e Medical Systems Stenoscop/MDA 826921P615 HOME TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations Technical Publications 826 921 P615 Revision 2 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. sm Service Manual do not duplicate Copyright 1998 GE Medical Systems February 1998 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations ATTENTION LES APPAREILS À RAYONS X SONT DANGEREUX À LA FOIS POUR LE PATIENT ET POUR LE MANIPULATEUR SI LES MESURES DE PROTECTION NE SONT PAS STRICTEMENT APPLIQUEES Bien que cet appareil soit construit selon les normes de sécurité les plus sévères, la source de rayonnement X représente un danger lorsque le manipulateur est non qualifié ou non averti. Une exposition excessive au rayonnement X entraîne des dommages à l’organisme. Par conséquent, toutes les précautions doivent être prises pour éviter que les personnes non autorisées ou non qualifiées utilisent cet appareil créant ainsi un danger pour les autres et pour elles–mêmes. Avant chaque manipulation, les personnes qualifiées et autorisées à se servir de cet appareil doivent se renseigner sur les mesures de protection établies par la Commission Internationale de la Protection Radiologique, Annales 26 : Recommandations de la Commission Internationale sur la Protection Radiologique et les normes nationales en vigueur. WARNING X–RAY EQUIPMENT IS DANGEROUS TO BOTH PATIENT AND OPERATOR UNLESS MEASURES OF PROTECTION ARE STRICTLY OBSERVED Though this equipment is built to the highest standards of electrical and mechanical safety, the useful x–ray beam becomes a source of danger in the hands of the unauthorized or unqualified operator. Excessive exposure to x–radiation causes damage to human tissue. Therefore, adequate precautions must be taken to prevent unauthorized or unqualified persons from operating this equipment or exposing themselves or others to its radiation. Before operation, persons qualified and authorized to operate this equipment should be familiar with the Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, contained in Annals Number 26 of the ICRP, and with applicable national standards. ATENCION LOS APARATOS DE RAYOS X SON PELIGROSOS PARA EL PACIENTE Y EL MANIPULADOR CUANDO LAS NORMAS DE PROTECCION NO ESTAN OBSERVADAS Aunque este aparato está construido según las normas de seguridad más estrictas, la radiación X constituye un peligro al ser manipulado por personas no autorizadas o incompetentes. Una exposición excesiva a la radiación X puede causar daños al organismo. Por consiguiente, se deberán tomar todas las precauciones necesarias para evitar que las personas incompetentes o no autorizadas utilicen este aparato, lo que sería un peligro para los demás y para sí mismas. Antes de efectuar las manipulaciones, las personas habilitadas y competentes en el uso de este aparato, deberán informarse sobre las normas de protección fijadas por la Comisión Internacional de la Protección Radiológica, Anales No 26: Recomendaciónes de la Comisión Internacional sobre la Protección Radiológica y normas nacionales. ACHTUNG RÖNTGENAPPARATE SIND EINE GEFAHR FÜR PATIENTEN SOWIE BEDIENUNGSPERSONAL, WENN DIE GELTENDEN SICHERHEITSVORKEHRUNGEN NICHT GENAU BEACHTET WERDEN Dieser Apparat entspricht in seiner Bauweise strengsten elektrischen und mechanischen Sichereitsnormen, doch in den Händen unbefugter oder unqualifizierter Personen wird er zu einer Gefahrenquelle. Übermäßige Röntgenbestrahlung ist für den menschlichen Organismus schädlich. Deswegen sind hinreichende Vorsichtsmaßnahmen erforderlich, um zu verhindern, daßunbefugte oder unqualifizierte Personen solche Geräte bedienen oder sich selbst und andere Personen deren Bestrahlung aussetzen können. Vor Inbetriebnahme dieses Apparats sollte sich das qualifizierte und befugte Bedienungspersonal mit den geltenden Kriterien für den gefahrlosen Strahleneinsatz durch sorgfältiges Studium des Hefts Nr. 26 der Internationalen Kommission für Strahlenschutz (ICRP) vertraut machen: Empfehlungen der Internationalen Kommission für Strahlenschutz und anderer nationaler Normenbehörden. TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 SUMMARY 2 – PREINSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 1 2–1 BASIC CONFIGURATION – OPTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 1 2–2 DOSE AREA PRODUCT METER SPECIFICATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 4 2–3 IMAGER 16/22 CCD SPECIFICATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 5 2–4 MONITOR SPECIFICATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 11 3 – INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 1 3–1 RECEPTION OF THE MOBILE SURGICAL UNIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 1 3–2 MAIN SUPPLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 5 3–3 INTERCONNECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 7 3–4 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 7 3–5 CDRH CERTIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 8 3–6 DR4 / MD10 COMPONENTS INTERCONNECTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 10 3–7 MDA COMPONENTS INTERCONNECTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 11 3–8 COMPONENTS POWER SUPPLY WIRING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 12 3–9 CCM 620 – Photography parameters setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 13 4 – FUNCTIONAL CHECK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 1 4–1 MECHANICAL TESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 3 4–2 CDRH COMPLIANCE TEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 5 i TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 SUMMARY (CONT.) 6 – SERVICE PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. 1 6–1 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. 1 6–2 CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. 3 6–3 JOB CARDS SYNOPTIC TABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. 6 6–4 DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY SHEETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. 6 6–5 ADJUSTMENT SHEETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. 110 MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. 111 ELECTRONIC ADJUSTMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. 127 6–6 LIST OF USED MEASURING EQUIPMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. 217 7 – SCHEMATICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 1 7–1 IDENTIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 3 7–2 SCHOTTKY DIODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 3 7–3 LIST OF SYMBOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 3 7–4 LIST OF THE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE SCHEMATICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 4 7–5 USE OF THE SCHEMATICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 8 9 – SPARE PARTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. 1 9–1 STENOSCOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1 9–2 LASER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 70 9–3 DOSE AREA PRODUCT METER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 72 9–4 IMAGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 74 9–6 MONITOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 90 9–7 KITS (MONITOR CART) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 92 SCHEMATICS A3 (see TOC page A – i) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii A–i TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 REVISION HISTORY REV DATE A 0 1 2 TYPE OF MODIFICATION August, November, January, February, 1996 1996 1997 1998 Preliminary release from engineering validation. Product document release. Update and corrections. M5 version; update and corrections. + RG 251 : II input dose clarification. + RG 256 : gain adjustment procedure revised because of the release of a new Sony CCD module. LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES PAGE NUMBER REVISION NUMBER PAGE NUMBER REVISION NUMBER Title page 2 Safety Instructions 2 Summary i to ii Rev. history iii to iv Chapter 2 Table of contents 2–i to 2–ii 2–1 to 2–12 Chapter 3 Table of contents 3–i to 3–ii Prod. 3–iii to 3–iv 3–1 to 3–14 Chapter 4 Table of contents 4–i to 4–ii 4–1 to 4–14 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Chapter 6 Table of contents 6–i to 6–viii 6–1 to 6–218 2 2 Chapter 7 Table of contents 7–i to 7–ii 7–1 to 7–10 2 2 Chapter 9 Table of contents 9–i to 9–ii 9–1 to 9–98 2 2 Schematics –Din A3 Table of contents A–i to A–ii A–1 to A–78 2 2 2 2 iii PAGE NUMBER REVISION NUMBER TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page iv TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 CHAPTER 2 – PREINSTALLATION TABLE OF CONTENTS 2–1 STENOSCOP : BASIC CONFIGURATION – OPTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 2–2 DOSE AREA PRODUCT METER SPECIFICATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 2–2–1 Model 841–SO Chamber : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 2–2–2 Electronic Enclosure : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 2–2–3 Display Unit : not used with MDA Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 2–2–4 Power Supply : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 2–2–5 Cable : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 IMAGER 16/22 CCD SPECIFICATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 2–3 2–3–1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 2–3–2 Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 2–3–3 Safety Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 2–3–4 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 2–3–5 Special Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 2–3–6 MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 10 MONITOR SPECIFICATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 11 2–4 2–4–1 Physical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 11 2–4–2 Power Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 11 2–4–3 Video Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 11 2–4–4 Rotating Connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 11 2–4–5 Environmental Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 11 2–4–6 Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 12 2.i TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 2 . ii TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 2 PREINSTALLATION 2. 2–1 STENOSCOP : BASIC CONFIGURATION – OPTIONS. According to the order specifications, the STENOSCOP Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. is available in 4 models. MODEL TCB92 601 P 478 TCB92 601 P 479 TCB92 601 P 480 TCB92 601 P 481 STENO 2 STENO 2 STENO 2 STENO 2 6000 6000 9000 9000 CCD CCD CCD CCD 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz The components of these models are listed in 2 charts and indexed according to the following criteria : OO , OF , SOF , ACC , C , USA OO : OBLIGATORY option necessary for the operation of the unit To be ordered separately. OF : FACULTATIVE Option To be ordered separately. SOF : OBLIGATORY option necessary for the operation of the unit but DEPENDING of THE FACULTATIVE Option Components supplied according to the FACULTATIVE Option ACC : Spécific components To be ordered separately. C: Consommable To be ordered separately. USA : Supplied direct by GE – USA following the GE – CGR spécifications. 2.1 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 CONFIGURATION – Only for information MODEL TCB92 601 P 481 TCB92 601 P 480 TCB92 601 P 479 TCB92 601 P 478 STENO 2 STENO 2 STENO 2 STENO 2 9000 9000 6000 6000 CCD CCD CCD CCD 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz CATALOG NUMBER 478 479 480 481 STENO 2 –MOBILE FRAME ASM (with XR head, without monitor cart) OO OO OO OO BASE 6000 / 9000 OO OO OO OO KIT STENO 6000 / 9000 CCD PEG OO OO OO OO IMAGER 16 (6”) CCD 50 Hz OO COMPONENTS DESCRIPTION IMAGER 16 (6”) CCD 60 Hz OO IMAGER 22 (9”) CCD 50 Hz OO IMAGER 22 (9”) CCD 60 Hz OO 16 CCD IMAGER KIT (collimator + screened mylar) OO OO 22 CCD IMAGER KIT (collimator + screened mylar) CASSETTE HOLDER (16) 24 x 30 cm (1) CASSETTE HOLDER (16) 9,5” x 9,5” B92 601 P325 B92 601 P326 CASSETTE HOLDER (16) 10” x 12” B92 601 P358 CASSETTE HOLDER (22) 24 x 30 cm (1) B92 601 P328 CASSETTE HOLDER (22) 10” x 12” B92 601 P359 (1) B95 601 P172 RAD REMOVAL GRID 9,5” x 9,5” (10:1, 44L / cm ) B93 601 P157 RAD COLLIMATOR KIT 24 x 30 cm B92 601 P453 RAD COLLIMATOR KIT 9.5” x 9.5” B92 601 P454 TV MONITOR FFD NOT ROT.( with MDA ) OO OF OF OF OF OF OF B92 601 P327 CASSETTE HOLDER (22) 9,5” x 9,5” RAD REMOVAL GRID 24 x 30 cm (8:1, 28 L / cm) OF OO OF ACC OO OF OF ACC ( 1 ) ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC OO OO OO OO OO 2153979 OO OO OO OO 2153980 OO OO OO OO 2153980 OF OF OF OF 1 MONITOR KIT (with shelf) OO OO OO OO 2 MONITOR KIT (with shelf) OF OF OF OF TV MONITOR FFD/ROT. (+/– 170o) (with DR memory) 2nd TV MONITOR FFD/ROT. (+/– 170o) (with DR memory) 2.2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 CATALOG Nber 448 449 450 451 MDA MEMORY B92 601 P494 OF ( 2 ) OO OO OO Seq. Low Speed B92 601 P495 OF OF OF OF Seq. Mid Speed B92 601 P496 OF OF OF OF Seq. High Speed B92 601 P497 OF OF OF OF Soft Measure B92 601 P500 OF OF OF OF Soft Vascular 1 B92 601 P501 OF OF OF OF Soft Vascular 2 B92 601 P502 OF OF OF OF DR4 MEMORY + KIT B92 601 P441 OF ( 2 ) OO OO OO MD10 MEMORY + KIT B92 601 P442 OF ( 2 ) OO OO OO OF ( 3 ) OF OF OF COMPONENTS DESCRIPTION MD10 KEY BOARD CCM 620–1 VISIPLEX CAMERA 625L B92 601 P385 SOF SOF SOF SOF CCM 620–1 VISIPLEX CAMERA 525L B92 601 P395 SOF SOF SOF SOF CCM 620–2 VISIPLEX CAMERA 625L B92 601 P443 SOF SOF SOF SOF CCM 620–2 VISIPLEX CAMERA 525L B92 601 P444 SOF SOF SOF SOF CCM 620–1 + 4 VISIPLEX CAMERA 625L B92 601 P445 SOF SOF SOF SOF CCM 620–1 + 4 VISIPLEX CAMERA 525L B92 601 P446 SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF FILM IMAGER KIT /STENO 6000/9000 PAPER IMAGER UP890 CEI/ 220V 861 190 P035 PAPER IMAGER UP880 UL/ 110V 861 190 P045 PAPER IMAGER SONY UP910 CEI/ 220V 861 190 P015 PAPER IMAGER SONY UP910/ 110V 861 190 P025 PAPER IMAGER KIT / STENO 6000/9000 SOF SOF SOF SOF VCR S–VHS SONY 220V/ 625 L/ CEI / RS232 B92 601 P503 VCR S–VHS SONY 110V/ 525 L/ UL / RS232 B92 601 P504 KIT VCR .SONY STENO 6000/9000 B92 601 P505 SOF SOF SOF SOF STERILE DRAPES SET (cloth) B92 601 P350 C C C C DISPOSABLE STERILE DRAPES SET B92 601 P357 C C C C PM STAND ALONE KIT B92 601 P506 OO OO OO OO XR HANDSWITCH KIT B92 601 P338 OF OF OO OO KIT LASER IMAGER 16 (6”) B92 601 P457 OF OF KIT LASER IMAGER 22 (9”) B92 601 P458 OF OF KIT LASER CUVE 832 139 G015 OF OF OF OF KIT DAP B92 601 P459 OF OF OF OF (1) (2) (3) Not for USA One of those is obligatory With MD10 memory only 2.3 SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF SOF TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 2–2 DOSE AREA PRODUCT METER SPECIFICATIONS. 2–2–1 Model 841–SO Chamber : 2–2–2 2–2–3 2–2–4 2–2–5 D Type: full field ion chamber. D Chamber active area: 72.38 cm2. D Dose area product rates: 1 mGycm2s–1 to 400000 mGycm2s–1. D Energy range: 50 KVp to 150 KVp. D Chamber sensitivity: 130 pC/mGycm2. D Absorption: less than 0.5 mm Al. D Connection: 2 sets of co–axial cable. D Warm up time: 8–10 minutes. D Transparency: greater than 75 %. Electronic Enclosure : D Calibration and offset adjustment: user accessible controls. D Weight: 0.200 Kg. D Signal processing: assembly contains integrated electronics. D Test and reset push buttons. D Power on indication. D Physical size: 165mm x 44mm x 28mm. Display Unit : not used with MDA Memory D Display: 8 digit LCD with reset and test function. D Display units: mGycm2. D Dose area product range: 1 mGycm2 to 99,999,999 mGycm2. D Free running rate: 10 KHz. D Response time: dose rate dependent 1 ms – 5 seconds. D Power input: < 120 mA at 24 VDC. D Power input range: 15 – 28 VDC. D Test & reset buttons. D Overall size (including overlay): 120mm x 30mm x 19.5mm. D Weight: approximately 200g. D Local supply at Image Intensifier: 24 VDC, 120 mA (tolerance 15 – 28 VDC). D Co–axial cable: RG174. D Type: 9 mm oval cross section, pvc insulated 6 core. D Length: X–ray machine specific. Power Supply : Cable : 2.4 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 2–3 IMAGER 16/22 CCD SPECIFICATIONS. 2–3–1 Overview The Imageur 22 Stenoscop CCD* and 16 Stenoscop CCD are compact image intensifier (II) systems used to: D Convert radiology images to a video image (625– or 525–line). D Display this image on a TV monitor. The Imageurs Stenoscop are intended to equip mobile surgical units Stenoscop 2 – 6000/9000. The different versions of the Imageur Stenoscop are: 2–3–2 D Imageur 22 Stenoscop CCD 625 L D Imageur 22 Stenoscop CCD 525 L D Imageur 16 Stenoscop CCD 625 L D Imageur 16 Stenoscop CCD 525 L Composition The Imageur Stenoscop CCD includes the following subassemblies: D Mechanical mount, D II tube (image intensifier), D High voltage power supply, D Optical unit, equipped with a CCD sensor. The front cover is fitted with an anti–scatter grid which is protected by a sheet of Impax. * Charged–Coupled Device. 2–3–3 Safety Instructions The Imageur contains Extra High Voltage circuits indicated by a DANGER – HIGH VOLTAGE label. CAUTION D Pay close attention to high–voltage safety warnings (label: D All disassembly should be performed by the Field Engineer only. D Before any disassembly of the Imageur, ensure that the unit is not under power. D Before using the Imageur, ensure that it is correctly connected to ground by the yellow/green ground wire connecting the power supply chassis to the II assembly. 2.5 ). TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 2–3–4 sm 826 921 P615 Specifications 2–3–4–1 Regulations The Imageur complies with the following regulations: D UL 187. D CSA 22–2 114. D IEC 601–1. D JIS Z 4701 (Reference to IEC 601 – General Rule for Medical X–Ray Equipment). D JIS Z 4721 (Medical X–Ray Intensifier). D CDRH – Code of Federal Regulation 21 CFR. D REDACT. D GE 806–1 thru 806–14. D EMC – According to IEC 601–1–2. 2–3–4–2 Operating conditions D Temperature – Operating – Storage/transport 0°C thru 45°C – 40°C thru 70°C (IEC Standard 601–1) D Relative humidity – Operating – Storage/transport <80% w/o condensation <95% w/o condensation D Altitude – Operating – Storage/transport 0 m thru 5000 m 0 m thru 5000 m D Power supply – Voltage 24 V (dc) +10%/–15% – Consumption 850 mA (typical) – Fuse rated 2A–250 V 2.6 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 2–3–4–3 Mechanical characteristics ILLUSTRATION 1–1 IMAGEUR 22 CM STENOSCOP D IMAGEUR 22 STENOSCOP CCD – Dimensions (H x D x W) 456 x 407 x 302 mm (see ILL. 1–1). – Input Field (at grid) 210 mm (SID of 913 mm) in Normal Mode 150 0.5mm (SID of 913 mm) in Mag 1 Mode – Axis/C–Arm distance 240 mm – Weight 28 kg ILLUSTRATION 1–2 IMAGEUR 16 CM STENOSCOP D IMAGEUR 16 STENOSCOP CCD – Dimensions (H x D x W) 450 x 350 x 220 mm (see ILL. 1–2). – Input Field (at grid) 144 mm (SID of 913 mm) – Axis/C–Arm distance 145 mm – Weight 26.7 kg 2–3–4–4 Performance D Horizontal resolution of video image – 22 cm 13 lp/cm in Normal Mode 19 lp/cm in Mag 1 Mode – 16 cm 17 lp/cm (Measurements are performed at 50 kV for an exposure rate of 30 R/s (22 cm) or 60 R/s (16 cm) under standard conditions in the nominal field). D 0.5 db from 50 Hz through 7 MHz Video bandwidth 2.7 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 2–3–4–5 Image intensifier tube The II Tube converts the radiant image to a high luminosity image of excellent contrast. Each II tube has several qualities: D High resolution, D Excellent resolution uniformity. Parameters II Tube Imageur 22 Stenoscop CCD Imageur 16 Stenoscop CCD Units TH 9438 HX-H560 TH 9449 HP-H506 - 65 65 % 200 (150 min.) 180 (140 min.) cd m-2 / mRs-1 30 (24 min.) 20 (16 min.) 25.2 ±0.2 14.5 ±0.5 mm 215 145 cm Quantum detection efficiency Typical conversion factor Typical contrast ratio (10 % disk) Diameter of output image Useful entrance field size (min) Typical maximum resolution D Normal Mode Center 70% radius ≥46 ≥44 ≥40 ≥40 lp/cm lp/cm D Mag 1 Mode Center 70% radius ≥52 ≥50 - lp/cm lp/cm 2–3–4–6 Anti–scatter grid An anti–scatter grid is mounted inside the bottom cover of the II System. It is sealed by a sheet of Impax of very low absorbtion coefficient (2%). The grid eliminates the x–rays scattered by the patient. The features of this anti–scatter grid are: Imageur 22 Stenoscop CCD Imageur 16 Stenoscop CCD Grid ratio 10 : 1 8:1 Focal spot 90 cm 90 cm Number of lines /cm 36 36 Diameter 234 mm (useful diameter 225 mm) 170 mm (useful diameter 160 mm) A spigot positions the grid at ± 45° with respect to the two sweep axes, to avoid moiré effects on the image. 2.8 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 2–3–5 sm 826 921 P615 Special Functions 2–3–5–1 Fluoroscopy regulation Automatic monitoring of the fluoro dose is based on the measurement of the average video signal value, inside a round window inserted in the image. The diameter of this window is 40% of the usable diameter of the image. In addition, the measurement circuit features a device which enables the computation of the average value without taking into account the dark zones of the image (collimator blades, barite, etc.). With this system, the image can be used under all circumstances, particularly when the collimator blades are closed. Note: This system operates in Automatic Mode only. ILLUSTRATION 1–3 MEASUREMENT WINDOW 2–3–5–2 Automatic gain control (AGC) The generator can no longer ensure the automatic dose control when it is at min. or max. stop, the automatic gain control circuit of the camera takes over. This circuit regulates the average value of the video signal, in the same window as described above (40% of the usable diameter of the image). The AGC dynamics covers the x5 to ÷2 range. 2–3–5–3 Dose The Imageur can operate for two different dose rates, corresponding to the two iris diaphragm positions. 2–3–5–4 Recursive filter The CCD sensor mounted in the Imageur is inherently remanence–free. In the Imageur Stenoscop CCD, the noise reduction function is performed by digital processing included in the DSM memory. 2–3–5–5 Iris diaphragm In Automatic Mode, when the generator has reached the max. stop, a system enables the automatic opening of the iris diaphragm in order to widen the range of video signal regulation. D This function can be disabled. D It is maintained to the end of the fluoroscopy sequence. D The next fluoroscopy sequence will start with normal iris diaphragm. 2–3–5–6 Go to black During a radiographic exposure, the image is masked by the Go to Black function. 2.9 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 2–3–5–7 Buzzer Triggering of the buzzer located in the II assembly indicates that an excessive temperature has been reached. In case of buzzer triggering, terminate the examination. Call the GEMS maintenance service. 2–3–5–8 CLEANING Do not use solvents, which could dull the finish or damage the labels. Simply use a clean duster and warm soapy water. 2–3–6 MAINTENANCE 2–3–6–1 Maintenance principle The causes of faulty operation on the Imageur can usually be located by the user. However, reconditioning and adjustments following replacement of defective parts call for qualified personnel. Five main types of operating fault have been listed: D No image appears on screen. D Video mask only visible on screen. D X–ray image out of focus. D Image is present but unstable. D Image too bright or too dark. Note: Most defective parts can be repaired at the factory. It is therefore strongly recommended to recuperate these parts. 2–3–6–2 Preventive maintenance Checks to be performed annually by the Field Engineer: D Thermal safety buzzer. 1. Connect a wire between TP2 and TP5 on the CCD Supply Board. The buzzer should sound. 2. Remove the wire. 3. If the buzzer does not sound, replace the CCD Supply Board. D Focusing. 1. Set the kV to the minimum, and run the test wide open using a FUNK test pattern 10–48.6 lp/cm. 2. The resolution limit measured must be superior or equal to the values given in Para 4.4. If the correct values are not found, repeat the II tube focus adjustment (see ASM, RG 350), and if necessary the optical focus adjustment (see ASM, RG 351). D Dose rate control. Run the tests described in RG 256 (Periodic Dose Check) of this document. 2–3–6–3 Fuse F1/CCD Supply Board: rated 2 A/250 V (protects the 24–V (dc) power supply located in the Stenoscop unit). 2 . 10 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 2–4 MONITOR SPECIFICATIONS. 2–4–1 Physical Characteristics 20” 2–4–2 Weight 23.5 kg (52.76 lb) Width 460 mm (18.11 inches) Height 379 mm (14.92 inches) Depth 382 mm (15.03 inches) Power Input The monitor is a full range input of voltages: 2–4–3 D 90V to 264V. D 50/60Hz. D 70W. Video Input The monitor is set to a nominal 1 V signal (0.7 V video amplitude, 0.05 V set-up level, 0.3 V synchro). As normally adjusted, a signal with video amplitude up to 1 V can be accepted without detriment to the display, provided that the overload white level signal does not occur over more than 30% of the image area. A higher video signal (up to 1.8 V), can be accepted by adjustment of the CONTRAST CONTROL. In all applications the video signal must be terminated by a 75 W load (normally plugged into the OUT connector; for chained monitors only the last monitor in the chain is terminated). 2–4–4 Rotating Connector On FFD–ROT models, this connector carries the rotation control signals: the maximum current required is less than 25 mA. 2–4–5 Environmental Conditions The monitor will maintain its performance under the following conditions: D Temperature: -10 to +45C. D Relative Humidity: < 95% non-condensing. D Atmospheric Pressure: 700 to 1060 hPa. D Storage Temperature: -40 to +70C. 2 . 11 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 2–4–6 sm 826 921 P615 Regulations The monitor complies with the standard and regulation requirements of the following: D Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc. (UL), an independent testing laboratory following (UL 478). D Canadian Standards Association (CSA). D International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), international standards organization: D – IEC 601–1–2 (EMC), – IEC 601–1. 21 CFR para. 1020.10 (ionizing leakage radiation). 2 . 12 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 CHAPTER 3 – INSTALLATION TABLE OF CONTENTS 3–1 RECEPTION OF THE MOBILE SURGICAL UNIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 1 3–1–1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 1 3–1–2 RECEPTION OF THE STENOSCOP 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 1 3–1–3 IDENTIFICATION AND COMPATIBILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 1 3–1–4 Travel conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 3 MAIN SUPPLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 5 3–2 3–2–1 NETWORK ADAPTATION OF THE MOBILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 5 3–2–2 SUPPLY CABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 7 3–3 INTERCONNECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 7 3–4 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 7 3–4–1 UNBLOCKING THE COLUMN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 7 3–5 CDRH CERTIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 8 3–6 DR4 / MD10 COMPONENTS INTERCONNECTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 10 3–7 MDA COMPONENTS INTERCONNECTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 11 3–8 COMPONENTS POWER SUPPLY WIRING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 12 3–9 CCM 620 – Photography parameters setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 13 3–9–1 Brightness, contrast and density adjustment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.i 3 . 13 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 3 . ii TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 3 . iii TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 3 . iv Preinstall Installation Functional Check TOC Preinstallation Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 3 INSTALLATION 3. 3–1 RECEPTION OF THE MOBILE SURGICAL UNIT 3–1–1 INTRODUCTION 3–1–2 The STENOSCOP 2 is supplied ENTIRELY FACTORY MOUNTED AND CALIBRATED, so it needs NO ADJUSTMENT ON PUTTING INTO SERVICE. The procedure given below makes it possible to check the reception of the various components and set the system going. RECEPTION OF THE STENOSCOP 2 See chapter 2 PRE–INSTALLATION to check both the conformity of the site for installation and the composition of the equipment to be received. 3–1–2–1 DETERIORATION DUE TO TRANSPORT On the delivery of the equipment, all the packages will be examined to make sure that they have not been damaged during transport. If damage is observed, immediately notify the transport service and the transport insurance service of the factory. The same will apply for non–apparent damage due to transport discovered when unpacking the material or during installation, UP TO 15 DAYS MAXIMUM AFTER DELIVERY. A transport service will generally not pay a bill for non apparent damage unless an inspection has been demanded within 15 days after delivery. If damage is discovered, immediately contact the services concerned, specifying the type of apparatus, the serial number and the order number if possible, and describe the nature of the damage. 3–1–2–2 UNPACKING AND INSPECTION See chapter 2 PRE–INSTALLATION for checking the conformity of the delivery and of the equipment ordered. 3–1–3 The unpacking of the components of the apparatus before it is transported into the room will be made only if necessary for checking damage occurring during transport. The packages will be minutely examined during installation, in order not to overlook parts of small dimensions or envelopes containing screws, washers, etc. IDENTIFICATION AND COMPATIBILITY The STENOSCOP 2 is identified by labels giving the following information : . Date and place of manufacture . Serial number . Model type and number . Type approval and compliance with standards. In addition, to meet HHS requirements (USA) concerning RX radiation, mAs accuracy, filtration and source– skin distance, the different components concerned carry a label ”COMPLIES WITH RADIATION PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 21 CFR SUBCHAPTER J”. Other labels are also supplied separately for specific compliance with prevailing local regulations. 3.1 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Imager Imager Cassette Holder Collimator Frame Xray Tubehead Monitor Cart 3.2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 DESCRIPTION REFERENCE A FRAME – CONTROL CONSOLE 828 490 G055 ZF0XCST2 B X R HEAD 828 520 G015 ZH0HTST2 C COLLIMATOR for IMAGER 16 cm (6”) 828 751 G 025 Z0A16ST2 828 752 G 025 Z0A22ST2 ITEM 22 cm (9”) D MODELE (USA) CASSETTE HOLDER for IMAGER 16 cm (6”) 24 x 30 cm 830 534 G 015 9,5” x 9,5” 830 535 G 015 Z0L16ST2 CASSETTE HOLDER for IMAGER 22 cm (9”) E F 3–1–4 IMAGER 24 x 30 cm 830 536 G 015 9,5” x 9,5” 830 537 G 015 Z0L22ST2 16 cm (6”) CCD 50Hz 860 926 P 075 ZCCD16ST 22 cm (9”) CCD 50Hz 860 926 P 095 ZCCD22ST 16cm (6”) CDRH 60Hz 860 926 P 085 ZCCD16ST 22cm (9”) CDRH 60Hz 860 926 P 105 ZCCD22ST MONITORS CART Travel conditions To move the mobile unit from one place to another, respect the following conditions : – vertical ”C–Arm” – imager upwards – ”wigwag” movement centered – C–Arm retracted as far as possible toward the console – column low position – movements locked – ratchet the direction handle in order to have the back wheels parallel to the chassis – foot brake released CAUTION THE MOBILE UNIT IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH NEGATIVE ACTION BRAKES. FOR TRAVELLING ON A SLOPE, THE OPERATOR HAS TO BE IN FRONT OF THE MOBILE UNIT AND THE MONITOR HOLDER, AND, IF NECESSARY A SECOND PERSON MUST BE AVAILABLE TO HELP. 3.3 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 3A3 DIAPHRAGMES 2 832 502 G015 3.4 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 3–2 sm 826 921 P615 MAIN SUPPLY The mobile is factory wired for : 228V/50Hz single – phase networks (Europe) OR 120V/60Hz single – phase networks (U.S.A.) A frequency adaptation on site requires adaptations in the mobile but also in the imager, memory and monitor For the mobile, proceed as specified hereunder. 3–2–1 LINE ADAPTATION OF THE MOBILE ATTENTION : The Imager frequency is not adaptable on site. The complete CCD Camera must be changed if the frequency has to be modified. 3–2–1–1 9TR1 TRANSFORMER The line adaptation is made at the transformer 9TR1 (diagram 1–10) Connect wires marked A and B, and jumpers marked C and D as shown in the hereunder chart according to the mains voltage and frequency. MAINS SUPPLY FREQ 240V 228 V 220 V 208 V 200 V * * * 120V 108 V 100V Marqued wire 9TR1 TERMINALS Frequency Adaptation 50Hz 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 60Hz 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 3 3 1 2 3 A Voltage Adaptation B 1 1 Jumper C 4–5 4–6 4–7 4–6 4–7 4–8 4–8 4–8 Jumper D 2–2 2–2 2–2 2–2 2–2 1–5 2–6 3–7 * For the lines 120, 108 and 100V, it is obligatory to switch the machine over to REDUCED POWER. The REDUCTION OF POWER is programmed at the CI 3A3 DIAPHRAGMS 2 using the switch S133.B (2–7) (diagram 117F) S133.B OFF Normal power S133.B ON Reduced power * For the lines 120V 108V and 100V, it is also obligatory to connect in parallel on 9R1 an additional resistor 9R2, see diagram 1–10b–2A Connect the jumper from 9R2 to 9R1. 220V to 240V Mains 1 9R1 2 1 9R2 2 100V to 120V Mains Jumper 1 9R1 2 1 9R2 2 Jumper Series Parallel 3.5 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Locking rood Transportation lock bar (rod) 9Sm1 ON / OFF 9PL1 3.6 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 3–2–2 sm 826 921 P615 SUPPLY CABLE For the mobile units wired for 120V(USA), the supply cable is delivered from the factory with its plug. For the mobile units wired for 228V (Europe), the supply cable is delivered without a plug. According to local regulations, connect a plug (min 16A single phase + earth) as follows : blue wire : 228V brown wire : 228V 3–3 yellow/green wire : earth INTERCONNECTION – Connect the cable coming from the mobile unit to the plug 9PL1 situated on the back of the monitor holder. Screw the fixing device in a clockwise direction. – Connect the supplementary equipotentiality cable to the earth terminal bar (CEI only). 3–4 – Connected the network supply cable to the socket provided at the installation. EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION 3–4–1 Put the apparatus under tension with the switch at the back of the monitor cart. UNBLOCKING THE COLUMN For transport, this equipment is fitted with a bar which immobilizes the column. This bar is placed in a sheath situated under the chassis and accessible from near the right rear wheel. The bar must be removed to allow the column to move. To remove the bar, activate for a short instant the button controlling the descent of the column. This action has the effect of unblocking the bar which can then be removed. ATTENTION! It is absolutely necessary to keep this bar and put it back in place if the equipment has to be transported. To avoid losing it, it is suggested that the bar be fixed on the monitor cart (behind the monitor). 3.7 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 3–5 sm 826 921 P615 CDRH CERTIFICATION The unit is completely assembled and tested for CDRH compliance in the plant except for video imager, which for certain markets, is associated in the field. In order to make sure that the installed unit complies, the following tests have to be made : 1. Check that all mounting bolts for the X–Ray head and image intensifier are tightened. If a loose bolt is found, perform the beam alignement in Rad and Fluoro. 2. Check operator display, operation of pushbutton and of buzzers. See chap 6 RG 40 PWB swiches position. 3. Verify Fluoro mA 4. Verify Rad mAs 5. Verify Fluoro mA kVp range in manual and automatic mode 6. Make a quick test of the Fluoro ABC loop. With 2 mm copper on the X–ray head, in normal fluoro automatic mode, the kVp–mA normally stabilize for the 6” II for the 9” II, large field : 9” Low Dose High Dose KV 65/67 65/67 mA 1.7/1.9 3.2/3.4 6” Low Dose High Dose KV 68/70 68/70 mA 1.9/2.0 3.6/3.9 If this test fails, make a complete kVp test. 3.8 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 3.9 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 3–6 sm 826 921 P615 DR4 / MD10 COMPONENTS INTERCONNECTIONS. DR4 / MD10 DR4 / MD10 FRONT PANEL R.X. CONTROL DSM DB 15 Male REAR PANEL R.X. CONTROL DR HARD COPY VIDEO DB 15 Female BNC Only in DR (EMULATION) SCREEN A SCREEN B OUT OUT BNC CAMERA IN BNC POWER DB 9 Male BNC HARD COPY CONTROL BNC I.R. REMOTE DB 9 Male Monitors A or B C or D ÏÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏÏ MD10 Option C A B or 3 . 10 D TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 3–7 sm 826 921 P615 MDA COMPONENTS INTERCONNECTIONS. ÏÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏÏ 3 . 11 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 3–8 sm 826 921 P615 COMPONENTS POWER SUPPLY WIRING. 9A1 TRANSPANEL PL4 +12V 8 7 10 9 3 . 12 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 3–9 sm 826 921 P615 CCM 620 – Photography parameters setting This procedure is a summary of this one available in the camera documentation (furnished with the unit). 3–9–1 Brightness, contrast and density adjustment. Values to be set: BRT CRT Positive Negative 020 250 025 200 Density 50 Hz 60Hz 056 064 a Switch ON the Video Imager. b The message windows indicates the warm – up cycle time (60 sec.) WARMUP 60 WARMUP 59 WARMUP 58 WARMUP 00 c At the end of warm – up, you will hear a short beep, followed by the messages here after. SELF TEST CALIBRATING IMG 1/1 USR1 POS d Hit the ”PROGRAM” button and check the displayed message. >FMT4 USR1 POS cursor 3 . 13 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 POS. or NEG. Selection. Hit the buttons to set the cursor on the left side of ” POS ”. POS NEG 1 3 Then hit the buttons to select ” POS ” or ” NEG ” 2 4 RESET 1 3 >B00 C00 D00 Press once the key in order to diplay 2 4 Adjust the BRIGHTNESS with the keys RESET >B020 C00 D00 Hit once the key to select the CONTRAST with the keys Then adjust the contrast with the keys 1 3 >B020 C250 D00 1 3 Press the button 2 4 and set the appropriate DENSITY ( 50 or 60 Hz ) Store these new values with the ” PROGRAM ” button. Refer to the CCM 620 manual for more details over these adjustments. 3 . 14 RESET >B020 C250 D050 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 CHAPTER 4 – FUNCTIONAL CHECK TABLE OF CONTENTS 4–1 MECHANICAL TESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 3 4–1–1 DISPLACEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 3 4–1–2 WIG–WAG of ”C” ARM ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 3 4–1–3 IN–OUT MOTION OF ”C” ARM ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 3 4–1–4 C – ARM ROTATION AROUND THE HORIZONTAL AXIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 3 4–1–5 ORBITAL ROTATION OF C–ARM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 4 4–1–6 STABILITY OF ”C” ARM ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 4 4–1–7 C–ARM UP–DOWN MOTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 4 CDRH COMPLIANCE TEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 5 4–2 4–2–1 GENERATOR OPERATOR INDICATORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 5 4–2–2 LEAKAGE RADIATION TESTING OF THE DIAGNOSTIC SOURCE ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 5 4–2–3 PRIMARY BARRIER PROTECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 6 4–2–4 RADIATION LEAKAGE OF THE IMAGE INTENSIFIER ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . 4. 6 4–2–5 KV PEAK MEASUREMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 6 4–2–6 FLUORO mA MEASUREMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 7 4–2–7 TUBE CURRENT EXPOSURE TIME PRODUCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 8 4–2–8 FLUOROSCOPY TIMER. (Not required for tube replacement or re–load). . . . . . 4. 8 4–2–9 REPRODUCIBILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 9 4–2–10 QUALITY CONTROL OF THE X RADIATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 10 4–2–11 MAX FLUOROSCOPIC ENTRANCE EXPOSURE RATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 11 4–2–12 ALIGNMENT OF THE X–RAY FIELD AND SPOT FILM CASSETTE . . . . . . . 4. 12 4–2–13 ALIGNMENT OF THE EDGES OF THE X–RAY FIELD WITH THE EDGES OF THE FLUOROSCOPIC IMAGE RECEIVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 13 4.i TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 4 . ii TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 4 FUNCTIONAL CHECK 4. 4.1 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 4 3 2 1 5 4.2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 4–1 sm 826 921 P615 MECHANICAL TESTS The mechanical tests will be only performed when unit installation is completed : all the covers are fixed. The cassette holder is not present on the image intensifier head excepted if required. 4–1–1 DISPLACEMENT With brake ON, a minimum of 180 N (18 kg – 40 lbs) is required to move the unit on a level hard surface. With brake released (item 1), a maximum of 50N (5kg – 11 lbs) is required. 4–1–2 WIG–WAG of ”C” ARM ASSEMBLY Motion : 12.30 degrees. with brake ON (item 2), a minimum torque of 100 mN (10 mkg– 72 foot pounds) is required to move the assembly. With brake released, a maximum torque of 1.5 mN (1,5mkg – 11 foot pounds) is required. 4–1–3 IN–OUT MOTION OF ”C” ARM ASSEMBLY Travel : 200 mm When brake is released (item 3 : not showed on image), a maximum of 50 N (5kg – 11 lbs) in required to move the assembly when the unit is horizontal. When the brake is ON, a minimum of 250 N (25 kg – 55 lbs) is required. 4–1–4 C – ARM ROTATION AROUND THE HORIZONTAL AXIS Rotation : 330o ( 210o CW and 120o CCW) With brake ON (item 4), a minimum torque of 100 mN (10 mkg – 72 foot pounds) is required to rotate the assembly. With brake released, a maximum torque of 20 mN (2mkg – 14.5 foot pounds is required. 4.3 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 4–1–5 sm 826 921 P615 ORBITAL ROTATION OF C–ARM Rotation from the horizontal : 115º with 16 cm (6”) imager 105º with 22 cm (9”) imager 1. C–Arm in a vertical plane With brake released (item 5), a maximum of 50 N (5kg – 11 lbs) is required to rotate the assembly. 2. C–Arm in an horizontal plane With brake released, a maximum of 100 N (10 kg – 22 lbs) is required to rotate the assembly. With the brake ON, a minimum of 250 N (25kg – 55 lbs) is required to rotate the assembly. 4–1–6 STABILITY OF ”C” ARM ASSEMBLY Conditions : – all covers in place – cassette holder no fixed on the imager – brakes released : C–ARM, C–ARM support... A maximum of 30 N (3kg – 7 lbs) is required to maintain the assembly in any position. 4–1–7 C–ARM UP–DOWN MOTION Total travel : 455 mm (17,9”) for Imager 16 cm (6”) 475 mm (18,7”) for Imager 22 cm (9”) The maximum time of travel is 13 seconds. 4.4 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 4–2 sm 826 921 P615 CDRH COMPLIANCE TEST For more details, see HHS Stenoscop Test – Direction 46–017567. Precautions a) Be sure that both leads are connected when the milliammeter is inserted in the middle point of the H.V. transformer. Failure to do so could cause electrical shocks and damage the equipment. b) Avoid thermal overload of the X–ray tube. Refer to the tube rating charts (included in the user’s manual (OM) c) The sign indicates that X–rays will be emitted during this test. GUARD AGAINST X–RADIATION. NOTE 1: instruments used are listed at the end of this chapter § 5. NOTE 2: if the measured or calculated values are not within the tolerances, consult a qualified technician. The FDA tests for the Stenoscop are suitable for the GE HHS form 3382. The following information on doing the applicable tests will provide the means for adapting the data to the form 3382. Applicable data forms are referenced with sample date. References are made to standard GE methods described in DIRECTION 13894, SYSTEM TESTS FOR HHS. Only the tests that apply to the Stenoscop are included. 4–2–1 GENERATOR OPERATOR INDICATORS TONES AND BUZZERS YES - NO - N/A - WARNING LABEL PRESENT YES - NO - N/A - TONES AND BUZZERS ALSO INCLUDE LIGHTS. As a radiographic exposure is made the exposure push button lights and at the end of the exposure it extinguishes. In addition a tone is heard at the end of the exposure. In Fluoro the 5 minutes timer push button flashes at 4:27 seconds and at 4:57 seconds it terminates the fluoro exposure. The ”YES” box should be checked. WARNING LABEL PRESENT is applicable. The label can be found below the lock for the rotational motion of the C Arm. ”WARNING : This X–ray unit may be dangerous to patient and operator unless sale exposure factors and operating instructions are observed.” The ”YES” box should be checked. 4–2–2 LEAKAGE RADIATION TESTING OF THE DIAGNOSTIC SOURCE ASSEMBLY The radiation leak test is carried out in factory on each unit. Rejection limits : 60 mR/H or 1 mR/min (at 110 kV – 1 mA continuous duty). This leakage radiation being a constant factor, there is no need to check it on site. 4.5 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 4–2–3 sm 826 921 P615 PRIMARY BARRIER PROTECTION On each unit, the conformity of the primary barrier, dimensions, position and Lead thickness is verified by the manufacturer. 4–2–4 RADIATION LEAKAGE OF THE IMAGE INTENSIFIER ASSEMBLY (Max 1 mR/hour) Test performed on each unit by the manufacturer (must not be checked in the field). 4–2–5 KV PEAK MEASUREMENT Tools Needed : kV measurement Wisconsin Cassette or Keithley 35080 kVp divider, (or equivalent) (32865C Filter Pack, 65 kV – 135 kV) Note : Conversion factor for this Pack = +.55V. Voltage measurement Digital Multimeter, 4 digits input impedance > 10 megohm Rippel measurement Oscilloscope dual channel input impedance > 10 megohm Procedure: A direct measurement of the kVp is not possible because the ANODE and CATHODE connections are not accessible. This procedure uses the Keithley non – invasive kVp meter to calibrate the voltage reference at 110 kV and then to rely on this calibrated voltage reference to check the other kVp values. NOTE: kVp measurements may also be taken with the Keithley, the appropriate filter pack and it’s conversion factor, however the accuracy of these different packs at these different ranges is not established. So use these as a means of checking and not necessarily as the actual definitive measurement. Connect DVM to 3A12.a12 with reference to V. Com. (DVM...) Make these radiographic exposures : 110 kV XmAs choose the mAs appropriate, see Wisconsin or Keithley manual. K kVp 110kV DVM 3A12.a12 Example 19.94 109.1 kV 5.47 V Now this RATIO K can be used to calculate the other kVps as the 3A12.a12 values are measured : (No exposures needed). 4.6 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 SELECTED kV 3A12.a12 (X) CALCULATED KV (K * X) 40 _______ _______ 54 _______ _______ 55 _______ _______ 80 _______ _______ 110 _______ _______ Rejection Limits = 40 to 54 kVp : + / – 15% 55 to 110 kVp : + / – 7% With a scope check : 3A12.E7 / E8 for 55 kV: Ripple 110 kV: 27.5V Pk. + / – 15% 55.0V Pk. + / – 10% SEE SHEET RG 201 or RG 202 FOR ADJUSTMENTS IF NEEDED 4–2–6 FLUORO mA MEASUREMENT Instrument required: mA meter (category 0.5). The tube current is preset only in manual fluoroscopy. The current measured with the mA meter, connected to the middle point of the HV transformer, will be the sum of the tube current and the current in the voltage divider. At 40 kV, the current in the voltage divider is 0.1 mA (i.e. without filament heating). This corrective factor is proportional to the kVp. At 100 kVp, take the following measurements, after connecting the mA meter to the HV circuit (middle point) as shown in schematic 17C. Preset value Measured current Corrective factor Tube current at 100 kVp 0,1 _______ 0.25 _______ 0,4 _______ 0.25 _______ 1,6 _______ 0.25 _______ 4,5 _______ 0.25 _______ Max. limits accepted. The difference between tube current and current displayed must not exceed + / – (0,18 mA + 7% of preset value) NOTE: If the measured values are not within the tolerances, apply the adjustment procedure on sheet RG 204. 4.7 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 4–2–7 sm 826 921 P615 TUBE CURRENT EXPOSURE TIME PRODUCT Instrument required : mAs meter. Connect the mAs meter to the middle point of the HV transformer –,see schematic 17C. mAs measurement to be taken at 60 kVp: 60 kVp mAs setting mAs measurement 0.16 _______ 1 _______ 5 _______ 160 _______ Max. limits: + / – (0,18 mAs + 7% of preset value) NOTE : If the measured value is not within tolerances, apply the adjustment procedure of adjustment sheet RG 210. 4–2–8 FLUOROSCOPY TIMER. (Not required for tube replacement or re–load). Tools : Huer stop watch Method Measure the time Measured time must be between 4 min. 26 sec between a reset of Fluoroscopy and the moment when the buzzer is energized : + / – 10 sec. Check the ”YES” box. NOTE: If the measured value is not within tolerances, apply the adjustment procedure on adjustment sheet RG 206. 4.8 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 4–2–9 sm 826 921 P615 REPRODUCIBILITY Tools: Capintec 192 Dosimeter with PM30 ionization chamber (30cc) or equivalent device. Procedure : . Place the radiation probe approximately 300 mm from the Image Intensifier as shown below. NOTE : X RAY TABLE TOP CAN BE USED WITH THE C ARM EITHER VERTICAL OR HORIZONTAL TO POSITION THE PROBE. . Place Aluminum filtration of 3.8 cm 200 mm from the image intensifier. Note that the Aluminum filtration have a very slight influence on the measurement. . Select 80 kV, 50 mAs and make a preheating exposure . Select 50 kV, .16 mAs and make an exposure and measure the dose in mR. . Select 110 kV, 20 mAs and make an exposure and measure the dose in mR. . Repeat these last two steps ten times within one hour and fill in the table below; REPRODUCIBILITY OF EXPOSURE 200 mm FILTRATION PM30 IONISATION CHAMBER STENCDRH1 TEST 3.6 EXPOSURE – (mR) kVp mAs 50 .16 110 20 Sec Sec. 1 2 3 CV = Coefficient of variation = ( S : X ) 4 5 6 7 8 9 X = Average exposure S = Standard deviation Standard deviation = Acceptance Criteria CV < 0.045 Xi = Exposure # 1 . 2 . 3 etc n = Number of exposures 4.9 10 X S 1 2 ȱ n ǒXi – XǓ2ȳ ȧȍ n – 1 ȧ Ȳi+1 ȴ CV 300 mm TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 4–2–10 QUALITY CONTROL OF THE X RADIATION NOTE : Specific test point is at 71 kV, thus the minimum half value layer requirement is 2.1 mm of Al. (mandatory). Tools: Capintec 192 Dosimeter with PM30 ionization chamber(30cc) or equivalent device. Standard absorber : 2.5 mm of 1100 type Al : 46–173 632G1. Procedure : . Position the radiation probe as shown here; NOTE : X RAY TABLE TOP CAN BE USED WITH THE C ARM EITHER HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL TO POSITION THE PROBE. . Open the collimator blades. . Select 71 kV at 2.5 mA in Fluoro Mode. . Make an exposure and measure the exposure rate with no added filtration. This represents 100% transmission level. . Place the Standard Absorber in the beam as shown in the illustration and repeat the above exposure and also note exp. rate. . Divide the WITH ABSORBER reading by the WITHOUT ABSORBER reading : Absorber Reading (Rńmin) RATIO + Std Initial Reading (Rńmin) PM30 IONISATION CHAMBER 300 mm STANDARD ABSORBER Ratio must be greater than 0.50 Record value on form 3382 RADIATION READING WITHOUT STANDARD ABSORBER WITH STANDARD ABSORBER STENOSCOP 2 4 . 10 RATIO (WITH/WITHOUT) ADDITIONAL FILTRATION MOUNTED IN BEAM TO OBTAIN THIS RATIO (NONREMOVABLE) TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 4–2–11 MAX FLUOROSCOPIC ENTRANCE EXPOSURE RATE Tools : Capintec 192 Dosimeter with PM30 ionization chamber (30 cc) or equivalent device. Lead Sheet 1/8” thick or equivalent blocking. Standart absorber 20 x 20 x 3.8 cm Alu type 1100 Procedure : . Position equipment as shown in the illustration; 300 Note : I.I. needs to be blocked from Radiation. mm NOTE : X RAY TABLE TOP CAN BE USED WITH THE C ARM EITHER HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL TO POSITION THE PROBE. Place Aluminum filtration of 3.8 cm 200 mm from the image intensifier. Note that the aluminum filtration have a very slight influence on the measurement. . Open the collimator blades. . Select AUTO mode (HLC) and initiate Fluoro. . Note the exposure rate and the kV / mA parameters 110 kV – 3.9 mA. 200 mm LEAD SHEET – PLOMB ABSORBER PM30 IONISATION CHAMBER . Select MANUAL mode 90 kV at 5.5 mA and initiate Fluoro. Note the exposure rate. Record value on form 3382 TECHNIC DATA TAKEN NORMAL DOSE SELECTED mA MODE DIALED kVp Maximum Manual 40 ACTUAL kVp mA 60 80 110 Maximum Automatic 110 The dose rate shall not exceed 9 R/Min. 4 . 11 R/MIN HLC DOSE mA R/MIN TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 4–2–12 ALIGNMENT OF THE X–RAY FIELD AND SPOT FILM CASSETTE On each unit, the X–ray field and the film cassette are aligned by the manufacturer. This alignment is not to be checked on site, except in the case of replacement of image intensifier or X–ray tube head. Test: equipment required: cassette, ( 9” 1/2 x 9” 1/2 for USA ), standard X–ray film, and a lead plate (2 mm thick and about 3 cm of diameter). Procedure : Install the cassette holder : Place a cassette ( 9” 1/2 x 9” 1/2 for USA ) with the lead plate in its center in the cassette holder. Initiate 3 RAD exposures 50 kV – 1 mAs. WITHOUT MOVING THE CASSETTE, remove the lead plate. Initiate 1 RAD exposure 50 kV 1 mAs. After processing the film, measure the distances between the edges of the images and the edges of the film. The edge of the image is determined with points having the same density than in the mark of the lead plate. Then, measure the distance between the center of the field and the center of the film. Max. limits: L + L’ and l + l L + L’ + l + l’ a < 2,5% SID (22.5 mm) < 3,5% SID (31.6 mm) < 1,5% SID (13,5 mm) SID (source image distance). L a l l’ L’ If measured values are not within the tolerances, see Disassembly / Reassembly sheet D/R 11. 4 . 12 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 4–2–13 ALIGNMENT OF THE EDGES OF THE X–RAY FIELD WITH THE EDGES OF THE FLUOROSCOPIC IMAGE RECEIVER This alignment is carried out on each unit by the manufacturer and is not to be checked on site, except when the image intensifier, X–ray tube head or collimator is replaced. Test equipment required: Special fixture made of two sets of steel wires. Each set is made of straight parallel wires (1 cm apart). A washer is located in the center of the mesh, standard X–ray film and cassette. Method: –Place the fixture on the cassette holder and make an exposure in fluoro mode (50 kV – 0.5 mA – 3 sec.). The collimator must be open to the fluoroscopic field size. –After processing the film, observe the image of the fixture (in the same position) on the TV screen and then redraw this image on the processed film taking the mesh and the washer as a reference. The edges of the X–ray field and the edges of the fluoroscopic image receiver are then visible on the same film and the alignment faults can be measured as shown Max. limits: L’ + L” l’ + l” L’ + L” + l’ + l” < 2,5% SID (22.5 mm) < 2,5% SID (22.5 mm) < 3,5% SID (31.6 mm) NOTE 1 : With the dual field image intensifier, this alignment shall be checked with the 2 fields. NOTE 2 : Mandatory Compliance Form is supplied with each system. l’ L’ R L” Edge of the field (film) l” Edge of the image If measured value are not within the tolerances, see Disassembly/Reassembly sheet D/R 11. 