Strategic Management & Leadership 2023 (Afstudeerrichting Recht – Entrepreneurship and Management / Minor Bedrijfswetenschappen) Hoorcollege Week 1 Ir. F.F. Pigeaud MMC Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid Instituut voor Fiscale en Economische Vakken Afdeling Bedrijfswetenschappen Leiden University. The university to Agenda - Intro en afspraken 1. What is Strategy? 2. What is Strategic Management? 3. Starting point: Purpose, mission, vision 4. Inhoud en planning van het vak Leiden University. The university to Introductie: we gaan een reis maken Intro Frans Pigeaud Source: The Big Shift, Deloitte University Press (2014) Leiden University. The university to Top strategische issues voor CEOs 2022 top threats Externe facoren die dominant zijn: - Environmental -Social -Governance (ESG) related matters Source: PwC Global CEO Survey (2020-2022) Leiden University. The university to Fast forward to 2023 2022 Top Threats 2023 Top Threats 5 Year Forecast Source: PwC Global CEO Survey (2022-2023) Leiden University. The university to Bovendien: Succes vandaag is geen garantie voor morgen The landscape has changed dramatically over the last Source: 25 years The American Business History Center (2022) Leiden University. The university to Leiden University. The university to Strategie Universiteit Leiden Wat wil de Universiteit Leiden bereikt hebben in 2027? Dit zijn onze ambities voor de komende jaren: - Ruimte voor vernieuwing - Toonaangevend interdisciplinair onderzoek en onderwijs. - Toekomstgerichte ontwikkeling van studenten - Een gezonde, betrokken en lerende gemeenschap - Meer waarde via strategische Dit is geen strategie….., maar wat dan wel? samenwerking - Ruim baan voor talent ontplooiing Leidenen University. The university to Leiden University. The university to Chapter 1: What is Strategy? Zie ook artikel: Porter, M. E. (1996). What is strategy? Harvard Business Review, 74(6): 61-78. Porter (1996) competitive strategy is about being different Leiden University. The university to WHAT IS STRATEGY? 1. What is Strategy? - Long antecedent – Sun Tzu The Art of War (500 BC). In Greek strategia [generalship] - Strategy (in military thought) is about decisions that: - are important - involve a significant commitment of resources - are not easily reversible - Tactics …? Leiden University. The university to 1. What is Strategy? - Strategy: overall plan for deploying resources to establish a favorable position (concerned with winning the war) - Tactics: a scheme for a specific action (maneuvers necessary to win battles) Yet, no general theory of strategy … Leiden University. The university to 1. What is Business Strategy? Determination of the long-run goals and objectives of an enterprise, and the adoption of course of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals (Chandler, 1962). Leiden University. The university to 1. What is Business Strategy? An organizational’s strategy is the match between its internal capabilities and external relationships (Kay, 1993) - Internal: what the organization is capable of doing - External: Its relationship with employees, customers, shareholders, and suppliers. The use of analytical techniques allows the firm to influence its position Leiden University. The university to in the market 1. What is Business Strategy (Porter, 1996)? … the root of the problem is the failure to distinguish between operational effectiveness and strategy… … bit by bit, almost imperceptibly, management tools have taken the place of strategy… … as managers push to improve on all fronts, they move farther away from viable competitive positions… Leiden University. The university to 1. What is Business Strategy? Mijn favoriete definitie: … the direction and scope of an organization over the long term which achieves advantages for the organisation through its configuration of resources within a changing environment and to fulfil stakeholder expectations (Johnson & Scholes, 2002)... Leiden University. The university to [complex, uncertainty, integrated, STRATEGY IS NOT… CRAP Analysis! Creating Artificial Plans …throwing random ideas into the arena that are not properly thought through with supporting techniques! Leiden University. The university to 1. Why do Firms need Strategy? - Enhances quality of decision-making - Facilitating coordination (consensus) - Focusing organizations on the pursuit of long-term goals (strategic intent) "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space.