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PDMS Training Guide

Plant Design Management System Training Guide
Plant Design Management System
Doc No: 9100-02-22-110-A4-Rev0
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Plant Design Management System Training Guide
Introduction to PDMS............................................................................................................3
Equipment Application........................................................................................................34
Piping Application................................................................................................................44
Structural Application..........................................................................................................57
Cable Trays..........................................................................................................................76
HVAC Designer...................................................................................................................81
APPENDIX A....................................................................................................................161
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Introduction to PDMS
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Plant Design Management System Training Guide
PDMS is part of AVEVA’s VANTAGE suite of Plant Design products.
What does PDMS offer?
1. Full size, 3-D modeling system
2. Design based on specification driven catalogues
3. Concurrent user accesses within a single project.
4. Multi-discipline environment
5. On-line 3D Clash detection
6. Design consistency check
7. Automated Isometrics
8. Report generation
9. Drawing extraction & management
DXF and IGES drawing exchange
Programmable Macro Language
User Definable attributes
Interfaces to third party software
Modules of PDMS (Sorted Alphabetically)
PDMS is split into a number of modules which are used at different stages in the
plant design process.
: Used by Project coordinator or administrator to control /
monitor a Project in terms of areas, teams, users,
modules and database.
: 3-D modeling module using which structures, Equipment,
Pipe work, Cable trays, HVAC components, can be
modeled. It also has a Pipe spooling applications and
Hangers & Supports Application.
: Module for creation of orthographic drawings.
: Used to produce automated Isometrics with Bill of
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: To define User Defined Attributes.
: This is an entry-level module, which monitors the entire
project, gives proper notification to users about their
access rights as defined by the administrator. As soon
as a user logs into PDMS, he enters MONITOR module.
This module controls the entry and exit of users from
: Used to create or modify Catalogues and Specifications
for piping elements, structural elements, nozzles and
hangers & supports. Provides an user interface for
creation of specifications also.
: Used to create or modify Properties DB, wherein the
engineering application can be stored. These properties
: Used to create specifications, but does not provide an
user interface.
: This is the Pipe work Spooling module, it allow splitting
the pipe work design into logical sections (Spools) ready
for fabrication.
The PDMS databases
The overall purpose of PDMS is the controlled creation of a complete three–
dimensional process plant design model using computer–simulation techniques.
All information which exists about a PDMS design project, whether administrative
or technical, is stored in a series of hierarchical databases. Use of the various
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PDMS modules allows you to create, modify and extract information from these
The Database Types
The Project
A PDMS Project consists of the complete collection of information which relates to
a single design project. This is identified by a three‐character name, allocated by
the Project Administrator when the project is first initiated. This name is used to
identify the project to the system whenever you wish to work in the project using
PDMS. This allows access rights and use of system resources to be monitored
and controlled
There are 10 different types of database which can go to make up a complete
Design and Drawing Databases:
DESIGN database
It contains all information regarding the 3-D model being
developed. This DB will have references to all other DB’s
to access information.
PADD database
Stands for Production of Annotated and Dimensioned
ISOD database
It contains all information of spool drawings produced by
SPOOLER. It Supports Iso-draft Module.
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Reference Database:
CATALOGUE database
components and structural profiles/fitting etc.,
Details of connection types
Bolting Data
It contains Definitions for User Defined Attributes
It contains all Material property data normally used for
stress analysis
Administration Databases:
Each PDMS module requires access to one or more specific database types, and
SYSTEM database
It contains all Information about modules, databases,
users, teams etc.
COMMS database
It contains all information on current users - for the
STATUS and SYSTAT commands
MISC database
It contains all data for inter-user messages and interdb macros
To enable the System Administrator to monitor the
progress of Global commands, transaction messages
are generated in the database each time the progress
of the command changes.
entry to the module may be prevented if appropriate databases do not exist or if
you don’t have the appropriate access rights. New databases can only be
created by the Project Administrator.
The relationships between databases
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In order that each user can see the required design components modeled by other
users and refer to the common catalogue, property and user defined attribute data,
the Design and Reference databases are grouped together into a Multiple
Multiple databases (MDBs)
When a PDMS project is set up by the Project Administrator, groups of databases
are defined for particular purposes. For example, the members of any design team
will need access to those databases containing the parts of the design data for
which that team is responsible plus some of the Catalogue and Drawing
databases. Such a group of databases is known as a Multiple Database or MDB.
There would usually be several MDBs for a project, each defining specific groups
of databases, for users with different tasks to perform.
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Design Database Hierarchy
The database is hierarchical, a tree like structure, as illustrated below.
The PDMS Design Database Hierarchy
In this hierarchical structure all the database elements are owned by other
elements, with the exception of the WORLD. Elements that are owned by another
element, e.g. a ZONE is owned by a SITE, are said to be members of the owning
element, e.g. The ZONE is a member of the SITE.
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Now, let us use the computer,
Assuming PDMS has been correctly installed on your workstation, start PDMS by
selecting (for example)
11.6>Run PDMS; two command windows and a ‘splash screen’ will appear
briefly. The VANTAGE PDMS Login form that appears requires you to
specify a number of details at the outset of your session.
Project is the project you will be working on (for example, SAM). Type in, or select
from the pull‐down list, pressing Enter in each case.
Username will have been allocated to you by your Administrator. Type in, or select
from the pull‐down list, pressing Enter in each case.
Password will have been allocated to you by your Administrator; type in.
MDB is the multiple databases within the given Project that you wish to use. Type
in, or select from the pull‐down list, pressing Enter in each case. Make sure that
you leave the Read Only box unchecked if you wish to modify the database as you
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Module is the PDMS module that you wish to use. Type in, or select from the pull‐
down list, pressing Enter in each case.
Use Load from to specify which setup files to load at startup. You can choose
either the application default settings (Load from Macro Files) or a customized
setup saved during an earlier session (Load from Binary Files).
Click on the
button to enter the PDMS module that you wish to use.
When PDMS has loaded, your screen looks like this:
As labeled above, the display comprises the following:
Title Bar
This shows the current PDMS module, and its sub-application if
Main Menu Bar
This is the area you use to make menu selections.
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Main Tool Bar
This has a number of icon buttons and drop-down lists that offer
shortcuts to a selection common PDMS operations and standard
Design Explorer This shows your current position in the PDMS database
hierarchy. To move to a different point in the database, you click on the
appropriate item in the list.
Members List
As with the Design Explorer, the Members List displays the database elements
in the current MDB.
There are a number of ways to navigate from one item to another. The and arrows
at the top of the Members List allow navigation up and down the list at the level of
the current element. For example, if positioned at an EQUI element, selecting
would move to the next EQUI element in the list. Selecting would move back to the
previous EQUI element.
The Goto menu at the top of the form can also be used. First select this menu,
then select the Owner option, this will navigate to the owner of the CE.
Choosing the Goto>Reference option will give a list of further options depending
on the Current Element. Goto>Reference at EQUI level will only navigate to its
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owner, i.e. a ZONE. If the current element were a nozzle (NOZZ) then
Goto>Reference would allow navigation inside the catalogue database via the
NOZZ’s Catref attribute.
Command Window
PDMS commands can be typed in when using PDMS via the Display>Command
Line… menu selection, which gives the Command Window:
To give a command, click in the Command> text entry box, type in the command,
and press Enter. The scrollable list shows the command(s) entered and any
resulting output from PDMS (including error messages).
Command editing aids are available:
• Clicking on a line in the scrollable list area copies that line to the Command >
• Command syntax in the Command> box can be edited using the Delete and
Backspace keys in the normal way.
• Highlighting some or all of the text in the Command> box and pressing the right
mouse button gives useful Windows editing commands (Cut, Copy, Paste,
Delete, Undo).
3D Graphical View This is the window in which you display the design model
graphically as you build it. A pop-up menu (which you access with the right-hand
mouse button) enables you to control how the model is represented. This window
also has its own tool bar.
Status Bar This displays information about the current status of your operations.
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You can reposition or minimize these windows at any time using standard window
management facilities.
Draw list
To view the Draw List, select the option Display>Draw List from the main menu
bar. You specify which elements of your design you wish to display, by adding
them to or removing them from the draw list.
The sample database associated with this exercise represents the whole of a
simple building.
Select Display>Draw List from the main menu bar. You should see the Draw List
come up in a separate floating window. If you wish, you can dock this window.
Make sure that in the Design Explorer you have expanded any element to display
the Graphics below it.
Pick the Selected element from the design element hierarchy, right-click the
mouse and select 3D View>Add. This adds selected elements to the Draw List as
well as to Graphical View window
Alternatively, you can click the right or left mouse-button and drag-and-drop the
element into the 3D View.
One of the Example Shown Below to explain the draw list
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On the Draw List, click on the HVACFLOOR element. You can now use the
controls in the Draw List to set the color from the popup palette. Make the floor
Black. (See the online help for the Design Explorer for details of how to do this).
Now pick the HVACWALLS Structure from the design element hierarchy and add it
to the draw list in the same way. Set the color of the walls to aquamarine.
Use the same method to add:
• HVACCOLS (columns) in green
• HVACBEAMS in blue.
Do not add HVACROOF at this stage.
Your building now looks like this:
Observe the effect of selecting different view directions from the Look and
Isometric menu options provided by the 3D View shortcut menu. Revert to ISO>3
when you have finished.
Manipulating the displayed view
You can manipulate the displayed model view in a number of ways. The three
view manipulation modes are:
• Rotate the view
• Pan the view across the display area
• Zoom in or out to magnify or reduce the view.
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The current manipulation mode is shown in the status line at the bottom of the 3D
View window, and is currently set to Rotate, as shown in the previous illustration.
To change the view manipulation mode, look at the Middle Button Drag options
on the 3D View shortcut menu. By pressing and holding down the middle mouse
button with the pointer within the 3D View, the view can manipulated in the
selected way simply by moving the mouse. The options of interest are Zoom
Rectangle, Zoom In/Out, Pan and Rotate.
Alternatively, you can change the manipulation mode by pressing one of the
function keys, or by using the View Manipulation tool bar buttons, thus:
F2 or selects Zoom mode
F3 or selects Pan Mode
F5 or selects Rotate mode
(Try these selection options and observe the effect on the Middle Button Drag
shortcut menu; a tick appears against the selected option).
You can also choose the view manipulation mode from the options on the
View>Middle Button>Drag menu.
Perform the operations while holding down the Ctrl key. Note that the
Word Fast appears in the status line and that the rate of action is increased.
Perform the operations while holding down first the Control key (to increase the
action speed) and then the Shift key (to decrease the action speed).
In the 3D View tool bar, click on the Limits CE button, this adjusts the scale of the
view automatically such that it corresponds to a volume the right size to hold the
chosen element(s);
To set an isometric view direction, position the cursor in the 3D View window and
hold down the right-hand mouse button to display the pop-up menu. Select
Isometric>Iso 3 from it.
If the graphical view background colour is not already black, select
View>Settings>Black Background from the 3D View menu.
It is good practice regularly to save your work. This avoids the need to start all
over again in the event of loss of work due to an unforeseen interruption, such as
a power failure.
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Update the database to store changes to the design model so far by clicking on, or
selecting Design>Save Work.
You should also save your current screen layout and display settings, so that next
time you use the application you can easily pick up your design as it stands. Do
this by selecting Display>Save>Forms & Display.
You can now leave PDMS and return to the operating system. Do this by selecting
Ordinarily, if you had made any changes since your last Save Work operation, an
alert form would ask whether you want to save those changes; this time, you are
just asked to confirm that you want to leave PDMS.
Click OK.
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Large plants designed using PDMS will usually be broken down into individual
areas (either physical areas or design areas), depending on the physical size,
complexity and configuration of the plant. On a large Project, the System
Administrator will first agree with Project and Design Management, the breakdown
of the PDMS Project into sections which:
• Are relevant to the needs of project reporting and control.
• Form reasonable design subdivisions with sensible match lines and design
• Enable enough designers to work in parallel with simultaneous access to carry
out their design tasks.
In much the same way as in a design office (with its section leader, draughts
people, etc.), PDMS has Teams, the members of which are called Users. These
Teams can consist of any number of Users and can be organised by discipline or
physical work areas.
The main features are:
• Access Control (Teams and Users)
• Databases
• Multiple Databases (MDBs)
• Database management functionality
Admin includes a database integrity checking utility, used to check for
inconsistencies in the contents of the databases and to derive statistical
information about the use of the database storage capacity.
Admin also allows the System Administrator to reconfigure a project. This may be
• to compact databases at intervals, freeing disk space
• to upgrade PDMS projects when the database structure changes
• to compare the contents of two similar databases; for example, to create a
modification record
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To Create A New Project
A PDMS Project must be identified by a three-letter code. The following steps
given below illustrate how to create the Project, say by name [XYZ]. Before
proceeding to create the Project we shall make ourselves clear with the structure
of the Project Directory.
The Project Directory. The files under XYZ000 are:
The SYSTEM database.
The COMMS database.
The MISC database.
Database files which contain the actual model data,
nnn has a maximum of 8188.
The directory which stores picture files produced by DRAFT.
The directory which stores inter-database connection macros.
The directory which stores files needed by ISODRAFT.
Contains four more sub-directories LIS, STD, SYS and UND.
To hold detail lists.
To hold option files for standard isometrics.
To hold option files for system isometrics.
To hold underlay files.
The PDMS defaults directory.
We have to create the project directories 000, MAC, PIC & ISO which is preceded
by the three letters project name.
In this example, we
have to create the
directories XYZ000, XYZMAC, XYZPIC & XYZISO, then under XYZISO we have
to create four more sub-directories LIS, SYS, UND & STD.
It is always
recommended to store all the projects under one directory say, D:\PROJECTS.
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Above thing is for Windows NT Operating System
mkdir XYZ
cd XYZ
mkdir XYZ000
mkdir XYZpic
mkdir XYZmac
mkdir XYZiso
cd XYZiso
mkdir LIS
mkdir SYS
mkdir STD
mkdir UND
Above thing is for UNIX Operating System
After the Project Directory structure has been created change the access rights for
the working directories to allow all PDMS Project users Read/Write access:
On Windows NT Operating System select each directory in turn (XYZ000,
XYZPIC, XYZMAC and XYZISO) in Window NT Explorer. For each one click the
right mouse button and select Properties. Select the security tab and check the
permissions are set correctly.
On Unix Operating System the following procedure has to be
chmod ug+rw XYZ000
chmod ug+rw XYZPIC
chmod ug+rw XYZMAC
chmod ug+rw XYZISO
Set the Environment Variables for the Project
The system recognizes the projects available by referring to a set of environment
variables. These have to be set before proceeding any further. Normally, we have
the file EVARS.BAT or .cshrc.pdms in the home directory of the user in which
these variables are set.
For Example on Windows NT Operating System:
Add the following lines in the EVARS.BAT file.
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On Windows NT Operating System select Start > Settings > Control Panel >
System, and select the ENVIRONMENT tab.
Set the Variable name as XYZ000 and the value as D:\PROJECTS\XYZ\XYZ000
and then click on the SET button and similarly complete the procedure for the
other variables XYZISO, XYZMAC and XYZPIC. Then click on the APPLY button
and click OK. Now the PDMS environment variables or set.
Several macros and utilities are provided in the PDMSEXE directory i.e.,
D:\AVEVA\PDMS11.6 SP3 or wherever the directory PDMS11.6 SP3 is located.
When PDMS is installed, a shortcut, Make PDMS Project, is created under the
Start menu. Make sure that the Project Directory Structure has been created and
the Environment Variables are set as described above, and then proceed as
Click on the Make PDMS Project shortcut. This starts up the PDMS Project
Creator utility, which runs the file make.bat.
Enter the Project name (the three-letter project code), here in this case it is XYZ.
You will see an Asterisk * command prompt.
Run the utility makemac.mac by typing:
You will see the messages of the form:
Creating System Virgin Db
For each type of database, and finally a message:
Creating module definitions referencing %PDMSEXE%
Then type:
to exit from the PDMS Project Creator.
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You can now enter PDMS by clicking on the start PDMS shortcut, and selecting
your new Project.
A display obtained from the PDMS Project Creator window while actually creating
a new Project is shown below. The display was obtained when the above
described procedure was followed. Here the Project created is by the name XYZ.
=D:\AVEVA\pdms11.6 SP3\projectsampic
COMPREP =D:\AVEVA\pdms11.6 SP3\pdmsuser
=D:\AVEVA\pdms11.6 SP3\pdmsuser
This version of PDMS was issued to ANEWA ENGG. PVT Ltd.
and will only operate on hardware specified to AVEVA
PDMS Project Creator Mk11.6.3 (WINDOWS-NT 4.0) (9 Oct 2007 : 00:13)
Copyright AVEVA 1974 to 2006.
Issued to ANEWA ENGG. PVT Ltd.
Enter project name
Creating System Virgin Db
Creating Comms Virgin Db
Creating Misc Virgin Db
Creating Design Virgin Db
Creating Catalogue Virgin Db
Creating Isodraft Virgin Db
Creating Properties Virgin Db
Creating Paddle Virgin Db
Creating Dictionary Virgin Db
Creating Comparator Virgin Db
Creating module definitions referencing %PDMSEXE%
Press any key to continue . . .