4 . 13 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 4 . 14 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 CHAPTER 6 SERVICE PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS 6–1 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 6–1–1 GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 6–1–2 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 6–1–3 ANNUAL CHECK OF ELECTRONIC ADJUSTMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 6–2 6–2–1 OPERATING PRECAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 6–2–2 BOARD INTERCHANGEABILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 6–2–3 FUSES REPLACEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5 6–3 JOB CARDS SYNOPTIC TABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6 6–4 DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY SHEETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6 6–4–1 GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6 6–4–2 STENOSCOP D/R SHEETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.7 Purpose: DISSASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF MOBILE SYSTEM FRONT COVER. 6.8 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF MOBILE SYSTEM REAR COVER. . . 6 . 10 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF X–RAY HEAD UPPER COVER. . . . . . 6 . 12 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF THE STEERING HANDLE. . . . . . . . . 6 . 14 Purpose: CONTROL CONSOLE OPENING PROCEDURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF GAS SPRING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.i 6 . 16 6 . 18 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) Purpose: RELEASING THE CONVERTER AND CARD RACK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 20 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF BACK WHEEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 22 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF BACK WHEEL BRAKE CAM. . . . . . . 6 . 24 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY BRAKE SHOE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 26 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF X–RAY HEAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 28 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF THE C–ARM MOTOR PWB. . . . . . . . . 6 . 32 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF MODULATOR CAPACITORS 4C1 TO 4C6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 34 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF INVERTER RECTIFIER BRIDGE 4CR7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 36 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF PRESSE–PACK SEMICONDUCTORS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 38 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF TRANSFORMER 5TR1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 40 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF HEATING POWER SUPPLY 5A1. . . . 6 . 42 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF CONTROL CONSOLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 44 6 . ii TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF C–ARM MOTOR 1M1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 46 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF BREAKER 9SM1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 48 Purpose: X–RAY LAMP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 50 Purpose: “C–ARM” CABLE REPLACEMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 52 6–4–3 DAP D/R SHEETS ........................................ 6 . 59 Purpose: ION CHAMBER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 60 Purpose: DOSE AREA PRODUCT METER DISPLAY REPLACEMENT (NOT WITH MDA MEMORY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 62 6–4–4 IMAGEUR D/R SHEETS ............................... 6 . 65 Purpose: IMAGEUR HEAD DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 66 Purpose: X–RAY IMAGE INTENSIFIER TUBE DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY. . . . 6 . 68 Purpose: EHV POWER SUPPLY DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 74 Purpose: COMPACT OPTICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 76 Purpose: BOARD CAGE DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 82 Purpose: PRINTED WIRING BOARDS DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY. . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 84 6 . iii TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) 6–4–5 MEMORY D/R SHEETS ................................ 6 . 87 Purpose: MIDAS BOARD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 88 Purpose: AVIAS BOARD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 90 Purpose: RS 232 BOARD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 92 Purpose: VGA BOARD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 94 Purpose: TOUCH SCREEN ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 96 Purpose: HARD DISK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–4–6 MONITOR D/R SHEETS 6 . 98 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 101 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF MONITOR CART COVERS. . . . . . . . . 6 . 102 Purpose: DISSASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF BOARDS FROM THE MONITOR . . 6 . 104 6 . iv TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) 6–5 ADJUSTMENT SHEETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 110 6–5–1 GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 110 MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–5–2 STENOSCOP R/G SHEETS ( MECHANICAL ) 6 . 111 . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 111 Purpose: BACK WHEELS ALIGNMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 112 Purpose: HANDLE POSITION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 114 Purpose: “C ARM” ROTATION BRAKE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 116 6–5–3 LASER R/G SHEETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 119 Purpose: EXTERNAL LASER AIMING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 120 Purpose: INTEGRATED LASER ALIGNMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 124 ELECTRONIC ADJUSTMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 127 6–5–4 STENOSCOP R/G SHEETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 127 Purpose: KV CIRCUIT (3A12 – R216) – DIAGRAM 23D MEASURE WITH WISCONSIN CASSETTE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 128 Purpose: KV CIRCUIT (3A12 – R216) – DIAGRAM 23D MEASURE WITH KEITHLEY 35080. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 130 Purpose: TRAVEL SAFETY (3A19 – R123) DIAGRAM 38B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 132 Purpose: FLUORO ADJUSTMENT (3A26 – R9) DIAGRAM 81E FILAMENT 4. . . . . . 6 . 134 6.v TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) Purpose: FLUORO PREHEATING (3A26 – R3) DIAGRAM 84D FILAMENT 4. . . . . . . 6 . 136 Purpose: FLUORO TIMER – DIAGRAM 103A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 138 Purpose: RAD SAFETY DIAGRAM 83D FILAMENT 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 140 Purpose: RAD MA – RAD PREHEATING (3A26 – R4) DIAGRAM 84B FILAMENT 4. 6 . 142 Purpose: RAD / FLUORO SWITCH CHECK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 146 Purpose: MAS INTEGRATORS (3A26 – R6) DIAGRAM 82C FILAMENT 4. . . . . . . . . 6 . 148 Purpose: AUTOMATIC FLUORO SYSTEM ADJUSTMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 150 Purpose: 3A1 INTERFACE DSM PWB (201 – 210B). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 158 Purpose: PWB SWITCHES PROGRAMMATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 165 6–5–5 DAP R/G SHEET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 167 Purpose: CALIBRATION DOSE AREA PRODUCT METER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 168 6–5–6 IMAGER R/G SHEETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 175 Purpose: INTERFACE CONTROLS ALIGNMENT CHECK. ( IMAGER ) . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 176 Purpose: DOSE ADJUSTMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 180 6 . vi TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) Purpose: “X–RAY ON “ DELAY ADJUSTMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 184 Purpose: BLACK LEVEL THRESHOLD ADJUSTMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 186 Purpose: II ASSEMBLY ALIGNMENT WITH LONGITUDINAL AXIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 189 Purpose: VIDEO SIGNAL LEVEL CHECK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 190 Purpose: PERIODIC DOSE CHECK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 193 6–5–7 MONITOR R/G SHEETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 199 Purpose: MONITOR ADJUSTMENT IN 100 HZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 200 Purpose: MONITOR ADJUSTMENT IN 120 HZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 206 Purpose: MONITOR BRIGHTNESS AND BLANKINK ADJUSTMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 212 6–6 LIST OF USED MEASURING EQUIPMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 217 6–6–1 RADIATION MEASUREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 217 6–6–2 ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 217 6 . vii TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 6 . viii TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 5 SERVICE PROCEDURES 6 SERVICE PROCEDURES 5. 6. 6–1 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 6–1–1 GENERAL The purpose of preventive maintenance is to maintain equipment and verify correct equipment performance. It has three stages : – routine maintenance: daily or weekly maintenance by the user, – annual electronic adjustment check: this check consists in checking and, if necessary, resetting all main electronic adjustments of the equipment in order to prevent derivation. – These tests are carried out by qualified technician, the CDRH compliance tests: testing procedures required to check that the unit meets its operational specifications (see ch. 4 § 2) These tests will be performed when X–ray head or collimator are replaced or when corrective maintenance is performed in regulation networks of kV and mA. 6–1–2 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE This maintenance is carried out by the user. See User’s Manual. 6–1–3 ANNUAL CHECK OF ELECTRONIC ADJUSTMENTS These adjustments are made to ensure the highest possible operating safety. See User’s Manual. 6.1 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 6.2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 6–2 CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE 6–2–1 OPERATING PRECAUTIONS 6–2–1–1 X–RAY PROTECTION During an operation involving X–ray emission, put a lead apron between the X–ray head and the image intensifier of the mobile system. 6–2–1–2 DIFFERENTIAL ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS Differential electrical measurements taken with the oscilloscope (in particular, thyristor trigger voltages) must be taken with the oscilloscope in differential mode. Measurements taken in common mode with an earthed oscilloscope may destroy components. 6–2–1–3 CONNECTOR PL1 OF PWB 3A19 ”COMMANDE SCR” Never remove this connector while the mobile system is energized. The thyristor trigger protection currents are on PWB 3A19 and there is a risk of accidental triggering if PL1 is disconnected. 6–2–1–4 GROUNDING OF BOARDS ON EXTENDERS Don’t forget to ground the boards (with an extension wire with FASTON terminals). 6–2–1–5 BOARD REPLACEMENT De–energize the mobile system when replacing or extending a board. 6–2–2 BOARD INTERCHANGEABILITY 6–2–2–1 TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURE The standard troubleshooting technique consists in replacing the boards. The interchangeability criteria for the boards are listed below in three groups: 1) Non–interchangeable boards. 2) Readily interchangeable boards. Boards without adjustment or boards which have been calibrated in the factory. 3) Interchangeable boards which require adjustments. NOTE : Make sure that the required procedure is at hand before proceeding with adjustments. In some instances, it will be necessary to repair the mobile system on site and to recalibrate it. All the information needed for this is given in the paragraph 4 of this chapter : Adjustments sheet RG... 6–2–2–2 NON INTERCHANGEABLE BOARDS – DIVIDER 6A1 PWB In factory, the divider PWB 6A1 is calibrated with the X–ray head, on which it is mounted. This calibration requires specific tools which are not available on site. After accidental destruction of the 6A1 circuit, it is, however, possible to recalibrate a circuit with similar characteristics. This can be done in the factory only. 6.3 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 6–2–2–3 READILY INTERCHANGEABLE BOARDS 1A1 MOTEUR ARCEAU PWB (C–arm motor) 2A1 MODULE G2 (control console) PWB Switches position : see adjustment sheet RG 213 2A3 MODULE D2 (control console) PWB 3A3 DIAPHRAGMES 2 (collimator) PWB Switches position : see adjustment sheet RG 213 3A7 AD/kV PWB Check the presence of bridge W10 (See sch 53A) 3A9 CONSIGNE kV/mA2 (kV/mA reference) PWB Switches position : see adjustment sheet RG 213 Check the presence of W245 bridge (See sch 092D) CAUTION : EPROM Check agreement: name, position, revision 3A12 kV/mA PWB Adjustment of kV measurement: may have to be corrected (see adjustment sheet RG 201 or RG 202) Adjustment of FLUORO TIMER: may have to be corrected (see adjustment sheet RG 206) Check bridges presence W107, W109, W220, W231, W244, W245. 3A19 COMMANDE SCR2 (SCR control) PWB Switches position : see adjustment sheet RG 213 Check bridge presence W16 4A1 SCR No1 PWB 4A2 SCR No 2 PWB 5A1 PUISSANCE 4 PWB (Heating power) 7A1 FROTTEUR PWB (contact brush) 7A2 DISQUE PWB (Disk) – Complete adjustment of collimator 9A1/9A2 Relais PWB (relay) 9A4 PRISE PWB 6.4 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 3A1 INTERFACE DSM 828 988 G 035 – STENOSCOP 2 This board is also used for DR4 and DR7 memories. This board is fully factory calibrated. If an accidental uncalibration occurs, refer to adjustment sheet RG 212. Switches position : see adjustment sheet RG 213 6–2–2–4 INTERCHANGEABLE BOARDS WHICH REQUIRE ADJUSTMENTS 3A5 Timer PWB (Minuterie 2.) –Adjustment of ABC video (adjustment sheet RG 211). 3A26 Filament heating PWB (Chauffage filament 4) Switches position : see adjustment sheet RG 213 –Adjustment of fluoro mA (adjustment sheet RG 204) –Adjustment of fluoro preheating (adjustment sheet RG 205) –Adjustment of RAD preheating (adjustment sheet RG 208) 6–2–3 FUSES REPLACEMENT The unit is internally protected by fuses inaccessible by the user. During corrective procedure, it is OBLIGATORY to replace a blowed fuse by means of the SAME MODEL OF FUSE. A plastic bag with spare fuses is provided in the unit in the module 3. See D/R 1 sheet for access. This bag countains : 2 Fuses ABC 1A 250V 1 Fuse ABC 3A 250V 1 Fuse ABC 5A 250V 1 Fuse ABC 8A 250V 1 Fuse MDA 3A 250V 1 Fuse FNQ 1A 500V code 854 352 P 025 code 854 352 P 045 code 854 352 P 055 code 854 352 P 075 code 854 352 P 425 code 854 362 P 315 It is possible to order this ”Maintenance bag” with the code number 828 731 G 015. 6–2–3–1 FUSES LIST NAME MODEL LOCALIZATION 1A1F5 MDA 3A 250V UNIT see sheet 1A1F8 ABC 3A 250V MODULE 1 D/R 2 5F2 ABC 3A 250V UNIT see sheet 5F3 ABC 8A 250V MODULE 5 D/R 1 9F1 ABC 1A 250V MONITOR CART see sheet 9F2 ABC 1A 250V 9F3 ABC 5A 250V MODULE 9 D/R 90 9F4 FNQ 1A 500V 6.5 ACCES TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 6–2–3–2 REMARKS RELATING TO FUSES REPLACEMENT Replacement of 1A1 F5 fuse MODEL MDA 3A 250V When 1F5 fuse blows, verify the UP/DOWN motion system – Check the wear of the driving shaft and roller plates of the column. – Check cleanliness of the roller plates – Verify that the motor current is lower than 2.5A when column is on mechanical stop. 6–3 JOB CARDS SYNOPTIC TABLE Advanced Service Manual Service Manual Subsystem Stenoscop D/R sheets RGm sheets RGe sheets 1 – 22 101 – 103 201 – 213 (1 – 29) * (101 – 129) Laser LA sheets DI sheets (201 – 229) (301 – 329) (401 – 429) (501 – 529) (130 – 139) (230 – 239) (330 – 339) (430 – 439) (530 – 539) (140 – 149) (240 – 249) (340 – 349) (440 – 449) (540 – 549) 250 – 256 450 – 456 130 – 131 (30 – 39) DAP RGe sheets 40 – 41 (40 – 49) 240 (150 – 169) (250 – 269) 250 – 256 350 – 354 (170 – 189) (270 – 289) (370 – 389) (470 – 489) (570 – 589) (390 – 399) (490 – 499) (590 – 599) 50 – 55 Imager (50 – 69) Memory 70 – 75 (70 – 89) Monitor (450 – 469) (550 – 569) 570 – 579 90 – 91 (90 – 99) (350 – 369) 290 – 292 (190 – 199) (290 – 299) * ( ) : reserved numbers 6–4 DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY SHEETS 6–4–1 GENERAL – Each sheet gives the list of tools and equipment needed, preliminary precautions and part disassembly and reassembly procedure. – The part numbers of the hardware mentioned in this chapter are given in chapter 9, Renewal Parts. 6.6 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 6–4–2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP D/R SHEETS 6.7 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 1 Purpose: DISSASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF MOBILE SYSTEM FRONT COVER. Time: 10 min. Version No.: 00 Date: May 1993 Manpower: 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 6.8 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 1 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Cross–tip screwdriver. 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – De–energize the mobile system. 3 – DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Remove the 4 CTFH M4x12 screws with cups (item 1), 1 CTFH M4x15 screws with cups (item 2) and the 4 CTFH Parker 4.2 x 19 (item 3) holding the cover. – Very carefully remove the cover and disconnect the ground terminal. 4 – REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Carry out the previous operations in reverse order. 6.9 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 2 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF MOBILE SYSTEM REAR COVER. Time: 10 min. Version No.: 00 Date: May 1993 Manpower: 1 1 2 3 4 6 . 10 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 2 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Cross–tip screwdriver. 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – Lift the C–Arm. – De–energize the mobile system. 3 – DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Remove the front cover (D/R 01) – Remove the 2 caplugs and the 2 Parker screws (item 1) fixing the top cover of the column (item 2). – Remove the 2 caplugs and the 2 CTFH M4 x 16 screws (item 3) on each side – Very carefully remove the cover (item 4). 4 – REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Carry out the previous operations in reverse order. 6 . 11 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 3 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF X–RAY HEAD UPPER COVER. Time: 10 min. 1 of 2 Version No.: 00 Date: October 1996 Manpower: 1 No display with MDA memory 1 5 3 4 2 6 . 12 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 3 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Cross–tip screwdriver. 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – De–energize the mobile system. 3 – DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Remove the stop–gap of the screws. – Remove the 2 CTMS M4x8 screws (item 2) from either side of the X–ray head. – Remove the 2 CTMS M4x12 screws with cups (item 3) in order to remove rear cover (item 4). – Lift the cover and disconnect the 2 coaxial cables of the ion chamber (Option) and the flat cables from the display if present. – Remove the cover (item 1). 4 – REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Carry out the previous operations in reverse order. – Take care that the joint (item 5) between the cover and the C–arm is correctly set. 6 . 13 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 4 Purpose: Version No.: 00 DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF THE STEERING HANDLE. Date: May 1993 Time: 10 min. Manpower: 1 1 6 . 14 2 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 4 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Dia. 5 mm flat screwdriver. – 3 mm hexagonal wrench. 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – De–energize the mobile system. 3 – DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE In order to remove the steering handle, proceed as follows: – Unscrew the 2 M6 screws (item 1) and remove the handle. (item 2) 4 – REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Set the rear wheels in the longitudinal direction. – Put the handle back in place to hinge at the alignment with the wheels. – Tight the 2 M6 screws (item 1). – Alignment : See RG 101. 6 . 15 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 5 Purpose: CONTROL CONSOLE OPENING PROCEDURE. Version No.: 00 Date: May 1993 Time: 30 min. Manpower: 1 3 1 2 1 2 6 . 16 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 5 2 of 2 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – 4 A/F wrench. – 6 A/F wrench. 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – De–energize the mobile system. 3 – OPENING PROCEDURE – Remove the front cover (See sheet D/R 1). – Remove the rear cover (See sheet. D/R 2). – Remove the steering handle (see Sheet D/R 4). – Remove the 4 caplugs (item 1) : the 4 screws 6HSH, M4x10, with washer (item 2) are accessible through the holes in the cover. Remove the 4 screws. – Unscrew the 4 screws 6HSH, M4x10 on the card rack front side and the 2 screws on the card rack back side in order to release the shield plate of the console.. – Unscrews the 2 screws holding the right handle (See ill of Job Card D/R 4). – Remove the control console (item 3). 4 – CLOSING PROCEDURE – Carry out the previous operations in reverse order. 6 . 17 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 6 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF GAS SPRING. Time: 1.30 H. 1 of 2 Version No.: 00 Date: April 1995 Manpower: 2 4 2 2 1 3 Insert the rod 5 6 . 18 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 6 2 of 2 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Gas spring, code 824 035 P 024. – Screwdriver. 2 –PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – The gas spring balances the whole movable load (column, C–arm, image intensifier, camera, X–ray generator). – A faulty spring would first cause an increase in rise time. – The safety device (parachute) would then be activated. – The following procedure should be carried out by qualified technicians only. – Before handling the gas spring, take all precautions to prevent the rod from being damaged. – The least fault could make it unserviceable. 3 – DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Remove the front and rear covers (see sheets D/R 01 and D/R 02). – Manually or by means of the motor, bring the mobile system column to the highest possible position in order to loosen the spring as much as possible. NOTE : There is no risk of damage to the mobile system column because travel is limited by a mechanical stop (fixed to the lower part of the column) and a shaft (item 3) – Install the locking rod through the holes provided in the column. The column is locked in upper position. – Remove the upper attachment screws (item 4) of the spring after having removed the 2 screws CTMS M4x8 and the 2 screws CTMS M4x16 (item 2) attaching the cover (item 1). – Remove the clips and the attachment shaft from the lower part of the spring (item 5). 4 – REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Install the new gas spring, by installing in the lower part with the shaft and clips. – Position the upper part of the spring in front of its attachment piece. – Introduce a screwdriver between attachment piece and spring and use it as a lever to set the spring to its correct position. – Take all precautions not to damage the body. – Position and tighten up the upper attachment screw–bolt. – Unlock the safety device. – Remove the locking rod. – Lower the column (a few centimeters) and put back the stop shaft. – Check that the safety device is not damaged. – Check the operation. – Install the cover. 6 . 19 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 7 Purpose: RELEASING THE CONVERTER AND CARD RACK. Time: 15 min. 1 of 2 Version No.: 00 Date: April 1995 Manpower: 1 1 4 2 3 2 6 . 20 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 7 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Allen wrench (6). 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTION – De–energize the mobile system. 3 – PROCEDURE – Remove screw 6HSH M6x15 (item 1) to release the card rack (item 4). – Remove 2 screws 6HSH M6x30 (item 2) to release converter (item 3). – Carefully pivot the subassemblies, making sure that the cable bundles are not crushed. 6 . 21 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 8 Purpose: Version No.: 00 DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF BACK WHEEL. Date: April 1995 Time: 20 min. Manpower: 1 Illustration 1 2 Illustration 2 1 1 6 . 22 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 8 1 – TOOLS – Metric wrenches and screw–drivers – Jack 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – Secure the C–arm once it is lifted 3 – DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Remove the caplug (ill.2/item 1). – Unscrew the M4 screw holding the wheel cover and remove it. – Repeat these two operations for the other wheel side. – Lift the C–arm and secure it. – Remove the clip (ill 1/ item 1) – Push the shaft out (ill.1/item 2) – Remove the defective wheel and replace by a new one. 4 – REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Carry out the previous operations in reverse order. 6 . 23 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 9 Purpose: 1 of 2 Version No.: 00 DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF BACK WHEEL BRAKE CAM. Date: April 1995 Time: 30 min. Manpower: 1 Illustration 1 4 4 5 5 3 3 1 1 2 2 Illustration 2 6 . 24 1 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 9 2 of 2 1 – TOOLS – Metric wrenches and screw–drivers 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – None 3 – DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Remove the chassis wheel cover – Unscrew the nut (ill.1/ item 1) holding the rod, it is easier if the shaft (ill.1/ item 2) is lock by a screw–driver. – Remove the screw (ill.1/ item 3) locking the rod. – Remove the screw (ill./ item 4) holding the cam in place, pull out the rod (ill.1/ item 5). 4 – REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Carry out the previous operations in reverse order taking care of the cam position (see ill.2/ item 1) and lubricating the different parts. 6 . 25 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 10 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY BRAKE SHOE. Version No.: 00 Date: April 1995 Time: 10 min. Manpower: 1 Illustration 1 1 2 6 . 26 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 10 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – None 3 – DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Remove the wheel cover. – Unscrew the 2 HSH M4x 16 holding the brake–shoe ( see ill 1/ item 1) – Remove the brake shoe and replace by a new one ( see ill 1/ item 2). 4 – REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Carry out the previous operation in reverse order. 6 . 27 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 11 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF X–RAY HEAD. Time: 4 H. 1 of 3 Version No.: 00 Date: April 1995 Manpower: 1 CAUTION The X–ray head and the Divider PWB are associated and calibrated in the factory. Verify that the X–ray head and Divider PWB have the same serial number. 1. TOOLS REQUIRED – Centering tube assembly. – Collimator centering bushing in X–ray beam. – See BEAM ALIGNMENT KIT 827 112 G 035. 2. PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – Before removing the X–ray head, MAKE SURE THE C–ARM IS STABLE. This stability depends on the CORRECT OPERATION OF THE C–ARM ROTATION BRAKE AND C– ARM BRAKE. – Check that the locks are operating properly. 3. X–RAY HEAD DISASSEMBLY – Move the column, to its lowest position. – Position the bar in order to lock the column in low position (see chapter 2 of this section, § 1.2). – Rotate the C–arm so that the image intensifier is positioned on the mechanical stop (unit side). – Remove X–ray head cover. See sheet D/R 3. – Disconnect 7A1.PL1 and remove the collimator. – Disconnect plugs 6PL1, 6A1.PL1, 6A1.PL2 and the Laser interface connectors. – Disconnect ground wires and 6SaTh2 connections. – Remove 6Sal support. – Remove X–ray head. – Before to perform the X Ray head replacement check the continuity of the kV and mA measure connections. PROCEDURE – Position 3A12 PWB on extender cart – With an ohmmeter, check the connections between: 6A1. PL2. 9 3A12. PL1. 7 6A1. PL2. 8 3A12. PL1. 10 6A1. PL2. 3 3A12. PL1. 8 and 9 6A1. PL2. 10 3A12. PL1. 6 6A1. PL2. 7 3A12. PL1. 4 6A1. PL2. 6 3A12. PL1. 3 6A1. PL2. 5 3A12. PL1. 1 6 . 28 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 11 2 of 3 – During each measure, twist the cable in order to be sure that there is no intermittent breaking in measure circuit cable. – If cable default is detected, replace ”C Arm” cable: See sheet D/R 22. 4. X–RAY HEAD REASSEMBLY – Position the new X–ray head. – Connect plugs 6PL1, 6A1PL1, 6A1PL2, – Connect the ground wires and the 6SaTh2 connections. – Fix 6Sa1 support. CAREFULLY CHECK THE CONNECTIONS IN ORDER TO ENSURE CONTINUITY OF THE kV AND mA MEASUREMENT CIRCUIT. 5. UNIT CALIBRATION – Preheating adjustment (see sheet RG 205). – RAD mA adjustment (see sheet RG 208). 6. X–RAY HEAD CENTERING – Remove the locking rod from the column. – Rotate the C–arm in order to position the X–ray axis vertically with the X–ray head in low position. Centering of X–ray beam limitation plate (RAD limitation) : – Select FLUORO, Manual mode, 43 kV, 0.8 mA. – Position X–ray beam limitation plate on X–ray head – Insert the bottom of the centering tube in the aperture of the plate. – Initiate fluoro sequence. – Move the limitation plate and the centering tube in order to obtain on the TV monitor two concentric spots of about 2 and 4 cm in diameter. – Secure the limitation plate. Centering of X–ray beam on the image intensifier : – Select FLUORO. MDA memory : – Select the centering pattern – The memory displays a circle and a cross on the screen. DR4 / MD10 : – Locate the center of the screen. – Initiate FLUORO sequence. – Using the 4 screws, adjust the direction of the X–Ray head in order to align the 2 concentric spots at the center of the TV monitor. – Secure the X–Ray head fixations. 6 . 29 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 11 – RAD mode centering adjustement. See Chap. 4 § 2.12 7. COLLIMATOR ADJUSTMENT ON THE X–RAY HEAD Collimator reassembly : – Position and temporarily secure the collimator. – Connect plug 7A1.PL1. CAUTION : NEVER MOVE THE BLADES MANUALLY. Collimator centering in the X–ray beam : – Select FLUORO, Manual mode, 43 kV, 0.8 mA. – Close the 2 pairs of blades in order to have a square shape on the monitor and move the collimator until the image is centered in the video mask. – When the collimator is centered, the blades must appear symmetrically on monitor screen. See chap. 4 TESTS CDRH COMPLIANCE 6 . 30 3 of 3 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 6 . 31 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 12 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF THE C–ARM MOTOR PWB. Time: 45 min. Version No.: 00 Date: May 1993 Manpower: 1 3 3 3 1 6 . 32 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 12 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Screwdriver (medium–size). 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – De–energize the mobile system. 3 – DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Remove the rear cover of the mobile system block. See sheet D/R 2. – Disconnect the plug 1A1.PL1 (item 1). – Remove the self–tapping screws CTMS M3x20 (item 3) holding the board and remove it. 4 – REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Repeat the above operations in reverse order. 6 . 33 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 13 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF MODULATOR CAPACITORS 4C1 TO 4C6. Time: 1 H. 1 of 2 Version No.: 00 Date: May 1993 Manpower: 1 3 1 2 2 4 6 . 34 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 13 2 of 2 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Flat box wrench for nut HH6. – Screwdriver (medium–size). 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – De–energize the equipment. – Remove the mobile system front cover. See sheet D/R 1. – Make sure 4DS1 light (item 1), indicating presence of residual voltage at capacitor terminals, is off (LED visible when mobile system front cover is removed). 3 – DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Remove the nuts (item 2) attaching bridge strips (item 4) on the faulty capacitor, and if necessary, loosen nuts on other parts connected to these strips so as to be able to remove the capacitor smoothly. – Remove the 2 TCY M3x10 screws (item 3) from the collar holding the capacitor. – Remove capacitor. 4 – REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Repeat the above operations in reverse order. 6 . 35 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 14 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF INVERTER RECTIFIER BRIDGE 4CR7. Time: 30 min. 1 of 2 Version No.: 00 Date: May 1993 Manpower: 1 1 1 3 2 2 4 5 4 5 1 2 1 2 6 . 36 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 14 2 of 2 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Flat fork wrench (8). – Screwdriver (medium–size). 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – De–energize the mobile system. – Remove the mobile system front cover. See sheet D/R 1. – Make sure 4DS1 light (See fig of sheet D/R 13, item 1), indicating presence of residual voltage at capacitor terminals, is off (Light visible when mobile system front cover is removed). 3 – DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Remove the 4 HH M5x10 screws with nuts and washers (items 1 and 2 attaching the terminals. – Remove the 2 MS M4x40 screws with nuts and washers (items 3 and 4) holding the rectifier bridge to the side of the inverter. – Remove the rectifier bridge (item 5). 4 – REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Repeat the above operations in reverse order. 6 . 37 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 15 Purpose: Version No.: 00 DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF PRESSE–PACK SEMICONDUCTORS. Date: May 1993 Time: 2 H. Manpower: 1 3 1 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 6 . 38 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 15 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Weld–iron – Fork wrench (8). – Screwdriver. – Sandpaper, No. 320 or 500. 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – De–energize the mobile system. 3 – DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Remove the mobile system front cover. See sheet D/R 1. – Remove the 2 screws holding the inverter (module 4) and pivot (see sheet D/R 7). – Locate the wires of the thyristor triggers and unsolder them. – Remove the HH M6x16 screws (item 1) holding the various connection strips on the diode/thyristor assembly (item 2). 4 – INSTALLATION PROCEDURE – Replace the diode/thyristor assembly in the inverter and attach with screws (item 3). – Resolder the thyristor trigger wires. If necessary, check wiring with diagrams 11 to 15. – Attach the various connection strips to the diode/thyristor assembly. – Replace the inverter, pivoting it and attaching it with 2 screws (See sheet D/R 7). – Switch the unit on and test its functionnalities. – Replace the mobile system front cover. 6 . 39 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 16 Purpose: Version No.: 00 DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF TRANSFORMER 5TR1. Date: May 1993 Time: 2 H. Manpower: 1 1 o o 6 . 40 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 16 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Allen wrench . 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – De–energize the mobile system. 3 – DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Release the converter. See sheet D/R 7. – Remove the 4 6HSH M6x16 screws (item 1) attaching transformer 5TR1. – Disconnect the primary wires: wire number: 6 5F2 7 5TB1.3 10 E20 16 5F3 17 5CR3 23 5E20 – Disconnect the wires: wire number: 1 2 3 21 4TB1.6 4E10 4TB1.5 1A1.TB2.1 – Remove 5TR1. 4 – REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Repeat the above operations in reverse order. 6 . 41 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 17 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF HEATING POWER SUPPLY PWB 5A1. Time: Version No.: 0 Date: Manpower: 1 2 1 6 . 42 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 17 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Tube wrench for nuts M6. 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – De–energize the mobile system. – Remove the front cover ( see D/R 1) 3 – DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Remove connectors PL1, PL2 and PL3 of PWB 5A1. – Remove the 2 M6 nuts (item 1) attaching the PWB. – Remove PWB 5A1 (item 2). 4 – REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Repeat the above operations in reverse order. 6 . 43 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 18 Purpose: Version No.: 00 DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF CONTROL CONSOLE PWB. Date: October 1996 Time: 30 min. Manpower: 1 1 2 4 4 6 6 4 4 3 4 6 4 6 5 4 6 . 44 6 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 18 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Tube wrench (6). 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – De–energize the mobile system. – Open the mobile system control console. See sheet D/R 5. 3 – DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Left Module pwb 2A1 (item 1). Disconnect PL1, PL2 and PL3 (item 3). Remove the 7 M4 nuts (item 4) attaching the PWB beneath the console. Remove the PWB. – Right Module pwb 2A3 (item 2). Disconnect PL5 (item 5). Remove the 5 M4 nuts (item 6) attaching the PWB beneath the console. Remove the PWB. 4 – REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Repeat the above operations in reverse order. 6 . 45 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 19 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF C–ARM MOTOR 1M1. Time: 1 H. Version No.: 00 Date: May 1993 Manpower: 1 3 2 1 2 2 6 . 46 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 19 2 of 2 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Hex. head tube wrench (6). 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – De–energize the mobile system. 3 – DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Disconnect the power supply terminals (item 1). – Remove motor support and motor : 4HSH screw M4x16 (item 2) – Remove the belt (item 3) – Remove the pulley from the motor : 1HSCPS screw M4x6 – Remove the motor : 3 HH screw M6x10 4 – REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Repeat the above operations in reverse order. NOTE : Adjusting the belt tension (item 3). – The tension is adjusted by moving the motor/reduction gear assembly upwards or downwards, then securing with 4 HSH M4x16 screws. – Tighten the belt until a play of 10 +/– 2 mm is obtained when a force of 5 N (0,5 kg) is applied between the 2 pulleys. 6 . 47 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 20 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF BREAKER 9SM1. Time: 15 min. Version No.: 00 Date: May 1993 Manpower: 1 6 . 48 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 20 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Screwdriver (medium–size). 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – De–energize the mobile system. – Remove the plug from the mains outlet. 3 – DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Remove rear cover of monitor support. – Rotate the breaker support (1 fixing screw). – Disconnect FASTON terminals of breaker 9Sm1). – Remove breaker from support (two fixing screws). 4 – REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE (NEW MONITOR SUPPORT) – Carry out the above operations in reverse order. 6 . 49 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 21 Purpose: Version No.: 00 X–RAY LAMP. Date: October 96 Time: 1/2 H. Manpower: 1 6 . 50 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 21 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED. – Normal screw driver. 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS. – Disconnect the equipment from the main supply. 3 – DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Unscrew the top cover. (See illustration) – Replace the bulb. 4 – REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Carry out the above operations in reverse order. 6 . 51 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 22 Purpose: 1 of 6 Version No.: 00 “C–ARM” CABLE REPLACEMENT. Date: April 1995 Time: 5 H. Manpower: 1 1. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED ”C Arm” cable replacement kit 828 953 G565 2. PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS Disconnect the equipment from the mains.– The new Stenoscop CCD is E.M.C. compliant. For this reason, the cable is shielded and the shield is grounded at its outputs. To keep this E.M.C. compliance the spare part cable is now the same as the production cable. The adequate tools for the cable assembling are furnished in the kit. When removing the cable takecare of the way followed by this one in order to put the new cable back just in place. This is important for the E.M.C. compliance. 3. PROCEDURE DISASSEMBLY: – Remove the Imageur top cover ( 2 screws and the stop rod for the 22cm; 3screws for the 16 cm). – Remove the X–ray tank covers ( 4 screws) – Remove the front and the back cover from the mobile.(see D/R 001) IMAGEUR: – – – – – – – 22CM/9 INCHES Disconnect the cables from the ion chamber preamplifier ( 2 coaxial cables andSNGL cable). Remove the ion chamber preamplifier.( 4 screws) Remove the Sub D 25 pins connector. Remove the cover from the CCD rack ( 4 screws) Remove the 2 coaxial cables, the Iris cable and the ribbon cable from the boards. Unscrew the 4 screws on the rack back side and remove the rack. Remove the foam from the inside of the C–arm. – – – – – – 16CM/6 INCHES Disconnect the cables from the ion chamber preamplifier ( 2 coaxial cables and SNGL cable). Unplug from J4 and J5 the 2 wires for the DAP power supply taking care of the polarity. Remove the ion chamber preamplifier.( 4 screws) Remove the Sub D 25 pins connector. Pull out the cable through the imageur frame taking care of the DAP cables. Remove the foam from the inside of the C–arm. 6 . 52 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 22 – – – – – – – – – 2 of 6 X–RAY HEAD Unplug the cables from 6A1–PL1 and PL2. Remove the metallic collar from the PL2 cable shield. Remove the collimator (3 screws) and unplug the cable from 7A1–PL1. Remove the Y/G ground wire from the tank frame. Unscrew the connector 6PL–1. Remove the upper part from this connector.– With the AMP ( 305183–R) tool, unplug the pins from 6PL1– M,N,P,R,S. Cut the other wires coming from the main cable. Remove the foam from the inside of the C–arm. Disconnect the yellow/green wire and the wire Nb 11(faston tag) from the 6SaTH2 thermal witch. Disconnect the wires Nb 2 and Nb3 and unsolder the wire Nb 1 from the bellows device. C–ARM – Remove the cable clamp. – At each extremity of the C–arm, join the different sub–cables together with a wire which will be used to reinstall the cable. – Pull out the cable from the C–arm taking care of the DAP cables as well as the ground wire between the Imageur and the X–ray tank which must stay inside the C–arm.. – To remove the metallic ring holding the cable to the C–Arm, unscrew the HSCPS screw M5x8 and pull down the ring. GENERATOR – Remove the metallic cable clamp – Cut the collars keeping the cable in the harness. – Remove the metallic collar holding the cable against the rack, cut the collar clamping the cable against the rack and remove the plug from 3A12 board. – Cut the shrink sleeve insulating the BNC–BNC connectors and unplug them. – Remove the metallic collar holding the cable against the frame on the bottom. – Unplug the cable from 5 A 1 PL–2 – Remove the clip on the direction rod. – Remove the rod. – Unscrew the 2 M6 screws on the right side of the inverter and open the rack. – Disconnect the wires 2–4–6–8 from 4A1–E1, 1–3–5–7–9 from the heatsink 5 ( see view on left side of schematic 11–20, in the service manual). – Disconnect the Y/G wire from the heatsink 2 ( not for Stenoscop CCD). – Remove the cable. 6 . 53 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 22 3 of 6 REASSEMBLY Preparation: WIRING OF THE ”C ARM” Two persons are required for this operation to avoid to create a mechanical stress to the cable and the connectors. Offer up the 2 parts of the cable to the central opening of the ”C Arm”. Replace the cable clamp by the new one furnished. While one person pulls the wires on the ”X Ray” head and imager side, introduce and push the 2 parts of the cable into the ”C Arm” until the rubber sleeve is correctly positioned for remounting the cable clamp of the ”C Arm”. Take care to not damage the DAP cables if present. Mount the cable as shown on the figure hereunder. ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÈÈÈÈÈÈ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÈÈÈÈÈÈ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÈÈÈÈÈÈ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ CABLE JOINT PLASTIC RING CABLE SHEAT HANDEL 6 . 54 INTERNAL CABLES TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 22 Imageur side Fix the wire provided when removing the cable to the Sub–D 25pins. Using scotch tape, join the connector parallel to the cable. It will be easier to pass it inside the C–arm. X–ray tube side Cable installation: Introduce the cable and pull from the C–arm extremities, carefully and taking care of the DAP cables. IMAGEUR WIRING: Remove the scotch tape and the pulling wire. The cable length required in the imageur is: Imager 16cm/6 inches 33cm IMAGER 16 cm ( 6”) SUB D 25 pins Y/G wire 27cm Imager 22cm/9 inches 42cm IMAGER 22 cm ( 9”) SUB D 25 pins Y/G wire 55cm 6 . 55 4 of 6 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 22 5 of 6 Plug up the orifice of the C–Arm sole plate with the foam. Rewire the imageur performing the steps of disassembly procedure in reverse order. Reinstall the metallic ring cable support under the C–Arm. – X–RAY HEAD WIRING Remove the scotch tape from the cable extremity. Plug up the orifice of the C–Arm sole plate with the foam strip. Pass the wires throughout the Souriau connector rings.(included in the kit) With the special insertion tool (8500–39), insert the pins from the wires inside the Souriau connector following the table hereafter: WIRE CONNECTOR 6PL1 4 from 6A1–PL1–4 N 5 from 6A1–PL1–5 P 8 from 6A1–PL1–8 S 9 from 6A1–PL1–9 R 10 from 6A1–PL1–10 M WIRE 2 B WIRE 4 D WIRE 6 F WIRE 8 H WIRE 1 L WIRE 3 A WIRE 5 C WIRE 7 E WIRE 9 G Plug the 6PL1 connector. Plug back in place the 6A1–PL1and the 6A2–PL1 connectors. Connect the shield and the yellow/green wire to the ground. Reinstall the collimator and its cable. ( See Job Card D/R 11 for adjustment ) Secure the cables fixations with collars. 6 . 56 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 22 –GENERATOR: Perform the disassembly steps in reverse order. When all the connections are done, switch the unit ON and verify that the Stenoscop operates correctly. Turn the unit OFF. Reinstall the different covers and check again the functionnalities of the units. 6 . 57 6 of 6 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 ii. sm 826 921 P615 6 . 58 blank page 6 . 58 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 iii– 6–4–3 sm 826 921 P615 6 . 59 DAP D/R SHEETS 6 . 59 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 40 Purpose: Version No.: 0 ION CHAMBER. Date: Time: Manpower: ILLUSTRATION 1 Head Upper Cover No display with MDA memory COVER ILLUSTRATION 2 Ion Chamber and Housing Sub–assembly Spacer Nylon White Plate Full Field Ion Chamber Housing Collimator Cover ÏÏ ÏÏ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÏÏ ÏÏ Gasket Aluminium Filter ILLUSTRATION 3 Coaxial Cables 3A 3B 6 . 60 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 40 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED. – Cross–tip screw driver. 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS. – De–energize the mobile system. 3 – DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Remove the head upper cover. – See D/R 3 – Remove the spacer if present. (See illustration 2) – Unscrew and remove the 3 TC M5 x 12 screws. – Diconnect the 2 two coaxial cables. (See illustation 3A and 3B) – Remove the ion chamber. 4 – REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Carry out the previous operations in reverse order. – Take care to put well in place the coaxial cables, out of the X–ray field. – Check the functionnality and refer to the DAP Service Manual for adjustment. 6 . 61 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 41 Purpose: DOSE AREA PRODUCT METER DISPLAY REPLACEMENT (NOT WITH MDA MEMORY) Time: 1 of 2 Version No.: 0 Date: Manpower: ILLUSTRATION 1 Dose display Dose display ILLUSTRATION 2 Remote Display Unit LCD Display Collimator Cover Test and Reset Buttons ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ Overlay Aluminium Bracket ILLUSTRATION 3 Display Overlay mGyc m2 6 . 62 TEST TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 41 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED. – Cross–tip screw driver. 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS. – De–energize the mobile system. 3 – DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Remove the head upper cover. – See D/R 3. – Remove the dose display mylar – Unscrew the 2 TF M3 screws. – Remove the display assembly taking care of the spacer 4 – REASSEMBLY PROCEDURE – Carefully take each item out of the shipping carton and remove its protective wrapping. – Any discrepancies or obviously damaged items should be reported to your local representative without delay. If transit damage is evident the packing must be saved for inspection by insurance investigators. – Carry out the previous operations in reverse order. Powering Up : check the functionnality as follow: Power up the Dose Area Product Meter by turning on the X–ray machine. The following sequence of events should be observed: 1. A number will appear on the LCD display. 2. Press the “ “ button to zero on the display unit. 3. Press the “ TEST ” button> A number will appear on the display unit. The value of the number depends on several factors which are characteristics of the chamber, power supply and electronics. 4. Press the “ Note: “ button to zero the display unit. Number will continue to be added to the display during the warm–up period (8–10 minutes). If satisfactory, the instrument is now ready for calibration : see Job Card RG 240 and then routine use. 6 . 63 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 iv. sm 826 921 P615 6 . 64 blank page 6 . 64 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page v– 6–4–4 6 . 65 IMAGEUR D/R SHEETS 6 . 65 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 50 Purpose: 1 of 2 Version No.: 0 IMAGEUR HEAD DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY. Date: Time: 15 min. Manpower: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES Imageur 22 Stenoscop CCD or Imageur 16 Stenoscop CCD. SECTION 2 TOOLS D Hex socket and Allen wrench set. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WARNING THIS UNIT IS IN EMC COMPLIANCE WITH THE IEC 601–1–2 STANDARD. DURING ANY DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY, ENSURE THAT ALL THE SHIELDS ARE CORRECTLY INSTALLED. TAKE ALL USUAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR ELECTRONIC BOARD MANIPULATION (I.E., MATS AND BRACELETS TO PROTECT AGAINST THE ELECTRONIC DISCHARGES). 1. Be careful not to damage the antischater grid on the front panel of the Imageur. 2. Set the column at its lowest position and lock its movement using the transportation rod (see SM of Stenoscop, chapter 3). 3. Remove power from the Imageur. 4. Recover all mounting brackets. 5. Because of the weight of the Imageur Head, prepare a flat surface on which to set the Imageur Head, to facilitate assembly and disassembly. 6 . 66 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 50 2 of 2 SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES 1. Remove the rear cover from the Imageur Head (three M5 screws for the 16–cm unit and two M5 screws for the 22–cm unit). 2. Set the Stenoscop C–arm in the horizontal position in order to bring the Imageur just above its rest surface. 3. Remove the stop rod (22–cm unit). 4. Remove the rear cover from the Imageur. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly 1. Disconnect all cables coming from the C–arm that are connected to the Imageur as follows: a. Main cable (HE5 connector, 25–contact). b. Cable connected to the dose measurement preamplifier ( two coaxial cables with Subclic plugs and supply cables ). c. Green/yellow security cable. 2. Remove the Imageur and position it on its temporary support (four M6 screws). 3. Route the C–arm cables through the opening of the Imageur Chassis facing the C–arm mounting. 5.2 Reassembly 1. Follow the disassembly procedure in reverse order. 2. Check that the Imageur cable is properly clamped to ensure correct grounding of the strap with the chassis. 6 . 