“ President Kennedy, Address to Congress on Leiden University. The university to 2. What is Strategic Management? - The process of creating and executing a strategy is called strategic management - Strategic management consists of: strategy analysis, strategy formulation, and strategy implementation Leiden University. The university to 2. What is Strategic Management? - Strategy analysis is a useful starting point for crafting strategy - It includes the general and competitive environment facing the organization. It also deals with the organization’s internal environment - Strategic analysis helps the organization evaluate how well it is positioned to exploit external opportunities Leiden University. The university to The Strategy Checklist Strategy analysis Waarom zijn wij op de wereld en wat maakt ons uniek? Strategy formulation Strategy implementation Leiden University. The university to 2. What is Strategic Management? - Strategy formulation usually takes place at the business and corporation level - Strategic analysis is important for strategy formulation. So too is creative insights which synthesize experiences that exist within the organization to form a novel strategy - An organization is seldom faced with only one strategy which means it is Leiden University. The university to The Strategy Checklist Strategy analysis Strategy formulation Welke businesses kiezen we wel en niet en Strategy implementation Leiden University. The university to Types of Strategy.. - Corporate strategy is concerned with which markets an organization wants to compete in (where [to grow]) - Business strategy deals with how an organization will compete in its chosen industry or market (how) - Functional strategy occurs according to functional lines such as R&D, marketing and finance (what) Leiden University. The university to 2. What is Strategic Management? Grant, R. M. (2010). Contemporary Strategy Analysis, 6th ed., Delhi: Wiley. Leiden University. The university to Corporate and Business Strategy Corporate Strategy The choices the organisation takes about the business it chooses to be in Business Strategy The decisions the organisation takes to secure the best position to deliver the corporate strategy Leiden University. The university to 2. What is Strategic Management? - Strategy implementation requires the organization to be sufficiently flexible - Communication with stakeholders inside and outside the organization is important - The organization’s values are crucial in sign-posting to individuals what the organization considers important. An organization’s culture Leiden University. The university to The Strategy Checklist Strategy analysis Strategy formulation Strategy implementation Hoe organiseren we ons en welke leiders zjn Leiden University. The university to STRATEGIC DECISIONS: CHARACTERISTICS 1. Long-term direction 2. Scope of activities 3. Gaining advantage over competitors 4. Strategic fit & changing with environment 5. Building on resources and competences (capability) 6. Values and expectations of stakeholders Leiden University. The university to 3. Starting point: Purpose, Mission, vision, values.. • Purpose: The underlying paradigm: Why does this company exist and what does it bring to the world? (the soul of the corporation • Mission statement: addresses why and where we exist Our purpose: The why Our scope: The where - Our uniqueness • Vision projects • What we want to be • Where we want to end up • Based on the mission • Statement of values: states what we believe in and how we will behave • Strategy statement: articulates competitive game plan Leiden University. The (e.g. university to 3. Purpose (where it all starts) A purpose is often associated with the driving goals of the founder of an organization: Amazon: to be earth's most customer centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online. Google: to organize the world’s University. The university to information and makeLeiden it universally 2 ways to look at te concept of "Purpose" 1. The underlying beliefs/paradigma in an organisation that drive the way a company is seeking to contribute to the world and, doing this, making a profit 2. A way to add a societal goal ("maatschappeljk verantwoord") to the strategy and goals of a company that really is just profit oriented The first viewpoint is "structural" and, in our opinion, the correct way to look for "purpose" in a company. See als Ch. 11 in the book Leiden University. The university to Any great company has one of the following 4 purposes: Nikos Mourkogiannis (ex Harvard University) altruism discovery Leiden University. The university to 3. Mission.. Steve Jobs (1980): to make a contribution to the world by making tools for the mind that advance humankind. Again: A mission seeks to answer the fundamental question of - why an organization exists (Purpose) PLUS: - In which industry it choses to compete Leiden University. The university to - How it makes a difference 3. Vision: Where do we want to end up? Amazon: to offer quality products and services using the best technology available and at a reasonable price. This results in highly loyal customers, while maintaining shareholders interest and company profits in mind. We seek to expand geographically, increasing the number of customers and to keep improving our main competitive advantage - infrastructure. By working hard and having fun we seek to offer the best