The table 4.2 below
much the employees perceive the presence of good governance in their organization.
Table 4.2 Employees’ Perception on the Practice of Good Governance
Description of statements
Many employees believing the
existence of good governance 2
in the organization.
Disagr Don’t
There is a good existence of good governance in the organization. I.e. 2
respondents strongly agree on the statement and 1 respondent is partially agreed on
the idea. On the other hand, the minimum existence of good governance in the
organization. I.e. 2 of respondents have an opinion of disagree and no one
respondents have an opinion and know how about the existence of good governance.
Therefore, based the data analyzed under table 4.2 is concern in the public services
office of Assosa woreda the employees has some problems in understanding the
believing the existence of good governance and also the administrative bodies could
not provide training regularly on the issues of good governances. And also when we
say interview respondents it have deferent problems in the institutions, That
means one of the basic problem is orientation of office heads is not the rules and
regulations of the institution civil servants.
4.3 Shared Values at Assosa woreda civil service office
A feature of good governance is the development of shared values, which become
part of the organization’s culture, supporting policy and behavior throughout the
organization, from the governing body to all staff. The table below shows the
distribution of different employees’perception about the shared values existing in
Assosa woreda civil service office.
Table 4.3 Assosa Woreda Civil Service Office Employees’ Perception of Shared
of Participants
Shared values are part
of the organization’s
behavior 1
organization, from the
governing body to all
On the table 4.3 shared values are part of the organization’s culture, underpinning
behavior throughout the organization, from the governing body to all staff as 1 of
respondents strongly agree and 4 partially agree. But still, there are no participants
totally disagree on the last statement expressing the existence of practical formal
code of conduct defining standards of behavior governing administrators and all
Therefore, based the data analyzed under table 4.3 is concern in the public services
office of Assosa woreda the employees has some problems in understanding the
concepts of good governance and also the administrative bodies could not provide
training regularly on the issues of good governances.
4.4 Ethical Based Behaviors in Assosa woreda civil service
An ethical code reflects the ideals of sincerity, faithfulness, promise keeping, quest
excellence, fairness, empathy, decency, accountability and consideration for others.
words, a code of ethics depicts a standard of integrity and competence beyond that
law. The table 4.5 is presented below to show Assosa woreda civil service office
employees’ ethical based behaviors.
Table 4.4 Employees Ethical based behaviors in Assosa woreda civil service
Description of statements
Participants response
Employees Serve the interests of
citizens instead of their own personal 0
Bosses treating every employee in an
impartial eyes
Employees are Helpful.
Disagr Don’t
Employees Friendly in dealing with
Employees treat all citizens equally
irrespective of people status’social
Employees are Prompt and Efficient.
3 0
On The table 4.4 shows that n0 one respondents strongly agree, 2 respondents
partially agree in that employees of Assosa woreda civil service serving citizens
other than serving the interests of their own. Whereas, 3 participants are opposing
and none of them don’t know about the service respectively. Being threatened
equally and impartially by bosses of an organization indicates there is some
existence of leadership ethical behavior. The analysis from the above table on the
issue shows that, there is no supporters, of which 2 are partially agreed, the
exceeding large numbers of others three respondents were disagreed and no one was
dis agreed on the idea. About the employee’s helpfulness, friendly dealing with
citizens, equal treatment, reliability, trustworthy, prompt ness and efficiency in
serving the public, participants strongly agreed are accounted about 2 respondents
in each statement as shown in the table 4.5 above. But 1 among the members of
respondents opinion who was partially disagree, and also the 2 and none of them are
disagree and know how about the idea respectively. In this table, on the idea of
Employees treat all citizens equally irrespective of people , status, social rank,1 of
respondents was
2 of respondents were partially agreed, 2 respondents were
disagreed no one had been a kn0w how about the given statement.
