Uploaded by Santiago Bustamante González

The lair of eucalyptus

The lair of eucalyptus
a cy_borg heist
If pc's doubt: he will say: <<i could have given you
the head of the dragon. >>
gacho will then leave. If he's asked again or is forced
to reveal anything else, will share big boss trap
location only.
in this adventure, you will face close encounters with
the rulers of cy_. Assault their ghostly dwellings but,
behold! The hills abound in living urban legends.
These sophisticated terrors are inspired by the
ancient colombian tradition. <<will you take the
chance to overthrow a lord of dark legend?
[the lair of eucalyptus] is an independent production
by [santiago bustamante gonzalez] and is not
affiliated with stockholm kartell. It is published under
the cy_borg third party license.
Cy_borg is 2022 stockholm kartell.
<the job>
a lucky chance
at a gas station near the border of the hills, the pcs
are approached by a young beggar named gacho, a
noble drapped in misery.
This copper thief is the heir of a big piece of land,
son of a wealthy landowner. Mad as he appears,
seeks a weapon to settle some debts.
Gacho requests a weapon.
a. Give a weapon
b. Ignore request.
(see big boss for resolution.)
either way he tells of his ancient inheritance. He
speaks of his two cousins assassinated. The silence of
the community because they all knew who ordered
the executions.
Gacho does not plead nothing but offers <<the
biggest loot ever desired.>>
No one has been allowed to wander except him.
<<have seen it all>>, he says.
If pc's accept, he will provide precise map points of
big boss
lesser boss 1
lesser boss 2
lesser boss 3
Pc's may verify info:
if pcs inquire further around the station, gas
manager/billar owner/ware seller tells that the
beggar's cousins were thieves. They were cleaned
up. A well-known case among neighbors. Horrible
but unstoppable.
Just touching the matter of the about the
perpetrators, a rumor/gossip (low alarm) is spread
against them, d4
big boss
lesser boss 1
lesser boss 2
lesser boss 3
will be aware and send local private security to trace
them and keep track of their doings. They will
ambush and skirmish pc's (probably assault them on
the road).
Under coercion or after a successful negotiation, gas
manager/billar owner/ware seller says <<it is
impossible to tell. It's just private.>>
PC's contacts will tell:
PC's contacts refer a time when civil cleansing was
implemented. <<The designers of evil and violence
live in that neigborhood. Ask no further questions.
It's The Hills, damn, it. These enemies are too big for
Contacts will betray characters at dm's discretion. An
alert (assassin squad) is spread against them.
First impression test is required to devise their false
Pc's contacts reveal d4:
1 <<it is impossible, due to the enemies involved.
Sargeant (whistler 3) is your man. Tell him you can
help with the dog lover thing. Sargent will accept.>>
2 <<there is a place>>. Will reveal big boss trap
3 <<high risk, but the power plant is near. Problem
is, airport is just next to it. Special forces can act in
seconds. Careful! The flower army is secret and letal.
(whistler 2)>>
4 <<total war and chaos will be denotated if a violent
attempt goes public. I will get you a contact. (whistler
<<< 1 >>>
4 local private security
hp8 morale7 vest-d2
3 ancient revolvers d6, 1 shotgun d8
people responsible for theft of land. (every boss you
bring to her gives bonus mission points! ) she will
also trick greedy pcs.
3) Some mansions have huge pastures and camps
can be made during the night!
4) A stable with fabulous horses (bonus mission point
if you all ride them during the rest of the mission!)
3 assassin squad
hp14 morale9 vest-d4
2 assault rifle d8a, 1 smg d6a, d4-1 flashbangs
random encounters d4
trap d4: waste time, minimal damage: players may
1) A talking donkey wanders in prairies. It got lost
looking for big boss.
