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Printer Types and Uses Exercise

In computing, a printer is a peripheral device which makes a
persistent human-readable representation of graphics or text
on paper.
Exercise: Answer the following questions in your textbook
State the name of each printer shown in the images below
2. Which printer is most suitable for each situation below:
a) To print a blue print of a building structure
b) To print a large volume of exam paper at your school
c) To print receipts on continuous paper in duplicate or triplicate.
d) To be used at a point of sale terminal
e) To print a certificate
3. The printer shown at C can be found in the computer lab at your school. Give TWO
reasons why you think it is used there instead of the
one shown in D.
4. The printer shown at A is used at many stores in Montego Bay such as United Sales.
Give TWO reasons why you think the company may
use this printer.
5. Kimone bought the printer shown in D instead of the one shown in C.
reasons why Kimone bought the printer in D and TWO
reasons why she did not buy the printer shown in C.
Give TWO