Acabo, Angel Rizamae M. BSA 3 Microsoft Word Control Key Function Ctrl+O Open a document. Microsoft PowerPoint Control Key Function Ctrl+Tab Switch between different open presentation Ctrl+O Open an existing presentation. Ctrl+N Create a new presentation. Microsoft Excel Control Key Function Ctrl + N Create a new workbook Save and close a presentation. Save a presentation. Ctrl + W Ctrl + F4 Open an existing workbook Save a workbook/spr eadsheet Close the current workbook Close Excel Ctrl+Y Repeat last action. Ctrl + PageDown Move to the next sheet Ctrl+W Close presentation. Ctrl + PageUp Move to the previous sheet Ctrl+Z Undo an action. Alt + A Go to the Data tab Ctrl+F Search in presentation or use Find and Replace Show or hide the ribbon Alt + W Go to the View tab Alt + M Go the Formula tab Ctrl+N Create a new document. Ctrl+S Save the document. Ctrl+W Close the document. Ctrl+Q Ctrl+X Cut the selected content to the Clipboard. Copy the selected content to the Clipboard. Paste the contents of the Clipboard. Select all document content. Apply bold formatting to text. Ctrl+S Apply italic formatting to text. Apply underline formatting to text. Decrease the font size by 1 point. Ctrl+F1 Ctrl+C Ctrl+V Ctrl+A Ctrl+B Ctrl+I Ctrl+U Ctrl+Left bracket ([) Ctrl + O Ctrl + S Ctrl+F2 Print Preview View F2 Edit a cell Alt+F Open the File tab menu Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V Copy and paste cells Ctrl+Right bracket (]) Increase the font size by 1 point. Center the text. Alt+F2 Open the Save As dialog box. Ctrl + I, Ctrl + B Alt+A Alt + H + A + C Align the text to the left. Align the text to the right. Cancel a command. Alt+G Undo the previous action. Redo the previous action, if possible. Adjust the zoom magnification. Alt+N Go to the animations tab. Open the Design tab. Go to the Home Tub. Go to the Transitions tab. Open the Insert tab. Go to the "Tell me what you want to do" box. Go to the Review tab. Tab Shift + Tab Move to the previous cell Split the document window. Remove the document window split. Alt+S Go to the Slide Show tab Ctrl + Shift + Right arrow Alt+W Go to View tab. Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow Select all the cells on the right Select all the cells on the left Ctrl + F Open find box. Alt+X Go to the Addins tab Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow Ctrl + Del Delete word to right of cursor. Delete word to left of cursor. Alt+Y Go to the Help tab. Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow Ctrl+E Ctrl+L Ctrl+R Esc Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Y Alt+W, Q, then use the Tab key in the Zoom dialog box to go to the value you want. Ctrl+Alt+S Alt+Shift+C or Ctrl+Alt+S Ctrl + Backspace Alt+H Alt+K Alt+Q Alt+R Italicize and make the font bold Center align cell contents Alt + H + H Fill color Alt + H + B Add a border Ctrl + Shift + _ Remove outline border Ctrl + Shift + & Add an outline to the select cells Move to the next cell Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow Select the column from the selected cell to the end of the table Select all the cells above the selected cell Select all the cells below the selected cell Ctrl + D Open the font preferences window Ctrl+A Ctrl + J Align the selected text or line to justify the screen Insert a hyperlink. Shift+Tab Indent the paragraph. Ctrl+Up Arrow Ctrl + P Open the print window. Ctrl+Shift+Do wn Arrow Alt + F, A Save the document under a different file name. Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow Alt + X Show the Unicode code of a highlighted character. End Ctrl + T Create a hanging indent. Home Ctrl + K Ctrl + M Ctrl+Down Arrow Select all text in textbox, all slides in a presentation or all subjects on a slide. Select or move to the previous object on a slide. Move a slide down in the presentation.( click on a slide thumbnail first) Move a slide to the beginning of the presentation Move a slide to the end of the presentation Move a slide to the beginning of the presentation (click on a slide thumbnail first) Go to the last slide, or from within textbox, go to the end of line. Go to the first slide, or from within a text box, go to the beginning of the line. Shift + F2 Add a comment to a cell Shift + F10 + D Delete a cell comment Ctrl + H Display find and replace Ctrl + Shift + L Activate the filter Ctrl + ; Insert the current date Ctrl + Shift + : Insert current time Ctrl + k Insert a hyperlink Ctrl + Shift + $ Apply the currency format Ctrl + Shift + A Ctrl + Shift + D Ctrl +Shift +E Ctrl + Shift + F Ctrl +Shift + L Ctrl + Shift + > Ctrl + / + C l Ctrl +Shift + * Ctrl + Left Arrow Ctrl + Right Arrow Ctrl + Up Arrow Ctrl + Down Arrow Ctrl +End Sets the selected text to all capital letters. Adds double underline to the selected text. Enable or disable revision tracking. Open Font window to change the font. Quickly create a bullet point. Increase selected font +1pts up to 12pt and then increase font +2pts. Insert a cent sign (¢). View or hide non printing characters. Move one word to the left. Move one word to the right. Move to the beginning of the line or paragraph. Move to the end of the paragraph. Page down Go to the next slide Ctrl+B Add or remove Alt + Q bold to selected text Ctrl+C Copy selected text, selected object or selected slide. Duplicate the selected object or slide. Move the cursor to the Ctrl+U Ctrl+D Ctrl+E Ctrl + Shift + % Shift + Space Ctrl + Space Apply the percent format Go to the “Tell me what you want to do” box Select the entire row Select the entire column Center a Alt+H+D+C paragraph. Add or remove Shift + Space, italics to Ctrl + selected text. Delete a column Delete a row Justify a paragraph. Insert a hyperlink. Ctrl + 9 Hide selected row Unhide selected row Ctrl+L Left align a paragraph. Ctrl + 0 Ctrl+M Insert a new slide. Ctrl + Shift + 0 Ctrl+R Right align a paragraph. Alt + Shift + Right arrow Hide a selected column Unhide a selected column Group rows or columns Ctrl+T Open the Font dialog box when text or object is selected. Add or remove e underline to selected text. Alt + Shift + Left arrow Ungroup rows or columns Alt + Shift + Right arrow Group pivot table item Ctrl+I Ctrl+J Ctrl+K Ctrl + Shift + 9 Ctrl + Home Ctrl + Spacebar Ctrl + Enter end of the document. Move the cursor to the beginning of the document. Reset highlighted text to the default font. Insert a page break. Ctrl+V Ctrl+X Ctrl+Alt+V Paste selected text, selected object or selected slide Cut selected slide, selected object, or selected slide Open the Paste Special dialog box. Zoom out. Alt + Shift + Left arrow Ungroup pivot table items Ctrl + - Hide pivot table items Alt + F1 Create a pivot chart on the same sheet Create a pivot chart on a new worksheet CtrL + 1 Single-space lines. Ctrl+Minus sign(-) Ctrl + 2 Double-space lines. 1.5-line spacing. Ctrl+Plus sign (+) Ctrl+Alt+O Zoom in. Zoom to fit Ctrl+Shift+F3 Set selected text as subscript. Move one page up in the document. Move one page down in the document Set selected text as superscript. Insert trademark (TM) symbol. Changes text to heading 1. Ctrl+Shift+D Make a copy of the selected slide. Copy animation painter Paste animation Painter Switch to Presenter view. Switch to Slide Show. Ctrl+Shift+F6 ESC Changes text to heading 2. Ctrl+P Ctrl + 5 Ctrl + = Ctrl + Pg Up Ctrl + Pg Dn Ctrl + Shift + = Ctrl + Alt + T Ctrl + Alt + 1 Ctrl + Alt + 2 Alt+Shift+C Alt+Shift+V Alt+F5 Ctrl+F1 F11 Create name by using names of row and column labels Previous Window Ctrl+Shift+F12 Print Alt+Shift+F1 New worksheet Alt+Shift+F2 Save Alt+= AutoSum End the slideshow. Ctrl+` Annotate using a Pen tool while playing the slideshow. Ctrl+Shift+A Toggle Value/Formula display Insert argument names into formula Ctrl + Alt + 3 Changes text to heading 3. Ctrl+Shift+> Make text bigger. Alt+Down arrow Ctrl + Alt + F2 Open new document. Open the Task Pane. Ctrl+Shift+< Alt+’ Ctrl +F2 Display the print preview. Shift+F7 F1 Open help. Shift+F9 F5 Open the Find, Replace, and Go To window in Microsoft Word. Spellcheck and grammar check selected text or document. Save as. Shift+F12 Make text smaller. Change the selected text to be uppercase or lowercase. Runs s Thesaurus check on the selected word Show or hide the grid on the slide Save the open slide deck. Ctrl+Shift+! Comma format Shift+Alt+D Open the Date and Time window. Ctrl+Shift+@ Time format F1 Ctrl+Shift+# Date format Change the text in Microsoft Word from uppercase to lowercase or a capital letter at the beginning of every word. Run a Thesaurus check on the selected word. Paste. F4 Open the help menu. Repeat the last action performed. Ctrl+Shift+$ Currency format View the slide show for the entire slide deck. Spellcheck and grammar check selcted text or slide Ctrl+Shift+% Percent format Ctrl+Shift+^ Exponential format Ctrl + 1 F7 F12 Shift +F3 Shift +F7 Shift + Insert Shift+F3 F5 F7 Ctrl+Shift+~ Alt+’ Display AutoComplete list Format Style dialog box Display AutoComplete list Format Style dialog box General format Shift + Alt + T Insert the current time. F12 Save As. Ctrl+Shift+& Place outline border around selected cells