2) In the night a woman screams. A ghostly woman is
seen running the streets carrying a baby. Her
screams require moral test from pcs otherwise
panic/runaway/damage stuff/call attention. This
woman is said to have killed her baby and committ
suicide after news arrive to her telling her husband is
returning from war. If someone grabs the baby, pc
becomes the possessor of evil and becomes new
<<la llorona>>, screaming with horrendous dispair.
3) Whistles attract pcs into the wilderness. Sound like
a funny chicken. Once in the forest thing from
another plane will devour them.
4) A dark man with black sombrero, riding a black
horse, will be watching. Two black dogs tied to
chains. As told by legends from the locals, this man
looks for drunks and evildoers, and will tell them:
<<you are on the wrong track>>. You may offer him
your soul for power, and have it back in exchange for
a pure, baby's soul. He has no head.
obstacle d4: natural hazard that must be crossed:
1) Idle too much driving and cops/traffic/security will
approach you.
2) Cold wheather with storms, an ugly road with
macabre illumination, driving tests are required to
3) Drug sellers become aware of pcs, ask discreetly
<<do you need anything? >>. Pcs roll first
impressions test. These gang structure leads to the
flower army (boss b).
4) When any kind of violence is mentioned aloud,
private security will follow pcs.
empty room/delay d4:
1) While stuck in traffic, it is possible you need to get
assaulted by gangs in bikes. This could lead to their
2) In the wilderness: an elegant woman dressed with
leaves shows up asking to bring to her presence the
surprise/ambush d4:
1) A woman with one leg will chase you in the
wilderness. She will suck you dry like a vampire.
2) You will be subject to an arbitrary vehicle
3) You will be approached by several charismatic
people who will entertain the pcs and
separate/distract them. They will be poisoned with a
drug called escopo (dr15) and will wake up in the
bathtub of a local hotel. A note says, <<thank you for
your kidney>>.
4) A nasty looking guy will come out of nowhere and
stab pc's with acid/permanent poison/damage pcs
appearance (presence -1).
Megacorps involved: Presence of heavy industry
premises and commercial offices, guarded
accordingly. There are loots to be made! d4
1) Alliansen sport centers have underground
research labs for mega soldiers.
2) Cynergy handles watery systems: poison main
pipes to deliver fast apocalipsis!
3) Herls of Kergoz supplies raw materials and
maintenance for the forge at the lab. You get a
stealth chance!
4) Royal West stores goods of these corrupted
Gangs involved: these institutions will apprach pc's
in a discreet way and offer their goods. Chips, apps,
even data may be exchanged at dm's discretion.
These people are always tricky d3
1) pc appear as envoys for industry investors and will
take them to their bosses.Their bosses ride horses,
wear hats and carry loaded guns.
2) As buyers of exotics, gangs will offer drugs.
3) The gang in in the middle of a mission. Radar has
detected two half-golems assaulting the slave
neigborhood around bosses lairs. pcs find traces
leading to the lake (hard mission, trace of the
animals cross the whole map!)
<<< 2 >>>
<the targets>
a dark chain
the area is a fertile plain with rivers and green
mountains. These are the remnants of an artificial
paradise built to breath clean air and drink pure
water. Mansions surrounded by vast prairies with
horses and cows, all secured by cameras. Area
encompasses around 20 km radius. Vicious, perilous
transport routes connect the airport and the
commercial zone.
Once the area is accessed, all seems placid and
agreable. Closer look reveals vigilance and servitud
around the rich. Not yet inside the hills. Free transit is
allowed in vehicles within routes only, No wandering.
Any trespassing into fences along the roads will
trigger police alarms. big boss is an powerful man.
He's been seen living in his mansion with his wife
and progenie. Dogs and servitude accompany him
everywhere around his mansion inside the jungle.
From the roads a fence constitutes the only
protection. But a heavy wall of vigilance in three
layers covers the entire perimeter. Only three
entrances are accessed by his own voiced-
authorization. The mansion is a trap, as another
house on top serves as headquarters for his exclusive
elite security. It includes sniper squad, mech with
chainsaw, drones and milcorp gunship. big boss is
protected by robot servitude assassin maids with
four hands each for fine cutlery (refer to big boss trap
Target will try to activate mech/escape in a milcorp
gunship towards air force base behind the airport.
