1 This study source was downloaded by 100000864005783 from CourseHero.com on 03-21-2023 05:29:05 GMT -05:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/144918923/IS-AUDIT-SAPB1CLOUD-EXERCISE-52-TO-53-pdf/ 2 Exercise 5. 2 Testing the Valuation and Allocation Assertions 1 Open the Aging Report of the customer balances Insert the following criteria: Code: From: C1100 Aging Date 12.31.13 To: C2200 Insert Screenshot This study source was downloaded by 100000864005783 from CourseHero.com on 03-21-2023 05:29:05 GMT -05:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/144918923/IS-AUDIT-SAPB1CLOUD-EXERCISE-52-TO-53-pdf/ 3 2. Compute the amount of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts. According to the industry experiences, the collectability of accounts are as follow: 0 – 1 month = 100% Over one month not over two months = 98% Over two months not over three months = 95% Over three months not over four months = 92% Over four months = 90% Show Computations: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 0-30 months 0.00 0.00 31-60 months 201,168.00 x 2% 4,023.36 61-90 months 0.00 0.00 91-120 months 882,904. 00 x 8% 70,632.32 120+ months 241,401.60 x 10% 24,140.16 Total 98,795.84 3. What would be the proposed adjusting entry? Insert Screenshot This study source was downloaded by 100000864005783 from CourseHero.com on 03-21-2023 05:29:05 GMT -05:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/144918923/IS-AUDIT-SAPB1CLOUD-EXERCISE-52-TO-53-pdf/ 4 Exercise 5. 3 Review of Liabilities Unusual Trends and Exceptions: 1. Generate query for A/P Invoice with the following data: Table Field: OPCH DocNum, DocDate, CardCode, CardName, Select: DocTotal Sort by: DocTotal Insert Screenshot 2. Did you encounter any irregularities on the Report? Explain Briefly Yes. The transaction by the vendor PC Gilmore was made on December 31, 2013 which is considered a holiday, and the amount also is unusually large as compared with the other amounts. 3. What actions will you take? The auditor should inquire about this to the management of the company and seek additional information. 4. Is there a need for us to propose Adjusting Entries? No. 5. If Yes, what would be the entry? N/A This study source was downloaded by 100000864005783 from CourseHero.com on 03-21-2023 05:29:05 GMT -05:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/144918923/IS-AUDIT-SAPB1CLOUD-EXERCISE-52-TO-53-pdf/ Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)