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YouTube Channel Performance Analysis: UK Top 100

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Executive Summary
The advent of YouTube has transformed the media landscape, offering a platform for
content creators to publish their material and reach an enormous audience. The
platform boasts a massive following of over two billion monthly active users who
watch over one billion hours of video every day, cementing its position as a
significant player in the digital media arena (Shepherd, 2023) . In the UK, there are
over 40 million monthly active YouTube users, making it the second most visited
website in the country after Google (Degenhard, 2021) . The top 100 YouTuber
channels in the UK represent a broad range of interests and preferences among the
UK audience, with content spanning various genres, including music, gaming,
lifestyle, education, comedy, and news (Mironova, 2016) . These channels, such as Ed
Sheeran, PewDiePie, have a substantial viewership and billions of video views,
positioning them as some of the most influential players in the YouTube ecosystem.
Furthermore, these top 100 channels have successfully monetized their content
through a variety of means, including YouTube's Partner Program, sponsorships,
merchandise sales, and brand partnerships. This study analyzes essential business
performance indicators such as rank, grade, category, number of uploads, subscribers,
and video views to provide insights into the performance of these channels.
Examining the business performance of the top 100 YouTube channels in the UK can
provide valuable insights into the factors contributing to their success (Mironova,
2016) . For instance, analyzing subscriber numbers, video views, and engagement
metrics can help determine the types of content that resonate with audiences and assist
content creators in building stronger connections with their fans (Eckstein, 2021) . In
addition, analyzing content categories can help identify trends and opportunities for
Our team at TubeSuccess provides YouTube analytics and optimization services for
businesses. The team was tasked with creating a comprehensive and user-friendly
analytics dashboard. The team collaborated to design the dashboard, sourced data
from the Kaggle dataset, cleaned and analyzed the data, and identified potential
insights to incorporate into the dashboard. The team encountered some challenges
during the design process, but they were able to overcome them and produce a
comprehensive dashboard that accurately represented the data and provided valuable
insights into YouTube channel performance. Overall, the team effort was excellent,
and every team member contributed their skills and expertise to the project.
The data presented in the findings provide insights into the performance of businesses
on top YouTube channels, and how variables such as channel name, category, and
grade affect their popularity and success. The findings suggest that channels with
higher grades and more frequent uploads have larger numbers of subscribers and
video views. Additionally, the data shows that the music and entertainment categories
generate the highest number of video views on YouTube, while the how-to category
has the lowest number of uploads, subscribers, and video views. The insights from
this data can help businesses optimize their marketing efforts and create content that
resonates with their target audience.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary........................................................................................................ i
Introduction & background of the data ........................................................................ 1
Reflection on the team effort..........................................................................................2
Key findings of the dashboard ......................................................................................3
Recommendations.......................................................................................................... 9
Limitations ....................................................................................................................9
Self Reflection..............................................................................................................10
References and Appendix.............................................................................................11
Introduction & background of the data
I am proud to be part of a dynamic and innovative team at TubeSuccess, which
specializes in providing YouTube analytics and optimization services for businesses.
Our team's goal is to help our clients understand their performance on YouTube and
provide them with actionable insights to improve their strategy and reach their target
audience effectively. We were tasked to provide the executive team recommendations
based on top YouTube channels. Our executive team has set the requirement to
develop a comprehensive and user-friendly analytics dashboard that will sum the
businesses performance and provide insights into Top YouTube channel's
performance. The objective is to provide a one-stop solution for businesses to monitor
and optimize performance on YouTube, improve their visibility, increase their
engagement, and drive more traffic to their websites. the following must be answered
by the dashboard as required by the executive team
What is the distribution of subscribers, video views, and number of uploads
across different categories?
What is the distribution of subscribers across different channel names and grades?
What is the distribution of the number of uploads across different channel names
and grades?
What is the distribution of video views across different categories and grades?
What is the correlation between the number of subscribers and the number of
video views?
What is the correlation between the number of subscribers and the frequency of
The data variables that will be used for this task are vital in exploring business
performance on YouTube. The rank and grade of a channel provide an objective
metric to determine how well a business is doing compared to its competitors. High
rank and grade suggest a large and engaged audience, making the channel an
attractive platform for businesses to advertise on. Conversely, low rank and grade
indicate poor performance, and businesses need to reassess their strategy. The
category of a channel plays a critical role in exploring business performance. By
analyzing it, businesses can determine the type of content that resonates with their
target audience. For instance, a business in the food industry may look at successful
channels in the cooking or recipe category to gain insight into the type of content that
resonates with food enthusiasts. Similarly, a business in the fitness industry may
analyze channels in the health and wellness category to determine what type of
content attracts the most subscribers and views.