67 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 51 Purpose: 1 of 6 Version No.: 0 X–RAY IMAGE INTENSIFIER TUBE DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY. Date: Time: 1 H. Manpower: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES X–Ray Image Intensifier Tube 9438HX (22 cm) or 9449HP (16 cm). SECTION 2 TOOLS D Hex socket and Allen wrench set. D Job Cards RG (SEE ASM). SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WARNING THIS UNIT IS IN EMC COMPLIANCE WITH THE IEC 601–1–2 STANDARD. DURING ANY DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY, ENSURE THAT ALL THE SHIELDS ARE CORRECTLY INSTALLED. TAKE ALL USUAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR ELECTRONIC BOARD MANIPULATION (I.E., MATS AND BRACELETS TO PROTECT AGAINST THE ELECTRONIC DISCHARGES). DANGER DUE TO THE RISK OF IMPLOSION, SAFETY GLASSES ARE MANDATORY FOR ALL II TUBE HANDLING. 1. Remove power from the Stenoscop. 2. Recover all mounting brackets. 3. Be careful not to damage the II tube external surface, especially the entry window. 6 . 68 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 51 2 of 6 SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES 1. Because of the weight of the Imageur Head, prepare a flat surface on which to set the unit to facilitate assembly and disassembly. 2. Set the Stenoscop in the horizontal position in order to bring the Imageur just above its rest surface. 3. Prepare an area for II tube disassembly. 4. Remove the rear cover from the Imageur Head (three M5 screws for 16 cm and two M5 screws for 22 cm). 5. Remove the Imageur Head. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly 1. Remove the shield from the optical system (Ill. 6 and 7, Item 1) and the lead ballast (Ill. 6 and 7, Item 14), if provided. 2. Remove the Imageur rack cover (Ill. 6 and 7, Item 2). 3. Disconnect the J3 connector (Iris) from the CCD Interface Board (Ill. 8, Item 1). 4. On the CCD chip module, disconnect: a. Subclic plug from the video coaxial cable (Ill. 6, Item 4). b. Ribbon cable (Ill. 6 and 7, Item 5). 5. Remove the optical system as follows: On 16–cm units: Remove the optical system (Ill. 7, Item 6) (three screws). On 22–cm units: a. The two Boards comprising the CCD Module assembly—(CCD Sensor Board (Ill. 6, Item 8) and CCD Interface Module Board (Ill. 6, Item 9)—are interconnected by a flexible board (Ill. 6, Item 10). Disconnect the flexible board from the CCD Sensor Board. b. Remove the two screws securing the support angle that supports the CCD Interface Module Board (Ill. 6, Item 11). c. Remove the CCD Interface Module Board – Support angle assembly. d. Remove the optical system (Ill. 6, Item 6) (three screws). 6. Disconnect the high voltage cables which run from the II tube to the EHV power supply as well as the cables connected to the EHV power supply ground terminal. 7. Unsolder the EHV contacts from the EHV cables. 6 . 69 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 51 3 of 6 8. Install the EHV connectors and contacts on the replacement II tube High Voltage cables (observe polarization). 9. Remove the II tube (Ill. 6 and 7, Item 3): On 16–cm units: a. Remove the Imageur front cover (Ill. 7, Item 7) (three screws, Ill. 7, Item 8). b. Remove the Imageur CCD rack temporarily to access the mounting screw of the II tube located under the rack. c. Remove the three screws securing the II tube to the chassis (Ill. 7, Item 9). d. Remove the II tube from the front. On 22–cm units: a. Remove the stop (Ill. 6, Item 12). b. Loosen the II tube mounting clamps on the chassis (Item 13, Ill. 6), as well as the clamp screws (Ill. 6, Item 15) on the mounts (Ill. 6, Item 16). c. Remove the rear cover (Ill. 6, Item 7) from the Imageur (two screws, Ill. 6, Item 17) and three pins attached to the mounts (Ill. 6, Item 16). d. Remove the three mounting screws (Ill. 6, Item 18) securing the II tube to the chassis. e. Remove the II tube from the front. 5.2 Reassembly 1. Follow the disassembly procedure in the reverse order. 2. Check that the optics and the II output window are clean. Clean them if necessary, using Kodak Optical Paper, Ref. No. 1546027. 3. Perform the EHV Power Supply adjustment (see ASM). 4. Perform the optical adjustments (see ASM). 6 . 70 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 51 ILLUSTRATION 6 imageur 22 steno CCD 4 9 8 1 10 6 14 18 5 3 11 13 2 16 12 15 17 7 6 . 71 4 of 6 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 51 ILLUSTRATION 7 Imageur 16 steno CCD 1 2 14 5 6 8 9 10 3 7 6 . 72 5 of 6 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 51 ILLUSTRATION 8 video processing module 1 6 . 73 6 of 6 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 52 Purpose: EHV POWER SUPPLY DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY. Time: 10 min. 1 of 2 Version No.: 0 Date: Manpower: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES Thomson TH7191 power supply. SECTION 2 TOOLS D Hex socket and Allen wrench set. D Job Card RG : see ASM. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WARNING THIS UNIT IS IN EMC COMPLIANCE WITH THE IEC 601–1–2 STANDARD. DURING ANY DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY, ENSURE THAT ALL THE SHIELDS ARE CORRECTLY INSTALLED. TAKE ALL USUAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR ELECTRONIC BOARD MANIPULATION (I.E., MATS AND BRACELETS TO PROTECT AGAINST THE ELECTRONIC DISCHARGES). 1. Remove power from the Stenoscop. 2. Recover all mounting brackets. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES Remove the Imageur Head rear cover (three M5 screws for the 16-cm unit and two M5 screws for the 22-cm unit). 6 . 74 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 52 2 of 2 SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly 1. Loosen and disconnect all EHV connections which run from the EHV power supply to the II tube. 2. Disconnect the ribbon cable connected to the EHV power supply. 3. Remove the EHV power supply (four M3 screws). 5.2 Reassembly 1. Recover the connectors and contacts to be soldered from the new power supply. These connectors may be used to replace the II tube EHV connectors. 2. Secure the new power supply to the supporting metal plate (Imageur 16) or the chassis (Imageur 22) with the four M3 screws. 3. Reconnect and tighten all the II tube EHV connections on the EHV power supply. Note: On the TH9449HP H506 16–cm tube, the G2 electrode must be connected to the G3 terminal of the EHV Power Supply. 4. Reconnect the ribbon cable to the EHV power supply. 5. On the CCD Interface Board, preadjust the control voltages to the minimum setting by turning Potentiometers R1 thru R9 fully counterclockwise. 6. Restore power to the Imageur Chassis. 7. Perform the adjustments: Job Card RG from ASM. 6 . 75 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 53 Purpose: 1 of 6 Version No.: 0 COMPACT OPTICS. Date: Time: 30 min. Manpower: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES D Compact Optics: CAUTION 50 Hz/625 lines 22 cm, 60 Hz/525 lines 22 cm, 50 Hz/625 lines 16 cm, 60 Hz/525 lines 16 cm. The optical system model is specific to each Imageur. It is not possible to replace a 50 Hz/625 line optical system by a 60 Hz/525 line optical system. The CCD sensor cannot be separated from the optical system. In case of sensor malfunctioning, the CCD Module optical system assembly (the two boards are coupled) must be replaced. SECTION 2 TOOLS D Hex socket and Allen wrench set. D Job Cards RG (see ASM). SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WARNING THIS UNIT IS IN EMC COMPLIANCE WITH THE IEC 601–1–2 STANDARD. DURING ANY DISASSEMBLY/ REASSEMBLY, ENSURE THAT ALL THE SHIELDS ARE CORRECTLY INSTALLED. TAKE ALL USUAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR ELECTRONIC BOARD MANIPULATION (I.E., MATS AND BRACELETS TO PROTECT AGAINST THE ELECTRONIC DISCHARGES). 1. Remove power from the Imageur Chassis. 2. Recover all mounting brackets. 6 . 76 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 53 2 of 6 SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES 1. Tilt the C–arm aside to facilitate access to the Imageur. 2. Remove the Imageur Head rear cover (three M5 screws for the 16-cm unit and two M5 screws for the 22-cm unit). SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly 1. Remove the shielding from the optics (Ill. 9 and 10, Item 1), as well as the lead counterweight (Ill. 9 and 10, Item 14), if provided. 2. Remove the Imageur rack cover (Ill. 9 and 10, Item 2). 3. Unplug the J3 Iris connector on the CCD Interface Board. 4. On the CCD module, disconnect: a. Subclic plug from the coaxial video cable (Ill. 9 , Item 4), b. Ribbon cable (Ill. 9 and 10, Item 5), 5. Remove the optical system. On the Imageur 16 cm: Remove the optical system (Ill. 10, Item 6) (three screws, Ill. 10, 13 and 14, Item 3). On the Imageur 22 cm: a. The two boards comprising the CCD tandem – (CCD Sensor Board (Ill. 9, Item 8) and CCD Module Interface Board (Ill. 9, Item 9)) are coupled by a flexible board (Ill. 9, Item 10). Disconnect them from the CCD Sensor Board. b. Remove the two screws (Ill. 9, Item 11) securing the CCD Module Interface Board. c. Remove the CCD Module Interface Board/support angle assembly. d. Remove the optical system (Ill. 9, Item 6), (three screws, Ill. 9, 11 and 12, Item 3). 5.2 Reassembly 1. Follow the disassembly procedure in the reverse order. 2. Refer to Job Cards RG (ASM) for the necessary adjustments. CAUTION The adjustment ring locking screw (Ill. 12 and 14, Item 5) must be correctly tightened to avoid any play in the optical system. 6 . 77 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 53 ILLUSTRATION 9 imageur 22 ccd for stenoscop 2 11 4 9 8 1 10 6 5 3 14 2 6 . 78 3 of 6 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 53 ILLUSTRATION 10 imageur 16 ccd for stenoscop 2 6 6 . 79 4 of 6 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 53 ILLUSTRATION 11 compact optics – imageur 22 CCD for stenoscop 2 6000/9000 ILLUSTRATION 12 compact optics – imageur 22 CCD for stenoscop 2 6000/9000 5 1 6 . 80 P1 5 of 6 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 53 ILLUSTRATION 13 compact optics – imageur 16 steno CCD ILLUSTRATION 14 compact optics – imageur 16 steno CCD 5 1 6 . 81 P1 6 of 6 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 54 Purpose: BOARD CAGE DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY. 1 of 2 Version No.: 0 Date: Time: 30 min. Manpower: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES Board cage. SECTION 2 TOOLS D Allen wrench set. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WARNING THIS UNIT IS IN EMC COMPLIANCE WITH THE IEC 601–1–2 STANDARD. DURING ANY DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY, ENSURE THAT ALL THE SHIELDS ARE CORRECTLY INSTALLED. TAKE ALL USUAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR ELECTRONIC BOARD MANIPULATION (I.E., MATS AND BRACELETS TO PROTECT AGAINST THE ELECTRONIC DISCHARGES). 1. Remove power from the Stenoscop. 2. Recover all mounting brackets. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES 1. Tilt the Stenoscop C–arm aside to facilitate access to the Imageur. 2. Remove the Imageur rear cover from the Imageur (three M5 screws for the 16-cm unit and two M5 screws for the 22-cm unit). 3. Remove the Imageur rack cover (four M3 screws). 6 . 82 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 54 SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly 1. Disconnect all cables connected to the Imageur rack as follows: a. Iris cable (connected to J3/CCD Interface Board). b. Imageur cable (connected to J6/CCD Interconnection Board). c. CCD Module cable (connected to J8/CCD Interconnection Board). d. Dose measurement preamplifier cable (connected to J5/CCD Interconnection Board). e. CCD Module coaxial video cable (connected to J2/CCD Video Board). 2. Remove the rack and dose measurement preamplifier assembly (four M4 screws). 5.2 Reassembly Follow the disassembly procedure in the reverse order. 6 . 83 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 55 Purpose: PRINTED WIRING BOARDS DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY. Time: 10 min. 1 of 2 Version No.: 0 Date: Manpower: SECTION 1 SUPPLIES D CCD Power Supply Board. D CCD Video Board. D CCD Interface Board. SECTION 2 TOOLS D Hex socket Allen wrench set. D Job Cards RG CCD Interface Board and RG CCD Video Board : see ASM. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WARNING THIS UNIT IS IN EMC COMPLIANCE WITH THE IEC 601–1–2 STANDARD. DURING ANY DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY, ENSURE THAT ALL THE SHIELDS ARE CORRECTLY INSTALLED. TAKE ALL USUAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR ELECTRONIC BOARD MANIPULATION (I.E., MATS AND BRACELETS TO PROTECT AGAINST THE ELECTRONIC DISCHARGES). 1. Remove power from the Stenoscop. 2. Recover all mounting brackets. SECTION 4 PREREQUISITES Remove the rear cover from the Imageur Housing (three M5 screws for the 16-cm and two M5 screws for the 22-cm unit). 6 . 84 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 55 2 of 2 SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Disassembly 1. Remove the rack cover (four M3 screws), leaving the lower screws in place. 2. Remove the board(s) that need replacing. To avoid error, colored tabs and handgrips show where and in what orientation the boards are to be fitted on the rack. 5.2 Reassembly 1. Follow the disassembly procedure in the reverse order. 2. Refer to Job Cards RG (ASM) for the necessary adjustments. 6 . 85 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 vi. sm 826 921 P615 6 . 86 blank page 6 . 86 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 vii. 6–4–5 sm 826 921 P615 6 . 87 MEMORY D/R SHEETS 6 . 87 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 70 Purpose: Version No.: 0 MIDAS BOARD. Date: Time: Manpower: 1 2 6 . 88 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 70 SECTION 1 TOOLS REQUIRED D Standard tool kit. SECTION 2 PRELIMINARY PRECAUTION 1. Turn the power OFF. 2. All the precautions for electrostatic discharges have to be taken. SECTION 3 PROCEDURE 1. Remove the monitor cart back cover. (see D/R 90 page 6 . 102) 2. Remove the monitor cart front cover. (see D/R 90 page 6 . 102) 3. Unscrew and remove the four screws holding the PC brackets to the cart. 4. Remove the PC. 5. Remove the top cover from the PC. 6. Disconnect the ribbon cable between AVIAS and MIDAS boards (item 1). 7. Unscrew the appropriate bracket and remove the board (item 2). 8. Replace the defective board by the new one and proceed in reverse order for the installation. CAUTION MIDAS takes place on the PCI bus. 6 . 89 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 71 Purpose: Version No.: 0 AVIAS BOARD. Date: Time: Manpower: 2 1 6 . 90 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 71 SECTION 1 TOOLS REQUIRED D Standard tool kit. SECTION 2 PRELIMINARY PRECAUTION 1. Turn the power OFF. 2. All the precautions for electrostatic discharges have to be taken. SECTION 3 PROCEDURE 1. Remove the monitor cart back cover. (see D/R 90 page 6 . 102) 2. Remove the monitor cart front cover. (see D/R 90 page 6 . 102) 3. Unscrew and remove the four screws holding the PC brackets to the cart. 4. Remove the PC. 5. Remove the top cover from the PC. 6. Disconnect the ribbon cable between AVIAS and MIDAS boards (item 1). 7. Unscrew the appropriate bracket and remove the board (item 2). 8. Replace the defective board by the new one and proceed in reverse order for the installation. CAUTION AVIAS takes place on the ISA bus. 6 . 91 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 72 Purpose: Version No.: 0 RS 232 BOARD. Date: Time: Manpower: SECTION 1 TOOLS REQUIRED D Standard tool kit. SECTION 2 PRELIMINARY PRECAUTION 1. Turn the power OFF. 2. All the precautions for electrostatic discharges have to be taken. SECTION 3 PROCEDURE 1. Remove the monitor cart cover. (see D/R 90 ). 2. Remove the monitor cart front cover. (see D/R 90 ). 3. Unscrew and remove the four screws holding the PC brackets to the cart. 4. Remove the PC. 5. Remove the top cover from the PC. 6. Unscrew the appropriate bracket and remove the board (item 1). 7. Check the board configuration following the table here after. 8. Jumper JP9 – 5 / JP10 – 10 / JP11 – 7 / JP12 – 7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SW5 OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON ON SW1 OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON SW2 ON OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON SW3 OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON SW4 ON ON ON OFF OFF ON ON 6 . 92 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 72 2 of 2 9. Replace the defective board (item 1) by the new one and proceed in reverse order for the installation. 1 6 . 93 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 73 Purpose: Version No.: 0 VGA BOARD. Date: Time: Manpower: SECTION 1 TOOLS REQUIRED D Standard tool kit. SECTION 2 PRELIMINARY PRECAUTION 1. Turn the power OFF. 2. All the precautions for electrostatic discharges have to be taken. SECTION 3 PROCEDURE 1. Remove the monitor cart back cover. (see D/R 90 page 6 . 102) 2. Remove the monitor cart front cover. (see D/R 90 page 6 . 102) 3. Unscrew and remove the four screws holding the PC brackets to the cart. 4. Remove the PC. 5. Remove the top cover from the PC. 6. Unscrew the appropriate bracket and remove the board. 7. Check the board configuration with the drawing (see Ill. 1). 8. Replace the defective board by the new one and proceed in reverse order for the installation. 6 . 94 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 73 ILLUSTRATION 1 6 . 95 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 74 Purpose: Version No.: 00 TOUCH SCREEN ASSEMBLY Date: October 1996 Time: Manpower: 1 VGA display J1 Grounding plug J2 Touch screen interface Take care of the position of this connector 6 . 96 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 74 SECTION 1 TOOLS REQUIRED D Standard tool kit. SECTION 2 PRELIMINARY PRECAUTION 1. Turn the power OFF. 2. All the precautions for electrostatic discharges have to be taken. SECTION 3 PROCEDURE 1. Remove the monitor cart front cover. (see D/R 90) 2. Disconnect the cables from the display and the touch screen interface. 3. Unscrew the four screws holding the touch screen assembly. 4. Replace the defective touch screen assembly by the new one taking care of the position. (Connector : back side) 5. Carry these operations in reverse order. 6. Switch the unit On and check the functionnalities of the unit. 7. For touch screen calibration, see Advanced Service Manual. 6 . 97 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 75 Purpose: Version No.: 00 HARD DISK Date: October 1996 Time: Manpower: 1 ILLUSTRATION 1–1 1 3 ILLUSTRATION 1–2 2 J6 SCI Hard disk jumper J2 ILLUSTRATION 1–3 J2 J8 IDE Hard drive 6 . 98 J3 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 75 2 of 2 SECTION 1 TOOLS REQUIRED D Standard tool kit. SECTION 2 PRELIMINARY PRECAUTION 1. Turn the power OFF. 2. All the precautions for electrostatic discharges have to be taken. SECTION 3 PROCEDURE 1. Remove the monitor cart back cover. (see D/R 90) 2. Remove the monitor cart front cover. (see D/R 90) 3. Unscrew and remove the four screws holding the PC brackets to the cart. 4. Remove the PC. 5. Remove the top cover from the PC. 6. Unscrew the two screws holding the hard disk assembly located on the back side of the PC frame. ( See illustration 1–1 : item 1 on opposite page ) 7. Remove the power supply cable (ill. 1–1 item 2 ) and the ribbon cable (ill. 1–1 item 3 ) from the disk. 8. Remove the disk assembly. 9. Unscrew the four screws holding the disk on its frame. 10. Verify the jumper configuration of the hard disk ( See illustration 1–2 and 1–3) 11. Replace the disk by the new one carrying these operations in reverse order. 12. Switch the unit On and verify the functionalities of the unit. 13. Enter the service menu (system setup / permanent data), then insert the customer configuration floppy (located inside the monitor cart) in the disk drive. 14. Press the « Restore config » key. The message « Restore is OK » is displayed in the mail box. 15. The following screen will appear. 6 . 99 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 blank page 6 . 100 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 viii. 6–4–6 sm 826 921 P615 6 . 101 MONITOR D/R SHEETS 6 . 101 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 1 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 90 Purpose: DISASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF MONITOR CART COVERS. Time: 10 min. Version No.: 00 Date: April 1995 Manpower: 1 Touch screen front panel Cover C 1 Cover A Cover B 1 2 2 6 . 102 6 . 102 1 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 90 1. TOOLS REQUIRED – Cross tip screwdriver 2. PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – Switch OFF the unit – Remove Mains plug from the outlet 3. COVERS REMOVAL – Remove 9PL1 plug (item 1) COVER A – Remove the 10 screws CTFH M4x8. – Remove the cover COVER B – Unscrew the 2 screws. (item 2) – Remove the cover pulling it out. COVER C – Remove cover B first. – Unscrew the 3 screws. – Remove the cover. 4. REASSEMBLY PRODEDURE – Carry out the previous operations in reverse order 6 . 103 2 of 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card D/R 91 Purpose: DISSASSEMBLY / REASSEMBLY OF BOARDS FROM THE MONITOR Time: Version No.: 0 Date: January 1997 Manpower: 1 ILLUSTRATION 1 TOP VIEW OF MONITOR WITH CARDS LOCATION 1 : B.T. Power supply 2 : Deflection board 3 : A.T. Power supply 4 : Video board 5 : Selection board 6 : Light sensor board 7 : Yoke 8 : CRT ILLUSTRATION 2 SIDE VIEW 6 . 104 1 of 5 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 91 2 of 5 SECTION 1 TOOLS REQUIRED Standard tool kit. SECTION 2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS POWER REMAINS ON THE MONITOR FOR 2 - 3 SECONDS AFTER SWITHING THE TERMINALS PS OFF . WARNING VERY HIGH VOLTAGES ARE GENERATED IN THE MONITOR ( FOR EXAMPLE, THE FOCUS ELECTRODE IS IN THE REGION OF 8 KV AND THE EHT IN THE REGION OF 23 KV ). Capacitance discharge. Note: The screwdriver handle must be insulated. When disconnecting the EHT cap (final anode) or performing a task requiring the CRT to be handled, the CRT buld capacitance. A safe method to do this follows : D Disconnect the monitor from its power source. D Connect one end of a wire to the shaft of a screwdriver (handle insulated) and connect the other end of the wire to the CRT conductive braiding. D Hold the screwdriver by its insulated handle, then insert the tip under the EHT insulation cal so the tip shorts the final anode to ground. Take care not touch the screwdriver’s metal shaft and not scratch the tube glass. Physical handling. In addition to the safety precautions due to the presence of high voltage, the following guidelines must also be observed : D Never attempt to remove or straighten the mounting lugs or reposition the outer rimband of the tube. D When it is necessary to remove the CRT from the monitor, never apply leverage to the glass bottle or support handle or carry it by the neck (Wear safety glasses at all times when handling). 6 . 105 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 91 3 of 5 SECTION 3 PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS For the removal of boards from the monitor follow these instructions :. 1. Remove the plastic cabinet. 2. Remove the upper part of the metal cabinet. SECTION 4 PROCEDURE D D LV power supply board ( illustration 1 : item 1 ). – Remove the screw supporting the plastic guide. – Remove the connection with the input AC connector. – Remove connector J2. – Remove connector J1 from the video board. – Remove the screw of the ground connection. – Remove the board from its position and replace it. – Carefully insert the new board in exactly the same position as the one removed. – Install the screw of the ground connection without tightening it. – Reinstall the plastic guide and tighten the appropriate screw. – Replace all connectors in the right position. – Reinsert the input AC connector. – Tighten the ground screw. Deflection board ( illustration 1 : item 2 ). – Unscrew the metal support and remove it from the cabinet. – Unplug all the following connectors : J1 – J2 – J4 – J5 – J6 – J7 – W2. – Unplug connector J2 from the BT power supply board. – After removing the screws, remove the board from the metal support, then replace it. – Secure the new board on the metal support with the screws. – Plug the connectors on the deflection board and on the BT power supply board. – Screw the board support to the side panel of the metal cabinet. 6 . 106 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 91 D D D D 4 of 5 HV power supply board ( illustration 1 : item 3 ). – Remove the connector of the anode voltage from the CRT and the TB2 of the video board. – Remove connector J6 from the deflection board. – Remove the screw placed to the left of the container and then carefully remove the HV power supply. – Repace the HV power supply mounting it in the appropriate holding hole. – Reinstall the screw placed on the left. – Plug the power supply, anode voltage and TB2 connectors. Video board ( illustration 1 : item 4 ). – Remove connectors J1 – J2 – J3 and TB2. – Remove connector J5 and W2 from the deflection board. – Remove the board from the CRT socket. – Replace the board. – Plug all connectors previously removed. – Connect the central socket to the CRT. Selection board ( illustration 1 : item 5 ). – Remove the rear metal part with the adjustment potentiometers. – Remove connector J1. – Remove the light sensor connector. – Remove the two screws and replace the board. – Install the new board paying attention to the position of the led and of the trimmers. – Secure the metal plate to the frame. Light sensor board ( illustration 1 : item 6 ). – Remove the connector placed along the wiring. – Remove the mounting screw of the board from the plastic frame. – Replace the board carefully placing the light sensor in the appropriate hole. – Secure the board with screws and insert the connector. 6 . 107 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card D/R 91 D ix. CRT and deflection Yoke ( illustration 1 : item 7 & 8 ). – Remove the plastic rear part. – Remove the upper part of the metal chassis. – Remove the light sensor connector. – Remove the plastic front frame. – Disconnect the clip of the anode voltage from the CRT. – Remove the video board. – Remove the two yoke connectors from the deflection board. – Remove the CRT from the metal chassis by unscrewing the four mounting nuts placed in the corners. – Remove the yoke from the CRT. – Replace the CRT and reinstall the yoke previously removed. – Execute all mounting procedures in the opposite order. 6 . 108 6 . 108 5 of 5 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 xi. sm 826 921 P615 6 . 109 blank page 6 . 109 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 6–5 ADJUSTMENT SHEETS 6–5–1 GENERAL The adjustment sheets given in this chapter comprise all possible preventive or corrective maintenance adjustments. The first group consists of mechanical adjustments. The second group consists of electronic adjustments. Before making any electronic adjustments, read the following instructions carefully. CAUTION : 1) It is forbidden to remove or to replace a PWB when the unit is ON. 2) When a PWB is placed on an extender board, check the continuity of the earth connection with the extension wire supplied. The omission of this earth connection causes malfunction of the unit. NOTE : With the exception of the adjustments which are part of the replacement of the X–ray head, of the filament heating PWB 3A26, or of the timer PWB 3A5, all potentiometers have been calibrated in the factory and do not have to be readjusted. A recalibration might be necessary in the case of the replacement of a component on site. Before adjusting a potentiometer, check that the corresponding procedure is at hand. In this case, follow the procedure described below for the respective adjustment. THIS SIGN INDICATES THAT TO PERFORM ADJUSTMENTS, X–RAY ARE TO BE PRODUCED AND THEREFORE CARES AGAINST RADIATION HAZARDS ARE TO BE TAKEN. 6 . 110 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENTS 6–5–2 STENOSCOP R/G SHEETS ( MECHANICAL ) 6 . 111 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 101 1 of 2 Purpose: Version No.: 00 BACK WHEELS ALIGNMENT. Date: April 1995 Time: 1H. Manpower: 1 Illustration 1 2 1 3 Illustration 2 A B Illustration 3 2 1 1 6 . 112 4 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 101 2 of 2 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Metric wrenches 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – If possible, this adjustment must be done on a flat floor. 3 – PROCEDURE – Remove the front and the back covers.( see D/R 1 and D/R 2 ). – Unscrew the screws holding the monitor cart cable support (ill.1/ item1). – Unscrew the screws holding the footswitch cable support (ill.1/ item 2). – Remove the 3 screws M4x 16 (see ill.1/ item3). – Remove the chain cover (ill.1/ item4). – Remove the internal wheel covers. – Turn the wheels in longitudinal position. – Measure the distance between the wheels in the front and back side.(see ill.2/ A –B) – Turning the chain tighteners, adjust the wheels alignment in order to have A=B, +/– 2 mm. – Adjust the alignment between the handle and the wheels. For this release the 4 screws (see ill.3/ item1) and turn the shaft (ill.3/ item 2). – Reinstall the covers carrying the previous operations in reverse order. 6 . 113 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 102 1 of 2 Purpose: Version No.: 00 HANDLE POSITION. Date: May 1993 Time: 15 min. Manpower: 1 Locked 130o Locked 100o Free 45o Locked 45o 6 . 114 Free 15o TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 102 2 of 2 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Screwdriver. – Glue 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTION – De–energize the mobile system. NOTE : All the locking systems of the different movements, wiwag, C–arm rotation, etc. are equipped with a mechanical system which compensates mechanical wear. 3 – PROCEDURE – Tighten the handle until the movement is correctly locked. – Remove cautiously the movement label glued on the center of the handel. – Set the handel in correct position – Tighten the screw – Glue the movement label This procedure is valid for the correct positionning of the handel. If the movement label is damaged, see code number on figures page 9. 6 . 115 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 103 1 of 2 Purpose: Version No.: 00 “C ARM” ROTATION BRAKE. Date: May 1993 Time: 30 min. Manpower: 1 4 5 3 45 " 1 mm 1 2 6 . 116 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 103 2 of 2 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Screwdriver. 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTION – Make sure C–arm is stable. 3 – PROCEDURE – Remove the covers of the C–arm support. – Unlock the C–arm. – Unscrew the 4 attachment screws of the locking system (2). – Do not completely unscrew them, to avoid dropping attachment plates (3). – Move attachment the locking system slightly forward. – Tighten the 4 attachment screws. – Check operation. If it is not possible to operate correctly, it will be necessary to modify the length of the threaded rod (4). If locking device (rubber) is spoilt, replace threaded rod and rubber (code number : 861 205 P 015). In this case, proceed as follows: – Unscrew the 4 attachment screws of the locking system and remove it completely. – Unlock the nut (5). – Extend the threaded rod by unscrewing it or replace it. – Tighten the lock nut (5). – Reassemble the locking system on the C–arm (do not tighten the screws). – Actuate the lock handle. – Move the locking system to bring it into contact with the C–arm. – Loosen the lock handle. – Move the system slightly forward. – Tighten the 4 attachment screws. – Check operation. – Install cover, handle and stop–gap. 6 . 117 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 xii. sm 826 921 P615 6 . 118 Blank page 6 . 118 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 xii– 6–5–3 sm 826 921 P615 6 . 119 LASER R/G SHEETS 6 . 119 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 130 1 of 3 Purpose: Version No.: 00 EXTERNAL LASER AIMING. Date: May 1995 Time: 30 min. Manpower: 1 Illustration 1 1 Illustration 2 1 2 6 . 120 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 130 2 of 3 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Screwdriver. 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTION WARNING WARNING: – THE AIMING USES A CLASS IIIA LASER LIGHT, DO NOT LOOK THE BEAM! – THE LASER CENTRING ADJUSTMENT IS PERFORMED WITH X–RAYS – Make sure C–arm is stable. 3 – PROCEDURE Factory preadjustment or in case of replacement: Preadjustment : – unscrew lightly the 3 holding screws of the U shape support (ill.1–item 1) – unscrew lightly the screw holding the laser on its U shape support (ill.2–item1) – it must be possible To move with allowance the laser on the support – precenter the laser on the support disk plate Positioning on the I.I.: – put the laser in place on the I.I.–see arrow – push it against the I.I. surface Laser alignment – on the console select manual fluoro–40kV/0.4 mA – set the C–arm with the I.I. upside – close the blades under fluoro in order To have a 1 square cm on the screen. – under X–ray, centre the cross included in the laser box inside the square centre. Set this cross in the middle of the square moving the laser device in the 2 axis. – when the device is well centred, remove carefully the laser assembly support. – lock it on its support with the screw and then lock the support with the 3 screws (ill.1–item 1) taking care of not moving the laser box. 6 . 121 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 130 3 of 3 Reticule positioning: – put the laser in place on the I.I. – lay on the tube head a 1mm Al plate whith a 2 mm hole in the center – in fluoro observe the hole image position and the laser cross image position – under X–rays, centre the hole with the laser cross. – once the hole is centred, with a pencil, sign the hole position on the housing top taking care of not moving the Al. plate. – place the circular reticule centre just on the mark and stick it. Final adjustment on site :This adjustment has to be done before each utilisation – set the C–arm in the forecasted working position. – switch on the laser and adjust the beam turning the 3 screws ( ill.2–item 2) located on the laser surface. 6 . 122 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 6 . 123 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 131 1 of 2 Purpose: Version No.: 00 INTEGRATED LASER ALIGNMENT. Date: August 1996 Time: 30 min. Manpower: 1 1 2 3 4 6 5 4 6 . 124 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 131 2 of 2 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Inches Allen wrench (small size).. 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTION WARNING WARNING: – THE AIMING USES A CLASS IIIA LASER LIGHT, DO NOT LOOK THE BEAM! – THE LASER CENTRING ADJUSTMENT IS PERFORMED WITH X–RAYS – Collimator must be perfectly adjusted. – Remove the collimator cover. 3 – PROCEDURE D D D D D Determine the centre of the II using the centring pattern if available inside the memory or by measurement on the monitor sreen. Put a washer (for 4 mm screw) on the II cover, just in the centre. Switch the Stenoscop ON and set the laser in the x–ray field ( 2nd pushbutton of the X–ray handle ). Check the laser cross position (must be inside the washer) and correct it if necessary following the instructions here after: – Loosen the 2 screws (item 2 and 3) and move longitudinally the diode assembly (item 1). – Check under fluoro and readjust until the correct position is reached. – Play with the screw (item 5) to correct the end travelling limit. Make some <<return>> movements and verify the position. When the cross is well centred, the beam of the diode beam must be adjusted to merge at the same point (washer centre). – Diode beam lateral movement is obtained by the rotation of the diode assembly on its axis. For this, tight screw (item 2) and loose screw (item 3) for rotation in one direction and tight screw (item 3) and loose screw (item 2) for the other direction. – Diode beam longitudinal movement can be done in two ways. By moving the diode assembly (item 1) or the assembly support (item 6) along the longitudinal axis by tilting the assembly playing with the press–screws (item 4). D When the correct adjustment is obtained, set the collimator cover back in place and check that the laser moves freely inside the cover. Note: When the C–arm is rotated the laser beam moves and leaves the central position due to the mechanical flexibility. A tolerance of 5 mm is normal. However the laser beam still merges with the cross position and that does not affect the aiming efficacy. 6 . 125 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 xiv. sm 826 921 P615 6 . 126 Blank page 6 . 126 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 xv– sm 826 921 P615 6 . 127 ELECTRONIC ADJUSTMENTS 6–5–4 STENOSCOP R/G SHEETS 6 . 127 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 201 1 of 2 Purpose: KV CIRCUIT (3A12 – R216) – DIAGRAM 23D MEASURE WITH WISCONSIN CASSETTE. Time: 2 H. Version No.: 00 Date: May 1993 Manpower: 1 3A12 kV mA 829 825 G025 6 . 128 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 201 2 of 2 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – – – – – The use of Wisconsin test cassette is obligatory. This measure device is small, constant and accurate. This test cassette is also in current use by field servicemen. Ref. WISCONSIN X–ray test cassette. Model 101 or 015 Manufacturer: RMI – PO BOX 44 MIDDLETON WISCONSIN 53562 – A densitometer. 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – De–energize the mobile system. 3 – PROCEDURE – The specification of the maximum voltage for the HF unit is 110 kV +/-10 % : this corresponds to a VHV value between 99 and 121 kV. – In order to reduce dielectric stress and increase reliability, it is the usual practice to make sure that the VHV is never higher than 114 kV. – Verify, with Wisconsin test, cassette that the VHV is between 104 and 114 kV : take into account the measurement error (relatively high) introduced by indirect measurement from the quality of the X–ray radiation. – Use the calibration curve of the test cassette for triphase generator. Use a densitometer. If the measurements are not consistent, measure the voltage VD as follows : – Connect, to the ground (0 V of the PWB), pin 3 of 3A12 Op114. – Connect a digital voltmeter (10 ME input impedance) between 3A12PL1.7 and 3A12PL1.10. – Select DC mode. – Switch ON the unit. – Select MANUAL–FLUORO. – Select 110 kV – 0.1 mA. – Initiate fluoro and note the value VD displayed on the voltmeter. – Remove the bridge between ground and Op114.3. – VD value must be between 52.5 and 55.5 volts. – If the results of the VD measure and Wisconsin test cassette are out of tolerances, the unit is faulty. – If the PWBs are correct, read just 3A12–R216 in order to obtain 54.2 V. (VD). – With the Wisconsin test cassette, verify that the kV value is now within the tolerances. See CHAP. 4 for TESTS CDRH compliance 6 . 129 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 202 1 of 2 Purpose: Version No.: 00 KV CIRCUIT (3A12 – R216) – DIAGRAM 23D MEASURE WITH KEITHLEY 35080. Date: May 1993 Time: 2 H. Manpower: 1 3A12 kV mA 829 825 G025 TPE7 TPE8 PIN 3 6 . 130 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 202 2 of 2 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – – – – – Keithley 35080 kVp Divider, (or equivalent) (32865C Filter Pack, 65 kV – 135 kV) Note : conversion factor for this pack : +.55V Digital multimeter Oscilloscope 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS xray tube head keithley keithley must be perpendicular to anode/cathode axis – De–energize the mobile system – The specification of the maximum voltage for the H.F. Generator is 110 kV +/-10 %, 99 kV to 121 kV. – In order to reduce dielectric stress and increase reliability, it is the usual practice to make sure that 114 kV is never exceeded! (Use Keithley to verify). 3 – PROCEDURE 3A12 AR114 pin3 Temporarily place a jumper from 3A12 Op114 pin 3 to com. Nick C. usually skips this step Connect a DVM between 3A12PL1.7 and 3A12PL1.10 (50–60 Vdc).Or use KV+ = TPE8 KV- =TEP7 Turn unit on. Select manual – Fluoro, 110 kV, .1mA. 2 mA Initiate Fluoro and note voltage reading on DVM. A value of 54.2 Vdc on the DVM should correspond to 110 kV on the Keithley, with a range of 52.5 Vdc to 55.5 Vdc. 1v = 2kv across TP8 to TP7 (=kvp feedback from internal bleeder) – Adjust 3A12 – R216 to achieve if necessary Adjust for 110 kvp if necessary – Remove jumper from Op114. – – – – – – See chapter 4 for CDRH TESTING REQUIREMENTS 6 . 131 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 203 1 of 2 Purpose: Version No.: 00 TRAVEL SAFETY (3A19 – R123) DIAGRAM 38B. Time: 30 min. Date: May 1993 Inverter SCR crossfire safety Manpower: 1 P L1 PL 1 3A19 COMMANDE SCR 2 828 982 G035 30 micro second delay 6 . 132 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 203 2 of 2 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Dual channel oscilloscope. 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – De–energize the mobile system. 3 – PROCEDURE Connect an oscilloscope as follow : Probe x10 Channel A Channel B Sweep V/div Trigger 3A19.E125 TPE125 see previous page 3A19.E172 TPE172 see previous page 2 s/div, single shot 10 micro seconds/ division 0.2 V/div 5v/div channel A, DC external + – Energize the mobile system. – Select 40 kV and 0.1 mA, manual fluoro mode. – Adjust 3A19 R 123 to obtain a delay of 30 S by commanding a fluoro operation. 6 . 133 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 204 1 of 2 Purpose: Version No.: 00 FLUORO ADJUSTMENT (3A26 – R9) DIAGRAM 81E FILAMENT 4. Date: May 1993 Time: 1 H. Manpower: 1 Remove W33 and insert mA meter 3A26 CHAUFFAGE FILAMENTS 4 6 . 134 829 357 G055 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 204 2 of 2 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – DC milliammeter. – Extender board. 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – De–energize the mobile system. 3 – PROCEDURE – Remove the cover of the X–Ray head – see sheet D/R 3 – Remove the jumper at the divider PWB 6A1 and connect a DC milliammeter (10 mA full scale) to the current measuring circuit. Jumper = W33 on xray tube head (see previous page) CAUTION : CHECK CONTINUITY OF THE CIRCUIT – Position circuit 3A26 on the extender board. Not necessary – Connect the PWB ground to the ground of the card rack. – Energize the mobile system. – Select the fluoro manual mode. – Display 40 kV and 6 mA. – Initiate fluoro. – Adjust 3A26 R 9 so that 6.1 mA is read on the milliammeter (0.1 mA consumed in the HV divider). – Switch OFF the unit R9 = bottom pot see previous page – Replace the jumper after adjustment. – Reinstall the cover of the X–Ray head. See CHAP. 4–2 for CDRH COMPLIANCE TEST. 6 . 135 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 205 1 of 2 Purpose: Time: Version No.: 0 FLUORO PREHEATING (3A26 – R3) DIAGRAM 84D FILAMENT 4. Date: Filament boost Fluoro 3A26 CHAUFFAGE FILAMENTS 4 Manpower: 829 357 G055 6 . 136 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 205 2 of 2 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Dual channel oscilloscope. 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – De–energize the mobile system. 3 – PROCEDURE – Connect an oscilloscope as follows: Probe X10 3A26.23A 3A26 bd pin 23A Sweep 20 ms/div 50mS/div V/div 20 mV/div 200mV/div Trigger external DC + to 3A26.24A Ground rack ground – Energize the mobile system. – Display 40 kV and 0.5 mA. – Fluoro mode (manual). – Command short fluoro sequences – Adjust 3A26.R3 to obtain a minimum rise time of the scope mA current. The signal is triggered on the leading edge of the 85% kV signal. illustrations A, B and C. Adjust until the correct signal is obtained (B). See chap. 4–2 TEST for CDRH compliancy 6 . 137 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 206 1 of 2 Purpose: Version No.: 00 FLUORO TIMER – DIAGRAM 103A. Date: May 1993 Time: 20 min. Manpower: 1 3A12 kV mA 829 825 G025 TPE3 6 . 138 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 206 2 of 2 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Dual channel oscilloscope. 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – De–energize the mobile system. 3 – PROCEDURE – Position the kV–mA PWB 3A12 on the extender. – Connect the PWB ground to the ground of the board rack. – Connect an oscilloscope as follows: Probe X10 3A12.E3 3A12 TPE3 see previous page Sweep 2 ms/div 5mS/div 20 mSec V / div 0.5 V/div 2v/div period Trigger Line Ground board rack ground – Apply voltage to the unit. – Select the Fluoro mode. – Display 40 kV – 0.1 mA. – Initiate fluoro – Adjust 3A12.R217 to obtain a time T = 20 ms. – Reset Fluoro Timer 5 min. – Initiate a continuous sequence of Fluoro during 5 minutes and verify with the chronometer that the buzzer is energised after 4 min 26 sec +/–12 sec and that the X–Ray emission is stopped after 4 min 56 sec +/–13 sec. – Readjust R217 if necessary and verify. See chap. 4–2 TEST for CDRH compliancy. 6 . 139 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 207 1 of 2 Purpose: RAD SAFETY DIAGRAM 83D FILAMENT 4. Version No.: 00 Date: May 1993 Time: 15 min. Backup timer for 160 max. maS exceeded 3A26 CHAUFFAGE FILAMENTS 4 6 . 140 Manpower: 1 829 357 G055 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 207 2 of 2 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Dual channel oscilloscope. 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – De–energize the mobile system. 3 – PROCEDURE A : 7 SECONDS SAFETY for 220 vac power – – – – – Remove 5A1.PL2 connector (PB PUISSANCE CHAUFFAGE). disables filament drive (no xray) Energize the mobile system. Select the RAD mode. Display 40 kV – 160 mAs. Adjust 3A26–R7 so that the exposure is stopped after 7 +/–0.2 seconds. The adjustment is made by using the fluoro timer display as reference and adjusting 3A26.R7 so that the exposure is stopped as soon as the number 7 appears. – Switch OFF the mobile Remember: remove 5A1.PL2 connector for 120 vac only systems too. B : 15 SECONDS SAFETY for 120 vac power reduced power Switch 3A3.S133.B into ON position will already be on for 120 vac systems Switch ON the unit Select RAD mode, 40 kV, 160 mAs actual mA = 24 mA Adjust 3A26.R8 so that the exposure is stopped after 15 +/–0.5 seconds ccw decreases time 2 turns/sec The adjustment is performed by using the Fluoro timer display as reference and adjusting 3A26R8 so that the exposure is stopped as soon as the number ”11” appears. 15 appears – Switch OFF the unit – Switch 3A3.S133.B into OFF position don't do if you have 120 vac system – Connect 5A1.PL2 connector – – – – 6 . 141 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 208 1 of 4 Purpose: RAD MA – RAD PREHEATING (3A26 – R4) DIAGRAM 84B FILAMENT 4. Time: 1 H 30. filament boost Rad Version No.: 00 Date: May 1993 Manpower: 1 Only do if you have radiographic cassette option A31 A32 solder side 3A26 CHAUFFAGE FILAMENTS 4 6 . 142 829 357 G055 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 208 2 of 4 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Dual channel oscilloscope 50 MHz. 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – Check that the ground connections of the PWB are connected to the earth of the board rack. 3 – PROCEDURE – Position 3A26 on extender board. – Connect an oscilloscope to A26.a32 –Vertical sensitivity 1 V/div. –External trigger DC – at 3A26.a31 (schematics 81D – PRE signal) –Time basis 20 ms/div. 50 mS/div – Select radiography mode – 100 kV – 5 mAs. R4 ccw decreases adjust for waveform A on next page – Make a few exposures and adjust A26–R4 to obtain a current of 20 mA (1V = 10mA) at the beginning of the exposure. See oscillogram A to D. 20 mA for 220 vac (13 mA for 120 vac system) NOTE : 20 mA Rad adjustment is performed with only 1 potentiometer and it is normal that tube current is too low at the beginning of the exposure. So, for 40 kV and 60 mA, the tube current at the beginning of the exposure is about 15 mA and reaches 60 mA after about 40 msec. This situation is correct. In all ways, kV and mA values are correct, only the time of the exposure is a bit longer but without influence on the quality of the exposure. 6 . 143 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 208 3 of 4 PRECHAUFFAGE – PREHEATING 6 . 144 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 208 4 of 4 VERIFICATION OF TUBE CURRENT IN RAD MODE – Remove upper cover of X–Ray Head : see sheet D/R 3 – Remove mA jumper on 6A1 and connect a milliamperemeter DC in current measure circuit : see RG 204. Jumper = W33 on xray tubehead Caution : CHECK THE CONTINUITY OF THE CIRCUIT kV 40 kV 50 kV 60 kV 70 kV 80 kV 100 kV Current 60 +/–3 mA 54.5 +/–2.8 mA 47.2 +/–2.4 mA 40.9 +/–2.1 mA 32.2 +/–1.7 mA 29.2 +/–1.3 mA For 220 vac systems. Fixed mA values Eprom driven based on selected KVP. NOTE : mA will be measured after tube current stabilisation For US model : 120 vac systems – Switch 3A3 Sm133.B into ON position already on – Perform the following measurements : 40 kV 100 kV 25.7 +/–2 mA 12.8 +/–1 mA – Switch 3A3.Sm133 A into OFF position Leave on for 120 vac systems – Remove 3A26 PWB from the extender board and reinstall it. – Remove the milliamperemetre DC and reinstall the jumper on 6A1.Tb24 See CHAP. 4–2 TESTS for CDRH compliancy. 6 . 145 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 209 1 of 2 Purpose: Version No.: 00 RAD / FLUORO SWITCH CHECK. Date: May 1993 Time: 20 min. Manpower: 1 5A1 PUISSANCE CHAUFFAGE 4 1.5 seconds is normal 6 . 146 829 355 G015 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 209 2 of 2 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – Dual channel oscilloscope 50 MHz. – Rad Preheating adjustment must be correct (see sheet RG 208) Use scope in differential mode channel 1 CR5 anode 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS channel 2 CR5 cathode (select add mode) – De–energize the mobile system. Gnd to chassis 3 – PROCEDURE Option remove AL filter in collimator & watch for filament switching – The fluoroscopy/radiography switch must take place within a maximum of 1 second. 1.5 sec normal – Check: connect an oscilloscope in differential mode to the terminals of 5A1–CR5 (see diagram 90D). External trigger DC + at A26–36A Sweep 0.5 sec/div V/div 50 Vdc/div – Energize the mobile system. – Check that switches occur correctly in the X–ray housing – Remove the cover and examine the focal spots. Looking at the apparatus from in front of the control panel, fluoroscopy focal spot is on the left. – In fluoroscopy or radiography, only one focal spot must exist in stabilized conditions. 6 . 147 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 210 1 of 2 Purpose: Version No.: 00 MAS INTEGRATORS (3A26 – R6) DIAGRAM 82C FILAMENT 4. Date: May 1993 Time: 1H. Rad Function Manpower: 1 Only do if you have radiographic cassette option 3A26 CHAUFFAGE FILAMENTS 4 6 . 148 829 357 G055 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 210 2 of 2 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – mAs meter. – Wire grip. 2 – PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – De–energize the mobile system. 3 – PROCEDURE – Remove the X–ray head upper cover. See sheet D/R 3 – Remove the bridge of divider circuit 6A1. W33 mA jumper wire located on xray tube head – Insert an mAs meter into the current measuring circuit (adjustment of Fluoro output) on the divider PWB 6A1. – CAUTION : CHECK THE CONTINUITY OF THE CIRCUIT – – – – – – – – – – Energize the unit. Select RAD mode. Display 80 kV – 4 mAs. Command a RAD exposure and adjust 3A26.R5 (diagram 82C) to obtain a reading of 4 +/–0.05 mAs at the control mAs meter. R5 = mAS intergrator adjustment Display 80 kV – 80 mAs. Command a RAD exposure and adjust 3A26.R6 to obtain a reading of 80 +/–0.05 mAs on the control mAs meter. Using mA meter alone 13.2 mA x 6 sec = 79.2 mAS Check the other positions of the mAs. The tolerance on the mAs is 10% +/–0.1 mAs over the entire range. De–energize the mobile system. Disconnect the mAs meter from the measurement circuit and install the bridge on divider circuit 6A1. Replace the X–ray head upper cover. 6 . 149 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 211 1 of 7 Purpose: Time: 2 H. Version No.: 00 AUTOMATIC FLUORO SYSTEM ADJUSTMENT. Date: May 1993 ABC response Manpower: 1 3A5.A82 pin 6 can be checked easily by clipping onto the top of R108 BA PL 1 BA PL2 3A5 MINUTERIE 832 501 G015 6 . 150 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 211 2 of 7 1 – TOOLS REQUIRED – – – – – – Double beam Oscilloscope, double time base. 3 cm of plastic material (polyamide or polyethylene) 2 mm of Aluminium. 2 mm of copper. 0.8 mm of copper. 1 plastic tray. 2 – PRELIMINARY REMARK – This procedure is valid for the 828 970 G 015 MINUTERIE board 3 – ADJUSTMENT PREREQUISITE – The image system must be correctly and completely adjusted. (See RG 251) . – The X–ray head cover must be in place. 4 – ADJUSTMENTS 4.1 X–RAY EMISSION REFERENCE – – – – – – – – Place a 2 mm copper absorption at the outlet of the X–ray head. Connect an oscilloscop on 3A5.b9 (cde ABD) DVM On the control console : select FLUORO MANUAL mode select HIGH DEFINITION FLUORO (HLC) if unit is equiped with a 22 cm imager, the ZOOM mode must not be selected. Select 75 kV Initiate Fluoro and select mA parameters in order to read on the measure device a value of 2.1+/–0.05 Volts (control ABD value). – Note – mA and kV values : these 2 values determine the reference rate of X–ray emission. 4.2 DOSE REFERENCE – – – – – – – Place a 2 mm copper absorption at the outlet of the X–Ray head. Connect an oscilloscop on 3A5.A82.6 operational amplifier See note on previous page for easy scope placement On the control console : select MANUAL FLUORO mode select HIGH DEFINITION FLUORO (HLC) select mA and kV values corresponding to the X–ray emission reference (see 4.1) Initiate FLUORO and adjust 3A5.R65 in order to read on the measure device an average value of 0 +/–10 mV. 6 . 151 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 211 3 of 7 6 . 152 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 211 4 of 7 4.3 LOOP GAIN PREADJUSTMENT – – – – – – – – – Preadjust the potentiometers : 3A5.R67 fully CCW (zero hysteresis) 3A5.R60 fully CW (min. phase adjustment) 3A5.R66 mid range Connect an oscilloscop Probe A 3A5.a7 Trigger ext. DC + to 3A5b8 Select Automatic Fluoro, standard Fluoro 108 With an absorption requiring a VHV included between 105 and 110 kV; adjust 3A5.R66 in order to obtain a rise time of VHV of 0.55 sec. KVP Observe the analog kV signal at the A7 output of 3A5 by taking only VHV build–up time into consideration and leaving stabilization problems to a later stage. 