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Agricultural Lab Report: Sustainable Farming Practices

Agricultural Lab 7
Faizan Zahid
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-ND
Agriculture Lab
The 4 problems with our current food production system that are solved are. For example,
Ecologist Dickson Depameay proposed that vertical farming could be using less land and less
water. The next problem solved was that cutting greenhouse limited the need to transport food
over long distances. It also the problem that the new farming methods will be more easier and
sufficient to grow crops for the species living in the specific ecosystem which will help the
species have better adaption so they easily eat the crops to meet their needs. The last problem
solved was by this method farms will get better chance to maintain their farms with the crops and
species which will lead to better of less air pollution. The farm in the video would not cause soil
erosion is that if they was soil erosion in the farm it was cause the crops to be damaged in aa
short amount of time which will lead to the species will not have the ability to adapt to the
ecosystem very. Also they make less money from it then.
Mr. Furuno’s farming methods are Efficiency is that his system can save money because they
do not need the pesticides or fertilizers typically used to grow rice. This also tells us that
pesticides can grow big… not for their ability to withstand pests. They also look at factors like
whether the if its working properly meaning the quality of it is in good condition is most farmers
look closely on how grow their rice in a very effective way so it does ruin the process of growing
the and come out to be in a good quality. His methods being Self-sufficiency can be that they
earned money by selling meat and duck eggs. That mean there was working properly which
helped grow the rice and made it for them to earn more by selling types of animals in the form of
food. It also shows being self sufficiency helps a farmer focus more on himself and business with
crops that they grown and sell in the market with means of earning good amounts of money. His
methods are diversity in many ways like he found another source of income by using his system
for fish in the paddies. This meant he has so many ways of making money in a diversification
way so he doesn’t mess up the business by having a lot of experience in the market on how grow
and sell his groups to many consumers that want to buy it only from him. His method was
resilience that even thou the industrial rice farmers had discontinued this practice because the
insecticides they used in their growing system would kill their fish. But they bounced back up is
that The Furuno systems yields 20 percent more rice than convention systems, which grow rice
exclusively. This meant that the conventional system was more effective in the grown the rice
which gave more success even thou they had failed at one point with their system which killed
the fish.
Mr. Salatin’s farming methods are efficiency as said in case study 2 he stated that carefully
orchestrates all the elements in an intricate symbiosis – every being follows its natural instincts
to contribute an ecosystem service (benefit) that maintains the overall health of the pasture. This
means that the species pigs share a relatively same relationship, so he thought about the species
to live in a safer ecosystem just for the health all pastures. Is that whenever you eat any type of
species the farmer and the consumers must make sure that their safe and cleaner to eat the
species. His methods were self- sufficiency For Example, he says that his large heard of cows
feeds on different quarter- acre of grass every day and contributes manure. This basically stats
that each species has own capability to consumer product or crops they want that are being by a
farmer. Which lets them know that they have take good care of the crops to be well grow in the
ecosystem and rich quality to be sold or eaten by the species. He stats how this method is
diversity is the hilly homestead is set on 100 acers of grass, surrounded by 400 acres of
woodland. It is a polyculture --- an agricultural system that tries to imitate the diversity of natural
ecosystem by using multiple crop and animal species in the same space. What their trying to say
here was that no matter how many crops and animal species you have in your ecosystem their
will always be some type diversity in the ecosystem which leads to them to having sustainable
farming system with greater chance of growing enriched crops for the species in the farm. His
farming methods also meet the needs of resilience as he said as Pollan writes, “at the end of the
year, there is more biodiversity not less, more fertility not less, and more soil not less’. This
basically means that the farm was sustainable and the crops well maintained for the species to be
eaten for and this will lead for lesser chance for the crops to fail which will help the farms be
proud of them how will they grew their farms with the crops in it.