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Caribbean Studies SBA: Gun Violence in Laventille

Caribbean Studies
School Based Assessment
We take this time now to acknowledge those who helped us with this project, allowing us to present
accurate information in a professional manner. Those persons who gave up their time to encourage
and help us along the way, we just want to show our gratitude by mentioning them.
These special acknowledgements go to: Craig St-Hill, our excellent teacher who helped us along
this journey and the respondents who took time out of their busy schedules to accommodate us.
Without their help, the successful completion of this project would have looked doubtful.
Again, thanks to those who contributed to the project, your help was very much appreciated.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements………………………………………………. ………………………...Page 2
Introduction ……….……………..………………………………………………………….Page 4
Educational Value…………………………………………………………………..........Page 4
Problem Statement…………………………………………………………………..........Page 5
Research Questions…………………………………………………………………..............Page 5
Definition of terms………………………...……………………………………..............Page 5
Literature Review……………………………………………………………………………Page 6
Data Collection Sources……………………………………………………………..…...…. Page 9
Presentation and Analysis of Data…………………………………………………….…….Page 10
Discussion of Findings…………………………………………………………………...…Page 15
Conclusion .………..……………………………………….……………………………... Page 18
Limitations……………………………………………………………..…..……………….Page 19
Recommendations………………………………………..………………………………...Page 19
Bibliography…………………………………………………………………..……………Page 21
Appendix…………………………………………………………………………………...Page 23
Crime in Trinidad not only impacts persons in/around that area, but society on a whole. As being
part of society, this study is being carried out to investigate why the crime rate is so high in
Laventille, Trinidad, This study focuses on “The effects of gun violence on the residents in/around
the area Laventille, Trinidad,” assuming that it negatively affects and influences the residents in
the area. Laventille is known to house many different gangs. “A community that has large numbers
of socially displaced persons and criminal gangs, and that accounts for a disproportionate number
of crimes” (Caribbean Economics Team and the Citizen Security Cluster of Institutional Capacity
of the State, 2016). In just over 10 and a half years, the community of Laventille has recorded
1318 murders. 1232 of those murders stemmed from gun violence. (Parsanlal & Roopnarine, 2019)
This causes conflict between themselves and the neighbouring area which also has its own gangs;
additionally, crime in the area is exacerbated due to the fact that many of the residents are involved
with larceny. The investigation will prove valuable for the residents as they will gain an
understanding of the root problems of their community and evaluate what changes can be made to
improve their lives.
Educational Value
The investigation will prove valuable for the residents as they will gain an understanding of the
root problems of their community and evaluate what changes can be made to improve their lives.
This can lead to the possibility of a brighter future and outlook for the residents of Laventille, who
have been forced to live in such an environment.
Problem Statement
Insert Problem Statement: An investigation into the effects of gun violence on the residents in
Research Questions
1. How does crime, namely Gun Violence, affect the residents in/around the area Laventille,
2. Why is gun violence so prevalent in Lavantille?
3. What are the factors that motivate persons to commit these crimes?
4. How can this crime be reduced in Laventille?
Definition of Terms
Gun Violence - Gun violence is violence committed with the use of firearms (Secretariat,
Emotional - relating to a person's emotions. (Webster, Emotional, n.d.)
Crime - an illegal act for which someone can be punished by the government. (Webster,
Crime, n.d.)
Prevalence-the fact that something is very common or happens often (McIntosh, n.d.)
How does crime affect the residents in/around the area Laventille, Trinidad?
“Beyond the direct harm caused by a crime, there are common emotional and physical
effects that you may experience” (Department of Justice and Community Safety, 2021). These
effects persist long after the event occurs and often scar these individuals for the rest of their lives.
Some of the indirect physical effects involve harm that arose because of direct injuries. Some
indirect injuries, like infections, aren’t easily detectable and, as people in this area may not be able
to afford proper medical testing, results in a fatality. The emotional effects that some individuals
include but are not limited to: Intense feelings of anger, fear, isolation, low self-esteem, helplessness, and depression (The Impact of Crime, n.d.).
As a result of the many effects people can become fearful of personal victimization and
avoid potentially threatening situations. This response can have an atomizing effect on
communities leading to out-migration (Gates & Rohe, 1987). The action of migrating to another
location, out of the country to potentially a more developed one, would mostly be taken by
individuals with more drive to change their situation and who are more educated. Both of places
they wish to migrate to, and how to get there. This could lead to a brain drain effect and the
situation remaining the same as there is not only a reduction in the number of persons working to
fix the situation, but the persons who have firsthand experience growing up in Laventille have a
better understanding of what changes need happen to fix the situation.