A stealth approach, with perfect capture, gives
4 assassin maids
morale-- metal plating-d6
machete d6, 2 hits per turn
5 elite squad
morale 9 stealth combat suit-d6
silenced assault rifle d8a, d4-1 flashbangs
stealthy, highly trained
<<< 3 >>>
A stealth approach, with perfect capture, still
requires heavy negotiation/coertion skills.
Depending on the success, this old guy reveals d4:
<<you may indeed detonate a civil war. How much
cred are you worth. Speak a number.>>
<<i am afraid you will have to keep me safe and treat
me well, whatever you decide. Otherwise you are
dead here and in the afterlife. Not before you suffer
much after resurrection, which i am capable of.>>
<<security was alerted the moment i saw your eyes
and heard your voice. I am connected. Yes, they are
comming. What a I worth to you.>>
<<the safe you seek is not here. Besides, it requires
the minds of all my associates too. Here is the list and
the addresses, if you're interested. They live quite
near. The vault is in the lake, but i'm afraid there is no
the vault
vault is located in the lab next to the lake. As told by
big boss, to access the vault, a login is required from
this main access point, using a piece of one of his
associates. The id required is different for each boss:
an eye, a finger, the voice.
If pc's go to the lake now, jump to <<the lair>>. They
won't be able to access it, though.
clue 1 leads to lesser boss a
This new contact can be found by footwork (cruising
and scanning the area). Roll for random encounter.
An old antenna will be visible in a hidden location in
the root of the mountain where water is born. He
becomes visible from the church too.
The boy tells he has been capturing radio waves in
an old antenna device. He will maintain annonymity.
He will say nothing about himself, except he owns
the piece of land where the cousins were killed.
<<yes, the cousins were thieves. Yes, they were
cleared-out. The people who established these laws
live around here. I know two houses (boss A, big
boss). i hear sometimes they discuss losses and cruel
achievments. This intel i have gathered through
decades. More i have none: a minister of war and his
associates live nearby. They visit the club regularly,
protection is runned by the flower army>>.
This contact a leads to contact 2, and will not betray
the pc's.
He just asks for silence and a gun.
a. Give a weapon
b. Ignore request.
(perversed by cold weather and solitude, npc will
offer to come along and help pcs 'cause hell comes.)
lesser boss a
Lesser Boss A ordered the killing of gacho's cousins.
Lives in a fortress surrounded by the valley around.
Even a stealth approach requires a skirmish (short
combat, low lethality, drain resources and delay),
with boss's private security. Avoid alarms otherwise
military search is activated.
Coward as he is, may negotiate terms under
violence/fear. He will not go into the lair and will not
give away his eye: boss will attempt to escape and fly
into space from the air force base.
Boss will lead pc's towards big boss's trap location. If
players ask about the corpses, if there is a successful
negotiation, will mention corpses in the lake.
Item to activate: pc's find cool app/infested item
clue 2 leads to lesser boss b
Hacker stuff to find traces of a veteran journalist
living on top of a mountain. Renting a piece of
wilderness. She types in typewriter and sends doves
with messages to go. She gathers intel from social
reunions and delivers it to terrorists groups.
On the net, she becomes visible as a red dragon
without head. She fights against plantations of
flowers from which chemicals are extracted for drugs
and nano stuff. Great amounts of wealth are made of
these vicious flowers.
She asks for silence and a deck to help.
A. Give a deck
b. Ignore request.