For Example on UNIX Operating System:
/usr/people/pdmsproj/ is the path where the .cshrc.pdms file is located.
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At the command prompt type jot .cshrc.pdms and when the file opens add the
following lines.
setenv XYZ000 /usr/sg/projects/XYZ/XYZ000
setenv XYZISO /usr/sg/projects/XYZ/XYZISO
setenv XYZMAC /usr/sg/projects/XYZ/XYZMAC
setenv XYZPIC /usr/sg/projects/XYZ/XYZPIC
Note: Environment Variables must be in UPPERCASE.
On Unix Operating System the Project is created by running the makeS macro.
Several macros and utilities are provided in the PDMSEXE directory to create a
new project.
Is all you need to create the Project. It calls the other scripts and
utilities as required.
Is a utility called by makeS.
Creates the Project and loads the module definitions
automatically. Note that MONITOR and ADMIN are already
defined in the supplied product.
Sets up module definitions from ADMIN.
Sets module definitions; automatically called from
makemac.mac and makmac.mac
delmac.mac Deletes all module definitions from the Project.
The Project can be created by any one of the two ways described below:
By running the makeS utility supplied in $PDMSEXE.
By entering the individual command lines for each step.
To create the Project XYZ, enter:
makeS automatically does the following:
Checks that you have write access to the directory given by $PDMSWK.
Checks that the Sitefile is correct.
Checks that the Project does not already exist.
Runs the make utility.
make in turn runs the makemac.mac macro, which:
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Creates the virgin databases.
Sets up the PDMS module definitions by running the modmac.mac.
Sets the font directory.
Finally, makeS checks that all the virgin databases are present. These are
template files from which the different types of model database will be created.
If the Project has to be created using the supplied utilities and macros individually,
then enter:
Run the PDMS make executable
Specify the PDMS Project name
Define the virgin DBs and
run the PDMS makemac macro
Finish the make macro
The Project XYZ has now been created. To check what it consists of, type ls
$XYZ000 or open Windows NT Explorer and click on XYZ000.
The directory should contain a SYSTEM database, a backup SYSTEM database,
a COMMS database, a MISC database and a virgin database, for each database
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To Replicate A Project
The Project > Replicate options can be used to replicate the whole Project which
already exists, including all the data, or just the structure of the Project.
The Project Data option copies the Current Project to a new Project. Before using
this option make sure that the Project directories and the environment variables
are set for the Project being replicated. Then enter the new Project Code on the
Replicate Project form.
Note: A Project must not be replicated outside PDMS by copying the whole of the
Project directory to another Project directory. This is because information about
the Project name is stored inside the DBs themselves.
The Project Structure option creates a macro which can be run into PDMS to
replicate the structure of the Current Project. No data is copied. When this option
is selected, a file browser is displayed so that the pathname for the macro can be
ADMIN scans the System database and outputs to the file all the commands
necessary to recreate the Project Structure, in the following order:
Creates users
Creates teams
Add users to teams
Creates DBs
Make Copy DBs
Creates MDBs
Add DBs to MDBs and make them Current if appropriate.
The Project XYZ created by using the makemac.mac utility is a Virgin Project.
Now we have to create and modify the main administration elements: TEAMs,
USERs, DBs and MDBs.
Start PDMS on the AVEVA PDMS Login form we can see choose the Project by
clicking on the button provided at the right end after the Project box. After clicking,
the PDMS Projects form appears. The Projects available or listed on the form.
Click on the Project XYZ, then the form automatically disappears. Come back to
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the PDMS Login form and type the password for the user SYSTEM. Then click on
the Module scrolling list and select Admin module. Then click on OK.
The AVEVA PDMS Login form disappears and the AVEVA PDMS Admin form
appears. This form has already been illustrated in the Project Replication topic
The main ADMIN menu bar is seen across on the top of the screen. The options
on this menu bar provide access to all PDMS Project administration tools. The
ADMIN Elements form is also seen, through which the ADMIN elements of
Teams, Users, Databases and MDBs can be created, copied, modified and
The ADMIN Elements form has four states, corresponding to the main ADMIN
elements (Team, User, Database and MDB). The element type can be changed
by selecting from the Elements option button. The scrolling list on the form will
display all the elements of the given type in the Project, and the Create, Copy,
Modify and Delete buttons will allow creating copy, modifying and deleting
elements of the appropriate type.
Once the ADMIN elements needed have been decided, the recommended
sequence is as follows:
Create users.
Create teams and users to them.
Create DBs.
Create MDBs and add databases to them.
The Teams and Users can be created in any order. If the Teams are created first,
then the Users can be added as they are created using the Create User form.
Alternatively the Users can be created first and then added to the Teams using the
Create Team form.
Creating Teams
To create a Team, set the Element option button on the ADMIN Elements form to
Team, and then press Create. The Create Team form will be displayed.
To create a Team, enter a Name, and optionally a Description. Press Apply, and
the Team will be created.
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On the left of the form there is a list of the existing Users in the Project. If a Users
have already been created, they can be added to the Team by selecting the
element in the left hand list, and selecting the right arrow button The User will be
added to the Team, and the User’s Name will appear in the right hand list.
Note: Users can also be added to Teams on the Create User form.
Creating Users
To create a User, set the Element option button on the ADMIN Elements form to
User, and then press Create. The Create User form will be displayed.
Enter a name and password, and set the Security option button to Free if a FREE
user is to be created. A Description can also be entered if required.
Press Create, and the User will be added to the Membership scrolling list.
The User can be added to the existing Team using the User Membership
scrolling lists. All the Teams in the Project are shown in the Project Teams list.
The Membership list shows the members of the Team selected in the Project
Teams list. Add the member being created to a Team by selecting the Team and
pressing the right hand arrow. A member can be removed from a Team by
selecting the user in the Membership list and pressing the left hand arrow.
Note: Users can also be added to the Teams on the Create Team form.
Creating Databases
To create a Database, set the Element option button to the Admin Elements form
to Database, and then press Create. The Create Database form will be displayed.
The Database name is shown at the top of the form. Database names are in the
where TeamName is the name of the Team which owns a Database, and which
therefore has write access to it. If there is no Current Team, the Database name
will be shown as unset/unset. If there is a Current Team, the Team Name will be
shown as the first part of the Database Name. The Owning Team is selected from
the scrollable list.
Enter the DatabaseName in the Name text box.
Enter an optional Description.
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Select the Database Type from the option button.
Select the Access Mode, if Multiwrite is chosen, then the Claim Mode should be
selected from the next option button.
The Area number, DB number and File number are normally set by the System, as
shown by the word System entered in the text boxes. It may sometimes be
necessary to set them manually.
The Area number is used if it is needed to store the databases in a different
The DB number is used internally by PDMS to identify the Database. When a
Database is copied, the copy keeps the same DB number. There cannot be more
than one DB with the same DB number in the same MDB.
The File number is used in generating the filename of the Database. For e.g., A
Database in the Project XYZ with file number 12 will be stored in the file named
Press Create, and the Database will be created.
The attributes of Databases can be modified using a similar form very similar to
the Create form. To display the Modify form, select the element to be changed in
the Admin Elements form and then either:
Press Modify on the Admin Elements form which will display the Modify form,
Select Modify from the Create/Modify option button on the Create form, if it is
displayed, and the mode will change to Modify.
The Name, Description, Access Mode and Area Number of a Database can be
changed, whereas the Type, DB Number and File Number cannot be changed.
Note: If you try to change a Database name to a name that already exists, you will
be prompted to confirm that you want to overwrite the Database.
Copying Databases
Copied Databases can be used for:
Copy a template Project.
Merging Projects.
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Copying included Databases for archiving.
Databases can be copied by selecting Database from the Element option button
on the Admin Elements form, selecting the element you want to copy from the
scrolling list, and then pressing the Copy button. The Copy Database from will be
On this form, you can specify the owning team by selecting one from the list of all
the teams in the Project. You can copy a Name, Description and Area Number.
Note that you cannot change the Database number of the copied Database. This
will be the same as the original. You cannot have more than one Database with
the Same Database number in the same MDB.
Note: To avoid the risk of Database corruption, all copying of Databases (i.e., the
files inside the Project directory) must be done from The ADMIN module and not
be using operating system utilities or commands.
Copied Databases can be changed or deleted.
Including and Copying Foreign Databases
Databases can be copied from other Projects. They can also be shared between
Projects, which saves disk space and eliminates errors which could be caused by
copying. Catalogue Databases are often shared in this way.
Databases included from a second Project are also known as Foreign Databases.
The second Project must be available: that is, you must be able to read from the
second Project directory, and have the environment variables from the second
Project set.
When creating a Project that is going to share Database from other Projects, there
are two important considerations:
Teams must exist for all Databases that are to be shared.
Databases in the source Project that will be shared must not be given a
database number that will clash with a database number that already exists
in the destination Project.
Note: Foreign Databases are marked with * in the database list.
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To include a Foreign Database, set the Element option gadget on the Admin
Elements form to Database, and press the Include Db button. The Include
Foreign Db form will be displayed.
Foreign Projects lists the other Projects available.
Access Project as. You must enter a Username and Password for a free
user in the Foreign Project.
Foreign DBs list the Databases in the Foreign Project.
Select the Databases you require and press Apply. You will be prompted to create
the owning Team if it does not already exist in the Current Project. You cannot
include a Database which has the same Teamid/DBName as an existing
Database in the Current Project.
You can exclude Foreign Databases by pressing the Exclude Db button on the
Admin Element Form. The Exclude Db form will be displayed.
To copy a Foreign Database, Set the Element option gadget on the Admin
Elements form to Database, and press the Copy Foreign Db button. The Copy
Foreign Db form will be displayed.
The Copy Foreign Db form is displayed when you press Copy Foreign Db on the
Admin Elements form. This button is only available when the Element option
gadget on the Admin Elements form is set to Database.
Foreign Projects Lists the other Projects available.
Access Project as. You must enter a Username and Password for a Free User in
the Foreign Project.
Foreign DBs lists the databases in the foreign project.
Target Database name is set as follows: pick the Team which will
Own the Database from the list, and enter the Database name.
Teamid/DBName as an existing Database in the Current Project.
Deleting Databases
Databases can be deleted by selecting the element from the scrolling list on the
Admin Elements form and then pressing Delete.
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Note: To avoid the risk of Database corruption, all deletion of Databases (i.e. the
files inside the Project directory) must be done from ADMIN and not by using
operating system utilities or commands.
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Creating MDBs
Multiple Databases are in short called as MDBs. To create an MDB, set the
Element option button on the Admin Elements form to MDB, and press Create.
The Create Multiple Database form will be displayed.
The Create Multiple Database form allows you to give the MDB a Name and
The Multiple Database Definition scrolling lists are used to define the Databases
in the MDB, and whether they are current or deferred.
An MDB may contain up to 1000 Databases. However, only 300 of these (known
as the current Databases) can be accessed at any one time. The other
Databases are deferred. Databases can be transferred between current and
deferred status at any time, so that a user can replace a current Database by a
non-current one to access a particular part of the design. The Project Databases
list shows all the Databases in the Project which are not in the MDB. The arrow
buttons are used to add and remove Databases from the MDB, either as current or
deferred, and to change a Database between the current and deferred lists. The
Insert option button is used to position the Databases in a specified order in the list
of current Databases. The order is important.
Note: An MDB can only contain one database with a given DBNO. Two databases
will have the same DBNO if one has been created as a copy.
Modifying MDBs
The attributes of MDBs can be modified using a form very similar to the Create
form. To display the Modify form, select the element you want to change in the
Admin Elements form and then either:
Press Modify on the Admin Elements form which will display the Modify
form, or
Select Modify from the Create/Modify option button on the Create form, if
it is displayed, and the mode will change to Modify.
You can change the Name, Description, Access Mode and Area Number of a
Database. The Type, DB number and File number cannot be changed.
Note: If you try to change a Database name to a name that already exists, you will
be prompted to confirm that you want to overwrite the Database.
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Equipment Application
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Equipment items consist of a collection of PDMS primitives, arranged in such a
way that they physically model the real life object. When we build equipment, we
need to decide how we want to model the object, just as we would if we were
building a plastic model. The only difference in PDMS terms is that we model the
object at full size rather than working to a scale.
PDMS modeling elements
Primitives are the basic building blocks of PDMS. They are used by other
disciplines to create catalogue components. There are many types of primitive;
each with its own features, which when combined with other primitives can
represent complex shapes. Examples of primitives are nozzle (NOZZ), box (BOX),
cylinders (CYLI) and pyramids (PYRA).
Equipment Application in PDMS has the following primitives
Solid Primitives
Circular Torus
Rectangular Torus
Sloped Cylinder
Negative Primitives
Circular Torus
Rectangular Torus
Sloped Cylinder
What is a P-point?
P-points are identifiable primitive points in any PDMS primitive. A BOX has got
seven primitive points (P-points). We can query a lot of information from P-points.
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Any element can be moved, rotated, positioned, connected, measured using Ppoints.
Equipment Modeling Hierarchy
The different levels in the hierarchy are maintained by an Owner-Member
relationship. An EQUI will have ZONE as its owner, while a CYLI might well be
one of the EQUI’s members.
The owner is that element which is directly related to the current element at the
next level up in the hierarchy, as shown in the diagram below:
The element on the upper level is the Owner of those elements directly below it,
e.g. the equipment (EQUI) owns the primitive (CYLI). The lower level elements are
Members of the owning element, e.g. the EQUI is a member of the ZONE .
Creation of Standard Equipment
A SUBEQUIPMENT is an optional element to further sub-divide EQUIPMENT. The
SUBEQUIPMENT can also own primitive elements.
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Let us consider a pump given below and try to model it using the Standard
equipment creation menu. Select Create>Standard from the main menu. From
the equipment creation form select the Pumps sub-classification and select the
Centre-Line Mounted, Vertical nozzles pump.
A Pump EQUI element
Fill in the various parameters from the drawing. Do not worry about the position of
the equipment. We will be discussing it later in this session.
Origin of Equipment
The equipment will be positioned based on its Origin. The origin of the equipment
will be as indicated in the standard equipment creation form. If we want to know
the origin of the equipment
E. Navigate to any primitive belonging to the equipment.
F. Type ‘AXES AT CE’ in the command window.
If we want to position the axes at a p-point of any primitive, we can do so by typing
‘AXES AT IDP@’ in the command window.
If we want to modify the origin of any equipment, we can do so by selecting
Modify>Equipment Origin>ID P-point from the main menu. Please note that if
the origin of the standard equipment is altered, it becomes difficult to modify the
equipment later on.
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Positioning the Equipment
By default, equipment will be positioned with respect to the owner, (i.e. a zone).
However if we want the equipment to be positioned with respect to any other
PDMS entity we can do so.
Let us look at the Position>Explicitly AT and
Position>Relatively BY menus.
Altering the Orientation of Equipment
Orientation of equipment is also with respect to the Owner. Equipment can be
oriented any time as per our choice. When we type ‘Q ORI’ at the command
window, we normally get
Orientation Y is N and Z is U
Attributes in PDMS
Every element in a PDMS database has a fixed set of properties known as its
attributes. Some attributes are common throughout the range of elements while
others differ according to the type of element involved. For example, a cylinder
(CYLI) has Height and Diameter attributes whilst the size of a box (BOX) is
determined by Xlength, Ylength and Zlength attributes, as illustrated below:
Cylinder and Box attributes
Let us try this on BOX primitive. BOX having attributes
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Let us try to correlate these two. The Y direction of the BOX is towards the North
of the Plant and Z direction of the BOX is towards the Upward Direction of the
Plant. We can always rotate the box along any axis.
First let us try it out on the command line. If we type in the command 'ORI Y is E
and Z is U’, we will have the Y direction of the BOX towards the East Direction of
the plant and Z direction of the BOX will be towards the Upward Direction still.
Now, we will try to do the same operation using the menu - which is more user
friendly and in more lay man terms. Select Orientate>Rotate from the main menu.
Creation of non-standard Equipment:
When you create an element, a set of appropriate attributes are entered into the
database. The attributes will vary according to the type of element but essentially
the process is the same. For example, a cylinder has the following attributes:
Default Value
Name if specified or hierarchy description
false (the element is not locked)
The name of the owning element or its hierarchy
N 0mm E 0mm U 0mm (relative to its owner)
Y is N and Z is U (relative to its owner)
0 10 (this is representation level setting)
2 (it is a solid hard element for clashing
0 mm
0 mm
Let us model the equipment (STABILIZER REFLUX DRUM 1201) given in the
drawings without using the menus. The listing of commands is given below. This
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listing does not contain the commands for creating nozzles. We will be using the
menus to create the nozzles. However, we will be positioning the nozzles using
the command line only. We will see about creating nozzles also without using the
menus later.
