Airport Certification Manual – St. Louis Lambert International Airport ______________________________________________________________________________ rill St LOUIS LAMBERT ~ INTERNATIONALAIRPORT. EFFECTIVE. November 08, 2018 SUBJECT: Revision to the letter of Agreement, Airport Emergency Service 20 garv C 20 in o -0 m@ nfi de 115 stl nt 17 ouis ial :3 -m 7: 05 o.g +0 ov 00 0 1. PURPOSE. Amend the Letter of Agreement, Airport Emergency Service, dated 07/28/20181o mclude updated ARFF set-up positions for airlield emergencies. 2. EXPLANATION OF CHANGES. This revision updates Attachment A depicting the set-up position for ARFF vehicles due to various taxiway designation changes. 3. PRECED URES. Replace Attachment A with the attached page . .~4;_ ---::::;;{79 \.., Rhonda Hamm-Niebruegge Director, Airport Aulhority St. Louis Lambert International Airport Ed Deuser Air Traffic Manager St. LOUIS ATCT Steve Simpson Chief, District 8 City of St. Louis Fire Department PO BOX 102l 2111J701 LAMBERT IHTERNAJIOIW. BI.YD.MTN·2218 • ST. LDUIS, MD 631(5.0212 • USA • WAlH PMOIE S1U28.1000 • FU'STLCOII Original Date _____________ Revision Date_____________ FAA Approval ______________ AA - 10 Airport Certification Manual – St. Louis Lambert International Airport ______________________________________________________________________________ ST. LOUIS LAMBERT INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, ST. LOUlS FAA AIRPORT TRAFFIC CONTROL TOWER, ST. LOUIS LAMBERT INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AIRCRAFT RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING LJNIT LETTER OF AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE: 07/28/20 18 SUBJECT: Airport Emergency Service 1. PURPOSE. Presctibes responsibilities and proc.edures for handling of aircraft emergency Operations and associated emergency notification. 20 garv C 20 in o -0 m@ nfi de 115 stl nt 17 ouis ial :3 -m 7: 05 o.g +0 ov 00 0 2. SCOPE: This agreement outlines responsibilities and procedures between St. Louis Lambert Airport, St. Louis Air Traffic Control Tower and St. Louis Lambert IutemationaJ Airport Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Unit for emergency services. 3. CANCELLATION. St. Louis Airport Tratfic Control Tower, St. Louis Lambert International Airport and St. Louis Lambert International Airport Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Unit, Letter of Agreement dated August 29, 2011, subject: Airport Emergency Service. 4. DEFINITIONS. a. AUOM -Assistant Virector of Operations and Maintenance. b. STL AA -St. Louis Lambert Airport Authority. c. ARFF - District 8 of the City of St. Louis Fire Department, St. Louis Lambert lntemational Airport, Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting Unit. d. STL ATCT -St. Louis Airport Traffic Control Tower. e. Ops Center - Airport Operations/Communications Center. f Set-Up - A code used to denote a warning of a situation thai could result in an accident. This code requjres that the emergency equipment standby adjacent to the STL ATCT designated Runway. g. Alert 3- A code used to denote an actual accident or fi re that requires immediate action by emergency rescue and firefighting personnel. 5. RESPONSIBILITIES. a. Emergencies must be classified using one of the following codes: (I) Set-Up. Original Date _____________ Revision Date_____________ FAA Approval ______________ AA - 10A Airport Certification Manual – St. Louis Lambert International Airport ______________________________________________________________________________ STL AAISTL ATCT/ARFF LOA 07/2812018 (2) ALERT 3. b. The authority to declare an emergency rests with the following agencies: (I) The STL ATCT. (2) The Pilot. (3) The ownerf operator of the aircraft or designee. (4) ARFF Commander. 