(npc will aid deactivating local alarms and isolate
polic/military/airforce, only private security remains.)
this contact b leads to contact c, and will not betray
the pc's.
lesser boss b
She owns most of the farms and has his own private
flower army. She lives in the club, where she feels
safer. It contains a lake, a golf area and private
airport for small aircrafts around his medieval castle
replica of stronghold (time for an assault from the
future!). The flower army resides in the club. Drones
and helicopters fly low and fast, searching. Three
waves of increased assault until pc's are
Her husband leads the flower army. An old veteran.
His son is a mongoloid-reckless general.
A illegal item is hidden.
Stealth skirmish: short combat, high lethality. Drain
resources and delay. Otherwise you are too late and
alerts detonate. The flower army is activated.
<<< 4 >>>
Melee: deplete party resources/health. Explicit,
logical tactics from the foe:
She will attempt to escape and fly into space. You
must capture her and convince her to speak as voice
recordings detect unwillingness!
After capturing her, she will lead pc's towards big
boss's trap location.
If players ask about the corpses, if there is a
successful coertion, they will mention the two weird
animals wandering
the flower army
hp6 morale 7 vest -d2
smg d6a
clue 3 leads to boss c
contact c is a sargeant at the police station, an
infiltrated cop who will advise the following:
<<dark traces reveal dirty networks of depraved
habits of the rich. One nasty orgy has captured my
attention: it involves arousal with killer dogs and
social cleansing.>>
pay sargeant with the capture of boss c. If you bring
the finger and give it to him, he will allow free
pasage to big boss in a deployment undercover.
lesser boss c
boss c is the dog lover. Boss c is found at his
stronghold. Vigilance connected to local private
security. He is not entirely loyal to his big boss and,
due to secrets shared, would rather see him vanish.
Ows him the secrecy for his numerous murders of
vanished youngsters.
To access, a road climbs steeply towards the top.
The road ramifies with locals who will die to protect
their overlord. This local gang rides bikes.
skirmish: short combat, high lethality. Drain
resources and delay. Otherwise you are too late and
alerts detonate and the flower army is activated.
melee: deplete party resources/health. Explicit,
logical tactics from the foe).
After capturing boss, he will lead pc's towards big
boss's trap location.
If players ask about the corpses, if there is a
successful negotiation/torture, they will mention a
golem but nobody believes him.
item to activate:
item 1 - a sniper-vantage point from there to all
importat places of the setting! This view reveals how
corpses are carried in construction trucks and triven
into a road all the way around and inside the lake.
You require top-grade scopes, though.
Item 2 - his personal dog whisltle. You may
command now 1d6+1 fucked-up worgs!
As a finger is required and you may cut it, but all the
worgs will go berzerk and eat the rest of the body
and the finger itself. Sargeant will not grant favours
and will not believe the dog ate the homework!
bring lesser boss c to the sargeant
sargeant will then suggest: <<to get captured for a
minor offense in the area and getting locked inside
the police station. Just in front lives big boss. I can
leave the gates open and give access to weapons. as
evidence is required along with capture of big boss,
you must upload proofs to me. if stuff goes public,
you must hold the package hostage from every-thing
that comes. Every piece of living/crafted/dead thing
will try to seize this man. hold him until real police
arrives with lawly capture order. It is a chance to hit
the head of the bull.>>
if you give the finger to sargeant
sargeant will attempt to enter the vault in an
undercover mission. sargeant will hire pcs to assist in
the raid. no is not an option and will aprehend them.
the lair
a three layer security surrounds the mansion like a
wall. Vigilance cameras and sensors are connected
all around this vast field. Each layer provides a
different kind of sensor.
Once inside, the field is quiet like a jungle. A vast
field on plain grass with rivers and paradise trees.
Fruits bloom and animals graze.
Players may camp here.
Inside this perimeter security is much reduced to old
mayordomos with machetes.
Roll for random encounter.
big boss trap location
desperation: location given by bosses lead to
mansion that evokes terror, despite its tranquil
appearance, as replicas of big boss and his wife
supplant their lives in this trap mansion.
Big boss' real location lies in the lab below the lake.