NEW EQUI /1201
POS U106170 N294502 W312370 WRT/*
NEW CYLI DIA 1410 HEI 4800
BY N 2400 WRT/*
NEW DISH DIA 1410 HEI 380 RAD 50
BY D 430 WRT/*
BY N 965 WRT/*
Naming of Nozzles
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Normally, the nozzle names should be prefixed by the equipment name for ease of
identification. We can prefix the name of any element to anything by following
these steps:
G. Navigate to the element whose name has to become the prefix.
(Assume the name as /E1101).
H. Type ‘SET’ in the command window.
I. Navigate to any element (preferably a nozzle) to which this name has to
be prefixed. Type ‘NAME */A1’ in the command window. The name of
the nozzle will become ‘/E1101/A1’.
Renaming of Nozzles
This is needed, when equipment is renamed. The names of the nozzles remain
the same with the earlier name still prefixed. To overcome such a situation
navigate to the equipment, whose name is to be changed (let us say /E1101 to
/E1201) type ‘RENAME ALL /E1101 /E1201’.
This command can be used for any such similar situations, not only limiting to the
A SUBE is an optional element to further sub-divide an EQUI. The SUBE can also
own primitive elements.
A Vessel EQUI, with a SUBE
Querying P-point information
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Type ‘Q IDP@’ in the command window and identify any P-point. This will list out
all the details about the P-point.
We can try several variations of this command, like
Q IDP@ wrt /*
Details with respect to the world.
Give only the position of the P-point.
Q P1 wrt /*
Details about P-point no: 1 with respect to the world.
How to Measure?
Select Query>Measure Distance from the main menu. You will get a form in that
select Graphics and start measuring. The same can be done with various
combinations of elements and let us try with them.
How to create Reserved Volumes?
On few instances reserved volumes have to be created for the operator mobility,
overhaul of equipments etc., using primitives PDMS has the facility of indicating
representation levels. Every basic primitive shape in the design has associated
drawing level range attribute (0 - 10). Normally, the level range 9 - 10 is used for
Reserved Volumes.
Let us create one reserved volume primitive and try this out. Create a cylinder of
dia 1500 and height 10000 in equipment /1201. Then type ‘LEVEL 9 10’ in the
command window. You can see the cylinder vanishing from the screen. Select
Graphics>Representation from the main menu and toggle the Obstruction button
and Update graphics buttons to on. You can see the cylinder reappearing on the
screen again.
The practical effect of this facility is that it allows you to minimize visible detail
when representing Design items. The same level attribute is also useful in
generating Plan / Elevation Drawings. We can decide about the level of
information to be indicated in the drawings based on the levels given in Design
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database. The level attributes play an important role while creating catalogue
components also, which we will be discussing later.
How to set Obstruction levels?
The obstruction attribute indicates to the clash detection facility whether a primitive
should be considered as a ‘Hard’ or ‘Soft’ obstruction or none at all. Obstructions
can be specified as HARD, SOFT or NONE, or alternatively, they can be specified
numerically, as indicated below:
No Obstruction
Soft Obstruction
Hard Obstruction
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Piping Application
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What is a Pipe and What is a Branch?
Pipes may be considered like lines on a flow sheet. They may run between several
end connection points and are usually grouped by a common specification and
Branch elements are sections of a pipe, which have known start and finish points.
In PDMS the start and finish points are called the Head and Tail. Heads and tails
may be connected to nozzles, tees or other Heads and tails, depending on the
configuration of the pipe, or left open ended.
The Site and Zone are the administrative elements in Piping Application. A PIPE
can be created under a ZONE. Each PIPE element in PDMS has got several
attributes; the principal attributes among them are listed below:
The name of the pipe. In most cases, the line designation
will be used as the name
The default bore of the pipe. It is more useful in generating
reports/ drawings.
Piping specification
Insulation specification
Tracing specification
Very important attribute, as it decides the insulation
thickness, based on the insulation specification.
Paint specification. It is more useful in generating
The revision attributes. Can be incremented automatically
by Isodraft, during Isometric generation, if chosen by the
Each pipe should have at least one branch to create the components. Take the
case of a Neem tree. Assume the trunk as the MAIN PIPE and the various
branches as BRANCH. But, the trunk is also considered as one BRANCH by
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PDMS. The attributes PSPE, ISPE, TSPE and TEMP are cascaded down from the
pipe automatically. We will be discussing about the other important attributes of
the branch later on.
PDMS Piping Components
A BRAN can own a wide variety of components such as gaskets (GASK), flanges
(FLAN), tees (TEE), valves (VALV), elbows (ELBO), etc. These form the shape
and geometry of the BRAN and ultimately the pipeline itself.
Piping components are selected using Piping Specifications that reference
standard catalogue data. For example, each time you want to use a 100mm bore
elbow, PDMS always accesses the data for it from the component catalogue. The
data for this remains constant no matter how many 100mm bore elbows are used
in the design.
The valid PDMS piping components are listed in Figure 1. These piping elements
can appear under a branch in the hierarchy. Observe in the figure that there is no
TUBE or PIPE element. Pipe or Tube is always implied in PDMS. If two
components are placed in a straight line and they can be oriented (rotated) so that
the leave direction of the first element and arrive direction of the second element
are opposite to each other, a pipe is drawn between them automatically to fill the
Figure 1
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A selection of piping components
Pipework Modeling Hierarchy
The different levels in the hierarchy are maintained by an Owner-Member
relationship. A PIPE will have ZONE as its owner, a BRANCH will have PIPE as its
owner and ELBO might well be one of the BRANCH’s members.
The owner is that element which is directly related to the current element at the
next level up in the hierarchy, as shown in the diagram below:
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How to start routing a pipe?
Select Create>Pipe from the main menu. Let us route the pipe ‘200-B-4’ given in
the drawings and select the piping specification (in this case A3B as per the Line
summary given) and the insulation, tracing specifications if required. Click OK and
a branch creation menu appears on the screen. Click OK and identify any nozzle
from where the pipe starts (/1101/N3 in this case). Toggle the Head option to Tail
option in the branch connection menu and click the nozzle where the pipe ends
(/1301/N1 in this case).
A branch is created and it is visible on the screen by means of a dotted line from
the head nozzle to the tail nozzle. It is time now to create components and position
them along the route we decide.
Creation of Components
Select Create>Components from the main menu. Toggle the Defaults button to
OFF and Auto Connect Button to ON in the Create components menu. Select
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the component to be created and click the Create button. Let us complete this
pipe by positioning all the components including the gaskets.
P-point details of Components
For any component there has to be atleast two P-points (Arrive and Leave).
Components like tee or multiway components will have more p-points. Select any
TEE and type in the command window the following commands and study their
results. An example of the
p-point details of a tee is given in Figure 2
Q PA $Q -20
Q P3
Figure 2
Orientation of Components which change direction
The components which change the direction of flow are ELBO, BEND, TEE,
CROS etc. If the direction of ELBO and BEND has to be changed to N 45 E we
can do so by typing
DIR N 45 E
If we want to change the direction of the p3 of a tee to W, we can do so by typing
ORI and P3 is U
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Difference between Distance / Spool Options
When we place a component by specifying a distance of 1000 mm, the origin of
the component is placed at a distance of 1000mm from the origin of the previous
When we place a component by specifying a spool of 1000mm, the component is
placed in such a way that a pipe spool of 1000mm can be inserted between it and
the previous component.
How to reselect a component?
If we have modeled a gate valve and that needs to be changed to a globe valve,
we can do so by navigating to the corresponding valve in the database and typing
CHOOSE ALL in the command window or by clicking the Reselect button in the
Create Component Form. This is shown in Figure 3. The amount of information
which is displayed in the choose selection form can be controlled. We get all the
details when we type CHOOSE ALL. If we type CHOOSE, we get the bare
minimum information required to choose the component.
Figure 3
How to choose an out-of-spec item?
In PDMS, we cannot create any piping component without a specification
reference. It should be part of some specification. Whenever, we say out-of-spec
item in PDMS, we mean that the item is not part of the specification indicated in
the pipe, but which belongs to some other specification. To do so, choose the
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specification from which the component has to be selected in the Piping
Component menu and click the create button. We will get the warning indicated in
Figure 4. On clicking Yes, the component is created.
Figure 4
Common Attributes of Piping Components
The specification reference.
The specification reference of the leave size tube.
The reference of the branch which is connected to this
Insulation specification. This is useful when a portion of the
pipe need not be insulated.
The p-point number which has to be made as arrive.
(Usually 1)
The p-point number which has to be made as leave.
(Usually 2)
Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFS. This is
useful to inform ISODRAFT to add in its MTOLIST a set of
components which have to appear along with this element.
To indicate whether Shop / Field item.
Special attributes which make a difference
The bend angle
The bend radius. It has to be specified for a bend. For an
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ELBO, if the radius is mentioned as ‘0’, it is modeled with the
radius which has been specified in the catalogue. If it has to
be altered, it has to be specified in absolute terms and not as
the factor of bore.
Used by Isodraft to indicate where flange is to be supplied
Loose and increase indicated cut length to allow for field
Branch Attributes
The reference of the element to which the branch head is
The reference of the element to which the branch tail is
The head position
The tail position
The direction of flow from the branch head.
The direction of flow from the tail end.
The connection type at branch head.
The connection type at branch tail.
The specification reference of the tube emanating from branch
How to work backwards?
It is not always possible for us to work from head to tail of the pipe. We may have
to work backwards also. To do so, toggle the Backward button in the Create
Component form or type BACKWARDS in the command window. You can
immediately see that the members list got reordered.
To revert back to the forward mode of working type FORWARDS in the command
window or toggle the Forward button in the Create Component form.
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How to reverse the flow direction?
Navigate to the branch element and select Modify>Hierarchy>Reverse Order
from the main menu. This will reverse the flow direction. When this command is
executed, PDMS reverses the hierarchy of the branch members and navigates to
every member and executes the FLIP command. FLIP command changes the
arrive p-point and leave p-point of the components.
A word of Caution:
Please make sure that the appearance of the pipe has not changed once this
command is execute. It may create problems when you have eccentric reducers in
the branch.
Pipe creation by specifying explicit positions
Until now, we have been seeing to create pipes, which start from a nozzle, tee, or
some element. If we have a pipe which has no identifiable head or tail reference
select Create>Pipe from the main menu and in the create branch form select
Explicit in the Connection. Then we get a form as shown in Figure 5 wherein we
can feed in the exact co-ordinates of the head and tail positions, head and tail
directions, head and tail bores of the pipe.
Figure 5
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Playing with ATTA
The ATTA (Attachment point) which is a zero length, no-shape element (notional
element) has three main applications:
1.0 To allow pipe hangers to be connected to a point in the branch.
2.0 To indicate a special point on the branch which can be dimensioned, labeled,
tagged etc.
3.0 To indicate to ISODRAFT about the user defined pipe splitting point.
The ATTA is created, selected and consistency-checked in the same way as other
components. However, it is ignored as an in-line fitting by the CONNECT
command and is ignored by REPORTER when calculating TUBE lengths.
ATTA Attributes
If set to ‘CCCC’, it is considered as a comment ATTA by
If set to ‘CCNN’, it is considered as non-dimensional comment
by Isodraft.
If set to ‘FLOW’, Isodraft plots in-line flow symbol at that point.
If set to ‘XXXX’, Isodraft splits the pipe at the specified point.
If unset, Isodraft assumes it as a support point.
Used by Isodraft to generate information note.
Constraint reference, used in stress analysis
Connection refrence to a hanger or pipe clamp which is
connected to it.
Sloped Pipe
There are two methods of creating a sloped pipe. The first method is to route the
pipe without a slope and use the Auto Slope option in the main menu. Navigate to
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the Branch and Select Modify>Slope from the main menu. We will get a form as
shown in Figure 6. We can give either the Fall ratio or the Fall angle. The other
method is to go in for Elbow trim as explained below.
Figure 6
Orientate>Component>Leave from the main menu. If the direction of slope is
known, we can key in the direction or use the other tools available in the same
menu. We should not forget to toggle the Angle Change option to ON as shown in
Figure 7. If the angle change option is not toggled, the same menu is useful to
change the direction of the elbow or the bend without trimming it. We can do the
same by command also by typing ORI and PL is N45D in the command
window. If we query the leave direction of the elbow after this command we can
see a change and all further components placed in this branch will maintain the
same slope.
Figure 7
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Data Consistency Check
Navigate to any hierarchy for which the data consistency has to be checked and
type CHECK CE in the command window. If we get the response ‘NO DATA
INCONSISTENCIES’ as shown in Figure 8, the pipe routed is consistent. The
checks made confirm that:
4.0 Adjacent items are connected and no gaps exist.
5.0 Connection types are compatible as per the COCO table
6.0 Connected components are not skewed with respect to one another
7.0 Branch and Equipment connections are properly terminated
8.0 Hangers are correctly connected to Fittings and Attas
9.0 Tubes joining components are not less than minimum acceptable lengths
Angles of Bends and Elbows fall within the limits set in the relevant
Figure 8
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Structural Application
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Civil Works & Steel Work
The first structural application which we will use is that for designing
interconnected beams and columns. To access this application, select
Design>Structures>Beams & Columns from the main menu bar.
In this session we will create the Grid Lines, which will be our reference lines for
future modeling purpose. After this we will understand the Structural Administrative
Elements in detail, and then we will create the same.
Procedure for creation of Gridlines
Select Utilities > Reference Data from the main menu.
Select Create > Grid-line > Area from the reference data menu.
Give the name of your Grid-line Area. A STRU element will be
Select Create > Grid-line > Grid from the reference data menu.
Fill up the form.
Grid Position: This entry is always with respect to the world. At this
position a datum element will be created.
Grid lines: There are three grid lines X, Y and Z. Each grid line can
have a key and a position. This position is always with respect to the
datum point mentioned above. The position is the distance in the
respective direction from the datum point.
Length of Grid-line: The length of each X grid-line is the difference
between the least position among Y gridlines and largest position
among Y gridlines. Similarly, the length of each Y gridlines is the
difference between the least position among X gridlines and the
largest position among X gridlines.
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The Administrative Elements
The first elements, which are created in any new project, are the administrative
elements. They are used to subdivide the overall structural model into manageable
parts. The administrative hierarchy is as shown in Figure 1 below:
Figure 1
The principal attributes that will be set for these elements are the name of the
element and its position. In some cases, we will also be setting the orientation of
the elements. The element SBFR is an optional element, which is very useful in
grouping the structural elements.
How PDMS represents Structures?
Although most of the attribute settings are set automatically while using the
Structural Application to create or modify parts of the model, an understanding of
their functions is required to interpret what is happening to the design data as we
build the model.
The part of the Design database hierarchy, which holds the structural elements, is
as shown in Figure 2.
Primary Nodes (PNOD) and Secondary Nodes (SNOD) represent the basic
analytical points within a structure.
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Primary Nodes
A Primary Node has its position defined explicitly in terms of a set of co-ordinate
axes within the design model. It has no orientation or size. PNOD’s have three
main functions:
To define the start and end points for Sections string between them (a PNOD
may be common to two or more section).
To own Primary Joints, used to connect Sections together (a PNOD may own
more than one PJOI).
To define how the part of the Structure at the Node can react under stress
(properly known as the fixity of the Nodes, used for stress analysis).
Elements shown in italics viz. RELEASE, NODAL DISPLACEMENT are used for
analytical purpose only.
Node Position
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Defines the XYZ co-ordinates of the PNOD’s position.
Secondary Nodes
A Secondary Node has similar functions to a Primary Node, but differs in that,
whereas a PNOD is positioned independently, an SNOD is owned by a section
and is positioned along the Neutral Axis (Z-axis) of that Section. This enables us
to position and connect another Section (an Attached Section) at any point along
the length of the first section (the Owning Section).
ZDIS Distance along Z-axis of Owning Section
An SNOD is positioned by specifying its distance from its owning Section’s Start
Position (POSS), measured along the Section’s Neutral Axis.
Sections (SCTN) represent the individual lengths of material, which make up a
structural model. The geometry of a section is defined by two types of settings:
Its cross section is defined by reference to a Catalogue Profile element (Ibeam, Channel, etc.,)
Its length, Orientation, etc., are defined by setting specific design attributes.
These are automatically set by the application when the model is manipulated
Specification Reference
The SPRE attribute of a section must point to a valid profile element in a
Catalogue DB in order for the section to be given a physical representation. This
is achieved by setting SPRE to point to a Specification Component in a Project
Generic Type
The GTYP attribute may, optionally, be set to indicate the purpose of the Section
within the structure. For example, BEAM, BRAC, etc.,
Start Position
End Position
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POSS and POSE define the start and end positions of a Section. These may be
derived from the positions of Primary or Secondary Nodes, or they may be set
The derived length of the Section is determined by calculating the
distance between POSS and POSE.
Cutting Plane Direction at Start
Cutting Plane Direction at End
The directions of the start and end cutting planes of a Section (that is, the
directions of the perpendiculars to the planes, which define the ‘cut’ ends of the
Section) are usually defined automatically when the Section is connected within
the structural model.