The number of uploads, subscribers, and video views are important variables in
exploring business performance on YouTube. The frequency of uploads affects
subscriber retention and engagement, and the number of subscribers and video views
provide metrics for the popularity of the channel and its content. By exploring these
variables, businesses can identify successful channels, determine content types that
resonate with their target audience, and adjust their strategies to improve their
performance on the platform. Overall, the data provided is essential to understanding
the performance of businesses on YouTube and can help them optimize their
marketing efforts to reach a larger audience.
Reflection on the team effort:
The process of designing the dashboard involved collaboration and team effort. As a
team, we began by discussing and researching the potential insights that are needed to
the question set by the executive team. This initial discussion was helpful in guiding
us towards the most important variables that needed to be included in the dashboard.
https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/siddiquiqamar/top-100-youtube-channels-in-unitedkingdom ). The team responsibilities were distributed evenly, and every member had
a specific role to play in the design process. Some team members were responsible for
data analysis, while others were in charge of designing the dashboard. The team
supported each other by providing feedback and suggestions to improve the
dashboard's design and functionality. We also had regular check-ins to ensure that we
were on track and had clear communication channels
After downloading the dataset, I lead the data cleaning which was done on Google
Sheets to ensure that the data was free of errors, duplicates, and missing values. This
involved removing any unnecessary columns, checking for inconsistencies in the data,
and converting the data into a format that could be easily analyzed on Tableau. Once
the data was cleaned, it was migrated into Tableau where the analysis took place.
After the group acquired and cleaned the data from the Keggle dataset, we held
another discussion to identify potential insights that could be derived from the
datasets. Some of the insights we identified included determining the channels with
highest subscriber, uploads and view counts, Highest ranking category, and the top 10
channel with highest Upload, subscribers and video views. Using the group's
discussion as a guide, the dashboard was designed to incorporate all the essential
business performance indicators. Visualizations such as bar graphs and line graphs,
pie charts were used to analyze the data.
As the design process evolved, we encountered some challenges. One of the most
significant obstacles was to determine if we have enough insight on the dashboard to
answer the executives question. This challenge required a collaborative effort to
decide on the alternative visualizations to use. After reflecting on the outcome of the
presenting the group analysis, the team decided to create additional Tableau
dashboard to explore the dataset further. In the end, the team's effort paid off, and we
were able to produce a comprehensive dashboard that accurately represented the data
and provided valuable insights into YouTube channel performance. Overall, the team
effort was excellent, and every team member contributed their skills and expertise to
the project.
Key findings of the dashboard
Distribution of the subscriber, Video views, and Number of uploads based on
The graph presents data on the number of uploads, subscribers, and video views of
YouTube channels, categorized by their content type. By analyzing the data, we can
see that the number of uploads, subscribers, and video views are positively correlated
with each other. As the number of uploads increases, so does the number of
subscribers and video views. This suggests that channels with more frequent uploads
have higher engagement rates and are more popular among viewers.
The data also shows that the How-to category has the lowest number of uploads,
subscribers, and video views, while Animals, Tech, Autos, News, People, Comedy,
Education, Sports, and Film categories have a moderate distribution of uploads,
subscribers, and video views. The data also shows that channels in the Music and
Entertainment categories have the highest number of uploads, subscribers, and video
views. These two categories are also the only ones to have over 100 billion video
views in total. This suggests that content related to music and entertainment are the
most popular among YouTube viewers. Additionally, the Howto category has the
lowest number of uploads and video views, despite having a significant number of
Overall, businesses can use this data to identify successful channels and content types
that resonate with their target audience. By producing content in popular categories
such as Music and Entertainment and increasing the frequency of uploads, businesses
can increase engagement and reach a larger audience. Additionally, businesses can
adjust their strategies to improve their performance on the platform by analyzing the
data to find opportunities for growth.
Distribution of subscribers based on channel's Name and Grades:
The data presented in the graph provides insight into the relationship between
channel's name, grade, category, and subscribers on YouTube. The graph shows the
channels ranked by their grades, with A being the highest and B- being the lowest.
