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Final Paper Roman

Ahmad Roman Royan
Academic Writing
Professor Matala
The First Amendment of the United State
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is one of the ten amendments that make
up the Bill of Rights. It was ratified on December 15, 1791. encompassing the freedoms of
religion, expression, and the press, as well as the right to assemble and petition the government
for the resolution of complaints. (Carper Statement) Besides, The First Amendment serves as a
cornerstone of American democracy, ensuring that citizens have the right to express their
opinions, engage in peaceful protest, and worship as they choose without fear of government
interference or persecution. It has been the subject of numerous Supreme Court cases over the
years, and its interpretation and application continue to be debated and contested. This essay
portrays the importance of the first amendment because this amendment provides the citizen's
religious liberty and freedom of speech and press.
The First Amendment was added to the United States Constitution in 1791 as a response to the
concerns of the Anti-Federalists, who feared that the newly established federal government could
potentially infringe on the rights and liberties of American citizens. James Madison, a founding
father and fourth president of the United States, drafted the amendment to safeguard against
government oppression and censorship. The First Amendment's protection of religious freedom
was crucial to the American colonists who had fled Europe to escape religious persecution. It
ensures that the government cannot establish an official religion or interfere with an individual's
right to worship as they choose. The amendment's protection of freedom of speech, press,
assembly, and petition was also vital to a free and democratic society, allowing citizens to
express their views and hold their government accountable without fear of retribution. Despite
the changing social and political conditions, the Supreme Court has continuously interpreted and
reinterpreted the First Amendment, extending its protections to include symbolic speech and
limiting government restrictions on political campaign spending. The First Amendment remains
a bedrock principle of American democracy and a powerful symbol of freedom and individual
liberty. (Legal Information Institute)
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution is important because it protects the
fundamental right to religious liberty. Religious liberty is a cornerstone of American democracy,
and the First Amendment ensures that every individual has the right to practice their religion or
hold their own beliefs without fear of government intervention or repression. As James Madison
in one of his articles about this amendment said, "all men are equally entitled to enjoy the free
exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience." ( Read 12) This right has helped to
foster a diverse and tolerant society where individuals are free to express their faith or choose not
to, without fear of discrimination. For example, in 2020, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of
religious organizations that challenged COVID-19 restrictions on religious gatherings, arguing
that the restrictions violated their First Amendment rights. The restrictions were "Tampa
evangelical pastor held church services in defiance of a local emergency order that largely
banned groups of 10 or more from gathering." (Vile 2) This demonstrates that the Tampa
evangelical pastor's decision to hold church services in defiance of these orders reflects a tension
between the right to practice one's religion and the government's authority to protect public
health. While the First Amendment guarantees the right to practice religion freely, that right is
not absolute and may be subject to reasonable limitations, such as in cases where public health
and safety are at risk. Overall, protecting religious rights is an essential aspect of the first
Freedom of speech and press are the other specifications that made the first amendment unique.
The first amendment protects the people's freedom of speech and press by prohibiting the
government from censoring or punishing speech. Freedom of speech and the media ensure that
individuals and the press are free to express their views and ideas without fear of government
interference. As "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press."
(National Archives and Records Administration) These rights are crucial to ensuring that the
government is accountable to the people and that a free and open exchange of ideas can take
place in society. For instance, in a case, Sarah Palin filed a defamation lawsuit against The New
York Times, claiming that an editorial in the newspaper had falsely connected her to a mass
shooting in Arizona in 2011. (Peters)This case shows how the First Amendment's protection of
freedom of the press and the limits on defamation lawsuits work in practice. Palin had sued the
newspaper for falsely linking her to a mass shooting in Arizona, but the judge dismissed the case
because her legal team could not prove that claim due to false statements. This ruling
demonstrates the importance of the First Amendment's protection of freedom of the press, which
allows news organizations to report on public affairs without fear of retaliatory lawsuits that
could limit free speech and free press.
In conclusion, the First Amendment's protection of freedom of religion and freedom of speech
and press is essential to maintaining a healthy and diverse democracy. These freedoms allow
individuals to express their beliefs, opinions, and values without fear of government interference
or persecution. They also enable individuals to participate fully in society, engage in civil
discourse, and hold those in power accountable for their actions. Without these protections, our
democracy would be less vibrant and less inclusive, and individuals' rights to express themselves
and participate in public life would be severely restricted.
Work Cited
Amendment." Legal
Peters, Jeremy W. "Sarah Palin's Libel Claim against the Times Is Rejected by a Jury." The New
Read, James H. James Madison, https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/1220/jamesmadison.
The Middle East Act." MENA Report, Albawaba (London) Ltd., Jan. 2019.
"The Bill of Rights: A Transcription." National Archives and Records Administration, National
Archives and Records Administration, https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/bill-of-rightstranscript.
"United States: Carper Statement on Advancement of the Strengthening Americas Security in
John. Coronavirus