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The role of community participation of the realizing good governance: the case of Fitche
town administration.
Advisor:Wagari G. (MA)
1.1. Background of the study………………………………………………………………….1
1.2. Statement of the problem…………………………………………………………………2
1.3. Objective of the study…………………………………………………………………….3
1.3.1. General objective……………………………………………………………………...3
1.3.2. Specific objective……………………………………………………………………...4
1.4. Research question………………………………………………………………………...4
1.5. Significance of the study………………………………………………………………….4
1.6. Scope of the study………………………………………………………………………...4
1.7. Limitation of the study …………………………………………………………………...4
1.8. Organization of the study…………………………………………………………………5
2.1. Definitions of governance………………………………………………………………...6
2.2. Conceptual definition of good governance………………………………………………6
2.3. Characteristics of good governance………………………………………………………7
2.4. Principle of good governance…………………………………………………………….8
2.5. Conceptual definition of community……………………………………………………..9
2.6. What is community participation ……………………………………………………….10
2.7. Forms of community participation……………………………………………………...10
2.8. Element of community participation……………………………………………………10
2.9. Factors of community participation……………………………………………………..11
2.10. Types of community participation……………………………………………………..12
2.11. Benefit of community participation……………………………………………………13
3.1. Study area description…………………………………………………………………...14
3.1.1. Location ……………………………………………………………………………..14
3.2. Research design ………………………………………………………………………...14
3.3. Source of data …………………………………………………………………………..15
3.4. Methods of data collection ……………………………………………………………...15
3.4.1. Interview……………………………………………………………………………15
3.4.2. Questioner…………………………………………………………………………...15
3.5. Sampling technique……………………………………………………………………..16
3.6. Sampling size……………………………………………………………………………16
3.7. Ethical consideration……………………………………………………………………17
3.8. Data analysis……………………………………………………………………………17
3.9. Time schedule…………………………………………………………………………...
3.10 Cost and budget schedule……………………………………………………………..
1. Introduction
1.1. Background of the study
Currently the term governance and good governance is being increasingly used in development
literature. Bad governance is being regard as one of the root cause of all evil with in society
(UNESCAP, 2009).
The concept of governance is not new, it is as old as human civilization, but its terminology is
popular and fashionable in a part of global interest in the 1990 (Bell, 2002). Governance was the
dynamic construction between people, structure, process and tradition that support the exercise
of legitimate authority in provision of leadership direction over sight and control of an entity in
order to ensure its purpose was achieved and there was paper accounting for the conduct of its
affairs, the use of its resource and the result of its activities (Mona, 2002).
USAID (2000) refers good governance as the ability of government to develop an efficient,
effective and accountable public management process. It is characterized by transparent,
pluralistic, citizens involvement in decision making, representation and accountability by
focusing the areas of legislative strengthening, decentralization and democratic governance, anti
-corruption, civil-military relation, and improving policy implementation.
Community participation is the process by which individuals, families, or communities assume
responsibility for their own welfare and develop a capacity to contribute by being involved in the
decision making processes in determining goals and pursing issue of important to them for
example, the direction of services and the allocation of funds (Caleb, 2015).
From the beginning, develop community understanding “community participation” among all
those involved. If community members understand their participation to mean one thing while
program manners hold different views, effective participation may be seriously compromised.
Build capacity for informed decision-making, communities may lack adequate information and
skill to make informed decision about community, wide health issues. Programs may need to
build local capacity so community members can make needs. Recognize that participation takes
time, community participation absolutely requires time for community members to engage local
stake holders, ensure consensus, and shape program. Planner’s needs respected to recognize and
acknowledge this time constraint (Nicole cheetham, 2002).
Ethiopian ESDP action plan define community participation as development strategy in which
the beneficiary are active participant at all stage of the development and execution of a project
from identification of a project, selection a site, supervision of work and provision of labor to
appropriate utilization management , and maintenance of the final product(MOE,1998).
Community participation of in this study area to participate in social aspect like road, education,
health, water and so on.