On the statement reliable and trustworthy of employees, 2 of respondents were
strongly agreed and 2 of them were partially agreed, and also none of the respondents
was disagreed and 1 respondent responded that the employees are not equipped with
the knowhow of the promotion and awarded efficiently. On the idea of Employee
Prompt and Efficient, although greater members of the respondents were partially
agreed, equal members of respondents were strongly agreed do not know about the
idea as well as any one was not disagreed about it. And also the interview
respondents say that lack of materials, for example computers, lack of budget,
lack of transportation to address rural areas, lack of information, that means
by the problem of administrative body any information cannot address timely.
And also Assosa woreda is one of wider woredas in Benishangul Gumuz region
and the office is far away from deferent kebeles. In this case it have lack of
interest in civil servants to promote good governances.
Therefore, based the data analyzed under table 4.4 is concern in the public
services office of
Assosa woreda the employees
has some problems in
understanding the concepts ethical based behavior of employees and also the
administrative bodies could not provide training regularly on the issues of good
4.5 Structure and Formal Working Procedures of Assosa
Establishing effective structural arrangements and working procedures to ensure
compliance with all applicable statutes, regulations and other relevant statements of
best practice. Public servants need to uphold the reputation of the entity by treating
the general public. It is to show the opinions of sample respondents on some
statements about structures and formal working procedures in the organization that
the table 4.6 below presented.
Table 4.5 Structural Arrangements and Working Procedures
Description of statements
Employees have job descriptions about
their work.
There is a proper performance
formalize the process of tracking
established goals and provides objective
for organizational and management
Many employees believe the existence
effective 1
organizational structure and process.
All employees work by knowing their
and 4
There is a proper complaint handling
for 2
For simplicity as well as creating effective administration system a contract type of
agreement, effective performance measurement, effective organizational structure,
and formal problem solving mechanisms shall to be designed. These are considered
employee job description stating all about do’s and do not do’s, rewarding strategies
put in practice institutional mandates within the limit of every ones’ job position.
To assess this, a statement expressing the existence of employees’ job description
work was presented to these participants. As a result of the sample respondents have
strongly agreed, 1 respondents, partially agreed, 4 respondent and there is no
disagree and don’t know.
Generally From the data, more participants are partially agree For the practice of
proper performance measurement system to formalize the process of tracking
progress toward established goals and provision of objective justifications for
organizational and management decisions, 1respondant is strongly agree and 1
respondent partial agree, 2 respondents are disagree and 1 respondent is do not know
from this data more are disagree and others are more or less equal. Many employees
believe the existence of an effective organizational structure and process. From this
1 respondent was strongly agree, 3respondents were partially agree, any one is not
disagree to the statement and one respondent was don’t know the idea of the
statement. From this respondents most of respondents are partial agreement.
A bout the rights and obligations, 4 participants observe that all employees work by
knowing their rights and obligations, where, 1 are partially agreeing, no one is
disagreed and no one is do not know the statement.. Similarly, in cases of
disappointments created at any level, 2 respondents believe the existence of a proper
complaint handling system for anybody. On the other hand, 2 respondents were
partially agree, 1 respondent was disagreed and no one is do not know generally
more know about the issue of the statement.
Therefore, based the data analyzed under table 4.6 is concern in the public
services office of Assosa woreda the employees has some problems in
understanding the concepts of good governance and also the administrative
bodies could not provide training regularly on the issues of good governances
4.6 Introduction of the Citizen Charter in Assosa woreda civil
Identifying only the way of delivering the expected services to the public in general
in an efficient and effective manner is not the only activity of government
institutions, but employees too also be well trained, informed and positioned
accordingly. Table 3.7 below is all about the introduction of citizen charter.
Table 4.6 Introduction of the Citizen Charter in Assosa woreda civil service
Description of statements
Participants response
Disa t
gree kno
Citizen charter is implemented in the
Everybody is fully aware of the Citizen
in 0
the organization.
