COMPETENCY BASED LEARNING MATERIAL Sector: CONSUMER ELECTRONICS Qualification: ELECTRONICS PRODUCTS ASSEMBLY AND SERVICING NC II Unit of Competency: SERVICE ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS AND SYSTEMS Module Title: SERVICING ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS AND SYSTEMS TECHNICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY QUEZON NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL Malicboy,Pagbilao, Quezon Table of Content How to Use this Module .................................................................................... i Introduction ..................................................................................................... ii Technical Terms ...............................................................................................iii Learning Outcome 1: Identify the Functions of the Parts of a Microwave Oven ................................... 1 Information Sheet 1.1 ............................................................................. 3 Student-Check 1.1.................................................................................. 6 Student-Check Key 1.1 ........................................................................... 8 Learning Outcome 2: Diagnose a microwave oven and troubleshoot defects found ............................. 9 Information Sheet 2.1 ........................................................................... 11 Operation Sheet 2.1............................................................................ 13 Job Sheet ............................................................................................. 15 Learning Outcome 2: Maintain and repair a microwave oven ........................................................... 16 Information Sheet 3.1 ........................................................................... 18 Operation Sheet 3.1 .............................................................................. 20 Operation Sheet 3.2 .............................................................................. 23 Job Sheet ............................................................................................. 26 Assessment Plan ............................................................................................ 27 Performance Test ........................................................................................... 37 HOW TO USE THIS MODULE Welcome to the Module “Servicing Electronic Products And Systems”. This module contains training materials and activities for you to complete. The unit of competency “Service Electronic Products and Systems” contains the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing required to obtain the National Certificate (NC) level II. You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order to complete each of the learning outcomes of the module. In each learning outcome there are Information Sheets, Job Sheets, and Operation Sheets. Do these activities on your own and answer the Self-Check at the end of each learning activity. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask your teacher for assistance. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) You have already some basic knowledge and skills covered in this module because you have been working for some time; and already completed training in this area. If you can demonstrate competence to your teacher in a particular skill, talk to your teacher so you don’t have to undergo the same training again. If you have a qualification or Certificate of Competency from previous trainings show it to him/her. If the skills you acquired are consistent with and relevant to this module, they become part of the evidence. You can present these for RPL. If you are not sure about your competence skills, discuss this with your teacher. After completing this module, ask your teacher to assess your competence. Result of your assessment will be recorded in your competency profile. All the learning activities are designed for you to complete at your own pace. In this module, you will find the activities for you to complete and relevant information sheets for each learning outcome. Each learning outcome may have more than one learning activity. This module is prepared to help you achieve the required competency, in receiving and relaying information. This will be the source of information that will enable you to acquire the knowledge and skills in “Maintain and Repair Electronically-Controlled Domestic Appliances” independently at your own pace with minimum supervision from your teacher. Program/Course: CONSUMER ELECTRONIC SERVICING NC II Unit of Competency: MAINTAIN AND REPAIR ELECTRONICALLYCONTROLLED DOMESTIC APPLIANCES Module Title: MAINTAINING AND REPAIRING A MICROWAVE OVEN INTRODUCTION: This module contains information and suggested learning activities on Maintaining and Repairing a Microwave Oven. It covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to maintain and repair this home appliance. Completion of this module will help you better understand the succeeding module on maintaining and repairing electronically-controlled domestic appliances. This module consists of three (3) learning outcomes. Each learning outcome contains learning activities supported by instructional sheets. Before you perform the instructions, read the information sheets and answer the self-check and activities provided to ascertain to yourself and your teacher that you have acquired the knowledge necessary to perform the skill portion of the particular learning outcome. Upon completing this module, report to your teacher for assessment to check your achievement of knowledge and skills requirements of this module. If you pass the assessment, you will be given a certificate of completion. SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the module the students should be able to: LO1 Identify the functions of the parts of a microwave oven. LO2 Diagnose a microwave oven and troubleshoot defects found LO3 Maintain and repair a microwave oven. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Refer to assessment criteria of learning outcomes 1-3 of this module. PREREQUISITES: Using Hand Tools Preparing and Interpreting Technical Drawing Used in Electronics Connecting and Terminating Electronics Circuit Applying Quality Standards TECHNICAL TERMS Cathode AC Voltage Alternating Current Anode Bridge Rectifier Calibration Capacitor AC/DC Color Code DC Power Supply Diode Electrolytic Cap. Full Wave Rectifier Fuse Half Wave Rectifier Leakage Light Emitting Diode Output Power Supply Primary Printed Circuit Board Rectification Rectifier Regulated - The negative terminal electrode of a device. The “N” terminal in a junction diode. - A voltage in which the polarity alternates. - An electric current that rises to a maximum in one direction, falls back to zero and then rises to a maximum in the opposite direction and then repeats. - The positive electrode or terminal of a device. The “P” material of a diode. - A circuit using four diodes to provide full wave rectification. Converts AC voltage to a pulsating DC voltage. - To adjust the correct value of a reading by comparison to a standard. - An electronic component having capacitive reactance. - Equipment that will operate on either an AC or DC power source. - Set of colors used to indicate value of a component. - Any source of DC power for electrical equipment. - A two terminal device that conducts in only one direction. - It is used to filter the current flowing in the circuit. - The rectifier that makes use of the full ac wave in both positive and negative half cycles. - A protective device in the current path that melts or breaks when current exceeds a predetermined maximum value. - A diode rectifier that converts AC to pulsating DC by eliminating either the negative or positive alternation of each input AC cycle. - Small undesirable flow of current through an insulator or dielectric. - A semiconductor diode that converts electric energy into electromagnetic radiation at a visible and near infrared frequencies when its pn junction is forward bias. - Terminal at which a component, circuit or piece of equipment delivers current, voltage or power. - Electrical equipment used to deliver either AC or DC voltage. - First winding of a transformer. Winding that is connected to the source as opposed to secondary which is a winding connected to a load. - Insulating board containing conductive tracks for circuit connections. - Process that converts alternating current to direct current. - Diode circuit that converts AC to pulsating DC. - Power supply that maintains a constant output voltage Power Supply Resistor Rotary Switch Schematic Diagram Secondary Short Circuit Solder Soldering Soldering Iron Substrate Switch Test Transformer Troubleshootin g Volt-OhmMeter under changing load condition. - Component made of material that opposes the flow of current and therefore has some value of resistance. - Electromechanical device that has a rotating shaft connected to one terminal capable of making, breaking a connection to one or more other terminals. - Illustration of an electrical or electronic circuit with the components represented by their symbol. - Output winding of a transformer. Winding that is connected to a load. - Also called a short. Low resistance connection between two points in a circuit typically causing excessive current. - Metallic alloy used to join two metal surfaces. - Process of joining two metallic surfaces to make an electrical contact by melting solder (tin and lead) across them. - Tool with an internal heating element used to heat surfaces being soldered to the point where the solder becomes molten. - Mechanical insulating support upon which a device is fabricated. - Electrical device having two states, ON (closed) or OFF (open). - Sequence of operations intended to verify the correct operation or malfunctioning of a piece of equipment or system. - Inductor with two or more windings. - Systematic approach to locate the cause of a fault in an electronic circuit or system. - Known as a multitester. A test equipment used to check AC, DC voltages, current in a circuit and resistance of any components out of the circuit. Program/Course: CONSUMER ELECTRONIC SERVICING NC II Unit of Competency: MAINTAIN AND REPAIR ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED DOMESTIC APPLIANCES Module Title: MAINTAINING AND REPAIRING A MICROWAVE OVEN Learning Outcome 1: Identify the functions of the parts of a microwave oven. Assessment Criteria 1. Operation of microwave oven. 2. Parts of a microwave oven. 3. Functions of its parts. LEARNING EXPERIENCES/ACTIVITIES Learning Activities Special Instructions 1. Read the attached Information Sheet 1.1 on microwave oven. 2. Answer Self Check 1.1 3. Compare your answer to the model answer. Self Check 1.1 4. If you missed some of the questions, go back again to Information Sheet 1.1. 