Participating in different community affairs has two import ants:
Our participation contributes something to the community or our participation
could made a positive different in different aspects of society and
Participation could help us learn much about different role for our future life
enable as to develop different experience (Tadesse Delessa, 1999 E.C).
1.2 Statement of the problem
One of the areas of consensuses reached by the world leaders in September 2000 in their
Millennium Summit General Assembly of the united state conference for the Declaration of
Millennium Development Goal was democracy and good governance. That is why governance
occupies a central stage in the development discourse and is considered as a crucial element to be
incorporated in the development strategy (Abdellatif, 2003).
Practically speaking, totally achieved good governance is difficult over night because it requires
a systematic approach to make a given organization or sectors transparent, honest and democratic
uncorrupted, efficient and equity and oriented in continuous money within strong collaboration.
This would be seemed a new perception of the development era, the collapse of social
colonialism most developing countries leaders view the central social problem, the absence of
elements of well fair state such as school, hospital, portable water ,housing, road, public
transportation and (Ibid).
Even the nature of good governance project and the manner in which they were pursued in
Africa is controversial. It was undeniable fact many African countries suffering from lack of
good governance (faudez, 1997).
According to Lemma Abebe (2013) in his research titled the community participation in the
management of secondary school of Oromo special zone surrounding finking, focus on the
community participation in school management, increase community participation in
management of secondary school and identify the management function that community
participates, in our researches focus to fill the gap that was not identify the previous research.
For instance, the previous researches did not identify the mechanism of community participation
to achieve good governance, the barriers of community participation in social aspect in realizing
good governance and finding out possible remedy to increase community participation in social
aspect to realizing good governance and the other the time and location gap.
1.4. Research questions
This study will address the following research question:
What is the role of community participation in social aspect in realizing good
governance in Fitche town administration?
What are the mechanisms of to achieve good governance in Fitche town
What are the relationship between Fitche town administration and its community
What are the barriers of community participation in social aspect in achieving
good governance in Fitche town administration?
1.3. Objectives of the study
1.3.1. General objective
The general objective of the study is to assess the role of community participation in social
aspect in realizing good governance in Fitche town administration.
1.3.2. Specific Objective
The specific objective of this study:
To explore the role of community participation in good governance in light with
Fitche town administration.
To identify the mechanisms of community participation in social aspect to
achieve good governance in Fitche town administration.
To examine the relation between Fitche town administration and its community
participation in light of good governance.
To identify barrier of community participation in social aspect in achieving good
governance in Fitche town administration.
1.5. Significance of the study
This research will have the following significance :
The result of this study is expected by benefits both community and government. First, it helped
to serve as a source of additional information, which is significant to citizen’s reforms and
community administration during designing and implementation of good governance. Second, it
helped town administration to know their failure and strong side in the implementation of good
governance and their service delivery.
1.6. Scope of the study
The scope of the study is delaminated and topographically boarded on the in habitats of North
Showa zone. This research work cover will be the role of community participation in social
aspect to realizing good governance Fitche town administrations in north Showa Zone of Oromia
Regional state.
1.7. The Limitation of this study
In our research, we have faced different problems. There was a number of draw backs. For
instance, lack of accurate information, lack of finance and shortage of time and lack of good
performance (knowledge) to gather and organized the data.
1.8. Organization of the study
This study will be organized in to five chapters. The first chapter deals with the background of
the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, research questions, significant of the
study, scope of the study and limitation of the study. The second chapter includes literature
review, and related information about the study. The third chapter includes the research
methodology of the study and the fourth chapter includes data interpretation and analysis and the
last chapter holds recommendation and conclusion.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Definition of governance
According to Newton, K and vandeth J. 2005 governance can mean that different things to
different people. According to them, its core idea is that, government no longer revolves around
few institution of the central state, but consists of much wider and looser networking of
organization and institutions.