What motivates persons to commit these crimes?
"The chapter argues that integration of proximate levels of explanation is basically about
studying how the interaction between individual characteristics and settings, influence individuals’
perceptions of alternatives and choices, which in turn, determine their course of action."
(Wikström, 2004). This source partially identifies the question of, what motivates persons to
commit crimes? It states that people's actions are a result of the environment that surrounds them.
“My research has proved that young people are more likely to carry out violent acts if they have
weak empathy, shame and guilt, and if they do not feel violence is wrong” (Trivedi-Bateman,
2020). This source highlights the importance of educating young people on emotional intelligence
so that they have good morals and understand how their emotions affect the people around them.
“Emotional intelligence is a type of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one's
own and others' emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use the information to guide one's
thinking and actions” (John & Salovey, 2002.).
Why is crime so prevalent in this area?
According to the Office of Policy Development and Research, neighborhoods’ incidence
of violent crime is related to an array of intertwined characteristics, including segregation, and
inequality; and job access (Sackett, 2016). Another major intertwined characteristic is the poverty.
This is a derived characteristic as a result the residents’ lack of access to jobs. If residents are
struggling to pay their bills and don't know where their next meal is coming from, they tend to
resort to crime if they determine that potential benefits outweigh the cost or consequences of
committing crime (McLaughlin, 2011). Therefore, people tend to engage in crime. However, this
has a fundamental drawback as, “a criminal record reduces one's opportunities for employment;
thus, they are more likely to turn to crime again” (McLaughlin, 2011). “These characteristics can
be both the cause and result of violent crime… Moreover, neighborhoods are affected not only by
their own internal characteristics but also by those of nearby neighborhoods” (Sackett, 2016).
How can this crime be reduced in Laventille?
The Cure Violence Model considers gun violence to be analogous to a communicable disease
that passes from person to person when left untreated. Scholars and practitioners alike in recent
years have suggested that real and lasting progress in the fight against gun violence requires
changing the social norms and attitudes that perpetuate violence and the use of guns. (Butts,
Roman, Bostwick, & Porter, 2015) According to Aclu 2021, “the task of simply cleaning vacant
lots in neighborhoods below the poverty line resulted in a 29 percent decrease in gun assaults”
(Pendergrass, 2021). More equitable income distribution has contributed to reducing violence.
“Education policy-induces crime reduction. Education makes the individual more productive in
the labour market and so boosts employment and wages.” “At the higher wages and more stable
employment can tilt the individual away from crime (Bell, Costa, & Machin , 2018).”
Both primary and secondary sources were used in the project to collect data. The primary sources
came in the form of a questionnaire. An advantage of conducting primary research is that it is
guaranteed to be, specific to the topic being research and the most recent information at the time
of the study. Twenty questionnaires were distributed to residents in Lavantille using the
convenience sampling method. An advantage of using convenience is that it is cheap and efficient
as the most available respondents are selected. The secondary sources were websites and other
research papers down by scholars before. The main advantage of using secondary sources is that
it based on existing data derived from previous research making it time and cost efficient.
These sources contributed to the understanding of the area being investigated by providing
insightful information that really shed light on the topic being studied.
Figure 1
How have you or anyone you know been
affected by gun violence?
Figure 1 shows that 45% of people have been affected by gun violence emotionally and 40% of
people have been affected mentally. These two categorizes are mainly indirect ways by which
the residents have been affected and together the constitute the main ways in which the residents
have been affected. This is due to the fact that the average individual in the area is not
necessarily involved in gun violence but have been impacted by it living in the area. The reaming
15% respondents said they were physically affected by gun violence. This is percentage is so low
because persons typically affected by gun violence physically do not always survive.
Figure 2
Who is generally involved in these crimes?
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
The results shown in Figure 2, is something that could be expected. It shows that mainly males are
involved in these crimes rather than females. 100% of responses said that males were involved in
the crimes with only 10% of responses selected females as also being responsible. There was a
clear majority in this case even though the population of Laventille consisted of an approximately
equal male to female ratio.
Figure 3
What is the average age of the perpretraotrs?
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4
The 30% of those surveyed stated perpetrators are between ages 36-49 and only 5% being between
50-65. The majority of those surveyed shared their view that the average age of the perpetrators is
between 15-35 years of age. This can be seen in Figure 3, as accounted for by the 65%. 0 percent
of the perpetrators are from the 66+ age bracket. As shown on the pie chart, persons under the age
of 50 are the main offenders of gun violence. It is seen that as persons get older they are less, or
no longer involved in the crime.
