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Martial Arts Defense Techniques Assignment

Instructions: Answer the questions basing on your handouts, opinion, and from the internet.
Write your answers in a coupon bond or in a yellow paper. WRITE LEGIBLY. Use Cam Scanner
and convert your output into pdf form (as one file if your output is more than 1 page). File name
format is Last Name, First Letter of First name, and First letter of middle name. (ex. Guitierrez,
M. P.). Copy the questions before answering.
1. Basing on the body illustration on your module 1, why is it important to be aware of points
6 and 11 even if they are rarely hit by direct attacks?
2. Basing on the body illustration on your module 1, why is it important not to show your
back to the enemy aside from the fact that it gives him advantage due to the defendant/s
visual limitation?
3. Is it possible that there are areas of the body that could not be defended?
4. In terms of defense, which areas are commonly targeted?
5. Is it possible to be aware of the entire body in terms of defense?
6. What is Martial Art?
7. What is the essence/ importance of martial arts?
8. Give at least 5 Martial Artist and state what type of martial arts he/she is practicing.
9. When is it the right time to avoid combat?
10. When is the right time to engage in combat?
11. Is there a more direct approach in developing focus and control?
Read Module 2 (situation) and answer these questions.
1. If he (Mr. Lee) has superior martial arts skills, why did he have to go such lengths just to
avoid combat? Why not use martial arts instead?
2. On how Mr. Lee treated the man in terms of the challenge, is he not as foul or dishonorable
as the man? Is there a rule or principle in Martial Arts that treats such acts as acceptable
or otherwise?
Read Module 3 and answer the following questions.
1. Define the following:
a. Parry
b. Blocking and
c. Evasion
2. What is the importance of the following in terms of defense:
a. Parry
b. Blocking
c. Evasion
3. Is there a style whose stances have more advantage compared to others?
4. Are stances dependent on styles?
5. Why does it require an intense level of observation when executing stances?
Essay: Minimum of 10 sentences. Expound your answers. Give instances/ situations/ examples.
Among the different types of martial arts present in today’s modern era, which do you think is
the best to practice and why?