working environment to our employees, promoting career opportunities, and to Leiden University. The university to increase our responsibility towards 3. Values: How to achieve mission and vision in a face company? Apple: we are on the of the earth to make great products. We are constantly focusing on innovating. We believe in the simple not the complex. We believe that we need to own and control the primary technologies behind our products, and participate only in markets where we can make a significant contribution. We believe in saying no to thousands of projects, so that we can really focus on the few that are truly important and meaningful to us. We believe in deep collaboration and cross-pollination of our groups, which allow us to innovate in a way that others cannot. We don’t settle for anything less than excellence in every group in the company, and we have the selfhonesty to admit when we’re wrong and the Leiden University. The courage to change. And I think regardless ofuniversity who is to Most found causes of decline: why do companies fail? (Research by Jan Adriaanse - Leiden University, 2005-2013) (1) Lack of “strategic entrepreneurship” (2) Insufficient steering on management information (3) Cost structures too high and inflexible (4) Waiting too long due to bad corporate governance… 2001 1958 Leiden University. The university to 3. Strategic management framework A strategy must take account of the organization’s stakeholders if it is to succeed Competitive Advantage komt je misschien bekend voor…. Toch is geen “marketing” vraagstuk…… Henry (2021). Understanding Strategic Management, 4th ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press. Leiden University. The university to Tenslotte: 2 verschillende scholen / perspectieven op strategisch management The Design School: A process of conception Seeks to match the capabilities of the organization to the opportunities within its competitive environment . This rationalist approach is exemplified by Michael Porter’s generic strategies The Learning School: An emergent process Emphasizes deliberate and emergent strategies. A deliberate strategy is one the organization intends to pursue. An emergent strategy involves managerial learning and experience that coalesce into a realized strategy Sources: Mintzberg et al. 2009; Henry (2021) Leiden University. The university to So far, the introduction… Nu: hoe ziet het vak eruit? Leiden University. The university to Hoor-/werkcolleges - 7 hoorcolleges van 2 uur Tijdens de hoorcolleges worden de vooraf bestudeerde hoofdstukken uit het tekstboek nader toegelicht aan de hand van (de actualiteit van) het bedrijfsleven. Ook zullen de voor de desbetreffende week behorende wetenschappelijke artikelen behandeld worden. - 7 werkcolleges van 2 uur Tijdens de werkcolleges zal met behulp van real life cases gediscussieerd worden over de behandelde onderwerpen. Je werkt in een team van 6 studenten aan de Leiden advies University. The university opbouw van je strategisch over Tesla’sto Boek - Anthony Henry – Understanding Strategic Management, Oxford University Press, Fourth Edition, 2021 - Ondersteunende website: nry3e-student-resources#tag_addition al-material nry4e-student-resources#tag_all-chap ters - Cases en artikelen die op Brightspace worden Leiden geplaatst University. The university to Beoordeling - Het cijfer voor Strategic Management wordt bepaald door een schriftelijk tentamen (70%), een caseanalyse in groepsverband (20%) en participatie tijdens de teamdiscussie in het werkcollege (10%) . - Compensatie van deelcijfers is mogelijk, echter moet er minimaal een 5.0 voor het tentamen worden gehaald om het vak af te ronden. - Het cijfer voor de case is één Leiden University. The university to Tentamen - Tentamen, 3 april 2023, 09:00-12:00, Pieterskerk - Hertentamen, 6 juni 2023, 09:00-12:00, USC - Alle voorgeschreven literatuur, handouts en (internet)artikelen. - Multiple choice kennisvragen - Open inzichtvragen (nieuwe case) - Over de hoofdstukken, de artikelen Leiden University. The university to Caseanalyse in de werkgroep: Tesla’s toekomst…. - In week 1 tot en met week 7, strategische - analyse in teamverband uitgewerkt & op 3 momenten te presenteren aan de docent / student assistent Zie het excel schema op Brightspace en op pagina 64 van deze presentatie Elk team bestaat uit 6 studenten. De teamindeling staat op Brightspace. Deze strategische analyse betreft een vraag over de centrale case in het vak: Tesla’s toekomst…. De vragen zijn te vinden aan het eind van de presentatie van het hoorcollege van de week en op Brightspace bij “assignments”. Leiden University. The university to Caseanalyse - De omvang van de 2 eerste teampresentaties is max 8 slides. De presentatie zal worden beoordeeld op de onderdelen - ‘diepgang en analytisch niveau’ - ‘het juist toepassen van begrippen en concepten’ - Per team op te nemen in MS Teams - Alleen de laatste presentatie (week 7) zal een