Government is top-down, hierarchical power relation organized by public institutions, and
politics is about bottom up participation of individuals and groups, then governance is about
bringing them to gather( Newton K and Vandeth J. 2005). In short, governance focuses not on a
few institutions of the central state but on wide variety of institutions, organizations and
associations that blur the dividing between governance and wider society. (Newton. K and
Vandeth J. 2005). Governance is the process in which stake holders communicate their interest,
their input is observed, decisions are taken and implemented and decision makers are held
accountable (Bell 2002). Since institutions are crated through repeated social practices,
governance at those institutions is a practice that regulates behavior. Governance is the act or
process of governing specifically, authoritative direction and control. It refers to how the
organization controls its action mechanisms to ensure that constituents follow established
processes, and policies proper governance strategy implements system to monitor and record that
is going on, takes steps to ensure compliance with agreed policies and provided for corrective
action in cases where the rules have been ignored or miss construed (Http loosely coupled
com/glossary governance).
2.2 conceptual definition of good governance
Good governance requires that the working of the political system transparent, that the political
leaders are held publicly accountable. Fairness and equality before the low prevail and access to
and distribution of assets mainly land at regulated in an equitable manner.
In operational terms the realization of good governance request the key sectors of society and the
people participate as much as possible in co-operative with the government in shaping
governance. Intermediately groups that is popular movement and none governmental and
community grassroots based organization often were and still were the most significant elements
in promoting political freedoms and good governance (Sileshi and Dagnachew,2008).
The World Bank used the term good governance in 1989 as the manner in which power
exercised in the management of the country of economic and social resources for developments.
Ibrahim F.I cited by (sideman Aefal, 2001) the general counsel of the country economic of the
World Bank is identified good governance with order not in the sense of maintained the
statuesque by the force of the state (low and order) but in the sense of having a system based on
abstract rules which are actual applied and on functioning institution is reflected in the concept
of the rule of low generally in different legal system and often expressed in the familiar of the
government lows and not of them.
2.3. Characteristics of good governance
According to Ibrahim F, cited by (said man Aefal, 2001) the characteristics of good governance
can be reduced in to two government’s effective and non-arbitrary decision making four
elements of the rule of low tend towards non arbitrary decision making.
Governance by rule: As he defined decision makes decide not pursuant, to the
decision maker’s institutions or passing fancy, but according to agreed up on
norms grounded in reason and experience.
Accountability: according to him, decision makers sissify their decisions publicly
subject their decision to review be recognized higher authority and ultimately by
the electorate.
Transparency: he noted that officials conduct government business openly so the
public and particularly the press can learn about and debt its details.
Participation: he stated that participation both men and women are a key corner
stone of good governance. Participation could be either direct or through
legitimate intermediate institutions or representative. It is important to point out
that representative democracy does not necessarily mean that comer of most
venerable in society would be informed and organized.
Responsiveness: good governance requires that institutions and process try to
serve all stockholders within a reasonable to period.
Consensus oriented :there are several actors as many viewpoints in a given society
.Good governance requires mediations of the different interests in a society on
what is in best interest of the whole community and how this can be achieved .It
also requires abroad and long term perspective on what is need for just human
development and how to achieved the goals of such development, this can only
result from on understanding of the historical, cultural, and social context of a
given society or community.
Equity and inclusiveness: A society`s well-being depends on ensuring that its
entire numbers fell that they have a stake in it and do not fell exclude from the
main stream of society. This requires all groups, but particularly the most
vulnerable have opportunities to improve or maintain their wellbeing.
Effectiveness and efficiency: good governance means that process and
instantiation produce results that meet the need of society which making the use
of resource of their disposal. The concepts of efficiency in the concepts of good
governance also cover the sustainable use of natural resource and projection of the
2.4. Principle of good governance
To make a brief and precise discussion there are five principle of good governance that
helps administration in their way the delivery service to the specific society.
Legitimate and voice: as John Graham 2005 stated participation all men and
women should have a voice in decision making either directly or through
legitimate intermediate institutions that represent their intention. Such broad
participations built on freedom of association and speech, as well as capacities to
participate constructively consensus orientations .Good governance mediate
differing interest to reach abroad consensus on what in the best interest of the
group and where possible on policies and procedures.