4.4 PHASE LEAD AND LOOP GAIN ADJUSTMENT IMPORTANT remark concerning stability adjustments for the scope regulation loop : – Water and plastic are ideal (polyamide or polyethylene) for phantom absorption. The regulation loop is less stable when a copper phantom is used. Variation in image signal output in response to a kV variation will be much ronger for copper than for an organic tissue equivalent material. – If regulation loop adjustment is carried out under very strict conditions, a weaker loop gain is chosen to obtain a response with sufficient stability. This adjustment using copper obtains a slower response speed than that obtained using an organic substance. 6 . 153 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 211 5 of 7 Good filtration set for 108 kvp 550 msec filtraion set for 60 kvp 6 . 154 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Goal: ABC stable within 1 second for digital to capture image Job Card RG 211 6 of 7 Adj. R60 (oscillation/damping) and R66 (rise time) to get balance between 108 kv ABC response and 60 kv ABC response. Want fastest rise time without oscillation. May need to adjust section 4.5 (hysterisis) first. Image on Connect an oscilloscop monitor should get to proper brightness without oscillating. A good test is to select electronic radiography with zero FNR and see if the image is stable – Probe 3A5.b9 before the image is captured via last image hold. – Trigger ext. DC + to 3A5.b8 see waveforms previous page PHASE ADJUSTMENT With the same absorption determined in § 4.3, adjust 3A5.R60 in order to obtain image without overshoot of the control ABD signal. Turning R60 too far CCW will cause oscillation Select absorption in order to obtain a HV regulation of about 60 kV. Observe control ABD signal on 3A5.b9 and correct if necessary gain adjustment (R66) and phase adjustment (R60) in order to obtain an image without oscillation and with a maximum glare displayed by an overshoot of 33% max. Then check that high kV regulation takes place in a sufficiently short period : T2 = 1000 msec max. Check that the value of control ABD signal is included between 95 and 105% of nominal value after 1000 msec of the beginning of the X–ray exposure with different absorptions, in FLUORO and HIGH DEFINITION FLUORO mode and AUTOMATIC mode. 2.1 volts dc otherwise redo section 4.1 if necessary Check that low kV regulation occurs without oscillation. Only one positive overshoot of the ABD control signal corresponding to monitor glare is accepted. At 60 kv Maximum acceptable glare is characterized by a 50% overshoot of the ABD control signal for a regulation ( 45 +/–1 KV ). 4.5 HYSTERESIS ADJUSTMENT Purpose of the Hysteresis circuit The automatic control finds the kV/mA pair to which the ABD control signal (C.C.D. camera output), equal to the reference signal (i.e. zero signal error), corresponds. The kV/mA variations are discrete and in order to avoid continuous flutter around the equilibrium value, a hysteresis defining a zone without corrections of X–Rays intensity is needed. Hysteresis values must be limited to those that are truly useful in order to obtain an easily duplicated operating point. The results of an automatic control mechanism correction are greater at low kV because the increments are constant over kV, due to the kV/mA linkage principle. Hysteresis value adjustment : 3A5 R67 will be adjusted to obtain a potential difference of 1.75 Volt at the potentiometer terminals. 6 . 155 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 211 7 of 7 4.6 OPERATION CHECK Check the correct operation of the automatic control using different filters and varying amounts of water in the tray, for different absorption values, characterized by : – appearance of image without abnormal glare (see § 4.4) and without apparent oscillation, – the constancy of radiologic stabilization date of the automatic control for successive scope operations with identical absorption, – modification of radiologic date due to automatic control, for small variations in absorption. 6 . 156 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 6 . 157 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 212 1 of 6 Purpose: 3A1 INTERFACE DSM PWB (201 – 210B). Version No.: 00 Date: May 1993 Time: 30 min. Manpower: 1 3A1 INTERFACE DSM Channel A 828 988 G035 T1 3A1 E123 R151 0.5 V/div 200 mS/div T2 Channel B 6 . 158 3A1 E124 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 212 2 of 6 1. TOOLS REQUIRED – Oscilloscope 2. PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS – All the potentiometers are FACTORY CALIBRATED. – This procedure will be performed only if accidental uncalibration occures. 3. CONDITIONS The image system must be completely and correctely adjusted (see corresponding manual). 4. PROCEDURE NOTE : The waveforms are given for your guidance. The parameters of the oscilloscope adjustment are different of the parameters given in the procedure. – Switch OFF the unit – Install 3A1 PB on extender card – Connect ground of 3A1 to card rack ground – Power ON the unit. 4.1 T1 DELAY ADJUSTMENT Connect the scope as follows : Probe x10 V/div Sweep Trigger Memory 3A1.E123 0.5V/div 200 mS/div Int. DC– Memory ON – On the control console, select E.R. (Electron Rad) – Initiate Fluoro sequence – Adjust 3A1R151 in order to obtain a delay of 1000 +/–20 ms. 4.2 T2 DELAY CHECK Connect the scope as follows : channel A : channel B : Probe x10 Probe x10 V/div Sweep Trigger Memory 3A1.E123 3A1.E124 0.5V/div 200 mS/div Int. DC– channel A Memory ON – On 3A1 connector, jump 3A1.a8 to 3A1.a20 ( STOP DSM signal maintains to 1 ) – Initiate FLUORO – Verify that the delay, triggered on the rising edge of T1, is 880 +/–100 ms. 6 . 159 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 212 3 of 6 Channel A 0.5 V/div 10 mS/div T3 Channel A 0.5 V/div 100 mS/div T4 Channel A 0.5 V/div 200 mS/div T5 6 . 160 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 212 4 of 6 4.3 T3 DELAY CHECK Connect the scope as follows : Probe x10 V/div Sweep Trigger 3A1.E122 0.5V/div 10 msec/div Ext. DC– on 3A1.a17 (OX) – On 3A1 connector, jump 3A1.a8 to 3A1.a20 – Select NORMAL FLUORO MODE – Initiate FLUORO and release RX control T3 Delay is triggered by the falling edge of the RX control. – Verify that the delay is 62 +/-8 ms 4.4 T4 DELAY ADJUSTMENT Connect the scope as follows : Probe x10 V/div Sweep Trigger 3A1.E126 0.5V/div 100 msec/div Int. DC– (channel A) – Select PULSED FLUORO on the control console. – Initiate FLUORO sequence. Delay T4 is generated after the first RX pulse. – Adjust 3A1.R152 in order to obtain a delay of 500 +/–10 ms. 4.5 T5 MINIMUM DELAY CHECK Connect the scope as follows : Probe x10 V/div Sweep Trigger – – – – 3A1.E127 0.5V/div 200 msec/div Int. DC– (channel A) On 3A1 connector, jump 3A1.a8 to 3A1.a20. Select PULSED FLUORO mode. Initiate FLUORO sequence. Verify that T5 delay is 880 +/–100 ms. 6 . 161 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 212 5 of 6 Channel A 0.5 V/div 200 mS/div 6 . 162 3A1 E121 R150 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 212 6 of 6 4.6 T6 PULSED FLUORO RATE ADJUSTMENT Connect the scope as follows : Probe x10 V/div Sweep Trigger 3A1.E121 0.5V/div 200 msec/div Int. DC+ (channel A) – Select PULSED FLUORO MODE – Initiate FLUORO sequence – Adjust 3A1.R150 in order to obtain a delay T6 of 1000 +/–50 ms. With T4 = 500 ms, the pulse rate is 1 X–ray pulse / 1.5 second. – Remove connection between 3A1.a8.a20. 4.7. ANODE COOLING PAUSE SAFETY ADJUSTMENT (not used) This adjusment is valid only for the PWB INTERFACE DSM. Code number 828 988 G 035 Connect the probe to 3A1.E608 – Sweep – Trigger 0.5 Sec/Div DC–internal – Position SW 602.2 (B) to ON – Select ER mode (Election Radiography) – Initiate exposure – Adjust 3A1.R604 in order to obtain a delay of 2 sec +/–0.4 sec. – Position SW 602.2 (B) to OFF 6 . 163 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 6 . 164 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 213 1 of 1 Purpose: Version No.: 00 PWB SWITCHES PROGRAMMATION. Date: May 1993 Time: Manpower: No et Nom du CI Switch No EUR. USA 2A1 PUPITRE MODULE G2 828 986 G015 S58 1–4 2–3 S59 1–4 2–3 S60 1–4 2–3 (A) (B) (A) (B) (A) (B) ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF The 3 switches determine the function of BP 2A1 Sm 35 Stenoscop 2 (D6/D9) HIGH QUALITY or STANDARD FLUORO mode selection Stenoscop LE BLOCKING OF MEMORIZATION ( DR ) 2A2 PUPITRE MODULE D2 S528 1–4 2–3 (A) (B) OFF OFF OFF OFF ON = Possibility of camera sweeps inversions OFF = No possibility of camera sweeps inversions S502 1–4 (A) ON ON 2–3 (B) OFF ON S602 1–4 (A) OFF OFF 2–3 (B) OFF OFF ON = OFF = ON = OFF = ON = OFF = ON = OFF = RX Hold in SP and ER mode ( SN ) No RX Hold in SP and ER mode ( SN ) No RX Hold in SN mode RX Hold in SN mode RX Hold in SN mode during T1+T2 (if S502 B OFF) RX Hold in SN mode during T1 (if S502 B OFF) ACP delay activated ACP delay not activated S133 1–8 2–7 3–6 4–5 (A) (B) (C) (D) OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON = ON = OFF = OFF = AGC Camera ON Reduced power Beam standby mode Go to black function inactive S501 1–4 (A) ON ON 2–3 (B) ON ON ON = Stenoccop 2 9” – 22cm OFF = Stenoscop 2 6” – 16cm OFF = Led PB II mode OFF S140 1–4 2–3 (A) (B) ON ON ON ON ON = 2A1 Sm35 bistable function OFF = 2A1 Sm35 instable funcntion ON = Iris TV camera disconnected Switch Position FONCTION 828 984 G025 3A1 INTERFACE DSM 828 988 G035 3A3 DIAPHRAGMES 2 832 502 G015 3A9 CONSIGNE kV / mA 2 828 980 G035 (D6/D9) OR 828 980 G045 (LE) 3A19 COMMANDE SCR 2 828 982 G025 3A26 CHAUFFAGE FILAMENTS 4 829357G035 S246 1–4 2–3 (A) (B) OFF OFF OFF OFF ON = Buzzer ON in HIGHT QUALITY FL mode ON = Buzzer ON in HIGHT QUALITY FL and ER mode S76 1–8 2–7 3–6 4–5 (A) (B) (C) (D) OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON S528 1–4 2–3 (A) (B) OFF OFF OFF OFF ON = RAD Exposure at reduced power ON = Used only in calibration procedure (reduced ma) X = position indifférente 6 . 165 = = = = Unit without memory RAD Exposure not autorised from Footswitch RAD Exposure autorised from RAD?FL handswitch RAD Exposure not autorised from consol PB TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 xvi. sm 826 921 P615 6 . 166 Blank page 6 . 166 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 xvi. 6–5–5 sm 826 921 P615 6 . 167 DAP R/G SHEET 6 . 167 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 240 1 of 6 Purpose: CALIBRATION DOSE AREA PRODUCT METER. Time: Version No.: 00 Date: September 1996 Manpower: SECTION 1 PROCEDURE. 1.1 Calibration The principle of Model 841–SO calibration is shown in Illustration 1 . A and 1 . C show the importance of correct offset adjustment prior to calibration. This can be confirmed after the warm up period by ensuring the display remains at zero for 30 minutes following pressing the reset button. If this is not the case please refer to the positive offset adjustment procedure in the service section of this manual. The test for negative drift requires the test button to be pressed and the result noted. The display can then be reset. After 30 minutes press the test button again, the reading should be no lower than 5 digits compared with the recorded reading. If it is, refer to the negative offset adjustment procedure in the service section of this manual. The process of calibration is illustrated in diagrams 1 . E and 1 . F. The transfer function between the reference measurement and the indication on the Model 841–SO will be a straight line as the instrument is inherently linear over a 400,000:1 dynamic range. Assuming the offset adjustment is correct, calibration involves adjustment of a scaling factor within the Model 841–SO to obtain correspondence between the reference instrument and the DAP display. Therefore a single dose rate measurement is all that is required to achieve the correct calibration as indicated in diagram 1 . F. 1.1.1 Some Useful Information Related to Calibration. Energy Response. Inspection of the specification will confirm the Model 841–SO chamber has a flat energy response from 50kVp to l50kVp to within 3 %. Calibration can therefore be carried out at any energy and 80kVp has been selected. However, this is not the case when the energy response is modified by absorbing or scattering material within the beam path. In these circumstances it is recommended that calibration is carried out at the most frequently used energy or the average energy used. After completing a calibration it is wise to repeat the measurement at several energies to ensure variation of DAP readings are within expected tolerances. Dose Rate Used. It has been stated that the Model 841–SO chamber has a linear response with dose rate, nevertheless it is advisable to use a total dose and dose rate towards the upper limit of expected values for the calibration. 6 . 168 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 240 2 of 6 Units. This model displays mGycm2 only. cGycm2 can be obtained by10 dividing by 10. This is also the factor used for Rcm2 ILLUSTRATION 1 calibration and offset graphs. ILLUSTRATION 1 . A ILLUSTRATION 1 . B Display Display Positive offset corrected following adjustment procedure Error due to positive offset Actual Actual ILLUSTRATION 1 . C ILLUSTRATION 1 . D Display Display Positive offset corrected following adjustment procedure Error due to positive offset Actual Actual 6 . 169 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 240 3 of 6 ILLUSTRATION 1 . E ILLUSTRATION 1 . F Display Display Positive offset corrected following adjustment procedure Error due to positive offset Actual Actual 1.2 Calibration Procedure. The aim of calibration is to equalize the displayed DAP reading to that of a reference instrument located at a typical patient examination distance as illustrated in Illustration 2. The Model 841–SO is mounted on the face of the X–ray tube collimator unit. If a couch top or other radiation absorbing obstruction is normally between the collimator and patient, it should remain in situ during calibration. A reference chamber must be placed in such a position that it is totally within the radiation beam. To evaluate this, follow the procedure listed below: Place a film cassette on the reference dosemeter as shown in Illustration 2. Expose with radiation and process the film. An image similar to that in Illustration 3 should be visible. From this, confirmation can be obtained that the reference chamber is now within the radiation beam and the total field size may be measured from the image on the film. The collimator is set to give a defined field size at the patient plane (i.e. at the reference dosemeter). If the field size is for example, 100 cm2) and the reference dosemeter gives a point source reading, (i.e. 1 cm2), the Model 841–SO DAP reading should be 100 times the reference dosemeter reading. That is to say; the Model 841–SO should display the reference dosemeter reading multiplied by the field area. (Field size is 100 cm2). Many reference dosemeters present the results in Roentgens (R). To convert to mGycm2 multiply by 8.7. i.e. DOSE AREA PRODUCT = Reading on reference meter * field area * 8.7. 6 . 170 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 240 4 of 6 ILLUSTRATION 2 Ref. dose meter with Chamber. Optional phantom to apply Backscatter correction (see text). Casssette with Film to establish size correction factor. Couch top or other in beam absorber (see text). Set Field size smaller than DAP Chamber, larger than Ref. dose Chamber. Typical patient / examination distance. DAP Chamber Collimator All measurement equipment symmetric to central axis. X–Ray Tube 6 . 171 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 240 5 of 6 ILLUSTRATION 3 x R Field Image y Chamber Image X–Ray Film 1.3 Calibration Adjustment. 1. Set the X–ray machine to 80 kVp and the field size to 100 cm2 at the reference chamber. 2. Access to the calibration control is gained via hole A of the electronic enclosure cover, (see below).Illustration 4 6 . 172 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 240 6 of 6 ILLUSTRATION 4 B A 3. Reset the reference dosemeter and the Model 841–SO, then take an X–ray exposure. Record the result of the reference dosemeter and the Model 841–SO. 4. Calculate and record the DOSE AREA PRODUCT. 5. Compare the calculated dose area product with the displayed value on the Model 841–SO. Reset the Model 841–SO. Adjust calibration control using the precision screwdriver provided, anticlockwise to increase or clockwise to decrease the displayed value. This change will be apparent after the next X–ray exposure. 6. Repeat sections C & D again until the displayed value on Model 841–SO is equal to, or within, 5 % of the calculated value. The unit is now calibrated. 7. The unit is now ready for use. 8. Press the ’TEST’ button. Record the new test number on the TEST RECORD sheet round in Appendix B. RESET TEST 6 . 173 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 xvii. sm 826 921 P615 6 . 174 Blank page 6 . 174 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 xvii. 6–5–6 sm 826 921 P615 6 . 175 IMAGER R/G SHEETS 6 . 175 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 250 1 of 3 Purpose: INTERFACE CONTROLS ALIGNMENT CHECK. ( IMAGER ) Time: Version No.: 00 Date: April 1995 Manpower: SECTION 1 NECESSARY REPLACEMENT None. SECTION 2 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED D Standard tool kit. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 1. Remove power from the Stenoscop. 2. Read the safety precautions concerning x–ray systems. WARNING THIS UNIT IS IN EMC COMPLIANCE WITH THE IEC 601–1–2 STANDARD. DURING ANY DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY, ENSURE THAT ALL THE SHIELDS ARE CORRECTLY INSTALLED. TAKE ALL USUAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR ELECTRONIC BOARD MANIPULATION (I.E., MATS AND BRACELETS TO PROTECT AGAINST ELECTRONIC DISCHARGES). SECTION 4 PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS 1. Remove the II assembly rear cover. 2. Remove the rack cover. 3. Put the CCD Interface Board on an extension board. 6 . 176 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 250 2 of 3 SECTION 5 PROCEDURE Check that the interface signals coming from the Stenoscop reach the II assembly. 5.1 X–Ray ON 1. Connect the multimeter between TP7 (B X–RAY ON) and TP1 (ground). 2. Restore power to the Stenoscop. 3. Check the TP7 voltage: 0 V ±50 mV. 4. Run a fluoroscopy sequence. The voltage in TP7 should shift to +5 V ±50 mV, and the image should be visible on the monitor. 5.2 CLTV ON 1. Connect the multimeter between TP8 (B CLTV) and TP1 (ground). 2. Check voltages: – In Manual Mode: 0 V ±50 mV – In Automatic Mode: +5 V ±50 mV 5.3 PG 1. Connect the multimeter between TP9 (B PG1) and TP1 (ground). 2. Check voltages: – When idle, or during a fluoroscopy sequence: 0 V ±50 mV – Rad button pressed: +5 V ±50 mV 5.4 1. Remove power from the II assembly (S1/CCD power supply in OFF position) 2. Replace the CCD Interface Board in the rack. 3. Reset the S1/CCD power supply to the ON position. SECTION 6 IMAGEUR ALIGNMENT 1. The optical centering adjustments are preset at the factory. Any readjustment should be done only in case of abnormal functioning. If necessary see ASM Job Card RG 351. 2. Alignment of the Imageur with the longitudinal axis is preset at the factory. In case of a problem, see Job Card RG 254 of this document. 6 . 177 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 250 3 of 3 SECTION 7 OPERATIONAL CHECK 7.1 Check of the Imageur Functional Features 1. Check the Dose 1/Dose 2 commutation on the CCD Interface Board by pressing the HLC pushbotton on the Stenoscop Control Console. – Dose 1 = DS2 ON, – Dose 2 = DS3 ON. 2. Check the field controls. a. Normal. b. Magnifier 1 (22 cm only). 3. Check the ABD window adjustment: 40% of the usable diameter of the image. 6 . 178 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 6 . 179 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 251 1 of 3 Purpose: Version No.: 00 DOSE ADJUSTMENT. Date: April 1995 Time: Manpower: SECTION 1 NECESSARY REPLACEMENT None. SECTION 2 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED D Electronics tool kit + miniature screwdriver (in Emergency Kit). D Digital multimeter. D RADCAL Dosimeter 2025AC. D Ionization chamber 20 x 5 – 60. D Two copper plates, 175 mm x 175 mm, 1 mm thickness. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Read the safety precautions concerning x–ray systems. WARNING THIS UNIT IS IN EMC COMPLIANCE WITH THE IEC 601–1–2 STANDARD. DURING ANY DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY, ENSURE THAT ALL THE SHIELDS ARE CORRECTLY INSTALLED. TAKE ALL USUAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR ELECTRONIC BOARD MANIPULATION (I.E., MATS AND BRACELETS TO PROTECT AGAINST ELECTRONIC DISCHARGES). SECTION 4 PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS Set Jumper X5 on CCD Interface Board to the Q position. 6 . 180 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 251 2 of 3 SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 ABD Signal Offset Adjustment 1. Switch the Stenoscop to Normal Mode. 2. Connect the multimeter between TP1 and TP7, on the CCD Video Board. 3. Check the displayed voltage, without x–rays: 0 V +20/–20 mV. 4. If necessary, adjust to required value using R13/CCD Video Board. 5.2 Dose Adjustment 5.2.1 Preliminary Observations D The Imageur 16/22 Stenoscop CCD can operate at two different dose rates (Dose 1 and Dose 2), corresponding to the two positions of the Iris (Iris 1 and Iris 2, respectively). D The Imageur CCD is preset in the factory for the following dose rates: TABLE 1 ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ II input dose In front of the grid Nominal FOV 22 cm 16 cm 1.8 3.4 +/– 10 % Dose 1 15.4 29.3 +/– 10 % micro Gy/mn “ low “ 29.6 56.3 +/– 10 % micro R/s 0.3 0.5 +/– 10 % micro Gy/s 3.5 6.8 +/– 10 % Dose 2 30.5 58.7 +/– 10 % micro Gy/mn “ high “ 58.5 112.5 +/– 10 % micro R/s 0.5 1.0 +/– 10 % micro Gy/s 5.2.2 Dose 2 Adjustment (high dose) This adjustment is made by adjusting the aperture of Iris 2. 1. Select Dose 2 (high dose) on the Stenoscop. 6 . 181 mR/mn mR/mn Image Intensifier Behind the grid Grid In front of the grid TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 251 3 of 3 2. Place a 2 mm copper attenuation filter on the diaphragm. 3. Place the dosimeter ionization chamber on the Imageur entry window. 4. In Automatic Fluoroscopy, check the voltage between TP1 and TP7 on the CCD Video Board. This voltage must be equal to 2.1 V. If necessary, readjust it. See Job Card RG 211 . 5. In Manual Fluoroscopy, adjust the fluoroscopy constants so as to obtain the specified Dose 2 dose rate at the Imageur entry. The kV value must be as close to 75 kV as possible. 6. Check the voltage between TP1 and TP7 on the CCD Video Board. When the desired Dose 2 value has been reached, this voltage should be equal to 2.1 V ±50 mV. If not, Iris 2 (corresponding to Dose 2) must be readjusted. 7. Run a fluoroscopy sequence under conditions to obtain the specified Dose 2 dose rate. 8. Adjust the R11/CCD Interface Board so that the voltage between TP1 and TP7, on the CCD Video Board, is equal to 2.1 V ±50 mV. 5.2.3 Dose 1 Adjustment (low dose) Select Dose 1 (low dose) on the Stenoscop. 1. In manual fluoroscopy, adjust the fluoroscopy constants so as to obtain the specified Dose 1 dose rate at the Imageur entry. The kV value must be as close to 75 kV as possible. 2. Check the voltage between TP1 and TP7 on the CCD Video Board. When the desired Dose 1 value has been reached, this voltage should be 2.1 V ±50 mV. If not, Iris 1 (corresponding to Dose 1) must be readjusted. 3. Run a fluoroscopy sequence under conditions to obtain the specified Dose 1 dose rate. 4. Adjust the R10/CCD Interface Board so that the voltage between TP1 and TP7, on the CCD Video Board, is 2.1 V ±50 mV. Note: 5.2.4 Regardless of the values of the doses adjusted, the following must always be true: Dose 1 < Dose 2 (low dose < high dose). Check 1. Select Dose 2 (high dose) on the Stenoscop. 2. Check the adjustment of Paragraph 5.2.2. (The Iris must make at least one round trip for the iris to be precisely adjusted.) Note: On the Imageur 16/22 CCD the third position of the Iris, for Graphic Mode, is never used. 6 . 182 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 6 . 183 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 252 1 of 2 Purpose: Version No.: 00 “X–RAY ON “ DELAY ADJUSTMENT. Date: April 1995 Time: Manpower: SECTION 1 REPLACEMENT None. SECTION 2 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED D Electronics tool kit + miniature screwdriver (in Emergency Kit). D Oscilloscope. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Read the safety precautions concerning x–ray systems. WARNING THIS UNIT IS IN EMC COMPLIANCE WITH THE IEC 601–1–2 STANDARD. DURING ANY DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY, ENSURE THAT ALL THE SHIELDS ARE CORRECTLY INSTALLED. TAKE ALL USUAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR ELECTRONIC BOARD MANIPULATION (I.E., MATS AND BRACELETS TO PROTECT AGAINST ELECTRONIC DISCHARGES). SECTION 4 PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS None. 6 . 184 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 252 2 of 2 SECTION 5 PROCEDURE Note: In order to avoid oscillations when starting the fluoroscopy sequence, the automatic mode begins only after an adjustable time delay has elapsed. This delay is preset in the factory at 750 ms. TP7/CCD Interface Board X–RAY ON X–RAY ON DELAY (Adjusted by R12 / CCD Video Board ). AGC VALID TP10/CCD Video Interface Board 6 . 185 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 253 1 of 2 Purpose: BLACK LEVEL THRESHOLD ADJUSTMENT. Version No.: 00 Date: April 1995 Time: Manpower: SECTION 1 REPLACEMENT None. SECTION 2 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED D Electronics tool kit + miniature screwdriver (in Emergency Kit). D Two copper plates, 175 mm x 175 mm, 1 mm thickness. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Read the safety precautions concerning x–ray systems. WARNING THIS UNIT IS IN EMC COMPLIANCE WITH THE IEC 601–1–2 STANDARD. DURING ANY DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY, ENSURE THAT ALL THE SHIELDS ARE CORRECTLY INSTALLED. TAKE ALL USUAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR ELECTRONIC BOARD MANIPULATION (I.E., MATS AND BRACELETS TO PROTECT AGAINST ELECTRONIC DISCHARGES). SECTION 4 PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 1. Switch the Stenoscop to Automatic Mode. 2. Place a 2–mm copper attenuation filter on the diaphragm. 3. Switch on the ABD window display by setting X8 to S on the CCD Video Board. 4. Run a fluoroscopy sequence in Automatic Mode (with a kV value as close to 75 kV as possible). 5. Close the collimator opaque blades to obtain the image in Illustration 1. 6 . 186 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 253 2 of 2 ILLUSTRATION 1 ABD Window Opaque shutters 6. Adjust R11, on the CCD Video Board, to blank the shutters on the image. The image should become: ILLUSTRATION 2 CAUTION This adjustment must be made with great care: R11 must be set so that the shutters are on the limit of disappearing. This adjustment must be made with the opaque blades. 7. Set X8 back to R on the CCD Video Board. Note: Shutter correction is only active in Automatic Mode. If the shutters do not disappear, check that the CLTV ON signal is correctly transmitted to the Imageur (Job Card RG 250 Section 5). 6 . 187 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 6 . 188 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 254 Purpose: 1 of 1 Version No.: 00 II ASSEMBLY ALIGNMENT WITH LONGITUDINAL AXIS. Date: April 1995 Time: Manpower: SECTION 1 REPLACEMENT None. SECTION 2 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED D Electronics tool kit. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Read the safety precautions concerning x–ray systems. SECTION 4 PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE Note: This operation is normally done at the factory and should be redone only if an abnormallity is detected. 1. Remove the cover from the optical unit. 2. Loosen the three attachment screws securing the lens support to the II tube. 3. Adjust the direction of the image by turning the lens support. At the same time, check that the image is correctly centered in the circular blanking window. 4. Retighten the three attachment screws of the lens support. 5. Put the the cover back in place on the optical unit. 6 . 189 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 255 Purpose: 1 of 3 Version No.: 00 VIDEO SIGNAL LEVEL CHECK. Date: April 1995 Time: Manpower: SECTION 1 REPLACEMENT None. SECTION 2 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED D Electronics tool kit + miniature screwdriver (in Emergency Kit). D Two copper plates, 175 mm x 175 mm, 1 mm thickness. D Oscilloscope, 20 MHz minimum bandwidth. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Read the safety precautions concerning x–ray systems. WARNING THIS UNIT IS IN EMC COMPLIANCE WITH THE IEC 601–1–2 STANDARD. DURING ANY DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY, ENSURE THAT ALL THE SHIELDS ARE CORRECTLY INSTALLED. TAKE ALL USUAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR ELECTRONIC BOARD MANIPULATION (I.E., MATS AND BRACELETS TO PROTECT AGAINST ELECTRONIC DISCHARGES). SECTION 4 PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS None. SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 1. Connect an oscilloscope probe to TP3, on the CCD Video Board (video output). 2. Place a 2–mm copper attenuation filter on the diaphragm. 3. Run a fluoroscopy sequence in Automatic Mode under nominal conditions. Check the appearance of the video signal at TP3/CCD Video Board, in Automatic Mode and Manual Mode (see Ill. 1). 6 . 190 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 255 2 of 3 ILLUSTRATION 1 A = 300 ±20 mV B = 50 ±5 mV C = 250 ±20 mV C TP3 CCD Video Board Black level B Blanking level A Under nominal conditions, the average video levels at various points in the Imageur are (see Ill. 2): D TP2/CCD Video Board CCD module output D = 100 mV ±5 mV D TP7/CCD Video Board ABD output = +2.1 V ±50 mV ILLUSTRATION 2 TP2 CCD Video Board D Controls with test signal 5.1 The Imageur Steno CCD is equipped with a video test signal generator, which, if necessary, provides a standard signal that can be used to make all video adjustments. 6 . 191 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 255 3 of 3 ILLUSTRATION 3 TP3 CCD Video Board C B C = 250 mV B = 50 mV A = 300 mV A To use the test signal generator: 1. Disconnect the plug at J2/CCD Video Board (video input). 2. On the CCD Video Board, set X1 in the B position. – The test signal is injected at the CCD Video Board input. Test signal intensity can be adjusted with R10/CCD Video Board (100 mV nominal). – Remember to reset X1 to A on CCD Video Board once the checks are completed and to reconnect the plug at J2/CCD Video Board. 5.2 Do not readjust the video settings (gain, offset, black level, gamma, etc.), except if there is a fault. These adjustments are made at the factory with specialized tooling. 5.3 The operating conditions which enable the gamma correction adjustments are: Video in at TP2/CCD Video Board: 1 V ±20 mV (D according to Ill. 2) Video out at TP3/CCD Video Board: 640 mV ±10 mV (C according to Ill. 1) 6 . 192 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 256 1 of 5 Purpose: Version No.: 00 PERIODIC DOSE CHECK. Date: April 1995 Time: Manpower: SECTION 1 REPLACEMENT None. SECTION 2 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED D Standard Field Engineers toolcase. D Two copper plates 175 x 175 mm, 1 mm thick. D Dosimeter, Radcal 2025 AC. D Ionization chamber 20 x 5 – 60. D Digital multimeter. SECTION 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Observe the safety precautions concerning x–ray systems. WARNING THIS UNIT IS IN EMC COMPLIANCE WITH THE IEC 601–1–2 STANDARD. DURING ANY DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY, ENSURE THAT ALL THE SHIELDS ARE CORRECTLY INSTALLED. TAKE ALL USUAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR ELECTRONIC BOARD MANIPULATION (I.E., MATS AND BRACELETS TO PROTECT AGAINST ELECTRONIC DISCHARGES). SECTION 4 PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS None. 6 . 193 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 256 2 of 5 SECTION 5 PROCEDURE 5.1 Dose Check Measure the dose in Automatic Mode under norminal conditions (75 kV, 2 mm copper). If the dose measured is within the allowable tolerence (nominal dose +20%/–0%), the procedure is complete. If the dose has increased to above 20%, the II tube conversion factor has decreased significantly since the previous check. Modify the iris aperture as described below. 5.2 Procedure Preliminary: Check the offset and the ABD gain, with the test signal: 1. On the CCD Video board, disconnect the plug at J2. 2. Check the offset between TPI and TP7 on the CCD Video board: 0 "20 mv. If not repeat the offset adjustment (refer to job Card RG 250, para 5.1) 3. On the CCD Video board, set X1 in the B position check the level of the input test signal: Connect a probe of oscilloscope between TP1 and TP2/CCD VIDEO. The level A must be: A = 100 "5 mv If necessary, use R10/CCD VIDEO to adjust. A 4. Check the ABD level between TPI and TP7 on the CCD Video board : 2.1 v "20 mv. If not repeat the gain adjustement using R6/CCD Video board, so as to obtain the required value. 5. Set X1/CCD Video in the A position and reconnect the plug at J2/CCD Video. 6. Connect a multimeter between TP1 and TP7 on the CCD Video Board. 7. Select Manual Mode on the generator. 8. Open Iris 2 to maximum by rotating R11 on the CCD Interface Board fully cw. 9. Without making an exposure, check that the voltage between TP1 and TP7 on the CCD Video Board is 0 V "20 mv. If not repeat the offset adjustment (refer to Job Card RG 250, Para 5.1). 10. Under nominal conditions (75 kV, 2–mm copper), adjust the mA value to obtain nominal Dose 2. 6 . 194 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 256 3 of 5 11. Read the voltage between TP1 and TP7 on the CCD Video Board under these conditions. Three situations may arise: a. Voltage exceeds 4.2 V The value read shows by how much the conversion factor is above the minimum value (2.1 V) to provide nominal illumination for the CCD sensor when the iris is open. The value represents the iris aperture margin. For example, a voltage of 6.3 V indicates that the conversion factor could still decrease by a factor of 3 before the iris must be opened. Adjust Iris 2 followed by Iris 1 (refer to Job Card RG 250). b. Voltage between 2.1 V and 4.2 V Remove the cover of the CCD lens assembly (see illustration 1) Remove the label glued on the printed board IC 301 (PLCC 64 pins) of the Sony module and note the reference written on this circuit. Depending of the CCD module reference (label glued on the copper side), make the following operations: CCD Module Reference IC 301 Reference 2105601 2105603 The imager can work in Dose 2 (High Dose), but not in Dose 1 (Low Dose). Adjust R11 on CCD INTERFACE board to get .1V between TP1 and TP7 on CCD Video board. Turn R12 fully CW on CCD INTERFACE board. Iris 1 (low dose) will be completely opened. II tube exchange can be displayed but must be forecasted. CXD 1261 R Replace the CCD Tandem (Compact Optics). See ASM 2124131–100 DR004 (*) CXD 1261 AR 2105601–2 2105601–3 N.A. The imager can work in Dose 2 (High Dose), but not in Dose 1 (Low Dose). Adjust R11 on CCD INTERFACE board to get 2.1V between TP1 and TP7 on CCD Video board. Turn R12 fully CW on CCD INTERFACE board. Iris 1 (low dose) will be completely opened. II tube exchange can be displayed but must be forecasted. (*) This CCD tandem exchange allows to retrieve a x2 factor on the light sensitivity as the spare parts are equipped with CCD module having a sensibility twice higher. 6 . 195 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 256 4 of 5 c. Voltage less than 2.1 V Remove the cover of the CCD lens assembly (see illustration 1) Remove the label glued on the printed board IC 301 (PLCC 64 pins) of the Sony module and note and record the reference written on this circuit. Depending of the CCD module reference (label glued on the copper side), make the following operations: CCD Module Reference IC 301 Reference 2105603 2105601 2105601–2 2105601–3 Change II tube. See ASM 2124131–100 DR 002 CXD 1261 R N.A. – If the voltage is lower than 1.01V: Chanhe II tube (See ASM 2124131–100 DR002) and the CCD Tandem (Compact Optics – See ASM DR004) CXD 1261 AR – If the voltage is comprised between 1.05V and 2.1V: Change the CCD Tandem (Compact OPtics – See ASM DR004) and forcast the II replacement Status is like w b when the CCD Tandem has been replaced. (*) Change II tube. See ASM 2124131–100 DR 002 (*) This CCD tandem exchange allows to retrieve a x2 factor on the light sensitivity as the spare parts are equipped with CCD module having a sensibility twice higher. 6 . 196 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 256 5 of 5 ILLUSTRATION 1 CCD Tandem Module CCD NOTE: The module CCD reference (label glued copper side). 6 . 197 IC 301 NOTE: IC 301 reference removing the label from the chip. TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 xx. sm 826 921 P615 6 . 198 Blank page 6 . 198 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 xviii– 6–5–7 sm 826 921 P615 6 . 199 MONITOR R/G SHEETS 6 . 199 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 290 1 of 6 Purpose: Version No.: 00 MONITOR ADJUSTMENT IN 100 HZ. Date: June 1996 Time: 30 min. Manpower: 1 ILLUSTRATION 1 TOP VIEW OF MONITOR WITH CARDS LOCATION 1 : B.T. Power supply 2 : Deflection board 3 : A.T. Power supply 4 : Video board 5 : Selection board 6 : Light sensor board ILLUSTRATION 2 PARTIAL REAR VIEW OF MONITOR WITH ADJUSTMENT AND CONNECTED 6 . 200 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 290 2 of 6 SECTION 1 TOOLS REQUIRED Standard tool kit. Oscilloscope – Multimeter. SECTION 2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS POWER REMAINS ON THE MONITOR FOR 2 - 3 SECONDS AFTER SWITHING THE TERMINALS PS OFF . WARNING VERY HIGH VOLTAGES ARE GENERATED IN THE MONITOR ( FOR EXAMPLE, THE FOCUS ELECTRODE IS IN THE REGION OF 8 KV AND THE EHT IN THE REGION OF 23 KV ). Capacitance discharge. Note: The screwdriver handle must be insulated. When disconnecting the EHT cap (final anode) or performing a task requiring the CRT to be handled, the CRT buld capacitance. A safe method to do this follows : D Disconnect the monitor from its power source. D Connect one end of a wire to the shaft of a screwdriver (handle insulated) and connect the other end of the wire to the CRT conductive braiding. D Hold the screwdriver by its insulated handle, then insert the tip under the EHT insulation cal so the tip shorts the final anode to ground. Take care not touch the screwdriver’s metal shaft and not scratch the tube glass. Phisical handling. In addition to the safety precautions due to the presence of high voltage, the following guidelines must also be observed : D Never attempt to remove or straighten the mounting lugs or reposition the outer rimband of the tube. D When it is necessary to remove the CRT from the monitor, never apply leverage to the glass bottle or support handle or carry it by the neck (Wear safety glasses at all times when handling). 6 . 201 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 290 ILLUSTRATION 3 DEFLECTION BOARD IN PLACE FOR THE ADJUSTMENTS 6 . 202 3 of 6 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 290 SECTION 3 PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS Turn the unit off before removing the cover. SECTION 4 PROCEDURE D Remove the plastic cover: two screws on the monitor back side. D Unscrew and remove the metallic top cover (ten screws). D Remove the screw holding the scanning board and put it in place as showed in illustration 3 for the adjustment. D Use a cross–hatch image. D Set the selector placed on the rear part of the monitor to position 100 Hz. (See ill.2) D Set the contrast and brightness controls to middle position. D Darken the light sensor placed on the front part of the monitor. D Switch on the monitor. D Drive the monitor with a 100 Hz signal. 6 . 203 4 of 6 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 290 5 of 6 DEFLECTION BOARD Location of regulations, Connectors and Test points ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÏÏÏÏÎÎ ÏÏÏÏ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÏÏÏÏ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ Description of the regulations L4 : Horizontal linearity R24 : C Vertical linearity 100Hz R36 : Vertical shift R41 : Vertical focus R42 : Vertical frequency 100Hz R43 : Vertical linearity 100Hz R60 : Horizontal frequency R62 : Vertical amplitude 100Hz R64 : Vertical linearity 120Hz R72 : Brightness R73 : Horizontal focus R76 : Master focus R81 : Horizontal phase R82 : Vertical amplitude 120Hz R156 : Horizontal blank R163 : C Vertical linearity 120Hz R167 : Vertical frequency 120Hz 6 . 204 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 290 6 of 6 3.1 Vertical Frequency Adjustment. Connect a scope to TP9 and adjust trimmer R42 to obtain a sawtooth of 4V amplitude. 3.2 Horizontal Frequency Adjustment. Connect a multimeter betwen TP19 and TP20 of the integrated circuit U2 on the deflection board and adjust R60 to measure 0mV +/-5 mV. 3.3 Vertical Size Adjustment 100 Hz. Adjust trimmer R62 so that the vertical size measures 270 mm +/–1.5 mm. 3.4 Horizontal Size Adjustment. Adjust R59 on the Power Supply Board so that the horizontal size measures 337 mm +/–1.5 mm. 3.5 Vertical Linearity Adjustment (100Hz). Adjust R43 so that the height of the top half of the image equals the height of the bottom half of the image ( +/– 1.5 mm ). Adjust R24 so that the size of the rectangles in the center equals the size of the rectangles in the top and bottom parts of the image. If necessary set the vertical size to 270 mm with trimmer R62. Correct the vertical linearity by adjusting trimmer R42. Repeat the procedure for vertical linearity adjustment. 3.6 HORIZONTAL LINEARITY With a non–magnetic tool adjust L4 so that the width of the right half of the image equals the width of the left half of the image ( +/– 2 mm); if necessary set the horizontal size to 337 mm with R59 on the B.T. power supply board. 3.7 VERTICAL CENTERING Adjust R36 so that the image is centered vertically inside the monitor bezel. 3.8 HORIZONTAL CENTERING Adjust R81 so that the image is centered horizontally inside the monitor bezel. 6 . 205 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 291 1 of 6 Purpose: Version No.: 00 MONITOR ADJUSTMENT IN 120 HZ. Date: June 1996 Time: 30 min. Manpower: 1 ILLUSTRATION 1 TOP VIEW OF MONITOR WITH CARDS LOCATION Position and cards description 1 : B.T. Power supply 2 : Deflection board 3 : A.T. Power supply 4 : Video board 5 : Selection board 6 : Light sensor board ILLUSTRATION 2 PARTIAL REAR VIEW OF MONITOR WITH ADJUSTMENT AND CONNECTED 6 . 206 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 291 2 of 6 SECTION 1 TOOLS REQUIRED Standard tool kit. Oscilloscope – Multimeter. SECTION 2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS POWER REMAINS ON THE MONITOR FOR 2 - 3 SECONDS AFTER SWITHING THE TERMINALS PS OFF . WARNING VERY HIGH VOLTAGES ARE GENERATED IN THE MONITOR ( FOR EXAMPLE, THE FOCUS ELECTRODE IS IN THE REGION OF 8 KV AND THE EHT IN THE REGION OF 23 KV ). Capacitance discharge. Note: The screwdriver handle must be insulated. When disconnecting the EHT cap (final anode) or performing a task requiring the CRT to be handled, the CRT buld capacitance. A safe method to do this follows : D Disconnect the monitor from its power source. D Connect one end of a wire to the shaft of a screwdriver (handle insulated) and connect the other end of the wire to the CRT conductive braiding. D Hold the screwdriver by its insulated handle, then insert the tip under the EHT insulation cal so the tip shorts the final anode to ground. Take care not touch the screwdriver’s metal shaft and not scratch the tube glass. Phisical handling. In addition to the safety precautions due to the presence of high voltage, the following guidelines must also be observed : D Never attempt to remove or straighten the mounting lugs or reposition the outer rimband of the tube. D When it is necessary to remove the CRT from the monitor, never apply leverage to the glass bottle or support handle or carry it by the neck (Wear safety glasses at all times when handling). 6 . 207 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 291 ILLUSTRATION 3 DEFLECTION BOARD IN PLACE FOR THE ADJUSTMENTS 6 . 208 3 of 6 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 291 SECTION 3 PROCEDURE D Remove the plastic cover: two screws on the monitor back side. D Unscrew and remove the metallic top cover (ten screws). D Remove the screw holding the scanning board and put it in place as showed in illustration 2 for the adjustment. D Use a cross–hatch image. D Set the selector placed on the rear part of the monitor to position 120 Hz. (See ill.3) D Set the contrast and brightness controls to middle position. D Darken the light sensor placed on the front part of the monitor. D Switch on the monitor. D Drive the monitor with a 120 Hz signal. 6 . 209 4 of 6 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 291 5 of 6 DEFLECTION BOARD Location of regulations, Connectors and Test points ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÏÏÏÏÎÎ ÏÏÏÏ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÏÏÏÏ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ Description of the regulations L4 : Horizontal linearity R24 : C Vertical linearity 100Hz R36 : Vertical shift R41 : Vertical focus R42 : Vertical frequency 100Hz R43 : Vertical linearity 100Hz R60 : Horizontal frequency R62 : Vertical amplitude 100Hz R64 : Vertical linearity 120Hz R72 : Brightness R73 : Horizontal focus R76 : Master focus R81 : Horizontal phase R82 : Vertical amplitude 120Hz R156 : Horizontal blank R163 : C Vertical linearity 120Hz R167 : Vertical frequency 120Hz 6 . 210 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 291 6 of 6 3.1 Vertical Frequency Adjustment. Connect a scope to TP9 and adjust R167 to obtain a sawtooth of 4V amplitude. 3.2 Vertical Size Adjustment. Adjust trimmer R82 so that the vertical size measures 270 mm +/–1.5 mm. 3.3 Vertical Linearity Adjustment (120 Hz). Adjust R64 so that the height of the top half of the image equals the height of the bottom half of the image ( +/– 1.5 mm ). If necessary, use R82 to adjust the vertical size to 270 mm. Correct the vertical linearity by adjusting trimmer R167. Repeat the procedure for vertical linearity adjustment. 6 . 211 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A Job Card RG 292 1 of 4 Purpose: Version No.: 00 MONITOR BRIGHTNESS AND BLANKINK ADJUSTMENT. Date: June 1996 Time: 30 min. Manpower: 1 TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW Position and cards description 1 : B.T. Power supply 2 : Deflection board 3 : A.T. Power supply 4 : Video board 5 : Selection board 6 : Light sensor board DEFLECTION BOARD Location of regulations, Connectors and Test points ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ Î ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÏÏÏÏÎÎ ÏÏÏÏ ÎÎ Î ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ 6 . 212 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 292 2 of 4 SECTION 1 TOOLS REQUIRED Standard tool kit. Oscilloscope – Multimeter. SECTION 2 PRELIMINARY PRECAUTIONS None. SECTION 3 PROCEDURE 3.1 BLANKING Use a cross–hatch image and make sure that the light sensor is not active. Connect a probe to TP109 of the video board and adjust R54 to obtain a square wave with an ON time of about 30 s. Adjust R156 on the Deflection Board to obtain the correct blanking on the left side of the monitor. Use R54 to adjust blanking on the right side if necessary. VIDEO BOARD ÎÎ ÎÎ R19 : Clamp R29 : Cont. R54 : Horizontal blank ÎÎÎ 6 . 213 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 292 3 of 4 DEFLECTION BOARD Location of regulations, Connectors and Test points ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏ Î Î ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ VIDEO BOARD R19 : Clamp R29 : Cont. R54 : Horizontal blank ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎÎ ÎÎÎ 6 . 214 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Job Card RG 292 4 of 4 3.2 BRIGHTNESS AND CONTRAST The BRIGHTNESS and CONTRAST controls are located under a door, on the back of the Monitor. The controls have been preset when the monitor was installed and should not need to be changed : a light sensor located on the front of the monitor adjusts the brightness and contrast of the image automatically, according to the ambient light. Use a white image with an input level of 250 mV of video signal. Connect a probe to TP107 of the video board and adjust R19 so that the clamp pulse is 50 mV as the black level of the video signal. Connect a probe to TP102 and use R19 to adjust the signal variation to 30 V. Verify that, when adjusting contrast, the black level does not change, otherwise use R19. Eliminate the white image and leave only the black level. Adjust R72 on the deflection board to obtain 9Cd/sqm in darkroom conditions with maximum external adjustments. 3.3 FOCUS Display an alphanumeric image with a video signal of 0.7 V and adjust the black part of the image to 0.3 Cd with the external brightness adjustment; use the contrast control to adjust the white part of the image to about 120 Cd/sqm. Use R76 to adjust the focus in the center of the image, R41 to adjust the vertical focus and R73 to adjust the horizontal focus. Use these three adjustment controls to obtain the best possible focus. 6 . 215 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 xxii. sm 826 921 P615 6 . 216 Blank page 6 . 216 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 xxiii. 6–6 6 . 217 LIST OF USED MEASURING EQUIPMENT. NOTE : 6–6–1 The hereunder given list is only for information. Measurement devices with equivalent caracteristics can be used. RADIATION MEASUREMENTS Manufacturer: Type: Ionization chamber: 6–6–2 Capintec Model 192 Dosimeter PM 30 Perform calibration before each measurement, by using the standard provided with the instrument. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS Type: milliamperemeter Mfr: Glossen Mod: PQM3 Scale: 10 mA Precision: 1.5% Annual calibration in comparison with a DVM. Type: Digital voltmeter Mfr: Norma Mod: D1216 Scale: 1 kV and 20 V Precision: 0.2% + 1 digit Annual calibration in comparison with a DVM. Oscilloscope Mfr: Tektronix Mod: 564 Precision: 3% Chronometer Mfr: Huer Scale: 30 min. Precision: 0.2 s mAs meter Mfr: Fluke Mod: 8000A Scale: 2 – 20 – 200 mAs Precision: 1% Annual calibration by the supplier. Multimeter Mfr: AVO Mod: 9 MK11 Scale: 1 mA and 10 mA Precision: 1% Annual calibration in comparison with a DVM. 6 . 217 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 6 . 218 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 CHAPTER 7 – SCHEMATICS TABLE OF CONTENTS 7–1 IDENTIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–3 7–2 SCHOTTKY DIODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–3 7–3 LIST OF SYMBOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–3 7–3–1 DESIGNATION OF THE COMPONENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–3 7–4 LIST OF THE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE SCHEMATICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–4 7–5 USING THE SCHEMATICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–8 7.i TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 7 . ii TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 7 SCHEMATICS 7. 7.1 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Module 8 Module 2 Module 7 Module 3 Module 6 Module 4 Module 5 Module 1 Module 9 9TR1 7.2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 7–1 sm 826 921 P615 IDENTIFICATION – The electronic circuits in the mobile intraoperative radiology system are grouped together in the modules identified as follows: . module 1 : block (item 1), . module 2 : control console (item 2), . module 3 : card rack assembly (item 3), . module 4 : inverter (item 4), . module 5 : power supply (item 5), . module 6 : X–ray head (item 6), . module 7 : X–ray head, collimator (item 7), . module 8 : image intensifier and TV camera (item 8), . module 9 : interface installed on the rear side of the monitor cart (item 9). Examples: – the ”kV/ma reference” board in module 3, position 9, is marked 3A9, – the HV divider board in module 6 is marked 6A1. – the supply transformer in module 5 is marked 5TR1. 7–2 SCHOTTKY DIODES Schottky diodes (1N6263), commonly used in the mobile system electronic circuits, are in fact used as ordinary diodes. 7–3 LIST OF SYMBOLS 7–3–1 DESIGNATION OF THE COMPONENTS Examples : . 3A1 :– 3 is module number (give a location information), – A means PCB (PL for plug, a and b for PCB connector). – 1 is order number. . 3A1 R58 : – number 58 resistor which is on 3A1 PCB. . 