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ICT Impact in the Workplace: Benefits & Drawbacks

Leolyn Barrington
The advent of ICT has brought significant and
widespread changes in the workplace. Almost all
the offices now use computer system and
computer network to store and share information
among staff members and clients.
The internet and internet technologies have now
offered many people (telecommuters) to now
work, in comfort away from their offices. However,
these changes though beneficial, are not without
 Change in Work Patterns
 Social Impact
 Economic Impact
 Cashless Society
 Health and Safety Impact
 Legal, Ethical and Moral effects
Employees can work away from the office allowing
them to enjoy the benefits of:
 More flexible work hours
 A more relaxed atmosphere
 And no commuting
 Employers benefit from not having to provide office
space, heating, refreshments etc., for employees.
 Executives can hold meeting without having to
travel long distances
Working away from the office
can result in
 Lack of social contact (face-toface communication)
 Possible distraction and
disruption of work
 Increased utility bills
 Possible disruption in
 Lack of competition and team
Bridge the gap of communication among families, friends,
business partners and associates by removing the barrier of
Making it easier for business employees around the world to
communicate(share information and ideas).
Less social contact among employees telecommuting.
The lack of physical proximity decreases brainstorming and
other communications that use a personal touch
Time theft (workers spend more time
on gaming and social media and less
time on the job).
 The addictive nature of gaming and
social media also results in less
socialization among employees and
even family and friends
 Possible Lack of Privacy
Robots replacing dangerous jobs such as; diffusing
bombs, working in areas with hazardous chemicals
as well as extreme cold or heat, reduces the risk of
employees becoming sick or disabled .
High levels of stress
Repetitive strain injuries
Back problems
Eye Problems
Businesses benefit from increase
efficiency and productivity
Robots replacing dangerous jobs
saves employers from paying
high worker compensation
claims due to occupational
Increase customer base-increase
sales (e-commerce)
Reduced cost of travel and hotel
Loss of Jobs and retraining
 Practical skilled jobs are on the decline.
 Possible job loss if more efficient IT-based system replaces
workers (self-checkout machines replacing cashiers at target)
 Increased cost to retrain workers
Workplaces with high levels of stress pay the price in
terms of:
 worker inefficiency, low levels of worker job satisfaction,
low levels of customer satisfaction
 high costs for health claims
 high rates of absenteeism and turnover
Workers are automatically paid by EFT into
their bank accounts.
Don’t have to stand in long queues to pay
Don’t have to walk around with large sum of
Possible computer fraud
Possible loss of cards
I very much appreciate your time and interest.
 Positive and Negative Environmental effects
of IT in the workplace
 Positive and Negative Legal, Ethical and
Moral effects of IT in the workplace
Use the following resources for your research
 IT Textbook
 Internet