The settings of the corresponding DRNS and DRNE
attributes are then derived automatically from the directions of the associated
Joints cutting Planes.
It is possible to set DRNS and DRNE specifically for example, where a Section
extends into free space, with at least one end unconnected. In this case cutting
plane direction must be in the general direction of the other end Section.
Beta Angle
The orientation of a Section about its Neutral Axis is defined in terms of an angular
clockwise rotation when viewed in the POSS to POSE direction as shown in
Figure 3. The angle of rotation from the default orientation is held as the setting of
the Beta Angle (BANG) attribute of the section.
Points to HPRF in
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Figure 3
To provide a method for refining to individual edges and faces of a Section, each
is identified by a named line running along the length of the Section called as Plines. The figures given below show the most commonly used P-lines.
Figure 4
Joint Reference at Start
Joint Reference at End
Section ends, which have been connected in the structure, have their JOIS and
JOIE attributes set such that they cross-refer to the Joints to which those ends are
connected. (The joints have a similar cross-reference, the CREF attribute)
Connection Type at Start
Connection Type at end
Section ends, which have been connected in the structure, have their CTYS and
CTYE attributes set such that they match those of the Joints to which those ends
are connected. This is done by setting CTYS/CTRE to a word, which matches the
Joints CTYA attribute in the Catalogue.
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Justification Line
The JUSL setting specifies the p-line, which is to be used as a datum for aligning
the section with a node. By default, JUSL is set to NA (Neutral Axis).
Joint Line
The JLIN setting specifies which p-line is to be used as a reference datum for
positioning an attached Joint. The Joint will be positioned such that the JLIN of
the Section is on the same axis as of the Joint.
Start Release
End Release
The two Release attributes, the Section Start Release (SREL) and the Section
End Release (EREL), may be used to define how the Section behaves under the
effect of applied forces and moments. They are relevant only for stress analysis of
the structure.
The attribute settings allow for two types of movement of the Section ends when
external forces are applied, namely:
Linear movement along a specified axis (DX, DY, DZ)
Rotation about a specific axis (RX, RY, RZ)
Design Parameter
Design Parameters are array attributes of Sections, Joints or Fittings, each of
which may store up to ten real values. They may be used to transfer design data
to a corresponding Catalogue component, or to component’s attached or owning
design element.
Panels (PANE) represent any sheet materials used to clad a structural model.
The geometry of a Panel is defined by a subsidiary Panel Loop (PLOO) element.
The 2D shape of the Panel Loop is defined by linking together a set of Panel
Vertex (PVER) elements, each of which has a specific position in the Panel’s coordinate system. The polygon thus formed defines the shape of the Panel in the
same way as a Profile defines the cross-sectional area of a section. The Height
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(HEIG) attribute of the PLOO defines the distance through which this 2D shape is
extruded to form the 3D Panel, that is, it defines the Panel thickness, as shown in
Figure 4.
= Pane Loop (PLOO)
= Panel Vertex (PAVE)
Panel thickness =
Figure 4
Each PVER can have an optional fillet radius which defines a circular arc, which
bulges into (negative radius), or out of (positive radius) the PLOO area. The
default filler radius of zero denotes a point.
Storage Areas
We can specify where the principal structural elements are to be stored in the
design database hierarchy using Storage Areas.
The buttons “NODE” and
“SECTION” in the main menu indicate the Storage Areas. When the Storage
Areas are set the nodes and Sections will be positioned properly under the
appropriate hierarchy levels.
Example: If we define the Storage Areas, using the Storage Area option in
settings menu like this:
Storage Area for NODE:
Storage Area for SCTN:
Then all the sections will be placed under /S_S_A and all the nodes under
/N_S_A. It is a very good utility to develop assemblies / groups of Structural
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Automatic Profile and Primary Node allocations
There are two gadgets near the lower right hand corner of the main menu bar. If
these two gadgets are put on then:
By default, each time a new Section is created; it will automatically be
associated with a profile from the Catalogue.
By default, primary nodes will be created automatically at unconnected section
Default Specification
The Specification selected using this option (on the main menu bar) will be used
by default for creating sections. We can always modify the Spec. at a later stage.
As a part of our exercise, we will create Structural elements in the following
1. Create Sections using Explicit option
2. Create Sections using Graphical option
3. Modify Specification / Justification
4. To create a regular Structure
In our earlier session, we have seen the basic Structural Steel modeling. This
included the modeling of Structural Steel using the various options available and
we have seen the various attributes of these elements.
In this session we will be enhancing the basic structure created, by Trimming,
creating Bracing, Standard Bracing Configuration and joints.
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Then we will create Panels and Plates, Negative Extrusions.
Trimming “Connected” Section Ends to Correct Geometry
When a section is created connected to an existing section, the end points of the
new section are usually positioned automatically by reference to the currently
defined Pline Rule. If this rule has not been set up properly, the geometry at that
point of connection may not be proper, which is shown in Figure 1. While Figure 2
shows properly connected sections.
Figure 1
Figure 2
To achieve the type of connection shown in Figure 2, the incoming length of the
section has to be trimmed / extended to an explicitly picked Pline.
All such
inappropriate connections need to be corrected.
To do so, on the main menu select Connect > Trim To Pline > Pick (Force).
When prompted ‘Identify the Section end to be trimmed’, pick one of the ends
which is to be corrected. Next, the prompt will be ‘Identify Pline to be trimmed to’.
Identify the required Pline to which the section has to be trimmed, in the Graphics
display window. If more sections need to be trimmed / extended repeat the
exercise. Otherwise hit ESC key.
Adding and Modifying a simple Bracing
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Now let us create some simple diagonal bracing and modify them using the shortcut facility.
First, let us create a Section. Select Create > Sections > Graphical Definition
on the main menu, in the form obtained select the first option. In the Section Start
form, select Intersection and toggle on Element. Identify connected sections
such as a column and a beam when prompted. Similarly, define the Section End.
The bracing is created.
Make the bracing as CE, to modify bracing gap as required. Select Modify >
Bracing Gap on the main menu. In the Brace Gaps form which appears give the
values for Gap A and Gap B. Upon selecting Apply, you will be prompted to
select a ‘Pline on bracing member for Gap A’, select the Pline. Next, the prompt is
for to select ‘Ref. Pline on unconnected member for Gap A’. Similarly repeat the
procedure for Gap B. Figure 4 shows the Bracing Gap arrangement and the
plines on bracing member and pline on unconnected member.
Bracing Member
1. Pline on lower face
of bracing member
Bracing Gap
3. Pline on upper face
of reference member
2. Pline along which
gap is to be measured
Figure 4
Creating Standard Bracing Configurations
Some standard bracing configurations are available in PDMS. To access this
select Create > Sections > Bracing Configs on the main menu. Bracing form
appears on screen showing the various options of Bracing configurations
available. In this form set the storage area for bracings to be created, profile for
the bracings, Justification and Member line of the Profile.
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In the Available Bracing Configurations list, select the required type and give
the corresponding gap values as required, then select Apply, then select the first
and second member when prompted. Thus a standard bracing configuration could
be created.
Representing Joints
The connected sections created so far have SNOD created and each SNOD have
SJOI i.e., Secondary Joint which does not have any geometry associated with it
and hence is not shown in graphical view. In order to represent them graphically,
each SJOI has to be associated with a Catalogue specification reference. Some
important Attributes of the SJOI are listed below;
Beta Angle
Position Line
Justification Line
Connection Reference
Cutting Plane
Navigate to the SJOI, and then select Modify > Joints > Specification on the main
menu to get the Joint Specification form as shown in Figure 5.
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Figure 5
In this form select the specification, sub-type of the joint and one of the available
options under sub-type. Set the Justification, Beta angle and Cutback as required
and select Apply. In the Joint Design Data form that appears based on the subtype & Specification, give the values for parameters of Joint.
Now, graphical
representation for the joint could be seen in Graphical Window.
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Adding Panels and Plates
Panels and Plates application is used to add a floor or side cover to the structure
created. The important attributes of Panel (PANE) is already explained in second
session. (Refer to page 2-5 of Training Notes).
To create select Create > Panel on the main menu to get Create Panel form. In
this form Name, Description, Thickness, Justification, Profile Detail & Obstruction.
The pixels or the options provided under Create using are the different methods
of creating Panel.
First, we will create a Panel using the first option that is Intersection option.
Click on the first option, in the Pick Point form obtained, set the ID to Element
and toggle on Intersection & set it to Element. Then click Apply.
Now, select the two intersecting sections, this will be the Origin of the Panel.
Again click Apply to position second point. Similarly, repeat the procedure to
create the number of point as required. Finally, Click OK on the Create Panel
form. The Panel created could be seen in Graphics Window. A Panel Definition
form appears on the screen as shown in Figure 6, which gives the X & Y position
Radii of the PAVE created. With this form the PANE could be modified or deleted
or edited or repositioned by altering the PAVE attributes. The menu on this form
gives a number of Panel editing options.
Figure 6
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Negative Extrusions
Creation of negative extrusion (NXTR) is exactly similar to Creation of Panel. The
form obtained is also similar and the procedure also. Follow the same procedure
as explained in Creation of Panel.
The Access Ways, Stairs & Ladders Menu Hierarchy
each tme you create a new accessway, stair or ladder in the asl application, you
must specify the settings of the number of dimensional and genera; design
parameters relevant to that type of item. For example, for a corner plat form with
handrails, the parameters which must be specified include the following
The length, width and orientation of the platform
The sides along which the handrails are required
The thickness of the floor plate
The depth of the kick plate
The method of construction and mounting for the handrail
Start the ASL application by selecting Design from the top-level bar menu,
Structures from the pull-down menu and ASL Modeller… from the first submenu
(Design>Structures>ASL Modeller).
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The Fundamental Hierarchy of ASL Modeller
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Some possible configurations are as follows
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The available ladder configurations
Some examples for ASL modeller
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Cable Trays
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CABLE TRAY Application
Creation of Cable Tray Main
Select Create>Cable Tray from the main menu; in the form obtained give the
name as ‘C-TRAY-MAIN1’. Using the specification button, the specification can be
changed. Below, this is the button to change attributes of Cable Tray, if required.
Click OK, then Create Cable Tray Branch form appears on screen. The default
name of the new branch is shown in the text box, which consists of the Cable Tray
name with the suffix /B1. Here also, the Attributes and Specification buttons are
provided to change the Attributes and Specification respectively, if required. Now,
select OK on this form, to get Branch at Explicit Position form.
With this form the Head or Tail or both of the Branch can be positioned as
Note that if the Branch is to be connected to an existing Cable Tray, use the
Connect option and identify the item with the cursor.
In this form fill in the coordinates for the Head and for the Tail. Set the Direction of
the Branch. Set connection to Open or Boxing, as required. Select the size of the
Tray. After setting these items, select Apply.
Now, a yellow line running from Head position to Tail position of the Cable Tray
Branch, could be seen in Graphics window.
Creation of components
On main menu select Create > Component, which brings Cable Tray
Components form as shown in Figure 2.
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Figure 2
This form could be used to :
Change the Specification for a component
Set Forwards or Backwards mode
Switch Default Selection and Auto Connection criteria on and off
Select the type of Cable Tray component required. The types available are
those in current Cable Tray Catalogue.
Create the component. Position and orientate the component using basic
Orientation of Components which change direction of HVAC and Cable Tray
The components which change the direction of flow are ELBO, TEE, etc. If the
direction of ELBO and BEND has to be changed to N 45 E we can do so by typing
DIR N 45 E
If we want to change the direction of the p3 of a tee to W, we can do so by typing
ORI and P3 is U
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Common Attributes of Cable Tray Components
The specification reference.
The specification reference of the leave size duct/tray.
The reference of the branch which is connected to this .
Insulation specification. This is useful when a portion of the
duct/tray need not be insulated.
The p-point number, which has to be made as arrive. (Usually 1)
The p-point number which has to be made as leave. (Usually 2)
Cable Tray Branch Attributes
The reference of the element to which the branch head is
The reference of the element to which the branches tail is
The head position
The tail position
The direction of flow from the branch head.
The direction of flow from the tail end.
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The connection type at branch head.
The connection type at branch tail.
How to work backwards?
It is not always possible for us to work from head to tail of the Cable Tray main.
We may have to work backwards also. To do so, toggle the Backward button in
the Create Component form or type BACKWARDS in the command window.
Immediately members list will be reordered.
To revert back to the forward mode of working type FORWARDS in the command
window or toggle the Forward button in the Create Component form.
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HVAC Designer
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In VANTAGE PDMS, you have a powerful suite of facilities for the creation,
analysis and documentation of interconnected HVAC ducting networks. The
emphasis is on maximizing both design consistency and design productivity:
• The design modeling functions incorporate a degree of apparent intelligence that
enables them to make sensible decisions about the consequential effects of many
of your design choices. This allows you to implement a sequence of related
decisions with a minimum of effort.
• You can incorporate modifications into your design at any stage without fear of
invalidating any of your prior work, because data consistency-checking is an
integral part of the product. PDMS automatically manages drawing production,
material take-off reports, and so on, by reading all design data directly from a
common set of databases, to prevent errors from being introduced by transcribing
information between different disciplines.
• The applications let you check all aspects of your design as work progresses.
This includes on-line interdisciplinary clash detection, so the chances of errors and
inconsistencies reaching the final documented design are reduced to an
exceptionally low level.
• The applications are controlled from a graphical user interface. This means that
all design, drawing and reporting operations are initiated by selecting choices from
menus, and by entering data into on-screen forms. For ease of use, you can select
most of the components you require by picking them from a set of diagrammatic
representations, and many common actions are represented by pictorial icons.
This Module is explained to you by giving a practicing exercise.
Exercise Begins:
Click on the VANTAGE PDMS Login form to make it active.
Give the name of the Project in which you want to work: enter SAM.
Give your allocated Username: enter HVAC.
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Give your allocated Password: enter HVAC.
Give the part of the project Multiple Database (MDB) you want to
work enter HVAC.
Give the name of the module you wish to use: select Design.
Make sure that you leave the Read Only box unchecked, so that you
can modify the database as you work.
You must specify which files to load at startup. You can choose either the
application default settings (Load from Macro Files) or a customize setup saved
during an earlier session (Load from Binary Files). Select Macro Files.
When you have entered all the necessary details, the form looks like this:
PDMS Database Hierarchy
Although this guide is about the design of HVAC ducting networks, in practice you
will usually route your ductwork with reference to predefined design items such as
the framework, floors and ceilings of a building. You will therefore learn how these
other items are defined in PDMS as well as learning how to route sequences of
HVAC components and ducting within them.
In this chapter, you will:
• learn how PDMS stores design data
• see how the design model can be viewed and manipulated.
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How PDMS stores design data
All PDMS data is stored in the form of a hierarchy. A PDMS Design database has:
• A top level, World (usually represented by the symbolic name /*)
• Two principal administrative sublevels, Site and Zone.
The names used to identify database levels below Zone depend on the specific
engineering discipline for which the data is used. For HVAC design data, the lower
administrative levels (and their PDMS abbreviations) are:
• Branch (BRAN).
Each HVAC can represent any portion of the overall ducting network.
Each Branch within an HVAC represents a single sequence of components
running between two, and only two, points:
• Branch Head
• Branch Tail.
The data which defines the physical design of the individual HVAC components is
held below Branch level.
To represent the parts of the building within which you will route your ductwork,
you use an administrative level below Zone; Structure (STRU) level.
The physical design of each part of the building is represented by a set of basic 3D
shapes known as Primitives, held below Structure level:
• Primitives are used to represent physical items
• Negative Primitives are used to represent holes through items.
During the exercise, you will use rectangular BOX primitives for ducting, and
negative boxes, NBOX primitives, where HVAC ducting is to pass through the
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Together, these hierarchic levels give the following overall format:
PDMS design data definitions
All data is represented in the database (DB) as follows:
• Each identifiable item of data is known as a PDMS element.
• Each element has a number of associated pieces of information which,
together, completely define its properties. These are known as its
Every element is identified within the database structure by an automaticallyallocated reference number and, optionally, by a user-specified name.
Additional items of information about an element which can be stored as attribute
settings include the:
• Element type
• Element physical dimensions and technical specifications
• Element physical location and orientation in the design model
• Element connectivity.
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Some attribute settings must be defined by you when you create a new element,
others will be defined automatically by PDMS.
• When you are modifying a database (for example, when you are creating new
elements or changing the settings of their attributes), you can consider yourself to
be positioned at a specific point within the hierarchy. The element at this location
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is called the current element (usually abbreviated to CE).
In many cases, commands which you give for modifying the attributes of an
element will assume that the changes are to be applied to the current element
unless you specify otherwise, so you must understand this concept and always 4-2
HVAC Design Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.6 be aware of your current
position in the database hierarchy. The Design Explorer displays this information
• The vertical link between two elements on adjacent levels of the database
hierarchy is defined as an owner-member relationship. The element on the upper
level is the owner of those elements directly linked below it. The lower level
elements are members of their owning element. Each element can have many
members, but it can have only one owner.