4R29 : – number 29 resistor which is in module 4 (not on a PCB). BP = Pushbutton C = Capacitor D = CR = Diode, thyristor or rectifier bridge DS = Light E = Test point F = Fuse G = Logic circuit K = Relay L = Coil M = Motor A = OP = Operational amplifier, FET switch voltage regulator Q = Transistor R = Resistor S = SW = Switch B = TB = Terminal board T = TR = Transformer W = Jumper PL = Plug 7.3 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 7–4 sm 826 921 P615 LIST OF THE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE SCHEMATICS ABBREVIATIONS PWB NAME COMMENTS LOCALISATION AUTO 3A7–51A Automatic FLUORO mode selection BP01 3A13–112B Upper blades of collimator : opening control BP02 3A13–112B Lower blades of collimator : opening control BPF1 3A13–112B Upper blades of collimator : closing control BPF2 3A13–112C Lower blades of collimator : closing control BPmA(s) Up 3A17–66C mA or mAs selection : increase control BPmA(s) Down 3A7–66C mA or mAs selection : diminution control BP OFF 3A3–116D Unit switching OFF Push–button BPCL 2A1–102B 2A3–102C Request of X–Ray emission – Fluoro and RAD BUS kV/20 3A7–60C 8 bits coded information of kV/20 value CAG ON/OFF 3A3–119A Gain automatic control switching CAPA PREPO 3A19–35C Prepositioning of converter capacitors (C3/C4 discharge control) Consigne mAs 3A7–78E Analog signal of mAs reference for RAD exposure (mAs integration). Consigne mA SC 3A9–78B Analog signal of mA reference for the regulation of Fluoro filament heating. Consigne kV/20 3A9–97A Analog signal of kV reference for kV regulation CLIGN 3A12–106A Square wave signal for display lights and intermittent operation of the buzzer. CLOCK 3A19–31E Pulse generated by the control oscillator of the mains thyristors DEM X 3A12–28D Signal of kV regulation obtained by comparison of composite kV (actual kV and kV/20 reference) DETECTION I 3A19–36B Detection of the presence of current through main thyristors. ER 3A7–66B ELECTRONIC RADIOGRAPHY mode selection FC01 3A9–76C Minimum value of mA : 0,1 mA FC0 3A9–76C Minimum value of mAs (RAD mode) : 0,16 mAs FCGR 3A9–76C Maximum value of mAs (RAD mode) : 160 mAs FCGR1 3A3–114B Upper collimator blades limit switch : RAD size FCGR2 3A3–114B Lower collimator blades limit switch : RAD size FCSC1 3A3–114B Upper collimator blades limit switch : FLUORO size 7.4 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 FCSC2 3A3–114C Lower collimator blades limit switch : FLUORO size FC40 3A9–91A Minimum kV value (40 kV) FC110 3A9–91A Maximum kV value FL 3A7–66C FLUORO mode selection Fmax 3A19–31D Maximum frequence operation of the converter. Not used FS 31B X–Ray request from foot switch GR 3A7–66B RAD mode selection HLC 2A1–71A High definition fluoro selectionHLC does not refer to ”Hi level control” operation above 5 or 10 R/min. In both Hi definition and low dose operation, the entrance exposure rate remains below 10R/min. Hold kV 3A1–201E Latching of the kV regulation loop after T1 delay (delay of automatism kV stabilization) INT 4 CLQ 3A12–28B Exposure interruption after 4 VHV leakages kV C0 3A7–57C Counter locking when kV bus is at ”0” kV 85% 3A12–28C Signal generated when kV reach 85% of selected kV value. kV 120 3A12–28C Safety : stops the converter if kV value is 120 kV kV/20 Auto 3A5–45D kV reference in automatic Fluoro mode kV composite 3A12–23D Actual kV value (VA + VC) Mesure mA Sc 3A12–20C FLUORO mA measure (1 mA = 1V) Mesure mA GR 3A12–20C RAD mA measure (10 mA = 1V) OX 3A19–31A Control the X–RAY emission bistable (through 3A1 PWB when a memory is used) OX.HLC 3A3–119F Hold of HLC selection during pulsed Fluoro mode operation. PRE 3A19–35A Control of mA reference in RAD mode (delayed signal) PRI 3A19–40B Signal present when current is detected in one of main thyristors. PRX 3A12–24A Signal present when X–Ray are emitted PRX.CP 3A12–106B Synchronous signal (50 Hz) with X–Ray emission RAD 3A19–40A RAD mode selection signal RP 3A26–81A Reduced power signal in RAD mode when unit is used with the 100, 108 or 120V mains RX req. 3A12–28C Not used Sa Th2 MOD 6–16E X–Ray head temperature detection (68[C)Switch ON thermal overload display SC 3A17–63A Signal (SC or SC) generated by the RAD or RAD selection. SEC BELLOW (6Sa1) MOD 6 – 16E Safety of X–Ray head temperature Bellow compensation switch : inhibition of exposure 7.5 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 SEXP 3A19–35B Control signal of main thyristors oscillator SP 3A7–66B PULSED FLUORO mode selection STOP mAs 3A26–85D RAD exposure end signal (elapsed mAs = selected mAs) SX 3A19–33A X–Ray emission safety (BPCL + PWB presence) SYX SC 3A19–35A Control signal of heating in FLUORO Release Fluoro mA reference SYX GR 3A19–35B Control signal in RAD mode : not used TROU CLQ 3A12–28A Momentary stop of the control oscillator of the main thyristor when a VHV leakage occurs Va 6A1–20C Actual anodic volts value Vc 6A1–20C Actual cathodic volts value Z(ZOOM) 3A3–111E ZOOM selection with II 22 cm (2 fields) 0 logic from 0,16 to 5 mAs mAs 3A9–78C mas integrator selection : low or High mAs integrator 4’26” 3A12–103B Warning signal of 4’26” X–Ray emission time 4’57” 3A12–106B Stop signal of X–Ray emission after 4’ 57” of Fluoro sequence 12V CI 15F–18F Detection of the PWB presence Permit the operation of main thyristors 7.6 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 INTERFACE DSM 3A1 828988 G 035 ACP 201C Anode Cooling Pause : generate a delay between exposures in ER mode selection if SW602.B is in ON position HYST 45C not used MCH 202B Mode change : signal generated during the switching of an operating mode to an other ON REST + MCH 203B Reset of the monostable when the unit is switching ON or during an operating mode switching OX* 204C RX emission order generated through the adaptation operating logic network OX* R1 204D Signal delayed according to the rising edge of the OX* signal but synchronous with the falling edge of OX* OX* R2 204D Signal synchronous with the rising edge of the OX* signal but delayed according to the falling edge of OX* RAZ ROTATION 206D Rotation to the start position of the monitor rotation coils when mode A/B is selected in the memory SN 203F NORMAL FLUORO MODE selection generated by default of other mode selections STOP DSM 208D Signal generated by X PERM from the memory T 114F Signal generated during the field change with a 22 cm (9”) imager T1 to T5 Control delays of RX emission sequence in the different operating mode T6 202A Control of RX pulses emission in PULSED FLUORO mode. X PERM 207E Signal from memo unit : availability of the memory or end of the image processing 7.7 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 7–5 sm 826 921 P615 USING THE SCHEMATICS – The schematics are in flow chart form. – As much as possible, the relation between control and action has been respected. – Each signal is indexed and adressed in the schematics. Example : SEXP signal The SEXP signal is generated on PCB 3A19 commande SCR2 – output a18 – schematic reference 35B. The signal is used onPCB 3A12 3A5 – input b8 3A3 – input a17 – input a14 The index of the signal is marked in front of the use terminal 3A12.a14 – 21B In front of 3A12.a14 terminal, SEXP signal has the index of the terminal where the signal is generated : 3A19.a18–35B – The wiring between terminal is respected and so permits an easier localization of interconnection default. 7.8 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 SCHEMATICS SEE AT THE END OF THIS MANUAL 7.9 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 7 . 10 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 CHAPTER 9 – SPARE PARTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 9–1 STENOSCOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1 CASSETTE HOLDER (OPTION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3 STENOSCOP BASE ASM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5 WIRED FRAME ASM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.7 6000 / 9000 KIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.9 MECHANICAL FRAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 11 FRAME + C ARM ADAPTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 17 MOUNTED FRAME ASM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTROL CONSOLE SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOBILE COLUMN ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HORIZONTAL ARM ASM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 19 9 . 23 9 . 25 9 . 27 CONTROL CONSOLE ASM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTROL PANEL MODULE 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 29 9 . 31 1A1 : ”C ARM” MOTOR PWB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 33 PRINTED WIRED BOARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 35 CARD RACK MODULE #3–2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 37 L.V. POWER SUPPLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 39 INVERTER – MODULE #4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 41 POWER MODULE #5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 43 6” CCD IMAGER KIT+ COLLIMATOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 45 ”C ARM” SUPPORT ASM. ( 6” ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6” COLLIMATOR ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 47 9 . 47 9” CCD IMAGER KIT + COLLIMATOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 49 ”C ARM” SUPPORT. ( 9” ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9” COLLIMATOR ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 51 9 . 51 MONITOR CART ASSEMBLY / Basic version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 53 MONITOR CART WIRING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 57 STENO 2 INTERFACE MODULE 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 59 X – RAY HAND SWITCH KIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 61 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 CCD–MDA COVERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 62 MONITOR CART COVERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 63 DR4 or MD10 CABLES INTERCONNECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 64 MDA CABLES INTERCONNECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 65 M Serie” PLUGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 66 PLUG 62 POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 67 O.E.M. REFERENCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 68 9.i TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) 9–2 LASER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 70 EXTERNAL LASER AIMING SPARE PARTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 70 INTEGRATED LASER AIMING SPARE PARTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 71 9–3 DOSE AREA PRODUCT METER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 72 DOSE AREA PRODUCT METER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 72 9–4 IMAGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 74 IMAGEUR 16/22 FOR STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 CCD–MDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 75 IMAGEUR 16 CCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 77 IMAGEUR 22 CCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 79 BOARD CAGE, CCD STENO, EQUIPPED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 81 EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE KIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 83 9–5 MEMORIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 86 MDA MEMORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 87 DR4 MEMORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 88 MD10 MEMORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 89 9–6 MONITORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 90 9–7 KITS (MONITOR CART) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 92 MDA MEMORY KIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 92 VCR SONY KIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 93 FILM REPRO KIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 94 PAPER REPRO KIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 95 CCM 620 VISIPLEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 96 VISIPLEX SPARE LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 97 9 . ii TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 8.8 9. 9 SPARE PARTS 9–1 STENOSCOP 9.1 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 BASE 6000/9000 KIT 6000/9000 CCD CHASSIS SERIES 6000 KIT IMAGER 16 cm (6”) COLLIMATOR 16 cm (6”) IMAGER 16 cm (6”) 50 Hz SERIES 9000 KIT IMAGER 22 cm (9”) COLLIMATOR 22 cm (9”) IMAGER 22 cm (9”) 50 Hz IMAGER 16 cm (6”) 60 Hz IMAGER 22 cm (9”) 60 Hz See chapter 2 § 2–1 BASIC CONFIGURATION – OPTIONS CASSETTE HOLDER : 24x30 or 9.5”x9.5” or 10”x12” MONITORS CART OPTIONS FFD MONITORS Rot. 00 with DR4 or MD10 No rot. with MDA SDR4 SMD10 SMD10 with option key board SMDA 200 images storage options : S2000 images S4 FPS S5000 images + 8 FPS SSoft Measure SSoft Vascular 1 SSoft Vascular 2 CCM620 Multiformat Camera 60 Hz / 525 L or 50 Hz / 625 L 1 , 2 or 4 + 1 format MEMORIES FILM REPRO KIT PRINTER SONY UP910 CEI / 220V or UL / 110V PRINTER SONY UP890 CEI / 220V or PRINTER SONY UP880 UL / 110V VCR S–VHS SONY 50Hz–625L–220V–CEI–RS232 or 60Hz–525L–110V–UL–RS232 9.2 HARD COPY KIT VCR KIT TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : CASSETTE HOLDER ( OPTION ) 1 3 to 8 2 Component number See also page F R U Code number Description 001 828 968 P015 Retaining rubber shoe 2 002 823 993 P015 Spring blade 2 003 830 534 G015 24 x 30 Cassette holder – D6 2 004 830 535 G015 9.5” x 9.5” Cassette holder – D6 2 005 830 539 G015 10” x 12” Cassette holder – D6 2 006 830 536 G015 24 x 30 Cassette holder – D9 2 007 830 537 G015 9.5” x 9.5” Cassette holder – D9 2 008 830 540 G015 10” x 12” Cassette holder – D9 2 Valid from serial : 9.3 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 6 Transportation lock bar (rod) 9.4 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : STENOSCOP BASE ASM 828 490 G045 Range : 0 Component number Code number Description 002 828 703 G015 WIRED FRAME ASM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 7 004 828 705 G025 COVERS KIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 62 006 823 697 P015 TRANSPORT LOCKING ROD 013 818 770 P243 FACTORY NAME LABEL 014 818 770 P253 WARNING EXPLOSION LABEL 015 829 540 P015 GUIDING POSITION LABEL 021 828 554 P095 FR / ENG. CLASSIFICATION LABEL 022 828 554 P135 FR / ENG. UNIT TRAVEL LABEL 030 829 431 P015 FUSES LABEL 032 828 554 P115 FR / ENG. MAINS LABEL 033 828 554 P125 ”I /O” LABEL 034 818 770 P213 WARNING EXPLOSION LABEL 042 854 030 P115 EQUIPOTENTIAL WIRE ( L= 5 m ) 045 828 794 P015 ” C ARM ”ROTATION STOPS LABEL 047 828 795 P015 CAUTION ( VOLTS ) LABEL 048 853 575 P035 FERRITE 40 X 34 054 830 904 P025 WARNING LABEL 059 818 779 P683 CE LABEL See also page F R U 1 Valid from serial : 9.5 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 828 794 P015 42 32 31 818 770 P213 A 41 33 52 29 22 30 3 A 19 9 B 18 B 21 9.6 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : WIRED FRAME ASM 828 703 G015 Range : 1 Component number Code number See also page Description 002 003 004 005 012 006 011 828 702 G015 828 520 G515 851 212 P495 851 390 P125 851 380 P125 FRAME+C–ARM ADAPTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 17 X–RAY HEAD ASSEMBLY HSHC SCREW M 6X30 AC LOCK WASHER M6 WASHER M6 AC 007 008 009 010 851 258 P345 828 957 P014 828 730 G025 851 212 P475 MSCPS SCREW M 6X12 AC ( DIN 913 ) PANEL 2 ST2 LABEL CONTROL PANEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 31 HSHC SCREW M 6X20 AC 018 019 021 022 023 824 307 G125 824 305 G125 854 038 P095 825 374 G035 853 052 P225 FLAT CABLE 50 PINS FLAT CABLE 34 PINS FEMALE–FEMALE BNC PLUG STENOSCOP 2 FLUORO FOOTSWITCH CABLE CLAMP 024 025 028 029 030 853 063 P625 824 241 P024 850 703 P185 828 964 P013 828 966 P015 NUT PG 9 POLYAMIDE TERMINAL PROTECTION FLEXIBLE 4610026 PROTECTION COLUMN HIGHT SCALE LOCKING INDICATOR 031 032 033 035 036 828 966 P025 828 966 P035 828 966 P045 828 965 P013 820 357 P015 WIG–WAG MVT. INDICATOR C–ARM ROTATION INDICATOR FRONT–REAR MVT. INDICATOR C–ARM ANGULATION SCALE BRAKE INDICATOR 037 041 042 043 045 853 152 P025 829 380 P024 829 380 P034 853 062 P675 829 381 P015 ”RED POINT” STICKER C–ARM HORIZONTAL MVT. INDICATOR C–ARM HORIZONTAL MVT. INDICATOR REUSABLE SELF–LOCKING COLLAR HORIZONTAL C–ARM MVT. POINTER (GRAY) 046 048 049 050 829 381 P025 851 230 P655 851 390 P105 818 770 P413 HORIZONTAL C–ARM MVT. POINTER (RED) SELF TAPPING SCREW M 4X15 AC LOCK WASHER M 4 ”ELECTRICAL HAZARD” LABEL 051 052 055 818 770 P523 860 207 P015 851 201 P865 ”WARNING” LABEL MECHANICAL STOP JENATZY 719.11 SELF BLOCKING SCREW HH M 6X20 xxiii. 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 9.7 Valid from serial : 9.7 F R U AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 51 MODULE 3 3 60 58 6 80 101 72 99 77 ( 3 versions ) A A 41 9.8 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : 6000 / 9000 KIT 830 045 G055 Range : 0 Component number Code number See also page Description 03 006 018 see page 9 . 35 see page 9 . 35 827 908 G065 INTERFACE DSM PWB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 35 kV / mA 2 REFERENCE PWB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 35 MONITOR CART ASM / Basic version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 53 033 041 046 049 050 831 003 GO15 832 548 P013 831 235 P014 830 942 P023 830 942 P033 ANTI GRADIENT ASSEMBLY BRAKE SHOE LOGO STENO CONSOLE OVERLAY FR (option) CONSOLE OVERLAY D (option) 051 052 053 058 830 942 P043 830 942 P053 830 942 P063 CONSOLE OVERLAY GB CONSOLE OVERLAY SP (option) CONSOLE OVERLAY IT (option) CCD TIMER PWB 3A5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 35 see page 9 . 35 F R U 1 2 2 2 2 2 060 061 062 063 067 see page 9 . 35 068 069 072 073 see page 9 . 62 830 998 G025 832 226 P023 832 227 P014 PANEL COVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 62 COVERS 6000/9000 CCD MDA KIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 62 DRIVING HANDEL LEFT HANDEL FITTING 074 075 832 283 P014 832 284 P015 RIGHT HANDEL FITTING HANDEL PLATE FITTING 077 078 080 081 082 832 405 P023 851 256 P235 828 626 P033 851 222 P295 851 212 P535 BACK WHEELS TEERING HANDEL MSCPS SCREW M8x8 AC HANDEL CSH SCREW M10x30 AC HSHC SCREW M6x50 AC 083 084 085 086 098 851 212 P475 851 390 P125 832 333 P015 851 539 P445 829 585 P015 HSHC SCREW M6x20 AC LOCK WASHER M6 STEERING HANDEL SPACER STOPGAP Ø 15/20 COLLIMATOR COVER RING WITH THREAD 2 099 827 082 P015 2 185 090 2 185 091 SPACER WITHOUT LASER AND DAP SPACER FOR DAP AND INTEGRATED LASER (SHORT) SPACER WITH INTEGRATED LASER WITHOUT DAP (LONG) 1 1 1 101 102 103 104 107 828 750 G035 832 414 G015 832 478 G015 828 955 G615 832 137 P021 CCD CONSOLE ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COLUMN COVER ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COUNTERWEIGHT KIT MONITOR CART CABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MONITOR CART REAR COVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831 037 P025 826 921 P615 826 931 P735 828 701 G025 CCD COLLIMATOR 2 PWB 3A3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 35 LABEL STENO 2 6000/9000 CCD. – MDA SERVICE MANUAL GB STENO OPERATOR MANUAL GB FRAME ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 19 Valid from serial : 9.9 1 1 1 AVT : 9 . 29 9 . 62 1 2 9 . 62 9 . 63 1 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 37 32 – 33 2 39 – 40 38 32 – 33 39 – 40 29 – 30 32 – 33 26 25 20 24 20 23 21 75 –76 71 9 . 10 71 70 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : MECHANICAL FRAME 828 710 G035 Range : 2 Component number Code number F R U Description 002 004 005 023 006 024 007 828 719 G045 832 182 G025 851 784 P275 851 835 P205 832 193 P015 WELDED FRAME REAR WHEEL FORK BEARING 2B 47/20x20.6 RETAINING RING 47 MM LINKING FRAME SHAFT 008 027 009 010 011 012 052 93 013 102 851 830 P165 832 194 P015 800 555 P144 851 835 P075 851 390 P105 851 213 P065 RETAINING RING 20 MM PUSHING ROD SPRING 15x22 RETAINING RING 19 MM LOCK WASHER FOR Ø 4 SCREW HSHC SCREW M8 x 16 014 017 018 019 020 021 851 389 P135 861 376 P014 832 336 P015 832 204 P015 851 830 P105 832 566 G515 WASHER Ø 8 DIN 6798 WHEEL NERVIANI Ø 125 x 30 BUSHING WHEEL SHAFT RETAINING RING 12 MM BACK PUSH CABLES 022 025 026 073 081 029 832 508 P015 832 017 P015 832 554 G015 851 256 P045 861 368 P015 CAPLUG REAR SPROCKET REAR SPROCKET SHAFT ASSEMBLY MSCPS SCREW M 6X10 AC RETURN SPROCKET 15 TEETH 030 032 033 037 038 851 830 P085 832 243 P025 851 212 P265 832 337 P015 832 337 P025 RETAINING RING 10 MM CHAIN GUIDE COUNTERSUNK SCREW M5 x 16 AC CHAIN 3 / 8 ” 69 LINKS CHAIN 3 / 8 ” 195 LINKS 039 040 041 042 045 832 338 P015 832 314 G015 860 825 P015 851 350 P555 831 081 G045 COUPLING LINK 3/8“ CHAIN TIGHTENER ASM SPRING STOP A303–12 NLM M12 LOCK NUT RIGHT SHAFT ASM 046 047 048 049 050 831 081 G035 831 015 P015 861 379 P015 851 212 P045 832 497 P015 LEFT SHAFT ASM BUSHING BRAKE CAM MSCPS SCREW M 4X10 AC WHEEL SHAFT BEARING 051 052 93 053 94 054 055 056 851 212 P065 851 390 P105 851 380 P105 851 390 P125 851 383 P315 851 212 P445 HSHC SCREW M4 x 16 LOCK WASHER FOR Ø 4 SCREW WASHER FOR M4 SCREW LOCK WASHER FOR Ø 6 SCREW WASHER Ø 6.4 / 18 HSHC SCREW M6 x 10 AC 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 Valid from serial : 9 . 11 AVT 8102: TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 55–56 47 47 45 46 57–58–59 57–58–59 60 61 83–84 50–51–52–53 81–82 80 79 62–63–64 83–84 49 48 9–10 11 7 6 5 41– 42 8 91–92–93–94 4 19 20 18 17 102–103 97 100–101 Front push cables ASM 832 565 G015 9 . 12 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : MECHANICAL FRAME 828 710 G035 Range : 2 Component number Code number F R U Description 057 058 063 068 831 014 P015 851 352 P245 SHAFT M8 SAFETY NUT 059 064 069 076 060 851 380 P135 831 083 G025 WASHER FOR M8 SCREW WELDED PUSHING ROD 061 062 067 070 071 831 009 P044 831 016 P025 831 006 G015 832 351 G025 831 015 P015 PUSHING ROD BRACKET FOOT BRAKE WELDED PUSHING ROD FOOT BRAKE PEDAL BUSHING 072 080 074 082 075 101 079 083 851 650 P475 851 256 P025 851 352 P035 831 011 P014 831 012 P015 PARALLEL KEY 4X4X18 MSCPS SCREW M6X6 AC M8 SAFETY NUT SHAFT COVER 084 087 088 091 092 851 221 P045 851 201 P515 851 350 P535 861 369 P014 851 212 P045 COUNTERSUNK SCREW M4 x 10 AC HH SCREW M8X40 AC M8 LOCK NUT REAR WHEEL BRAKE HSHC SCREW M4 x 10 097 100 103 109 110 832 563 G015 851 201 P575 851 390 P135 811 512 P084 851 380 P155 FREE WHEEL HH SCREW M8X75 AC LOCK WASHER M8 SHAFT WASHER M12 111 113 114 115 116 851 830 P105 828 612 P014 828 614 P015 851 726 P055 851 201 P265 RETAINING RING FOR 12MM SHAFT DRIVING SHAFT ROLLER SHAFT BEARING RAT 17 HH SCREW M6X16 AC 117 125 142 118 143 119 120 121 851 390 P125 851 380 P125 851 350 P125 824 002 P015 851 650 P255 LOCK WASHER M6 WASHER M6 SCREW M6 AC PULLEY 14 TEETH PARALLEL KEY 3X3X14 122 135 123 124 126 127 851 255 P235 861 381 P013 851 201 P245 829 564 P015 851 367 P075 MSCPS SCREW M4X6 AC GEARMOTOR DOGA Ø 60 HH SCREW M6X10 AC MOTOR FIXING PLATE CAPTIVE NUT C–4844C 128 851 212 P065 HSHC SCREW M4X16 AC xxiv. 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 . 13 Valid from serial : 9 . 13 AVT 8102 : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 115–116–117 133 113 134 135 136 114 114 115–116–117 110 111 115–116–117 125 1411 421 431 441 45 120 121 122 132 ÎÎ ÏÏ Ï Î ÏÏ ÎÎ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÎÎÎÎÎ ÏÏ ÏÏ 131 127–128–129–130 123–124–125 87–88 127–128–129–130 68–69 67 72–73–74 9 . 14 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : MECHANICAL FRAME 818 710 G035 Range : 2 Component number F R U Code number Description 130 131 132 133 134 851 383 P295 832 020 P013 832 437 P015 824 002 P025 851 655 P045 WASHER 4,3X12X1 MOTOR SUPPORT DOGA MOTOR BUSHING PULLEY 16 TEETH DISK KEY 3X3,7 136 140 141 144 145 851 677 P085 853 152 P075 854 030 P125 851 355 P125 829 378 G015 TIMING BELT 450H050 GROUND LABEL EQUIPOTENTIAL WIRING PLUG SCREW M6 LT GROUNDING WIRE 1 Valid from serial : 9 . 15 1 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 4 16,22 11 5 3 9 . 16 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : FRAME + C ARM ADAPTATION 828702 G015 Range : 2 Component number F R U Code number Description 003 004 005 006 828 720 G055 828 720 G065 851 444 P025 851 213 P065 BEARING SUPPORT BEARING SUPPORT SPRING PIN 5X12 AC HSHC SCREW M8X16 AC 007 008 009 033 011 014 851 213 P085 851 380 P135 851 390 P135 828 953 G585 825 369 G035 HSHC SCREW M8X25 AC WASHER M8 LOCK WASHER M8 X–RAY HEAD CONTROL CABLE DIVIDER CABLE UL 016 018 019 020 021 828 439 G025 851 212 P475 851 390 P125 851 212 P055 851 390 P105 C–ARM CABLE CLAMP KIT HSHC SCREW M6X20 AC LOCK WASHER M6 HSHC SCREW M4X12 AC LOCK WASHER M4 1 022 023 026 028 030 828 453 P013 829 872 P013 829 367 G015 854 006 P245 829 578 P015 C–ARM JOINT COLLIMATOR COVER JOINT C–ARM GROUND WIRE CONNECTOR ASM SHAFT 1 1 034 038 039 851 213 P105 851 255 P445 850 696 P015 HSHC SCREW M8X35 AC MSCPS SCREW M5X8 AC POLYURETHANE FOAM 500X100X15 044 046 047 048 829 988 G015 831 020 P015 830 988 P014 851 255 P235 EARTH BRAID C–ARM ROTATION SCALE C–ARM ROTATION DISK MSCPS SCREW M4X6 AC xxv. 1 1 1 2 2 9 . 17 Valid from serial : 9 . 17 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 075 05 072 073 074 075 093 094 095 096 097 098 041 006 007 008 009 036 ÎÎ ÎÎÎ ÎÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎÎ ÎÎÎ Î ÎÎÎ Î ÎÎÎ Î Î 025 019 055 ÎÎ 062 034 033 035 036 020 021 022 023 Safety device detail 018 017 060 9 . 18 059 059 057 056 060 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : MOUNTED FRAME ASM 828 701 G025 Range : 3 Component number Code number See also page Description 002 005 006 007 051 008 046 009 828 710 G035 828 713 G025 851 213 P095 851 380 P135 851 390 P135 851 367 P285 MECHANICAL FRAME ASM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 13 FRAME ASM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 23 HSHC SCREW M8X30 AC WASHER M8 LOCK WASHER M8 CAPTIVE NUT C4808–B–M8 017 018 019 020 021 851 440 P505 832 287 P014 832 286 P015 832 290 P015 832 291 P015 SPRING PIN Ø 3 x 36 AC LOWER UNIVERSAL JOINT UPPER UNIVERSAL JOINT MALE PART FEMALE PART 022 023 025 033 034 851 212 P455 851 390 P115 851 847 P145 823 514 P015 851 815 P015 HSHC SCREW M 6X12 AC LOCK WASHER M5 STOP RING 12 ECCENTRIC SHAFT ROLLER DIAM. 10/32X9 035 036 041 042 043 851 830 P085 851 255 P445 832 524 G015 823 876 P015 831 528 P015 CIRCLIP DIN 471 for 10 MM SHAFT MSCPS CREW M5X8 AC MOBILE COLUMN ASM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 25 VERTICAL BUMPER SUPPORT COLUMN MECHANICAL STOP 045 049 050 052 851 213 P065 823 870 P014 811 512 P164 851 830 P065 HSHC SCREW M8X16 AC SAFETY DEVICE LEVER SHAFT DIAM. 8H9 SPRING CIRCLIP DIN 471 for 8 MM SHAFT 055 056 057 058 059 823 872 P015 811 512 P084 851 848 P575 851 380 P155 851 382 P445 SAFETY DEVICE SHAFT DIAM.12 STOP WASHER DIAM. 12 MM WASHER M12 CALIBRATED SPRING WASHER 12,5/16/1 060 061 062 063 064 065 851 830 P105 811 502 P085 851 370 P065 817 170 P015 817 181 P016 851 350 P135 CIRCLIP DIN 471 for 12 MM SHAFT THREADED ROD M4 WELL NUT B832 M4 SPRING FASTENER NUT M8 AC xxvi. F R U 1 2 1 1 1 1 9 . 19 Valid from serial : 9 . 19 2 2 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 064 061 069 070–071 049 063 086 087 088 089 090 050–051–052 062 Î ÏÏ ÏÎ ÏÏÏ Î Ï ÏÏÏ ÏÎÎÎ ÎÎÎ ÏÏÏ Ï ÏÏÏ 044–045–046 9 . 20 042 043 087 088 089 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : MOUNTED FRAME ASM 828701 G025 Range : 3 Component number See also page Code number Description 069 070 071 072 073 860 953 P014 811 512 P164 851 830 P065 851 201 P525 851 380 P135 GAS SPRING SHAFT DIAM. 8H9 SPRING CIRCLIP DIN 471 for 8 MM SHAFT HH SCREW M8X45 AC WASHER M8 074 075 081 082 083 851 390 P135 851 352 P035 832 423 G015 851 212 P325 851 390 P115 LOCK WASHER M8 SAFETY NUT M8 AC HORIZONTAL ARM ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 27 HSHC SCREW M5X45 AC LOCK WASHER M5 084 085 086 087 088 829 741 P015 832 238 P012 851 367 P045 851 390 P105 851 383 P305 HORIZONTAL ARM BUMPER CHAIN COVER CAPTIVE NUT C4844–M8 LOCK WASHER M4 WASHER Ø 5,3/15/1,5 089 090 093 094 095 851 212 P045 829 376 P014 851 212 P475 851 383 P065 851 380 P125 HSHC SCREW M4X10 AC CABLES FITTING HSHC SCREW M6X20 AC WASHER Ø 6,5/27 AC WASHER M6 096 097 098 851 350 P135 851 390 P125 851 350 P125 NUT M8 AC LOCK WASHER M6 NUT M6 AC F R U 1 1 1 1 Valid from serial : 9 . 21 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 A 017 018 004 View AB B 009 007 Respect the pin orientation. 008 005 006 9 . 22 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : CONTROL CONSOLE SUPPORT 828 713 G025 Range : 4 Component number F R U Code number Description 004 005 006 007 008 824 260 P051 832 015 P014 832 288 P015 851 444 P165 851 444 P585 CONSOLE SUPPORT STEERING HANDLE SHAFT STEERING HANDLE BUSHING SPRING PIN 6X28 AC PIN 4X24 AC 009 017 018 851 256 P075 851 258 P365 851 350 P125 HSHC SCREW M6X20 AC HSHC SCREW M6X35 AC NUT M6 AC xxvii. 9 . 23 Valid from serial : 9 . 23 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 16 19 24 8 9 12 13 11 29 22 20 17 23 2 4 9 . 24 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : MOBILE COLUMN ASSEMBLY 832 524 G015 Range : 4 Component number See also page F R U Code number Description 002 828 718 G025 WELDED MOBILE COLUMN 004 828 529 P014 SAFETY DEVICE PLATE 008 823 701 G035 WELDED WIG–WAG SHAFT 2 009 851 595 P325 BUSHING GLACIER 1 011 832 028 P013 COLLAR 2 012 832 040 P015 SETTING SCREW 1 013 851 350 P155 M12 NUT 016 823 515 P043 BEARING SUPPORT 017 851 222 P085 HSFH SCREW M8X25 AC 019 823 512 P015 HORIZONTAL ARM SHAFT 1 020 823 514 P015 ECCENTRIC SHAFT 1 022 851 815 P015 ROLLER DIAM.10/32X9 1 023 851 830 P085 SPRING CIRCLIP DIN 471 / 10 MM 1 024 851 255 P445 HSH SCREW M5X8 AC 029 828 739 P015 SHAFT xxviii. 2 9 . 25 Valid from serial : 9 . 25 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 11–12 2 14 9 13 18 21 17 4 3–5 6 7 16 8 19 10 20 15 9 . 26 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : HORIZONTAL ARM ASM 832 423 G515 Range : 4 Component number See also page Code number Description 002 832 420 P012 HORIZONTAL ARM 003 851 222 P115 HSHC SCREW M 5X45 AC 004 829 741 P015 HORIZONTAL ARM BUMPER 005 851 390 P115 LOCK WASHER M5 006 832 028 P013 C–ARM LOCKING COLLAR 007 832 418 P015 ANGLE–IRON FOR COLLAR FIXATION 008 851 213 P065 HSHC SCREW M 8X16 AC 009 828 313 P035 STOP 010 832 424 G015 C–ARM SUPPORT SHAFT 011 851 211 P345 HSHC SCREW M6X10 AC 012 851 390 P125 LOCK WASHER M6 013 829 635 P015 STOP SCREW 014 851 830 P225 CIRCLIP DIN 471 / 50 MM RE 015 832 040 P015 THREADED ROD FOR COLLAR 016 851 448 P185 GROOVED PIN DIAM. 4X12 AC 017 828 422 P015 SPACER RING 018 828 423 G025 HORIZONTAL ARM LOCKING ROD 019 851 350 P155 M12 NUT 020 828 426 P022 COVER 021 851 448 P355 GROOVED PIN 5X16 AC xxix. 9 . 27 Valid from serial : 9 . 27 AVT : F R U TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 2 3 25 24 (2A3) (2A1) 4 4 4 9 . 28 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : CONTROL CONSOLE ASM. 828 750 G035 Range : 2 Component number See also page F R U Code number Description 002 829 583 P021 THERMO CONTROL CONSOLE 2 003 828 952 P012 CONTROL DESK INTERMEDIATE PLATE 2 004 824 485 P015 PANEL FIXING BRACKET 005 851 216 P075 CS SCREW M4X20 AC 006 851 384 P055 MACHINED WASHER 4,3X12X1 AC 007 016 851 390 P105 LOCKWASHER M4 008 851 350 P105 NUT M4 AC 009 851 350 P505 COUNTERNUT M4 AC 010 851 380 P105 WASHER M4 AC 011 851 352 P215 SAFETY NUT M4 AC TYPE BAS 012 832 463 P012 EMC METAL SHEET FOR CONSOLE 013 851 216 P045 CS SCREW M4X10 AC 014 851 214 P215 PHILLIPS SCREW M4X8 AC 015 851 383 P295 WASHER 4,3X12X1 AC 019 851 212 P485 HSHC SCREW M6X25 AC 020 851 214 P445 PHILLIPS SCREW M6X25 024 832 440 G015 RIGHT CONTROL DESK PWB ( 2A3 ) 1 025 832 439 G015 LEFT CONTROL DESK PWB ( 2A1 ) 1 027 851 393 P045 SPRINGWASHER 8/4,2X0,4 ZINC–COATED 028 851 381 P105 INSULATING WASHER M4 9 . 29xxx. Valid from serial : 9 . 29 AVT : 8058 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 20 21 23 24 25 26 MODULE 1 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E7 E10 E11 E13 ALIM. B.T. A 30 29 A A PL1 L.V. P. SUP PL2 PL3 A PL4 A PL5 A PL6 75 MODULE 3 59 to 63 43 10 2 39 1 R1 1 R2 1C1 38 Tb1 90 1 R3 MODULE 4 4 53 MODULE 5 9 . 30 1 R4 81 81 103 81 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : CONTROL PANEL MODULE 1 828 730 G025 Range : 2 Component number See also page F R U Code number Description 002 004 010 824 833 P032 829 360 P024 825 026 P014 DALLE 3MM C–ARM CABLE CLAMP GROUND STRIP 018 019 020 824 918 G025 817 596 G015 See page 9 . 35 SCR CONTROL CABLE ( UL+CSA ) EXTENDER CARD 3A3 COLLIMATOR PWB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 35 2 1 1 021 023 See page 9 . 35 See page 9 . 35 See page 9 . 35 3A5 TIMER PWB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 35 3A7 AD KV PWB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 35 3A9 KV/mA REFERENCE PWB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 35 1 1 1 024 025 026 029 See page 9 . 35 See page 9 . 35 See page 9 . 35 828 733 G015 3A12 KV/mA –2 REF. PWB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3A19 SCR CONTROL PWB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3A26 FIL. HEATING PWB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CARDRACK MODULE 3/2 ASM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 35 9 . 35 9 . 35 9 . 37 1 1 1 1 038 053 828 734 G015 832 361 G015 PANEL 4 : POWER MODULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 41 PANEL 5: POWERMODULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 43 1 059 060 061 832 359 G015 853 064 P405 851 236 P495 1A1 C–ARM MOTOR PWB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 33 GROMMET NUT PLSTC 212 /80402 29 101 SELFTAPPING SCREW 4,2X19 AC 1 063 067 068 070 071 829 720 P015 828 731 G015 828 943 G015 850 703 P185 853 062 P015 C–ARM DRIVE PWB SAFETY SPARE FUSES BAG CABLE BUNDLE CONTROL PANEL 2 RUBBER 4610026 SELF–LOCKING COLLAR 99X2,5 072 073 074 075 853 062 P025 853 062 P035 826 980 G025 832 360 G015 SELF–LOCKING COLLAR 142X2,5 SELF–LOCKING COLLAR 188X4,8 GROUND EXTENDER CARD UL UL LOW VOLTAGE P.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 39 080 081 090 853 062 P675 853 465 P065 853 464 P225 RE–USABLE SELF–LOCKING COLLAR RESISTOR ALU 0E68 50W ALU RESISTOR 50W 4K7 N.I. 095 096 098 103 853 054 P305 851 352 P035 860 799 P014 853 219 P225 FLAT CABLE CLAMP SAFETY NUT M8 AC ANTISTATIC BRAID CAPACITOR 470 KPF 630V xxxi. 9 . 31 Valid from serial : 9 . 31 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 18 25 – 30 52 9 . 32 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : 1A1 : ”C ARM” MOTOR PWB. 832 359 G015 Range : 3 Component number Description 832 359 G015 C–ARM MOTOR PWB ( 1A1 ) 1 018 854 352 P425 SLO–BLO FUSE 3A 1 025 030 853 702 P085 OPTOCOUPLER H11A5100 1 052 854 251 P065 RELAY KUHNKE UA3 24VDC 1 xxxii. See also page F R U Code number 9 . 33 Valid from serial : 9 . 33 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 PANEL 1 E1 E2 E3 E4 A A A E5 E7 PL1 PL3 PL4 A PL5 A PL6 E13 L.V. P. SUP. PL2 A E10 E11 PANEL 3 9 . 34 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : PWB. Range : Code number Description F R U 3A1 828 988 G035 DSM INTERFACE PWB 1 3A3 832 502 G015 COLLIMATOR #2 PWB 1 3A5 832 501 G015 TIMER PWB 1 3A7 826 853 G045 AD / KV PWB 1 3A9 828 980 G035 828 980 G535 kV / mA REFERENCE PWB PART NUMBER to be ORDERED for AFTER SALES SERVICE ( SAS ) 1 3A12 829 825 G025 kV / mA #2 PWB 1 3A19 828 982 G035 SCR CONTROL PWB #2 1 3A26 829 357 G055 FILAMENT HEATING PWB. #4 1 PWB number xxxiii. 9 . 35 Valid from serial : 9 . 35 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 E1 A A A E2 E3 E4 E5 E7 PL1 PL2 PL3 A PL4 A PL5 A PL6 MODULE 3 9 . 36 E10 E11 E13 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name CARD RACK MODULE #3–2 828 733 G015 Range : 3 Component number See also page Code number Description 002 003 004 005 021 025 006 024 818 225 G025 825 119 P012 851 207 P065 851 390 P105 851 380 P105 PWB GUIDE ASSEMBLY CARDRACK ASSEMBLY SHC SCREW M4X15 AC LOCK WASHER M4 WASHER M4 AC 010 011 012 013 014 854 024 P505 854 024 P035 854 024 P045 854 024 P025 851 206 P455 PWB GUIDE PWB CONNECTOR 36 POS. DS PWB CONNECTOR 36 POS. PWB KEYING LUG. SHC SCREW M3X12 AC 015 016 030 017 018 019 851 380 P085 851 390 P085 851 350 P085 817 860 P014 854 011 P055 WASHER M3 AC LOCK WASHER M3 NUT M3 AC SHIELD FAST ON 90–90 TERMINAL 020 023 022 026 027 028 851 207 P045 825 114 P014 851 350 P105 854 039 P055 854 037 P215 SHC SCREW M4X10 AC M–SERIE BRACKET NUT M4 AC 26 POS WW MALE M–SERIE PLUG SCREW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 66 029 031 032 033 034 854 037 P225 854 037 P245 854 039 P155 854 008 P215 853 319 P035 NUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 66 NUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 66 26 POS WW FEMALE M–SERIE PLUG SHORT RING TERMINAL 2,6X4 SHORT WIRE 0,56 MM UL+CSA AWG20/300V #Yellow 035 038 039 043 044 853 305 P035 853 319 P425 853 319 P445 853 054 P305 851 246 P275 TINNED CU WIRE DIAM 0,5MM 0,0018 KG/M WIRE UL+CSA AWG 26 TEFZ #Red WIRE UL + CSA AWG 22 TEFZ #Yellow FLAT CABLE CLAMP HI–LO BHM SCREW 4,2X9,5 045 046 047 049 826 862 P014 851 216 P045 851 400 P275 850 703 P185 CARD RACK SAFETY PASTEBOARD CS SCREW M4X10 AC SKIFFY WASHER 10 MM PROTECTION xxxiv. 1 1 1 9 . 37 Valid from serial : 9 . 37 F R U AVT : 1 1 1 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 3 2 4 3 5, 6, 7, 8 9 . 38 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : L.V. POWER SUPPLY 832 360 G015 Range : 3 Component number Code number F R U Description 002 831 912 P013 L.V. POWER SUPPLY SUPPORT 003 861 371 P015 PSU 90W – 5/+12/–12/24V 004 851 224 P155 CSFHM SCREW M4X5 AC 005 851 200 P465 HH SCREW M4X15 AC 006 851 380 P305 WASHER M4 007 851 380 P105 WASHER M4 AC 008 851 355 P105 M4 SCREW LT 010 832 325 G015 LP SUPPLY HARNESS xxxv. 1 9 . 39 Valid from serial : 9 . 39 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Tb1 9 . 40 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : INVERTER – MODULE #4 828 734 G015 Range : 3 Component number See also page Code number Description 002 003 004 005 012 017 829 236 P012 853 210 P065 853 210 P615 851 207 P045 POWER MODULE FRAME CAPACITOR 4000MF / 450V CAPACITOR COLLAR 77 SHC SCREW M4X10 AC 008 009 010 011 015 016 020 031 021 854 501 P015 853 219 P195 853 219 P205 853 210 P635 853 456 P095 853 454 P035 851 367 P075 853 757 P315 PASTEBOARD INSULATOR Th.0,25 mm CAPACITOR 2MF 800VDC PP CAPACITOR 5MF 800VDC CAPACITOR COLLAR 49X74 RESISTOR 50W 4E7 RESISTOR MOUNTING CLIP 4A 26 CAGED NUT C4844C RECTIFIER BRIDGE SKB 60/08 026 027 032 854 004 P025 808 200 P034 854 405 P145 8 POS. TERMINAL STRIP 8 POS. T.S. NUMBERING PLATE 220 VAC INDICATOR LIGHT 033 034 035 040 041 853 410 P195 853 001 P055 829 233 G015 828 735 G015 851 350 P135 RESISTOR 1PC 0,25W / 237K THERMOSHRINK SLEEVE dia 4.8mm #Yellow SWITCHING CHOKE ASSEMBLY SANDWICH RECTIFIERS (WITH A1 AND A2) NUT M8 AC 042 043 044 045 046 851 380 P135 851 390 P135 853 219 P115 825 021 P015 825 022 P015 WASHER M8 LOCKWASHER M8 CAPACITOR PA 220KPF / 630VAC CONNECTION BAR 170X15X1 CONNECTION BAR 140X15X1 047 048 049 825 023 P015 825 024 P015 853 001 P085 CONNECTION BAR 90X15X1 CONNECTION BAR THERMOSHRINK SLEEVE dia 12.7mm #Red 053 055 056 853 402 P575 870 115 P511 828 997 G015 RESISTOR 470 KOHM / 1W / 10% SUP.ACTI SOLDER TIN 60.18 SWG INVERTER CABLE BUNDLE 057 064 066 067 068 829 235 G015 853 058 P185 853 575 P055 832 285 P015 853 001 P095 ANTI–SATURATION TRANSFORMER RUBBER GROMMET HV2335A FERRITE Ø 25 x 30 CONNECTION BAR THERMOSHRINK SLEEVE dia 19mm #BLUE xxxvi. F R U 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 . 41 Valid from serial : 9 . 41 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 2 3 4, 5, 6, 7 9 10, 11,12,13,14 o 59 47 9 o 40, 42, 43 10 58 38,39 38,39 58 42, 43, 41, COSSE 41, 42, 43 37 31 32,33,34,35 26 25 21, 22, 62 23, 24, 62 36 37 27,28,29,30 48,49,50,51 9 . 42 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : POWER MODULE #5 832 361 G015 Range : 3 Component number See also page Code number Description 002 003 004 005 006 829 261 P012 860 921 P054 851 212 P465 851 380 P125 851 390 P125 POWER MODULE SUPPORT P.S. TRANSFORMER HSHC SCREW M6X16 AC WASHER M6 LOCKWASHER M6 007 047 009 010 011 012 028 033 041 049 851 367 P215 853 210 P075 853 210 P515 851 212 P045 CAPTIVE NUT 4806–B ELCO CAPACITOR 470MF / 250VDC CAP BRACKET 4322 043 04270 D35P HSHC SCREW M4X10 AC 851 380 P105 WASHER M4 851 390 P105 851 367 P075 854 352 P045 854 351 P055 LOCKWASHER M4 CAPTIVE NUT C4844C FUSE SLO–BLO 3A FUSE HOLDER 023 025 026 027 030 035 043 051 854 352 P075 854 004 P025 808 200 P034 851 212 P065 FUSE SLO–BLO 8A 8 POS. FASTON TERMINAL STRIP 8 POS. NUMBERING PLATE HSHC SCREW M4X16 AC 851 350 P105 M4 NUT 031 032 036 037 038 853 757 P045 851 212 P075 853 058 P065 829 355 G015 818 365 P016 RECTIFIER BRIDGE 300V / 25A HSHC SCREW M4X20 AC PVC GROMMET dia 22,2mm HEATING POWER PWB. 5A1 BAKELITE SPACER dia 12X6 039 040 046 048 058 818 364 P016 851 207 P115 829 263 G015 851 207 P095 851 383 P295 BAKELITE SPACER dia 6X12 SHC SCREW M4X40 AC P.S. MODULE CABLE BUNDLE SHC SCREW M4X30 AC WASHER 4,3/12X1 AC 059 060 062 853 402 P455 854 008 P635 854 351 P065 RESISTOR 47K/1W AMP 34148 TAP CABLE–SHOE 1,6X4 FUSE HOLDER HEAD 013 029 034 042 050 014 021 022 024 xxxvii. F R U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 . 43 Valid from serial : 9 . 43 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 4 2 3 9 . 44 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : 6” CCD IMAGER KIT+ COLLIMATOR. 832 406 G015 Range : 1 Component number See also page F R U Code number Description 002 828 723 G015 6” IMAGER COMPLETE ”C ARM” ASSEMBLY 003 828 725 G015 6” IMAGER ”C ARM” SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 47 2 004 828 751 G 025 6” WIRED COLLIMATOR ASSEMBLY 1 006 021 851 212 P465 HSHC SCREW M6X16 AC 007 851 390 P125 LOCKWASHER M6 010 851 224 P695 CSFHM SELFBLOCKING M4X30 AC 011 851 542 P015 SKIFFY WASHER FOR NYLON CAP 012 851 542 P025 NYLON CAP 06–6–5 013 832 395 P013 MOULDED COUNTERWEIGHT 014 851 212 P515 HSHC SCREW M6X40 AC 015 851 380 P125 WASHER M6 016 024 851 390 P125 LOCKWASHER M6 017 851 224 P665 CSFHM SELFBLOCKING SCREW M4X15 AC 018 851 367 P075 CAGED NUT C4844C 022 851 383 P315 WASHER 6,4/18X1,5 AC 023 851 383 P335 WASHER 8,4/25X2 AC 025 832 410 P013 16B CONTROL DESK SCREEN PLATE 027 830 997G035 COVERS KIT (Column right and left covers + Collimator cover + Wig–Wag . . . . . . . . . 9 . 62 covers kit + C Arm support left and right covers + Horizontal arm cover.) Valid from serial : 9 . 45 9 . 47 1 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 828 725 G015 861 205 P015 828 751 G025 84 88 26 39,67 9 . 46 32 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : ”C ARM” SUPPORT ASM. ( 6” ) 828 725 G015 Range : 2 Component number F R U Code number Description 002 832 630 G015 WELDED ”C ARM” SUPPORT. ( 6” version) 003 851 256 P245 HSCPS SCREW M8X10 AC 004 828 488 G035 6” MODIFIED BRAKE ASSEMBLY 005 828 696 P015 CLAMP 45X5X6 006 851 212 P265 HSHC SCREW M5X16 AC 007 851 383 P305 WASHER 5,3/15X1,5 AC 008 851 390 P115 LOCKWASHER M5 009 851 630 P325 TRACTION SPRING DIN 17223C 10,9/60,8 010 851 847 P085 RETAINING WASHER DIA 6–8 MM xxxviii.xxxix. 1 1 9 . 47 Assembly Name : 6” COLLIMATOR ASSEMBLY 828 751 G025 Range : 2 Code number Description F R U 026 861 400 P014 GEARMOTOR 1 032 851 674 P075 DRIVING–BELT 2 039 067 854 306 P215 SUB MSW 1 084 860 927 P014 GEARMOTOR 1 088 829 797 G035 MICROMOTOR ASSEMBLY 1 Component number Valid from serial : 9 . 47 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 4 2 3 9 . 48 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : 9” CCD IMAGER KIT + COLLIMATOR. 832 407 G015 Range : 1 Component number Code number See also page Description F R U 002 828 724 G015 9” IMAGER COMPLETE ”C ARM” ASSEMBLY 003 828 726 G015 9” IMAGER ”C ARM” SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 51 2 004 828 752 G025 9” WIRED COLLIMATOR ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 51 1 006 021 851 212 P465 HSHC SCREW M6X16 AC 007 017 024 851 390 P125 LOCKWASHER M6 010 851 224 P095 CSFHM SELFBLOCKING SCREW M4X30 AC 011 851 542 P015 SKIFFY WASHER FOR NYLON CAP 012 851 542 P025 NYLON CAP TYPE 06–6–5 018 851 350 P115 NUT M5 AC 019 851 383 P305 WASHER 5,3/15X1,5 AC 020 851 390 P115 LOCKWASHER M5 022 851 383 P315 WASHER 6,4/18X1,5 AC 023 851 383 P335 WASHER 8,4/25X2 AC 025 832 411 P013 CONTROL DESK SCREEN PLATE /9”B 027 830 997 G045 COVERS KIT. (Column right and left covers + Collimator cover + Wig–Wag . . . . . . . . 9 . 62 covers kit + C Arm support left and right covers + Horizontal arm cover.) Valid from serial : 9 . 49 1 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 828 726 G015 861 205 P015 5 113 828 752 G025 84 26 32 39,67 9 . 50 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : ”C ARM” SUPPORT. ( 9” ) 828 726 G015 Range : 2 Component number F R U Code number Description 002 832 630 G025 WELDED ”C ARM” SUPPORT. ( 9” version) 003 851 256 P245 HSCPS SCREW M8X10 AC 004 828 488 G045 9” MODIFIED BRAKE ASM 005 828 696 P015 CLAMP 45X5X6 006 851 212 P265 HSHC SCREW M5X16 AC 007 851 383 P305 WASHER 5,3/15X1,5 AC 008 851 390 P115 LOCKWASHER M5 009 851 630 P325 TRACTION SPRING DIN 17223C 10,9/60,8 010 851 847 P085 RETAINING WASHER dia 6–8 mm 9 . 51 1 1 xl. Assembly Name : 9” COLLIMATOR ASSEMBLY 828 752 G025 Range : 2 Code number Description F R U 026 861 400 P014 GEARMOTOR 1 032 851 674 P075 DRIVING–BELT 2 039 067 854 306 P215 SUB MSW 1 084 860 927 P014 GEARMOTOR 1 113 829 797 G035 MICROMOTOR ASSEMBLY 1 Component number Valid from serial : 9 . 51 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 29 27, 28 A 24 23 19 A 22 9 . 52 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : MONITOR CART ASSEMBLY / Basic version 827 908 G065 Range : 1 Component number Code number See also page Description F R U 002 003 004 005 006 827 944 G035 832 402 P012 830 763 P012 831 220 P013 831 220 P023 WELDED FRAME ASM (Modular Monitor Cart) FRONT UPPER SHELF SEPARATION PLATE ( Mod.Mon.Cart ) WELDED LEFT FOOT ( Mod.Mon.Cart ) WELDED RIGHT FOOT (Mod.Mon.Cart ) 007 008 076 009 010 077 127 011 078 128 830 781 G015 851 213 P055 832 403 P012 851 380 P135 851 390 P135 WELDED LOWER BIN (Mod.Mon.Cart ) HSHC SCREW M8X12 AC REAR UPPER SHELF WASHER M8 LOCKWASHER M8 012 118 013 031 119 134 143 014 032 120 135 144 851 212 P455 HSHC SCREW M6X12 AC 851 380 P125 WASHER M6 851 390 P125 LOCKWASHER M6 015 017 019 020 022 851 350 P125 830 871 P012 861 323 P014 851 443 P705 860 893 P044 NUT M6 AC DOOR 3 OEM ( Mod.Mon.Cart ) IDLE WHEEL WITH INDEX PIN Ø 4 x 8 AC IDLE WHEEL ( Mod.Mon.Cart ) 1 023 024 026 027 028 830 853 P015 851 350 P555 827 922 P034 827 919 P015 827 921 P015 M.C. WHEEL FIXING NUT PLATE COUNTER–NUT M12 AC SHAFT SUPPORT CENTERING RING ROTATION SHAFT 2 2 2 1 2 029 030 034 035 036 827 920 P015 851 212 P475 851 221 P515 851 221 P565 851 256 P315 BRAKE WASHER HSHC SCREW M6X20 AC HSFH SCREW M6X40 AC HSFH SCREW M6X70 AC HSHS SCREW M8X40 AC NON GALVANIZED 1 037 039 041 042 137 851 350 P135 851 224 P035 851 221 P065 851 380 P105 NUT M8 AC CSFHM SCREW M4X8 AC HSFH SCREW M4X16 AC WASHER M4 043 104 110 116 131 138 044 105 117 053 107 851 390 P105 851 350 P105 851 367 P065 LOCKWASHER M4 NUT M4 AC CAGED NUT C4844B xli. 1 9 . 53 Valid from serial : 9 . 53 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 75 A 58 57 A 9 . 54 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : MONITOR CART ASSEMBLY / Basic version 827 908 G065 Range : 1 Component number Code number See also page Description F R U 056 057 058 059 851 224 P665 851 870 P115 850 703 P185 851 350 P145 CSFHM SCREW M4X15 AC FOOT STOPGAP RUBBER SAFETY 4610026 NUT M10 AC 1 1 061 074 121 075 097 102 851 400 P275 851 367 P215 832 523 P014 851 501 P075 851 214 P235 SKIFFY WASHER 10MM CAGED NUT C4806–B LATERAL HANDLE RAPID TYE C4402.6.32 PHILLIPS SCREW M4X16 AC 2 103 109 115 108 111 113 114 851 383 P295 851 212 P045 851 541 P065 830 807 P014 830 873 P014 WASHER 4,3/12X1 AC HSHC SCREW M4X10 AC STOPGAP Dia 12,7 STANDARD COVER ( Modular Monitor Cart ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 63 GRND PLATE ( Mod.Mon.Cart ) 125 126 129 130 136 133 142 141 851 367 P285 851 213 P065 851 367 P075 851 212 P055 851 212 P465 830 761 P013 CAGED NUT M8 C4808–B HSHC SCREW M8X16 AC CAGED NUT C4844C HSHC SCREW M4X12 AC HSHC SCREW M6X16 AC INTERMEDIATE PLATE ( Mod.Mon.Cart ) Valid from serial : 9 . 55 AVT : 1 1 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 42 , 45 43 A A 37 29 9TR1 9Tb3 9 . 56 36 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : MONITOR CART WIRING 828 804 G055 Range : 1 Component number Code number See also page Description F R U 004 012 038 005 013 040 014 026 039 007 851 212 P055 851 383 P295 851 390 P105 851 212 P465 HSHC SCREW M4X12 AC WASHER 4,3 x12 LOCKWASHER M4 HSHC SCREW M6X16 AC 008 041 009 017 851 383 P315 851 390 P125 WASHER 6,4/18X1,5 AC LOCKWASHER M6 010 833 040 G015 MDA MEMORY KIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 92 011 015 016 828 950 P045 851 212 P455 851 380 P125 MONITOR CART LABEL HSHC SCREW M6X12 AC WASHER M6 020 021 022 023 024 854 026 P135 854 026 P335 854 026 P345 854 026 P375 851 201 P045 DIN SUPPORT 35X50 WEIDMULLER TERMINAL 16 MM2 WEIDMULLER TERMINAL 16 MM2 TERMINAL END PLATE HH SCREW M5X10 AC 025 027 028 029 030 851 380 P105 851 350 P115 818 770 P413 860 920 P024 851 213 P065 WASHER M4 NUT M5 AC WARNING LABEL ”ELECTRIC DANGER” ISOLATION TRANSFORMER HSHC SCREW M8X16 AC 031 032 033 034 851 380 P135 851 390 P135 851 367 P275 853 152 P075 WASHER M8 LOCKWASHER M8 RAPID CAGED NUT C4808A Green/Yellow LABEL ”UL GRND” 036 831 256 G025 MAINS CABLE (MONITOR) 037 853 313 P075 ” BNC–BNC” CABLE L=1,5M (MONITOR) 042 043 854 414 P045 832 434 P015 X–RAY WARNING LIGHT WARNING LIGHT SUPPORT 1 1 045 046 047 854 405 P045 854 414 P055 853 575 P045 BULB 40V 10W SOCKET FOR BULB BA15D FERRITE CLIP DIA 10 MM 1 048 828 756 G035 MONITOR CART INTERFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 59 2 2 Valid from serial : 9 . 57 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 MODULE 9 5 46 8 or 49 2 39 38 ÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉ 37 36 9 . 58 35 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : STENO 2 INTERFACE MODULE 9 828 756 G035 Range : 2 Component number Code number F R U Description 002 003 004 005 006 832 918 P012 832 944 G015 851 367 P065 827 932 P015 832 848 G015 INTERFACE PANEL ( Modular Monitor Cart ) WELDED SUPPORT CAGED NUT C4844B KEY PANEL 9 HARNESS 008 2 172 555 009 010, 014 011 013 851 206 P455 851 207 P045 851 207 P065 851 207 P095 9A1 TRANSPANEL for MDA memory ( see schematics A3 p.A–38 ) SHC M3X12 AC SCREW SHC M4X10 AC SCREW SHC M4X15 AC SCREW SHC M4X30 AC SCREW 015 016 017 018 019 851 207 P065 851 212 P445 851 249 P055 851 350 P085 851 350 P105 SHC M4X16 AC SCREW SHC M6X10 AC SCREW SHC N* 6–32 UNC AC SCREW M3 AC NUT M4 AC NUT 020 021 022 025 026 851 355 P105 851 380 P085 851 390 P105 851 383 P275 851 383 P295 M4 LT NUT WASHER M3 AC WASHER M4 AC WASHER 32/9X08 WASHER 43/12X1A 027 028 029 030 031 851 390 P085 851 390 P105 851 390 P125 851 400 P275 853 062 P015 SCHNORR WASHER VIS M3 SCHNORR WASHER VIS M4 SCHNORR WASHER VIS M6 SKIFFY WASHER 10MM SELF LOCKING COLLAR1 032 033 034 035 036 853 152 P075 853 219 P225 853 454 P015 853 455 P015 853 455 P055 UL GROUND LABEL COND 470K 630V RESISTOR FIXING CLIP–2A 15 1E 25W RESISTOR 2E2 25W RESISTOR 037 038 039 040 041 854 004 P115 854 273 P225 854 273 P645 854 351 P015 854 351 P045 FASTON 12X6 TERRMINAL STRIP AUX. RELAY 3NO–3NF 105V TIMER 01SEC–3SEC FUSE HOLDER FUSE HOLDER 103X349 2 1 2 042 043 044 045 046 047 854 351 P065 854 352 P025 854 352 P055 854 362 P315 854 365 P045 853 065 P025 FUSE HOLDER HEAD LONG FUSE 1A LONG FUSE 5A FUSE 500V 1A 10KA CIRCUIT BREAKER 30A 250V METAL COLLAR DIA 4.8 1 1 1 1 1 049 2 172 563 9A1 TRANSPANEL for DR4 / MD10 memories ( see schematics A3 p.A–38 ) 1 xlii. 1 1 1 2 9 . 59 Valid from serial : 9 . 59 AVT : 8063 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 2 5 3 6 4 9 . 60 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : X – RAY HAND SWITCH KIT 829 866 G015 Range : 1 Component number Code number See also page Description F R U 002 46–270 800 G5 HAND SWITCH 1 003 46–279 005 P1 HANGER 1 004 46–315 241 P1 COIL CORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 005 829 827 P015 X–RAY HAND SWITCH PWB. SUPPORT 2 006 829 785 G015 X–RAY HANDSWITCH PWB. 2A4 2 007 851 215 P415 CS SCREW M3X5 AC 008 851 380 P085 WASHER M3 009 851 390 P085 LOCKWASHER M3 010 851 350 P055 NUT M2 011 851 200 P465 HH SCREW M4X15 AC 012 851 383 P295 WASHER 4,3/12X1 AC 013 851 390 P105 LOCKWASHER M4 014 851 350 P105 NUT M4 AC 015 829 867 G025 X–RAY HANDSWITCH CABLE 018 851 202 P295 HH SCREW M12X30 AC 019 829 871 P015 X–RAY HS. PWB SUPPORT TEMPLATE Valid from serial : 9 . 61 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 CCD–MDA COVERS ( FRU ) xliii. 9 . 62 IR Remote control 832 466 G045 (MDA)(1) 832 466 G025 (DR4)(1) 832 466 G035 (MD10)(1) Column cover ( left + right ) 831 227 G515 (2) Wig–Wag cover kit 826 955 G035 (1) “C Arm” support thermo cover (Left + right ) 831 229 G525 (2) û 6” 831 230 G525 (2) û 9” Horizontal arm cover 832 457 P011 (2) Collimator cover 829 562 P042 (1) (without DAP and Laser) 829 562 P052 (1) (with display for DAP) 829 562 P062 (1) (for Laser without display) Laser cap Panel cover 2 185 094 (2) (without IC *) 2 185 092 (2) (with IC *) 2 185 093 (2) (white model 829 285 P042 (2) with IC *) * IC : Ion Chamber Column cover 832 414 G015 (2) Sealant Back wheel cover 2 172 793 (2) 830 964 P023 (1) Front wheel cover 830 963 P013 (1) Power supply cable drum 830 966 G015 Monitor cart cable 828 955 G615 (1) 9 . 62 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 MONITOR CART COVERS ( FRU ). xliv. 9 . 63 Rear cover (all versions) 832 137 P021 (2) 2 Monitors support kit – ( 1 Monitor support kit ) 829 334 G025 (N) – ( 832 442 G015 (N) ) Sony 9500 MDP Monitor Cart Cover 830 804 P013 (2) Film repro kit (Visiplex) Monitor Cart Cover 830 806 P013 (2) Sony UP910 Monitor Cart Cover 830 805 P013 (2) Standard Cover ( use two parts for Visiplex if this option is not used ) 830 807 P014 (2) Sony UP890 Monitor Cart Cover 833 128 P014 (2) 9 . 63 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 DR4 or MD10 CABLES INTERCONNECTIONS (FRU : 1 ). DR4 / MD10 DR4 / MD10 FRONT PANEL R.X. CONTROL DSM DB 15 Male REAR PANEL R.X. CONTROL DR HARD COPY VIDEO DB 15 Female BNC Only in DR (EMULATION) SCREEN A SCREEN B OUT OUT BNC CAMERA IN BNC POWER DB 9 Male BNC HARD COPY CONTROL I.R. REMOTE BNC DB 9 Male 853 313 P065 Monitors C or D A or B 853 313 P075 ÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉ MD10 Option 829 971 G025 C A B D 830 062 G015 or 9 . 64 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 MDA CABLES INTERCONNECTIONS (FRU : 1 ). ÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ RS232 IR receiver cable 833 050 P015 RS232 Interface cable 861 435 P015 833 055 P015 IR – PC cable 833 137 P015 833 065 P015 ÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉ 833 012 P015 ÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉ 833 054 P015 853 313 P015 833 053 P015 853 313 P015 830 062 G015 9 . 65 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 FRONT view M Serie” PLUGS BACK view Female 14 pos. Male 14 pos. Female 26 pos. Male 26 pos. Female 34 pos. Male 34 pos. 46 854 037 P335 46 854 037 P345 46 854 037 P355 FEMALE ÉÉ ÉÉ ÉÉ 46 854 037 P325 46 854 037 P215 É É Ç Ç ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ xlv. GUIDE SOCKET 46 854 037 P845 PIN AMP Ç Ç 46 854 037 P315 46 854 037 P225 46 854 037 P035 14 pos. 46 854 037 P055 26pos. 46 854 037 P065 34pos. 46 854 037 P235 MALE Ç Ç 46 854 037 P135 14 pos. 46 854 037 P155 26pos. 46 854 037 P165 34pos. 46 854 037 P245 GUIDE PIN 46 854 037 P855 ”M SERIE” MALE for wire Section mm2 ø ext. mm Gold Tinned 0,2 à 0,56 0,2 à 0,56 0,75 á 1,5 1,1 à 1,8 2 á 2,5 2 á 2,5 854 037 P615 854 037 P635 854 037 P655 854 037 P685 854 037 P705 SOCKET ”M SERIE” FEMALE for wire Section mm2 0,2 à 0,56 0,2 à 0,56 0,75 á 1,5 ø ext. mm 1,1 à 1,8 2 á 2,5 2 á 2,5 Gold 854 037 P625 854 037 P645 854 037 P665 Tinned 854 037 P675 854 037 P695 854 037 P715 9 . 66 9 . 66 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 PLUG 62 POSITIONS MALE KIT 829 732 G 015 854 039 P495 ÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇ 824 024 P016 FEMALE 854 039 P955 829 734 P015 KIT 829 733 G 015 9 . 67 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 O.E.M. REFERENCE. O.E.M. REFERENCE MODEL PART NUMBER VCR S–VHS SONY 625L/220V/CEI SVO–9500MPD 45 067 461 VCR S–VHS SONY 525L/110V/UL SVO–9500MD 45 067 462 PAPER PRINTER N / B SONY CEI/220V UP 910–EK4 861 190 P 015 PAPER PRINTER N / B SONY UL/110V UP 910–U / C 861 190 P 025 PAPER PRINTER SONY CEI/220V UP 890 CE 861 190 P 035 PAPER PRINTER SONY UL/110V UP 880 UL 861 190 P 045 REPRO VISIPLEX 625L/220V/50/60Hz CCM 620 A2V 521 45 067 445 REPRO VISIPLEX 525L/220V/50/60Hz CCM 620 A2VS 522 45 067 444 MONITEUR DISTAR 525L/625L/50/60Hz FFD–ROT 36 004 047 9 . 