ACADEMIA SUMMARIES STUDENT SOLUTIONS MANUAL The original paper contains 28 sections, with 10 passages identified by our machine learning algorithms as central to this paper. Paper Summary SUMMARY PASSAGE 1 C3.5 (iii) No. We are interested in the coefficient on log(employ), which has a t statistic of .2, which is very small. Therefore, we conclude that the size of the firm, as measured by employees, does not matter, once we control for training and sales per employee (in a logarithmic functional form). SUMMARY PASSAGE 2 Solutions To Computer Exercises ≈ (iv) The coefficient on [log(dist)] 2 , when it is added to the model estimated in part (iii), is about .0365, but its t statistic is only about -.33. Therefore, it is not necessary to add this complication. SUMMARY PASSAGE 3 (I) Because the estimate depends on two coefficients, we cannot construct a t statistic from the information given. The easiest approach is to define dummy variables for three of the four race/gender categories and choose nonblack females as the base group. We can then obtain the t statistic we want as the coefficient on the black female dummy variable. SUMMARY PASSAGE 4 C7.5 The Estimated Equation Is It shows that the effect of 401(k) eligibility on financial wealth increases with age. Another way to think about it is that age has a stronger positive effect on nettfa for those with 401(k) eligibility. The coefficient on e401k⋅(age − 41) 2 is −.0038 (t statistic = −.33), so we could drop this term. SUMMARY PASSAGE 5 Solutions To Computer Exercises (ii) The simple regression estimates using the 1988 data are ≈ grant β < 0 at the 5% level. SUMMARY PASSAGE 6 (I) There Is Substantial Serial Correlation In The Errors Of The Equation, And The Ols Standard Errors Almost Certainly Underestimate The True Standard Deviation In ˆE (vi) The coefficient on is only .042, and its t statistic is barely above one (t = 1.09). Therefore, an ARCH(2) model does not seem warranted. The adjusted R-squared is about .113, so the ARCH(2) fits worse than the model estimated in part (ii). SUMMARY PASSAGE 7 (I) From Equation (ii) From equation (15.20) with σ u = σ x , plim 1 β = β 1 + Corr(x,u), where 1 β is the OLS estimator. So we would have to have Corr(x,u) > .5 before the asymptotic bias in OLS exceeds that of IV. This is a simple illustration of how a seemingly small correlation (.1 in this case) between the IV (z) and error (u) can still result in IV being more biased than OLS if the correlation between z and x is weak (.2). SUMMARY PASSAGE 8 C16.5 We need π 10 ≠0 for Δlog(taxpc it ) to be a reasonable IV candidate for Δlog(polpc it ). When we estimate this equation by pooled OLS (N = 90, T = 6 for n = 540), we obtain 10 π = .0052 with a t statistic of only .080. Therefore, Δlog(taxpc it ) is not a good IV for Δlog(polpc it ). SUMMARY PASSAGE 9 Solutions To Computer Exercises where Φ(⋅) denotes the standard normal cdf, if β 0 = 0 then P(favwin = 1|spread) = Φ(β 1 spread) and, in particular, P(favwin = 1|spread = 0) = Φ(0) = .5. This is the analog of testing whether the intercept is .5 in the LPM. From the table, the t statistic for testing H 0 : β 0 = 0 is only about -.102, so we do not reject H 0 . SUMMARY PASSAGE 10 C17.5 (I) The Then 1 θ = −.16. To obtain the t statistic, I write β 2 = θ 1 − β 1 , plug in, and rearrange. This results in doing Tobit of ecolbs on (ecoprc − regprc), regprc, faminc, and hhsize.