5. If you have answered the questions, you are ready to proceed to learning outcome 2. Try to answer the Self-Check 1.1 without looking at the Information Sheet. INFORMATION SHEET 1.1 Operation of Microwave Oven Microwave oven Is a kitchen appliance that can come in many different sizes and styles employing microwave radiation primarily to cook or heat food.This is accomplished by using microwaves, almost always emitted from a magnetron, to excite water (primarily) and other polarized molecules within the food to be heated. How the microwave operates? Microwave ovens are generally used for time efficiency in both industrial applications such as restaurants and at home, rather than for cooking quality, although some modern recipes using microwave ovens rival recipes using traditional ovens and stoves, they have a central heated anode, which is the source of electrons, several identical tuned cavities, a very strong magnet and a small antenna to extract the energy. They are usually made from metal, but operate on the same principles that glass thermionic valves do. Major Parts and its Functions High voltage Capacitor A major concern in the operation of high voltage capacitors is the failure mode at end of life. While progress has been made in this area at lower voltages, little has changed for high current capacitors operating above 30 kV in steady state and pulsed power applications. Magnetron The magnetron is a device for producing microwave radiation from electricity. A variation on this device, called the cavity magnetron is usually used as the microwave energy source in your microwave oven. It can also be used as the microwave source in a pulsed radar. High voltage transformer is the "muscle" of the microwave oven. With an input of 120 VAC (or 240 VAC in many commercial models) applied to the primary winding, the high-voltage transformer (also referred to as power or plate transformer) steps up that primary voltage to a very high voltage. This high voltage is then boosted even higher by the voltage-doubling action of the capacitor and diode Varistor is a type of resistor with a significantly non-ohmic currentvoltage characteristic. The name is a portmanteau of variable resistor*, which is misleading since it is not continuously user-variable like a potentiometer or rheostat, and is not a resistor but in fact a capacitor. Varistors are often used to protect circuits against excessive voltage by acting. Fuse A wire, bar, or strip of fusible metal inserted for safety in an electric circuit. When the current increases beyond a certain safe strength, the metal melts, interrupting the circuit and thereby preventing possibility of damage. High voltage diode A high voltage diode has a lamellar structured body of semiconductor material. The lamellar structure is produced by the thermal gradient zone melting process method of migrating metal "wires" through the body to form a plurality of spaced regions of conductivity opposite to that of the body. The material of the spaced Latch switch A switch having a bimetal latch for locking a resilient contact in a closed circuit position, and a heating coil for activation of the latch to release the contact. Oven lamp A lamp which indicates that the unit has power. SELF-CHECK 1.1 Complete the table below: Note: Write your answer on another sheet of paper. Part name Description has a lamellar 1.__________________ structured body of semiconductor material. is the "muscle" of the 2.__________________ microwave oven. is a device for producing microwave 3.__________________ radiation from electricity. A major concern in the 4.__________________ operation of high voltage capacitors is the failure mode at end of life. Picture A wire, bar, or strip of 5.__________________ fusible metal inserted for safety in an electric circuit. Is a type of resistor with 6._________________ a significantly nonohmic current-voltage characteristic. A switch having a 7._________________ bimetal latch for locking a resilient contact in a closed circuit position, 8-10. Given an actual microwave oven, identify its parts. Ask your teacher to provide you with a microwave. (at least 3 major parts) Note: Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. Do not write anything on the module SELF CHECK KEY 1.1 1.) high voltage diode 2.) high voltage transformer 3.) magnetron 4.) high voltage capacitor 5.) fuse 6.) varistor 7.) latch switch 8-10) any of the following: High voltage transformer High voltage diode High voltage capacitor Magnetron Fuse Varistor Latch switch Oven lamp Program/Course: CONSUMER ELECTRONIC SERVICING NC II Unit of Competency: MAINTAIN AND REPAIR ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED DOMESTIC APPLIANCES Module Title: MAINTAINING AND REPAIRING A MICROWAVE OVEN Learning Outcome 2: Diagnose a microwave oven and troubleshoot the defect found. Assessment Criteria 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pre-testing procedure is performing in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction. System defects/fault symptoms are identified using appropriate tools and equipment. Identified defects and faults are explained to the responsible person. Results of diagnosis and testing are documented. Troubleshooting is performed in accordance with the service manual. LEARNING EXPERIENCES/ACTIVITIES Learning Activities Read information Sheet #3B-21 on microwave oven. Read Operation sheet#8-B-2-1. Perform the Job Sheet# 8-B-21. Read Operation sheet#8-B-2-2 Answer assessment plan If you have answered the questions perfectly by YES, you are ready to precede to learning outcome #3. Special Instructions