68 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 9 . 69 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 9–2 sm 826 921 P615 LASER Assembly Name : EXTERNAL LASER AIMING SPARE PARTS Range : Component number Code number See also page Description F R U 832 343 G015 LASER SUPPORT ASM IMAGER 22CM 2 832 346 G015 LASER SUPPORT ASM IMAGER 16CM 2 861 365 P055 TARGET RETICULE 2 861 365 P025 LASER (external) 2 861 365 P035 LASER SUPPORT 2 Valid from serial : 9 . 70 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : INTEGRATED LASER AIMING SPARE PARTS Range : Component number Code number See also page Description F R U 005 861 438 P015 LASER DIODE (ASM) 006 861 438 P025 LASER DIODE + CARBON FIBRE ARM ASM 2 007 861 438 P035 ROTATION AND MOTOR BLOCK 2 008 861 438 P045 LASER DIODE CONTROL MODULE 2 009 2 170 728 RED OUTPUT WINDOW 1 Valid from serial : 9 . 71 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 9–3 sm 826 921 P615 DOSE AREA PRODUCT METER Assembly Name : DOSE AREA PRODUCT METER Range : Component number See also page F R U Code number Description 861 370 P025 ION CHAMBER ASM 2 861 370 P055 ELECTRONICS MODULE * 2 861 370 P065 DISPLAY MODULE * 2 861 370 P075 OVERLAY * 2 861 370 P085 SET CABLES AND CONNECTORS 2 861 370 P095 SPACER 2 * : with DR4 and MD10 memories. 861 439 P025 ELECTRONIC MODULE 2 861 439 P035 SINGLE CHANNEL BOARD 2 833 137 P015 DAP–TRANSPANEL CABLE 2 833 054 P015 PC–DAP CABLE 2 861 370 P135 SGNL COAX CABLE 2 861 370 P145 H.T. COAX CABLE 2 861 370 P155 SGNL FLAT CABLE 2 861 370 P165 P.S. FLAT CABLE 2 Valid from serial : 9 . 72 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 9 . 73 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 9–4 sm 826 921 P615 IMAGER IMAGEUR 16/22 FOR STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 9 . 74 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : IMAGEUR 16/22 FOR STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 CCD–MDA Component number Code number See also page Description 001 2 123 013 IMAGEUR 16 CCD STENO 525–LINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 77 002 2 123 012 – 2 IMAGEUR 16 CCD STENO 625–LINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 77 003 2 122 357 – 2 IMAGEUR 22 CCD STENO 525–LINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 79 004 2 111 958 IMAGEUR 22 CCD STENO 625–LINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 79 Valid from serial : 9 . 75 AVT : F R U TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 IMAGEUR 16 CCD STENO 525–LINE 2 123 013 IMAGEUR 16 CCD STENO 625–LINE 2 123 012 – 2 A A 9 . 76 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : IMAGEUR 16 CCD 525 LINE 2 123 013 IMAGEUR 16 CCD 625 LINE 2 123 012 – 2 Component number Code number Range : See also page Description F R U 001 2 120 442 II TUBE TH9449 HP H506 1 002 45 312 902 COVER, CENTER, PAINTED 2 003 2 134 681 – 2 CCD COMPACT CAMERA 525–LINE 16 CM EQUIPPED 1 004 2 134 680 – 2 CCD COMPACT CAMERA 625–LINE 16 CM EQUIPPED 1 005 58 079 229 POWER SUPPLY, II SYSTEM, STENO/RF TUBE HP 1 006 2 111 966 BOARD CAGE, CCD STENO, EQUIPPED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 81 2 007 45 312 654 UPPER COVER EQUIPPED 2 – 45 066 738 ANTISCATING GRID 1 008 91 694 905 BLANKING CAP, WHITE, D=10.5 H=4 2 009 45 312 903 COVER PAINTED LOWER 2 010 2 124 242 EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE KIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 83 1 xlvi. 9 . 77 Valid from serial : 9 . 77 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 IMAGEUR 22 CCD STENO 525–LINE 2 122 357 – 2 IMAGEUR 22 CCD STENO 625–LINE 2 111 958 4 3 A 1 7 5 6 A 3 7 2 8 8 9 . 78 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : IMAGEUR 22 CCD 525 LINE 2 122 357 – 2 IMAGEUR 22 CCD 625 LINE 2 111 958 Component number Code number Range : See also page Description F R U 001 2 105 607 II TUBE 1 002 58079229 POWER SUPPLY, II SYSTEM, STENO/RF TUBE HP 1 003 2 193 568 COVER, LOWER, EQUIPPED 2 – 45 067 387 ANTISCATING GRID 1 004 2 111 966 BOARD CAGE, CCD STENO, EQUIPPED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 81 2 005 2 134 679 – 2 CCD COMPACT CAMERA 525–LINE 22 CM EQUIPPED 1 006 2 134 678 – 2 CCD COMPACT CAMERA 625–LINE 22 CM EQUIPPED 1 007 2 122 713 COVER, UPPER, WITH SEAL 2 008 91633383 BLANKING CAP, WHITE, D=20/15 H=4 2 009 2 112 048 EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE KIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 85 1 xlvii. 9 . 79 Valid from serial : 9 . 79 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 BOARD CAGE, CCD STENO, EQUIPPED 2111966 4 A3 IMAGEUR 16 2 A1 3 A2 IMAGEUR 22 1 5 2107144 W30 A3 J2 HV 2119075 A6 J8 W31 J1 2119077 C191987 2119076 9 . 80 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : BOARD CAGE, CCD STENO, EQUIPPED 2111966 Range : Component number Code number See also page Description F R U 001 2111964 BOARD CAGE, CCD STENO, ASSEMBLY 1 002 36003627 POWER SUPPLY BOARD, CCD (A1) 1 003 2103697–2 VIDEO BOARD, CCD (A2) 1 004 2120439 INTERFACE BOARD, CCD (A3) 1 005 2111967 SET OF CABLES, BOARD CAGE, CCD 1 – 2107144 CABLE W30 – 2119075 CABLE W31 – 2119077 VIDEO CABLE – C191987 PROTECTIVE CONNECTION – 2119076 GROUND CABLE xlviii. 9 . 81 Valid from serial : 9 . 81 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE KIT 2124242 (IMAGEUR 16 CCD STENO) 9 . 82 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE KIT 2124242 (IMAGEUR 16 CCD STENO) Component number Code number See also page Description – 91694905 BLANKING CAP, WHITE, D=10.5 H=4 – 58079540 SLOW–BLOW FUSE, 5X20 2.0A 250V V 100A ULL – 99052109 SCREW, HEX SKT HD CAP, M3X8/8, PASS SST – 91455241 WASHER, M3, STL – 2109925 SCREWDRIVER, MICRO–TECH – 45559962 BAG OF LANGUAGE STICK–ON LABELS – 45474344 IDENTIFICATION LABEL, GERMAN PRODUCT – 45474343 IDENTIFICATION LABEL, ITALIAN PRODUCT – 45474041 IDENTIFICATION LABEL, SPANISH PRODUCT – 45474039 IDENTIFICATION LABEL, FRENCH PRODUCT – 45474346 SPECIFICATION LABEL, GERMAN PRODUCT – 45474345 SPECIFICATION LABEL, ITALIAN PRODUCT – 45474040 SPECIFICATION LABEL, SPANISH PRODUCT – 45474038 SPECIFICATION LABEL, FRENCH PRODUCT – 45474336 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS – 2106275 EXTENDER BOARD xlix. Range : F R U 1 9 . 83 Valid from serial : 9 . 83 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE KIT 2112048 (IMAGEUR 22 CCD STENO) 9 . 84 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE KIT 2112048 ( IMAGEUR 22 CCD STENO ) Component number Code number See also page Description – 91633383 BLANKING CAP, WHITE, D=10.5 H=4 – 58079540 SLOW–BLOW FUSE, 5X20 2.0A 250V V 100A ULL – 99052109 SCREW, HEX SKT HD CAP, M3X8/8, PASS SST – 91455241 WASHER, M3, STL – 2109925 SCREWDRIVER, MICRO–TECH – 45559962 BAG OF LANGUAGE STICK–ON LABELS – 45474344 IDENTIFICATION LABEL, GERMAN PRODUCT – 45474343 IDENTIFICATION LABEL, ITALIAN PRODUCT – 45474041 IDENTIFICATION LABEL, SPANISH PRODUCT – 45474039 IDENTIFICATION LABEL, FRENCH PRODUCT – 45474346 SPECIFICATION LABEL, GERMAN PRODUCT – 45474345 SPECIFICATION LABEL, ITALIAN PRODUCT – 45474040 SPECIFICATION LABEL, SPANISH PRODUCT – 45474038 SPECIFICATION LABEL, FRENCH PRODUCT – 45474336 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS – 2106275 EXTENDER BOARD l. Range : F R U 1 9 . 85 Valid from serial : 9 . 85 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 9–5 sm 826 921 P615 MEMORIES 3 7 MDA MEMORY 5 6 SCSI Controler board + cable Loaded SCSI disk 2 8 Infrared receiver board 9 . 86 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : MDA MEMORY 832 983 G015 Range : 0 Component number Code number See also page Description F R U 002 861 420 P015 EQUIPED PC 1 003 861 424 P015 RS 232 BOARD 1 005 861 426 P015 AVIAS BOARD 1 006 861 427 P015 MIDAS BOARD 1 007 861 429 P015 VGA BOARD 1 008 833 049 G015 833 076 G515 TOUCH SCREEN FRONT ASM TOUCH SCREEN + ELECTROLUMINESCENT ASM 1 1 833 074 G515 LOADED IDE DISK 1 833 075 G515 LOADED SCSI DISK (ILLUSTRATED) 1 861 423 P015 SCSI CONTROLER BOARD + CABLE 2 832 466 G045 IR REMOTE CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 62 1 861 440 P015 INFRARED RECEIVER BOARD 1 Valid from serial : 9 . 87 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : DR4 MEMORY Range : Component number Code number See also page Description F R U 861 360 P025 BOXED DR4 MOTHER BOARD SERIAL 1 861 360 P035 INFRA RED RECEIVER SERIAL 2 2175577 DR4 / MD10 REMOTE CONTROL CABLE 2 832 466 G025 I.R. REMOTE CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 62 1 832 455 G015 POWER SUPPLY CABLE 2 2175685 BOXED DR4 MOTHER BOARD PARALLEL 1 2175687 INFRA RED RECEIVER PARALLEL 2 Valid from serial : 9 . 88 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : MD10 MEMORY Range : Component number Code number See also page Description F R U 861 361 P065 MD10 MEMORY SERIAL 1 861 361 P035 INFRA RED RECEIVER SERIAL 2 2 175 577 DR4 / MD10 REMOTE CONTROL CABLE 2 832 466 G035 I.R. REMOTE CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 62 1 832 455 G015 POWER SUPPLY CABLE 2 2 175 688 BOXED MD10 MOTHER BOARD PARALLEL 1 2 175 690 INFRA RED RECEIVER KP ( KEYBOARD PARALLEL ) 2 2 169 586 FLAT KEYBOARD MD10 2 Valid from serial : 9 . 89 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 9–6 sm 826 921 P615 MONITORS Assembly Name : MAGNETEK MONITOR Range : Component number Code number See also page Description F R U 2 153 979 TV MONITOR NOT ROT. 1 2 153 980 TV MONITOR ROT. 1 Valid from serial : 9 . 90 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 9 . 91 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 9–7 sm 826 921 P615 KITS (MONITOR CART) Assembly Name : MDA MEMORY KIT 833 040 G015 Range : 2 Component number Code number See also page Description F R U 003 827 681 G015 CEI MAIN CABLED 1 004 833 012 P015 TRANSPANEL–AVIAS CABLE 1 005 853 313 P035 COAX CABLE 75 OHM LG = 2M 2 006 851 212 P045 HSHC SCREW M4X10QC 007 851 383 P295 WASHER 43/12X1A 008 851 390 P105 SCHNORR WASHER M4 009 851 367 P075 CAGED NUT C4844C 010 833 031 P014 PC CLAMPING RAIL 012 018 853 313 P065 BNC COAX CABLE 013 017 829 736 P015 FLEXIBLE MAGNET 019 851 250 P115 UNC Nb 10 SCREW 020 851 400 P285 SKIFFY WASHER FOR M 12MM SCREW 021 833 136 P014 SUPPORT 022 833 135 P014 CONNECTOR SUPPORT 023 851 350 P085 NUT M3 AC 024 851 380 P085 WASHER M3 AC 025 851 383 P275 WASHER 32/9X08 026 851 390 P085 SCHNORR WASHER M3 027 851 206 P435 HSHC SCREW M3X8 AC 029 2 192 808 PC IRON SHEET SUPPORT li.lii.liii. 1 9 . 92 Valid from serial : 9 . 92 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : VCR SONY KIT 830 117 G025 Range : 0 Component number See also page Code number Description 002 853 313 P015 ”BNC–BNC” CABLE L=1.5M 003 827 681 G015 MAIN VOLTAGE SUPPLY CABLE CEI 004 830 952 G015 MAGNETO SONY REMOTE CONTROL CABLE 005 830 770 G015 WELDED SHELF ( Mod.Mon.Cart ) 006 851 212 P055 HSHC SCREW M4X12 AC 007 851 380 P105 WASHER M4 008 019 851 390 P105 LOCKWASHER M4 010 851 206 P445 SHC SCREW M3X10 AC 011 851 390 P085 LOCKWASHER M3 012 851 383 P275 WASHER 3,2/9X0,8 AC 013 830 933 P015 SHELF SUPPORT ROD (Modular Monitor Cart) 014 851 374 P085 RIVET TUBTARA M6 SHEET 3–5,5 AC 015 851 350 P125 NUT M6 AC 017 830 804 P013 SONY 9500 MDP COVER ( Mod.Mon.Cart ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 63 018 851 383 P295 WASHER 4,3/12X1 AC 020 851 355 P105 BRASS NUT M4 025 830 883 P013 VCR REMOTE CONTROL BIN (Mod.Mon.Cart) 026 850 750 P335 TAPE *RUBAN TESALIX 4970 F R U 1 Valid from serial : 9 . 93 AVT : 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : FILM REPRO KIT 830 043 G075 Range : 0 Component number See also page Code number Description 006 851 212 P055 HSHC SCREW M4X12 AC 007 029 851 380 P105 WASHER M4 008 017 028 851 390 P105 LOCKWASHER M4 016 851 383 P295 WASHER 4,3/12X1 AC 018 851 355 P105 BRASS NUT M4 021 830 766 P013 MATRIX SHELF 023 830 777 P013 REPRO FILM CASSETTE BIN 024 851 367 P075 CAGED NUT 025 851 221 P065 HSFHM SCREW M4X16 AC 026 830 046 P015 REPRO CASSETTE BIN SKATE 027 851 350 P105 NUT M4 AC 030 851 212 P045 HSHC SCREW M4X10 031 823 993 P015 SPRING BLADE 032 830 806 P013 MATRIX COVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 63 Valid from serial : 9 . 94 AVT : F R U 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : PAPER REPRO KIT 830 043 G065 Range : 0 Component number Code number Description 002 853 313 P015 ” BNC–BNC ” CABLE L=1.5M 003 827 681 G015 MAIN VOLTAGE P.S. CABLE CEI 004 830 062 G015 REPRO REMOTE CONTROL CABLE 005 830 770 G015 WELDED SHELF ( Mod.Mon.Cart ) 006 851 212 P055 HSHC SCREW M4X12 AC 007 851 380 P105 WASHER M4 008 017 851 390 P105 LOCKWASHER M4 009 851 206 P445 SHC SCREW M3X10 AC 010 851 390 P085 LOCKWASHER M3 011 851 383 P275 WASHER 3,2/9X0,8 AC 012 830 933 P015 SHELF SUPPORT ROD (Mod.Mon.Cart ) 013 851 374 P085 RIVET TUBTARA M6 SHEET 3–5,5 AC 014 851 350 P125 NUT M6 AC 015 830 805 P013 SONY UP910 COVER (Mod.Mon.Cart ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 63 016 851 383 P295 WASHER 4,3/12X1 AC 018 851 355 P105 BRASS NUT M4 See also page Valid from serial : 9 . 95 AVT : F R U 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : CCM 620 VISIPLEX Component number F R U GEMSnumber Description 861 227 P055 VISIPLEX CCM620 – 1 HARDCOPY IMAG. 50 HZ 861 227 P065 VISIPLEX CCM620 – 1 HARDCOPY IMAG. 60 HZ 861 227 P075 VISIPLEX CCM620 – 2 HARDCOPY IMAG. 50 HZ 861 227 P085 VISIPLEX CCM620 – 2 HARDCOPY IMAG. 60 HZ 861 227 P095 VISIPLEX CCM620 – 1 & 4 HARDCOPY IMAG. 50 HZ 861 227 P105 VISIPLEX CCM620 – 1 & 4 HARDCOPY IMAG. 60 HZ Valid from serial : 9 . 96 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Assembly Name : VISIPLEX SPARE LIST Range : 0 Component number F R U GEMSnumber Description Visiplex reference 861 372 P015 861 372 P025 861 372 P035 HIGH VOLTAGE Board REGULATOR Board RECTIFIER BOARD 22–20–3799–01 22–29–10118–01 22–29–10125 1 1 861 372 P045 861 372 P055 861 372 P065 861 372 P075 861 372 P085 861 372 P095 COMPUTER INTERCONNECT Bd COMPUTER INTERCONNECT (SPS) MAIN Board (SPS) MAIN Board SINGLE FORMAT MAIN Board 1+4 ,OLD MOTOR MAIN Board 1+4 ,NEW MOTOR 22–29–11383 22–29–11686 22–29–11680 22–29–9791–01 22–29–9791–03 22–29–9791–05 2 2 2 2 2 2 861 372 P105 861 372 P115 861 372 P125 861 372 P135 861 372 P145 HV POWER SUPPLY HV POWER SUPPLY (SPS) TOROIDAL TRANSFORMER LOW VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY LOW VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY(SPS) 34–29–10271 15–01–11654 34–29–10781 34–29–10978 15–01–059 1 1 2 2 1 861 372 P155 861 372 P165 861 372 P175 861 372 P185 861 372 P195 861 372 P205 POWER CORD–220V POWER CORD–120V POWER SWITCH SHUTTER SOLENOID RIGH HAND SHUTTER SOLENOID LEFT HAND KEY BOARD INTERCONNECT ASSBLY 01–04–017 01–04–018 08–04–061 10–04–001 10–04–003 32–29–11212 2 2 2 2 2 861 372 P215 861 372 P225 861 372 P235 DARK SLIDE SENSOR ASSBLY CRT ASSBLY BEEPER ASSBLY 32–29–11326 32–29–10153–07 34–29–10782 1 2 2 861 372 P245 861 372 P255 MOTOR MOTOR SUPPORT ASSBLY 34–29–10788 34–29–11346 2 2 861 372 P265 FRONT PANEL MEMBRANE SWITCH 34–29–11426 2 861 372 P275 861 372 P285 861 372 P295 861 372 P305 861 372 P315 861 372 P325 861 372 P335 861 372 P345 HORIZONTAL DEFLECTION BOARD (LLR) OUTPUT BOARD VERTICAL DEFLECTION BOARD VIDEO AMPLIFIER VIDEO AMPLIFIER CRT BOARD (LLR) LINE SMOOTHING BOARD (LLR) MONITOR MOTHER BOARD 22–12–0840–5 22–12–1531–1 22–15–11006–2 22–15–3636–1 22–15–4047 22–15–4406–1 22–15–7433–1 22–29–11314 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Valid from serial : 9 . 97 AVT : TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. REV 2 sm 826 921 P615 Blank page 9 . 98 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations Schematics ,$%&)" $!# '$(&$!# &+ $!# +12V, -12V, +5V power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $!# %)"%$ &+ % *#! Converter - % *#! X Ray head - Divider Presence safety - Bellows & Thermal safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VHV regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCR Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Detection - RAD signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fluoro timer display - ABC hysteresis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FLUORO kV selection - RAD kV selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . &+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mode operation selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FLUORO HIGHT QUALITY selection FLUORO mA reference generation mAs reference generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filaments heating reference generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mAs integrator &+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filaments heating servo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filaments heating supply &+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kV/20 reference generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kV display mA/mAs display &+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exposure PB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 - 5 minutes Fluoro timer &+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Collimator control - Collimator logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Collimator &+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Imager control - Elapsed time counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Switching OFF PB &+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Arm UP/DOWN motorisation % *#! - % *#! - % *#! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sweep inversion - Monitor coil rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $!# Card rack - $!# Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Memories Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TABLE OF CONTENTS Imager 16 STENO CCD 625l (Mis Cables) Imager 22 STENO CCD 625l (Mis Cables) Interface CCD pwb Interface CCD 50 or 60 Hz CCD Power Supply pwb CCD Power Supply CCD Interface pwb CCD Interface ( 1/3 ) CCD Interface ( 2/3 ) CCD Interface ( 3/3 ) Video CCD pwb & Video CCD ( 1/7 ) Video CCD ( 2/7 ) Video CCD ( 3/7 ) 4 Video CCD ( 4/7 ) Video CCD ( 5/7 ) Video CCD( 6/7 ) Video CCD ( 7/7 ) CCD Stenoscop Interconnect pwb CCD Stenoscop Interconnect ( 1/2 ) CCD Stenoscop Interconnect ( 2/2 ) Deflection pwb Deflection ( 1/2 ) Deflection ( 2/2 ) Video pwb Video A. T. Power supply pwb A.T. Power supply B. T. Power supply pwb B.T. Power supply A– Edition June 1997 A–i TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Blank page Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations A–ii TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations SYNOPTIC MODULE 8 IMAGER D.A.P. Electronic Module TV MONITOR Monitor cart MDA Memory System MODULE 6 MODULE 7 COLLIMATOR Iris 9A1 Transpanel A2TP3 250mV Flat field TV CAMERA REPROGRAPH A2TP2 100mV flat field video preamp (Option) 3A19 Minuterie A2TP7 = -2.1vdc 2.1vdc Pin 6 =ov when ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ fixed grid IMAGE INTENSIFIER X Ray Head 2mm copper = 3/32" 6 ratemeter Hysteresis ABC Measure Ion Chamber mA mA KV Analogic / Digital Conversion G90 3A9 CONSIGNE KV / mA Magnitude comparator ADC 110 kv Limit FC 110 Lim. 110 Digital / Analogic Conversion G20 G21 G68 4585 40 kv Limit Reference voltage A Magnitude comparator G108 G126 A>B G67 4585 B Dis. KV C G22 G48 G31 Logic BP + Digital / Analogic Conversion 4516 G94 G138 G125 UP / Down SC G97 4508 mA manual Reference voltage mA Fluoro Reference voltage mA Kv Demand Maintains kvp in pulsed fluoro so it doesn't start each pulse at 40 kvp demand BUS KV/20 Code C0 – C7 3A26 Filaments Heating Measure mA 5A1 Heating Power mA Demand 2A1 MODULE G G137 G136 SC 7447 EPROM 2 x 4 Bit latch mA / mAs Counter G66 G89 G90 EPROM BCD to 7 Segments Decoder MODULE 5 Selected not actual Alimentation FC0 ER HLC TH FC0 MODULE 9 mA – mAs G121 4516 F KV/mA Bin. Dec. FC1 FCGR Power supply FC1 FCGR 5TR1 Interface Mains 9TR1 mA(S) UP Logic BP mA–mAs EPROM A= B 2 x 4 Bit latch 2 x 4 Bit latch G118 G132 G119 G133 EPROM G65 2A1 MODULE G Sec. GR G120 3A7 AD / KV + – MODULE 4 + pulse for Rad - pulse for Fluoro EPROM 4516 HOLD KV Selected Foot switch, exp switch, and interlocks half way test points Converter DAC Clock Counter Rad 4028 G69 4508 KV KV manual – 2 x 4 Bit latch KV 3A19 SCR CONTROL Stop mAs mA BCD to Decimal Decoder Counter Trou Clk Stop mAs terminates exposure when actual mAs = selected mAs D 7447 A<B 4585 U G138 G172 EPROM Int4Clk 2A1 MODULE G BCD to 7 Segments Decoder Lim. 40 G18 G19 Dem x KV / 20 1v =20kvp DAC FC 40 120KV 3A12 KV / mA Select capa aux capa prepo Main Scr Main Scr 4508 DAC 4508 G87 G88 5R 500W SC B 4585 SC Cons. mAs A Magnitude comparator mA(S) UP Reference voltage mAs G134 G135 ER HLC TH Clock 4516 Counter mA – mAs A–1 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations MODULE 5 9PL1 MALE MODULE 91 FEMELLE – FEMALE 1PS1 LOW VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY PL1 D.A.P. Interface F2 F4 C1 F3 See configuration page A–38 LV SUPPLY 9Tb1 9K1 o ÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉ 9R1 – 2E2 9R2 – 1E 9Tb3 9TR1 A–2 o TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations See chapter 3, § 9R1,9R2 surge resistors 9R2 1E 25W MAINS AND LOW VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLIES 150 MODULE 9 – INTERFACE Carm plug or jumper plug for monitor stand alone 9PL1 1 9R1 2E2 25W A 9Sm1 9Tb3 2 2 1 LOAD1 LINE1 13 14 8 12 43 44 7 275V C1 0MF47 MAINS 228V 6 11 C 5 155V B LOAD2 3 9K1 2 A1 AUX. COIL A2 M 3 D 2 0V 21 22 3B 3 541A 2 33 34 B 8 1 Gnd 53 54 55 DR4 DR7 c b d 17 18 19 7 1 4 to inverter a 1–5 MODULE 3 – CARDS RACK K1 61 4Tb1.6 23 031B 33 34 48 49 50 9E3 24 25 26 12 3PL5 40 27 B D24 39 A 2 15K4 150 140 210 37 D25 F31 1A + C32 470MF 1K5 007B 5 K1 A 50Hz 60Hz D C B 200V 120V 108V 8 7 50Hz 6 A 560Hz 7 6 A 50Hz 5 60Hz 7 6 A 50Hz 5 60Hz 7 6 A 50Hz 5 60Hz 7 6 A 50Hz 5 60Hz 7 6 A 50Hz 5 60Hz 7 6 A 50Hz 5 60Hz 7 6 5 C C 1 B D D 1 B 3 B 2 D 1 002 + 12V OUT 3 1 12V/1A 0V + 5,05V + 5,05V 5E20 4 3 B 2 D 1 C C 4 3 2 1 D 4 3 2 B B 1 003 D 4 D 19 SENSE 127V 10 a1 +12 V 3A19a1 a1 0V 3PL1.S 004C 1E1 5 E2 3A1.a35 7 4 114F 3A5 3A7 3A9 3A12 3A19 3A26 a3 b3 a3 b3 a3 b3 a3 a3 a3 3A5 3A7 3A9 3A12 3A19 3A26 a4 b4 a4 b4 a4 b4 a4 a4 a4 3A3. 3A5 3A7 3A9 3A12 3A19 3A26 a2 a2 b2 a2 b2 a2 b2 a2 a2 a2 L 1–4 1 1–2 2 1–2 3A3. a3 b3 0V 3A1.a13 2 M –12 V 5 0V + 24V 3A3. a4 b4 16 12 OUT 4 24V/2A 090D 21V a1 b1 3A26 017A 9PL1–24 15 SENSE 122C 3A12 3PL1.M 3 122A OUT 1 5,05V/10A 23 5E20 2–2 3A7 a1 b1 a1 b1 3A9 1A1.PL1.2 10 27V 3A3. a1 b1 3PL1.F 2 22 100V 8 3 2 1 21 8 C 6 MODULE 3 1E1 5F2 3A 17 8 3 2 001 208V 4 1 5 0V 8 C 230 v 3PL1.B 016D 201B 9 CHAUFFAGE FILAMENTS FILAMENTS HEATING 8 4 8 1E2 3 275V 3A5 W X 901 16 8 C 3 002B 8 4 D 220V 3A3. Emergency off buttons on console 4 5 6 21 22 9A1 TRANSPANEL 228V 0V 36 Keeps k26 from energizing Opens after time delay. If cable plug 9PL1 is until time delay is reached disconnected it closes and trips breaker by energizing and K1 opens K26 240V 7 119D 5Tb1.3 9Tb1.12 29 27V 2 102D 24 0V PL4 R30 230V a36 9Tb1.7 R29 +12V 007B 26 K26 0V SENSE – 3A7.b35 201B J 1–1 E2 1 C 2 3PL3 5Tb1. 1 121B 3A1.a3 004C 122A X 902 OUT 2 7 12,1V/2A + 12,1V 13 SENSE + PL11 R28 100E 1A1.PL1.1 DALLE 1 LOW VOLTAGE PS 1E8 3PL1.H 017A 3PL3.X 3PL5.B 27V Yellow/ green Brown Mod . d 4Tb1.5 220V Avt. a 7 Blue 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 2 + 12V K27 0 1 2 Serial No 8 5TR1 PL4 Date 15/07/96 remove jumper for "demo mode" 1 0V Rev. A 011B 1 9F4 1A 2 Monitor and accesories 10 11 541A Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. 4CR7 9Tb1.5 120V 9 Monitor 2 4E10 4Tb1. 1 9F3 5A 4 Monitor 1 20 21 22 275V 9 9Tb1. 3C 58 59 60 55V Time delay 1 MODULE 4 – CONVERTER 10 1 2 trip coil JumĆ per 32 2 9Tb1.6 A 4 LINE2 1 9TR1 33 9F2 1A E2 1E2 E2 1 3–1 1 K 2 11 1A1.Tb3 +5 V 122C ALIM. 90W 861371P015 Tb2. 2 CARD RACK GROUND 1E5 1A1 MOTEUR ARCEAU 1 121/130 4 3 B 2 3 2 1 1 Tb3. 20 004 2 005 MODULE 5 006 007 008 / 010 A–3 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC . Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations ÇÇÇÇÇ PANELS 1 – 3 – 4 – 5 3A3 DIAPHRAGMES 2 832 502 G015 MODULE 1 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E7 E10 E11 E13 ALIM. B.T. A A A PL1 L.V. P. SUP PL2 PL3 A PL4 A PL5 A PL6 MODULE 3 1 R1 1 R2 C3 C4 1C1 Tb1 1 R3 MODULE 4 1 R4 R5 R6 R8 R10 R9 R11 C3 MODULE 5 R5 R6 R7 R8 A–4 C4 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations 3PL1 PL1 PL3 3A19 3PL3 a17 C A 2 a16 B Stepped down inverter current for scr safety 4K7 50W X 1 2 4Tb1 4A1 4C1 PL1 5MF 2MF 4CR2 220K 275v 4Tb1–8 B 4C7 ~ 1 + 4CR7 220K + 380v 4x 470E 7W 1 3 L A 5 7 9 C E G 4A1 007B 007C CR1 C35 PL1 E1 2 4 6 8 B D F 4R4 470K 4C3 4CR5 2MF R 4C4 PL1 CR7 SKT12F 10DS 4R3 5MF 6 5 4A2 PL2 4A2 R10 R11 22E 22E 4E7 50W PL2 1 2 4CR6 C365N FA 4x 470E 7W C11 100K 130–450pF 2500pF 4A2 VC IN Tb24 E6 2 Insert mA meter here 2K2 10 VC C34 VC OUT E2 1K 4 10 R4 R7 R8 3K65 3K65 3K65 3K65 mesure mA SC 6 021E C6 100K 100E0 6 6 R10 PL2 15 1 K 5 7 4 10 1 1.8 9 2 2 0.5 10 1 5 J 3PL1–S Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. Bellows switch >70degrees C. Thermal switch >50 degrees C. Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. 3 A 2 B 11 V 3PL3–W a22 031C SEC. BELLOWS 6Sa1 + 12 V 008B G166.B 6SaTh2 3A9.b7 TH Mod . 071A b15 R507 R509 3 47K 2K2 R506 100K + 12 V MODULE 8 IMAGEUR IMAGER 3A26.a1 008C a11 C508 10K R504 4 470E 832 502 G015 b16 3A7.a16 C505 10K 3A3 DIAPHRAGMES 2 a12 3A3 a22 a23 3A5 b17 b18 3A7 All boards plugged in before HV inverter can fire (exception 3A1 digital interface) Enable for main scr SECURITE PRESENCE CI PB PRESENT SAFETY 012 013 014 021F 3A19 Inhibits exposure 3PL1 1E4 mesure mA Gr HD281 2 081–090 5 3X 30S6 5A1 PUISSANCE CHAUFFAGE 6 6A1 CI DIVISEUR 035B–E 3A19 COMMANDE SCR 011 8 021D 3 11 D C27 R5 2 4CR6 9 AC 1 M 7 MAIN SCR 8 4 W33 16 4CR1 3 2x100M 2 x 22K 6 1 MAIN SCR 7 VA C9 PL1 C 200K R17 9 10K FC 2500pF 1 dicharges 4C3 and 4C4 E4 R12 4 N CAPA PREPO R13 2200pF CR4 Adds 4C4 for Rad 200K 2200pF 5 4A1 SELECT. CAPA AUX. mesure kv R14 C19 8 PL1 OUT AA E1 100K 7 S PL2 R18 10K R15 3 7 VA OUT 130–450pF 2 H 2K2 C16 CR2 CR3 1 2 C28 VA IN 2500pF L3 005B E3 IN P 3A12 kV/mA 1K E5 2x100M 2500pF 1R1 7A2 LASER CONTROL M 0V +12V 6PL1 3x 0E68 50W 2 voltage doubler caps 1R2 4CR4 4 – 5Tb2–1 1R4 C365N 3/5 4C5 4000MF ~2 4CR1 L1 4TR1 4CR3 4E10 2 x 22K 1 237K 005A 2 5 6 4C2 4C6 0MF47 H MODULE 6 CUVE RX – X RAY HEAD 6PL1 4TR2 4R2 2A4 031B 1C1 4DS1 +12V 008B X RAY Hand Switch MODULE 4 ONDULEUR – CONVERTER Caution measure voltage before servicing 1 3PL3 LASER P.B. 036B 1R3 1 Y 015 016 017 TH 054F a29 a28 Lights warning light and disables High Dose Fluoro a21 a22 3A9 031F a32 12 V CI 3A19 a20 a19 3A26 018 019 / 020 A–5 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations 3A12 kV mA 829 825 G025 14 4011 13 12 11 10 9 8 2 3 4 5 6 GND 7 VCC 1 4040 16 15 14 VCC Q11 Q10 13 Q8 12 11 10 9 Q9 Reset Clock Q1 12 Bit Binary counter 40106 14 13 VCC 1 A–6 2 12 11 10 9 8 Q12 Q6 Q5 1 3 Q7 Q4 Q3 Q2 4 5 6 7 GND 3 4 5 6 GND 7 2 8 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations start exposure 3A19.a18 a14 G33.D 12 SEXP 103B a13 11 035B R15 220K A a1 R60 +12V a3 E6 C177 C176 C56 C130 C204 C501 10MF 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K C179 C178 C57 C129 C205 C500 10MF 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K 100K +12V 0V Card rack a4 –12V R63 LF356 2 +12V 6 A55 3 R64 4K7 4K7 10K 2 1 +12V D65 42K2 R58 R44 1K87 5K62 R11 a12 2K2 098A B 3A19.a5 A152.B R12 7 C13 100K 10K OX Order xray 031A starts in steno goes to digital and back to here R7 10K R50 12 11 13 R40 10K 4K7 2K2 8 5 C8 G33.C 220K 10K D224 Real time kv feedback Va anode R140 a35 6 C85 R84 1K 2K2 = 1kv R189 7 2 953K0 3 A315 R185 46K4 953K0 3 =1kv 1K R98 30K1 15K4 R232 kV COMPOSITE 4M7 027E 1K 8 6 31K6 D99 R105 R96 2 2K2 5 R117 9 10K0 R115 11K0 A114.C 10 8 R116 6 10K0 LM324 R118 3 D324 A114.B 5 LM324 023B R171 11K0 1M 1K 6K8 R170 R173 R319 11K0 R317 R306 23K7 3 A314 D325 6 D507 10K R508 R172 1K 2K2 13 Actual Kvp A114.D 14 –12V 4K7 G34.B 4 3 2K2 a18 3A19.a19 DEM X Pulse stream to fire 031D inverters R121 10K E2 R124 +12V 100K R155 5K36 LM324 R16 R162 47K 2 100K A160 6 R161 R163 15K 2K2 3 R158 D159 G34.C 5 6 10K a16 A26.a24 kV 85 o/o 081D D164 10K0 D174 1M 2 D125 R156 10K R128 1 R120 12 R321 C323 10K R96 4K7 LF356 2 024D kV COMPOSITE R500 6 10K A114.A CONSIGNE kV/20 G34.A 6K8 A122 R126 3 2 Desired Kvp E4 R127 2 100K LM324 +12V R123 7 3 –12V R320 C322 +12V 10K0 D119 LF356 A313 Mod . LF356 1 6 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Avt. 13 95K3 R110 20K5 2 0 1 2 Serial No 6 A97 R113 022B R112 10K Date 15/07/96 3 G34.F 12 Rev. A 301K R111 R318 R157 1K 30K1 R195 9 95K3 95K3 C198 D194 D193 100K Mesure mA Sc C199 018D 100K 4 R100 LF356 R104 C137 6 A102 3 7 100K 23K7 7 15K4 C95 71K5 121K R307 E R91 3 R93 Q92.B 301K 2 10K R316 Fluoro mA R103 +12V 1M R197 6 2K2 CONSIGNE kV/20 R311 Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. 2 Q92.A 8 9 LF356 R300 6 3 4K87 LF356 6 A180 A138 R136 LF356 3 A312 3 121K0 2 R135 R131 10K0 10K0 R186 D134 LF356 6 R310 R184 100pF E7 1v 2 10K0 1M 10 G34.D 10K D88 G33.A 71K5 C78 4K7 R308 R305 9 5 R101 6 A132 R309 LF356 All unmarked diodes are 1N6263 1 R89 1 2 2 10K 2K 2 3 2 R133 R216 121K0 100pF 018B 10 4 4 6K8 R181 R304 R302 C303 8 555 22K 1v = 20kv E5 C301 cathode 8 Vc 6 220K E8 1v 829 825 G025 Q79 C82 1K 3A12 CI kV / mA – 2 5 3 7 1 4K7 PL1 10MF 2K2 6 Gnd 4 220E 8 6 4 C77 D139 R141 46K4 3 Mesure kV D D83 100K 5 R80 +12V G33.B 10E 12K1 R86 G32.C 220K 031E 9 RX REQ +12V R87 6A1 PL2 9 a15 040B 3A19.a34 D4 5082H 4 3 +12V R9 CLOCK G32.B 10 6 2K2 R5 PRI 8 KHZ 3K3 11 8 G30.C R76 a11 tube arc to terminate exposure for good R3 Tube arc counter C INT 4 CLQ 031C Goes low on forth 4 3 +12V C 10 2 33K +12V 3A19.a29 4040 3A19.a26 B R81 Presence of current in inverter a9 8 9 6 Q3 G30.A 1 D48 kv drops below 30 kv = tube arc D43 R41 G32.D 10 LF356 C42 031D +12V 16 G32.E G31 33K –12V G30.B R6 G32.F D49 R47 6 A46 2K2 R10 a6 3 CONSIGNE kV/20 025D 028E Tube arc interupts exposure up to four 3A19.a25 times TROU CLQ 47K 40K2 5 a5 470K R51 R45 6 3A19.b5 CONSIGNE kV/20 D53 C54 100K 2 kv command 1v =20kv +12V R52 1M –12V PRX 116C R14 G32.A 6K8 R62 R61 R59 13 E1 +12V R202 R201 95K3 95K3 R210 R209 2 187K0 A192 10 LF356 187K0 3A19.a28 120 kV exceeded max kv of 110 (kvp reached 120kvp) 3A19.a23 Mesure mA Sc 031C LM324 3 R200 a27 8 A152.C 6 a8 081E 6 3 Rad mA R208 95K3 95K3 C211 D207 D206 4K7 C212 5 1 1v =1mA 13 Mesure mA Gr F 018D Presence of xray 3A3.b12 R215 95K3 4K7 R214 2 187K0 A152.D A203 R213 187K0 3 LF356 6 a7 14 12 R153 LM324 R151 2 10K0 95K3 3A26.a32 Mesure mA Gr 081C 1v = 10mA 10K0 A152.A a10 1 (Mesure mA Gr) 3 LM324 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 A–7 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations 14 13 VCC 4012 12 11 10 9 8 3 4 5 6 GND 7 12 11 10 9 8 3 4 5 6 GND 7 12 11 10 9 8 2 3 4 5 6 GND 7 14 13 VCC 12 11 10 9 8 3 4 5 6 GND 7 12 11 10 9 8 Q Q C R D S Q Q C R D S 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 14 13 VCC 4023 1 2 14 13 VCC 40106 1 4093 1 2 Dual D Flip Flop 14 13 Vcc 4013 PL1 CL GND 7 D 13 12 +TR –TR C R/C C R/C CD 1 2 3 CD 11 +TR –TR 10 9 Q Q A–8 4 5 Q 6 7 GND 8 Q 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 X 0 0 Q Q X X 1 0 0 1 X 0 1 1 0 X X 1 1 1 1 T =RX X CX Q Q X Dual MONOSTABLE 16 15 14 Vcc S 0 1 : High level 4538 R 0 : Low level X : Don’t care 3A19 COMMANDE SCR 2 828 982 G035 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Fluoro five minute time shut off 3A12.a26 4’ 57’’ a30 106B OX from digital via 3a1 A 201E 8 a6 D8 D10 3A7.a34 007B +12V 10K X V 5 a12 100K 7 RAD R16 R15 a9 +12V 47K 5Tb1 –1 C14 10K 100K 016E PL1–A INT 4 CLQ D 030B a26 3A12.a27 030E a28 Q1 033E Q1 033E +12V 030D 100K 4K7 4 100K a25 1K 039B C176 C94 10K 11 a27 R45 R100 2K2 2K2 G119.B G120.C E166 22K R218 3K65 619E0 4 13 5 G114.B 6 10 10 9 4K7 Clock C104 021C C129 C211 3A26.a20 T1B 9 C196 C193 10MF 10MF R68 G216.E 10 R252 220E C255 4CR7 22K BZX83C6V2 R325 D250 BZX83C3V3 220E 012C 15 100NF 3 Q Q 4 6 Q R261 1K5 10K 12 13 4K7 G122.D 11 10K G121.B 11 C D180 R179 220K D186 R257 Q259 E260 G161.E 11 R177 2K26 4K7 2 10K R72 R194 R195 47E 220K G216.A 1 2 R264 TR269 10K 15E4 IT235 D267 1N5061 R285 47E C67 C197 4K7 10MF R105 R106 10K 1K 100pF 9 8 4K7 4 3 5 G216.C 6 13 G216.F 12 10K R102 R50 220K 10K 10K C103 10K 11 10 R190 4K7 Q189 2N2222 R284 2N2222 R331 D271 BZX83C3V3 C277 4CR6 22K R274 BZX83C6V2 220E 012C 10 220E 100NF C333 MAIN SCR 100NF Q278 BD140 220E 4K7 Q298 R283 R286 TR291 3K3 15E4 IT235 D289 Q178 2N2222 off if mising 12v 033 220K 1K5 R280 G113.E R51 220E D329 C275 R279 Q281 On if missing 12 volts 470E 11 R273 2 +12V(A) D107 G161.D 2N5064 3 1 10E 10K –12V(C) E282 C108 G216.B Q330 R272 D270 R266 C265 100E BZX85C12 R217 MAIN SCR 100NF R263 BZX85C12 12 012C 1 BD140 4K7 G122.A Q1 220E Q256 220E Q 3 220E C327 1K5 R258 R262 10 4CR4 22K R318 R343 C321 100NF C328 10 R181 220E BZX83C6V2 D315 RAD R317 D341 C319 13 R BZX83C6V2 1K R192 Q 2 2 10E 1N5061 1N5061 S 2N5064 3 1 +12V(A) R187 –12V 7 2N2907 10K 032 D314 R310 C309 –12V(C) C198 R188 9 Q1 D Q320 R316 BZX83C3V3 031E 11 018D IT235 C340 2N2222 R S TR313 15E4 100E 1 2 R308 T2B Q TROU CLQ G121.A D 5 BD140 BZX85C12 6K8 C 100NF D311 14 4538 SELECTION CAPA AUXILIAIRE C339 Q300 220E R305 14 9 a32 031 220K 1N5061 G155.B 11 031E G216.D 16 2 D323 D312 031D Q185 4K7 12 V CI 12 volt daisy chain interlock thru all boards 2N2222 100K 5 Clock 8 R306 6 R154 100K D182 R215 G161.C 5 12 SX a21 10E C253 D268 R183 21K5 47E F 2N5064 3 1 1N5061 10K 1K5 R302 8 R200 032A R251 D249 R245 C244 R301 Q303 +12V 10K 4 12 13 10K +12V 033C 330E IT235 4K7 C153 032D 2N2222 1K TR248 15E4 +12V(A) +12V 5 D139 1 PL1 Q324 R243 1N5061 555 G161.A 2 PREPOSITIONNEMENT CAPA Q235 D246 3K3 2 G161.F DEM X G122.B 4 3 +12V Alternately fires main scrs 8 Q210 Mod . SYX GR C18 100NF C322 G128 1 R52 a11 470E C344 –12V(C) 6 8 9 5 RAD 7 033C D191 a34 R17 10 BD140 BZX85C12 R307 038A 10MF 10K BZX83C6V2 3A12.a35 3K3 – 12 V E304 G113.D R140 4 G115.E 11 11 R208 10K0 Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. Avt. Clock 1K5 R240 6K8 828 982 G035 13 5 G120.B 100K R199 041D G112.C 4K7 R175 3 4 C162 Clock 220E R237 2N2222 3A19 CI COMMANDE SCR2 8 D220 12 C209 +12V R201 9 6 8 100E Clock 10K R207 3 1K 22K C126 470K G122.C A204 G113.C 5 D247 R127 R221 R163 W165 G118.D 6 4K7 R241 10K 6 46K4 R98 2K2 R130 10K 6 9 031D R205 R242 C99 2K05 10 +12V 2M2 Serial No 8 SEXP TROU CLQ 2 One pulse at exposure start 220K R47 E164 035A 13 LF356 4K7 220E 10E 5 G120.D D31 10K Start exposure 3A5.b8 47K R236 Q238 D174 R101 R206 D97 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 2K2 R219 4 033C +12V 2K2 0 1 2 4K7 2K2 G119.A Clock 9 C85 R70 R214 E239 220K +12V 3 10K 6K8 Date 15/07/96 R96 6 R184 R44 Rev. A R43 D54 R53 R110 8 PRI Presence of Inverter current to prevent cross firing of scrs 330E SEXP 3A3.a17 3A12.a14 +12V(A) R95 10K +12V C109 12 D157 4 12 a18 +12V 032E 1 10 R212 220K 100K DEM X 3K3 030B E 2K2 R42 10K 9 11 116A 021A SEXP 032D R84 G114.D 8 +12V C213 C93 R39 2K2 2 8 13 G114.C 7 Q R 6 10K G112.B +12V 032D 033D R92 –TR PRE Rad 3A26.a31filament enable 081D 10K 10K TROU CLQ R41 C19 470E 4538 5 038A G161.B +12V D156 a10 G155.A 4 R38 031E 032C 3 5 G117.A R91 100K 2 10K R71 1K R46 032D 6 5 G118.B 10K R40 1 R33 a19 2K2 3 C89 100K D158 4 1 3 E124 G120.A 100K f max 2K2 Clock R32 R146 220K G115.B 2 3 4 5 R111 a36 TROU CLQ 4K7 R36 1K If closed then Fluoro only No RAd 3A12.a9 R145 RAD 2 1 032D 033D a35 tube spits upto 43A12.a5 R90 a23 120 kV 3A12.a18 R37 a22 085D 3A26.a21 G117.B 2 2MF2 T2 6 Q +TR T1 G115.C G113.A 2 a20 SEC BELLOWS STOP mAs 6 3 D87 10K 5 3PL6–L +12V 2 G118.A 1 C86 C74 S76.B 2K2 R63 –8 2K2 SYX SC 3A26.a28 081F 10K 330K 1 +12V 220E R88 4K7 C28 +12V R159 C160 R144 13 11 12 R35 a15 470E +12V 10K D143 3 8 11 C147 100K 038A Inhibit exposure 1 D57 Fluoro filament enable goes high at 5 minute fluoro time out +12V 2K2 10K R27 10 038A 3 R55 G119.C 12 RAD G114.A 12 2 13 10K G112.A 1 +12V R80 C66 10K A 4 2K2 R65 2A4 5E21 R58 R34 9 47K 007C 10K 220E +12V If closed then 2 fluoro disabled +12V from hand switch 47K 2K2 C6 when Rad R77 100K selectecd 100K 038A G116.A 6 3 1 8 G118.C R79 9 RAD 10 2 R11 R69 S76.C R64 PL1 PL3 3PL3 Pulse stream to regulate inverter firing rate DEM X via closed loop kv control 10K R56 13 10K 9 10 RAD R5 S76.D R7 a7 BPCL C 220K 100K D9 038A X RAY C59 C60 G112.D 2K2 R3 4 3 13 116C R48 G113.F SX 066A Hand switch R61 1K G113.B 11 1 R62 032F +12V 1K R78 B 100K 22K 2K2 S76.A 116F 3A3.b18 R49 C22 R4 3A7.b8 102C +12V R21 47K 051A 021B 201C PEDALE DE SCOPIE FLUORO FOOT SWITCH R24 100K a5 3A1.a17 3A3.b28 OX R25 12 3A1.a15 3A7.a7 3A12.a6 OX Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations +12V Half way test point: flip S76a closed, pull 3A1 and fluoro. you should be able to make xray but will not get any monitor video. This seperates mda/generator problems. a13 Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC 034 R288 C287 100E R294 D292 1N5061 220K 7 1 2 R295 220E D335 C297 1N5061 3 10E 10K D290 2N5064 BZX83C6V2 D293 BZX83C3V3 R337 C299 22K R296 220E 6 220E 4CR1 012C C328 –12V(C) 10034 Do not hang scope in this area. It may trigger scr unintentionally 035 A–9 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations PL1 3A19 COMMANDE SCR 2 A–10 828 982 G035 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC 3 Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations +12V R20 A 3A7.a29 100K a14 G115.A R73 R26 3K3 1K a8 R12 2 1 3A26.a36 GR RAD 470E C75 066C 081E C13 10K 10K RAD 032B 033C 034B 3A12.a32 3A3.a8 103D 3A1.a22 111D D G115.F 12 13 RAD 032B 032A +12V DETECTION I 013A 4L1 +12V 4Tb1 PL3 10K0 R123- refer to Job card rg 203 4TR1 1b B a16 +12V 4 D29 +12V 2b C R81 2 R83 10K a17 R30 2 10K – 12 V R169 9 A135 4K7 6 R171 a29 R173 3A12.a11 A137 D133 PRI 3 8 4K7 2K26 2K2 021C D170 R132 D151 2K15 C134 1M 10K0 6K8 2 10K0 G115.D R152 R149 R148 R141 R131 6K8 LF356 6 3 4L3 E125 R150 D82 1E 2W 3 Current sense from inverter E172 10K0 50K 1 E1 R168 R123 4A1 B R167 R138 C136 10K0 22pF PRI 031D 1K R142 237K0 +12V W350 –12V +12V + 12 V a1 W351 R226 +12V(A) 10E 0V – 12 V C a3 a4 C231 C229 C202 C224 C222 100K 10MF 100K 10MF 100K W354 E233 C232 C230 C203 100K 10MF 100K W352 R228 C342 C326 C332 C338 100K 100K 100K 100K E234 C225 C223 10MF 100K L227 –12V(C) W353 10E 100H –12V 3A 19 COMMANDE SCR2 828982G035 MASSE CARD RACK –12V All unmarked diodes are 1N6263 Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. D 036 037 038 Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 039 Serial No Avt. Mod . 040 A–11 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations BA 4093 14 13 VCC 12 11 10 9 8 PL1 2 3 4 5 6 GND 7 14 13 VCC 12 11 10 9 8 3 4 5 6 GND 7 1 74LS100 1 2 3A5 MINUTERIE 832 501 G015 BA PL2 BCD COUNT SEQUENCE Count OUTPUT COUNTER 7490 14 13 12 11 7490 10 9 8 GND CPO Q0 Q3 Q1 CP1 MR1 MR2 Q2 MS1 MS2 VCC 1 2 3 4 5 6 Q0 / 12 Q1 / 9 Q2 / 8 Q3 / 11 L H L L L L L L 2 L H L L 3 H H L L 4 L L H L 5 H L H L g f 6 L H H L B C 7 8 H H L L H L L H 1 2 9 H L L H 0 1 7 MODE SELECTION MR 1 / 2 MR 2 / 3 MS 1 / 6 H X A–12 H H X L X H OUTPUT MS 2 / 7 X L H Q0 / 12 L L H Q1 / 9 L L L Q2 / 8 L L L Q3 / 11 L L H 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 a BI/ RBO b LT RBI c d e D A 3 4 5 6 7 VCC GND 8 PIN MAN 71A 0 RESET / SET INPUTS H 7447 A B C D a L L L L L b c d e L L L f g L L H 1 H L L L H L L H H H H 2 L H L L L 3 4 L H L 1 14 a 2 13 L H L H H L L L L L L H H L L L H L H L L H H L L 5 6 H L H L L H L L L H H L H H L L H L L L L L L X L X Count X L L X X X L L Count Count 7 H H H L L L L L H H H 8 L L L H L L L L L L L X L L X Count 9 H L L H L L L H H L L 1 Cathode a 2 Cathode f 3 Commun Anode 6 3 f b g 11 e c 10 6 7 d DP 9 8 NC 7 Cathode e 8 Cathode d 9 Cathode DP 10 Cathode c 11 Cathode g 13 Cathode b 14 Commun Anode TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations + 5V + 5V + 5V PL1 + 5V PL2 a1 + 5V + 5V divide by ten A R219 R218 R217 R216 R215 R221 R220 G184 50 HZ free running oscillator 3A12-a30 PRX CP 1 R4 a5 G158 3 1K 106B G143 G142.A G144 2 R37 680E 051A 101B b7 b1 b3 b2 b5 b6 b4 DS15 00.01 7 x 150E + 5V + 5V reset total time + 5V PL1 PL1 Sm 19 a36 b3 a6 D6 R5 100E 051C 2A1 MODULE G 4 R39 G142.B G159 6 47K 5 R38 G142.C 9 8 330E C70 C3 100K 4MF7 + 5V G142.D 12 3A5 MINUTERIE divide by 10 832 501G015 a2 C178 PL2-a4 + 12V C80 10MF a3 0V E214 a4 – 12V 12 volt interlock 131A C181 C111 100K C182 C183 C110 10MF 100K 100K 220E + 12V PL2-b13 131E PL2-a12 051F PL2-b6 + 12V 111A R79 PRESENCE CI C 4K7 a23 017D + 5V + 5V R241 R240 R239 R238 R237 R243 R242 G187 G161 – 12V a22 R107 R65 20K With 2.1vdc at CdeRX adjust R65 for 0 volts out at A82 pin 6 R47 1K b9 120D R10 10K 3 D 3A19-a18 6 6 A71 035B 10K R9 R40 4K7 2K2 C8 3A1-a33 b14 100K 2K2 r66 gain 3 R125 10K R12 100K R44 C14 2K2 All unmarked diodes are 1N6263 4K7 5 A73 3 R35 1K69 12 A121.B G141.D 1 2 R68 4 R69 058B 10K 10 D128 8 G141.C A121.C R117 R36 – 12V 10K 9 8 10 R129 5 6 22K G141.A 5 4 9 G141.B 4 6 R15 470E b13 C13 1K 10K0 1M – 12V kV/20 AUTO 9K09 R120 10K a9 058B 3A7-a28 Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 3A7-a6 HOLD kV 051A high if error more negative than -.87 volts Analog 1v =20 kv Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. R123 10K0 R118 E 3A7-b29 3 + 12V R67 3A1-a23 a7 A74.A 11 1M R119 sample and hold integrator 6 13 + 12V +.87v a13 1M High if error >.87 volts D127 7 10K -.87v R45 R124 7 10K 6 A121.A Abc "deadband" adjusted for 1.75 volts accross R67. mA is a function of kvp (via eproms). This circuit prevents oscillation if on the edge of eprom step. HYSTERESIS ABC R126 1M 2 10K HOLD kV E R11 1 R66 6K8 R86 R122 R60 response R60 2 + 12V 5K 4K7 Pulsed fluoro Selected R81 C109 b7 b8 A82 3 10K 470K SEXP R80 LF356 R41 3PL2 X Start exposure 15K 2 Cde RX 5 C113 100K 8 680K D83 R108 C72 IH5020CPA 6 100K0 1M – 12V 2A1 MODULE G C280 R85 R115 LF356 10.00 824 607 G015 D84 4K7 2 DS18 D46 22K 3A3-a25 120D a13 a9 a12 a11 a15 a14 a10 7 x 150E A74.B 2.1 vdc at proper brightness (250mV flat field video at monitor 01.00 b11 R236 100K 100K DS17 7 x 150E + 5V C179 10MF 111A a1 PL2-a7 b13 b8 b12 b10 b15 b14 b9 R233 R232 R231 R230 R229 R235 R234 G186 G160 + 5V 00.10 + 5V 13 045A Fluoro time totalizer DS16 7 x 150E 11 PL1-a1 a6 a2 a5 a4 a8 a7 a3 10 3A7 AD / kV B R226 R225 R224 R223 R222 R228 R227 G185 divide by 6- 60 sec/min Serial No Avt. Mod . Goes low when kv is satisfied and pulsed fluoro is selected 100K 041 042 043 044 045 046047048 049 / 050 A–13 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations Dual D Flip Flop 4 Bit Magnitude Comparator 16 4585 15 14 A3 13 12 B3 A > B A < B 11 10 9 B0 A0 B1 1 A2 2 A = B A > B A < B A = B A1 3 4 5 6 COMPARING 7 14 13 Vcc Q A3=B3 A2>B2 8 4013 OUTPUTS CASCADING A3 B3 A2 B2 A1 B1 A0 B0 A3>B3 X X X Cascading Inputs B2 INPUTS X A3=B3 A2=B2 A1>B1 X X A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 A0>B0 A<B X A=B X A>B 1 A<B 0 A=B 0 A>B 1 X X 1 0 0 1 X X 1 0 0 1 X X 1 0 0 1 CL 12 11 10 9 8 Q C R D S Q Q C R D S 1 2 3 4 5 6 GND 7 D R 0 0 1 A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 A0=B0 0 1 1 A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 A0=B0 1 0 X 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 Binary UP / DOWN Counter 4516 0 A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 A0<B0 X X X 1 0 0 A3=B3 A2=B2 A1<B1 X X X 1 0 0 X A3=B3 A2<B2 X X X X X 1 0 0 A3<B3 X X X X X 1 0 0 X 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 VCC CLOCK Q3 Preset enable Q4 P4 P3 P2 Q2 UP / Reset Down Carry P1 IN Q1 Carry OUT 1 4 2 3 5 6 7 Q 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 X 0 0 Q Q X X 1 0 0 1 X X 0 1 1 0 X X 1 1 1 1 0 : Low level CL CI U/D X 1 X : Don’t care PE R ACTION X 0 0 No Count 0 1 0 0 Count UP 0 0 0 0 Count DOWN GND X X X 1 0 Preset 8 X X X X 1 Reset 1 : High level A–14 Q 0 1 : High level A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 A0=B0 S 0 : Low level X : Don’t care TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations 1K Hz R304 a7 R53 3A19-a5 OX R302 10K 1K R46 031A C40 6K8 A 045D 3A5-b13 a6 R29 3A3-a15 10K low = Abc satisfied HOLD kV 116B PL1 8 PL1 2N2222 R157 12 a15 G30.D R156 R62 100K a1 R75 R61 4K7 2K2 C164 G148.C 5 C146 R27 D12 G70 100K 10MF 2K2 A<B 5 G108 6 D180 1N6263 2K2 +5V +5V +5V G48 G126 R57 C60 220E 1 G124.A 12 9 13 2 22K G68.F 057D 11 G149.B G149.C R177 3 470K G124.B 5 4 5 22K 1 G5.C 11 057E G107.A G6.A 10 12 2 3 052D Fluoro = 0v 4 13 +5V +5V +5V kV CO 2 a13 b17 DS38 R28 6 5 053D G107.C G68.C 8 AUTO 9 kV CO 10 PRESENCE CI b18 057C 052A +5V SC 071B 3A9-b31 3A3-a19 116A C13 a3 0V 10MF +12 V C14 +5V 10MF G56.C C16 6 +5V 045A DS10 R42 R49 100K 10K PL1 PL1 R93 R26 10K 4K7 13 11 12 10 G56.F F 3A5 CI MINUTERIE PL5 PL2 a15 R18 DS20 150E a12 a34 Q123 2N2222 b34 R127 4K7 5 4 6 Rad = 5v 091A AD kV 3A7 G30.C 826 853 G 045 3A12-a23 CLIGN 106A Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. a19 2 hz square wave 47K 2 +5V 1 R95 150E 042C FC 40 SC 054C G5.B R104 2K2 C94 100K R96 4K7 a16 3A9-b16 TH 017F >50 degrees C Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. Mod . 10K ready light on = 5v ok 051 G89.A 68K R105 R116 10K 3A9-a23 All unmarked diodes are 1N6263 3 6 b6 3 4 G56.E G89.B R115 470E 1K 5 9 30hz to drive kv quickly after holding down kv up/down switch fo> 2 seconds R106 2A3 MODULE D C18 9 10 8 9 470K 10K R24 FC 40 8 G6.D C22 R25 1K 100K G125 8 2 FC 110 3A9-a24 091C +5V G56.B 10 11 C17 1 D50 150E 131A DS24 12 13 b5 470E R28 4 3 G5.A 30Hz a12 +5V 2 G56.A G6.E G6.F G97 4508 470K 10MF 100K 2A1 MODULE G 68K 10K 1 4K7 R38 +5V R11 C21 R10 1N6263 C20 1MF 053B up/down switch depressed D179 +5V C19 R33 D32 5 C15 47K 3Hz +5V R4 FC 110 R7 3 hz to drive kvp slowly for first two seconds kvp D8 100K a2 +5V 470pF E4 +5V E +5V 056C C9 a1 +12 V 100K 063A SC 116B 3A3-a31 R3 100pF a10 -a18 kV C7 -a7 C6 -a17 C5 -a6 C4 -a9 C3 -a13 C2 -a20 C1 -a19 kV C0 4K7 C301 5 x 150E 3A9 G138 R300 017D DS37 R27 b7 b24 b27 b28 a23 a24 b23 b22 SC G6.B 1 FC 40 3 DS21 R29 D 071C 1MF 052A 6 b5 2K2 BUS kV/20 13 C78 AUTO G107.B G65.B 9 10 11 12 R87 100K 6 4 G31 SC D88 220K DS22 R30 G69 4508 +5V 056E R84 C74 220E G30.B 5 4 4 +5V b9 1 G68.B 3 6 C R72 G65.A 2 4 3 5 6 13 4 4K7 470pF 11 5 R73 gnd C34 +5V G107.D 12 470K R71 3A5-a9 064A 10K 10 11 G149.D 8 R178 220K kV / 20 AUTO 9 FC110 R58 3A5-a7 300K Hz R35 2 R59 a28 8K66 G149.A +5V 041B R13 DS8 R43 G90 b29 3K01 045A 1 b8 R39 1K 8 0V R181 +5V +5V 3 4K7 desired kvp from abc circuit +5V G6.D 100MF 100K +5V 10MF 10 Sm32 G148.A +5V 6 2A1 MODULE G Sm31 1 C51 1N62 63 10K B 10K 2 +5V D163 R151 R162 C36 R23 13 10K +5V +5V GR 11 10K +5V Sm49 W9 E2 W10 062A E1 2 Q142 150E G148.B A>B Abc needs less kvp 1 3 9 +5V "on" = manual mode 053D 053C AUTO G30.A E3 G68.D 100K 3 470K AUTO 054B R158 4 Abc needs more kvp R161 22K 22K 2 R305 1K R160 C159 G68.A 1 11 C41 AUTO 045A 10 R303 6K8 a8 G124.C 100K R37 3A9-b34 071B 12 13 470K 052 053 054 055 056 057 058059 / 060 A–15 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations 40106 14 13 VCC 1 A–16 2 12 11 10 9 8 3 4 5 6 GND 7 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations PL1 PL1 a11 +5V R80 100K A b12 R100 R85 470E 470pF +5V Sm26 SC 052D G47 8 G139.A 470pF 2 Sm33 a6 Hlc = High level fluoro 4 R120 3A7 AD / kV 826 853 G045 100K 1N6263 3 +12V 470E C102 G137.B G139.C 470pF R82 a7 6K8 058B R101 470E 76B Sm35 100K 032A W9 150E b17 10K R187 300K Hz R117 D118 G139.B 470pF R77 OX C189 10MF 470E C99 6 3 4 5 R143 a31 R306 6K8 +12V C307 1K 10K 150E G137.C B R121 b14 pulsed fluoro 6 R144 +12V b31 G139.D 470pF 8 G137.D 9 9 8 R135 Sm52 R112 470E 470E C113 10 a14 "S" led in maS display 12 G139.F R147 R312 6K8 R145 R314 6K8 2 R136 R316 6K8 R44 C Sm50 b32 a29 4K7 42K2 R318 8 a21 C319 1K C165 Gr 036A 10k G56.D 9 3A19-a14 C317 1K R45 FL 10K G137.A R52 SP C315 1K 13 1 b2 3A1-a6 C313 1K +12V 150E 100K b30 BLM 10k G137.F 12 3A1-a16 10K +12V 13 R103 a30 C311 11 150E DS36 10 G139.E 470pF R86 a9 G137.E 11 ER 3A9-b8 071A R310 6K8 1K R122 3A1-a31 10k +12V b13 116B 3A3-b29 C309 1K 150E normal fluoro dose D R308 6K8 470E C110 R83 a8 5 R109 470E Sm48 3A19-a6 b8 C119 R98 470E R188 5 11 +5V R114 6 G150 1 AUTO a16 9 12 13 150E Extended radiography = single pulsed fluoro snapshot G89 G47 470E C92 R76 a5 053A R91 470E Rad Gr R111 a17 +5V 470E C81 045A 3A9-a29 071D 10K BP mA (s) UP 10K Sm51 a25 b1 3A9-a30 C63 R66 R176 10K 2A1 MODULE G D Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. 470K 220K 1 Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. 2 3 G47.A 5 4 G47.B 6 G47.C a14 3A9-a34 Clock 1 071F Mod . R54 10K 47K 220K 13 12 11 10 G47.E 9 8 G47.D a15 3A9-a33 Clock 2 071F 062 063 064 1.2 HZ slow change mA/mAS C64 R55 G47.F 061 BP mA (s) Down 071E 065 12 HZ fast change mA/mAS 066067068 069 / 070 A–17 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations DUAL 4 BIT LATCH TRUTH TABLE 4508 24 23 22 Vcc 21 20 19 Q3B D3B Q2B D2B Out. disa Stro. Reset D0A Q0A A A A 17 16 18 Q1B D1B Q0B 15 14 13 Reset Disable 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 X 1 0 X X X 1 X X D0B Out. Stro. Reset disa B B B D1A Q1A D2A Q2A D3A Q3A GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 9 10 11 12 D input Strobe Q output 3A9 CONSIGNE kV/mA 2 G65 Latched G132 Voir tableau See chart Voir tableau See chart 0 Z 1 : High level 0 : Low level X : Don’t care 828 980 G035 G66 Z : H. Impedance Voir tableau See chart B A G120 Dual D Flip Flop 4013 14 13 Vcc CL 12 11 10 9 8 Q Q C R D S Q Q C R D S 1 2 3 4 5 6 GND 7 D R S Q Q 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 X 0 0 Q Q X X 1 0 0 1 X X 0 1 1 0 X X 1 1 1 1 1 : High level 0 : Low level Voir tableau See chart G121 Voir tableau See chart X : Don’t care Binary UP / DOWN Counter 4516 16 15 14 13 CLOCK Q3 Preset enable Q4 P4 P3 12 11 10 9 VCC 1 2 3 CL CI U/D X 1 P2 Q2 UP / Reset Down Carry P1 IN Q1 Carry OUT 4 5 6 7 PE R ACTION X 0 0 No Count 0 1 0 0 Count UP 0 0 0 0 Count DOWN GND X X X 1 0 Preset 8 X X X X 1 Reset 1 : High level 0 : Low level X : Don’t care 4 Bit Magnitude Comparator 16 4585 15 14 A3 13 12 B3 A > B A < B 11 10 9 B0 A0 B1 1 A2 A = B A > B A < B A = B A1 2 3 4 5 6 COMPARING 7 A<B X A=B X A>B 1 A<B 0 A=B 0 A>B 1 X X X 1 0 0 1 X X X 1 0 0 1 A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 A0>B0 X X 1 0 0 1 A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 A0=B0 0 0 1 0 0 1 A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 A0=B0 0 1 1 0 1 0 A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 A0=B0 1 0 X 1 0 0 A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 A0<B0 X X X 1 0 0 A3=B3 A2=B2 A1<B1 X X X X 1 0 0 A3=B3 A2<B2 X X X X X 1 0 0 A3<B3 X X X X X 1 0 0 A3=B3 A2>B2 8 X A3=B3 A2=B2 A1>B1 X 1 : High level A–18 OUTPUTS CASCADING A3 B3 A2 B2 A1 B1 A0 B0 A3>B3 X X X Cascading Inputs B2 INPUTS 0 : Low level X : Don’t care PL1 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations + 12V RESET + 12V 075F R7 10K 6saTh2 TH G123.D 13 R9 2K2 8 11 TH * 078B 072B 12 b7 R8 6K8 A C6 10K A168 AD584 3 078C TH 1 2 3A7 b8 066B R14 R16 2K2 100K R15 68K C17 10K G124.A R98 4K7 ER 072B F kV mA 2 F kV mA LE ER 078C + 5V C91 100K C71 100K + 5V a35 CONSIGNE mA SCOPIE 6 a27 Fluoro mA demand based on kvp selected/currently using + 5V 12 13 A69 3 G124.F 2 1 3A26 2 G94 4 b31 ER R79 4K99 073B 075E 093A 3A9 CONSIGNE kV mA 2 (1) 828980G035 R195 4K22 C100 100K mA / mA s 081E G120 SC 072A + 5V + 5V a8 AUTO B R62 100K b34 051A D75 R47 R63 4K7 2K2 AUTO G86.A 073D G127.C 1 3 G66 ER TH * HLC G90 To mA / mAs DISPLAYS C7 094F 12 13 AUTO 2 D48 073C + 5V + 5V a10 SC R55 100K b31 051D + 5V SC 071E 073C D76 R42 R56 4K7 G127.A 2 1 074E G127.E 10 11 + 5V C0 BIN DEC SC 071E 071D 2K2 G89 G121 074A 074C D77 SC 072D mA(s) UP C7 b7 Digital desired kvp signal G84.B 4 4 3 6 AUTO BUS kV/20 a20 b23 C78 4K7 G129.A 3 C0 SC 12 FC GR 8 R54 2K2 4K7 a21 R51 100K 5R–500W 300W LE G139.A 9 1 8 G128.C + 5V 072B CONS. mA s + 5V + 5V + 5V D154 + 5V G118 4508 G132 G119 4508 mA(s) UP Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. Mod . 10 2 G87 9 a29 D148 071E 073C 074E 10 11 Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. + 5V + 5V AUTO G139.C 13 074C R39 066C R147 100K 2 072B SC mA(s) UP 1 081C C97 10K 094D + 5V + 5V 093E a19 b24 8 To mA / mAs DISPLAYS 072B a13 a24 G127.D 9 R96 2K2 a9 a23 Selects maS integration scale a11 range a25 0 logic from 0,16 to 5mAs 073F a6 b28 D G86.B FC 01 071E FC 0 071E FC GR 071D Clock a17 b27 060D 5 072B SC a7 b24 C a18 FC 01 min fl mA =0.1mA FC 0 min Rad mAS =0.16 FC GR max Rad mAS =160 C38 10K R149 2220K G65 R152 22K 12 11 C151 10K C0 13 G128.D R146 220K + 5V R53 100K a25 mA(s) DOWN a30 66C 2 R52 2K2 6 R41 4K7 072B SC 072B SC 075C FC0 C40 4K7 12 R153 22K G129.B 5 5 5 G139.B 3 4 6 G88 C150 10K C7 6 4 G129.D + 5V G128.A 3 4 075C FC01 E 1 G128.B 11 G86.C 071F 9 9 + 5V 13 mA(s) DOWN 11 G86.D 11 10 R57 4K7 12 Clock2 066D 071 a33 R44 4K7 R60 2K2 + 5V 4 C99 100pF R46 4K7 a34 G83.G 3 R109 072E a15 12 G135 4516 13 R61 100K R59 2K2 100K C106 1MF R110 C113 470pf G83.G 5 2K2 6 8 D104 C43 4K7 R102 R103 2K2 C107 10MF 1 11 12 3 3 9 2 G85.C A167 6 a36 a33 081D b30 C169 100K C170 100K a26 CONSIGNE mAs mA(s) UP G125.A 2 G85.B 5 072D 6 4 1 + 5V Clock 072C + 5V 10 13 R116 47K 072B 073 G134 4516 R114 47K + 5V C45 4K7 072 3 R166 4K7 G125.C 10 G83.A 220K D108 G133 R165 4K99 D111 D117 5 G125.B 4 C115 470K SC 072B 9 R207 R208 100K 2K2 G84.C 5 + 5V D210 G83.D 8 SC R58 100K 2 12 13 R164 4K99 3 G127.F + 5V R112 47K G83.E F + 5V 8 10 G129.C 072D a14 4 10 mA(s) UP Clock1 073A C171 100K G127.B G83.F 066D SC 072B + 5V mA(s) DOWN 13 8 SC 72B 6 RESET 6 074 071A C211 10MF 075 A–19 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations DUAL 4 BIT LATCH 3A9 CONSIGNE kV/mA 2 828 980 G035 / G045 G65 G132 TRUTH TABLE 4508 24 23 22 Vcc 21 20 19 Q3B D3B Q2B D2B Out. disa Stro. Reset D0A Q0A A A A 17 16 18 Q1B D1B Q0B 15 14 13 Reset Disable 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 X 1 0 X X 0 X 1 X X Z D0B Out. Stro. Reset disa B B B D1A Q1A D2A Q2A D3A Q3A GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 9 10 11 12 Strobe D input 4013 Q 1 CL 12 11 10 9 8 Q Q C R D S Q C R D S 5 GND 6 7 2 3 4 D R S Q Q 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 X 0 0 Q Q X X 1 0 0 1 X X 0 1 1 0 X X 1 1 1 1 1 : High level G120 Voir tableau See chart Z : H. Impedance 0 : Low level Voir tableau See chart X : Don’t care Binary UP / DOWN Counter 4516 16 15 14 13 CLOCK Q3 Preset enable Q4 P4 P3 12 11 10 9 VCC 1 2 3 CL CI U/D X 1 0 P2 Q2 UP / Reset Down Carry P1 IN Q1 Carry OUT 4 5 6 7 PE R ACTION X 0 0 No Count 1 0 0 Count UP 0 0 0 0 Count DOWN GND X X X 1 0 Preset 8 X X X X 1 Reset 1 : High level 0 : Low level 3A9 CI Consigne kV / mA 3A9 Consigne kV / mA PCB X : Don’t care 828 980 G035 4 Bit Magnitude Comparator 16 4585 15 14 A3 13 12 B3 A > B A < B 11 10 9 B0 A0 B1 1 2 3 4 5 6 COMPARING 7 8 OUTPUTS CASCADING 5R – 500W 828 230 P605 F kV / mA2 A<B X A=B X A>B 1 A<B 0 A=B 0 A>B 1 G66 828 232 P605 Dis. kV X X X 1 0 0 1 G67 828 229 P305 X X X 1 0 0 1 A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 A0>B0 X X 1 0 0 1 G120 828 234 P305 A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 A0=B0 0 0 1 0 0 1 G121 828 233 P305 A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 A0=B0 0 1 1 0 1 0 A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 A0=B0 1 0 X 1 0 0 G132 828 231 P305 A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 A0<B0 X X X 1 0 0 A3=B3 A2=B2 A1<B1 X X X X 1 0 0 A3=B3 A2<B2 X X X X X 1 0 0 A3<B3 X X X X X 1 0 0 A3=B3 A2>B2 A2 A = B A > B A < B A = B A1 Eprom G65 INPUTS A3 B3 A2 B2 A1 B1 A0 B0 A3>B3 X X X Cascading Inputs B2 X A3=B3 A2=B2 A1>B1 mA / mAs BIN DEC X 1 : High level A–20 B A G121 Dual D Flip Flop 14 13 Vcc G66 Voir tableau See chart Latched 1 : High level 0 : Low level X : Don’t care Voir tableau See chart Voir tableau See chart Q output 0 : Low level X : Don’t care Cons. mAs PROGAMMATION CI 2A1 PUPITRE MODULE G Fonction de Sm35 Sm35 function Sm58. 