Direction: strategic vision leaders and the public have a broad and long- term
perspectives on good governance and human development. There are also
understanding of the historical, cultural and social complexities in which that
perspective is surrounded (Graham, 2003).
Performance: John Graham noted that responsiveness institutions and process try
to serve all stake holders effectiveness and efficiency process
and institutions
produce result that meet needs while making the use of resource.
Accountability: accountability decision makers in government, the private sector
and civil society organizations are accountable to people as well as to institutional
Fairness: fairness refers to both equity and rule of law. Equity refers to all men
and women have opportunity to improving their well-being. And
rule of low
refers to improve legal frame works should be fair and enforced impartial and
equality regardless of sex, race, religion, etc..... (ibid).
2.5. Conceptual Definition of community
A community is the social environment in which person lives. The term community may refer
either to personal relationships or to territorial area. A community may be as stable and long
term growing of people, families and institution, bound together by traditional function all and
emotionality. A community can also be actual physical area (Dublin, 1978).
Community is the term that used very specially on the one hand very causally on the other. The
community revolves around three nexus the community of the relationship. The community of
interests and the community of place, Community where individuals live, connect, and
responsible for one another. Sometimes they are called cities, regions, culture and home (Morse,
2.6. What is community participation?
Community participation as a concept focus on the idea involving stakeholders in decision
making about their community and broader social issues has important social economic and
political benefits. Community participation that is any idealize the internal coherence and
solidarity in communities, and miss the essential task of supporting effective, accountable and
transparent public institutions ( Stephen Commines, 2007).
According to Stephen Commines, 2007 community participation processes includes an
identification of stakeholders, establishing systems that allow for engagement with stakeholders
by public official and development of a wide range of participatory mechanisms
2.7. Forms of community participation
Citizens may be actively participate in community by attending community meeting debating on
public, polices, becoming members of idir, equb, clubs or association making his or her work
campaign powering in election and casting vote, reading and writing, watching TV, serving in
armed force, communicating with public officials, taking role in civic interest group participation
in peaceful demonstration sharing many political causes, becoming informed about public issues,
discussing and debating public issue (Tewoderos and Yakob ,
2.8. Elements of community participation
1. Open to all ideas: In participating community, there is no such thing as bad idea. All idea
welcomed and treated which respect, as Nurmand riednated that, this not only horns the person
whose ideas is put forward, but it is also sets a welcoming for fetish ideas and in separation that
might otherwise be hidden due to fear of radials. According to him, participation community
establish ways of screaming out of best ideas from the merely interesting but in a way that
acknowledges the values of all ideas no matter their source.
2. Inclusive and diverse: participating community no discrimination are drawn among various
group and type of personality who after themselves to community involvement. All person are
actively welcoming in to use full role, regardless of their color, age, race, prior community
involvement. Level of education, accusation personal regulation hand cap, language, appearance.
Religion or any other factor participating communities known and recognize that truly we are
made equally that we have an equal right to share in the work and benefits of community as well
as in cost (Ride, N:2010).
3. Open mind open process: Consequently, participating communities operate, so that it is clean
to all that they are not controlled by any one organization, do not represent any one group of
people and not limited so any one philosophy or way of doing business. Their leadership is used
to facilitate discussion adversity of view point rather than to push its own agenda. (Ride, N:
2.9. Factors affecting community participation
The equality and frequency of community participation influenced by many factors such as:
family values economic opportunity and communication media. But ,the need to foster
competent and responsible participation underscores the special contribution that education
should make to democratic participation .It is not proper role of community to develop
competence indoctrinate public to participation but rather so develop competence and democratic
orientation that increase the likelihood of effective participation is self-government (Abeham
and Yasin, 2007).