Try to answer the Self-Check materials without looking at the information sheet. INFORMATION SHEET 2.1 Faults and Trouble of a Microwave oven Trouble No power Cause Inspection Remedy Overload Using High voltage multitasked component transformer is check continuity testing continuously of the ff. parts operated for a.) fuse defective parts, more than 3 hrs. b.) diode Refer next c.) high voltage Learning capacitor outcome Refer to Replace repairing procedure Doesn’t light Oven lamp is Check oven lamp continuously Replaced busted oven lamp operated for more than 3hrs. W/power no display Foreign Visual check materials short Using multitester programmer to the circuit check continuity circuit assy. Replaced digital board W/power doesn’t heat Defective Using multitester magnetron check continuity component of magnetron testing Refer procedure Explain to customer the microwave magnetron is unfunctional Tools Used in pre-testing a microwave oven VOM (multitester) Instructional/Operational Manual Screw Driver Pliers Side cutting pliers Long nose pliers Pre-testing procedure of a microwave oven If………. Unit cannot be Possible cause turn on is Ac power cord How to fix property plug in? Visual check ac power cord if there is loose in the power plug Unit does not operate when turn on Is the plug connected Plug-in properly Push front properly? Is the front cover properly close cover/ front lid properly OPERATION SHEET 2.1 Troubleshooting Procedure of a Microwave Oven Procedure: Unlike many other appliances, the microwave oven is high voltage, highcurrent equipment. Though it is free from danger in ordinary use, extreme care should be taken during repair. Caution 1.) Serviceman should remove their watches whenever working close to or replacing the magnetron. Checking the earthing 2.) Do not operate on a 2 wire extension cord. The microwave oven is design to be used in a completely earthed condition. It is imperative, therefore, to make sure it is properly earthed before beginning repair work. If the door lock, the door switch, the door seal or the door develops a malfunction, be sure not to operate the oven until complete repairs are made 3.) If the oven is operated with any of these parts in imperfect condition, hazardous microwave leakage might occur. WARNING Never operate the oven until the following are confirmed: The door is tightly closed. There is no broken hinge or door arm. The door seal is not damaged. The door is not bent or warped. There is no other visible damage. Warning about the electric charge in the high voltage capacitor For about 30 seconds after the oven is turn-off, an electric charge remains in the high voltage capacitor. When replacing or checking parts, remove the power plug from the outlet and the short terminal of the high voltage capacitor( terminal of lead wire from diode ) to chassis ground with an insulated handle screwdriver to discharge. WARNING 4.) There is high-voltage present, with high current capabilities in the circuits of the high voltage winding and filament winding of the high voltage transformer. It is extremely dangerous to work on or near these circuits with oven energized. DO NOT measure the voltage in the high voltage circuit including filament voltage in the high voltage circuit including filament voltage of magnetron. WARNING 5.) Never touch any circuit wiring with your hand nor with an insulated tool during operation When parts must be replaced, remove the power plug from the outlet. When the 10amp/2.5amp fuse is blown due to the operation of short switch WARNING 5.) When the 10 amp/2.5 amp fuse is blown due to operation of the interlock monitor switch, door switch, short switch and power relay B (RY1) When replacing the fuse, confirm that it has the appropriate rating for these models. When replacing faulty switches, be sure mounting tabs are not bent. 6.) Avoid inserting nails, wire, etc. through any holes in the unit during operation, because such objects may work as an antenna and cause microwave leakage Confirm After repair 7.) Make sure that all electrical connections are tight before inserting the plug into the wall outlet and check any energy leakage of a microwave. Use caution not to become exposed to radiation from the microwave magnetron or other parts conducting microwave energy. JOB SHEET 2.1 Result of Diagnosis and Testing Fill-out the following table: Brand: ___________________ Model #:__________________ Serial#:___________________ Trouble Possible Possible affected Possible cause of components/parts remedy trouble 1._______________ 2._______________ 3._______________ 4._______________ 5._______________ Program/Course: CONSUMER ELECTRONIC SERVICING NC II Unit of Competency: MAINTAIN AND REPAIR ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED DOMESTIC APPLIANCES Module Title: MAINTAINING AND REPAIRING A MICROWAVE OVEN LEARNING EXPERIENCES/ACTIVITIES Learning Activities Special Instructions 1. Read the Operation Sheet3.1 on food blender. 2. Read information Sheet 3.1 3. Read Operation Sheet 3.2 4. Perform the Job Sheet 3.1 5. Answer assessment plan, missed some of the question, go back again. 