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Saroyan's Circus Story Analysis

The author of the story is William Saroyan. William Saroyan
is an American writer of Armenian descent. A productive novelist,
he addressed a wide variety of genres and topics: from his
historical homeland ("The Armenian and the Armenian") to
pacifism ("The Adventures of Wesley Jackson"). He was awarded
the Pulitzer Prize for Best Drama ("The Best Years of Your Life"),
which he declined, as well as the Oscar for best literary source
("Human Comedy"). Recognition came to him after the first
collection of short stories "A brave young man on a flying
2 слайд
Уи́льям Сароя́н — американский писатель армянского
происхождения. Продуктивный прозаик, обращался к самым
различным жанрам и темам: от своей исторической родины («Армянин
и армянин») до пацифизма («Приключения Весли Джексона»). Был
удостоен Пулитцеровской премии за лучшую драму («Лучшие годы
вашей жизни»), от которой отказался, а также «Оскара» за лучший
литературный первоисточник («Человеческая комедия»). Признание
пришло к нему после первого же сборника рассказов «Отважный
молодой человек на летающей трапеции»
3 слайд The story is about two friends Aram and Joe, who are very fond of
the circus and constantly run away from school for it, and then get
spanked. When they once again run away from school to the circus, they
come up with an escape plan and then are very afraid to get into a reform
school. But their teacher, who flogged them for their escapes, protected
them from another teacher and prevented them from being sent to a reform
This story is not chronological, the story has
several flashbacks. Let me provide some quotations
«As soon as we saw the ads on the fences and in the
empty shop windows, we were completely out of the rut
and completely abandoned our studies».
«I haven't forgotten. Rather, I remembered something.
4 слайд
He made an effort to remember the beating he'd received
from Dawson last year for missing a day when he'd run off
to watch the circus».
@Стоило нам только увидеть объявления на заборах и в пустых
витринах магазинов, как мы совершенно выбивались из колеи и
начисто забрасывали свою учебу.@
@Я вовсе не забыл. Скорее, кое-что вспомнил. Сделал над собой усилие и
вспомнил, какую порку получил от Доусона в прошлом году за пропущенный
день, когда убежал смотреть цирк.@
The story is dynamic and rich in events. We have very little
information about how the boys feel, but a lot of information about
what they come up with to see the circus, to help the circus
performers, how to escape from the teachers and how to justify
5 слайд The exposition
@Every time a circus came to town, the news of it was enough for me and
my friend Joe Renna to set off at a gallop, like wild chamois, as they say on
such occasions. As soon as we saw the ads on the fences and in the empty
shop windows, we were completely out of the rut and completely
abandoned our studies. The circus was just rolling down the railroad to us,
and Joe and I were beginning to wonder what use this education had ever
been to anyone.@
Всякий раз, как в городок наш приезжал цирк, одного известия об этом было
достаточно мне и моему дружку Джо Ренна, чтобы мы пустились вскачь,
словно дикие серны, как принято говорить в подобных случаях. Стоило нам
только увидеть объявления на заборах и в пустых витринах магазинов, как
мы совершенно выбивались из колеи и начисто забрасывали свою учебу.
Цирк еще только катил к нам по железной дороге, а мы с Джо уже начинали
задаваться вопросом, какую пользу хоть когда-нибудь и кому-нибудь
приносило это образование.
6 слайд The conflict exists between the two children and the
teacher who smacks them. Children do not see the point in
education, but their dream is a circus. And the teacher believes
that for every escape they should be flogged
«The circus was everything to us that nothing else could be».
«And all he wanted to do was flog us».
7 слайд The climax is the moment when the children
realized that their main spanking was not shameful, not so
strong. The teacher loved these children, did not want to
send them to a reform school, and the children felt this
support from him and they were no longer ashamed, they
were proud
@But it's a strange thing. I got the proper number of blows and
howled properly, but still the sound was not the same. You could
even say that this time I was more restrained than ever, because
it was the lightest spanking I've ever received. I counted to exactly
thirty, but it didn't hurt, so I didn't cry.@
@We walked back to class, proud and happy.@
Но странное дело. Я получил положенное число ударов и
выл, как положено, а все-таки звук был не тот. Можно даже
сказать, что на сей раз я был сдержаннее, чем когда-либо,
потому что это была самая легкая порка из всех, которые я
получал. Я досчитал ровно до тридцати, но мне не было
больно, и потому я не плакал.
8 слайд The final part of the story was the mutual
understanding of the children and the teacher
@We also wanted to thank him for making the spanking so easy this time,
but we couldn't find the right words for it. But still, I think he knew what was
going on in our hearts, because he gave us a special smile as he let us
Нам тоже захотелось поблагодарить его за то, что порка на
сей раз была такой легкой, но мы не могли найти для этого
подходящих слов. Но все-таки, думаю, ему было ясно, что
творится у нас на душе, потому что, отпуская нас, он как-то
особенно улыбнулся.
I think the author take the characters and choose the plot to fit them. He
chose children who do not like to learn, and even spanking does not stop
them from running away from school to their dream and the teacher who
after a while takes their side. (The story describes an ordinary human
9. The point of view in this story is first point of
view. It is one of the characters, but he is
«We pulled the rope as hard as we could,
tripping and falling. The others worked hard,
too, and Red kept shouting his commands until
finally everything was done properly».
«But I got away from him anyway, and stayed
hidden until I was sure he'd driven off in his
10 слайд We don't have much information
about the characters. We only know that the
boy's two friends Aram and Joe were very fond
of the circus and did not like to learn. They are
cunning and not afraid of pain. And another
main character - the boys ' teacher. He is a fair,
wise and understanding person.
11 слайд The author brings his characters to
life through dialogues
"We can't run now," I said.
"Let him come closer for now," Joe said. — We
promised Red we'd help." And a deal is more
expensive than money.
"You know what," I said, " let's promise to go to
school with him as soon as the tarp is up." And
we'll run away.
"All right," Joe said.
12 слайд "What do you say, Joe?" old Dawson
asks. — Are you and Aram really not
pretending at all?" Maybe you want to impress
someone in your class? Some girl, for
"Impression? - says Joe. — No, Mr. Dawson,
we don't want to impress anyone. We, on the
contrary, are even ashamed of ourselves.
Right, Aram?"
"That's for sure," I say. — After these screams,
you feel embarrassed to return to class.
13 cлайд
The mood of the story is full of determination not to
give in. The circus is their dream and they are not going to stop
running away from school for it, in order to feed the elephants and
help the circus performers.
@We knew it would be all right now. Until September,
when the circus comes to town@.
This sentence means that they intend to repeat their act again
14 СЛАЙД The author has written the story to tell us that an adult
greatly influences a child's sense of purpose. Even the smallest
support can mean a lot to a child and it will make him believe in his
dream and be sure of the right decision
15 слайд Saroyan uses such means as enumeration, repetition,
comparison, and quickness of pace in his stories.
@The circus was everything to us that nothing else could
be. It was adventure, and travel, and danger, and skill, and
grace, and romance, and comedy, peanuts, fried corn,
gum, and soda.@
@Then they would start yelling, like Indians shouting a
battle cry.@
Цирк был для нас всем тем, чем не могло быть ничто другое.
Он был и приключением, и путешествием, и опасностью, и
сноровкой, и изяществом, и романтикой, и комедией,
земляными орешками, жареной кукурузой, жвачкой и
Потом начинали вопить, как издающие боевой клич индейцы.
I think Saroyan called his story this way, because the circus is the
reason for the boys ' behavior, it is the reason for their escapes, it
is the reason for their joy and even for the sake of it they are
ready to endure pain. The circus is everything to them.