You can navigate from any element to any other, thereby changing the current
element, by following the owner-member links up and down the hierarchy.
Exploring the HVAC database hierarchy
The Design Explorer holds the design element hierarchies currently present in
the HVAC multiple databases. This hierarchy is collapsed by default.
Exercise continues:
In the Design Explorer, expand the elements in the HVAC database, and navigate
up and down the hierarchy by clicking on the various elements. You can see that
there is already:
• A Site (HVACSITE) that owns
• A Zone (HVACZONE) that owns
• A number of Structures, each of which is the owner of one or more
Together these elements represent the building that will hold your HVAC ducting
Note: If you or other users have accessed this database before, the list may also
contain other elements.
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Click on HVACZONE in the Design Explorer.
In the 3D View tool bar, click on the Limits CE button. This adjusts the
scale of the view automatically such that it corresponds to a volume the
right size to hold the chosen element(s); in this case, the Zone.
To set an isometric view direction, position the cursor in the 3D View
window and hold down the right-hand mouse button to display the pop-up
menu. Select Isometric>Iso 3 from it.
If the graphical view background color is not already black, select
View>Settings>Black Background from the 3D View menu.
Using the draw list
To view the Draw List, select the option Display>Draw List from the main menu
You specify which elements of your design you wish to display, by adding them
to or removing them from the draw list.
The sample database associated with this exercise represents the whole of a
simple building. To route your ducting network, you need to be able to see the
floors, walls, columns and beams of this building, but not the roof. You will
display the required structures in different colours.
Exercise continues:
Select Display>Draw List from the main menu bar. You should see the Draw
List come up in a separate floating window. If you wish, you can dock this
Make sure that in the Design Explorer you have expanded
HVACZONE to display the structures below it.
Pick the HVACFLOOR Structure from the design element hierarchy,
right-click the mouse and select 3D View>Add. This adds HVACFLOOR
to the Draw List:
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Alternatively, you can click the right or left mouse-button and drag-and-drop the
element into the 3D View.
On the Draw List, click on the HVACFLOOR element. You can now use the
controls in the Draw List to set the colour from the popup palette. Make the
floor Black.
Now pick the HVACWALLS Structure from the design element hierarchy
and add it to the draw list in the same way. Set the colour of the walls to
Use the same method to add:
HVACCOLS (columns) in green
HVACBEAMS in blue.
Do not add HVACROOF at this stage.
Your building now looks like this:
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Observe the effect of selecting different view directions from the Look and
Isometric menu options provided by the 3D View shortcut menu. Revert to
Iso>3 when you have finished.
Saving the current design and leaving your design session:
Even though you have not yet made any changes to the design database, this is a
suitable point at which to demonstrate how to store the current design at any stage
of a PDMS Design session and how to record your screen layout so that you can
start your next design session in exactly the same state that you ended the current
It is good practice regularly to save your work. This avoids the need to start all
over again in the event of loss of work due to an unforeseen interruption, such as
a power failure.
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Exercise continues:
Update the database to store changes to the design model so far by
clicking on, or selecting Design>Save Work.
You should also save your current screen layout and display settings, so
that next time you use the application you can easily pick up your design as
it stands. Do this by selecting Display>Save>Forms & Display.
You can now leave PDMS and return to the operating system. Do this by
selecting Design>Exit.
Ordinarily, if you had made any changes since your last Save Work
operation, an alert form would ask whether you want to save those
changes; this time, you are just asked to confirm that you want to leave
Click OK.
Routing a Sequence of HVAC Components
In this chapter you will learn:
• More about how the design data is stored and accessed in PDMS;
• How to route an HVAC network between the grilles in the building walls;
• How to position a selection of HVAC components within the ducting runs.
HVAC component representation in the catalogue
Each HVAC component is represented in the PDMS catalogue by the following
types of data:
• Physical shape
• Variables.
HVAC physical shape
The physical shape of a component is defined by a set of geometric primitives.
So that a component can be manipulated and linked to adjacent HVAC items,
all principal points needed to define the component position, orientation and
connectivity are identified by uniquely-numbered tags.
These tags, which have both position and direction, are called p-points:
• Each p-point is identified by a number of the format P0, P1, P2 and so on.
• P0 always represents the components origin position.
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The principal inlet and outlet points are also identified as p-arrive (PA) and pleave (PL). P1 is the same point as p-arrive, and P2 is the same point as pleave. The reason for this is that the logical flow statement is not true for HVAC
(only Piping flow).
HVAC variables
The settings of all variables needed to distinguish a component from others
with the same geometry and p-point sets are defined by parameters. The
values of these are defined to suit the specific design requirements.
For example, a rectangular three-way component (or branch connector) might
be represented in the PDMS catalogue as follows:
• The two curved duct sections form the component geometry set
• The four p-points form its point set
• P-point, P3, enables you to control the direction of the branch connection arm
when you incorporate the component into your design.
The dimensions of the component, and other constructional details, are
represented in the catalogue by parameters whose values are set to suit the
design requirements.
Restoring your PDMS session and starting the HVAC application
You can now go back into PDMS Design.
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Exercise continues:
Note: It is assumed from now on that you know how to use the OK, Apply,
Cancel and Dismiss buttons on forms, so they will not always be mentioned in
the rest of the exercise.
Restart PDMS and enter the Design module as you did at the start of the
exercise, but this time set the Load from button on the PDMS Login form to
User’s Binary.
When loading is complete, your screen should look the same as it did when
you saved the layout in the previous chapter.
(If you intend to continue from where you finish at the end of any PDMS
session, it is always quicker to use the Display>Save>Forms & Display
option so that you can reload the binary files in this way, rather than to reload
the applications from their source macros each time you use the Design
module. You can revert to the most recently saved layout at any time by
selecting Display>Restore>Forms & Display)
So far, you have been working in PDMS Design’s General application mode,
where the menus and facilities available are common to all engineering design
disciplines. You can now start the HVAC-specific application, which tailors the
functionality of the PDMS Design module to suit the explicit needs of the HVAC
Change from the General application to the HVAC application, by selecting
Design>HVAC Designer.
The menu bar for the General application is replaced by that for the HVAC
application. The menu bars for both applications look very similar, but the latter
gives you access to options with specific relevance to creating and
manipulating HVAC components.
Setting HVAC defaults
To minimize the complexity of this exercise, you will set some defaults for your
HVAC Designer exercise:
• A default detailing specification
• The format of the HVAC form
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• customized HVAC forms.
Setting a default detailing specification
The constructional details of components that you select from the HVAC catalogue
are determined by the current detailing specification, which is shown on HVAC
application menu bar. The current detailing specification is automatically set to
The TUTORIAL specification gives access to a range of catalogue components
that are suitable for use with this exercise. Although you can, if you wish, choose
select a different specification for each HVAC branch, you will use the same
specification throughout the design exercise. 3
Choosing the HVAC form format
All the principal functions for creating, positioning, orientating and connecting
HVAC elements are available from within a single form, the Heating, Ventilation,
Air Conditioning (HVAC) form (generally referred to as the HVAC form).
The HVAC form has two display formats:
• The brief form, the default, uses drop-down lists to show the elements available
for selection when you are creating a design.
• The full form uses scrollable lists to show the elements available for selection,
and also offers more complex positioning options.
It is preferable to use the full form while you are learning about PDMS, so this
guide uses examples of the full form only.
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Exercise continues:
Display the HVAC form by selecting Create>HVAC.
Display the HVAC settings form by selecting Settings>Ductwork Defaults.
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Creating HVAC administrative elements
You are now ready to create administrative elements which govern the positions of
individual HVAC components within the database hierarchy. The first elements
• An HVAC system element
• An HVAC branch element (the branch head).
Creating an HVAC system element
Exercise continues:
Make sure that your current element is HVACZONE.
In the HVAC form
From Categories, select PDMS Branches.
From Available Types, select HVAC System Element.
In the displayed Create HVAC form, enter HTESTHVAC in the HVAC
Name text box
Click Apply to create the element, and then Dismiss to remove the
Create HVAC form.
Creating an HVAC branch element
There are two types of HVAC branch element:
• Main branch
• Side branch.
These differ only in the way they are added to the design:
• A main branch requires you to position and orientate its head explicitly
• A side branch takes its head position and orientation from a branch
connection point (P3) on an existing three-way component.
Your first HVAC branch element will be a main branch element, the branch head.
Exercise continues:
In the HVAC form, with Categories still set to PDMS Branches, select Main
Branch Element from Available Types.
In the displayed HVAC Main Branch Element forms:
• Enter Branch Name: HTESTB1.
• Set Branch Head Shape to Rect (rectangular).
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• Set Head Direction to N (this is the direction looking along the ductwork
run from the head position towards the first component).
• Set the Arrive A dimension, Duct width AA to 1000.
• Set the Arrive B dimension, Duct width AB to 500.
• Select Insulation Thickness to 50 mm (this adds 50mm of insulation
automatically to each surface of all components and ducting owned by the
• Select ID Design P-Point from the Head Start drop-down list:
Your last selection, ID Design PPoint, enables you to specify the
position of the Branch Head by picking a p-point. You will pick the p-point at
the centre of the hole in the front wall of the building.
Leave the HVAC Main Branch Element form as it is, and go to the 3D
In the 3D View tool bar, click
and zoom in on the hole in the front wall
of the building.
Now go back to the HVAC Main Branch Element form, and click
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You are prompted by the status bar to Identify design ppoint.
Position the cursor on the edge of the box representing the hole and press
and hold down the left-hand mouse button. The p-points appear as dots.
Move the cursor around the box, continuing to hold down the left-hand
mouse button.
Each time the cursor is over a p-point, the p-point is identified in the status
Locate p-point P5 in the centre of the southernmost face of the negative
box representing the hole in the wall, and release the mouse button over it.
Dismiss the HVAC Main Branch Element form.
You have now defined the branch head.
Creating HVAC components
Starting at the branch head, you will now build up your HVAC design. You will add
individual components sequentially, and position and orientate each of these as
you proceed.
You will be creating the following overall HVAC configuration:
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Exercise continues:
The first component required is a rectangular straight, to be aligned with the
hole in the southernmost wall:
In the HVAC form, select Rectangular from the Categories list.
In the displayed HVAC Rectangular Ductwork form, click on the Straight
diagram in the top left-hand corner of the palette.
This displays the Rectangular Straight form which has data fields for all the
parameters needed to define the component. The initial data settings on
component definition forms are determined by a set of default values.
To see what the parameters mean in terms of the component geometry,
click the Picture button on the form. This displays the HVAC Component
form containing a dimensioned and annotated diagram showing how the
component is defined in the catalogue.
Compare the data categories on the Rectangular Straight form with the
diagram, to see how these are related.
Note: There is a full set of component geometry diagrams in the appendices of
HVAC Design Using VANTAGE PDMS Volume 2.
Close the HVAC Component form.
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Click Apply on the Rectangular Straight form to accept the default
parameters, and then click Dismiss.
The rectangular straight is created and positioned with its p-arrive at the
branch head, so that it is inside the building (as shown in the above
To move the straight to the required position, you need to move it south
5000mm and down 96mm.
Go to the POSITION: - area on the HVAC form. In the text box next to the
Move by button, enter the required displacement; S5000D96.
The straight is moved as soon as you press Return to confirm the data.
You can check that the straight is in the correct position by selecting
Query>Position>Origin from the main menu bar. The position, shown in
an HVAC Command Output window, is:
E 3048 mm S 5125 mm U 3300 mm.
To reposition the branch head so that it coincides with the PA of the
straight, go to the drop-down lists in the bottom row of the CONNECT:- area
on the HVAC form:
• Set HVAC Branch to Head
• Set to First Member.
This connects (and therefore repositions) the head of the current branch to the PA
of the first component, the straight (the only branch member so far).
Note: You could have positioned the branch head here when you first created it,
but this would have required you to calculate its coordinates explicitly. It is usually
easier, as here, to position a new item relative to an existing design point and then
to move it later.
Creating a fire damper
The next step in the construction of your HVAC design is to create a fire damper at
the position where the ducting will pass through the hole in the wall.
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Exercise continues:
The last operation made the branch head the current element. Each new
component is created immediately after the current component in branch
list order. So to create a component after the straight, you must navigate
back to the straight. To do this, click on the straight in the 3D View.
In the HVAC form:
• From Categories, select Inline Plant Equipment
• From Available Types, select Rectangular Fire Damper.
On the Rectangular Fire Damper form, name the component FD1. Leave all
parameter settings at their default values, and click Apply to create the fire
Moving the fire damper
The fire damper is automatically positioned so that its PA is coincident with the PL
of the preceding straight. You will now move it so that it fits within the wall.
Exercise continues:
In the POSITION: - area of the HVAC form, set Through to ID Element.
You are prompted to identify an element; pick any part of the southernmost
The fire damper is moved northward along its axis until it lies in the plane
of the wall, and you are now no longer able to see the fire damper in the
3D View, because it is hidden within the negative box that represents the
hole through the wall.
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The gap between the straight and the fire damper is filled automatically by a
length of implied ducting in the 3D View. Note that implied ducting is not
as an element in the Design Explorer.
Change the 3D View direction to Plan>North, so that your view appears
similar to the diagrams shown here.
Creating a composite component
The HVAC components you have created so far have each been represented
by a single PDMS element. Some HVAC components, however, composite
components, are represented by more than one PDMS element.
You must be particularly careful that you are at the correct position in the
Design Explorer when you want to refer to such a component. The next part
of the exercise shows you how composite components are represented within
the PDMS hierarchy.
Exercise continues:
Use the HVAC form to create a Rectangular Square Bend:
• set Leave Direction to W
• leave all other settings at their default.
Click Apply.
A message appears warning you that the hierarchy has been affected by
the creation of this component. OK the warning message.
The bend is created as follows:
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The Design Explorer now shows two new elements:
• BEND 1 represents the bend ducting
• SPLR 1 represents the set of air deflectors within the bend (created
because a square bend requires turning vanes).
The message you saw when creating this component was warning you to be
careful when you attempt to navigate to this component because the component
itself comprises more than one PDMS element.
If you navigate to the square bend simply by picking it with the cursor, you are
almost certain to select the element representing the outer ducting. The deflector
set that also forms part of the component, follows the bend in branch order (as you
can see in the Design Explorer). You must make sure that, if you wish to create a
component to follow the bend in the branch order, you must click on the element
that represents the deflectors.
To see the deflectors inside the bend, switch the 3D View temporarily to wireline
mode (use the Settings>Shaded option on the 3D View pop-up menu, or press
F8, to toggle between colour-shaded and wireline views).
Adding more HVAC components to your ductwork
Creating a rectangular radiused bend
Exercise continues:
Using the Design Explorer, make sure that the deflector set of the
rectangular square bend (SPLR 1) is your current element.
Use the HVAC form to create a Rectangular Radiused Bend:
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• set Inside Radius to 100
• set Leave Direction to N
• leave the defaults for all other settings.
Click Apply.
Repositioning the rectangular radiused bend
You need to position the new bend in the plane of the westernmost wall.
Exercise continues:
Position the new bend in the plane of the westernmost wall by using
POSITION: - Through ID Element on the HVAC form. Pick the wall, or
rather, because you are using a plan view, pick the beam above it.
Now move the bend to fit just inside the wall, and downwards so that the
ducting leaving it passes under the beam across the building roof. Enter
POSITION: - Move by E800D150. The result is:
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Creating a rectangular mitred offset
Because you have moved the radiused bend downwards, its inlet (PA) is not
vertically aligned with the outlet (PL) of the preceding component. This is
indicated in the 3D View by a broken line between the components, rather than
implied ducting. To correct this problem, you will insert a mitred offset section
between the two components.
Exercise continues:
Remember that a new component is always added immediately after the
current element, so navigate back to the deflector set (SPLR1) of the
square bend.
Create a Rectangular Mitred Offset.
PDMS has a powerful facility that can calculate the length and amount of
offset needed to fit the new component automatically into the available
space. Simply click the Fit button on the Rectangular Mitred Offset form.
The calculated data is entered into the parameter data fields: note, for
example, that the A Offset is now set to 150.
You may wish to zoom in close to the mitred offset and view it from
different angles to see how it has been adjusted to fit between the two
Creating a second rectangular radiused bend
Exercise continues:
Navigate back to the last component in the branch, the radiused bend.
Create a second radiused bend with:
• The default Inside Radius (0.5 means 0.5 x duct width)
• Leave Direction E, in the following position:
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Position the bend in the plane of the northernmost wall (use Through
ID Element and pick the wall or beam above it)
Move the bend South by 1500 mm (use Move by: S1500).
Adding a circular section silencer
To include a circular section silencer in your rectangular ductwork, you need a
transformation piece either side of the silencer.
Exercise continues:
In the HVAC form:
• From Categories, select Transformations
• From Available Types, select Square to Round
• set Duct Diameter to 750.
Position the transformation piece in line with the first beam reached in
the branch-creation direction, shown striped in the preceding diagram
Move the transformation piece 300 mm east.