6. If you have answered the assessment plan with perfectly yes, you are ready to proceed to the next module. Try to answer all the Self Check 3.1 without looking at the Information sheet. INFORMATION SHEET 1.1 SPECIFICATION OF REPLACEMENT PARTS OPERATION SHEET 3.1 COMPONENT CHECKING AND REPLACEMENT 1.)PRIMARY LATCH SWITCH, (DOOR SWITCH AND POWER RELAY B INTERLOCKS. Unplug lead connectors to primary latch switch and door switch Test the continuity of the circuit of door opened and closed position Normal continuity readings should be as follows Door open Door closed Primary latch switch ∞ Ω (open) 0 Ω (close) Door switch ∞ Ω (open) 0 Ω (close) Power relay b ∞ Ω (open) ∞ Ω (open) 2.) SHORT SWITCH AND MONITOR Test continuity of switches at door opened and closed positions using the lowest scale of the ohmmeter. Normal continuity readings should be as follows Door opened Door closed 0Ω 0Ω 3.)HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER Normal resistance readings should be as follows: Secondary winding Approx. 60 Ω-120 Ω Filament winding Approx. 0 Ω Primary winding Approx. 0 Ω - 2 Ω 4.) HIGH VOLTAGE CAPACITOR Normal capacitor will show continuity for a short time, and then indicate 9MΩ once the capacitor is charged. 5.) MAGNETRON A continuity check across magnetron filament terminals should indicate one ohm or less. A continuity check between each filament terminal and magnetron case should read open. 6.) DIODE Disconnect the two leads connected to the diode terminal and a normal diode’s resistance will be infinite in one direction and several hundreds kΩ in the other direction. 7.) PROTECTOR DIODE A normal protector diode’s resistance will be infinite in both directions. If it is faulty it shows continuity in one or both directions. OPERATION SHEET 3.2 Maintain and repair a microwave oven MAGNETRON After replacement of the magnetron Tighten mounting screws properly making Making sure there is no gap between the waveguide and the magnetron to prevent microwave leakage. DIGITAL PROGRAMMER CIRCUIT (D.P.C) AND MEMBRANE KEYBOARD The membrane key board is attached to the escutcheon base with double faced adhesive tape. Therefore applying hot air such as using a hair dryer is recommended for smoother removal. When installing new membrane keyboard, make sure that the surface of escutcheon base is cleaned sufficiently so that any problemscan be avoided. Alignment position of membrane key board; membrane keyboard; right and upper edges Escutcheon sheet: right and upper edges. LOW VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER Be sure to ground any static electric charge built up on your body before handling the D.P.C. Do not use soldering iron or disoldering tool of more the than 30watts on D.P.C contacts. TEMPERATURE SENSOR (thermal protector) Remove 1 screw holding the temperature sensor and replace with new one. Solder the lead wires securely to the sensor terminals. FAN MOTOR Remove 5 screws holding fan motor shaft by pulling it straight out. Separate the fan motor from the orifice. DOOR ASSEMBLY After replacement of defective component parts of the door, be sure that the door assy. is properly mounted, microwave power may leak from the clearance between the door and oven if the door assembly is not mounted properly. STIPPER MOTOR Removing and reinstalling the motor cover Use 4x6 screw FLOR SHELF AND/OR MOVING ANTENNA When replacing the moving antenna . make sure the plastic stipper spacers are correctly in place they are necessary to stabilized the antenna by gliding around the oven bottom as the antenna turns. JOB SHEET 3.1 Repairing a Microwave Oven Fill up the following table: Student Name: ______________________________ Blender model: _____________________________ Serial no: __________________________________ Direction: By using a defective microwave oven, fill-up the following table Trouble Cause of trouble Affected components Description of Components Possible Remedy ASSESSMENT PLAN Evidence Checklist MAINTAINING AND REPAIRING A MICROWAVE OVEN The evidence must show that the student … Operation of microwave oven. Parts of a microwave oven. Functions of its parts. Pre-testing procedure is performing in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction. System defects/fault symptoms are identified using appropriate tools and equipment. Identified defects and faults are explained to the responsible person. Results of diagnosis and testing are documented. Troubleshooting is performed in accordance with the service manual Defective Parts/ components are replaced with identical or recommended appropriate equivalents ratings. Repaired or replaced parts/ components are soldered /mounted in specified location. Control setting/adjustment are performed in conformity with service manual specification. Repaired activity is performed within the required time frame. Personal Protective Equipment is used in accordance with occupational health and safety practices. Written Ways in which evidence will be collected: [tick the column] Portfolio Title of Module Demonstration MAINTAIN AND REPAIR ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED DOMESTIC APPLIANCES Third party Report Unit of competency: Oral Questioning CONSUMER ELECTRONIC SERVICING NC II Observation Competency standard: x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x NOTE: Critical aspects of competency Prepared by: Date: Checked by: Date: Observation Checklist Candidate’s name: Facilitator’s name: Assessment Center Competency standards Unit of competency: Instructions for the assessor: 1. Observe the candidate in Maintain and Repair Microwave oven. Describe the assessment activity and the date on which it was undertaken. 2. Place a tick in the box to show that the candidate completed each aspect of the activity to the standard expected in the enterprise. 