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Electronic Devices & Circuits Homework: JFET & MOSFET Analysis

Electronic Devices and Circuits Fall 2015 Information Technology University Instructor: Mr. Talha Rehmani Homework: 11 Due: January 28, 08:30 AM 1. Find VG, VGS and Q point using graphical representation for the following circuits. VGS (Off) = – 4 V
VGS (Off) = – 6 V
IDSS = 10 mA
IDSS = 8 mA
2. Determine the value of drain current for the following circuit. 3. For the JFET in the given circuit, VGS (Off) = – 4 and IDSS = 12 mA. Determine the minimum value of VDD required to put the device in the constant-­‐current region of operation. 4. When the VGS of the JFET changes from – 3.1 V to – 3 V, the drain current changes 1 mA. What is the value of trans-­‐conductance? 5. The following readings were obtained experimentally from a JFET: VGS 0 V 0 V – 0.2 V VDS 7 V 15 V 15 V ID 10 mA 10.25 mA 9.65 mA Determine: (i)
AC drain resistance Trans-­‐conductance 6. The data sheet of a JFET gives the following information: IDSS = 3 mA, VGS (off) = – 6 V and gm (max) = 5000 µS. Determine the trans-­‐conductance for VGS = – 4 V and find drain current ID at this point. 7. Find the VDS and VGS for the given circuit when ID = 5 mA. 8. Determine the value of RS required to self-­‐bias a p-­‐channel JFET with IDSS = 25 mA, VGS (off) = 15 V and VGS = 5 V. 9. The circuit shows the N-­‐channel depletion-­‐type MOSFET configuration. Determine: VGSQ, IDQ and VDS for the circuit configuration. 