grotere omvang mogen hebben (15 slides) omdat dit de synthese is van alle voorgaande analyses en een strategisch Leiden University. The university to Participatie tijdens de werkcolleges - Individuele voorbereiding voorafgaand aan het werkcollege. - Het werkcollege zelf: - - in het eerste deel van het werkcollege: in teams bespreken om tot een gezamenlijke oplossing te komen voor de “kleine case van de week” Afsluitend een groepsdiscussie waarin de verschillende teams de door hen gevonden oplossing aan elkaar zullen voorleggen en verdedigen. Tweede deel van het werkcollege: werken aan de “grote Tesla case”. Deze bouwt elke week verder op om tot een complete strategische analyse en aanbeveling te komen voor het door je team gekozen onderdeel van Tesla’s toekomst Leiden University. The university to Participatie tijdens de werkcolleges - De participatie van je groepje in de werkcolleges zal worden beoordeeld. - Per week wordt bekeken wie een goede bijdrage levert - De individuele bijdrage in de presentatie van week 7 is de meest belangrijke - Let wel; je krijgt uitsluitend een cijfer voor de groepsparticipatie als je ook daadwerkelijk bij het werkcollege aanwezig bent geweest. Leiden University. The university to Voorbereiding - Hoorcolleges: hoofdstukken uit Henry (2021) lezen en de wetenschappelijke artikelen lezen - Werkcolleges: cases voorbereiden en caseanalyses schrijven - Tentamen: hoofdstukken, cases, artikelen bestuderen Leiden University. The university to Leiden University. The university to Tijdschema Strategic Management & Leadership Programma 2022 week data onderwerp hoorcollege 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Boek Henry artikel uur 1 Werkcollege uur 2 Werkcollege-case what is strategy plus intro to the course H1 + 11.4/11.5 filmpje Purpose Yahoo case Scope keuze, Purpose TESLA vroeger en nu external analysis H2+3 Game Theory Ryanair (textbook) & Coca Cola PESTLE, scenario's en 5 forces analyse TESLA voor jullie scope internal analysis H4+5+SWOT Hunt & Morgan per groep: presentaties groepen die niet aan de beurt scopekeuze, purpose en externe zijn: VCA,VRIO,S/W analyse; als analyse voorbeeld Rocket Internet (prezi uitwerking) strategy formulation (online, opname) H6,7,8+TOWS Strategic Supremacy; platform strategies TOWS matrix, generic strategies TOWS matrix, generic strategies lecture strat. Leadership (intro) (online, tevoren opgenomen) H10,11 Kotter per groep: presentaties TOWS, strategische keuzes en leiderschapsissues voor de toekomst voor groepen die niet aan de online spreekuur met R. beurt zijn: self study: Sergio Kemp (op afspraak) Marchione (filmpje Fiat Chrysler); samen: Musk's change/ leadership stijl organsational systems & change H9 Goretex (boek) Culture and reorganisations at TESLA since the start recap/responsiecollege alles 9-10 feb 2023 upload deelopdracht ( case) 16-17 feb 2023 23-24 feb 2023 2-3 maart 2023 9-10 maart 2023 16-17 maart 2023 per groep: presentatie final strategic advice voor jullie scope inclusief leaderhip analysis en organisatie-advies (andere groepen horen toe) 23-24 maart 2022 4-apr 6-jun none tentamen hertentamen Leiden University. The university to Blokboek SM&L Op Brightspace is onder ‘Praktische informatie - Syllabus’ het blokboek 2023 voor dit vak beschikbaar met hierin alle informatie over het vak SM&L. Hier zullen ook de cases, artikelen en de sheets van de colleges (alsmede weblectures) te vinden zijn. Leiden University. The university to Voor de werkgroep week 1 - Teamvorming - Case Tesla: start! - Uur 1: Grote case: Tesla’s Purpose - Uur 2: Grote case: Scopekeuze in je team Leiden University. The university to Tesla uur 1: (antwoorden integreren in presentatie in week 3): 1. What was the purpose of the founders of Tesla Motors ( Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning )? 2. What is the purpose of Tesla in the period 2008-2022 (Elon Musk as CEO) - Did the purpose/mission/vision change since Musk became CEO - How does it relate to the original purpose of the founders? - Compare Tesla’s strategy, purpose and mission/vision to that of one of its larger competitors. Give your judgement using material from the lecture 1 Extra info: kijk naar de video: Leiden University. The university to Tesla uur 2: Define the scope for your next analysis in the coming week Antwoorden integreren in je teampresentatie in week 3… Leiden University. The university to Huiswerk voor start week 2: Yahoo & Peanut Butter: is this strategy? In your groups answer the following Questions 1. Why were the issues facing Yahoo! described as strategic? 2. Identify examples of issues that fit each of the 3 components of strategic management: Checklist toe op Yahoo…. Discussie bij start week 2 Strategy analysis Waarom zijn wij op de wereld en wat maakt ons uniek? Strategy formulation Welke businesses kiezen we wel en niet en Strategy he Hoe organiseren we ons en welke leiders zjn Leiden University. The university to