Research has shown as Abraham and Yasin, 2007 cited the family plays substantial role in
formulation of political altitudes in youth. They are also noted that children of active family may
as quire similar attribute of their family. They also noted that socialization starts at the points of
birth and conserves throughout life of the individual. According to them age of the child is very
delicate are and plays a destining role of the position their took at the large ages. That is why it is
ascribed the primary socialization (were family value or important). Service as basic for
secondary socialization that comes (appears ice letter age). Family slay describe that it would be
very difficult or impossible to correct mistakes committed in the way years at large age adult
However, not only family factor, but also economic condition can affect community participation
as Abraham and Yasin in 2007 noted. Economic condition have significant bearing on
community participation according to Abraham and Yasin 2007 in populations well of it serves
individuals to have sufficient time and emerge too sped for community affairs. For them, these
people would be busy in wining daily bread of lively hand thus individuals in this sense not
encourage to spend issue emerge that have in community participation.
2.10. Types of community participation
According to Alamiraw G.2005 civil societies are one types of community participation. For
him, those societies are voluntary organizations that are establish for humanitarian and other
social activities other than profit making once. As the noted this include organization that are
formed to project the environment.so improve sanitary service, so human rights, improve cultural
practice and round part in various governmental decisions that develop countries so participation
in this society is one factor that factor community participation(Alamirew G.2005).
Second type according to Alamirew G. 2005 participation is a political activity. Political
participation operates in a county to size political power and the country. For him these parties
have their own policy and programs that differentiate them from the ruling party. These noted
that communities could go in such political and actively participative polities of the country.
The third type of participation is voting during election as Alamirew G. 2005 states for him
countries vote for their local regional or national leadership who could represent them in the
government decision-making bodies. This type of participation is believed to be fundamental
because, every other thing the country attempts to do is dictated by the participation of its
citizens in the election (Alamirew G. 2005).
Fourthly, the participation of community in protest in considering other vital type of participation
as Alamirew G. 2005 noted this means citizens cellarer or protest. Policies, decision etc., passed
by their governments. However, when they make their protest should be staged peacefully. These
kinds of participation could be manifested through writing positions by casing, demonstrating
peacefully etc.
Finally lobbing another term of community participation, this is effective to make the
government large its decision by discussing cause with governs at official. Besides, protesting
publicly, communicates could may to influence the government about a decision made of case
that for gotten (Ibid).
2.11. Benefits of effective community participation
Improve the equality of policies, and services: when government agencies include diverse groups
in decision- making and service delivery. The agency benefits from their first land understanding
of the issues. This agency has again new perspective that tests their assumption and serves as
reality check.
Helps to some complete problem social, economic and environmental problem can be complete,
so to solve this complex problem you can make different networks together that government
agencies could gain new source of information to build a sense of joint purpose and increase the
possibility of finding sustainable solution by working together with the community.
Building trust and understanding: by building active relationship with the community,
government agencies can reduce the absence of us and them people of community can develop
confidence in agency or government of offices that accept community participation generally
listen the idea of the community.
Helps create on inclusive society as we know, people more feel more power full, and more fairly
tread and may lowed when the government acts in cooperation with diver’s communities. These
kinds of community cooperation with government and community create an enrollment where
people can Measure’s progress more effectively society of community who are actively
participation with and evaluation solve their own problem and encouraging self-reliance and
Support active citizenship: by actively involving citizen in the work of government agencies can
encourage are honoring people’s right to participation democracy in which the decision, it
community delivered programs. Local community relationships with non-governmental
organization can also enable constructive feedback on the agency’s performance (http://ww/good
practice. Gov’t .net/benefits of community participate
3. Research Methodology
Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the researcher problem. This section
presents the methodology of the study. It includes study area description, research design, and
source of data, methods of data collection, sampling techniques, sampling size and data analysis.