The channels are also classified into different categories, such as tech, music,
education, and entertainment,
indicating that businesses operating in these
categories may have a higher potential to reach a larger audience.
Upon analyzing the data, we can see that channels with the highest grades have a
larger number of subscribers. For instance, Ed Sheeran, Dan Rhodes, and Peppa Pig
have A grades and over 20 million subscribers, while channels with lower grades have
comparatively fewer subscribers. The number of subscribers is also correlated with
the category of the channel, with music and entertainment channels having a higher
number of subscribers.
Interestingly, some channels with B- grades, such as Zoella and W2S, have a larger
number of subscribers than channels with higher grades, such as Tiana and
ThatcherJoe. This indicates that other factors, such as content quality and engagement
with the audience, also play a significant role in determining the success of a channel.
Overall, the data provides valuable insights into the performance of businesses on
YouTube, which can be used to make informed decisions to improve their
performance on the platform. By optimizing variables such as grade, category, content
quality, and engagement, businesses can enhance their marketing efforts, reach a
larger audience, and achieve success on YouTube.
Distribution of number of uploads based on channel's Name and Grades:
The data presented on the graph indicates the distribution of the number of uploads
based on the channel's name and grades. The relationship between the variables can
be expressed as follows: Channels with the highest number of uploads are primarily in
the Education, Entertainment, and Games categories, and they belong to the A and Agrades.
The data shows that the number of uploads is not necessarily correlated with the
channel's category or grade. For instance, BBC News has the highest number of
uploads at 17750, despite belonging to the B+ grade and the News category. In
contrast, Ed Sheeran and One DirectionVEVO have the lowest number of uploads,
even though they belong to the A grade and the Music category
The insight from the data is that the number of uploads is a crucial metric for
determining the popularity and success of a channel. However, it is not the only factor
that contributes to a channel's performance on YouTube. The category of a channel
and its grade can also affect its popularity and success. Therefore, businesses should
consider all these variables when analyzing their performance on the platform and
make informed decisions to optimize their marketing efforts to reach a larger audience.
Distribution of Video Views based on Category and Grades:
The table presents the distribution of video views on YouTube based on category and
grade. The video views are presented in billions. The highest number of views comes
from the A- music category, with 126.7 billion views. Entertainment, music, and film
categories from the A grade generate a significant number of views, with 29.4 billion,
29.2 billion, and 17.7 billion views, respectively. On the other hand, the lowest
number of views comes from the B- how-to category with 1.1 billion views. The
people, comedy, and education categories from the B grade generate relatively low
views, with less than 2 billion views each.
In terms of the relationship between category and grade, higher grades tend to have
higher video views, with the exception of the comedy category. Additionally, the
music and entertainment categories generate the highest views, regardless of the grade.
The data shows that businesses with a focus on entertainment and music have a higher
chance of generating higher video views on YouTube. The insights drawn from this
data can help businesses identify content types that resonate with their target audience
and adjust their strategies to improve their performance on the platform.
In conclusion, these insights can help businesses optimize their marketing efforts and
create content that resonates with their target audience. For instance, businesses can
focus on creating content in the Music, Entertainment, and Games categories to gain
more views. Additionally, businesses can aim to improve their grades to improve their
performance on the platform.
Scatter Plot showing Relationship between Subscribers and video view:
The scatter plot represents the relationship between the number of subscribers and the
number of video views for different channels on YouTube. Each point on the plot
corresponds to a channel in a particular category, and the position of the point is
determined by the values for subscribers and video views.
From the plot, we can observe that there is a positive correlation between the number
of subscribers and video views. This means that as the number of subscribers
increases, the number of video views also tends to increase. The plot shows a wide
range of values for both subscribers and video views, with some channels having a
small number of subscribers and video views, while others have a large number of
subscribers and video views.
The plot also shows that there are some outliers, which are points that are far away
from the general trend of the data. For example, the channel "Peppa Pig - Official
Channel" has a large number of video views despite having a relatively low number
of subscribers compared to other channels with similar video views.
Scatter Plot showing Relationship between Subscribers and Number of Uploads:
The scatter plot shows the relationship between the number of uploads and the
number of subscribers for different YouTube channels in various categories. The data
consists of 50 YouTube channels, grouped into nine categories: Tech, Sports, People,
News, Music, Howto, Games, Film, and Entertainment.
From the scatter plot, we can see that there is a positive correlation between the
number of uploads and the number of subscribers. That is, as the number of uploads
increases, so does the number of subscribers. The correlation is not perfect, however,
as there is quite a bit of variability in the data.
