Non-Communicable Diseases Worksheet for Grade 7

Lovie Jean G. Sabuero
As a grade 7 and a student of University of Mindanao Tagum Campus, how can you protect
yourself from non-communicable diseases?
Tobacco use, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, and the harmful use of
alcohol are habits that can lead to some non-communicable diseases. To avoid
this disease. I must be active with my exercises and keep my body healthy
and avoiding bad habits like smoking, drinking, waking up late at night, and
Test 2 Enumeration Directions:
A. Give at least 5 programs of DepEd's health and Nutrition Cancer related to NonCommunicable Diseases.
1. Medical check up
2. School Feeding
3. Deworming
4. Blood Testing
5. Anti-Smoking Campaign
B. Programs and projects of the Department of Health
1. Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP)
2. Special Education (SPED) Program
3. Indigenous People’s Education (IPEd) Program
4. Alternative Learning System (ALS)
5. The Education Service Contracting Program
C. Enumerate what are the Non-Communicable Diseases
1. Cancer
2. Diabetes
3. Chronic lung disease
4. Epilepsy
5. Coronary arteries disease
6. Cerebrovascular disease
7. Alzheimer’s disease