That is why his own elite squad (located in the
headquarters just above the false mansion), feeds to
the air force base and may deliver missile-support.
<<< 5 >>>
To deactivate, an incursion into the net is required,
or an infiltration to one of the two bases.
Stealth approach is possible taking over the
headquarters first!
The subject enters the forge. Nano stuff impregnates
them and become---.
Lab shows plans of horrid worgs. Mass produced
and shipped to cy_.
Also, plans for wicked perversions: pcs will know that
the two sons of big boss became greedyhunchbacked-half golems under a failed sorcery.
They lay here, inside the lab, protecting the vault.
Test for suprise! Now d6+1 worgs and 2 halfgolems show up. And should be put to rest in melee
false big boss: if given a gun, gacho appears and
attempts to murder big boss and reveal it is a robot.
Nevertheless, this produces war.
false wife: once the characters order them the
presence of the real people, she turns into a 5th
level nanomancer. This gives time for false big boss
to access the mech.
the elite squad
his private elite squad consists of wild infantry with
machetes and a cavalry on mounted guns.
On top of the false mansion, three robo-snipers are
constantly surveying the area, from this military
headquarters deguised as country house on top of
the mountain.
Dilemma: time becomes precious. Enemies become
increasingly difficult. A potentially fatal obstacle
surrounds them. Aircrafts and drones from gangs
zoom looking for them.
the lake
inspection reveals anomalies in the lake. This horrid
place surrounded by tall, menacing eucalyptus.
Underneath the lake, structures of a proccessing
plant dissappears into the darkness of the ground.
If pc's take big boss to the lab and open its entrance
--a passage inside through a gate (like pools do). Pcs
require the eye, the finger or the voice of the woman
to open this entrance.
Tunnels lead underneath. A facility inside hosts a lab.
And, visible from huge windows, a secret high-class
nano forge.
This leader found a way to make use of the corpses
gathered daily: they nurture a stone golem that runs
wild around the forge.
In this facility, social cleansing is recicled into private
security monsters!
This state-of-the-art forge requires moral judgment.
A golem wanders inside, lots of corpses feed it.
Otherwise gets angry.
the lab
the lab is half-way down the hole, directing the forge
from its quantum computers.
Inspection reveals inside a torus chamber: some
substance in capsules (found in the vault) is released
in nano spores according to the creature desired.
the vault
a private office with forniture for small gatherings.
Paintings, a mobile bar, a fireplace.
A wooden desk with a hidden golden gun, good for
anything. And a boxed-set of two capsules of
transparent liquid (hold these capsules until the
mission ends and you reach a safe place for bonus
campaign points!). Pcs may attempt to use this and
transform themselves. This should be strongly
encouraged! Once the vault is accessed, big boss's
contains documents of the state, along with nasty
property papers of corps. But also the designs of his
turning into stone golem. A note along: <<war is on
your hands--->> in case files are made public in the
net, sargeant reminds big boss should be preserved
from attacks, now that every gang knows about the
capture. Big boss has indeed many enemies who
would like a piece of him. Nobody wants a golem,
though. Corps are interested in this new
development and deploy squads, each possessing
contradictory intel. Pcs must then decide whether to
protect the real big boss and hold the news of war.
Protect the lab and the forge. Wait until sargeant
finds legal ways to aprehend him. Hold the fort now
and gain a legendary status! deception: not what it
seems. Big boss needs his deeds made public, his
scientific findings praised. But he wants to be
protected and regain his human form. Anyway, it's
hard to reason with a golem. If pcs escape they will
be chased.
stone golem gets missiled by air-force if taken
outside (use mech? ). Destruction of the nano forge
will lead to a final completion of the mighty sphinx.
The rock golem transforms into a clever, flying
sphinx, with a weakness towards ancient dynamite
(one of the bosses/contacts has a stack of dynamite
somewhere in their basements, you know).
<<< 6 >>>