1–4 (A) 2–3 (B) ON ON ON ON Sm59. 1–4 (A) 2–3 (B) ON OFF ON OFF Sm60. 1–4 (A) 2–3 (B) OFF OFF OFF OFF PL1 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations A 2A1 MODULE G2 PL3 b20 +5V 2 DS61 HLC See programming 4 R243 150E Q242 G130.A G126.D 2N2222 S246.B 8 9 1 OX HLC 077D 3 2 R244 4K7 Iris controls dose. Normal and HLC +5V +5V R65 100E Sm35 4 1 3 2 R231 150E b22 HLC +5V HLC Q62 079C 2N2222 1 072B MODULE 8 IMAGER G122.B R64 150E S58 B PL1 In U.S. when 50 degrees C is hit system stays in HLC. In Europe system drops to Normal Dose. S59 4 R228 4K7 b21 2 1 2 S60 S59 3 R227 100K R230 2K2 G124.B 4 3 G124.C TH* 6 5 +5V C229 10K b17 G124.D H11A5100 8 8 6 Closed for S140.A U.S.A. 2 G123.A 4 13 5 TH 4 OX HLC 120F b6 R11 6K8 C13 10K 3 R142 47K 1 072A G124.E R IRIS R64 1K 2 C49 220K 0V (24V) b35 3PL2 125D 4 3 4 ER 11 G130.B G126.C 6 +5V G122.A R12 2K2 S140.B 125D G126.B 11 12 072A R10 10K b33 2N2907 XJ1 14 +24V G130.D 5 3 C 3A3.a29 Q141 R143 1K 2 1 G123.B 1 Order xray and High level dose selected R145 1K5 G126.A 4 a7 R144 10K Q131 10 9 PL1 A R155 470E G123.C R156 10K S60 3 9 072A b32 +5V R245 100K HLC 077B 6 5 G126.F 13 12 S246.A 10 OX HLC 078A D 3A9 CONSIGNE kV mA 2 (2) 828980G035 E Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. Mod . F 076 077 078 079 080 A–21 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations 14 4011 1 4023 12 11 10 9 8 2 3 4 5 6 GND 7 12 11 10 9 8 3 4 5 6 GND 7 12 11 10 9 8 3 4 5 6 GND 7 14 13 VCC 1 40106 13 VCC 2 14 13 VCC 1 2 3A26 CHAUFFAGE FILAMENTS 4 A–22 829 357 G055 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations 3A3 DIAPHRAGMES reduced power switch derates mA at selected kv's A S133–B 117E R68 R27 a17 22E 7 22E RP 083C R65 10K G185.D 6 5 2K2 8 9 100K R10 +5V C53 a7 R54 4K7 2K2 C55 47 mA / 60–69kV R14 +5V a8 4K7 4K7 C59 3A9.a16 30 mA / 100–110kV R18 +5V 098B 90K9 61K9 71K5 100K0 4 098A C63 3 8 Q110.A IH5012CDE 2 If closed allows fluoro on large focal spot for tube alignment Q110.D 14 1 13 Q110.C 11 16 3A12.a7 R39 R90 2K15 100K0 a19 C PRESENCE CI a32 5 Q110.B 018F 3A9.a11 0 logic from 0.16 mAs to 5 mAs 075C Controls mAS integrator gain 3A9.b30 R40 C91 33K2 2K2 3 4 5K Q217.B 47K R246 100K 22K R81 5 2 C198 7 R139 G184.D 1K 3 D kV 85% R41 R94 33K 075E R42 100K +12V R32 a24 100K C95 083C 10K R82 C85 R37 a31 4K7 035A R38 100K +12V R88 G185.F 10 11 A138 mAS integrator RAD 100K 6 A180 3 R181 R145 33K 2K2 C89 R48 a36 100K G185.B 10K 4 G184.F R47 R100 4K7 040A 084C 22K 100K kV 85% R7 R8 100K 100K 12 13 082E 085D 087B RAD 087B 088D RAD C101 2K2 10K exposure start 4K7 6 G186.B 2K2 8 10 D290 9 Not used 8 9 +12V 11 G188.C 12 G184.E 10 11 13 5 10 R76 R30 1K a21 +12V G187.F 3 G184.C 3 6 4 4 5 10K G188.B Q216.B 6 PRECHAUFFAGE SCOPIE FLUORO PREHEATING R590 R591 2K2 2K2 R3 5K 3 2 1 R575 R241 100K 6 IH5019CPA 8 1K C574 5 1K 33K 10K E R305 RAD 150K C219 6 10E 2 A257 2K2 1V/mA Consigne mA SC desired fl mA eprom based R253 R595 2K2 030E 3 3A12.a8 a23 R36 3A9.a35 a27 R87 100K0 46K4 075A R199 2 2K2 FL mA adjust C260 100K0 A105 3 6 R221 220K LF356 C223 1MF R9 100K R585 1K C586 1K R251 2 3 33K A222 082D R258 10K R225 100K AD741KH 100K0 +12V R596 100K 4MF7 6 1K kV85% R218 R224 C570 082D 10K D259 LF356 100K actual Fl mA feedback Mesure mA SC RAD –12V R254 100K R256 D255 7 R242 C593 082D STOP mAs 12 5 C285 3A19.a23 031C 1K C78 10 13 G184.B D592 085B 086E 087B 088C 6 stop Rad exposure at selected maS. No photo timing reduced power 120 C203 100MF volt backup timer set for 15 seconds 220 volt power backup set for 7sec G589 082D G186.D 4 LF356 1K 13 –12V G187.C G187.E 082D 084C PRE 6 C599 Fluoro 100K 4 11 G187.D +12V 11 2 G186.C D250 D248 83E 2 1 RP 082A R249 G185.A 4 12 5 R288 10K G187.B R247 2K2 IH5019CPA 1Rad 1K 8 3 2 1 2 1 3 C598 G186.A PRE R291 FILAMENT HEATING REFERENCE VOLTAGE 1K R294 G187.A 100K A292 R295 9 2 2K2 3 G188.A 1 D141 AD741KH 100K 12 13 3 3A19.a8 R140 6 47K R143 2 081D 4MF7 G184.A kV 85% G185.E R33 10K 3A19.a10 CONSIGNE mAs C147 R190 PRE 33K 4K7 028C PRE Presence of x-ray 082D R597 3 6K8 2 LF356 6 Q287.A R149 R289 R293 +12V D189 CONSIGNE mAs 3A12.a16 2K2 A214 082D +12V LF356 a33 1 1K 3 CONSIGNE CHAUFFAGE FILAMENTS Rad 1v = 10mA 087E FL 1v = 1mA RAD 082D R142 LF356 a26 kV 85% C564 1K 4K7 100K A134 2 2K2 8 9 A105 R151 3 1K C560 6 2 C571 2 1N914 3A9.a36 44K2 8 1K C561 2N2222 10K R93 4MF7 100K Q83 6 105K 2 1K 4 1K L 3 22E 2 4K7 154K0 R6 R31 IH5019CPA 6 R144 4 R563 1K C577 L Prevents filament boost (rad) until kvp reaches 85% 44K2 2 2K2 LF356 IH5019CPA 1 D146 R286 R80 a25 3 4K02 R5 AD741KH +12V a20 Q217.A R245 6 A284 075E Consigne mAs selected/desired mAS R150 R112 C135 –12V R111 selected rad mA based on selected kvp IH5019CPA 1 S528–A 4K7 8 3 1 C148 IH5012CDE 7 100K0 2 100K 1K0 33K 6 R576 R527 R243 10K 030F 2 12 10 R215 Q216.A R244 PRECHAUFFAGE GRAPHIE R4 5K RAD PREHEATING 15 R252 Mesure mA Gr Rad mA feedback 1v = 10mA Mod . 7 9 2K2 Avt. 5 C61 4K7 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Q108.B 6 1 2K2 R62 0 1 2 2 2K2 R20 Date 15/07/96 3 10K 100K Rev. A All unmarked diodes are 1N6263 R60 4K7 R21 a10 48K7 10K 100K a9 53K6 829 357 G055 IH5020CPA R58 R19 3A9.a8 R117 4 C57 R16 +5V 41 mA / 70–79kV R116 10K 100K 098A R115 R56 R17 3A9.a12 R109 10K 100K 098B R114 Q108.A 3 2K2 R12 R15 B 82E5 2 R113 10K +5V 098A 3A26 CI CHAUFFAGE FILAMENTS 4 LF356 R529 R52 4K7 100K a6 60 mA / 40–49kV 33 mA / 80–99kV 220K 3 S528–B R13 Selected Rad mA based kvp C104 19K6 6 A105 10K 2N2222 100K a5 098A 3A9.b36 Q103 4K7 R50 R106 R11 55 mA / 50–59kV 3A9.a10 6K81 R102 +5V C67 1K 19K6 Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. 2K2 2 R51 R49 G185.C 100K R23 a13 R24 3A9.a14 +12V C66 RP 2 R107 +12V Q287.B R581 6 IH5019CPA 8 1K C582 5 1K 7 C580 +12V F SYX SC Fluoro exp start 1K R34 3A19.a15 a28 100K 4K7 035A R86 R35 2K2 C84 10K 081 082 083 084 085 A–23 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations 14 4011 13 12 11 10 9 8 2 3 4 5 6 GND 7 VCC 1 ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇ 3A26 CHAUFFAGE FILAMENTS 4 829 357 G055 A–24 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations +12V R510 1K R511 A 8K66 a18 Q503 +12V 2N2907 R512 D509 68K1 +12V R514 R513 3K32 R153 100E C154 10MF D231 R229 1N914 10K C232 33K2 B 4 R233 7 R158 2K2 R230 9 G182 10 C G182 1 220K A 2 G155 082D 3 555 +12V 12 R204 5 D208 33K 1 R207 100K 5 G182 D C156 100K B 6 10K 2N2222 680E R205 C172 4K7 Q162 R72 C73 470E 470pF R167 4K7 C R520 68K1 Q508 2N2222 R268 33K D270 R269 2K2 R272 1M 2 6 D D211 2 6 A237 3 10K R557 100K 100K C R556 LF356 100K D210 R273 7 22K6 A234 3 R235 R212 Pulse width modulated R283 Q213.A Rad current feedback IH5019CPA 3 R194 1K69 LF356 A278 AD534 C275 10K 1 3 4 6 10 6 2 A282 LF356 R64 1K10 3 –12V + ~ ~ C4 8A 16 5F3 470MF 56K2 5TR1 5CR3 Primary – 4 V– 004F 1 17 6 C552 1K R281 10K 5 –12V R236 470K R240 8 Q213.B Fluoro current feedback IH5019CPA a12 R22 C553 6 5 RAD 1K 082D C296 100K Filament drive to achieve disired mA R239 CONSIGNE CHAUFFAGE FILAMENT FILAMENT HEATING REFERENCE VOLTAGE 1M 085B D279 Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. 3A26 CI CHAUFFAGE FILAMENTS 4 a2 +5V a1 a4 470MF 2 4 All unmarked diodes are 1N6263 a3 E192 47K a11 829 357 G055 +12V C3 R65 21K5 If actual current feedback > desired current then comparator goes high and interrupts 180 HZ inverter +5V 3 082D R193 7 1K 1K 470K E PL1 C555 C238 082D Fluoro 829 355 G015 RAD 1K 100K RAD 10K 10.015 C195 10pF 100K0 4K7 –12V C4 Q11 R19 V– C280 10K VHV C J Masse cuve D6 V+ 1 +12V 8 5–1 3 5A1 CI PUISSANCE CHAUFFAGE 4 9 10K 2x1N5406 MJE 5852 Fluoro C274 C209 R16 1E 2W Current safety 2 2N5457 S 2 10E Q265 R271 1K 100E0 D G C43 D9 2N5192 2K2 47E 1W BZX83 C3V3 –12V 2N2907 X–RAY TUBE 0E15 7W D24 R118 1K Q266 10K K 5–2 R7 Q121 C71 R525 8K66 +12V R267 6PL1 4 Q15 R524 +12V 1 –12V D526 PL2 1N5061 R519 4K7 R522 0E18 7W D10 4 R70 47E 1W Q506 R8 100E0 5 487E D69 330E 2N2907 4K7 10.015 R22 48E7 P 1N5406 D3 2N4920 R160 C163 R119 R521 3 2N5192 BZX83 C9V1 R518 2N2907 N R23 R26 a16 470E 3K22 D5 Q20 100E0 1K21 10E 1W Q122 680E 2 470pF Q123 R161 M C92 470E R120 2N2907 D164 2N2907 R25 a14 R74 2N5192 R166 22K Q124 Q125 D14 1E 2W R13 D79 a15 10MF R523 D18 470K R133 MODULE 6 X RAY HEAD R12 4K7 33K Q507 MJE 13009 D17 2N4920 C26 10E 1W R174 3K3 180 degree phase shift Q128 R130 10E 1W Rad Q21 2K2 470E 2N2222 D165 180 degree phase shift 9 D25 C75 R77 R178 Q176 BZX83 C6V2 2K2 R127 4 082D Q206 330E D173 R126 G183 5 10 C RAD 10MF C171 G183 8 V+ 10E 1N5061 2N4920 6 13 22E 1W R179 +12V 11 22E 1W C175 22K 4 B 6 Q129 15K G182 R132 D170 R168 3 A 2 R131 2N2222 1K G183 1 3 RAD free 6 running 2 C159 180 HZ 100K 8 Q505 4K7 R169 100E 18K7 4K7 11 D 13 R228 2K2 8 082D R PL3 R27 G183 12 3PL4 10E R517 2N2222 RAD R157 4K7 Q504 +12V BZX83 C3V3 R516 Rad R515 Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. Mod . +12V C261 C226 C136 10MF 100K 100K C263 C227 C137 10MF 100K 100K C559 1K C558 1K C277 C262 100K 100K C276 C264 100K 100K –12V F 086 087 088 089 090 A–25 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations 3A9 CONSIGNE kV/mA 2 PIN MAN 71A 1 14 a 2 13 1 Cathode a 2 Cathode f 3 Commun Anode 6 3 f b g 11 e c 10 6 828 980 G035 d 9 DP 7 8 B NC 7 Cathode e 8 Cathode d 9 Cathode DP DIS kV 828229 P305 PL1 10 Cathode c 11 Cathode g 13 Cathode b 14 Commun Anode ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ ÇÇ 4 Bit Magnitude Comparator 16 4585 15 14 A3 13 12 B3 A > B A < B 11 10 9 B0 A0 B1 B2 A2 1 2 A = B A > B A < B A = B A1 3 4 5 6 INPUTS COMPARING 7 A3=B3 A2>B2 8 OUTPUTS CASCADING A3 B3 A2 B2 A1 B1 A0 B0 A3>B3 X X X Cascading Inputs X A3=B3 A2=B2 A1>B1 A<B X A=B X A>B 1 A<B 0 A=B 0 A>B 1 X X X 1 0 0 1 X X X 1 0 0 1 A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 A0>B0 X X 1 0 0 1 7447 16 A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 A0=B0 0 0 1 A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 A0=B0 0 1 1 A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 A0=B0 1 0 X A3=B3 A2=B2 A1=B1 A0<B0 X X X A3=B3 A2=B2 A1<B1 X X X X 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 a BI/ RBO b c d e RBI D A VCC B A–26 A g f C LT 0 A B C D a L L L L L d e 1 H L L L H L L H H H H 2 L H L L L L L L L H L f g L L H L H L 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 4 H H L L L L L L H H L L L H L H L L H H L L 1 0 0 5 6 H L H L L H L L L H H L H H L L H L L L L L 1 0 0 7 H H H L L L L L H H H L L L H L L L L L L L H L L H L L L H H L L 0 GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A3=B3 A2<B2 X X X X X 1 0 0 8 A3<B3 X X X X X 1 0 0 9 X b c TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations 072A R105 2K87 3A9 CONSIGNE kV / mA 2 828980G035 R82 5K62 2 A G94 R80 10K0 3A7.b6 3 6 +5 V 10 4 3A26 C7 1 2 G36.F 12 G36.D +5 V 058E 9 C7 +5V G22 8 G36.E G18 11 10 1K 5 +5 V 6 a12 a8 C34 10K b36 C72 10K 30 mA 100 / 110 kV a6 60 mA 40 / 49 kV a5 55 mA 50 / 59 kV a8 47 mA 60 / 69 kV a9 41 mA 70 / 79 kV a7 33 mA 80 / 99 kV 081A 081B 2A1 MODULE G2 DISPLAY kV C73 10K PL1 R29 1K R205 10K C50 10K a10 R30 G36.C B a14 desire/selected kvp 1v = 20kv CONSIGNE kV / 20 220 volt Full power mA values R31 1K D28 D27 a10 R35 1K 11 C33 10K R37 1K 13 a16 R32 1K D26 D23 D25 D24 C70 100K C93 100K G84.E a23 3 021B a12 G36.B A69 G36.A C0 FC40 minimum kv value (40) 3A12 b5 C92 100K R81 10K0 +5 V C74 10K +5 V PL3 a1 b2 DS25 +5V R225 a20 a21 G19 +5 V C0 3A7.b5 C FC110 R204 10K G67 G84.F a24 12 C7 +5 V +5 V Q241 2N2222 Q240 R185 R220 R221 R219 R224 R222 R223 G138 2N2222 C7 100 R226 2 x 150E R203 10K DIS kV Eprom 13 058D +5 V R206 10K +5 V a18 a13 a14 a12 a19 a15 a17 DS24 010 7 x 150E +5 V +5V G21 R214 R216 R215 R212 R217 R213 R218 G172 C0 +5 V +5 V 110kV R193 10K E3 G121 W245 E4 105K D G20 +5 V 074C E5 2N2222 R198 10K Q236 R190 a/b1 + 12 V a/b3 C162 10MF C161 100K C158 10MF C157 100K C159 100K Q237 2N2222 +5 V b18 22E R184 R183 R181 R180 R209 R188 R186 G137 C160 10MF 0 V a/b4 – 12 V – 12 V 074B Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 092 Serial No R201 10K Avt. DS40 b13 22E Q239 2N2222 Q238 2N2222 R200 10K Eprom b15 b14 b12 b11 b16 b23 b17 +5 V 7 x 150E R182 R202 10K G120 DS41 6 x 100E +5 V + 12 V R45 R46 R44 R47 R42 R43 R187 R197 10K +5 V 091 b25 2N2222 2N2222 C0 F Q235 2N2222 a/b2 E 2 x 22E R194 10K 071C a22 R189 R199 10K BUS kV / 20 001 +5 V DISPLAY mA / mAs b24 Q234 DS23 7 x 150E R191 10K R195 10K C7 PWB Presence 2N2222 R196 10K a21 018D Q232 Eprom C0 12v interlock R192 10K Q233 a11 a6 a5 a2 a7 a3 a10 Mod . +5 V +5 V G136 R177 R176 R174 R173 R179 R175 R178 b8 b7 b3 b1 b10 b5 b9 DS39 7 x 150E 093 094 095 096 097 098099 / 100 A–27 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations 3A12 kV mA 829 825 G025 4012 14 13 VCC 1 4023 2 14 13 VCC 12 11 10 9 8 40106 3 4 5 6 GND 7 12 11 10 9 8 1 4040 2 3 16 15 14 VCC Q11 Q10 4 13 Q8 5 12 10 9 Q9 Reset Clock Q1 12 Bit Binary counter Q12 Q6 Q5 Q7 Q4 Q3 Q2 GND 1 A–28 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 10 9 8 3 4 5 6 GND 7 13 12 11 10 9 Q Q 16 15 14 Vcc C R/C CD +TR –TR C R/C CD +TR –TR 1 2 3 T =RX X CX GND 6 7 11 2 12 Dual MONOSTABLE 4538 1 14 13 VCC 8 4 5 Q Q 6 7 GND 8 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations +12V +12V Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. A Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. R17 R66 R143 46K4 Mod . See job card RG 206 5 minute timer accuracy G35 10e + 8 10MF 6 045A 16 15 10 Q12 1 CLK CLK Q1 14 Q10 R G37 4040 Q2 R 8 9 2 CR20 G35 100K 5 G36 3 8 11 Low = stop high voltage inverter 7 a 26 1 4 3A19 - a30 5 031A x-ray on indicator 2K2 Q141 PL1 Sm7 +5 V BP COMMANDE CLICHE X RAY CONTROL BP 2N2222 R154 a 26 10 2 HZ PRX present when xrays are emitted G35 051C +12V 8 9 PRX b 16 3A5 CI MINUTERIE 2A3 MODULE D Sm26 +5 V a 34 4K7 G74 a 26 5 +12V 6 1 R152 a36 042B +12V b33 150E a29 b1 5 +12V BP Cl 3A19 - a7 27 VAC 29 9Tb1.12 PL4 9 9A1 TRANSPANEL 210 RAD PL11 1 0 VAC 9Tb1.7 8 27 220K 8 W109 R106 G74 220K a 36 R627 4K7 13 -TR D624 103 13 Q142 2N2222 G74 DS175 Sonalert 10 W220 G75 W230 Q 10 13 6 9 3 4 5 W231 Q625 2N2222 MODULE 9 – INTERFACE R/C +12V G75 12 11 G39.B 4538 10K +12V 14 12 Q +TR R503 22E 1N5359 11 220K W107 12 3PL6 +12V 10 C Y 102 R108 9 +12V 22 +12V 7 CR221 003C 3 G74 3 R27 R623 K37 003C 101 + 1 8 9PL1 D42 D Q -TR 3 +12V 7 6 2 G39.A 4538 15 R38 100E 24 Q +TR a 32 040A C39 220K 10 X–RAY ON 150 140 3A19 - a8 003C Monitor Cart 002C 10MF R/C CD 100K C223 16 +12V R222 031B 9PL1 2 C 4 R155 a13 470K 4 a 33 3A12 kV mA – 2 829825G025 R28 470K 10K PL2 PL5 R153 +12V C29 026A 2N2222 041A 11 4’26” 10K Q140 PRX.CP (50Hz) 3A5 - a5 G35 470K a 19 R132 150E a3 4K7 a 30 C23 R131 4’57” 6 R22 150E C 16 +12V R21 a 21 +12V G37 4040 Q11 11 a4 131A 100K +12V 100K 1 +12V console X-ray switches 13 12 E3 C68 PL1 R130 111C G36 11 R24 CR26 3A3 - a10 054F 5 +12V 045A CR25 10 a 33 3A7 - a19 9 10K 3A7 AD kV b 15 CLIGN a 23 4 2 HZ Oscillator R73 2 4 B 3 10 G69 555 100K PL1 12 1M G35 3 7 C70 Sm14 470K 10K 100K 100K0 RAZ MINUTERIE SCOPIE FLUORO TIMER RESET C19 G35 1 R72 R217 R71 2A1 MODULE G C67 1M 2 13 +12V for thermal display lights and intermittant operation of buzzer R18 R504 10K 104 CD 13 105 107 106 / 110 108109 A–29 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations Dual D Flip Flop 4013 Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC 14 13 Vcc Q 1 CL 12 11 10 9 8 Q Q C R D S Q C R D S 5 GND 6 7 2 3 4 R D 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 X 0 0 Q Q X 1 0 0 1 X X 0 1 1 0 X X 1 1 1 1 Contr. 12 0 : Low level 11 10 Out 2 14 13 VCC 1 2 9 In Contr. 4 3A3 DIAPHRAGMES 2 832 502 G015 X : Don’t care 8 Out Out 3 In In 1 4023 Q X 14 13 VCC 1 Q 1 1 : High level 4016 S Out 2 Contr. Contr. In 3 4 5 6 GND 7 12 11 10 9 8 3 4 5 6 GND 7 13 12 11 10 9 Q Q Dual MONOSTABLE 4538 16 15 14 Vcc C R/C CD +TR –TR C R/C CD +TR –TR 1 2 3 4 14 13 VCC 12 11 T =RX X CX 40106 PL 1 Q Q 5 6 7 10 9 8 GND 8 BA M 1.1 PL1 E2 1 2 3 4 5 6 GND 7 12 11 10 9 8 3 4 5 6 GND 7 E3 7A1 FROTTEURS 4093 14 13 VCC 1 2 3A5 MINUTERIE 832 501 G015 BA PL2 A–30 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations b31 PL5 b30 PL12 3A3 CI DIAPHRAGMES 2 A BP01 R245 b31 47E 7W Sm12 C246 R8 100K b5 47E 7W a4 b6 121A Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 +12V –12V Serial No G156.E R8 100K R56 Aluminum radio transluscent blades G168.B 5 4K7 +12V 131A Sm16 b35 8 3 XX 4 Z R4 G166.E R52 4K7 a35 10 11 4 3 G164.A R18 100K R66 1 b7 FC GR1 5 RAD 5 R20 2 13 12 W85 R86 G157.A 100K G166.F 13 2 13 12 2K2 G163.C +12V R14 100K G164.C G164.B 6 5 8 G180.A 2 9 8 2K2 8 6 G163.A D Z1 b27 S501.A Sm17 G181.B 4 6 MONO OFF +12V +5V b26 G167 R34 R84 4K7 6 inch field of view switch 2 3 1 2K2 5 C83 832 501 G015 E 6 10K 14 G165.A C D Q 4013 Q 112D G178.C 1 RAD 2 10 9 5 8 G178.B Z 6 C113 R108 D110 100K 1N914 G168.C 8 100K 1N914 G167.E +12V 11 R121 G167.F 1N914 R122 R123 4K7 2K2 13 10 G167.B 220K R126 +12V 100K R127 3 4 D50 F G165.B C 9 D 4013 Q G178.A 3 13 RAD 12 D117 100K 1N914 +12V 1K 1 C120 20K5 R72 R23 2K2 4K7 R80 R29 2K2 4K7 +12V D118 100K 1N914 Q246 R240 R203 R201 13K3 10K G176.B 9 2 40K2 4 R202 R30 8 5 5 NO a18 100K FC GR2 7Sa4 10 3 X 7 NO a20 R253 100E 7A2 CI DISQUE Z 5 8 D255 2 – + 7M2 +12 = close - 12 = open 300E BZX83 C2V7 VOLETS INFERIEURS LOWERS BLADES D256 100K Transluscent BZX83 C2V7 Q241 2N2222 +12V Q189 3 BD139 LM324 A175.A a23 Q190 BD140 –12V G172.E 10 11 D193 R231 R195 1N5061 R227 47E G177.B 5 8 R208 4 6 6 40K2 10 R206 9 8 R198 100E UNIQUEMENT EN BICHAMPS ONLY WITH 2 FIELDS II BD139 LM324 A175.B a24 7 BD140 –12V R229 F C230 –12V 12 4 – + 7M4 9 4 9 inch II normal fov or 6 inch II norml fov 1 0V(12V) 100K 13 7 M.1.1 115A 100E 47E G172.F 6 R228 4K7 G178.D C Q192 5 D194 R232 CHAMP/FIELD 16 1 FIELD II CHAMP/FIELD 22 2 FIELDS II Q191 +12V RAD 9 + 7M5 100K 20K5 G172.D – +12V G177.A G177.C 8 R205 10K 1 T2A QA 11 R207 13K3 2 2 lead aperature for 6 inch field of view. –12V RAD D49 E C199 47E 6 5 CHAMP/FIELD 16 1 20K5 10K R76 470E 007C T C74 b19 3A1.a19 C 1K W +12V C254 47E R204 10 12 a16 100K 680E G176.C 11 13 NO FC Sc2 7Sa2 R196 8 6 +12V -TR QA CD 10 R24 680E +12V 4538 R119 FC GR1 7Sa3 6 +12V 7A1 CI FROTTEURS R243 5 G155.B 2 Q R115 T1A +TR 9 4 R247 G176.A 2 T2A QA 10MF 4 8 10K C116 U –12V 3 10K C128 C124 R114 2 a9 100K 2N2907 2N2222 G172.B 1 220K 1 R12 limit switches close when max opening reached NO +12V Q249 Q251 33K +12V C104 RAD FC Sc1 7Sa1 9 10K 1K -TR QA CD R105 +12V 12 1 R242 1N5061 +12V G172.A 2 4K7 Low for 9 inch fov high for six inch fov zoom D125 100K 4MF7 10 4K7 12 1 10K 2N2907 4538 D111 2K2 T 4K7 +12V R245 10 G172.C +12V 3 4K7 G155.A +12V R112 R11 R244 9 10K 112B 113A 113D R252 4K7 3 +12V 8 4 G164 7 4 8 9 G167.D 9 10 10MF T1A +TR Lead blades +12 = close - 12 =open G181.C C109 C109 10K +12V 6 100K a30 2 47K 1 R33 a2 b2 4 G167.C 5 G180.C 12 3 220K S501.B MONO OFF 11 13 R502 3 R60 G162.A 3 5 +12V R106 1K 9 11 FC Sc2 R500 10 G181.A 3 4K7 2N2222 +12V 78F RAD R137 Q142 150E 832 440 G015 G179.C 11 13 12 119C R135 12 13 1 BP02 a21 4 4K7 6 2 Z 3 VOLETS SUPERIEURS UPPER BLADES R248 G179.B 3 112E G180.B FC GR2 RAD + Z 1 FC GR2 C57 4 + 7M3 10K R250 2 4 10K 2A3 PUPITRE MODULE D 2 10K 5 a6 100K C71 9 Z 5 3 4K7 G156.B 13 1 G163.B 300E – G179.A 2 4 2 BPF2 RAD 5 2K2 +12V 112E 3 C78 BP02 6 RAD 118E 4 3 6 BPF2 1 BP02 RAD 112B 112E R58 4K7 RAD FC GR2 CLIGN 10K 040A 8 2K2 R10 100K 10 4K7 C61 R9 a8 R62 4K7 +12V 106A 3A19–a8 RAD 2N2222 FC Sc2 9 R138 Q141 150E 12 FC GR2 FC Sc2 R36 a28 R5 C59 G162.B CLIGN R54 G156.C 11 4 Causes blades to flash on console if blades need to be opened. BP02 a16 a10 1 FC Sc2 RAD 1 G158.F 12 10 G156.F 10K R13 2 1 R6 C53 FC GR1 10 11 BZX83 C2V7 6 7 +12V FC GR2 3 C67 3A12–a23 CLIGN G164.E G157.B 6 112E Z BP02 R68 4K7 a33 FC Sc1 J 2N2222 +12V 2K2 10K 100K 2 D226 100K –12V G156.E G158.A FC Sc2 G164.F C65 R19 a14 10 13 4 BPF2 4K7 +12V b34 12 BPF2 R17 a3 RAD C224 Q211 R212 FC Sc1 XX 4K7 +12V C 4K7 FC Sc1 154E BZX83 C2V7 680E 1K G169.C R16 D225 100E R213 6 11 R223 R210 RAD + Z 6 R144 Q140 2N2222 Sm14 5 33K G158.E 150E a13 11 6 G161.B 3A5 MINUTERIE b36 G169.B Q216 2N2907 1 13 slip ring collimator continuous turn + = cw - = ccw – 7M1 115F a21 680E FC GR1 R35 10K Sm13 10 10K + M.1.1 R214 R215 3 10 R217 2N2222 G168.A 2K2 C51 a22 BZX83 C6V2 D ROTATION M.1.2 2N2907 Q222 4K7 2 G160.C 12 3 BP01 4 112E BP01 100K 3PL1 PL1 Q218 4K7 4 10 13 11 Z G158.B 11 1 G157.B G168.D 13 9 8 FC GR1 12 G164.E BP01 10K 100K 112B BPF1 10 11 G160.A 2 6 5 5 R221 4 G157.C 9 R220 G159.C 12 6 5 6 D 2K2 a1 a14 9 C55 R3 a5 RAD 8 D90 4K7 G159.B 3 4 8 RAD G156.D 10 11 a8 +5V 9 2 RAD Mod . BPF1 R7 a7 C92 R219 112E Z G169.A 1 BPF1 +12V 9 2 G160.B b33 B FC Sc1 FC GR1 +12V BZX83 C6V2 G159.A 1 BP01 Sm15 Lead opaque blades Avt. 8 FC Sc1 Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. b9 D89 100E +12V Sm11 Collimator rotation switches R39 BPF1 832 502 G015 A–31 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations 3A3 DIAPHRAGMES 2 4093 14 13 VCC 1 40106 14 13 VCC 1 A–32 2 2 832 502 G015 12 11 10 9 8 3 4 5 6 GND 7 12 11 10 9 8 3 4 5 6 GND 7 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations 3A19.a18 Start Exp SEXP R26 4K7 a17 R75 2K2 A J6 423 C73 10K R25 100K 035B * R139 10K G161.D 12 11 +12V 3A7.a10 Fluoro selected SC a19 051D Electronic Radiography (Single pulsed fluoro) "Snapshot" 3A7.b31 ER AUTO 3A7.b5 b29 R37 100K FC110 3A19.a15 SYX Sc 1 12 13 PRX Open to unblank tv without xray R93 2K2 C91 10K R134 2K2 5 6 b12 1 13 C63 10K 030A R511 2K2 6 5 1 5 3 6 9 8 R532 100K 1 5 Z1 112D D Sm 21 PL2 PL5 b15 a32 a35 a6 PRESENCE CI 016D a9 3A5 2A3 PUPITRE MODULE D Emergency off buttons on console +12V 0V (12V) MINUT. –12V R47 100K R48 4K7 13 R153 2K2 Sm 4 3A7 PL1 b4 PL2 b17 +5V PL1 a35 C184 100K + C186 100K + C185 10MF C200 100K C187 10MF AD / kV 3A26. a17 PL1 a17 a/b2 b17 C103 100K b32 a13 b13 a16 b16 2N2907 R150 10K R96 1K 3A19.a6 OX b28 S133.B ER b33 L 1.7 C98 220K R136 4K7 MODE 1 Mag to 6 inch fov on 9 inch I.I. 3PL5 a36 Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. G177.D 13 R518 2K2 G161.C Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 G176.D 11 G162.E 14 12 A 3PL2 W 1 1.11 –ABD 9A1 (K27) Transpanel Serial No Avt. Mod . MODULE 8 IMAGER Auxiliary coil R173 100K 301 + to 440 A175.D R174 100K + R520 1K a25 C521 10K 11 12 A175.C a29 13 9 8 3A5.b9 RX 041D 3A5.b10 041C SYX Sc 117C 117B R517 47K 10 ZOOM - 12 3A9.b6 077C OX HLC 10 C519 100K 031A 2A1 PUPITRE MODULE G 116 R44 1K 4 RAD 112D ON = POWER DERATING R516 100K 126C Q149 004C C102 10MF C183 10MF +12V 3A5 MINUT. F 2 + 24V + C197 100K 120 Vac 7 081A Monicon only high = sets max beam to 1500nA low = standby beam = 400nA. 4 832 502 G015 +5V + X – RAY ON_ 1.15 2N2222 G155.16 C182 100K 15 Cde –12V E BEAM MAX Q152 +12V a/b4 S 3A3 DIAPHRAGMES 2/CCD a/b1 a/3 b20 12 a12 E188 18 G163.D R154 10K 11 C100 10K a11 1.18 C131 220K R151 100K Q209 4016 V 5 2 +12V C97 10K R101 2K2 R27 100E Q132 H11A5100 Open = down = off to set up camera standby beam (400nA) when fluoroing a27 Unblank tv when logic GO TO BLACK high 4 R130 100E 2 +12V R514 1K C515 220K R129 1K G158.D 1 a34 CCD Interconnect board 5 2 G158.C + 5v R99 2K2 0V (24V) CAG Q512 H11A5100 2 R46 4K7 a33 S133.A R513 1K Q145 H11A5100 R45 100K CLTV_ 2N2222 4 S133.C R64 2K2 16 1.9 Q148 G166.C BEAM 6 SYX Sc 117F R16 4K7 C235 10MF S133.D G166.C 5 M 126D 8 +12V R503 100K GOTO BLACK C79 10K R15 100K + a32 close to turn on AGC for service mode +12V R41 4K7 4 R42 4K7 R70 2K2 +12V 3A12.a13 R238 10K 2 1 ER +12V R77 4K7 3 C147 220K R94 3K3 3PL2 5 117F R40 100K R28 100K R239 200K R236 10K 2 G162.F a31 b18 * G171.A 1 C69 10K R21 100K 035A C 3 R43 1K Q145 H11A5100 D237 1N6263 2 R22 4K7 a15 1 R143 6K8 G161.A C87 10K 058D Low during Fluoro R38 4K7 C81 10K R88 2K2 +12V 051A Max Kv R82 2K2 065B 3A7.a8 B R32 4K7 +12V 4 6 13 R31 100K * G171.B 5 R95 1K G171 5V POWER SUPPLY 117 118 119 120 A–33 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations 40106 14 13 VCC 12 11 10 9 8 2 3 4 5 6 GND 7 14 13 VCC 12 11 10 9 8 3 4 5 6 GND 7 1 4093 1 32 TB2 F5 34 22 24 2 1 2 32 14 34 11 3 1 a 21 K34 b 22 24 12 14 11 21 31 a K44 b PL1 1A1 MOTEUR ARCEAU DC TB3 A–34 F18 832 359 G015 W41 W42 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations MINUTERIE PUPITRE MOD. D 111B +12V PL1 2A3 PL5 PL2 3A5 Sm23 A +12V 1 006B 7 006D b3 a31 b4 b32 Sm22 C36 10MF 2 0V R10 47K 100K PL1 R11 1 G16.B 2 1 4 3 5 6 b35 R24 2 10K 4 F G16.F 8 R14 R15 b36 47K 2A1 3A7 R13 PUPITRE MOD. G AD kV 100K 2 x 1N5061 Tb2– 21 1 D4 F5 10 11 3 2 1K 2 4 PL1 12 5TR1 3–1 19 Tb3– 1 2 5 6 11 24 12 22 24 21 0V (12V) R50 R49 46E4 46E4 21 D22 34 31 32 D20 +24V 2 440 4MF7 31 10 32 4Tb1– R51 3PL4 J6 3PL2 b Y c Z d a b 3A3.b32 3A9.b32 b c c Y 1–24 7 Z 1–25 8 a 1–26 9 b 1–27 4 c 1–28 5 d 1–29 6 423 3PL6.c 4 W42 +24V 4a 3 5 0V (24V) W41 0V (24V) X902 12 to CCD INTERCONNECT BOARD C48 D23 34 18VAC 006C 301 22 4 6E8–7W 3A MODULE 8 IMAGER 1M1 F18 X902 11 Not connected 20 E2–3–2 14 K6 1 C ARM UP / DOWN MOTION MOTOR 14 11 D21 2 a 0V (24V) 27VAC 5E20 b H11A5100 0V (24V) 1N5061 4 x MR752 005D K44 10K Q30 R29 10K D7 3 23 G16.E 12 D45 1N5061 2N2907 2K2 3A 22 13 1 5 0V (24V) Q33 R31 G17.A a C12 D3 C b +24V 1K5 +12V Sm9 b7 H11A5100 R32 +12V a32 832 359 G015 K34 10K 0V (24V) 1K 1 b11 D35 1N5061 Q25 Sm5 B 5 007B b6 2N2907 R26 G17.B 4 2K2 C8 Q28 1K5 +12V G16.A 9 1A1 MOTEUR ARCEAU DC R27 100K 0V (12V) R9 PL1 C37 3PL3 E +24V +12V 3a 141B 119C 080B 3PL6.W d This print is wrong. 24 volts comes from low voltage power supply to TB3-1. F18 is not on the supply side but is actually on the return gnd side. This supply is fused in the camera. +24V 141B d 0V 3PL3.T 3A9.b35 080B D 3A3.a33 119A 2 To BNC–BNC Connector (Module 3) Video 3 141A 0V +24V 2 1 J4 427E MODULE 7 COLLIMATOR E ÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉ Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. Blue BNC/BNC Plug SGNL ION CHAMBER Mod . H.T. ELECTRONIC DAP MODULE DR4/MD10 memories only DR4/MD10 memories only mGycm2 F White SG.DAP MDA memory only 141B 3PL2.D 3PL2.K White 1 Red 2 Test Pulses 129 121 122 123 124 125 126 / 130 127128 A–35 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations BA PL1 S32 3A5 MINUTERIE 832 501 G015 BA PL2 CL Dual D Flip Flop 4013 14 13 Vcc Q 12 Q 11 C 10 R 9 D Q Q C R D S 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 S GND 7 R D 14 13 VCC 1 A–36 2 12 11 10 9 8 4023 3 4 5 6 GND 7 Q Q 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 X 0 0 Q Q X X 1 0 0 1 X X 0 1 1 0 X X 1 1 1 1 1 : High level 40106 S 14 13 VCC 1 2 0 : Low level X : Don’t care 12 11 10 9 8 3 4 5 6 GND 7 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations +5V 051F 101C 111B 046B 111E PL5 PL2 3A5 MINUTERIE : H/V Sweep Inversions – TV Monitors Coil Rotation H / V SWEEP INVERSIONS a7 +5V R248 150E G140.A 2 1 Q195 A R25 100E +5V a11 1 Not connected C27 470K G140.D +5V +5V 9 R256 100K S32–2 R255 4K7 R203 2K2 b16 +5V 8 R101 470E 4 Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. Q55 4N32 3 4 R29 100E +5V G106 4013 1 R28 100E a26 R258 4K7 R205 2K2 G140.C 5 G140.E 11 6 10 R105 470E 2 Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 a27 Not connected 4 Serial No Avt. Mod . Not connected a28 Q57 4N32 C204 10K Rev. A Not connected 3 C31 470K b17 B 2 G140.B C202 10K R257 100K S32–1 a25 3 2N2907 Sm10 R24 100E MODULE 9 MONITOR CART INTERFACE Sm9 R247 150E G140.F a10 12 +5V +5V 13 PL5 Q194 2N2907 R167 100K C + Rotate Monitor A +5V D164 1N6263 R156 2K2 1 C165 10MF + 12V 2 DSM uses monitor yoke rotation MDA does not R252 4K7 G163.B R199 2K2 3 b14 C198 10K Sm7 R265 100K R262 2K2 D Sm6 R249 100K R266 2K2 9 C208 10K E Rotate Monitor B 6 8 R212 100K D210 1N6263 R213 2K2 G163.E 11 D211 1N6263 RAZ ROTATION Q151 2N2222 R153 22E D264 1N6263 R33 2K2 10 3PL5 a24 M 9PL1 3–5 PL11 R43 1K 4 K35 D44 8 b25 K 3–1 34 9A1 TRANSPANEL 5 2N2222 D157 1N5359B 002C 102D + 12V B 27 150 1 210 007B R168 22E R169 470E b24 PL6 S 3–3 36 + 12V 6 6 45 Q171 2N2222 D172 1N5359B R47 1K R173 22E R174 470E R175 10K 2N2222 K34 5 b26 U 3–8 41 7 R45 1K 50 Q176 D48 D40 MONITOR B when used with DR4 / MD10 K33 D177 1N5359B 8 Q59 2N2222 Not connected C58 1MF + PL20 R34 1K5 5 23 21 22 A/B selection (split screens) forces both monitors to drive fully ccw when split screen selected on DSM 200 (DSM 600 did not rotate) MDA digital uses electronic rotation a17 b11 b13 042C b10 R193 150E 3A5 MINUTERIE 832 501 G015 AVIAS 5 a2 F 38 43 Q156 MONITOR A when used with DR4 / MD10 5 D152 1N5359B R154 470E R170 10K +5V a5 b23 5 G163.D R197 2K2 C196 10K R209 2K2 K36 D46 47 R155 10K b8 Sm5 G163.C D263 1N6263 R250 4K7 R148 22E R149 470E R150 10K b12 +5V 4 +5V C261 10K R41 1K TV MONITORS COIL ROTATION Sm8 R251 100K 6 G163.A 23 21 22 MDA MEMORY 2A3 MODULE D2 a21 131 132 133 134 135 136 137138139 / 140 A–37 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations With MDA Memory liv. A–38 2 172 555 With DR4 & MD10 Memories 2 172 563 A–38 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations 3PL6 MODULE 9 MONITOR CART INTERFACE 9PL1 PL12 PL11 PL20 210 A X PERM 3A1 – a20 MF + 3A1 – a27 MEMO + 3A1 – a26 MG + 3A1 – a24 VISU + 3A1 – a25 L 10 15 17 M 7 2 15 F 17 10 12 K 2 9 14 E 14 3 13 BNC – BNC Video from Imager (module 8) 8 30 X PERM 9 9 MF + 27 27 MEMO + 8 8 MG + 7 7 VISU + 25 25 6 24 6 24 26 38 26 VIDEO from Imager 9 31 AVIAS 126D 1 J Common 3A1 – a30 18 1 SW52 +12 volts used to generate X PERM X PERM + 3A1 – a8 N.U. N.U. N.U. B 3A1 – a9 3A1 – a14 3A1 – a35 PULSES 8 C 9 7 D 16 14 N 8 12 Connection used when DR4 / MD10 Solder junction 9A1 TRANSPANEL : 39 SW53 33 15 33 15 34 34 16 16 35 35 17 32 17 32 14 14 31 31 13 12 12 30 30 28 28 10 29 10 29 11 11 36 11 36 10 18 18 4 37 37 19 19 2 172 555 : MDA 2 172 563 : DR4 & MD10 PL11 PL12 Solder junction 002C 102D 37 20 2 c 42 21 3 D b 57 23 5 K Z 47 22 4 140 210 3PL2 126F B +12 V 007B 27 1 7805 0F47 PL10 3PL5 134 0F47 5 CARM MODULE 3 CARD RACK C 16 W +24V ( 3PL4-Z ) 125C TEST 11 PL13 0V (24V) ( 3PL4-c ) 125D Electronic DAP module From Imager (module 8) H Connection used when MDA 3 4 10 11 5 2 PL7 GND + 5V PL14 TXD Remote Printer 1 5 1 IR RECEIVER Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial Avt. Mod . DAP Interface board Electro. Luminesc. Display PL15 PL16 Video Printer PAPER PRINTER 4 1 3 PL23 Remote Printer 4 2 PL1 Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. No 7 7 3 C–OUT Y–OUT 0V–C 0V–Y 3 4 1 3 PL22 PL21 VCR OUT VCR IN y–OUT 0V–Y PL17 PL18 MDA MEMORY Video OUT C–IN Y–IN 0V–C 0V–Y 1 2 J2 Video board 523B VCR SVHS Sony VCR SVBK–120 Interface Video in 2 2 AUX OUT FILM PRINTER SK1 0V Touch Screen Control 3 1 7 13 Video out 1 2 J2 Video board 523B Monitor B Monitor A Power Supply 002B Power Supply 002B SPARE MODEM COM6 COM5 5 D Display Driver COM3 MDA MEMORY 141 142 COM2 P COM4 Multi RS232 2 5 COM1 143 144 145 147 146 / 150 148149 A–39 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations 4012 14 13 VCC 12 11 10 9 8 3 4 5 6 GND 7 12 11 10 9 8 2 3 4 5 6 GND 7 14 13 VCC 12 11 10 9 8 3 4 5 6 GND 7 12 11 10 9 8 3 4 5 6 GND 7 12 11 10 9 8 Q C R D S 1 4023 14 13 VCC 1 4093 1 40106 2 2 14 13 VCC 1 2 Dual D Flip Flop 4013 14 13 Vcc Q CL Q Q C R D S 1 2 3 4 5 6 GND 7 D 4538 C R/C CD C R/C CD +TR –TR 1 2 3 11 +TR –TR 10 9 Q Q A–40 4 5 Q 6 7 GND 8 Q 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 X 0 0 Q Q X X 1 0 0 1 X X 0 1 1 0 X X 1 1 1 1 0 : Low level X : Don’t care 3A1 INTERFACE DSM T =RX X CX Q Q 0 Dual MONOSTABLE 13 12 S 0 1 : High level 16 15 14 Vcc R 828 988 G035 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations +12V 3A1 INTERFACE DSM +12V +12V A R111 470E SP 204D OX*R1 204B T1 203B T4 3 5 2 4 G82.A 11 +12V B C619 10K C613 10K G116.D R614 100K R148 68K +12V D149 8 9 4 C109 100K 6 +12V R620 220K +12V R146 187K0 202E +12V 1 STOP HYST G104.A 203B ON RESET + MCH 13 T5 9 +12V +12V C616 10K G600.C 8 G105.B 4 3 Radiographic 1 G104.A 3 G105.E 10 11 3A19–b19 R631 220K G104.D D632 +12V 3 D Order Xray from 3A19 G106.B R28 3A19–a6 OX 3 R27 100K RAD 4K7 a22 R50 2K2 4K7 a6 40 R501 100E 8 R36 2K2 R3 Pulsed Fluoro 4K7 R4 100K 13 12 10 11 OX G79.E 11 1 10 G77.A 3 5 G78.A G78.B 3 G78.D 4 2 1 9 RAD G100.D 9 8 G105.C 6 5 R56 2K2 2K2 3 4 +12V 202D 8 202D R31 100K 3A7–b31 ER 066B HYST 045C 2 second delay for anode cooling between ER pulses ACP R71 2K2 100K OX 3 4 5 2 RAD 13 +12V 202F 208C SP 201A 209B 201F 202C G106.F 13 12 G106.D 3A5–a13 HOLD kV 041D 13 R52 2K2 R19 R641 470E Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 G106.A R34 R35 2K2 2K2 C53 100K G116.E 10 a33 12 202C 12 9 11 10 ON RESET 202D OX 204E ACP G100.C 13 5 G101.B R604 200K 6 201A 204A 208A OX*R1 G100.F R92 R84 2K2 2K2 12 13 OX*R2 R606 100K 6 5 G80.E 11 ACP R69 100K R634 100K 204C 208C 9 D605 G99.C 205B 10 R611 ER 202B 203B 202E 47K R610 8 +12V 2K2 2 SP T1 RAD 202D 204B ACP 203D 204B 5 T1 6 8 202D SP 202E ER 202 1 2 G116.A 9 G118.A 1 SN 207B 208C 209B SN 201B 204C 208C 209A R637 100K G601.B D638 1n914 C636 10K E608 208D STOP DSM 206C OX OUT 9 R136 61K9 D137 E122 T3 207C +12V G119.B G642.D 2 G115.A 40 3 202D 1 201F G115.B C612 100K 204E ACP T2 +12V T3 D635 1N914 +12V +12V 10 D68 1N914 C135 1MF C633 10K G116.C OX* +12V 209B 209C +12V C91 10K 201C 203E 11 Mod . 2 1 202F 209C C70 1K Avt. C74 10K S602.B 3 R32 470E G80.F 13 Serial No D83 1N914 STOP HYST G81.A 201 ER 12 X PERM C607 10MF 4K7 C73 1K 8 9 C640 1K F ER Rev. A T1 + T2 a23 a18 G105.F 12 11 G101.A 209D 203B 205C D33 1N914 G116.F C72 10K R20 100K 3A5–a13 OX* +12V R14 a31 OX Manager G103.B G79.D 207C 201B C603 10K Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. C57 10K G77.B 202F 203D SP C37 10K R54 203D 207C 9 8 4 G79.B 6 C45 10K 201C 202E 1 S602.A 203B Normally closed +12V E ON RESET + MCH G103.A OX OUT RAD G600.B 203F 4 SP G601.D 6 4 3 SN G80.D 9 40 2 G78.E C51 10K SP 066B G78.F C43 10K R17 R18 100K 040A 3A7–b30 R10 R11 100K 031A 3A19–a8 R44 2K2 11 13 5 G116.B OX OUT R12 12 13 +12V 201C 203D 206C R13 100K 10 8 8 ON RESET D26 1N914 G601.C 9 G81.D 10 S502.A 4K7 a17 3 2 11 G81.C 9 202B 202C G643.A 4 12 6 ON RESET + MCH 202E 202C R42 2K2 G600.A G600.D 1 G500.D 4 4 3 208D 6 5 2 G622.A ON RESET 114F 11 13 G500.B 5 G105.B 12 STOP DSM G80.C 1K +12V 13 8 +12V a19 G500.A 2 3 11 D629 1N914 C627 10K 13 12 1 2 204C RAD 202D 11 3 1 R628 100K 12 G601.A 2 8 9 D626 1N914 +12V T2 205C 208A 208B 209C 10 G104.D OX* 1 C630 10K R625 100K 201B 201F 205C 208C 209A G643.C 9 G105.D C29 10MF 202E E124 G117.A 1 ER ( single pulsed fluoro) 208B 10 11 202E D618 1n914 C624 10K C Electronic Rad T2 +12V 12 STOP DSM D139 T1 E127 G622.A 201B 208B G105.E 3 D621 R140 187K0 E123 G117.B T5 G622.A SP 202D +12V 2 10 Pulsed Fluoro +12V OX*R1 204D STOP HYST R617 100K C138 4MF7 D145 E126 G622.A 5 208D +12V +12V D143 +12V T4 D615 1N914 +12V R142 100K 6 5 E121 C144 4MF7 G106.C E125 11 203F C141 4MF7 +12V C147 4MF7 13 SN Normal Fluoro R152 100K G81.B 2 1 12 10 9 11 G119.A R113 100E +12V G82.B R114 100K C112 4MF7 G105.A T4 +12V Q110 555 R151 200K 209D X PERM C108 10MF R132 150K 202D +12V R107 100E R150 200K T1 +12V 8 R609 100K 2 203 204 C67 10K R66 100K D65 1N914 205 A–41 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations 4012 14 13 VCC 12 11 10 9 8 3 4 5 6 GND 7 12 11 10 9 8 2 3 4 5 6 GND 7 14 13 VCC 12 11 10 9 8 3 4 5 6 GND 7 12 11 10 9 8 3 4 5 6 GND 7 12 11 10 9 8 Q Q C R D S Q C R D S 5 GND 6 7 1 4023 14 13 VCC 1 4093 1 40106 2 2 14 13 VCC 1 2 Dual D Flip Flop 4013 14 13 Vcc Q 1 2 CL 3 4 D S Q Q 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 X 0 0 Q Q X X 1 0 0 1 X X 0 1 1 0 X X 1 1 1 1 1 : High level Dual MONOSTABLE 4538 16 15 14 Vcc 13 12 C R/C CD C R/C CD +TR –TR 1 2 3 11 +TR –TR 10 9 Q Q T =RX X CX A–42 4 5 Q Q 6 7 GND 8 R 0 : Low level X : Don’t care ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ 3A1 INTERFACE DSM 828 988 G035 ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations G642.E 3A1 INTERFACE “DSM” 828 988 G 035 A 204D 11 OX*R1 9PL1 10 6 3PL6 G643.B G118.C E59 13 204B Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. 9A1 TRANSPANEL 4 5 T2 205B MODULE 9 – INTERFACE 203F PL12 12 R24 1K 6 SN 4 Mod . a26 F 17 10 12 MEMO + C60 10K G102.B 13 SN 150 PL11 5 203E 140 102D 10 11 T1 002C 11 12 205B T2 203B T5 G102.D 8 10 9 G102.C E58 B 9 10 12 11 G100.A 13 1 2 13 11 R23 1K a25 E 14 3 13 VISU + 12 G75.B 202D SP 5 204D OX*R2 6 C22 10K G77.D 4 G76.B SN 203E T5 G99.B 4 6 3 C 203B G99.A 2 5 1 D95 G106.E 1N914 11 R86 202E R94 2K2 T4 ER R21 1K 10 a24 K 2 9 14 MG + 203B C55 10K 2K2 C93 10K + 12 V 202E ER 5 SP 6 G75.A G79.C 6 OX OUT 11 10 202C 205D 11 OX OUT OX OUT T3 15 a30 203E J 1 1 18 COMMON 205C D89 a15 3 C41 1K 2 MF + SN S502.B 7 C61 10K G104.B 2K2 C653 100K M 13 X PERM G76.A 031A R651 2K2 a27 12 202D 3A19.a5 R652 9 8 G76.D D 1N914 G500.C 3 2 4 5 5 202D R639 100K R25 1K 4 D650 R9 470E 1N914 209D 2 1 G77.C 10 8 9 OX 202D RAD 202D R90 R98 2K2 2K2 204B T2 205B C97 2K2 G99.D 11 T1 13 T1 + T2 D87 12 203E 1N914 R88 R96 2K2 2K2 + 12 V C95 10K E + 12 V G76.C a3 + 12 V C128 10MF 007C a35 0V C129 100K 10 C130 100K 9 8 OX*R2 SN R38 220E 204D 202A 203D 207C 203F X PERM E49 007C a8 H 11 G116.E 10 11 C5 10MF 8 16 X PERM. C6 100K X PERM. + E131 Card rack C62 10K G79.A STOP DSM 12 F Not used R14 4K7 R15 4K7 a20 L 10 a9 C 9 7 a14 D 16 14 17 15 A/B+ 4 206 R46 2K2 C43 10K G80.B a21 C48 1K 13 R63 100K RAZ ROTATION 3A5–b23 12 1 D64 1N914 203B 204C 205F G79.F R16 470E 3 G80.A 2 1 R39 2K2 C40 10K 207 208 R7 4K7 209 R8 4K7 A/B 210 A–43 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations 211 to 300 441 to 500 A–44 : reserve. TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations SCHEMATICS : IMAGER 16/22 A–45 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations IMAGER 16 STENO CCD 625l MIS CABLES A–46 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations IMAGER 22 STENO CCD 625l MIS CABLES A–47 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations INTERFACE CCD BOARD Video out to video Board To video Board CCD Gain A–48 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations INTERFACE CCD 50 or 60 Hz A -9 volts B Ribbon cable Composite sync CCD chip +7 volts Not used (for r&f LIH) +5 volts V. Drive H Drive C CCD Gain D Raw video out to J2 on video Board E Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. Mod . F 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 A–49 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations CCD POWER SUPPLY BOARD A–50 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations CCD POWER SUPPLY BOARD A Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. 5 V 5 V 5 V R 5 4. 22K T P 5 2 6 8 I + B S 5 V R 6 681 V + 2 O V – 3 1 U 3 L M3 5 D G 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. T P 2 Mod . E D GE 6 2 4 0 V 1 + Vs 0 V GND 3 I – 0 V U 2 l m3 1 1 7 Date 15/07/96 80 degree C warning buzzer does not shut off camera 5 1 B L S 1 T MB _ 0 5 1 Rev. A J 1 A1 B1 A2 B2 A3 B3 A4 B4 A5 B5 A6 B6 A7 B7 A8 B8 A9 B9 A1 0 B1 0 A1 1 B1 1 A1 2 B1 2 A1 3 B1 3 A1 4 B1 4 A1 5 B1 5 A1 6 B1 6 A1 7 B1 7 A1 8 B1 8 A1 9 B1 9 A2 0 B2 0 A2 1 B2 1 A2 2 B2 2 A2 3 B2 3 A2 4 B2 4 A2 5 B2 5 A2 6 B2 6 1 0 V 0 V 0 V 2 Vo u t 1 5 V 0 V T P 1 P T 1 1 – 1 5 V 1 P S 1 24T5. 15K C 3 S E NS E _ + 5 V 47uF 2 35V 1 4 5 1uH 1 C 5 6 C 1 7 220uF 2 50V R 2 3. 83K – Vi 1 – Vi 2 +15V 0_15V 13 –15V 12 ON| OF F CA S E 0 V 0 V 24 volt supply from stenoscop LVLE supply to 1A1 elevator board to CCD power supply. 1 0 V 0 V L 3 0 V 0 V L 4 0 V 1 1uH D S 3 $555–2303 GR E E N 2 mm 1 2 4 V C 2 1uH 2 47uF 2 35V R 1 4. 75K 0 V 0 V 1 14 2 2 3 100nF 50V 0 V + 1 5 V T P 3 1uH 9 0 V 1 2 L 2 10 2 D 2 1 1 D S 1 $555–2303 GR E E N 2 mm S E NS E _ 0 _ 5 V +5V + Vi 1 0_5V + Vi 2 2 0 V L 1 2 8 R 3 2. 15K 1 2 AT _ 2 5 0 V 2 4 VI N 2 3 4 1 11 2 4 V D S 2 $555–2303 GRE E N 2 mm 1 2 C Thermal sensor 10 mV/degree C F 1 5 0 V 6 0 V S 1 1 E D S 4 $555–2303 GRE E N 2 mm 1 C 4 47uF 2 35V ON / OF F B2 7 A2 8 B2 8 A2 9 B2 9 A3 0 B3 0 A3 1 B3 1 0 V 2 R 4 2. 15K A2 7 0 V – 1 5 V T P 4 1 0 V Ma l e St r a i g h t Ed g e 0 V F 31 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 A–51 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations CCD INTERFACE BOARD A–52 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations CCD INTERFACE BOARD ( 1/3 ) A Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. Mod . Auto = 5volts manual = 0volts +9 volts DC AGC on/off J1 CCD Interface Board B 331B 333D Auto (for AGC on/off) C Iris R&F only 331D Control Not used to video board 5 volts = fluoro on unblank camera D Mag to video board 331B R&F 331B E Sweep reversal not used F J1 CCD Interface Board J1 CCD Interface Board 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 A–53 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations CCD INTERFACE BOARD ( 2/3 ) A Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. Mod . Edge focus DS1 Getter gas detection. Flashes at power up then goes out. 326D 327B B Center focus Edge focus 326D Size I.I. size C Zeners limit voltage to Iris motor Center focus D 348B 326C 330B To Iris E HLC high dose Iris feedback F 331 A–54 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations CCD INTERFACE BOARD ( 3/3 ) A Parabola generator 333D B C Roundness D E Agc/Abd window size = 40% image diameter Size Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. F 341 342 343 344 Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No 345 Avt. Mod . 346 347 348 349 350 A–55 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations VIDEO CCD BOARD Agc display switch R = normal S = display Preamp video TP35 is the solder dot X1 video cal generator = B pos A–56 R10 Cal Gen. level adjust To monitor (MDA) TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. VIDEO CCD BOARD ( 1/7 ) A Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. Mod . + 1 5 V C6 R2 4 3 0 V + 1 5 V R2 2 6 100 + 1 5 V 100 + 1 5 V 1 0 0 n F6 3 V C1 1 1 C7 3 L 1 1 0 V 0 V 2 Q1 8 Q1 S O3 9 0 4 1 4. 7uH 27pF 63V B 2 SST 4 4 0 C1 2 R2 4 4 2 3 S 47nF 63V T P 1 1 1 variable gain amp 0.5 to 5 times in AGC 1 +1 5 V R2 6 R2 0 3 1K R2 4 1 150 C1 5 +1 5 V R2 5 – 1 5 V 6 2 R2 3 33 C R2 4 0 R2 2 33 D 3 CL P 1 A G 1 2 C1 1 D G 4 Q1 9 SST 2 1 1 S 1 2 S SU 1K clamp to 0 volts 7 5 R2 7 R2 2 2 100 C1 0 2 150 – 1 5 V 1 2 22 Q2 1 3 33pF 63V 2 O1 R3 6 150 C2 1 P OS T A GC1 R3 9 750 0 V 2 P OS T A GC2 4. 7uF 25V To AGC command C1 1 3 100nF VCC Main video to Gamma 5 1 +1 5 V 33pF 63V 2K R3 8 1K O2O 6 V + L T1 2 2 3 7 A R2 220 C2 0 R2 2 9 100 4. 7uF25V R3 1 S 3 0 V R2 0 220 1. 5uF 25V 1 I – I + 0 V 1. 5uF 2 25V R3 4 0 V C1 1 0 100nF 63V DE T V OL 1 V – 2 L 2 4. 7uH 0 V 4 8 C1 9 – 1 5 V 1 4. 7uF 25V 1 S O3 9 0 6 0 V 1 2 150 – 1 5 V R3 2 video to black level and threshold C2 2 R3 7 2 2K I + Q1 8 SST 4 4 0 – 1 5 V 1 7 220 1 2K R8 4. 7K R2 2 3 A R1 L T12 2 3 V + 6 O2O O 1 5 I – S 1 V – 4 8 C1 6 3 – 1 5 V R3 5 3 R2 2 7 2. 7K +1 5 V 0 V 2 T P 1 2 Bandwidth factory adjusted 1 2. 7K 4. 7uF 25V 1 100 R2 2 5 22 R2 2 4 R2 2 8 3K Q2 0 S O3 9 0 4 D G 33 R2 4 6 2. 7K 3 100nF 63V 2 63V – 1 5 V U B P G1 _ 0 V 1M R2 3 2 R2 3 6 1K 6 1 0 V T 51 1 R2 4 2 2K R2 4 8 D G 3 Q3 SST 1 1 2 CA L GA I N 10 C1 4 J 2 2 E 3 1 5 4 3 200 200 2 1 R2 9 33K 1 S COP I E 3 2 R1 4 3 2 Q1 5 S O3 9 0 4 C6 7 1 GRA P HI E 2. 2nF 63V C1 1 2 1. 5uF 0 V 47K NON CABL 25V 100nF63V R1 4 6 1 SST 3 0 9 R2 3 5 100 1 3. 3K 1 V T E S T R1 4 5 2 – 1 5 V 2. 2K 4. 7K AGC gain control C1 1 5 – 1 5 V 0 V C6 6 0 V 2 Q2 2 3 V – 5 4 0 V 5. 6pF 63V 3 R2 R1 I + R2 3 1 R1 4 4 100 S Cal Gen. video 1 G S R3 0 1. 8K 1K 2 P RE A GC from CCD 4. 7K + 1 5 V 0 V I – 1 R2 0 4 10 2 3 R2 4 5 0 V R2 3 4 T P 2 0 V 1. 5uF 25V A R1 1 7 l t 1012 V + 6 OO 2 O1 8 R2 3 0 DG4 1 9 2 100 D 4. 7uF 2 10V + 1 5 V factory adjusted 3 R2 8 100K U1 2 8 C9 VI DEO I N 1 G 1 R7 200 2 C1 1 4 R2 3 3 GA I N 1 GN VL 1 Preamp video (for abc) 2 3 MA X 2 3 5 0 V X 9 S1 D V– V+ S2 7 4 R2 1 33 I N D – 1 5 V V TEST = 1 volt pulses in manual varies in auto. Integrated ABC brightness pulses injected during blanking interval for AGC. 2 CR1 9 $ B A R4 3 0 V 3 C1 C1 1 6 8. 5–40pF 100V 33pF 63V 10uF 16V 0 V GA I NCONT CL P 2 A R1 = fluoro gain preset. with 100mV at TP2 adjust R1 to give 250mV at TP3 TP1 = GND F 351 352 TP1 = GND 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 A–57 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. VIDEO CCD BOARD ( 2/7 ) A Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. Mod . Gamma &AGC corrected video B Post AGC video C D Fluoro on V. Rate E Gamma ADJ. job card 353. With 1000mv at tp2 (preamp) video, adjust R9 to get 640mV at TP3 (monitor). This presents "blooming" and saturation of digital A/D (saturates at 1v composite F 361 A–58 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations A VIDEO CCD BOARD ( 3/7 ) 50 mV black level setup B Gamma and AGC corrected video C H clamp D E Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. F 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No 379 Avt. Mod . 380 A–59 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations A VIDEO CCD BOARD ( 4/7 ) Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. B Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. Mod . C Integrator DC voltage to variable AGC gain Amp D manual gain (fixed resistor in manual mode). E AGC gain (adjust for 250mV at TP3 flat field video in "AUTO") 5 pulses during vertical blanking interval F 381 A–60 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. A Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. VIDEO CCD BOARD ( 5/7 ) Mod . B Integrated ABC dc video pulses added to V. blanking interval for AGC operation 5 pulses during V. blanking interval C TP2 preamp video D Black level threshold compensated AGC window E To ABD to develop 2.1 volts dc at proper brightness (Used by steno for ABC) F 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 A–61 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations A Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. VIDEO CCD BOARD ( 6/7 ) Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. Mod . B C H blank 12 micro seconds D X1 = test signal generator A = normal B = cal. mode Remove J2 coax before turning on test generator E F 401 A–62 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. A Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. VIDEO CCD BOARD ( 7/7 ) Mod . B C D Collimator black level threshold adj. Black level Treshold compensated AGC window E AGC window F 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 A–63 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations CCD STENOSCOP INTERCONNECT BOARD A–64 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. A CCD STENOSCOP INTERCONNECT BOARD ( 1/2 ) Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. Mod . B C D E F 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 A–65 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations CCD STENOSCOP INTERCONNECT BOARD ( 2/2 ) A Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. Mod . B C D E F 431 A–66 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations SCHEMATICS : MONITOR BLOCK DIAGRAM H. YOKE LIGHT SENSOR BOARD SELECTION BOARD BRT 220K W1 100 / 120 Hz W4 W2 W6 CONT 12V 0V NC BR NC W7 120/100 Hz W8 NC 1 J1 2 3 1 4 5 2 3 4 J4 H. COIL GND V. INP 1 2 3 4 OUT 1 V. COIL J2 IN 1 2 VIDEO IN J2 1 2 3 4 GND CONT. 10K J5 BLK HS DEFLECTION BOARD G1 0V 0V 5V J6 6 5 4 3 2 1 W11 W5 0V 27V W8 W7 62V W6 W9 12V 95V W5 W3 FOCUS H.V. POWER SUPPLY J1 W4 W2 W3 W1 F1 K FOCUS G2 G1 F2 VIDEO BOARD 8 7 4 3 2 1 CRT YOKE GND TB1 J3 W8 27V HPV 0V 1 2 3 4 5 6 W6 W7 W2 4 3 2 1 J1 C VID J7 2 GND FR W3 W2 1 2 3 4 5 6 TB2 G2 2 3 4 5 6 7 J2 L.V. POWER SUPPLY W2 W1 95V 0V W5 W6 6.3V +12V W8 W7 NC W9 GP1 VAC ANODIC V A–67 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations DEFLECTION BOARD TOP VIEW OF MONITOR WITH CARDS LOCATION ÍÍ ÍÍ ÍÍ ÍÍ ÍÍ ÍÍ Position and cards description 1 : L.V. Power supply 2 : Deflection board 3 : H.V. Power supply 4 : Video board 5 : Selection board 6 : Light sensor board A–68 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations From L.V. Power supply 549A 545E A Brightness control 549B 549C 549B B C D E DEFLECTION BOARD ( 1/2 ) 508 509 Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. F 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No 509 Avt. Mod . 510 A–69 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations DEFLECTION BOARD TOP VIEW OF MONITOR WITH CARDS LOCATION ÍÍ ÍÍ ÍÍ ÍÍ ÍÍ ÍÍ Position and cards description 1 : L.V. Power supply 2 : Deflection board 3 : H.V. Power supply 4 : Video board 5 : Selection board 6 : Light sensor board A–70 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations A DEFLECTION BOARD ( 2/2 ) Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. Mod . B C D E F 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 A–71 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations TOP VIEW OF MONITOR WITH CARDS LOCATION VIDEO BOARD ÍÍÍÍÍ Position and cards description 1 : L.V. Power supply 2 : Deflection board 3 : H.V. Power supply 4 : Video board 5 : Selection board 6 : Light sensor board A–72 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations A B 122D or 144C C D VIDEO BOARD Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. E Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. Mod . F 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 A–73 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations TOP VIEW OF MONITOR WITH CARDS LOCATION H.V. POWER SUPPLY BOARD Position and cards description 1 : L.V. Power supply 2 : Deflection board 3 : H.V. Power supply 4 : Video board 5 : Selection board 6 : Light sensor board A–74 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations A Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. H.V. POWER SUPPLY BOARD Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 Serial No Avt. Mod . B C D E F 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 A–75 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations L. V. POWER SUPPLY BOARD TOP VIEW OF MONITOR WITH CARDS LOCATION Position and cards description 1 : L.V. Power supply 2 : Deflection board 3 : H.V. Power supply 4 : Video board 5 : Selection board 6 : Light sensor board A–76 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations MODULE 9 – INTERFACE 9Tb1. A 220 VAC from 9TR1 002B 4 or 11 2 or 9 1 or 8 B C D E CON. 4 pin CON. 7 pin L.V. POWER SUPPLY BOARD Stenoscop 2 Series 6000 / 9000 C.C.D. – M.D.A. F 541 542 543 544 545 Rev. A Date 15/07/96 0 1 2 10/10/96 09/01/97 20/06/97 546 Serial No 547 Avt. Mod . 548 549 550 A–77 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations Blank page A–78 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 SECTION 1 - THEORY TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE SECTION 7 - THEORY PAGE 7-1 7-1 MODULE 9, POWER CIRCUITS (MONITOR CART) 7-3 7-2 CONVERTER MODULE 4 7-5 7-3 HV CIRCUITS 7-4 BOARD 3A12 kV/mA 7-11 7-5 3A19 SCR COMMAND 7-13 7-6 3A19 BOARD 7-15 7-7 ABC HYSTERESIS 7-17 7-8 TIMER DISPLAY 7-17 7-9 3A7AD-kV BOARD 7-19 7-10 3A7 AD/kV BOARD 7-21 7-11 3A9 kV/mA BOARD 7-23 7-12 7-9 7-11-1 Auto Fluoro Mode 7-11-2 Manual Fluoro Mode 7-23 7-23 7-11-3 Rad mAs Reference 7-23 3A26 FILAMENT CIRCUITS 7-27 7-12-1 Fluoro Mode 7-27 7-12-2 Rad Mode 7-27 7-13 3A26 FILAMENT CIRCUITS 7-29 7-14 FLUORO TIMER 7-31 7-15 3A3 COLLIMATORS 7-33 7-15-1 6” Single Field Image Tube 7-33 7-15-2 6”-9” Dual Field Image Tube 7-33 7-15-3 Circular Collimators 7-33 7-16 3A3 BOARD 7-35 7-17 C-ARM MOTOR DRIVE 7-37 7-18 3A5 TIMER 7-18-1 7-39 TV Monitor Image Rotation 7-19 LAB EXERCISE 7-20 TV CAMERA 7-39 7-41 7-43 7-20-1 Power Supply (PL1) 7-43 7-20-2 Pre-Amp and Video Board (PL2) 7-45 7-21 SYNC AND MASK BOARD (PL3) 7-47 7-22 SCAN CONVERTER AND FOCUS (PL5) 7-49 7-23 IRIS CONTROL 7-51 7-24 DSM VMI MONITOR CIRCUITS 7-53 7-25 1010 FORMATTER 7-63 7-26 VIDEO AMPLIFIER 7-69 7-26-1 Smoothing Board 7-69 7-26-2 V Defl 7-69 7-26-3 H Defl 7-69 7-26-4 CRT Board 7-69 7-26-5 Output Board 7-69 7- 1 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement 7-27 ELECTRONIC ADJUSTMENT LAB EXERCISE 7-71 7-28 MONICON 3 LAB EXERCISE 7-73 7- 2 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 M K1 9 PL1 Delay 220V to Monitors & DSM R1 and R2 Power on 275V 230/120 AC Module 4 Converter 9Sm1 Line Transformer 9TR1 5TR1 Module 3 (Console stop buttons) K3 To LV PS Panel 1 + 12v, +5v X-ray Tube Filaments C Arm Motor K1 Safety Interlock (9PL1) K5 Image System 9 A4 Module 5 MSI XR 0348 7- 3 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement Module 9, Power Circuits (Monitor Cart) Illustration 7-1 7- 4 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-1 MODULE 9, POWER CIRCUITS (MONITOR CART) Refer to Illustration 7-1. Line Transformer 9TR1, input tapped for either 120 or 230v AC, 60Hz operation. 9TR1 supplies 275VAC to the converter on Module 4 and 5TRI on Module 5 5TR1 supplies power to the ± 12 v and + 5v DC supplies on Panel 1, the x-ray tube filament circuits, C-Arm drive motor and the image system. 9TR1 also provides power for the TV Monitors and the Memory System. Power to 9TR1 is applied by depressing the 9Sm1 Power ON button (back side of Memory Display Cart). 9Sml is released by actuating the Console Stop buttons energizing relay K3 and the auxiliary coil of 9Sml. On “power-up,” Line Transformer 9TR1 is energized through R1 and R2 (current limiting) and then through K1 after the delay M. (R2 used only on 120 VAC operation) If the interconnecting cable plug, 9PL1, to the Memory Display is removed, relay K5 will be energized and will open 9Sml by energizing its auxiliary coil. 7- 5 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 275V AC from 9TR1 Rectifier & Filter VA CC 12 CC 34 4CR7 V1 CR2 V2 CR5 CR1 L1 VL 4TR1 HV L3 CR6 Load 4TR1- TOROIDAL TRANSFORMER TR2- H.V. TRANSFORMER LOAD- HIGH VOLTAGE RECTIFIERS, VOLTAGE DOUBLER, FILTER AND X-RAY TUBE. 3A19 1 1R3 a17 a16 36B 2 3PL3 C B 1 MODULE 4 CONVERTER 2 4Tbl 4DS1 4TR2 4A2 PL2 4CR2 4R2 4E10 -1 4C1 5 6 4C2 1 4CR3 -1 + + 4C6 4CR7 2 - 2 4Tb1-8 4A1 L1 + 4TR1 E1 4C5 4 H.V. Transfor. Pri. 4CR4 4CR5 L3 CR7 7 5B 4C4 4C3 4E 7 4R 3 4A2 4R4 6 5 R10 PL2 4A2 PL2 1 4CR6 2 6 4A2 4A1 PL1 SELECT. CAPA AUX. 1 2 16 CAPA PREPO 15 7 MAIN SCR MAIN SCR 3A19 COMMANDE SCR 6 11 10 MSI XR 0349 Module 4 Illustration 7-2 7- 6 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-2 CONVERTER MODULE 4 Refer to drawing top of Illustration 7-2. At T=0 assume CR1 is turned on in the RAD mode. Capacitors C1 and C2 discharge through CR1, 4TR1 and HV. At the same time C3 and C4 are charging up. When C1 and C2 are discharged CR1 turns off. Next CR6 is triggered ON. Now C3 and C4 discharge through HV, 4TR1 and CR6. Current flow through HV primary produces the high voltage in its secondary to the transformer load consisting of voltage doublers and the X-ray tube. When C3 and C4 are discharged CR6 turns off and the process is repeated. Power to the input of HV is proportional to the value of C, the voltage Va and the pulse frequency, or the rate at which CR1 and CR6 are triggered. Refer to the actual Converter Schematic (lower drawing Illustration 2), minimum triggering between CR1 and CR6 is 30 established by the SCR command Board 3A19. 