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French Revolution Study Guide: National Convention & Terror

French Revolution
P161 – 168
The National Convention
1. With the first act of the Convention abolishing the Monarchy thereby declaring France a
republic list the changes that were made.
a. Emigres banished
b. Churches turned into “Temples of Reason”
c. All titles were banned
d. All French subjects to be hailed as “citizen”
e. Old calendar was abolished
The Committee of Public Safety
2. Who were the Committee of Public Safety?
a. Danton and a small number of men (Jacobins).
Robespierre and “The Reign of Terror” (jump to page 165)
3. In July 1793, Danton lost control of the Committee of Public Safety. How? Who took
a. He was ousted, dismissed.
b. Maximilien Robespierre.
4. Describe Maximilien Robespierre (p. 163 - p.165)
a. Small
b. Sharp Voice
c. Sickly, greenish complexion
d. Blindly devoted to the writings of Rousseau as Lenin was to Karl Marx
e. Idealist, wanted the world’s first perfect democracy “Republic of Virtue”
i. Basic goodness of man might flourish
ii. All devoted to the public good, nationalism and equality for all
Define Idealist (search yourself)
An idealist is someone who envisions an ideal world rather than the real one. Some people
consider idealists to be naive, impractical, and out of touch with reality. Idealists think that
striving for perfection makes the world a better place.
Define Realist (search yourself)
Having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected.
"jobs are scarce at the moment, so you've got to be realistic"
Someone who has a good grip on the reality of a situation and understands what can and cannot
be done, something that is a practical, achievable idea, or something that resembles the actual
truth about life.
5. Describe all aspects of the “Reign of Terror”
a. Between 20,000 and 25,000 ‘suspects’ were killed (guillotine)
i. Official count was 17,000
b. No one felt safe
i. “No one feels safe; no one is safe.”
ii. “If not a suspect, one may be suspected of being a suspect.”
c. Was justified as a measure of national defence.
d. It’s power was stronger and more centralized than any under the Old Regime
e. Military
i. Over 750,000 men.
ii. New military tactics were created to use the sheer volume of soldiers.
iii. By 1795 only Britain, Austria and Savoy remained at war with France
f. Robespierre save France from takeover and ended any thoughts of counterrevolution or civil war.
6. Why was Danton put to death?
a. He was accused of being a moderate.
7. Define Moderate.
a. kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive, or
intense: a moderate price. of medium quantity, extent, or amount:
a moderate income. mediocre or fair: moderate talent.
8. Explain the law of the Twenty Second of Prairial.
a. Revolutionary tribunals were empowered to convict and execute without listening
to evidence
An officer or body with the authority to pronounce judgment on a matter based upon the
evidence. A court or other judicial body.
9. Describe Robespierre’s end.
a. Supporters begin fearing for their lives
b. Opposition to his new state religion centred on the worship of a “Supreme Being”
c. July 27, 1794 small group attempted to arrest him, he tried to commit suicide,
missed.. sent to guillotine without trial
d. Over 90 Jacobins followed suit