Figure 4:
Do you think that a high incidence of guns
and gun violence creates a negative
environment for children in Laventille?
The results represented in Figure 4 were to be expected. 85% of the respondents said they
believed that growing up in the environment with gun violence has an impact of the kids. The
15% are not as aware or informed of the impact this can have on and thus they do not show any
concern whether the kids are impacted or not.
Figure 5
What factors encourage people to engage in
these activities?
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4
Figure 5 shows that poverty was the main factor that encourgaed people to engage in these
activites. It represented 40% of the respondants. 26.67% stated that the high umeployment rate
was the cause for engagement in these activities. 23.33% said lack of education while the
remaining percentage was 10% for Low Social Class and 6.67% stated because of easy access to
weaponary. The reason for poverty scoring so high is that all the other factors lead to the creation
of a poverty stricken neighbourhood which trickles down into the inhabitants of that
neighbourhood causes them to become engaged in these activities.
The results in Figure 1 show how strikingly dire the situation is in Laventille, Trinidad. As
the area is home to many gangs, the other residents that live in Laventille, are surrounded by those
that engage in violence. Because of this, there is a high possibility of seeing something or being
affected by the gun violence. It often happens that unsuspecting citizens are caught in crossfire
between rival gangs which leads to many injuries or deaths outside of the gangs themselves.
It is very clear from the data shown in figure 2 that men are mostly responsible for
committing these crimes. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, “Based on the self-reports
of victims of violence, women account for about 14% of violent offenders” (Greenfeld & Snell,
1999). These results are not too dissimilar to the results we gathered. The reason behind males
being the main offenders is probably because of some prenotion to be tough and dominant from a
young age growing up in this area. Females have less opportunity to become involved in these
crimes as they are more controlled and confined to a domestic role. Another reason could be
psychological and relating to “internalized characteristics culturally regarded as appropriate
behavior for men and women” (Sarre, 2021).
The data collected in figure 3 shows that the average age of perpetrators is made up
mainly by young persons between the ages of 15 and 35. With this age bracket being selected by
85% of respondents, the inclusion of impressionable minors who lack understanding and have
been negatively influenced at their young age, was highlighted. This links with the information
gathered in the literature review which stated “… young people are more likely to carry out
violent acts if they have weak empathy, shame and guilt, and if they do not feel violence is
wrong.” (Trivedi-Bateman, 2020). 30% of the respondents also selected the 36-49 age-range as
perpetrators. This includes persons who, due to their negative circumstances have grown up in
these conditions or eventually become involved in these crimes. Only 5% of respondents chose
the 50-65 category which implied that eventually as persons get older, they aren’t as involved in
gun violence. However, even as they become less involved there are more young persons being
drawn in.
According to figure 4 majority of the respondents suggested that the youth in Laventille
are at risk of being negatively impacted by the high incidence of gun violence in the area. This
coincides with our research which revealed that the youth are indeed impacted once exposed to
gun violence frequently. The effects of children exposed to gun violence whether it be at home,
school or in their communities, can leave long lasting emotional and psychological scars on them.
Children exposed to gun violence may experience negative short and long-term physiological
effects such as anger, withdrawal, posttraumatic stress, and desensitization to violence which
eventually in the long-term feeds into a continuing cycle of violence (Garbarino, 2002).
The study showed that gun violence is in fact high in Trinidad, specifically Laventille as the
majority of respondents stated that they have witnessed gun violence in the community.
Figure 5 shows a very intersting question related to what encourges people to engage in
gun violence. The most common factor that was selected was poverty. Laventille, an area that is
not much better than slums verfies the respondants view. Since poverty has not decreased since
the 1960s which has caused the crime to increase as well, up to 5.5% percent since 2016. High
unemployment rate was the second highest factor. With no employment, the perpetrators have no
source of income and often join gangs for a source of income as they have nothing to do so which
leads to violence. Previous research has stated that incidence of violent crime is related to an array
of intertwined characteristics, including poverty, segregation, and inequality; and job access”
(Sackett, 2016). This research backs up the responses we have received while doing our research.
Lack of education is also a high scoring factor. This is understandable as many in that area would
not have received an education. This effects their productivity and the ability to secure a job thus
contributing the the high unemployment rate. The two losest scoring factors are being in the low
social class and the esay access to weapons. These factors sit at 3 and 2 respectively. The Laventille
residents will be part of the low social class and there is not easy access to weapons in Trinidad
unless by way of smuggliing. “In Trinidad the trends in gun violence has been ever increasing
since 2010, in 2018 it was at a rate of 37 killed by gun violence per 100,000 people in Trinidad
per year” (Clancy, Brookman, & Maguire, 2019). Therefore it concluded that crime has been
increasing since 2018.
