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The greatest challenge any organization can face is the lack of cordial relationship
between the boss and the secretary. Every business person dreams of having a perfect secretary
or administrative assistant and every secretary dreams of having a perfect boss, each helping the
other to carry part of the load in harmony (Stroman, 2014).
France (2011) opined that it is important to get in boss-assistant relationship right because,
emotionally, we are most affected by intimate relationship and power relationships. The power
relationship in your life is with your boss. Secretaries probably spend more time with their
bosses than the bosses do with their spouses. A bad relationship with a boss could cause anxiety,
depression or illness. It is the number one reason why people leave their jobs. It can also cause
physical symptoms such as high blood pressure.
Relationship building is a two-way process you should take control of the situation and
influence your boss to agree to make the relationship work. Whether you work for one or more
bosses, you need to communicate constantly with each of them individually. The impact you
make wilt be judged consciously and subconsciously on the basis or both verbal and non-verbal
communication. It is important to note that 93% of the way you communicate across to other
people is determined by your tone of voice, attitude and body language, which includes how
confident the secretary or boss may appear to be in both behaviour and appearance (McWilson,
Business all over the world today is very challenging. To stay profitable in the highly
challenging and competitive global market economy all factors of production (i.e. men, machine
and materials), should be wisely managed. Among the factors of production human resource,
constitutes the biggest challenges because .unlike inputs, employee management demands
skillful handling of thoughts, feelings organizational communication plays an important role in
this challenge. Interpersonal relationship has crucial impacts among work groups in that
organizational, it creates mutual understanding between management and staff, which helps in
building genuine relationship among people in the organization (Stanwell, 2010).
Take a close look at the society around you, you would find the existence of several
organizations. To mention a few, the business organizations that produce goods or services,
hospitals, religious and. social institutions like charities, schools, colleges and polytechnics.
All these organizations exist to achieve pre-determined goals. They affect our lives in many
ways. Though there are vast differences in their functioning and approaches, They all strive to
achieve certain goals. It must also be noted that organizations cannot achieve the goals
effortlessly. They are achieved through systematic effort. So, one of these systematic approaches
is communication (Stroman, 2014). Communication is a means of bringing about change in any
organizational growth. It is the mainstream of any organizational growth.
Concept of Secretary
A secretary according to Hornby (2001), “is an employee in an office who deals with
correspondence, keeps records, makes arrangements and appointments for a particular member
of the staff”
The American Secretarial Association defined a secretary in the most acceptable way as –
“an assistant to an executive, possessing a mastery of office skills and ability to assume
responsibility without direct supervision, who displays initiative, exercises judgment and makes
decisions within the scope of assigned authority.”
A secretary
can also be defined as a person who maintains a high standard of
confidentiality and a repository of information. There are numerous definitions of the word
secretary as far as there are many authors. With the above definition in mind, one can easily see
that the need for a secretary in any corporation cannot be overemphasized.
A secretary is a major communicating link between the executive and his associates, the
office staff and the public. As a result of this important linking position, a secretary can play a
vital role in helping to create and maintain a smooth running business office. Thus a secretary is
seen as the bedrock and image-image of any business organization.
For a secretary to perform her functions efficiently and effectively, she must have
undergone some educational training and obtained the basic office knowledge and skills to be
efficient and effective on the job. A secretary is quite different from a clerk, a typist and other
office workers.
However, for one to qualify as a secretary, she must have taken courses in shorthand,
typewriting, office practice, secretarial duties and must be fairly computer literate for easy
adaptation in modern offices.
Brief History of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma
The origin of older universities in the developed world can be traced in Europe to as far back as
twelfth century. Most of them developed from cathedral and monastery schools and centres of
learning under the guidance of academic leaders whose fame spread far beyond their immediate
environment, enabling them to attract scholars and students from far and near. Their rates of
development varied and it is sometime difficult to know when they actually became full-fledged
universities. The University of Paris with a slight different structure from that of Bologna
developed in the late twelfth century. These schools and centres, which were founded mainly to
serve the professions, provided unified teaching of law, medicine and theology providing
Ministers of Religion and other statesmen and professionals. Some of these schools .originated
as break-away groups caused often by disagreements with the mode of instruction or content of
curriculum in be host school.