20 garv C 20 in o -0 m@ nfi de 115 stl nt 17 ouis ial :3 -m 7: 05 o.g +0 ov 00 0 (5) The ADOM or designee. c. STL ATCT must: (l) Initiate a daily chec.k of the Crash Phone at 0800 local time. (2) Contact the ARJOF viti the Red Cmsh Phone fo r all known, reported, actual or potential emergencies and state the appropriate emergency code (Set-II..Jp or Alert 3). When the Red Crash Phone is not operational , utilize the commercial line at 3 14-4268 133. (3) In all cases involving aircraft, ootitication must contain the following information when known: (a) Alert Status: Set-Up/Alert 3. (b) Runway to be used or location ofincidentlaccident. (c) Aircraft call sign. (d) Type of aircraft. (e) Nature of emergency. (t) Number of people on board. (g) Fuel remaining in time. Q1) Estimated time of arrival. {i) Presence of hazardous cargo or eY,plosives aboard. Gl Any other i,nfonnation that will aid the AR.Ff units. (4) In the event of an actual crash (Alert3) on the airport: (a) Broadcast the foUowing anoouncement on the ground control f.requency as well as over the Red Crash Phone as stated in paragraph c2: Original Date _____________ Revision Date_____________ FAA Approval ______________ AA - 10B Airport Certification Manual – St. Louis Lambert International Airport ______________________________________________________________________________ STL ANSTL ATCTIARFF LOA 07128/2018 "CRASH (LOCATION). CRASH (LOCATION)." EXAMPLE: "CRASH, APPROACH END OF RUNWAY THREE ZERO LEFT; CRASH, APPROACH END OF RUNWAY THREE ZERO LEFT." (b) Activate the Emergency Crash Box located in the tower cab. (5) Provide pliority handling to all ARFF equipment responding to an emergency and route ARFF equipment to the scene of an emergency. (6) Inform ARFF if the emergency aircraft requests to be followed down 1he runway. (7) Inform ARFF when the emergency aircraft is next to land. (8) In the event of <m aircraft accident on or near the airport, STL ATCT must slop all 20 garv C 20 in o -0 m@ nfi de 115 stl nt 17 ouis ial :3 -m 7: 05 o.g +0 ov 00 0 operations at the airport until the ADOM , Ops Center or a desigJlee advise.s which movement are:as may be uti lized for aircraft operations. (9) Consider any movement/non-movement area (runway, ta.'<iway, pad -or ramp area) directly impacted by the emergency aircraft as cl-osed. STL ATCT must not resume operations on a closed area wttil the ADOM, Ops Center or designee reopens the area. (1 0) Route other aircraft/vehicles away from the emergency site. (I 1) Comply with the provisions of the Discrete Emergency Communication Frequency Letter of Agreement (LOA). ( 12) Direct all bomb threats or aircrafi with suspicious/hazardous materia Is to the designated search area located on Taxiway Bravo between Taxiway A2 and Taxiway A3. If this area is not available, STL AA will designate another location. d. ARFF must: (I) Ensure that a person is on duty in tbe north fire house 24 hours daily ·to receive calls on the emergency teleJlhone system, and to forward requi red infomtation to the west house as well as the ADOM or designee. (2) Monitor and maintain two-way radio communications witl1 STL ATCT at all times while operating vcbicles/equipment on the movement areas, and request clearrutce before crossing any runways. (3) Not enter or cross an active runway withought obtaining authorizatiolil from STL ATCT. (4) Respond to emergencies on the airport as follows: (a) Set-up- Emergency equipment must take up standby positions for the nmway to be used as prescribed by ARFF (see Attachment A) (b) Ale11 3 - Emergency equipment will proceed directly to the scene via the most direct route authorized by STL ATCT. ARFF must receive STL ATCT cleafance Original Date _____________ Revision Date_____________ FAA Approval ______________ AA - 10C Airport Certification Manual – St. Louis Lambert International Airport ______________________________________________________________________________ STL ANSTL ATCT/ARFF LOA 07128/2018 prior to e nterillg or crossing a runway. (5) Determine the manner in which an eme rgency fire response is conduc~ed. (6) TI1e Fie ld C<>mmander will determine if the aircraft will be followed down the runway based on the nature of the emergency or if the pilot in command requests. (7) "Follow Me" Procedures. (a) If the PiHot in C ommand (PIC) requests to be followed, STL ATCT must advise the Field Comm ander. This constiMe's approval by STL ATCT for all ARFF units to access the runway and follow bebind the aircraft after the a ircraft passes their set up position. 