On the above table 4.6, no one respondents is observed the citizen charter in the
organization, but all 5 sample respondents were partially disagreed, and also any
one respondents was not disagreed and do not know the idea of the statement. Also
no one respondents is observed the idea of Everybody is fully aware of the Citizen
Charter in the organization 4 respondents are partially agree, 1 respondents was
disagree and any respondent is not do not know the idea of statement.
Therefore, based the data analyzed under table 4.7 is concern in the public
services office of Assosa woreda the employees has some problems in
understanding the concepts of good governance and also the administrative
bodies could not provide training regularly on the issues of good governances
The main objectives of the study was to assess the factors that affect good
governance in Assosa woreda civil service office.
Generally, this paper has argued that although there are attempts of implementing
good governance, a lot work has been not done on the civil servants. As the Assosa
woreda civil service office, holds more responsibilities than any other public
institution in the region about public governance, the need to mobilize both the
human and capital resources effectively and efficiently is very fundamental
activity.Keeping some supporting views on all the 21 survey statements,
responses showing many limitations were observed on the assessment. The
views of most respondents about characteristics of good governance in their
institution, is not good, because more civil servant respondents have no
awareness of good governance in the institutions. Shared values and Ethical
values are also other complementary components of good governance. The
study also investigates the presence of some possible supports from the views of
the participants about those values. There is an implementation of the citizen
charter, but as usual, respondents give their opinion in different ways. Some of
them confirm its existence, some others partially agreed, some of them are
disagree, and the remaining are prefer to say unaware about the introduction
and implementation of citizen charter.
5.2 Recommendation
Given all public institutions have been studied in same way; there might have been
probabilities of getting diverse results. Although each case has its own specific
challenge and solution, it is important to mention the following recommendations.
As a result, establishing a sustainable administrative structure, which can effectively
achieve the promotion of good governance by employing minimum administrative
heads supported by a strong human resource capital, can be taken primarily.
Secondly, though it is not expected to come up at the same level of agreement in all
matters of institutional activities, there need to exist a mechanism of bridging the
gaps observed within the employees on the status of institutional good governance
it shall be use the following characteristics.
5.2.1 Enhancing Institutional Good Governance
Good governance here, shall involve agents of change, processes and mechanisms,
value systems, normative orders, technology and resources. The will of the people
in solving a problems as well as leadership are critical components of the process.
This helps the institutions to implement and disseminate the importance and
existence of good governance within. In order to learn from and adapt better
solutions the following can be taken:
5.2.2 Enhancing the Structure and Formal Working
Public sector organizations should constantly monitor citizens’ needs and
expectations in order to respond to citizens’ priorities for service improvement. They
should adopt a citizen-centric focus in reviewing and improving the quality of
service users. This approach is most likely lead to innovations that ensure citizen
satisfaction. Consulting with citizens and constantly performance, and set out
effective improvements in the future. As a result of all the survey analysis, the
following recommendations are listed.
A. Maintaining Organizational Culture Supportive of Innovation: It is a culture
conducive to risk taking, initiative, creativity, learning and change. To build a culture
supportive of innovation, people’s involvement in the organization’s business
should be optimized. Employees should not simply execute commands from the top,
but share in the organization’s vision, mission, values and strategy. Besides, building
institutional ethics and behavioral values as major components of innovation to be
practiced in the best interest of the majority public must be the leading motto of the
Assosa woreda civil service office.
B. Reengineering Processes and Working Methods: simplification of procedures,
computerization, improvement of interoffice communication and overhauls in
performance appraisal systems have immediate and long term positive effects on
reducing budget expenditures and the costs of running an organization, as well as
increasing the efficiency of operations and performance.
C. Reviewing Institutional Structure: initiatives that introduce major reforms in
the structures of government by, for example, creating new governmental entities,
eliminating existing ones and/or shifting responsibilities have to be implemented
whenever possible.
D. Working on Employees’ Mindset, Behavior and Skills: based the assessment
there is also a recommendation about to practice changing the mindset and behavior
of public servants. It is due to the fact that, changes in mindset, behavior and skills
require willingness and commitment to continuous learning, and capacity to adapt
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