With time, the control of the schools passed on to permanent bodies of administrators and the
course of study were also broadened. University traditions are now well set out so that new
Universities do not have to undergo all the stages of transformation provided the aims and
objectives are clearly defined by the proprietor and operators. New Universities were established
from time to time, because of the expansion of the older Universities may not be able to meet the
varied needs and demands of potentials students but also for moral, political and a variety of
reasons. They immediately began to function like the old ones as soon as structures are in place.
Ambrose Alli University is nut such new generation. Unlike the older Universities earlier
mentioned. The story of Ambrose Alli University has similarities with many of the relatively
younger university of the developing world whose establishment depended to a large extent on
thy vision and conviction of some political leaders who used persuasive and coercive strategies
to overcome strong opposition to the implementation of what would normally be regarded as a
people oriented development. As he often stated at different occasions in the planning stages and
the onset of the University, Prof. Alli was very optimistic that posterity would justify his many
decisions in the establishment of the University. There cannot be a better vindication of his
optimism than the fact that the University which he established as Bendel State University,
Ekpoma in 1981 (which after the creation of Edo State in 1992 had its name changed to Edo
State University) has gone through an Act passed by the State house of Assembly and signed into
law by the Executive Governor of Edo State, Chief Lucky Nosakhare Igbinedion in 1999 been
renamed (Professor) Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, after the founder.
Relationship Between Secretaries and The Boss In The 21st Century Organization
It's often said that the relationship between a PA and a boss is very much like a marriage,
since the two of you work long hours together towards a common vision. The right chemistry
between the two of you is key in ensuring a successful partnership. The two of you need to be
able to work hand-in-hand, and you need to be able to think well ahead of your boss, practically
finishing sentences for him. In one office I worked for, three PAs admitted to calling their bosses
'darling' by mistake, so close has the relationship between the PA and the boss become.
Key things to grapple with early on in your relationship are:
What makes him tick?
What are his interests? What is he passionate about?
What stresses him out?
How much support can you expect from him?
What key two things will he want from you in terms of your qualities? Loyalty?
Confidentiality? Firmness?
How do you know when he's annoyed? How does his face and tone change?
What makes him laugh?
How does he work? In organized chaos, a state of total organization where there's hardly
a piece of paper on his desk, or...he likes his desk to be covered with paper in case the
Chairman walks past.
What two things are truly important to him that you do?
What annoys him? Which mistakes are definitely ones to avoid? (We all make some. But
for the boss, there will be absolute no-nos.)
Whether he likes people to know that he's on vacation or 'travelling'.
That he tells you where he's going at all times and how you can contact him.
Manager’s Attitude to Difference in Sex and Secretary’s Job Performance.
In a work place, there are different types of people with a repertoire of behaviors. Sequel to this,
managers have preference to the gender of secretary they would like to work with. Some have
the idea of not working with female secretaries because of their traditional roles in homes, for
instance, women most times stay away from work for different reasons such as maternity leave,
taking their family members to hospital during working hours and so on (Turner & Reynolds
Secretary’s Qualities and Skills in Enhancing Job Performance
A secretary is a professional who has some code of ethics which should be guarded jealously;
which include dynamism and versatility. An important element of the secretary’s success and
value to the executive lies in effective skills used in dealing with people and in creating an
impression which will enhance the organization’s reputation. The responsibilities are enormous,
for, the secretary is the executive’s personal adviser, generally, deciding who they see and who
they speak to; what matters is receiving their urgent personal attention and what can be
redirected to others. Every human being wishes to work with a person who is intelligent enough
to handle difficult situations.
Some feel that men are more intelligent than women. Buffery (2002) seem to be in this group,
he stated that the human cerebral cortex is divided into two halves which control different types
of skills and the left or dominant hemisphere is concerned with spatial abilities.
