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Reflection journal.docx

George Brown College, School of Nursing
Practical Nursing Program
Reflective Journal Recordings
Student :
ID# _
Clinical Instructor ___________
Date ________
Professional Standard Select 1 professional standard from CNO professional standards with 1 indicator that relates to the described event (E.g. Accountability, 5a: found in
clinical performance evaluation tool)
Standard: Knowledge Application
Each nurse continually improves the application of professional knowledge.
Ensuring that practice is based in theory and evidence and meets all relevant standards/ guideline
LEARN framework: Look back, elaborate and describe: Look back at a recent meaningful and relevant practice event that you personally experienced within
the last 2 weeks. Briefly describe what happened: experience, event or change in your practice that was significant to you. Analyze the outcomes: Identify key
issues then compare and contrast the situation with what you have learned in nursing. Use supporting scholarly nursing literature. Revise the approach: Based
on the analysis, decide what will you continue to do and what you will change in the future. New perspective: What is your learning plan with defined actions
or strategies for the practice improvement?
Look back: Watching the IPAC and COVID-19 module made me realize the importance of routine practices and hand hygiene, social distancing
prevent infection and reduce the risk of transmission.
Elaborate: Watching this video showed me that as a future nurse, I have to adapt to routine practices such as washing hands with soap water,
wearing gloves and other protective supplies, e.g, mask, eye protection, face shield, gown etc. Also, I have to be concerned about additional
precautions such as contact, droplet and airborne precautions when needed and follow the CNO standard practices guidelines.
Analyzes: CNO standard practices knowledge application clearly states that "Each nurse continually improves the application of professional
knowledge by ensuring that practice is based in theory and evidence and meets all relevant standards or guidelines." ( CNO 2002, p-8). As a future
nurse, I should enhance routine practice by washing hands with soap- water and following new COVID 19 guidelines and additional precautions
directed by Public Health Ontario for IPAC like a droplet, contact, and airborne precautions. According to Potter and Perry, "soap cleanses by
emulsifying fat and oil and friction and rubbing mechanically loosen and remove viruses and bacteria" (Potter & Perry, 2019, p.702) killing germs
including coronavirus. As a future nurse I am expected to utilize the best available evidence, follow practice guidelines (including policies and
procedures), and improve my knowledge application to provide safe and competed for patient care. To apply and maintain new COVID 19
infection control measures is also an essential part of my professional knowledge application.
Revise: Before watching those modules, my weakness was that if a person in contact/droplet precautions, I thought that I have to wear a surgical
mask all the time, which is unnecessary if I maintain a distance of more than 2meter. But I have to wear a gown and gloves as contact/droplet
precautions. I learned that the COVID -19 mode of transmission is droplet/ contact. For COVID, my understanding before watching the video was
that the transmission mode is airborne since COVID particles are large aerosols. After watching the video, I realized that since the particles are
large, they cannot travel more than 2 m; hence, the transmission mode is not airborne.
To ensure my practice is consistent with the CNO standard practice guidelines, I need to
-Enhance my Knowledge about COVID 19 guidelines, look for new information in Public Health Ontario for IPAC for routine practices and
additional precautions also about COVID-19
-Review the CNO standards practice guidelines.
S121 Reflective Journal Recording for ALL Semesters
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Revised 2018-2019
George Brown College, School of Nursing
Practical Nursing Program
Reflective Journal Recordings
-Read chapter 33 (Infection Prevention and Control) again in Potter and Perry's book.
New Perspective: From this experience, I learned the importance of adhering to practice guidelines and professional standards. I also learned the
significance of hand hygiene and following the up-to-date infection prevention and control guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID 19. I will
pay close attention to my Knowledge and practice and ensure that it meets all public health measures and guidelines.
1. College of Nurses of Ontario. (2002). Knowledge Application. Retrieved from:
2. Potter, P.A., Perry, A.G., Stockert, P. A., Hall, A.M., Astle, B.J., & Duggleby, W. (Eds.). (2019). Canadian fundamentals
of nursing (6th ed). Milton, ON: Elsevier Canada.
Self- Evaluation: Outstanding, Competent, Acceptable, Unacceptable, Unsafe:
Clinical Instructor’s feedback and recommendations related to your self-reflection and your performance in clinical:
S121 Reflective Journal Recording for ALL Semesters
This study source was downloaded by 100000781477626 from CourseHero.com on 03-25-2023 00:16:46 GMT -05:00
Revised 2018-2019
George Brown College, School of Nursing
Practical Nursing Program
Reflective Journal Recordings
I have reviewed the Clinical Instructor’s comments _____ (initial)
Over the term, the student should address all competencies from the semester clinical evaluaion tool.
S121 Reflective Journal Recording for ALL Semesters
This study source was downloaded by 100000781477626 from CourseHero.com on 03-25-2023 00:16:46 GMT -05:00
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Revised 2018-2019