In conclusion, the research carried out was directed at answering the research questions
relating to the causes and effects of gun violence in Laventille, Trinidad and potential mitigation
measures. Based on responses collected, a majority 65% expressed that they have been affected
mentally, emotionally, or even physically. The effects of crime in the Laventille area could also
stretch to other neighboring areas and may cause their crime rates to increase which affects other
areas. This knock-on effect may keep going until measures are employed to prevent it from
proceeding. The residents believe that due to the high levels of poverty in the area and out of
desperation, young males especially, turn to crime and gun violence. Due to their impoverished
state, many of the perpetrators lack education and employment which has also been main drivers
behind the crimes and why residents engage in them. Attacking the situation from the source is
the best option and both education and employment issues can be reduced by government
intervention. A more in-depth review of the potential solutions to fix these issues will be looked
at below. Until they are significantly reduced, these criminal acts have and will continue to
negatively impact the young children of the area, hardening their emotions and faltering their
empathy continuing the cycle.
To facilitate the research paper, our group had to administer questionnaires to acquire
feedback from residents in Lavantille. This presented some limitations as due to the nature of
the study the respondents may not have been completely open and honest with their
responses regarding gun violence in the area potentially skewing the data collected and
compromising the validity of the data. In addition to this, our laptop devices provided by the
school restricted our access to some secondary data sources which prohibited us from using
these sources which could have been instrumental in supporting data collected. Furthermore,
in some cases the secondary data found was not completely relevant to our research as it
would have been conducted for a different purpose. This resulted in a time-consuming
process of trying to find relevant sources that were credible and valid.
We can see from the research that the factors that contribute most to the encouragement to
get involved in activities such as gun violence were:
1. The state of poverty,
2. A High unemployment rate,
3. The Lack of education,
4. A Low Social class status and
5. Easy access to weapons
To lessen the impact of some of these factors, certain programs can be put in place both from the
government side as well as the local community.
Poverty is one of the biggest factors. This is because ways in which to help impoverished areas
rise above poverty is by providing things like education and basic utilities such as clean water
and electricity as well as good paying jobs. As we can see, education and employment are two
factors that are lacking in Laventille, causing the inhabitants to choose gun violence over
something more profitable. To help with these factors, the government can provide new
programs or projects that will provide these people with jobs. In terms of education, as many can
get all levels of education free as it is provided by the government, ways in which to make it
more attractive and to influence the parents to send their kids to school by showing them the
benefits will help towards the rectifying of the issue. It will also help as they do not have to put
money out from their miniscule salary to pay for their child’s education. As the area is known to
be of a lower social class, social programs can be put in place. These can include cash assistance,
health insurance, food assistance, housing subsidies, energy and utilities subsidies, and education
and childcare assistance (Wikipedia, 2022). Again, we see how the factors are linked back to
each other. The access to weapons was low but still a contributing factor. Certain laws can be
implemented to prevent the selling of these weapons as well as a locking down on smuggling
activities as this is probably how most weapons are received.
By implementing some if not all of these recommendations, Laventille can become a
more productive area overall and a better environment for children to grow up in.
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1. Gender
{ }Male
{ }Female
2. What is your age?
{ }16-25
{ }26-35
{ }35-45
3. How have you or anyone you know been affected by gun violence?
{ }Physically
{ }Mentally
{ }Emotionally
If your answer to the previous question is yes, how have you been affected by gun
violence in your area?
Who is involved in these crimes?
{ }Male
{ }Female
{ }Both Males and Females
6. What is the average age of the perpetrators?
{ }16-25
{ }26-35
{ }36-55
7. Do you feel insecure when walking around your community?
{ }Yes
{ }No
Why do you think gun violence is continuously a problem in your area?
9. Do you think that growing up in an environment with gun violence negatively has an
impact on kids?
{ }Yes
{ }No
10. Do you think gun violence is addictive?
{ }Yes
{ }No
What factors do you think encourage people to engage in these activities?
{ }Poverty
{ }high unemployment rate
{ }Lack of education
{ }low social class
{ }easy access to weapons
How do you think gun violence can be reduced in your community?
{ }Lower the poverty rate
{ }Reduce the high unemployment rate by providing more job opportunities
{ }Provide education
{ }Implement social programs to raise the low social class status in the area
{ }Limit the access to weapons
13. Has the increase in gun violence stimulated an increase in security?
{ }Yes
{ }No
14. Do you think there is sufficient police involvement to control the gun violence in your
{ }Yes
{ }No
If no what more do you think they can do to control the violence?