He also posited that superiority in spatial skills is an indirect consequence of the greater
liberalization of language ability in the female, so that spatial ability becomes localized more
bilaterally in male, hence, people like employing male secretaries who can carry out technical
skills effectively. McGuiness (2005), rejected the fact that men were superior in spatial skills
because of localization of spatial abilities more in the male right cerebral cortex.
Secretary and Boss Relationship
The Boss and the secretary must come to a clear understanding to fol1ow company’s procedures
and work routine. They should both recognize each other as human beings and build a solid
communication relationship based on mutual respect and understanding. The Boss wants a
secretary who will assume a number of responsibilities, which relieve him of considerable
detailed work. Hence the tutors that can improve communication process between the secretary
and boss will be examined under the following headings. MacCarthyn (2010), classifies the
secretary/Boss relationship as following:
The Boss Representative: As the boss representative, a secretary would get to know her
boss’s personality, and then she can act on his behalf when necessary. She must know him
very well the way he does things, the way he acts, his reaction to people and situation. When
a situation arises she must know how to communicate to him
His memory: The boss holds a post of considerable responsibilities, which makes heavy
demand upon his memory, and power of concentration, he will appreciate reminders about
personal items such as details of holiday arrangement or private dinner invitation. If the boss
comments casually about something he must remember to do in the future, the secret should
make a note of its so that he/she can remind him in good rime.
 Listening and Criticizing: By virtue of his job, the boss is often a lonely person. there is only
one person in the organization with whom he can discuss his problems, not because he
expects assistance in solving them, but simply as a means of clarifying points in his own
mind. The person is likely to be the secretary. It .goes without saying that anything he tells
you must never under any circumstances be repeated.
Winter (2011) stares the following principals to guide against. a healthy relationship between the
secretary and the Boss. The secretary has to feel a personal attachment at the workplace when
called on to do the job.
The secretary must be dependable, loyal resourceful, adaptable, und courteous to a
marked degree and must be blessed with initiative, judgment and common. sense.
The secretary should remember that she is not the boss, boss has the job of making decisions and
announcing them. Unless the secretary has been specifically authorized to do so, she should not
divulge any information.
Be a human remember system, it is often your responsibility to see that certain things are done at
certain times. It is up to remind your boss “Rule of thumb”. Always assume he would not
remember unless you remind him.
Implications of Effective Communication between the Secretary and the Boss.
A cordial relationship between the boss and the secretary create the enabling environment for
free flow of communication in the organization. Thus the secretary is well placed to
communicate the organizational goals to the workers feelings and aspirations to the boss by
sustaining the upward and downward communication in an organization, the secretary
maximizes the positive relationship between the boss to enhance effective staff management and
increased productivity.
On the other hand, however if the relationship is formed on a negative side, it adversely affects
the organization, poor staff management, low productivity, just to mention but a few. The boss
who sees secretary as an ordinary typist wilt definitely underutilize her talents and this will result
to frustration because she will not be motivated to take up challenges and her responsibi1ities.
On the contrary, a box who sees his secretary as a partner will always involve her in the
achievement of the organizational objectives and this wi11 bring the best out of her and will
lead to efficiency. Winston (2010) in his analysis of the motivation received from his secretary
who wanted to work for a president. He was not the president then, but she set out to help him
make it. She had tremendous impact in high effectiveness and indeed he made it.
A boss who creates a meaningful working relationship with her secretary will find out that the
secretary as a result of his positive reaction which exist will be motivated, be actively involved in
the organizations growth, under the work government, work is facilitated because workers are
more actively involved and work will openness and this will definitely enhance their
performance and increase output.
According to Whitehead (2012), the communication between an executive and his
secretary is the one of partnership in the office. As a partner in business, both should work
towards the attainment of the set goals. Their relationship should be a cordial one based on trust,
mutual understanding and empathy. Studies has shown that where both the boss and secretary as
able to understand themselves it will greatly influence the effective management of subordinates
and will lead to increase in productivity and work performance. But where human relationship is
lacing, it will adversely affect productivity and lead to in effectiveness.