Back in the HVAC form:
• From Categories, select Inline Plant Equipment
• From Available Types, select Circular Silencer
• name the component SILE1
• set Outer Diameter to 950.
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You will now add another transformation piece to revert back to rectangular
ducting. However, instead of specifying this from first principles, you will create
a copy of the existing transformation piece, and reverse it to achieve the
desired round-to-square result.
On the HVAC form, click the Create
ID button. When
prompted, pick the square-to-round transformation that you want to
On the Square to Round Transformation form, set the Flip
Circ/Rect option to Yes. This interchanges the PA and PL points
reversing the component’s direction.
Your HVAC layout now looks like this:
Adding a three-way component and terminating the branch
A three-way component enables you to connect one branch to another. You
will need a three-way component so that you can connect a side branch into
your existing main branch later in the exercise.
Exercise continues:
To create a three-way component:
In the HVAC form:
• From Categories, select Rectangular
• From Available Types, select Square Threeway
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• set Duct Width LA (leave A dimension) to 800
• set Second Width (for the branch connection) to 800
• set Leave Direction to S.
You require a gap of 1500 mm between the three-way component and the
preceding component (the round-to-square transformation). The Distance
operation on the HVAC form enables you to do this by allowing you to specify
the gap between the PL of one component and the PA of the next, thereby
avoiding the need for you to calculate the movement required to reposition it.
Move the three-way component along the branch axis by setting
Distance to 1500.
You can make sure that the gap is correct; navigate back to the roundto-square transformation and select Query>Gap to next from the main
menu bar.
Return to the square three-way component and create a Rectangular
Radiused Bend with default dimensions and Leave Direction
Align the bend with the hole in the easternmost wall using the Through
ID Element option. Pick the edge of the box outline on this wall.
The current branch direction (the PL direction of the previous
component) was changed to South by the three-way item, so the bend
moves south until it is aligned with the picked element.
Create a second Rectangular Fire Damper, give it the name FD2,
and position it through the hole in the easternmost wall.
Defining the branch tail
You complete the definition of your main branch by defining the branch tail.
Exercise continues:
Connect the Branch Tail to the fire damper (the last member of the
• Select Tail from the HVAC Branch menu at the foot of the HVAC
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• Select Last Member.
This uses the same method that you used to connect the branch head in Step
The final HVAC configuration is:
Save your design changes.
Adding to the HVAC Model
In the last chapter you created a sequence of components to form the main branch
of your HVAC ductwork. In this chapter you will:
• learn how to position tiles using a working grid
• extend your model by adding some side branches.
The grid/tiling utility
You begin by using some facilities for setting out a working grid and positioning
ceiling tiles within it, so that you can then use these tiles as references for
positioning HVAC grilles.
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With reference to your existing design model, the next part of the HVAC ducting
network which you are going to design will feed two ceiling grilles above the small
room in the north-east corner of the building. In order to position these grilles, you
will use a facility which lets you set out a horizontal grid and a ceiling tile layout
based on a specified datum point.
There are three stages to tiling:
Specify a setting-out point (SOP) to represent the datum from which grid line
positions are to be calculated.
Create grid lines at specified intervals, referenced from the SOP, in a horizontal
Add tiles at specified positions in the plane of the grid.
Exercise continues:
Note: If your screen is cluttered, you may wish to dock the HVAC form to
one side of the window and then unpin it.
Navigate to the zone which owns the design model, HVACZONE. The
grid/tiles are created below this hierarchic level.
Layout>Setting Out Point. This displays the HVAC Grid Setting Out
Point form:
• Enter S.O.P. Name: HTESTSOP1.
• Enter Setting Out Point Height: 2700 (the elevation of the
ceiling in which you will eventually position the grilles).
• Click OK.
You are prompted to pick the SOP position using the cursor in a plan view.
You want to position the SOP at the exact centre of the room’s ceiling.
Rather than trying to pick this point precisely, you will pick a random point
in the ceiling plane as the SOP, and then move this point to the exact
position required.
Pick a point.
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To move this point to the centre of the room, select Position>Explicitly
(AT) from the main menu. Enter the coordinates E15000 N9000 U2700 on
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the Explicit Position form (ignore the Positioning Control form).
The SOP appears in the 3D View as a small sphere, and is represented
by a DISH element in the PDMS hierarchy.
You will next define a grid in the plane of the ceiling (a horizontal reference
grid) through the SOP datum, with the grid lines spaced out from the SOP
in both directions.
Select Utilities>HVAC Tiles/Grid Layout>Grid from S.O.P.. This
displays the HVAC Layout Grid from SOP form.
Leave the East/West and North/South Grid Spacing separations set to the
default of 600.
Click OK. You might be prompted to identify the SOP from which the grid
line positions are calculated (unless it is already the current element): if so,
pick the SOP which you have just created. You must now define the horizontal
rectangular area which represents the grid boundaries. You are prompted to
pick first the south-west corner and then the north-east corner in a plan view.
Pick the corresponding corners of the room (the intersections of the beams at
these corners).
Since your room is 6000 x 6000 mm, the 600 mm grid line spacing gives
you 10 grid squares in each direction within the ceiling area, like this:
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Note: If the room were not rectangular, you could build up an overall grid by using
abutting rectangles based on separate setting-out points.
To complete this part of the exercise, you will create two tiles in the ceiling grid
where you want to install HVAC grilles (as shown by the shaded and striped grid
squares in the preceding diagram).
Select Utilities>HVAC Tiles/Grid Layout>Apply Tiles in Grid. This
displays the HVAC Apply Tiles in Grid form.
Leave the East/West and North/South Tile Width dimensions set
to the default of 600. (They do not have to be the same size as the grid
squares, but are usually so in practice.)
Click OK.
You are prompted to identify the SOP with the grid for to positioning the
Even though there is only one, pick the SOP to confirm your intentions.
You are now prompted to identify the locations at which you want to insert
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Pick the grid squares marked
in the above diagram (the
picked points snap to the nearest half tile, so you don’t need to be too
precise). Then press the Escape key to indicate that you have finished
adding tiles.
Creating side branches
You next want to create a side branch which runs from a start point on the
main branch and which passes between the tile positions. You will then add
two more side branches, each running from a point on the first side branch to
the tile positions (remember that you need a separate branch for each length of
ducting between two points).
You will complete the ducting network by adding a fourth side branch, leading
to an angled outlet mesh, from the unconnected arm of the square three-way
To start with, you must insert a suitable connector into the main branch so that
you have a point to which you can connect the side branch head.
Exercise continues:
Navigate to the existing three-way item. You will insert another branch
connector immediately after it in the branch sequence.
If you unpinned it earlier, re-display the HVAC form by hovering over the
HVAC tab.
Use the HVAC form to create the next component:
From Categories, select Branch Connectors.
From Available Types, select Flat Oval ‘A’ Boot.
set Boot Width to 610
set Boot Depth to 152
set B Offset to 100
Set Boot Direction to E.
• Click Apply.
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You want the oval ducting to pass along the centerline of the ceiling, so
position the current component so that its outlet is aligned with the SOP datum
at the ceiling’s centre.
(Using the Through ID Element facility on the HVAC form):
In the HVAC form:
• From Categories, select PDMS Branches
• From Available Types, select Side Branch (off main).
From the HVAC Side Branch Element (Connected to ‘Main’) form:
• Set Branch Name to HTESTB1.1 (showing that it is a side
branch of main branch HTESTB1)
• Set Insulation Thickness to 50 mm
• Leave Specification set to the current default (the same
specification as the main branch)
• Because you are creating a side branch, it is assumed that you
will connect its head to a free P3 point on an existing component.
Set Connect Head to Branch Connector to show the type of
component to which this connection is made.
• Click OK. When prompted, pick the flat oval boot connector.
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You can pick any part of the component; the new branch head will
always be connected to its P3 point.)
Create a Flat Oval Straight as the first member of the new side
Set its Width Direction to N.
You are now going to create two circular boot connectors from which to route
outlets to the two tile positions. You will create these and position them before
you create the straight to which they are connected, so that the boots can be
positioned relative to the tiles and the length of the straight can then be
adjusted to suit the boot positions.
Make the oval straight as current element.
In the HVAC form:
• From Categories, select Branch Connectors
• From Available Types, select Circular Boot
• set Boot Diameter to 150
• set Inner Extension to 76
• set Dist from Leave to 100
• leave Boot Direction set to N.
This boot is positioned 100 mm back from the PL of the straight on which it
is mounted (which is only implied at this stage).
Move the boot so that it is aligned through the northernmost tile (shown
in the diagrams).
Create a second circular boot as follows:
• From Categories, select Branch Connectors
• From Available Types, select Circular Boot
• set Boot Diameter to 150
• set Inner Extension to 76
• set Dist from Leave to 700
• set Boot Direction to S.
This Dist from Leave dimension positions the boot 700 mm back from the
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PL of the previous boot. Since the previous boot was set back 100 mm from its
PL, the difference between the boot positions corresponds to the 600 mm
offset between the two tile positions. The result is as follows:
You can now replace the implied ducting between the circular boots with a
straight component. Because the boots are subcomponents, you must first
navigate back to the existing straight in this side branch.
Navigate back two positions (to STRT1 in HTESTB1.1) in the Design
Create a second Flat Oval Straight, and use the Fit button to
achieve the required length between the PL of the first straight and the
PL of each circular boot.
The calculated Length is 2525.
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To complete this first side branch, add a cap to close the end of the last
straight; navigate to the last component of HTESTB1.1 in the Design
Explorer (the southernmost circular boot) and create a Flat Oval Cap
(Remember that the PL of this boot is as shown in the above diagram,
and not within the boot volume itself, so that the cap should be positioned
correctly and appear in the correct list order.)
Connect the HVAC Branch Tail to the Last Member of the branch (the
Your second side branch will run from the northernmost circular boot to a
grille in the adjacent tile.
Navigate to the first side branch (HTESTB1.1) and create a new side
branch named HTESTB1.1.1
with 50 mm insulation thickness.
Connect the head of the new side branch to the circular boot connector.
Create a Circular Straight with Length set to 750.
To see what types of leave joint are available, click the Choose button
next to the Lea joint field. From the resulting Choose Joint form, select
Male Socket & Spigot Joint and click OK. The Lea joint field is
updated to show MALE.
Create a Circular Internal Damper with default settings.
Create a Circular Flexible Bend with its Leave Direction set
to D (down). Position the bend so that it is aligned through the
appropriate tile.
(You will adjust the dimensions of this bend later in the exercise.)
Use the HVAC form to create a circular to rectangular spigot box:
• From Categories, select Transformations
• From Available Types, choose a circular to rectangular spigot box
by selecting Spigot Box.
Set the following parameters:
• duct width LA = 300
• duct depth LB = 300
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• Rectangular Box Height = 75
• Circ Extension = 50
• Circ Jnt = MALE.
Rectangular Grille in line. Set the parameters as follows:
• Name = GRIL1
• End width = 400
• End depth = 400
• Grille Length = 50
• ‘A’ Extension = 0.
You want the grille to fit within the tile volume, so set the Position At option
button on the HVAC form to ID Element and, when prompted, pick the tile. The
origin of the grille is positioned at the origin of the tile.
Note: At this stage the PL of the spigot box and the PA of the grille have
become misaligned, so you see a broken line between them rather than a
length of implied ducting.)
Having positioned the grille correctly, you will now go back along the current
side branch and adjust the other components to fit, starting with the spigot box,
which you will position directly on top of the grille
Navigate to the spigot box (PLEN 1 in the Design Explorer).
Select Position At Next from the HVAC form positioning options.
Navigate to the flexible bend and click the Modify CE button on the
HVAC form so that you can adjust the dimensions of the flexible bend
so that it fits correctly between the internal damper (at its PA) and the
spigot box (at its PL).
Click the Fit button on the Circular Flexible Bend form to recalculate
the dimensions necessary for a correct fit. (The calculated Arrive
Extension becomes 120 and the Leave Extension 225.)
Complete the definition of the side branch by connecting its tail to the
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Looking towards the west, the side branch HTESTB1.1.1 now looks like
Use the method given above to create a similar side branch, named
HTESTB1.1.2, from the second circular boot to a grille (GRIL2) positioned
in the other tile. (Remember to navigate up to the level of branch
HTESTB1.1 first.)
The overall layout of the HVAC ducting in the vicinity of the room now looks
like this (the different shades in this diagram show the branch hierarchy):
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You can now complete the network by connecting an angled outlet grille to
the side arm of the square three-way component (top left in the preceding
To do so, you must create a fourth side branch.
Navigate to the three-way connector.
Create a side
branch named HTESTB1.2 with insulation
thickness 50mm. Set the Connect Head to option button on the
HVAC Side Branch Element form to Threeway Item and,
when prompted, pick the three-way component.
Create a Rectangular Radiused Bend.
Because you want the bend to turn in the B direction (click the
width/depth button. The Duct width AA becomes 500 and
the Duct depth AB becomes 800.
Set the Angle to 135, the Inside Radius to 100, and the Leave
Direction to D.
Create a Rectangular Radiused Splitter which fits inside the
bend (it is a subcomponent of the bend). Set the Splitter Radius
to 200. If you are using a colour-shaded view, switch to wireline
mode (Graphics>Shaded or F8 key) to see the splitter.
Create a Rectangular Mesh End, using default settings, to
complete the branch. Connect the branch tail to the last member in
the usual way.
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To complete the network, you will insert two sets of air turning vanes
into the square three-way component to control the air flows (similar to
those which you saw in the square bend).
Navigate to the square three-way component and switch to
wireline view (if not already set) so that you can see what
happens next.
Create the first set of Rectangular Turning Vanes. Change
the Duct Width AA to 500 and leave the other settings at their
defaults. Note in particular that the Leave Throat is 150 and
that the Direction towards leave radio button is selected.
Create a second set of Rectangular Turning Vanes. This
time set the Duct Width AA to 500, the Leave Throat to 650
and select the Direction opposite leave option button.
The results, and the significance of the settings used, are illustrated in
the following diagram:
This completes the conceptual design of the basic HVAC network. In the
next chapter you look at some ways in which you can enhance this
design further.
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Completing the Design
In this chapter you will look at some facilities for enhancing the basic
HVAC design model. The main features described are:
• Automatic replacement of implied ducting in gaps by catalogue
• Automatic addition of stiffening flanges to ductwork items.
• Automatic item numbering of HVAC components.
Filling ductwork gaps automatically
When you created the main branch, HTESTB1, you concentrated on
specifying components with specific functions, such as bends, side
connection points, silencers and dampers. Most of the gaps between
these components were left undefined and were filled by lengths of
implied ducting to complete the representation shown in the 3D View.
To enable the design to be prefabricated, it is necessary to specify the
fixed lengths of ductwork (ductwork straights) required between these
components, so that a full material take-off list can be generated. The
HVAC application is able to calculate the optimum combination of
standard and non-standard straights needed to fill each gap and then
create the corresponding components in the design database
Exercise continues:
Navigate to the main branch HTESTB1.
To identify what gaps exist in the branch, select Utilities>Autofill
with Straights>Show Gaps.
Click Apply on the Highlight Implied Ductwork form.
For each gap in the named branch, the scrollable list area of the form
shows the:
• Location (the preceding component)
• Length
• Calculated combination of straights needed to fill it.
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simultaneously in the 3D View.
The HTESTB1 list shows seven gaps:
Compare this list with the items highlighted in the 3D View:
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Make sure you are still at HTESTB1, then select Utilities>Autofill
with Straights>Fill Gaps.
This displays the form Autofill with Straights. 3
Click Apply.
A list of all identified gaps, is again displayed as before, but this
time the specified straight lengths are created automatically to
replace the implied ducting. Look at the Design Explorer to see
the new elements.
To make sure that the auto filling operation was carried out correctly,
repeat steps 155 and 156.
The message No Gaps To Show confirms this. There is no need
to dismiss the form immediately because you still need to make
sure that there are no gaps in any of the four side branches.
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To do so, navigate to each in turn, click the CE button at the top of the
Highlight Implied Ductwork form, and then click the Apply
button. In each case you should see the No Gaps to Show
message. (If not, go back and correct any errors in your design before
Adding stiffening flanges
PDMS provides a utility for calculating the optimum numbers and
positions of stiffening flanges needed to support ductwork items. The
configuration of the flanges is tailored to suit the component geometry in
each case. You can then create and position such flanges automatically.
Note that, in the branch membership hierarchy, they are treated as
subcomponents of the straight.
Exercise continues:
Add flanges to your ductwork in branch order, starting at the branch
head; navigate to the first straight in the main branch (the
southernmost straight) to make it the current element.
Use the HVAC form to calculate the number of stiffeners needed for
this length of ducting:
• From Categories, select Rectangular
• From Available Types, choose Stiffening.
The stiffening requirements are calculated, and displayed in the
Rectangular Stiffening form. As you can see, PDMS calculates that
this component has a Spec Requirement of 5 stiffening flanges.
To create all five stiffening flanges, click the Apply the Spec
Requirement button. The flanges are created and positioned
Navigate to the next straight and stiffen it in the same way; this
straight is shorter, and requires only four flanges.