3.1. Study area description
3.1.1. Location
The study will be conduct in Fitche town which is located in the Northern Part Of Shewa zone of oromia
regional state at the distance of 112 km away from Addis Ababa to North Shewa Zone part of Ethiopia
.the total area of Fiche is 4207.92km,where of this area is moderate temperature (municipal office of
Fitche 2021 .the topography of this city is its climate condition of 60% of woina dega7 ,25% of dega and
15% of qola the total temperature range between 15-22 with amen annual rainfall of 7501500mm,with high rain in spring and small rain in autumn (Fitche agricultural office 2019 national
census reported in the total population of this town is 102,074, among them 51,612 are men and 50,459
is women in the past most of the people come from different places. The socio economic activities of
this city are the combination of farming where they are produce small amount of livestock production
like cattle, goats, sheep and hen .the Fitche town is highly depending on trade (Fitche Town
administration office 2021)
3.2. Research design
This study will be used both quantitative and qualitative or mixed research approach, because
mixed method research is a methodology for conducting research that involves collecting,
analyzing and integrating quantitative (e.g., percentage, surveys) and qualitative (e.g., focus
groups, interviews) research( Kothari. C.R, 2004). By mixing both quantitative and qualitative
research and data, the researcher gain in breadth and depth of understanding and corroboration,
while offsetting the weaknesses inherent to using each approach by itself of the most
advantageous characteristics of conducting mixed methods research is the possibility of
triangulation, i.e., the use of several means (methods, data sources and researcher) to examine
the same phenomenon (Kothari.C.R, 2004).
In this study a descriptive method of research is employed in order to address the research
objective concerning the role of community participation in social aspect in realizing good
governance on the study area. The descriptive method chosen because of it enable the researcher
to gather data of descriptive events which collected from the field survey by using certain
research techniques. The major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of
affairs as it exists at present.
3.3. Source of data
The researcher will be used both primary and secondary source of data. Primary source of data
will be obtained from key informant and respondents and secondary source data collection from
books Internet, books, and journals and through reviews of related literature.
3.4. Methods of data collection
We used interview and questioner in which, we hope there were the main method of data
collection. They used as primary source of the data to gather valuable information
through them.
3.4. 1. Interview
The primary data will be gathered from respondents through face to face interview by
structure and unstructured interviews.
3.4.2. Questionnaire
A questionnaire is an instrument by which information is obtained from respondents in
written form. It consists of both close ended and open ended questions with the intentions
to disclose free opinions of respondents. The main reason for the use of mixed
questioners is to help the respondents to give answer freely or without restriction.
3.5. Sampling technique
The researcher will be used both simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques,
because, the researcher consider to get detailed information from the community and the civil
servants of the study area. The researcher will be used simple random for questioner from the
community and key informants of the study will be selected through purposive sampling
technique because the researcher believed that they are relevant and concerned body to the issue.
3.6. Sampling size
Basically it is impossible to study all of the total population of the study area. Therefore the
researcher will be use sampling techniques in order to select total respondents of the study. The
researcher will select only 30 total respondents from the total population.
3.7. Ethical consideration
According to leedy and ormrod (2005), ethical issue in research fall in to four categories,
namely, protection from harm, informed consent, right to privacy and honesty with professional
Ethical consideration was very crucial to accomplish the study. Research followed research
ethics to get available data from the respondents identify confidentially. During the data
collection, we politely and respectfully approached the respondents. The researcher tried to
employ these ethical issues.
3.8. Data analysis
Data analysis is the process of looking at and summarizing data with the intent to extract useful
information from the development question. The researcher will be used both qualitative and
quantitative methods of analysis qualitative used key informants, quantitative used percentage
and table.
Time schedule
The research will takes six months to complete According to my ability. It will be conducted of
the including preparation of studying proposal, writing literature reviews, questioners design
collected data, data analysis and interpretation rule and preparation of final reports of the
resulting the following table forms .But here, my time schedule is tentative for the time
Activity time
Selecting title
Preparation of
Submission of
the thesis to
the advisor
and examiners
Thesis defense
submitting the
final thesis
Cost and budget schedule
Throughout the investigation each activities as and shop will be undertake according to their relevance
for the success fullness of the study. Each activities under associated with current and market condition
of our country, it describes by the table as follows:
No of unit
Unit of cost
Total cost
Flash memory
Mobile card
Typing and
Bending cost
Storage devices
Total cost
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