As potential monetary who throws the implication of effective communication between
Secretary and Boss relationship, it serves as motivating factor for his research. It has been said
that behind every successful boss there is an effective secretary who has an excellent and affable
relationship with her boss. (Nwosu, 2011) the boss and secretary, therefore find themselves
forced to work with each other and they depend on one another in the demands and peculiarities
of their jobs.
Interpersonal Relationship at Workplace
Interpersonal relationship refers to a strong association among individuals working together in
the same organization. Secretary and boss working together ought to share a special bond to
deliver their level best. It is essential for individuals to be honest with each other for a healthy
interpersonal relationship and eventually positive ambience at the Work place. An individual
spends around seven to eight hours at his workplace and it is practically not possible for him to
work alone. One needs people to talk to and discuss various issues at the workplace.
need for interpersonal relationship between the boss and the secretary cannot be
over emphasize, interpersonal relationship allows a better understanding as well as effective
communication. It is the ability to build rapport with each other having similar interest and goals,
in a workplace interpersonal relationship allows the boss to share a special fund with other
workers such that trust and positive feelings for one another are maintained, so there ought to be
a healthy interpersonal relationship at work in order to be able to have a friendly ambience,
(Afeidia 2017). Below are some benefits from interpersonal relationship in a workplace:
Greater Employee Satisfaction: Human being is a social animal. Working in isolation makes an
individual prone to stress arid he starts to find his job monotonous. Therefore, interpersonal
relationships give employees a chance to form close relationship as with fellow co-workers,
developing in them a sense of joy us well as satisfaction.
Better Decision Making: Any important decision making within an organization is based on its
employees brainstorming to find the best ideas arid strategies. However, this requires a platform
such that every individual has the liberty and equal opportunity to express his views und
opinions. Such effective communication is best possible when the boss and secretary have close
associations with each other that allows for effective communication as well as some honest
Completing Assignments within Stipulated Time: An individual needs to get along with
fellow workers to complete assignments within the stipulated time frame. An individual working
all alone is overburdened and never finishes tasks within deadlines. Support of fellow workers is
important. An individual needs help of his follow workers to complete assignment on time and
for better results.
Secretary performance has play a vital role in helping to create and maintain a smooth running
business office. Thus a secretary is seen as the bedrock and image-image of any business
organization. The important element of the secretary’s success and value to the executive lies in
effective skills used in dealing with people and in creating an impression which will enhance the
organization’s reputation. The responsibilities are enormous, for, the secretary is the executive’s
personal adviser, generally, deciding who they see and who they speak to, what matters is
receiving their urgent personal attention and what can be redirected to others.
Way Forward
For a secretary to perform and functions efficiently and effectively, she must undergone
some educational training and obtained the basic office knowledge and skills to be efficient and
effective on the job. A secretary is quite different from a clerk, a typist and other office workers.
The boss should always provide a healthy and a comfortable environment to ensure a
good relationship between him/her and employees. The employees should always keep the rules
and regulations guiding the company in order to faster a good relationship.
Afeidia, A. O. (2017). “Repacking secretarial studies: In An Era of Information Communication
Technology”. Journal of office management and Technology, 1(2) Pg 35
France, C. (2011). “Studies in communication”. Revised edition, Sango lbadan: Salmos
Publisher Limited.
McWilson, P. (2013). “Effective business communication”, Mc Graw Hill Inc. New york, NY;
John wiley.
Nwosu, B. M. (2011). Responsibilities of a secretary. World Engineering and Applied Sciences
Journal 5(3), Pg 75-82.
Stanwell, A. and Shain, R. S. (2010). Secretary/Boss Relationship. European Journal of business
and Management 6(11), Retrieved from www.iiste.org.
Stroman, S. and Weaver, I. (2014). “Communicating effectively”: Boston, McGrew Hill
PublNers V.S.A.
Wikipedia, (2012). Internet source. www.gsmworld.com
Winter, K. L. (20l1). “Communication and Interpersonal Skills between Secretory and the Boss”
(2nd CdIhOD), Wiley Online Library.
MacCarthyn, M. (2012). “Organizational communication”; Theory, Research and application
West Virginia University, London: Sage Publication.