3. Complete the feedback sections of the form. Date of observation Description of assessment activity Location of assessment activity The student…. Operation of microwave oven. Parts of a microwave oven. Functions of its parts. Pre-testing procedure is performing in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction. System defects/fault symptoms are identified using appropriate tools and equipment. Identified defects and faults are explained to the responsible person. Results of diagnosis and testing are documented. Troubleshooting is performed in accordance with the service manual Personal Protective Equipment is used in accordance with occupational health and safety practices. . Defective Parts/ components are replaced with identical or recommended appropriate equivalents ratings. Repaired or replaced parts/ components are soldered /mounted in specified location. Control setting/adjustment are performed in conformity with service manual specification. Repaired activity is performed within the required time frame. Did the candidate’s overall performance meet the standard? If yes, tick the box Yes Feedback to student’s: Trainer’s signature: Date: No Observation and Questioning Checklist Candidate’s name: Facilitator’s name: Assessment Center Competency standards Unit of competency: Instructions for the assessor: 1. Observe the candidate in Maintain and Repair Microwave oven 2. Describe the assessment activity and the date on which it was undertaken. 3. Place a tick in the box to show that the candidate completed each aspect of the activity to the standard expected in the enterprise. 4. Ask the candidate a selection of the questions from the attached list to confirm his/her underpinning knowledge 5. Place a tick in the box to show that the candidate answered the questions correctly. 6. Complete the feedback sections of the form. Date of observation Description of assessment activity Location of assessment activity The student…. Operation of microwave oven. Parts of a microwave oven. Functions of its parts. Pre-testing procedure is performing in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction. System defects/fault symptoms are identified using appropriate tools and equipment. Identified defects and faults are explained to the responsible person. Results of diagnosis and testing are documented. Troubleshooting is performed in accordance with the service manual Personal Protective Equipment is used in accordance with occupational health and safety practices. . Defective Parts/ components are replaced with identical or recommended appropriate equivalents ratings. Repaired or replaced parts/ components are soldered /mounted in specified location. Control setting/adjustment are performed in conformity with service manual specification. Repaired activity is performed within the required time frame. Did the student’s overall performance meet the standard? If yes, tick the box Yes No Demonstration Candidate’s name: Assessor’s name: Unit of competency: Competency standards: Date of assessment: Time of assessment: Instructions for demonstration Given the necessary materials the trainee/student must be able to: Materials and equipment: to show if evidence is demonstrated During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate: Operation of microwave oven. Parts of a microwave oven. Functions of its parts. Pre-testing procedure is performing in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction. System defects/fault symptoms are identified using appropriate tools and equipment. Identified defects and faults are explained to the responsible person. Results of diagnosis and testing are documented. Troubleshooting is performed in accordance with the service manual Personal Protective Equipment is used in accordance with occupational health and safety practices. . Defective Parts/ components are replaced with identical or recommended appropriate equivalents ratings. Repaired or replaced parts/ components are soldered /mounted in specified location. Control setting/adjustment are performed in conformity with service manual specification. Repaired activity is performed within the required time frame. Yes No The student’s demonstration was: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Written report Candidate’s name: Facilitator’s name: Assessment Center Competency standards Unit of competency: Task: Your task is to: Maintaining and repairing microwave oven Submission date: Use the checklist below as a basis for judging whether the student’s report meets the required competency standards. The student’s report…. Operation of microwave oven. Parts of a microwave oven. Functions of its parts. Pre-testing procedure is performing in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction. System defects/fault symptoms are identified using appropriate tools and equipment. Identified defects and faults are explained to the responsible person. Results of diagnosis and testing are documented. If yes, tick the box Troubleshooting is performed in accordance with the service manual Personal Protective Equipment is used in accordance with occupational health and safety practices. . Defective Parts/ components are replaced with identical or recommended appropriate equivalents ratings. Repaired or replaced parts/ components are soldered /mounted in specified location. Control setting/adjustment are performed in conformity with service manual specification. Repaired activity is performed within the required time frame. Overall did the Student’s report meet the standard? Yes Comments: Candidate’s signature: Date: Trainer’s signature: Date: No