Proceeding along the branch, add stiffeners in turn to the:
• Square bend
• Mitered offset
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• Radiused bend.
The stiffening flanges are configured to suit each different component
Note: Different shading identifies individual components; heaviest lines
show flanges joining components together:
Automatic item numbering and naming
The item numbering facility automatically allocates sequential item
numbers to all HVAC components and gives each item a name of the
format /PREFIXnumber, where /PREFIX is a user-definable string and
number is the allocated number. Subcomponents (air deflectors,
stiffening flanges and so on) are numbered as decimalized subsets of
their owning components.
Inline plant items, which are usually named, do not have their names
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Exercise continues:
To autonumber all HVAC items in your current design model, navigate to
the owning HVAC element, HTESTHVAC.
Select Utilities>Automatic Itemising from the main menu. This
displays the HVAC Itemising form:
• enter Naming Prefix: /HTEST/ITEM
• leave Start Number set to 1
• Click Apply.
The HVAC Command Output window that is displayed, lists all HVAC
items and their allocated numbers.
When you compare the entries in this itemising list with those in the
Design Explorer, you can see that each item (except any inline
component) is now named in the Design Explorer using the specified
prefix /HTEST/ITEM suffixed by the item number. For example, the first
subcomponents, appear as follows (the numbers like =15312/160 and so
on are internal database reference numbers, which you can ignore):
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Finishing off design details
You can now complete design details for the ductwork straights you have
recently created to replace implied ducting. To do this, you will:
• modify joint types to suit the final design
• insert an access panel into the side of a length of ducting.
Modifying joint types
When the lengths of implied ducting leading to the two fire dampers were
replaced with straight components, the connecting joints will have been
assumed to remain as default flanged joints. In fact, the fire dampers require
raw edge joints, such that the ducting simply fits over the damper inlet and
Exercise continues:
The inlet joint for the damper is, in both cases, the leave joint for the straight
that precedes the damper.
To modify either one of these joints, navigate to the preceding straight.
On the HVAC form, click the Modify CE button. On the resulting
Rectangular Straight form (in Modify mode), click the Leajoint
Choose button and, from the Choose Joint form, select Raw Edge Joint,
slip over 40mm. The leave joint field is now set to RE40.
Click Apply.
Use the same procedure to modify the inlet to the other fire damper.
To modify the outlet joint between the first damper and the square bend
(the arrive joint of the bend), navigate to the bend and click Modify CE.
On the resulting Rectangular Square Bend form, click the Arrjoint Prev
button. The arrive joint field is set to RE40 by automatic reference to the
previous component, namely the fire damper. Apply the change.
To modify the outlet from the second damper, connect the branch tail to
the last member in the usual way.
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Inserting an access panel
The final component of your HVAC ducting network is an access panel in
the end straight of the main branch.
You will now insert an access panel, whose catalogue definition includes
a predefined working volume, into the side of the last straight. (The
reason for doing this will become clear when you look at clash checking
in the next chapter.)
Navigate to the appropriate straight. (This is the short one, named
HTEST/ITEM21 by the itemising utility, and connected to fire damper
Use the HVAC form to create the access panel:
• From Categories, select Rectangular
• From Available Types, choose Access Panel
• From Select Size options, which show all panel sizes available
in the catalogue, select 400x350
• Click the first Transpose width/depth button to give the
required configuration (350 W x 400 H).
Click Apply.
When created, the panel appears in the 3D View as a rectangular
plate standing slightly proud of the ducting surface. In the next
section you will look at its hidden geometry in more detail.
Run the automatic itemising utility again so that the access panel is
included in the item list.
Changing the view representation
You have already seen how to control which design elements appear in the
3D View by using the Drawlist to add or remove items as required. You
have also seen how to control the viewable volume and the viewing
direction by using the options from the 3D View’s shortcut menu. You will
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now see how you can further refine the view by specifying different levels of
detail for the items being displayed.
The amount of detail shown in the 3D View for different types of component
is controlled by the current representation settings. To see what these
settings are, select Settings>Graphics>Representation from the main
menu. This displays the Representation form. You will look at just two of its
options here.
The geometric representation of a catalogue component can include, in
addition to its normal physical shape, an obstruction volume which
represents the space around the component needed for maintenance or
operational access. The access panel created in Step 175 is an example of
such an item. To see what the obstruction volume looks like, set the
Obstruction option to Solid on the Representation form and click OK.
Zoom in close to the access panel and see how its appearance has
changed. The effect, exaggerated here for emphasis, is as follows:
To reset the normal view, redisplay the Representation form and set
Obstruction to Off and click OK.
The holes through the walls, where the fire dampers are situated, may
be shown either as boxes (specially shaded to show that they represent
negative boxes, holes) or as true holes. So far you have used the
shaded box representation so that you could pick the holes graphically
to identify them. To switch to a more realistic representation, select
Holes Drawn and click Apply.
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Look carefully at each hole in turn. You are now able to see the ducting and
fire dampers where they penetrate the walls.
That completes the introduction to the basic HVAC routing operations. In
the following parts of the exercise you will look at some ways of checking
the design model and outputting some design data derived from the
database settings.
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ISODRAFT can be used to produce isometric plot files of pipes and networks, from
either the Design or Fabrication databases, to your own required standards.
Normally, you will use these drawings for pipe work fabrication, but you can also
use them during on-site erection.
You can produce standard isometrics for zone, pipe, branch or spool drawing
elements or for a mixture of these elements. In addition, system isometrics,
showing a complete piping network, and equipment trim isometrics can be
Note: Mixed isometrics, containing elements from the Design and Fabrication
databases, cannot be produced.
ISODRAFT produces your isometric drawings automatically, including any
associated material lists you request. These material lists can specify: piping
components; bolt requirements; pipe cutting lengths; etc. ISODRAFT uses the
information in the project’s Design, Catalogue and Fabrication databases to
produce the required lists.
The isometrics produced can be fully dimensioned and annotated to ensure that
you find them easy to use and unambiguous.
Types of Isometrics
You can include the following types of isometric in an ISODRAFT drawing:
• Combined erection and fabrication isometric (standard)
• Fabrication-only isometric (for shop floor use)
• Erection-only isometric (for field use)
• Spool drawing isometric
Each isometric type has its own forms of dimensioning annotation and material list.
You can also control:
• Complexity (drawing level density) of the isometric
• View direction
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• Layout and units of dimensions
• Annotation of the components shown on the isometric (type, part
Number, specification, etc.)
• Welding information
• Insulation and tracing information
• Material list position (either on the drawing sheet or separately)
• Material list format
• Symbols used to represent different types of piping components
• Drawing sheet size
• Drawing sheet annotation (title block text, company logo etc.)
• Scaling of the isometric within the sheet (window size)
• Text size
All these drawing options have default settings so that you can begin creating
drawings quickly.
ISODRAFT can be completely controlled from the application’s Graphical User
Interface (GUI). The information displayed on the isometrics is controlled by
Options files, allowing you to produce drawings to your own standards. Some
option files are supplied with the product: these can be modified, or new option
files created, to suit your company standards and projects. The basic procedure
for producing an isometric using the GUI is:
1. Select the type of isometric you wish to produce (Standard or System/Trim).
2. Select the options file you wish to use.
3. Select the element you wish to process, from the members list, or assemble a
detail list containing the elements.
4. Select the type of output required.
5. Plot the elements.
These steps are explained in the following sections.
1.0 To produce a Standard isometric, select Isometrics>Standard from the main
menu bar. The Standard Isometric form is displayed
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2.0 Options files can be created in three areas: Project, Company or Local. The
files are accessed by selecting the required area from the Options drop-down
list on the Standard Isometrics form. The names of the files in the area are
displayed in the options scrollable list:
2.1 The Project standards: the files containing standard settings for the
(PDMS) project that you are in. There are some example files supplied
2.2 The Company standards: the files containing standard settings for your
company. Two metric sample files (BASIC.MET and ADVANCED.MET)
and two imperial sample files (BASIC.IMP and ADVANCED.IMP) are
supplied with ISODRAFT.
2.3 Local lists the contents of the current directory.
Click on the options file you wish to use, to select it.
3.0 You can select to process either the Current Element and its members, or the
contents of the Detail List, by selecting Current Element or Detail List from
the Detail drop-down list on the Standard Isometrics form.
If you select Current Element, you must select the CE in the Isodraft
Members list. If the CE is a Zone, Group or ISOREG, the owned (or grouped)
Pipes or Spool Drawings are processed.
Assembling a ‘Detail List’ allows you to produce isometrics for several
elements, which need not be in the same area of the database (or even in the
same database), in one operation. To display the Isometric Detail List form,
select Detail list from the Detail drop-down list.
Note: This replaces the normal Isodraft Members list.
The Isometric Detail List form contains two scrollable windows: one lists the
Members in the selected database, in the same way as the Isodraft Members
list; the other lists elements added to the Detail List.
To add an element to the Detail List, select it in the Members List and click the
Add button.
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Only Zones, Groups, Pipes, Branches, ISOREGs or Spool Drawings can be
added. If the element is a Zone, Group or ISOREG, the owned (or grouped)
Pipes or Spool Drawings are added rather than the element itself.
4.0 You can specify that an Isometric, Transfer file, Batch macro or Bolt report
is produced. Select the required option from the Produce drop-down list on the
Standard Isometrics form.
5.0 To detail the selected element(s), click the Apply button.
A PDMS plot file for the isometric will be created in the directory specified in
the options file. A material list file will also be created if material list production
is switched on in the options file.
When detailing is complete, the display will change to show the isometric
displayed in the Display Isometric window. Two other forms, Isodraft Message
and Display List, are also displayed.
Example of Detailing the CE Using the GUI
The most basic method of using ISODRAFT is to detail the current element using
one of the sets of options provided with the software. To detail an element:
1. Navigate to a pipe in the Design database, or a spool drawing in the
Fabrication database, in the Isodraft Members List.
2. Select Isometrics>Standard from the main menu bar. This displays the
Standard Isometric form, with the current element shown at the top.
Note: The element named next to the CE button will be detailed. If you select a
new current element from the members list you must then click on the CE button.
3. Select Company from the options drop-down list and select Basic. Met
from the list of options in the scrollable list box.
4. Ensure that Current Element and Isometrics are selected in the Detail
and Produce drop-down list boxes, respectively.
5. Click the Apply button to start the detailing.
When detailing is finished, the plot file is displayed on your screen in the
Display Isometric form, together with an Isodraft Messages form showing
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the name of the file produced, and a Display List form showing all the
available plots.
The Isometric Output Format
The general format of a typical ISODRAFT output drawing is shown in Figure 2-2.
The Message File
ISODRAFT outputs a report of pipes detailed and drawings produced, together
with any problems found when the pipes were processed. The file to which this
information is to be sent is specified by the command
MESSagefilename filename
At the end of an ISODRAFT run this file will contain:
• the references of all pipes which have been processed;
• the references of any pipes which have been rejected and the reason for
• advisory messages, such as item codes being truncated;
• the name of the plot file in which each drawing of each pipe will be
Typical messages showing errors in the design are as follows:
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(33:168) cannot find FLANGE to match PPOINT 3
(33:168) cannot find FLANGE to match PPOINT 4
Of VFWA 1 of BRAN /PIPE2- 1
ISODRAW Mk11.6 SP1 (WINDOWS-NT 4.0) (20 Feb
2008: 23:22) Run on Tues, 22 Feb 2006 14:30
The following drawings are in plot file plot006 Drg. 1
/PIPE2 Plotted
Any errors reported in the message file should be corrected and the pipes for
which errors were reported should be run through ISODRAFT again.
The message file name can be queried by using the command
Query MESSagefilename
The Isometric Detailing Commands
The DETAIL or CHECK commands, followed by the pipes to be detailed, start the
data processing.
• DETAIL causes ISODRAFT to process the pipeline elements and to
Send the resulting isometric drawings and material lists to a file.
• CHECK causes ISODRAFT to process the pipeline elements without
Producing a plot file. This can be useful as a check that a complex
Pipeline will be successfully drawn before batch mode plotting.
Note: The explanations which follow, which refer to the DETAIL command, also
apply to the corresponding CHECK commands.
Normally Isodraft will be setup to use macros to help produce Isometrics for each
project. A brief listing of the commands and their functions are given below here:
To generate the isometric
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To generate the system isometric
To define the type of the Isometric
To define the backing sheet
To define the units
To define the sheet size
To define the margins
To check whether Isometric can be extracted
To indicate Flow Arrows
To tag the instruments
To define the material table
To define the weld table
To disable / enable bolting information
To add the loose flange allowance
To toggle the reference dimensions
To define the symbol file name
To define a new symbol
To alter the standard text
To define the character size for annotations
To toggle the insulation representation on/ off
The MATERIALLIST command allows us to control:
Whether or not the list is shown on the drawing
The position of the list
Character size used in the plotted list
Spacing between the lines
Whether or not component descriptions are included
Part number generation on / off
Overflow of long lists.
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What does DRAFT do?
DRAFT produces fully annotated scale drawings showing selected parts of the
design model created in PDMS DESIGN. DRAFT is fully integrated with DESIGN.
A model can be viewed from any direction, with hidden detail automatically
removed or shown in a different line style, as required. A drawing may contain
more than one view of a 3D model; for example, a plan view, a front elevation and
an isometric view may be displayed simultaneously.
In DRAFT an annotated drawing is made up of different types of graphics:
• Graphics that represent the 3D model.
• Graphics to provide backing and overlay sheets which will be common to a
number of drawings.
• Graphics providing annotation, including not only dimensioning and text but also
such items as leader lines and label boxes.
All the graphic items exist as, or are defined by, elements in the DRAFT database.
The Draft database hierarchy
The DRAFT Database Hierarchy is given below and a brief description of
important administrative elements is given below.
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The administrative elements in the draft hierarchy which is useful in grouping the
The drawing element in the database. Each drawing can own any number of
sheets (SHEE elements). The important attributes of the DRWG element are:
The drawing sheet size
The title of the drawing
Essentially, the drawn by attribute
Each sheet can have several views. The important attributes of the SHEE element
The drawing sheet size.
The title of the drawing
The backing sheet reference
This is the most important element in the database which holds the crucial
information regarding the drawing being generated. The important attributes of this
element are:
The direction of view
The position through which the model is being viewed.
The position from which the model is being viewed.
The position on which the view centre lies.
The view scale
The rotation of the view on the paper. Useful to orientate the
north direction properly in the drawing.
The type of the view (wireline/ Global Hline/ Hline etc.)
The reference to the IDLI (Identified Drawlist) which stores list
of the elements to be shown in the view.
The rule set reference which defines the rules for
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The size of the view
The origin of the view
To toggle the border frame of the view.
To show / hide the view.
An example of each type of view (representation type) is shown below.
Hidden Line Representation
The VTYP (view type) attribute controls the hidden-line representation of displayed
pictures. Five possible VTYP setting are provided. These give progressively
greater graphical accuracy at the expense of increasing processing requirements.
This facility allows you to produce preliminary and intermediate drawings (where
graphical accuracy may be of secondary importance) quickly, leaving only finished
drawings to incur the greatest processing overhead. The default VTYP setting is
WIRELINE, which gives a conventional wire line picture as shown in Figure below.
Typical wireline picture
Modelled Wireline representation gives slightly greater realism by blending the
intersection of primitives, but without incurring the computational overheads of
removing hidden lines. Below Figure shows a modelled wireline display.
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Typical Modelled Wireline picture
Local Hidden Line representation gives a picture where hidden lines are removed
from individual significant elements (EQUI, SUBS etc), but not from items hidden
behind them. This gives a picture as shown in Figure below.
Typical Local Hidden Line picture
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Global Hidden Line representation gives a picture where all hidden lines are
removed, giving a picture as shown in Figure below.
Typical Global Hidden Line picture
Alternative methods of setting VTYP are as follows:
VTYP WIRE - wireline (default)
VTYP MWIR - modelled wireline
VTYP LOCAL - local hidden lines removed
VTYP GLOBAL - global hidden lines removed
VTYP UNIV - global hidden lines removed and intersection lines generated
Universal representation (see below Figure) gives a picture where all hidden lines
are removed (as in Global HLR), but in addition intersection lines between
clashing significant elements (e.g. EQUI and STRU or SUBS and SUBS) are
generated. Whether you will need to use this View type will depend on the way in
which you have created the model. The need for VTYP UNIVERSAL will be
greater if the model is composed of a large number of significant elements each
with a small number of primitives, rather than vice versa. It is also more likely to be
needed in non-orthogonal Views, where missing intersection lines are most
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Graphical Representation
The graphical representation of a specific part of the design model is drawn is
controlled by sets of Representation Rules. These rules can either exist within a
Library and referred to from a view, or may be directly owned by a view in which
case they are known as ‘local rules’. This arrangement allows you to set up a
series of standard ways of drawing the design model at the start of a project, with
modifications to those rules being made locally.