20 garv C 20 in o -0 m@ nfi de 115 stl nt 17 ouis ial :3 -m 7: 05 o.g +0 ov 00 0 (b) lfthe Field COJnmander makes a decision to follow the emergency aircraft, the f ield Conummder must advise STL ATCT of their intentions ahead of the a ircraft arrival and request clearance to follow the emergency aircratl. This approval by STL ATCT allows all ARFF units: to access the runway and follow behind t[Je aircraft after the a ircraft passes their set up position. (c) The Field Commander must notify all ARFF trucks OJJ the request to follow or decision to follow over ARFF fi·equency. A uthorization to follow ·the emergency aircraft is ooly w follow behind the aircraft, which is typically the approach end set up positions (Truck 42 and company or T ruck 49 and company) and the midpoint setup position ARFF vehicles (see Attaclunent A). ARFF vehicles must only access the runway after the aircrati passes their position. (d) Depend ing on the nature of the emergency, the Field Commander may d irect ARFF vehicles on the rollout end (opposite end) of the runway to .access the runway, but in front of the a ircraft. In this case , the ARFF Commander will provide ·directi<>n and approval over A RFF frequenc ies for the rollout end ARFF vehicle (vehicle in front of the aircraft) to access tbe runway. (e) The rollout end ARFF vehicle must only access the n mway after rece iving direction from the ARFF Field Commander (T ruck 42 or T ruck 49) over ARFF frequencies and when the emergency aircraft bas come to a stop. (8) Be responsible for requesting assistance from addi tiona! fire department units wbcn needed. (9) Comply witll the provisions of the Discrete Emergency Communication Frequency LOA. e. The ADOM must: ( I) Ensure t11at perso111nel are on duty 24 hours daily to receive and monit·Or calls on the emergency phone system and to disseminate the information to appropriate otllcials and response agencies. (2) Detennine the overall emergency response and coordinate w ith all STL AA Departmeuts, supporting agencies and tenants. Original Date _____________ Revision Date_____________ FAA Approval ______________ AA - 10D Airport Certification Manual – St. Louis Lambert International Airport ______________________________________________________________________________ 07/2812018 STL AA/STL ATCT/ARFF LOA (3) Enstue that all ARFF emergency vehicles comply witb all applicable portions of FAR Patt 139. (4) Ensure lhat the post incident/accident response and recovery is accomplished to ~xpedite a retumto service of alfected runways or taxiways. (5) Aurhori.ze STL ATCT during a Set-Up ro continue airport operations on movement areas which do not conflict with the emergency. 20 garv C 20 in o -0 m@ nfi de 115 stl nt 17 ouis ial :3 -m 7: 05 o.g +0 ov 00 0 (6) Release the movemem area affected by a Set-Up or Alert 3 as soon as possibleatler lhe emergency has been resolved. The ADOM or the Ops Center are the only authorized personnel to open an affected area. (7) Comply with the provisions of the Discrete Emergency Communication Frequency LOA. Ed. Deuser Air T111ffic l'vlanager STLATCT onda Hamm-Niebntegge 011 Director St. Louis Lamben International Airport · ~s~J Clti·ef, Distl'ict 8 City of St. Louis Fire Oepattmeot Original Date _____________ Revision Date_____________ FAA Approval ______________ AA - 10E Airport Certification Manual – St. Louis Lambert International Airport ______________________________________________________________________________ STL AA/Sn ATCT/ ARFF 11/ 08/2018 Attachment A Revision 1 ARFF SET UP POSITIONS FOR ALL RUNWAYS .~ORTIJ FIRE STATION HIF S'E 30L H'E ILE 44 46 FIF6 FIF6 FIF6 FIF6 H/F SIF HJE RJE 53* FIF6 FIF6 FIF6 FIF6 12L -'2 SfF SJF 48 30R HIF UR SIE 6 P'24 P124 FIF6 S/ F FIF6 24 29 P/24 Pr14 11 C-PAD C-PAD FIF6 F!F6 f .IF6 S.IF C-PAD C-PAD FIF6 F!F6 FfF6 24 11 TfB TIB T/8 BfA4 29 8/AJ 20 garv C 20 in o -0 m@ nfi de 115 stl nt 17 ouis ial :3 -m 7: 05 o.g +0 ov 00 0 RWYfTRUC.K C-PAD C-PAD WEST FIRE STATION RWYrrRUCK 12L JOR 12R 30L 49 -'3 ElK ElK CIU QIC Q,C CIU CIU ElK QIC QIC CIU CIU ou 50 52 CIU ElK CIU 6 TIB TIB TIB TIB T<'B B'A2 B 1A4 BfA5 BIAS BIA3 B/A2 *ARFF Vehicles are in service when available manpower permits. Original Date _____________ Revision Date_____________ FAA Approval ______________ AA - 10F