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Lesson-2 Introduction-to-Transaction-Processing (2)

Divine Word College of Legazpi
School of Business, Management, and Accountancy
Accounting Information Systems
Module 2: Introduction to Transaction Processing
Transaction Cycles
1) Expenditure Cycle - covers the acquisition of materials,
property, and labor in exchange for cash.
2) Conversion Cycle - conversion cycle is composed of two
major subsystem:
a) Production system - involves the planning, scheduling,
and control of the physical product through the
manufacturing process.
b) Cost accounting system - The cost accounting system
monitors the flow of cost information related to
3) Revenue Cycle – involves processing cash sales, credit sales,
and the receipt of cash following a credit sale.
Accounting Records
Manual systems
1) Documents
a) Source documents
b) Product documents
c) Turnaround documents
2) Journals
a) Special journals
b) Register
c) General journals
3) Ledgers
a) General ledgers
b) Subsidiary ledgers
Computer-based systems
1) Master file – contains account data. The general ledger and
subsidiary ledger are examples of master files.
2) Transaction file - A transaction file is a temporary file of
transaction records used to change or update data in a master
file. Sales orders, inventory receipts, and cash receipts are
examples of transaction files.
3) Reference file - A reference file stores data that are used as
standards for processing transactions. For example, the
payroll program may refer to a tax table to calculate the proper
amount of withholding taxes for payroll transactions.
4) Archive file - ontains records of past transactions that are
retained for future reference. These transactions form an
important part of the audit trail. Archive files include journals,
prior period payroll information, lists of former employees,
records of accounts written off, and prior-period ledgers.
Audit trail
The accounting records mentioned above provide an audit trail for
tracing transactions from source documents to the financial statements.
Basic Documentation Techniques
1) Data flow diagrams
2) Entity relationship diagrams
3) System flowcharts
4) Program flowcharts
5) Record layout diagrams
Data flow diagrams
Uses symbols to represent the entities, processes, data flows,
and data stores that pertain to a system.
Entities – represent sources of and destination for data. They
may be other interacting systems or functions, or they may be
external to the organization. They should always be labeled
as nouns.
Data stores – represents the accounting records used in each
Labeled arrows – represent the data flows between
processes, data stores, and entities.
Processes – should be labeled with a descriptive verb. They
should not be represented as nouns.
Each data flow label should be unique—the same label should not
be attached to two different flow lines in the same DFD. When data
flow into a process and out again (to another process), they have,
in some way, been changed. This is true even if the data have not
been physically altered.
DFDs do not depict the physical system. It shows what logical
tasks are being done, not how they are done or who (or what)
is performing them.
Entity relationship diagrams
is a documentation technique used to represent the
relationship between entities.
Entities are physical resources, events, and agents which the
organization wishes to capture data
The square symbols are the entities in the system
The labeled connecting line represents the nature of relationship
between two entities.
Cardinality – degree of relationship between entities. It can be:
a) one-to-one (1:1)
b) one-to-many (1:M)
c) many to many (M:M)
System flowcharts
Graphical representation of the physical relationships among
key elements of a system. It reflects the physical system as
opposed to DFDs and ERDs.
These elements may include organizational departments,
manual activities, computer programs, hard-copy accounting
records (documents, journals, ledgers, and files), and digital
records (reference files, transaction files, archive files, and
master files)
It is important to note that flowcharting is as much an art form
as it is a technical skill, giving the flowchart author a great deal
of license.
Rules and conventions in flowcharting
The flowchart should be labeled to clearly identify the system
that it represents.
The correct symbols should be used to represent the various
entities in the system.
All symbols on the flowchart should be labeled.
Lines should have arrowheads to clearly show the process
flow and sequence of events.
If complex processes need additional explanation for clarity, a
text description should be included on the flowchart or in an
attached document referenced by the flowchart.
Symbol set for manual processes
1. Sequential codes carry no information beyond
their order in the sequence.
2. Inserting a new item at some midpoint requires
renumbering the subsequent items in the
Block codes – variation of sequential coding. This
can be used to represent whole classes of items by
restricting each class to a specific range within the
coding scheme. Ex. Chart of accounts
1. Allows for the insertion of new codes within a
block without having to reorganize the entire
coding structure.
2. As with sequential codes, the information
content of the block code is not readily
Symbol set for computer processes
Group codes – used to represent complex items or
events involving two or more pieces of related data.
Ex. Sales order coded based on branch stores.
1. Facilitates the representation of large amounts
of data.
2. Allows complex data structures to be
represented in a hierarchical form that is
logical and easily remembered by humans
3. Permit detailed analysis and reporting.
Program flowcharts
Every program represented in a system flowchart should have
a supporting program flowchart that describes it logic.
Accountants sometimes use program flowcharts to verify the
correctness of program logic. They compare flowcharts to the
actual program code to determine whether the program is
actually doing what the documentation describes.
4. As it can be used to present diverse
information, they tend to be overused.
5. Unrelated data may be linked simply because
it can be done which may result to complex
group codes.
6. Overuse can increase storage costs, promote
clerical errors, and increase processing time
and effort.
Symbol set for program flowcharts
1. Capacity to represent large numbers of items
is increased dramatically through the use of
pure alphabetic codes or alphabetic
characters (alphanumeric codes).
Record layout diagrams
Used to reveal the internal structure of the records that
constitute a file or database table. The layout diagram usually
shows the name, data type, and length of each attribute (or
field) in the record. Detailed data structure information is needed for such
tasks as identifying certain types of system failures, analyzing error
reports, and designing tests of computer logic for debugging and
auditing purposes.
Computer-Based Accounting Systems
Fall into two broad classes: batch systems and real-time
Alphabetic codes – are used for many of the same
purposes as numeric codes. Alphabetic characters
may be assigned sequentially or may be used in
block and group coding techniques.
1. Difficulty rationalizing the meaning of codes
that have been sequentially assigned.
2. Users tend to have difficulty sorting records
that are coded alphabetically.
Mnemonic codes - alphabetic characters in the form
of acronyms and other combinations that convey
1. The mnemonic coding scheme does not
require the user to memorize meaning; the
code itself conveys a high degree of
information about the item that is being
Data Coding Schemes
Data coding involves creating simple numeric or alphabetic
codes to represent complex economic phenomena that
facilitate efficient data processing.
Sequential codes – represent items in some
sequential order (ascending or descending). Ex.
Prenumbered source documents.
1. Supports the reconciliation of a batch of
1. They have limited ability to represent items
within a class.