3A19 Board enables selecting capacitors C1 and C4 in the RAD mode by turning on CR4. 3A19 Board enables controlling CR7 to permit presetting capacitors C3 and C4. 4TR1 is used to sense CR1 and CR6 conduction current. The current flow data is used on board 3A19. In fluoro, only capacitors C2 and C3 are used. 7- 7 µsec; and TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 This page intentionally left blank. 7- 8 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 6A1 CI DIVISEUR 8 24 428 G15 PCB Presence Safety Illustration 7-3 7- 9 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 Doubler From Converter Module 4 H. V. Transformer LS SS 6A1 1000 / 1 Divider Kv Measuring Ckt Measured Kv to 3A12 Doubler Measured mA Sc (FL) 6A1 MA / MAS MEASURING CKT Rad (+) 5A1 Measured mA Gr (Rad) Fil. Trans FL (-) 3A19 Open 6 Sa1 stops converter 6 Sa1 Open at 70_C +12V Open at 50_C 6 SaTH2 3A3 TH 3A7 MSI XR 0 347 HV Circuits Illustration 7-4 7- 10 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-3 HV CIRCUITS Refer to Illustration 7-3. Board Interlock Circuit. Refer to Illustration 7-4. The HV Transformer derives its input power from the converter on Module 4 The secondary of the HV Transformer is fed to doubler circuits, the output of which is applied to the x-ray tube. The 2000/1 divider furnishes the actual measured kV to 3A12. The MA/MAS measuring circuit provides an indication of the actual MA/MAS during fluoro and rad operation. If the x-ray Tube Head temperature reaches 70°C, 6Sa1 opens and stops the converter. 6SaTH2 opens at 50 °C head temperature to develop the TH signal used on 3A7. It reduces the fluoro power to 154W, and actuates the temperature indicator on the Console Display. A positive pulsed filament transformer output energizes the x-ray tube large focal spot for rad operation A negative pulsed filament transformer output energizes the x-ray tube small focal spot for fluoro operation. 7- 11 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 FL Timer 3A19 SEXP Op 55, G32, G33 3A3 PRX a5 3A19 TROU CLQ Arc Det Op46 Monostable G32, G30 ,Counter G31 3A19 OX CR4 3A19 PRI 3A19 (Shuts down Converter after 4 arcs) Indicates shutdown INT4 CLQ OSC G79 Integrator Op 97 3A19 Clock 3A9 Selected Kv/20 Op102 6A1 Measured Op180 Kv KV* = ( KV -1 ) 1.1 20 20 Compare Op132 Op114 KV Error C137 3A19 Demx Op122 Adder Compare Op114 Select KV/20 R232 6A1 Measured mA SC (FL) 6A1 Measured mA Gr (Rad) KV Composite Op160 Op168 Op 152, 192, 203 (Followers) 3A26 KV85% 3A19 120KV 3A26 Measured mASc Measured mAGr MSI XR 0353 Board 3A12 kV/mA Illustration 7-5 7- 12 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-4 BOARD 3A12 kV/mA Refer to Illustration 7-5. SEXP from 3A19 generates x-ray ON. It is used to produce the PRX signal to 3A3. PRX increments the fluoro time counter and the total x- ray exposure time counter on 3A3. Op46 detects arcing in the HV system. A large voltage drop in the high voltage system is considered due to arcing. Counter G31 after counting four arcs, interrupts x-ray. LED CR4 indicates the x-ray shutdown. The signal indicating any arcing on A5 is used by the hysteresis safety circuit on 3A19. kV measured and MA fluoro measured are combined to produce the kV composite signal. MA measured corrects for HV system bleeder current. The kV composite is stored on capacitor C137 and fed to the comparator Op102. Op102 compares this signal with the kV/20 selected value. The clock input resets C137 to update the information to the comparator. Op97 integrates the error output from Op102. G79 activates the integrator Op97 when it is triggered by the starts, the converter is running at maximum frequency to rapidly increase the kV. During this time the PR1 signal . When the exposure DEMX is present to 3A19. When the kV/20 composite reaches the kV/20* reference at the input to comparator OP122, the converter frequency is changed to now correct for any OP97 integrator error output. Each error correction again requires developing the PRI DEMX signal. monitors the main SCR’s current and is used to trigger the monostable osc G79. Op160 compares the kV/20 Composite with its reference kV/20 selected input. It produces the kV 85 output when the kV/20 composite reaches 85 of the selected kV/20 level. Op 168 produces the 120kV output when the kV/20 composite exceeds its reference input. 7- 13 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 Signal through memory Interface X-ray Button BPCL FS Rad Sec Bellows (3A26) Stop MAS (3A12) INT4 CLQ (3A12) 120 Kv OX S76A Closed if memory interface is not used. G112, 116,118 Logic G118, 113, 117, 115 Logic TR248 Q235 Q238 G128 555 Clock Timer Clock G119, 120 Logic 3A12 DEMX 3A26 +12V & SX SEXP 3A12, 3A5, 3A3 PRE 3A26 SYXSC 3A26 To converter 4CR7 (Preset C3 & C4) Rad SEXP PRI 3A12 TROU CLQ Bistable Flip-Flop G114, G117 G115, G155 Q303 Q300 Q256 Q259 TR269 To converter 4CR6 Main SCR Q281 Q278 TR291 G122D G122A G216, G113, Q189, Q178 To converter 4CR4 (Select all capacitors in (Rad) Clock Q G121A _ Q TR313 To converter 4CR1 Main SCR To Q181, Q259, Q303, Q238 MSI XR 0354 3A19 SCR Command Illustration 7-6 7- 14 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-5 3A19 SCR COMMAND Refer to Illustration 7-6. The signal OX (command a) BPCL b) FS c) FS - Foot Switch Rad X-ray) is developed - by any of Console the following to the logic X-ray - Foot circuits: button Switch fluoro OX signal is passed through the Memory System and returned. If Memory is not used, S76A must be closed and board 3A1 must be removed. OX flips the bi-stable Flip-Flop to momentarily turn on Q238 and Q235 and switch ON converter SCR CR7. This enables discharging converter capacitors C3 in fluror, and C3 and C4 in RAD. The action Sec Bellows =1 (x-ray Int 4 CLQ =1 (no Stop MAS =1 (not 120kV =1 (not at 120kV) The OX signal also enables developing the SEXP, takes head place temperature provided: less than 70°C) arcing) end PRE (Rad) and of Rad exposure) SYX SC (FL) signals. When SEXP =1 to flip-flop G119Band 120B) , G121A latch Q and Q outputs alternately enable the drive circuits to TR269 and TR291. Converter SCR’s CR6 and CR1 thus cannot be switched ON simultaneously. They will be driven alternately by the G128 clock output. The clock G128 is triggered by PRI = 1 and the following input signals: DEMX = 0 TROU CLQ =1 (no HV leakage ) SEXP = 1 In RAD operation TR313 will switch ON converter SCR CR4. This enables selecting additional converter capacitors. All drivers Q181, Q259, Q303 and Q238 will be locked out if SX is not present or +12V supply drops below 6.2V. 7- 15 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 Comparator A135 4TR1 + E125 GR 3A7 G115 Rad G115 Rad 3A19 Current Detector Illustration 7-7 7- 16 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-6 3A19 BOARD Refer to Illustration 7-7. 4TR1 senses the Converter current through the main SCR’s CR1 and CR6. The secondary of 4TR1 is rectified and drives the comparator A135. A135 compares the level from 4TR1 with that on its positive input. The output of the G115 inverts the A135 output during the SCR conduction interval and switches the input to A137. This produces the PRI signal to 3A12 to trigger the G79 Timer on 3A12 and G128 on 3A19. PRI indicates SCR current present. R123 sets the threshold level for switching A137. A137 acts as a low pass filter and prevents false triggering due to noise. GR input develops the RAD and RAD signals. 7- 17 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 Sample & Hold A71 , 82 RX (From TV camera) Gain R66 A74B KV/20 Auto (To 3A7) +V Integrator A73 +V Ref. R65 A121 Comparators R67 Threshold (3A12) PRX CP (50 Hz) Counters G143, 144 158, 159, 160, 161 Decoders G184, 185, 186, 187 Displays DS 15 (.01) DS 16 (.1) DS 17 (1.0) DS 18 (10.0) 3A7 Console Reset Counts to 99.99 Timer Module G MSI XR 0350 ABC Hysteresis Illustration 7-8 7- 18 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-7 ABC HYSTERESIS Refer to Illustration 7-8. The purpose of this circuit is to provide a kV/20 reference in the auto mode using the RX control signal from the TV Camera. This assures correct kV’s for an optimum TV image. The RX signal from the TV Camera is fed to the input sample and hold circuit involving amplifiers A71 and A82. A82 acts as a comparator with a reference set by R65. The output of A82 is fed through a system gain adjust R66 to integrator A73. A74B will not pass the RX output of A82 unless it is greater than or less than the threshold determined by hysteresis adjustment R67. When the RX signal is not present the output will provide a kV/20 of 2V, equal to 40 RV reference. 1-8 TIMER DISPLAY PRX CP clock signal of 50Hz is fed to counters G143 and G144 and divided by 50. G144 drives the 4 bit counter G158. The output is decoded on G184 which drives the 7 segment DS15 1/100 sec display. After 10 sec. the Q3 output of G158 drives counter and decoder G159 and G185 to display 1/10 second on DS16. G159 counts 6 and drives G160 to display minutes on DS17. Finally G161 receives a pulse from G160 to display tens of minutes on DS18 display. SM19 on the Console enables resetting the counters and displays. 7- 19 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1KHz OJC G148 (3A19) OX A>B A>B Auto= closed Sm49 Logic Ckts & Latch G70 Up-down Controls G48, 31 Latch G69 FL WR 4 bit comparators G108, 126 A/D Analog G90 KV/20 from 3A5 & TV Camera 300 KHz To G150 SC (3A5) To 3A9 Clock Hold Kv (3A9) 40-110Kv Limits SC (3A9) Clock 3Hz & 30 Hz OSC & 2Sec delay SC Latch G97 Rad Up-down Counters G138, 125 MSI XR 0352 3A7 AD-kV Illustration 7-9 7- 20 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-9 3A7 AD-kV BOARD Refer to Illustration 7-9. The major function of this board is to generate the kV reference in both the auto & manual modes. Operating mode is selected by console switch SM49. Console buttons SM31 & SM32 increment and decrement respectively the up-down counters G48 & G31 and set the Latch G69 in fluoro manual. Counters G138 & G125 and Latch G97 are incremented or decremented in the Rad mode. The 8 bit Latch output data G69 (fluoro) or G97 (Rad) is transmitted on the kV Bus to 3A9 for kV reference. If either 40 or 110 kV is reached FC40 or FC110 signals from 3A9 will stop the counters. In either fluoro or Rad manual, the clock inputs to the counters are driven by the 3Hz & 30Hz oscillators which provide, first a 2 sec 3Hz slow drive, followed by the 30 Hz fast drive. Pressing SM49 to select the TV auto mode deactivates SM31 & SM32. kV reference is now generated using the TV camera RX signal. In the auto mode the TV Camera analog signal is converted to digital by A/D G90. The G90 digital output is compared with the kV bus by the digital comparators G108 & G126. The comparators output A>B or A<B activates the G48 & G31 counters at the frequency of 1 kHz until the TV kV reference & kV bus data agree (A=B). 7- 21 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 7- 22 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement PL1 +5V PL1 +5V 45A Rad Gr SC 10 +5V Sm26 16 13 Clock Inhibit 14 300 kHz from G90 2 4 G150 7 ER +5V 3 + Reset 15 8 Sm33 HLC +12V G137 A to F Sm35 GR +12V 3A3, 3A1 Pulsed FL +12V ER Sm48 +12V FL 3A1 Sm52 +12V D536 •S" +12V +5V 3A19 Gr mA(S) + BP mA(s) Up Sm50 mA(S) - 3A9 G139 A to F 3A9 Sm51 2A1 MODULE G 1.2 & 12Hz OSC G47 7- 23 3A9 Clock 1 3A9 Clock 2 BP mA(s) Down TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement 3A7 AD/kV Board Illustration 7-10 7- 24 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-10 3A7 AD/kV BOARD Refer to Illustration 7-10. The circuit enables selection of the operating mode through activation of counter G150. When power is switched ON, Fluoro mode is automatically selected G150 pins 1 to 9 = 0, except pin 3 = 1, pin 13 = 1. When another operating mode is selected, G150 pin 13 = 0 counter counts clock input pulses on pin 14 until the selected mode output of G150 equals a logic 1. Counter now locks on selected mode, until another mode is selected. Counter output turns on the selected mode LED through G139. Counter indicates the operating mode signal through G137. Output signals are A. ER B. + & C. Gr to SCR control 3A19 mAs SP as to to kV/mA Two clock signals enable changing mA/mAs at two different speeds. 7- 25 follows: Memory board Interface 3A9 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 3A9 CONSIGNE kV / mA Sm35 Logic Ckts G122, Q141 +5v S140B To Module 8 TVCamera aperture FC110 3A7 Logic Ckts FC40 G21 G20 Lim.110 REFERENCE VOLT. kV/20 G68 DAC EPROM G18 G19 Lim.40 G67 Dis.kV BCD to 7 Segm. DECODER G138 G172 U D G22 C REFERENCE VOLT. mA Rad 3A26 FIL EPROM 3A7 K/20 Bus ER HLC TH Mod.G Sm35 3A7 Ther mal Sw. (3A7) + MA, SC, HLC ER TH CLOCK Logic Ckt mA.mAs EPROM G65 5R 500W ER HLC TH G136 G137 G120 SC Clk mA (s)Up G118 Mod.8 TV Lens Aperture Latch SC SC (3A7) mA(s) Up Clock G87 G88 B A Comparators 3A9 kV/mA Illustration 7-11 7- 26 2A1 MODULE G 888 EPROM G121 BIN DEC kV 3A26 REFERENCE VOLT. G94 mA FL DAC EPROM COUNTER G89 G66 G90 kV/mA FL 2A1 MODULE G 888 BCD to DECIMAL DECODER Comparators 3A12 kV/mA mA- mAs 3A26 FCO FC01 FCGR EPROM G119 Latch G134 G135 mA-mAs COUNTER G132 Cons. mAs G133 DAC 3A26 FIL TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-11 3A9 kV/mA BOARD Refer to Illustration 7-11. 1-11-1 Auto Fluoro Mode The kV/20 bus addresses EPROM G66. G66 on its output bus sets an optimum mA value for each kV input. The mA level depends on the operating mode selected and equipment safety. Auto Mode HLC (High Dose ER Fluoro) (Electronic Radiography) TH (X-ray tube head safety) Digital counters G89 and G90 output data is converted to analog by G94. This sets the reference mA level for the X-ray tube filament control circuits on 3A26. 1-11-2 Manual Fluoro Mode The counters G89 and G90 start from the EPROM memory data previously established before manual mode selection. The counters are then incremented or decremented by the +/- mA input to the value manually selected. The clock 1 & 2 inputs from 3A7, determines the mA change speed. Counters G89 and G90 outputs are fed to D/A G94 and Latch G118 as in the auto mode. G87 and G88 compare the EPROM G65 output data with the G89 and G90 counter outputs to set the counters for A=B. The counters input to the Latch G118 to display the mA level on 2A1, through EPROM G120 and decoders G136 and G137. Latch G118 is set by the sc input. G65 output data depends on the operating mode. Fluoro ER & MA HLC x - 5R MA x 15R (154W) (500W) TH - Reduce Power Operation When the G65 output data equals the G89, and G90 counters the mA UP counting sequence stops. Counting down is automatic if A>B. 1-11-3 Rad mAs Reference The mAs (up) data from 3A7 (up-down) 4 bit counters G134 and G135. The counters address EPROM G132 varying from .16 to 160 mAs in 31 steps. The digital data drives the D/A converted G133 to provide the analog mAs reference to the x-ray tube filament circuits on 3A26 in the Rad mode. 7- 27 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 This page intentionally left blank. 7- 28 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 The counter G134,G135 outputs also drive the EPROM G120 and G121 through the latch G119. The latch is set by the SC input in Rad. G120 provides data for the 2A1 display through Decoders G136 and G137. G121 outputs the following: Information for Logic signals FC01 - FC0 to the select Fluoro - Rad the high min 2A1 or low mA mAs Display integrators value min on (.1 (.16 3A26 mA) mAs) FCGR - Rad mAs max ( 160 mAs) kV/20 bus data is fed to the upper & lower kV limit comparators G20 and G21, and G18 and G19 respectively. At limits the FC40 or FC110 comparator output is fed to the logic circuits on 3A7. kV/20 bus data is converted to analog by G68 which provides the kV reference signal to 3A12. Finally the kV/20 bus data addresses the EPROM G67, the output of which is decoded by G138 and G172 to drive the 2A1 kV Display. BCD to Decimal Decoder G22 outputs additional information to the 2A1 Display and provides data to the Rad, mA circuits on 3A26 to taper the mA over the kV range of 40 to 110 kV. When HLC is selected by closing SM35, the logic circuits G122 & Q141 drive the TV camera aperture. The action closes down the TV camera lens aperture to force increasing the radiation input to the Image Tube to the required HLC level. S140B must be closed to enable driving the aperture. 7- 29 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 3A3 Power reduction (Closed) (Reduced Power) RP S133B KV/MA Tapes Q108, 110 3A9 KV/MA from G22 Pre heat Q216 (Rad) Amp A214 Adder A152 Q287A 85%KV & PRE 3A12 Measured MA (Rad) A180 Compare A138 Integrator A284 Amp 3A9 0= .16 to 5mAs 1= 5 to 160 mAs G188, 184, 187 3A19 Stop mAs Integ. Gain Q83, Q217 mAs Ret 3A9 Pre RP Safety Delay (Rad) Q193, 194, 197, G184, 187 Pre heat R3 R7 MEASURED mA (FL) 3A12 Fil. Ret Q26 R8 (FL) A220 Compare A222 Low Pass Filter R9 Q287B (FL) SYX (FL) 3A19 MSI XR 0360 3A26 Filament Circuits Illustration 7-12 7- 30 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-12 3A26 FILAMENT CIRCUITS Refer to Illustration 7-12. 1-12-1 Fluoro Mode A220 compares the measured (actual) mA from 3A12 and the reference mA from 3A9. Fluoro rate is set by R9. The output of A220 is fed through low-pass filter A222 and drives amplifier A214 through FET Q287. Q287 is ON in fluoro because of the SYX SC to its gate. R3 also drives A214 through Q216B for pre-heating the x-ray tube filament. Q216B is on in fluoro. 1-12-2 Rad Mode The Rad mA measured signal from 3A12 through A284 is added to the mA Gr reference at the input of A152. The reference is selected by the FET’s Q108 and Q110. These are switched to taper the Rad mA in six steps over the range from 40 to 110 kV. The gate signals to the FET’S come from G22 on 3A9. S133B enables changing the reference mA values for reduced x-ray tube power consumption. S133B must be closed when the Stenoscop is operated from 120V AC power source (reduced power). A152 drives A214 to develop the filament reference signal in the Rad mode. Q287 is ON if the 85 kV and PRE signals are present on its gate. R4 enables setting the x-ray tube pre-heat level for the Rad mode. It is switched by Q216A Integrator A138 calculates the mAs. The integrator has two speeds because of the wide range of mAs (.16 to 160 mAs). Integrator gain is set by Q83 and Q217 using the logic signals from 3A9. (0 = .16 to 5 mAs, 1 = 6 to 160 mAs). A180 compares the integrator for A138 output with the mAs reference signal. When these are equal, the stop mAs output to 3A19 is developed. On 3A19, the signal prevents sending trigger pulses to the main SCR’s on the converter, stopping the Rad exposure. Maximum Rad exposures are limited to two different times, depending on whether reduced power operation is or is not selected by S133B. If reduced power is selected ( S133B is closed), maximum Rad exposure time is limited to 11 seconds. RP is a logic 0. R8 enables setting the Rad safety delay in this mode. When reduced power is not selected ( S133B open), maximum Rad exposure time is limited to 7 seconds. RP is a logic 1 and R7 enables adjusting the safety delay. When the safety delay time elapses and the exposure is not complete the stop mAs is generated, terminating x-ray emission. 7- 31 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 Rad Rad G155 180 Hz OSC Q206 Selector Logic G182,183 Q124 Integrator A234, Q265 Q266 n2 Rad 5A1 Pre amp & Amp Q176, 129, 162, 122 To X-ray head Fil. Trans. Current Sense FL Low Pass Filter A282 & Multiplier A278 n FL/Rad Selector Q213 A & B Voltage Source 5TR1, 5CR3, C3 & C4 RMS Compare A237 Drivers Q21, 20, 15, 11 Limiters Q125, 128 Q123, 121 +V Fil Ref (A214) + Voltage Source C35TR1 5CR3 - Q20 C4 .5 1.8 Q11 -V 3A26 Filament Circuits Illustration 7-13 7- 32 MSI XR 0364 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-13 3A26 FILAMENT CIRCUITS Refer to Illustration 7-13. Oscillator G155 generates a positive going 180 Hz square wave pulse. Q206 inverts the G155 output and drives the selector logic circuit. The pulse output of the selector logic is negative going in fluoro and positive in Rad depending on the Rad or Rad input. The selector logic output drives the push-pull complementary amplifier consisting of Q176, Q129, Q162 and Q122. The amplifier output is finally applied to the x-ray tube filament transformer input drivers on 5A1 consisting of Q11, 15, 20 & 21. The limiters (Q121, 123, 125, & 128) sense the 5A1 driver outputs. If an overdrive condition is measured, the limiters ground the push-pull amplifier output at R133. The RMS current in the 5A1 final driver outputs is measured by A282 through FET’S Q213A in the Rad mode and Q213B in fluoro. A282 acts as a low-pass filter and drives the multiplier A278. The RMS2 output is now integrated by A234. The signal output of Q206 is used to reset the integrator through Q266 and Q265. Finally the integrator output is compared with the filament reference from A124. If the integrator RMS level exceeds the reference value, A124 inhibits the pulses at Q206. Referring to the simplified 5A1 output driver circuit, operation is as follows: C3 charges up to +175V approximate, furnished by the floating DC supply consisting of 5CR3 and 5TR1. During Rad positive drive pulses to Q20 cause it to conduct and discharge C3 through Q20, and the filament transformer primary and charging C4. During fluoro operation positive drive pulses turn ON Q11, allowing C4 to discharge through the filament transformer and Q11. Switching the polarity of the current pulses through the filament transformer primary enables selecting the small focal spot of the x-ray tube in fluoro and the large focal spot in Rad. The energy input to the transformer is controlled by varying the pulse width. 7- 33 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 2Hz OSC G35 (3A5) PRX-CP Timer Display Counters G38, 37 G69 50Hz OSC R217 Logic Ckts G36 4' 57" (3A19) Stop Convt SCR'S G35 PRX Timer Reset Module G 2A1 Sm14 4' 26" LED FLASH Sm 7 PRX Logic Ckts G74,75 DS175 Buzzer X-ray Exposure Sm26 BPCL (3A19) G39 RAD 3A12 Module D 2A3 MSI EX 0363 Fluoro Timer/X-ray On Lamp Illustration 7-14 7- 34 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-14 FLUORO TIMER Refer to Illustration 7-14. Depressing the exposure buttons, either SM7 or SM26, produces the BPCL signal to 3A19. This initiates the exposure by switching ON the converter main SCR’s. BPCL is further processed on 3A19 to produce the SEXP logic signal to 3A12. 3A12 then develops the PRX signal to trigger the oscillator G69 and G39. After the counters G37,38 count 4’57’’ the 4'57" signal goes to 3A19 board to stop the converter SCR’s. At a count of 4’26’’ the 2Hz oscillator G35 begins to flash the SM14 Timer reset LED. PRX also triggers the monostable G39 which enables energizing the DS175 buzzer for .25 seconds, after releasing the exposure button. G74 energizes the x-ray exposure buttons LED. Depressing SM14 resets the timer counters. Stenoscop 6000/9000 monitor cart x-ray on lamp. 7- 35 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 Sm11 (CCW) -12V 7M1 Collimator Rotation +12V Sm12 (CW) Sm15 FC GR1 G168, 157, 169, 160, 159, 164, 156 Logic Ckts (Close) Sm16 (Open) Q218 Q211 7M3 Opaque Collimators Rad FC Sc1 Sm13 Sm14 (Open) (Close) G180, 163 181, 179, 164, 166, 158 Logic Ckts Semi-transparent Q249 Q241 Collimators7M2 FC GR2 Rad Sm17 G165 Latch G155 Monostable Logic Ckts Zoom Q189 Q190 7M5 Circular Coll 9" Tube only Q191 Q192 7M4 Circular Coll 6" or 9" Tubes Z=0= Not zoom Rad S501A & B Open for 6" tube MSI XR 0362 3A3 Collimators Illustration 7-15 7- 36 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-15 3A3 COLLIMATORS Refer to Ilustration 7-15. Motor 7M1 rotates the collimator. Depressing Sm11 or 12 energizes the motor for desired direction of rotation. Either a 6” or dual field 6”-9” image tube can be use on the Stenoscop. 1-15-1 6” Single Field Image Tube 7M3 moves the upper opaque collimator blades. These are controlled by Sm15 and Sm16. Q218 and Q211 enable reversing the voltage to 7M3 to open or close the blades. The collimator blades can be moved provided that: Maximum opening limit switches are not actuated, FC SC1 (Fluoro) FCGR1 (Rad) console settings are compatible with operating mode selected (Fluoro or Rad). 7M2 drives the lower semi-transparent collimator blades. These are controlled by SM13 and Sm14. Q249 and Q241 enable reversing power to 7M2 to open and close the blades. Collimator drive is enabled provided that the maximum opening switches are not activated FCSC2 (Fluoro) FCGR2 (Rad). When the operating mode is switched from Rad to Fluoro all the collimator blades are automatically driven to limit x-ray emission to the input field size of the image tube 6”, (16cm) FCSC1 and FCSC2 actuated. When changing from Fluoro to Rad, the collimator blades must be manually positioned. LED’s for SM14 and SM16 will be flashing. Repositioning the blades for Rad mode stops the flashing. 7M5 is not used with the 6” Image Tube. 1-15-2 6”-9” Dual Field Image Tube Sm17 Console button enables selecting the desired field size. S501 A&B must be closed. Opening and closing of the collimator blades is the same as for the 6” Image Tube. In the 9” mode, the Z signal =0. This changes the limit switch selection for the collimator blades. The maximum opening now depends on FCGR1 and FCGR2 instead of FCSC1 and FCSC2 in Fluoro. In the 6” mode, the Z signal = 1. Collimator blades will now be automatically set to the FCSC1 and FCSC2 limit positions. Flashing of the control switch LED’s is identical to that for the 6” Image Tube. 1-15-3 Circular Collimators These are driven by 7M5 and 7M4. They function to confine the x-ray beam emission. In the Rad mode both circular collimators are moved out of the x-ray beam. In the Fluoro 6” mode 7M5 moves the 6” circular collimator in the x-ray field to limit x-ray emission to the 6” input field size of the image tube. In the Fluoro 9” mode 7M4 moves the 9” circular collimator in the x-ray field to limit emission to the 9” Image Tube input view field. With a single field 6” image tube, 7M4 is used to move the 6” circular collimator to limit input field size. 7- 37 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 Module 8 TV Camera Q145 (3A7) Auto (3A7) ER (3A5) Sexp Auto Gain Control (CAG) Delay Logic Ckts G161, 162, 170, 171 Q148 R239 C235 (3A7) F110 S133A S133D Syx Sc (3A19) G166 G166 Q512 Video Blank Q132 Beam (Max) S133C +24v Zoom (Mag mode) Q149 Zoom Z1 2A3 Module D Q146 9Sml Aux Coil Sm21 G163 Q152 2A1 Module G Sm 4 +5V PRX (3A12) Q209 Time Counter K233 Time Counter K510 SYXSC Logic Ckts G162, 176, 177 OX (3A19) RAD 3A3 Board Illustration 7-16 7- 38 OX HLC (3A9) TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-16 3A3 BOARD Refer to Illustration 7-16. TV Camera Automatic Gain Control (CAG) operates during: Auto Fluoro or Electronic Rad (ER) During x-ray ON (SEXP) KV at upper limit (F110 ) S133A permits activating the AGC without the above signals (closed). The delay circuit inhibits CAG at the start to enable TV camera reaching stability. S133D enables unblanking the TV camera without x-ray Syx Sc. S133C enables setting TV vidicon beam current to low beam during x-ray emission Syx Sc. Depressing either Sm21 or Sm4 energizes the auxiliary coil of 95ml switching the unit OFF. In High Dose Fluoro (HLC), the OX logic signal generates the OX HLC to 3A9 to close down the TV aperture (iris) in the HLC mode. The Syx Sc holds the HLC during pulsed Fluoro. OX HLC is defeated in the Rad mode. With a dual field tube, in the 6” mode Z1 logic signal enables switching the image tube electron optics for the magnify mode. PRX logic (x-ray on) activates Time Counter K233 to record x-ray on time. Time Counter K510 is active as soon as power is turned ON. Therefore it records the total ON time of the Stenoscop. 7- 39 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 Mod D (2A3) 3A5 1A1 Board Sm22 Sm23 Logic Ckts G16, Q17 Q25, Q30 3A7 Mod G (2A1) Drivers Q28 K34 Q33 K44 Sm5 Sm9 K6 Trans 5TR1 Power Supply +24V K34, K44 Polarity Reverse 1M1 Up/Down Drive Motor To Module 8 MSI XR 0359 C-Arm Motor Drive Illustration 7-17 7- 40 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-17 C-ARM MOTOR DRIVE Refer to Illustration 7-17. Up/down motion of the C-Arm is performed by the 1M1 motor. Depressing either Sm23 or Sm5 produces UP drive. Depressing either Sm22 or Sm9 produces Down motion. Depressing any of the above console buttons energizes K6 to enable applying power to the 1M1 motor. The power supply also furnishes +24v DC to Module 8 (Image Tube and TV Camera). 7- 41 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 Q195 G140A Sm10 Sm9 +24V Q G140D Q55 Q G140E Q57 G106 Q194 G140F Sm8 H Sweep 24 To Module 8 TV Camera 23 V Sweep +24V G163B Q151 K7 Sm7 Monitor 1 12V G163C Q156 K5 9A1 12V Sm6 Sm5 G163D Q171 K7 Monitor 2 12V G163E Q176 K5 9A2 12V MSI XR 0368 3A5 Timer Illustration 7-18 7- 42 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-18 3A5 TIMER Refer to Illustration 7-18. Added to the Timer Board functions already covered, the Board performs the following additional functions: TV Camera Sweep reversal Camera sweep reversal is controlled by Sm9 and Sm10 buttons on the control console. Sm9 enables horizontal image reversal while Sm10 permits vertical reversal of the TV Camera image. Depressing the console buttons flips the G106 dual bistable. The bistable outputs drive opto couplers Q55 and 57 to switch +24V to the TV Camera H and V sweep circuits. The Q outputs of G106 also drive transistors Q195 and Q194 to energize the selected button LED’S. 1-18-1 TV Monitor Image Rotation Console buttons Sm7 and Sm8 switch ON transistors Q156 and Q151 respectively to drive the sweep rotation coil relays K5 and K7 for Monitor 1. The relays energize the motor drive circuit for image rotation on Monitor 1. Console buttons Sm5 and Sm6 switch transistors Q176 and Q171 to energize Monitor 2 sweep rotation relays K5 and K7 for Monitor 2. The 3A5 Board also contains circuitry for Monitor brightness control. The circuits, however, are not used. 7- 43 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 This page intentionally left blank. 7- 44 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-19 LAB EXERCISE Refer to Stenoscop 2 Manual Part 1, Section 5. Have the students do the following Lab Exercises as outlined in the above: Guide Wheel/Adjustment Handle Position C-Arm Rotation Brake Travel Safety Fluoro mA Fluoro Pre Heating Fluoro Timer Rad Safety Rad Pre Heating FL/Rad Switch Verification mAs Integrators Auto Fluoro Systems 7- 45 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 TP2 24V. +18V VRI R1 TP7 AGC Delay MNI AGC (On/Off) To Camera Video Amp TP9 R9 -15V 15 GI +24V DS3 TP8 VR2 +10V TP3 NOR R2 G3 MAG R3 G3 NOR R5 TP4 G3 MAI G2 CR3 MX1 TP5 G2 MAI MAG R6 G2 *MAG R10 R CR4 TP6 NOR R8 G1 MA2 MX2 MAG Mode 1 DH2 IRIS DH1 To image tube power supply CR2 +15V +15V To Iris Control *Only on 45560536 Power Supply (PL1) Illustration 7-19 7- 46 MSI XR 0378 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-20 TV Camera 1-20-1 Power Supply (PL1) Refer to Illustration 7-19. 24v input to voltage regulator VR1 provides a +18v output for the TV Camera circuits. R1 enables adj to 18 v ± .1v. In fluoro, with CL/ON and x-ray/ON inputs both high, the AGC is active when the kV reaches 110 kV after a delay set by MN1. R9 enables setting the AGC delay. The delay permits the TV Camera circuits to stabilize before AGC becomes active. 24v input to Regulator G1 produces the ±15v DC output. The LED, DS3 is energized if the Image Tube current exceeds 1µA. Regulator VR2 furnishes +10v to the image tube electrode adjustment pots R2, R3, R5, R6, R8 and R10. The pots enable adjusting the Image Tube G1, G2 and G3 electrostatic lens voltages in the normal and magnify modes as indicated. External control signals for image tube (normal and +mag) mode switching and iris HQ mode positioning is through the opto-couplers DH2, and DH1, respectively. CR3, CR4 and CR2 protect against overvoltage. 7- 47 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 TP1 ImV=InA Newvicon Target Signal TP4 Q5, 6, 7 MA1-1,2 MX1-1,2,3 Q1,2,3 & 4 Q8 To Sync & Mask PL3 RX (Auto Brightness) Hclamp Black Window R1 Black Level Adjust. S4 R2 Max Gain MA3, 4 Q9, 10, 11, 12 Composite Video to Memory DSM & Monitors Q17, 18, 19 R7 Video Blk Level (Set-up) Q16 Comp Blanking TP11 250 mV B/W Q20 Comp Sync MA5-2 MX2-1, 2, 3 Q15 F110 R6 AGC Gain Gamma & Edge enhance Q13, 14, S2, S3 R5 Man. Gain 50 mV Set-up R4 Gamma - wht clip MSI XR 0376 Pre-Amp and Video Board (PL2) Illustration 7-20 7- 48 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-20-2 Pre-Amp and Video Board (PL2) Refer to Illustration 7-20. The Newvicon target video signal drives the series connected amplifiers Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4. At TP1, the level is 1mV = 1nA. Next we feed the black level circuit consisting of Q5, Q6 and Q7, MA1 and MA2 and electronic switches MX1-1, MX1-2 & MX1-3. The output is applied to Q8 to provide the (Rx) auto brightness signal. R1 enables setting the video black level to the Newvicon dark current level. The black level circuit utilizes the H clamp and black window signal inputs. The signal at TP4 also drives the MA3 and MA4 attenuator and amplifier. R2 sets the maximum gain and is a factory adjustment. The output of Q12 is applied to differential amplifier Q17 and Q18 and an emitter output Q19 for the composite video output at TP11. Note that composite sync and blanking are added to form the composite output. R7 enables establishing the video black level 50 mV above blanking. The output of Q12 is also fed to the Gamma and white clip and Edge Enhancement circuits formed by Q13 & 14. Switching S2 enables Gamma and white clip correction by means of R4. S2 permits injecting Edge Enhancement. The output of MA5-1 drives the AGC circuits consisting of MA5-2 and 3 and electronic switches MX2-1, 2 and 3. R5 is used for manual gain setting while R6 is for setting the AGC gain in the active mode. The circuit is active in the auto fluoro and electronic radiographic modes when maximum kV = 110 is reached. 7- 49 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 5.04 MHz (525 line rate) Crystal OSC & Divider MNI MN2 MUX TP6 TP7 Comp Sync & blanking HD VD TP11 MN5 MA3 2X Int MA6-1 Video Circular Blanking R4 Size MA5 R1 H cent MN6 MA4 2xInt R3 Roundness MA6-2 R2 Vcent R6 Size MA 7 TP12 Video Rx (From Pre Amp PL2) Blk Window R5 Size Amp Q2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 MX2- 1, 2, 3 Video ABC (To 3A5) TP13 Sync and Mask Board (PL3) Illustration 7-21 7- 50 ABC Window MSI XR 0377 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-21 SYNC AND MASK BOARD (PL3) Refer to Illustration 7-21. The master oscillator and divider (MN1) is crystal controlled at 5.04 mHz and provides RS170 sync and blanking for the 525 line rate. The Mux (MN2) outputs produces the composite sync and blanking and horizontal and vertical drive outputs. The horizontal and vertical drive square wave signals are each integrated twice to generate the parabola signals required for the video, black window and ABC window circular patterns. R1 enables horizontal circular mask centering and R2 centers the circular mask patterns vertically. R3 is adjusted for circular mask roundness. Video blanking diameter is set by R4, and the Black Window and ABC window sizes are adjusted by R6 and R5, respectively. The Rx signal from the Video Board is passed through the series connected amplifiers consisting of Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5 and Q6 and electronic switches MX2-1, MX2-2 and MX2-3 to produce the ABC window video to the hysteresis circuit on 3A5. Q6 enables averaging of the video data in the sample window area. 7- 51 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 VD MA1-1 MA2-1, 2 MX2-1, 2, 3 R5 V size Vsweep (Defl) Vcent NOR R1 R2 Vcent Rev VD Q6 ,Q7 HD HD R8 H cent Rev Q5 ,TRI R6 H size R10 Focus Cathode (Newvicon) R7 H Lin K1 R9 H cent NOR MA4, Q8 H sweep (Defl) Focus R12 Target Target 0 to +80V. HD G2 300V G3 450V G4 630V Q3 TR2 MA3 R4 Stand-by R3 (G 2 ,G 3 , G To Newvicon 4 ) K2 G1 Beam R11 Normal +18V 6.3V Filament VRI MSI XR 0375 Scan Converter and Focus (PL5) Illustration 7-22 7- 52 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-22 SCAN CONVERTER AND FOCUS (PL5) Refer to Illustration 7-22. Vertical Drive to MA1 and MA2 amplifiers and electronic switching MX2 provides Vertical Sweep to the Camera tube Vertical Deflection Coil. R5 permits sweep size adjustment while R1 and R2 enable vertical raster centering on the camera tube target for normal and reverse presentations, respectively. Vertical and Horizontal Drive to Q6 and Q7 produces Camera Tube Cathode blanking. Horizontal Drive to Q5 and Transformer TR1 develops the horizontal sweep to the Camera tube H Deflection coil. R6 and R7 are for H size and H linearity corrections, respectively. R8 and R9 enable centering the raster horizontally on the Camera tube target in the normal and reverse modes. R10 adjustment, fed to MA4 amplifier and driver output Q8 to the Camera Tube focus coil enables focusing the beam on the Newvicon target. H Drive to the circuit consisting of Q3, MA3 and Transformer TR2 enables setting Newvicon operating potentials as follows: R12 established the required target voltage. A single adjustment, R3, sets the G2, G3 and G4 Camera tube electrode potentials. R4 and R11 set the Newvicon G1 beam potentials for STAND-BY (no x-ray exposure) and NORMAL (x-ray) modes. K2 relay is driven by the control circuits on Board 3A3. Filament voltage (6.3v DC) for the Camera pick-up tube is obtained from regulator VR1. 7- 53 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 +24V From IRIS SIG 3A9 Std FL P1 B3 B2 B1 X + - HLC P2 + - M IRIS 63 mm (Max open) B1 + +V B2 Servo Position MSI XR 0374 Iris Control Illustration 7-23 7- 54 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-23 IRIS CONTROL Refer to Illustration 7-23. The iris, or aperture, has only two positions. One is for setting the standard fluoro light input to the TV Camera pick-up tube. The second is for the HLC operating mode. These iris openings are established by adjustment of P1 for standard fluoro and P2 for HLC. In the HLC mode, the iris is closed down from its fluoro position. The iris is physically located in front of the TV Camera lens. Its maximum physical opening is 63mm. Let’s consider we are adjusting P1 to establish the iris opening for standard fluoro. Assume we develop a positive voltage output at X of B3. This is fed through follower B2 applies a positive input to the inverter input of B1 and develops a negative output voltage across the top side of motor M. Note that the positive output of follower B2 is also applied to the positive input of the lower B1 on the drawing. Its output will, therefore, be positive applied to the lower side of motor M. Simply, we have a voltage across the motor and the iris motor drives and changes the iris opening. Note that the servo position pot is physically tied to the motor. Thus, we now develop an increasing positive input position voltage to the remaining inputs of both B1 output drivers. This is applied through the lower follower, B2, as the position of the servo pot is changed. When the sum of the inputs to both B1 drivers is zero, their outputs will be zero and the motor stops. Adjusting P2 will result in the same action, and we will close down the iris opening for HLC operation. 7- 55 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 (Sync separator) H U4 U3 U2 U1 Q1 Q2 (Sync) Remote contrast V Q11 Blk Level Clamp Q6 Video In Q3,4,5 Q1 0 Q7, 8 C17 Diff. Amp Follower R29 Gain Q9 R45 BIAS Q6 Q1 Follower H-V blanking control Ext blanking Grid to CRT Cathode Q2, 3, 4, 5 Remote Brightness Diff amps cascaded Blanking circuit Q101 to Q105 R32 BIAS XR0386 Video Preamp and Output Amplifier Illustration 7-24 7- 56 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-24 DSM VMI MONITOR CIRCUITS Refer to Illustration 7-24. The camera video output is fed to series connected buffers Q3, 4 and 5. R29 sets the video level gain. Output buffer Q5 is capacity coupled to a differential amplifier (Q7 and Q8). At the output of the differential amplifier, R45 driving Q9 enables setting the video black level to zero as measured on the collector of Q8. Also, the remote contrast permits establishing the desired contrast setting through Q11. Q10 follower applies the video to Q1 which in turn drives the differential amplifier (Q2 and Q3). These now drive a pair of cascade output amplifiers (Q4 and Q5). The collector of Q5 drives the CRT cathode while the Q4 output is applied to the grid of the CRT. Remote brightness adjust fed to Q6 enables establishing the desired video brightness level on the grid of the CRT. The composite signal applied to the sync separator circuits strips the video portion and produces the H and V sync outputs. Q6 clamps the video black level. The blanking circuit will permit blanking the video during H and V retrace periods or upon an external blanking commands. 7- 57 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 +V H hold B+ Boost V. R113 OSC - PLL U101, U102 H Sync T102 & Reg U105, U104, U106 +Video -150V. +6V. +5V. -5V. Q101 Pre Amp T101 Q104 Output Amp H Defl +V Phase Delay R110 L 102 Lin L 103 Width To Q303 (Sweep protect) L 101 H cent Simplified H Sweep Circuit Illustration 7-25 7- 58 To Q301 dynamic focus TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 Refer to Illustration 7-25. The PLL oscillator, U102, driving the preamp, Q101, and output amplifier, Q104, locks the deflection output pulse to the H sync input. Q104 feeds the series connected horizontal deflection coil, H linearity L102, width coil L103 and the H centering L101. Q104 also switches the current input to T102 primary at the horizontal sweep rate (15.75 kHz). The secondary of T102 driving the voltage regulators U105, U104 and U103 produces the +6v and ±5v regulated outputs. In addition, T102 supplies the -150v and +video unregulated outputs. R110 sets the phase of oscillator U102 while R113 enables adjustment of the horizontal hold to within ±150 Hz of the H sync. L102, L103 and L101 permit adjusting H linearity, width and centering, respectively. Notice that the H drive current through the width coil L103 is also fed to Q303 for sweep failure protection and to Q301 for dynamic focus. 7- 59 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 V Defl Q201 Inverter U201OSC,Ramp gen,power amp. V Sync +V V shape R207 R219 V cent H sweep Q303 Q304 R205A V freq. R212 V size L 103 H. width Q202 Q203 R213 V linearity V sweep To CRT (Control Grid) (Sweep failure protection) To dynamic focus ckt (V parabola) XR0387 Simplified V Sweep Circuit Illustration 7-26 7- 60 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 Refer to Illustration 7-26. U201 is an oscillator, a ramp generator and power amplifier. The oscillator is locked to the V inverted sync input while the output power amplifier drives the vertical deflection yoke. R219 enables vertical raster centering. Q303 and Q304 protect the CRT against either an H or V sweep drive failure. Should a sweep failure occur, the control grid of the CRT will be driven to cut-off. Q202 and Q203 furnish a V parabola signal to the dynamic focus circuit. R205A is the vertical hold adjustment. R212 enables adjusting the vertical raster size. R213 adds the parabola signal to the ramp generator section of U201 for setting the top and bottom V raster size to center size ratio. R207 enables fine adjustment of V sweep linearity. 7- 61 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Theory Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 +V +300V Q302 R311 H Focus C307 CR308 +V T301 V Parabola R310 C309 C304 To CRT (FOCUS GRID) C302 & C303 CR304 Corner focus V Focus +V +V L103 Width R321 To CRT (G2) DC Focus Q301 G2 Adj. R323 -150 V Simplifed Dynamic Focus Circuit Illustration 7-27 7- 62 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 Refer to Illustration 7-27. Transformer T301 and capacitors C302 and C303 form a tuned resonant circuit at the H rate. The tank circuit is excited by the H sweep through Q301. Thus, the output at T301 is a sinusoid at the H frequency, coupled to the Monitor CRT focus electrode through C304. The H oscillations are modulated by the V parabola applied to the base of Q301 and controlled by R309. This particularly effects the focus at the corners of the raster scan. R311 controls the peak amplitude of the H oscillations and therefore must be set for best focus at the edges of the H sweep. R310 controls the amplitude of the V parabola driving Q302 and enables adjusting the V focus at the top and bottom edges of the vertical sweep. The DC focus potential is set by R323. It is set to provide best center focus. The final resultant signal output to the CRT focus grid is a sinusoid at the H frequency, amplitude modulated by the V parabola and added to the DC level set by R323. R321 enables adjusting the CRT, G2 electrode potential. 7- 63 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 T2 L-C Filter T1 CR9 R5&6 220V AC HV Supply (sealed) Nonserviceable C13 To CRT Accel Anode CR1 CR8 R11 U2 U1 Switcher Q1 &2 U3 & U4 R33 XR0390 Simplified Switching Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Illustration 7-28 7- 64 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 Refer to Illustration 7-28. 220v AC is fed to bridge rectifier CR9. Current through R5 and R6 charges C13 to the threshold level (16v) and starts switcher U1. U1 drives Q1 and Q2 and energizes T1. T1 output current through T2 feeds the RC filter network to produce the +24v regulated output. T2 secondary continues to supply the switcher U1 through CR1. If the T2 supply is too high, the crowbar circuit involving U2 and CR8 is activated for circuit protection. The feedback voltage across R33 driving the Zener U4 and the opto-coupler U3 determines the duty cycle (ON-OFF) time of switcher U1. The +24v DC output of the power supply is thus regulated to within +24v ±.5v. R11 and R33 are factory set and should require no further adjustment. 7- 65 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 Rear Panel Switch Bd. Light Sensor Board Photo Cell Film Cassette Main Board Alpha Numeric Display Lens Plate Board Switch Interface Board Shutter M CRT Monitor Matrix 1010 (Model 1) Block Diagram Illustration 7-29 7- 66 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-25 1010 FORMATTER Refer to Illustration 7-29. The main board performs the following functions: • It accepts operator-selected exposure parameters through the Rear Panel Switch Board and the Switch Interface Board. • It drives the Alphanumeric Display • The Main Board uses the photocell brightness control signal to control monitor CRT brightness for constant film exposure density • The Main Board controls opening and closing of the shutter drive motor through the lens Plate Board. • It houses the Z80 microprocessor and memories that control Matrix functions. 7- 67 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 Mirror CRT Shutter Lens Photo Cell Mirror Mirror Film cassette xr0395 Matrix 1010 Optical Path Illustration 7-30 7- 68 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 Refer to Illustration 7-30. The folded optical light path is as shown in the drawing. Note the position of the photocell on the second mirror. The photocell is used to manage monitor CRT brightness. The shutter remains closed before each film exposure to set-up the brightness loop in a calibration mode. It then opens for the film exposure. Actual film exposure time is controlled by unblanking the monitor CRT. 7- 69 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 CRT Photo cell Integrator light sensor board Monitor Mux D/A Contrast, blanking & brightness Compare A/D Memory mp Operator Select Contrast Exposure time & brightness XR0393 Brightness Exposure Control Loop Illustration 7-31 7- 70 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 Refer to Illustration 7-31. The operator programs the monitor brightness, contrast and exposure time for the desired film density and film to be used. The operator data is stored in memory. Up to eight sets of values can be stored using four for positive images and four for negative images. Using the set exposure parameters, the brightness feedback loop maintains monitor brightness for consistent film density. The photocell operates in conjunction with the microprocessor and the video monitor. It reads monitor brightness and produces an output current proportional to brightness. Before each film exposure, the microprocessor commands the monitor to display a calibration pattern. The photocell measures the monitor CRT light output with the “Cal” pattern and the microprocessor then compares this with a reference level represented by the brightness number stored in memory. The microprocessor then adjusts the monitor brightness to match the reference value. When this occurs, the calibration cycle is completed, the CRT displays the video image, the shutter opens and the exposure takes place. The block diagram shows the photocell current output integrated on the Light Sensor Board, passed through a mux and then to a comparator and A/D converter to the microprocessor. The microprocessor looks at the stored memory exposure data, compares this with the photocell signal and then provides a correction through a D/A to the monitor brightness circuit to satisfy the loop. Stored memory data with respect to contrast and exposure time is also fed to the monitor circuits. Exposure timing is controlled by unblanking the monitor. 7- 71 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 Comp Video Unblanking Comp Video & Blanking Video Amp. Contrast Scan & DYN Focus Brightness Comp Sync X Sync Smoothing Board V Scan & Blanking V Sweep Output Board CRT +750V. V. Defl CRT Filament V Defl. Coil CRT Board H Defl. Coil H Sync PLL Sync H Defl H Scan & Blanking -150 & +750v H. V. Power Supply Brightness Scan Fail XR0394 Matrix Video Monitor Block Diagram Illustration 7-32 7- 72 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 Refer to Illustration 7-32. 1-26 VIDEO AMPLIFIER Composite video from the Mother Board is applied to the Video Amplifier. The video signal is amplified and stripped of sync. Composite video drives the Output Board and is then applied to the CRT cathode. Composite sync is fed to the V Defl and the Smoothing Board. Contrast signal from the Mother Board sets the gain on the Video Amplifier while the unblanking input drives the cathode of the CRT to control exposure time. 1-26-1 Smoothing Board Composite sync from the Video Amplifier is used to develop H Sync and V Sweep on the Smoothing Board. H Sync is applied to the H Defl while V Sweep is used on the V Defl. PLL sync from the H Defl to the Smoothing board is used as a line clock. The X Sync output to the external circuits (Mother Board) is for blanking control for photographic applications. 1-26-2 V Defl The V Defl produces the V drive the the Vert deflection coil and applies V scan and blanking to the CRT Board. These are derived from the ramp signal from the Smoothing Board and the composite sync from the Vertical Amplifier. Adjustable blanking from composite sync is used for dynamic focus on the CRT Board. 1-26-3 H Defl The H Defl furnishes H scan and blanking to the CRT Board. These are developed by processing the H sync input from the Smoothing Board. The H sync also produces the H sweep to the Horizontal CRT deflection coil. 1-26-4 CRT Board The board functions to detect H or V sweep failures. Should such occur, the scan fail signal is developed and fed to the external control circuits. The brightness signal from the Mother Board controls a brightness amplifier which in turn drives the G1 electrode of the CRT (through the Output Board). H and V blanking inputs together with the -150V to +750V potentials from the HV supply are used for static and dynamic focus to the Output Board. The CRT Board also has a filament regulator for the CRT filament. 1-26-5 Output Board Summing of the static and dynamic focus signal inputs from the CRT Board enables applying focus control potentials to the G4 electrode of the CRT. The brightness signal and +750v inputs fed through low pass filters produce potentials for the G1 (brightness) and G2 electrodes of the CRT. A regulated filament voltage passes through the Output Board to the filament of the CRT. Finally, the composite video from the Video Amplifier fed through a final cathode amplifier drives the CRT cathode. Blanking from the Video Amplifier enables controlling the Output Board cathode amplifier to either blank or unblank the CRT. 7- 73 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 This page intentionally left blank. 7- 74 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-27 ELECTRONIC ADJUSTMENT LAB EXERCISE DESCRIPTION: This lab will provide the student with experience doing the electronic adjustments for the X-ray portion of the Stenoscop. REFERENCES: XR012 Stenoscop II Series Technical Supplement - Section 19 COMPETENCIES: Upon completion student will be able to perform the following: S kVp measurement S Travel safety S Fluoro mA adjustment S Fluoro Preheating S Fluoro Timer S Rad Safety S Rad mA Preheating S Rad/Fluoro switch test S mAs Integrators PROCEDURE TIME: 2.5 to 3.0 hr SAFETY: Use proper radiation safety as stated in Section 2-1 of XR012 Stenoscop II Series Technical Supplement Radiation Safety Policy. PROCEDURE: Follow the adjustments procedures given in Section 19 of XR012 Stenoscop II Series Technical Supplement. Use the Service Manual that was received with the equipment to insure that we are using the most current directions. 7- 75 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 This page intentionally left blank. 7- 76 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 1-28 MONICON 3 LAB EXERCISE DESCRIPTION: This lab will provide necessary experience for the student for calibration of the Stenoscop Image System. REFERENCES: XR012 Stenoscop II Series Technical Supplement - Section 13 COMPETENCIES: Upon completion student will be able to perform the following: S Calibration of the Monicon 3 Camera System S Calibration of the Imageur Image System S Calibration of the Stenoscop Auto Brightness Loop S Use of the DSM Image Quality Tests PROCEDURE TIME: 4.0 to 6.0 hr SAFETY: Use proper radiation safety as stated in Section 2-1 of XR012 Stenoscop II Series Technical Supplement Radiation Safety Policy, Static Control ESD and Energy Control and Power Lock Out. PROCEDURE: Follow the calibration in XR012 Stenoscop II Series Technical Supplement, Section 11 Monicon 3 TV Calibration. 7- 77 TOC Preinstallation Installation Functional Check Service Procedures Renewal Parts Schematics TOC Theory Schematic Symbols/Abbreviations GE Medical Systems STENOSCOP 2 6000/9000 Series Technical Supplement REV 1 This page intentionally left blank. 7- 78