We can also observe that the majority of the data points are clustered in the bottomleft corner of the plot, indicating that most of the channels have relatively low
numbers of uploads and subscribers. There are a few outliers in the top-right corner,
representing channels with very high numbers of uploads and subscribers.
To increase engagement and reach a larger audience, the executive team should
prioritize creating and promoting content in the Music and Entertainment
categories on YouTube.
Businesses should focus on creating relevant and engaging content while
maintaining high grades on their channels. Consideration should also be given to
categories such as music and entertainment that have a higher potential to reach a
larger audience.
The executive team should aim to increase the number of uploads in the
Education, Entertainment, and Games categories while focusing on quality and
engagement with their audience. Simply increasing the number of uploads is not
enough to guarantee success.
Creating more video content in the Music and Entertainment categories and
improving channel grades can lead to higher video views. The executive team
should evaluate their current content strategy and make necessary improvements
to resonate better with their target audience.
To potentially increase video views and engagement, the executive team should
focus on increasing the number of subscribers on their channels on YouTube.
Consistent, high-quality content is crucial for attracting more subscribers. While
regular uploads are important, it is not a guarantee for an increase in subscribers.
The executive team should focus on creating high-quality content that resonates
well with their target audience.
Limitation Of Study
While this study provides valuable insights into the business performance of the
top 100 YouTuber channels in the UK, there are several limitations that should be
considered when interpreting the results. These limitations include:
Limited scope: This study focuses only on the top 100 YouTuber channels in the
UK, and therefore the insights may not be generalizable to other channels or
countries. The analysis does not include smaller channels, which may have
different patterns of behavior and performance indicators.
No consideration of external factors: This study does not consider external factors
such as changes in the YouTube algorithm, competition from other platforms, or
cultural events that may impact channel performance.
Data reliability: The data used in this study was sourced from a third-party
platform (Kaggle), and there is no guarantee of its accuracy or completeness.
Additionally, the dataset only covers a limited time period, and therefore the
results may not be indicative of long-term trends.
Video Views
No. of Uploads
The type or genre of content that the YouTube channel produces,
such as music, gaming, lifestyle, education, comedy, news, etc.
The total number of views for all videos uploaded by the YouTube
channel. This metric represents the reach of the content and the level
of engagement with the audience.
The total number of people who have subscribed to the YouTube
channel. This metric represents the channel's fanbase and the
potential reach of new videos.
The total number of videos uploaded by the YouTube channel. This
metric represents the channel's activity level and the amount of
content available for viewers to consume.
The ranking of the YouTube channel based on its overall
performance in terms of views, subscribers, and engagement
metrics. This metric provides an overall measure of success and
popularity of the channel within the YouTube ecosystem.
Self Reflection
I acknowledge the benefits that this course has provided to me since i am interested in
data analytics. The course has provided me necessary skills and knowledge to
understand and analyze data effectively, which can help businesses optimize their
marketing efforts and create content that resonates with their target audience. The
course has also help me develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills, which
are essential for success in the modern business landscape. Moreover, the course has
equipped me with practical knowledge and hands-on experience in data analysis tools
and techniques, such as data cleaning, visualization, and statistical analysis. These
skills can be applied to various industries and job roles, including marketing, finance,
healthcare, and more. The course can also provide individuals with a competitive edge
in the job market, as data analytics and optimization skills are in high demand
References and Appendix
SHEPHERD, J., 2023. 22 Essential YouTube Statistics You Need to Know in 2023.
The Social Shepherd [online]. Available from:
https://thesocialshepherd.com/blog/youtube-statistics [Accessed 24 Mar 2023].
DEGENHARD, J., 2021. Youtube users in the United Kingdom 2025 | Statista.
Statista [online]. Available from:
[Accessed 24 Mar 2023].
MIRONOVA, E., 2016. Audiences behavior and attitudes towards lifestyle video
blogs on Youtube. Main field of study: Media and Communications Science [online].
pp. 1–73. Available from: https://www.divaportal.org/smash/get/diva2:1481546/FULLTEXT01.pdf.
ECKSTEIN, M., 2021. Social Media Engagement: Why it Matters and How to Do it
Well. Buffer Library [online]. Available from: https://buffer.com/library/socialmedia-engagement/ [Accessed 24 Mar 2023].
Screen-short of final dashboard