Recipe Book Writing Instructions Class 1: Choosing your recipe Making the teams: 1. Choose teams (4-5) 2. On the cover page: 1. Write names of team members + group. 2. Choose theme for recipe book. 3. In WRITING CANADA NOTEBOOK: 1. Indicate the recipes of ALL TEAM MEMBERS. Writing your first draft a) Name of recipe: RESPECT THE THEME CHOSEN BY YOUR TEAM b) List of ingredients: Quantity + Adjectives / Preparation of food c) Procedure: Number each step. Imperative form (base form of the verb) Revision and final copy: Final Make sure you revise the following elements: A/AN/THE (Inter_activities p.34-35) Plurals (Inter_activities p.36-38) Adjectives (Inter_activities p.39-41) Spelling and sentence structure: Subject – Verb – R.O.S. Verbs: Imperative form (and simple present) Copy: On the sheet provided BLUE / BLACK ink Double spaced Number the steps Identify (highlight) 10 DIFFERENT adjectives Count your words While you write… Oral evaluations in the corridor: • Teams of 3 or 4 • Discussion cards on the table • Read one card at a time and discuss the card.