Layers are used in PDMS to segregate the annotations like equipment dimensions
in one layer, piping dimensions in one layer, tagging in one layer, labels in one
layer and the 2-D annotation in a separate layer. The important attributes of the
LAYE element are:
To control the units of the dimensional values.
To define the purpose of the layer.
The origin of the layer. Can be useful if the whole layer has to
be moved. Generally, we come across this situation in
To show / hide the layer.
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Different types of view creation:
Views can be of the following types in PDMS-DRAFT:
Limits Defined view /User Defined view
Limits Defined View:
To create a matchline view select Create>View>Limits defined view from the main
menu to get the form as shown in Figure 1. Fill up the co-ordinate positions of the
limits with respect to the world and choose the scale of the drawing and the
representation type of the view. Fill up the drawlist and the graphics can be
Figure 1
User defined View
When we talk about creating a User defined view, it is about creating a view within
an identified box where the system decides the scale of the view. This type of
views are normally used for Keyplans, Isometric views etc. Where the scale is not
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an important factor. To create an user defined view select Create>View>User
Defined from the main menu.
Drawlists (IDLI’s)
IDLI’s are very important to create a proper view. To navigate to the drawlist
reference of any view, be at the VIEW element in the members list and type
GOTO IDLN in the command window.
Each IDLI is made of ADDE elements and REME elements. ADDE elements are
those that need to be added in the drawlist and REME elements are those which
need to be excluded from the drawlist. To modify a drawlist, be at the IDLI element
and select Modify>Drawlist from the main menu. The form obtained is as shown
in Figure 2.
Figure 2
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Number of draw lists (IDLI’s) can be grouped under one Drawlist library (DLLB).
These IDLI’s can then be referred by views. Generally, each drawing will have a
DLLB of its own.
To add the elements appearing within a certain volume, we can type the
ADD /XXXX within E 1000 N 1000 U 10000 TO E 5500 N 2430 U 8000
in the command window. This command will add all the elements appearing
under /XXXX which fall completely within the specified limits.
Draft Dimensioning
To create dimensions, select DRAFT>Dimensioning from the main menu and
select Create>Dimension Toolbar from the main menu. The form obtained is as
shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3
Linear Dimensions (LDIM’s)
The LDIM’s will consist of DPPT’s, DPBA’s and DPOI’s. The important attributes of
a LDIM are:
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Tick size - used to control the arrow size
Dimension Text Height
Projection Text Heigh
Dimension Position in the drawing
Projection Line Direction
Chained Dimension (True / False)
Type of the terminator (Dot)
Justification of the Projection Text.
The direction of the dimension
Projection line clearance.
Angular Dimensions (ADIM’s)
The PDIM’s also consist of DPPT’s DPBA’s and DPOI’s. The important attributes
of an ADIM are:
To toggle between clockwise and anticlockwise
The name of the item for which the dimension is attached to.
The overshoot value of the projection line
The clearance value of the projection line
Radial Dimensions (RDIM’s)
This has no members and has the following important attributes:
Toggle between Diameter / Radius
The angle at which the diametric dimension appears
The position at which your dimension text appears
Toggle between centre line type / Leader line type /
External type of dimension
The element to which the dimension is attached.
Pitch Circle Dimensions (PDIM’s)
This has two RPPT’s under it, the RPPT 1 will be the reference to centre of the
Pitch Circle dimension and RPPT 2 will be the reference to the item being
dimensioned. The important attributes are:
Angle subtended
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The angle at which the PDIM appears.
DPPT’s are the dimension points which together make the dimensions. The
important attributes of the DPPT’s are:
The projection line text
The Dimension Text Offset, useful to position the dimension
The Projection Text Offset, useful to position the projection
Projection Text Height
Projection Line Style
Dimension Line Style
To create gaps in the dimensions to avoid crossing
over graphics.
Most of these values can be set at a higher level in the hierarchy itself and they
will be navigated down to all the elements. These can be overruled wherever
The other important attributes for DPBA and DPOI are
Baindicator :
Toggle between Before / After
(for DPBA)
The position wrt /*
(for DPOI)
Draft Labeling
To create labels in Draft, select Draft>Labeling from the main menu. Generally,
there are two types of labels, GLAB and SLAB.
General Label (GLAB)
The general label can be attached to any element and the attribute information can
be displayed as part of it. The important attributes of the GLAB are:
The reference to the element to which the GLAB is attached
Toggle between boxed label / unboxed
Toggle for leader line
The shape of the leader line
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The alignment of the text (vertical alignment)
Justification :
Justification of the text (horizontal justification)
The intelligent text to be generated.
The character height
The position of the label
Toggle to relate the location to the originator
The angle of orientation of the label
Symbolic Label (SLAB)
The symbolic label can be attached to any element and the attribute information
along with some graphical representation can be displayed as part of it. The
important attributes of the SLAB are
The reference to the element to which the SLAB is attached
Toggle for leader line
The position of the label
Toggle to relate the location to the originator
Reference to the symbolic template
The scale-factor of the symbol
Creating Sections
DRAFT gives you the ability to construct sections through specified Design items,
the results of which can be displayed at VIEW level. All Planes are database items
and can therefore be used with more than one VIEW. There are three types of
Plane element that can be used to define four types of section plane, namely:
1.0 A Perpendicular Flat Plane passes through a specified point in the 3D design,
being oriented so as to be perpendicular to the current VIEW direction. The
VIEW contents that are discarded can be on either side of the plane. This type
of plane would be used as either a section or a backing plane.
2.0 A Flat Plane is similar to a perpendicular flat plane, but can be oriented to
allow views of the section from any angle.
3.0 A Stepped Plane is a folded plane (i.e. a series of non-intersecting straight line
spans) that extends to infinity in both directions along a specified axis. The
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shape is defined by a series of points, the ends of the plane also extending to
infinity. The simplest form of stepped plane would be defined by two points and
would be equivalent to a Flat Plane. Any VIEW direction can be used and the
VIEW contents on either side can be discarded. Note that the two end spans must
not intersect each other or an inner span. A stepped plane is illustrated in Figure 1.
4.0 An Enclosed Plane. This is a particular form of stepped plane in which the first
and last points that define it coincide to form a ‘tube’ that is infinitely long along
its axis. Any VIEW direction can be used and either the inside or outside of the
‘tube’ can be removed. An enclosed plane is illustrated in Figure 2.
Sections are of three types in PDMS - Draft viz. Section Flat, Section
Perpendicular and Section Stepped. To create a section in PDMS, we create a
view section (VSEC), section planes (FPLA or PPLA or SPLA) and apply the
section planes to the view. The important attributes of VSEC element are:
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The plane reference
The IDLI reference, which lists the elements to be
The attribute which can define whether the section is to
be done below the plane or above the plane.
Flat Plane
Perpendicular Plane
Stepped Plane
The examples of FPLA, SPLA and PPLA are given below. The important attributes
of these planes are:
The position of the plane
The direction of extrusion (in case of stepped plane)
The normal direction (in case of a flat plane)
Can be open / closed. (In case of stepped plane)
Perpendicular Plane (PPLA)
A PPLA has a single attribute POS which defines the 3D point through which the
plane passes, the retained side being that towards which the VIEW direction
points. The orientation of the plane will always be perpendicular to the direction
that you specify for the VIEW. The basic command syntax for creating a PPLA is:
NEW PPLA - create a PPLA
set POS attribute to a 3D Design position or
set POS attribute to the 3D Design position of a Design element
set POS attribute to the 3D Design position of a Design element
Note: You can only input a 3D Design position on orthogonal VIEWs; the looking
direction of such a VIEW will determine which coordinate is returned as zero. For
example, a plan view will return U0, which you may need to alter to give the
required section.
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Figure-a illustrates the use of a perpendicular Plane, positioned at the pump
Figure-a Use of the Perpendicular Plane (PPLA)
Flat Plane (FPLA)
A FPLA has an attribute POS, which defines a 3D, point through which the plane
passes, and an attribute NORM which defines the vector normal to the plane. The
retained side is that towards which the normal points. The basic command syntax
for defining an FPLA is:
NORM direction
The NORM direction can be any standard ‘PDMS direction’, e.g. N45W, ISO2, or
can be by reference to a Design element p-point, in which case the result will be
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stored as a 3D vector and the reference will be lost. Figure-b illustrates the use of
a flat Plane, positioned at the pump coupling and with a NORM direction of N45W.
Figure-b Use of the Flat Plane (FPLA)
Stepped Plane (SPLA)
A Stepped Plane can be ‘Open’ or ‘Closed’, the type being determined by the
setting of the SPLA’s GTYP attribute. The default is GTYP OPEN. GTYP CLOSED
defines a closed Stepped Plane or Enclosed Plane. The only other attribute is DIR,
which determines the Plane’s extrusion direction.
An SPLA owns WPOS elements, one per plane ‘step’, whose sole attribute is
POS, the step’s 3D Design position. Specifying a 3D position automatically creates
a WPOS element and sets the POS attribute.
The order in which the points are defined plus the direction of the plane’s extrusion
determines which side of the plane is retained. A ‘handy’ rule for determining the
‘retain’ side (with PMODE STANDARD) is to hold the thumb, index finger and
middle finger of the left hand mutually at right angles; if the thumb points in the
extrusion direction and the index finger points towards the last step point then the
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middle finger will point towards the retain side - see Figure-c. A similar ‘rule’
applies for Enclosed Planes.
Figure-c Defining a Stepped Plane
The SPLA shown in Figure 5-6 would be created by a sequence of commands
such as:
NEW SPLA DIR U GTYP OPEN STEP @ @ @ @ - Define a series of points
through which an SPLA will be constructed
The STEP command will invoke the cursor, which will enable 3D positions or
Design p-points to be identified, automatically creating WPOS elements. DRAFT
imposes no limit on the number of steps, but in practice only four points can be
defined by a single STEP command due to command line length restrictions. If a
plane with more than four steps is required, further STEP commands will enable
additional points to be appended to the existing member list. The minimum
number of points required to define an SPLA is 2, which will have the effect of a
Flat Plane.
WPOS elements can be created explicitly by command sequences such as:
NEW WPOS POS E120500 N236785 U0
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If this syntax is used you must leave the list of WPOS elements in the correct
order for the SPLA to function. Figure-d illustrates some examples of Stepped
Figure-c Use of the Stepped Plane (SPLA)
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Commands for moving around the PDMS database.
Move to an element by name
Move to an element by its reference number
Move up the database hierarchy by 1 level
Move to the sixth element in the list of the current lement
Move to the next element in the list at the same level
Move to the second element after the current element
Move to the next elbo in the current list by passing any other
Move to the previous element in the list
Move four elements back from ce
Go to the previous current element
NOTE: NEXT and PREV commands work on the list according to the modes
Forwards or Backwards. In backwards mode, the list is considered to be reversed
so these commands have the effect of working from the opposite end of the list.
Query Commands
Query all the attributes of the current element
Query the position of the current element
Q POS IN SITE (or Q POS WRT SITE) Query the position of the current
element relative to the site position
NOTE: Normally, the Q POS command gives the position relative to the element's
Query the name of the current element.
This may either begin with '/' character
'/PIPING' or may be by a list position name
(full name) such as: ELBO 2 OF /P1/B1
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Query the database unique reference number
i.e. = 234/702. This is the best way of ensuring that you get to
the element you want. Names can
change but reference
numbers are fixed so you always get the same element.
Positioning Commands (General)
At E300 N400 U500
At E3333 N6000 U50 WRT SITE
At N500W30U600 WRT WORLD
AT N400 U500 E300 IN ZONE
Position an element explicitly at the coordinates given relative to the element's
owner. To position relative to some other element, wrt can be added, as shown
BY N500
Move the element north from it's current position by 500mm
(This is relative movement.)
orientates the element such that P1 is pointing in
the opposite direction to the specified ppoint.
Connect a picked Ppoint on the current primitive
to a picked Ppoint of another
Connect P1 of the current primitive to a picked
Point of another primitive
Move syntax
Moves the element’s origin by a given distance in a given direction.
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Moves the origin of the element in a given direction through a Reference
Plane Perpendicular to the line of travel that is passing through a picked
element, p- Point, or coordinate.
Moves the element’s origin, p-point, or obstruction in a given direction with
a clearance from another item’s origin, p-point, or obstruction.
Ex. MOVE E DIST 10’ FROM /P-101
The options INFRONT, BEHIND, ONTO, and UNDER refer to a picked or named
item’s physical obstruction, while the TO and FROM options refer to the item’s
origin. INFRONT and TO refer to the near side while BEHIND and FROM refer to
the far side of an item.
Position>Plane Move>Through
Moves the origin of the element in a given direction through a Reference
Plane Specified by the user that is passing through a picked element, ppoint, or Coordinate.
Positioning Commands (Piping)
NOTE: All the above commands can be used with piping components for exact
positioning. The following commands are specific to piping because they use the
implied direction of the previous component to determine the position. This implied
direction is some times referred to as the constrained centerline and is simply a
line drawn in the direction of the previous component. All of the following
commands will move components along this line.
DIST 300
Position the current element 300mm away from the previous
component. The direction is taken as the leave direction of the
previous component.
Position the current element with a clearance of 400m
Between it and the previous element. For most types of
component, this command gives a tube spool length equal to
the clearance value. For some components such as level
operated valves the clearance is likely to take the lever length
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as the obstruction length of the valve, so in this case the
clearance might be more unpredictable.
Position the origin of the CE along constrained centerline
through N500 in ZONE coordinates.
TO N500
Position the origin of the CE along constrained centerline at
the point where it intersects a perpendicular plane positioned
at the branch tail.
Position the arrive point at the leave point of the previous
Component and orientate the component to suit.
Orientation Commands (General)
This is the default orientation (wrt owner) for all
Elements that have an orientation attribute.
Specify that the Y axis is pointing E45N. When only
One axis is specified, the other tries to get to it's
default, so in this case, Z will default to UP.
Rather than specifying an axis, this command
Specifies that a particular ppoint is to be orientated in
the direction specified.
This command orientates the arrive of the element in
the opposite direction to the leave of the previous
element. It does not change the position.
Perform an ORI, then position the arrive at the
leave of previous.
This is a special command which is allowed to
change the angle of a component. It first performs
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an ori, then adjusts the angle to ensure that the leave
direction is in the direction specified.
Used for valves, tees, etc., this command performs an
ori and then points the ppoint in the required direction.
It does not change the angle.
This is another special command which is only used
on tees with variable angles. (Usually for sloping
lines.) In this case, the tee is orientated and the angle
adjusted to allow p3 to point in the direction specified.
Creating Elements
To create anything in PDMS, you need to be at the
Right level in the hierarchy and use the command
NEW followed by the TYPE of element you want to
NEW EQUI /T-1101
Create EQUI element and set the name attribute
For piping components, you need to create the
Element and then link it to the catalogue via the spref
attribute. The CHOOSE command allows you to select
components from the specification by picking them
from a displayed menu.
Allows you to see more detail about the component
Than CHOOSE on it's own..
Deleting Elements
To delete an element, the syntax is DELETE
followed by the TYPE of element you are deleting.
This deletes the members of an element (i.e. BRAN
in this example) without deleting the element itself.
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In order to get specific information directly from the database, a number of
keyword or pseudo attributes have been introduced. Pseudo attributes are not
attributes as such, but they have the ability to extract data when queried. For
Go to elbo 1 of the branch
Query the parameters of the catref of the spref
Query the rtext of the detref of the spref_ can also use dtxs
or dtxt
Query the xtext of the matref of the spref _ can also use
mtxy or mtxz
Query the list of pseudo attributes available for the CE.
A few useful pseudo attributes appear below:
General Queries
Query what you can create below the current element
Query the type of elements which can own CE
Query the list position
Query the data element with the dkey equal to DESC in the
component's dataset (Steelwork and Piping elements)
Query the list of properties in the component's dataset
Query the purpose attribute of the property XXX
Piping Attributes.
Query the answers of the selectors of the spref
Query the styp used to select the component
Query the bottom of pipe elevation of the leave point
Query the insulation thickness at the arrive point
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Query the slope at ppoint 1
Query the length of implied tube (must navigate first by using
'IL TUBE' at a component)
Query the leave bore
Query the arrive bore
Query the arrive position
Query the leave position
At Branch Level
Query the length of tube in a branch
Query the centerline length through all components
Query the design params of the joint owner
Query the design params of the joint attached beam
Query the derived position of the beam start
Query the net weight (considering joint cut outs)
Query the gross weight (beam before cutting)
Query the net centre of gravity for the beam
Query the net surface area
Query the mid point
Q POS PPLINE TOS START WRT /* Query TOS of current element (SCTN)
Q PPLINE TOS DIR Query the direction of the TOS pline on a SCTN
The Construct Syntax
The construct syntax is described more fully in the Design reference manual and it
is worth looking at it in more detail. CONST allows distances and angles to be
calculated from the design data and is invaluable when you are writing
applications. For example
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gives 90°
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Q CONST DIST FROM P1 to P2 TO P2 OF/BOX1 gives a distance
$S QA=Q ATT Create a synonym to query attributes
Q EVAR PDMSUSER Query the operating system location of user file directory
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