Uploaded by Celeste Digal

Advertising Commercial Rubric

ADVERTISING COMMERCIAL RUBRIC CREATIVITY: Demonstrates a high level of creativity. It was exciting and interesting. The commercial made you want to buy the product. POINTS POSSIBLE 10 POINTS EARNED ADVERTISING STRATEGY: The commercial clearly and effectively demonstrates the advertising strategies selected (3 of them). The strategies are persuasive and realistic for the product being sold. Each appeal is effectively persuasive within the context of the commercial and is appropriate for the product. 15 PERFORMANCE: Performance clearly aligns with the script/storyboard created for the program. Actors are enthusiastic and the visual editing allows for an easy to follow advertisement. Excellent use of props and set. 15 AWARENESS OF TARGET: Commercial clearly appeals to the selected demographic (target) and is easily identifiable to the audience. Words and images used to attract the demographic are realistic and convincing. 10 GROUP WORK: The group functioned exceptionally well. All members listened to and supported the efforts of others. All members of the group were always on task. Every step of the project was completed on time. 10 PAPER WORK: The group completed all paperwork: an organized script or storyboard was completed before filming; and a complete and useful market analysis was filled out. 15 ______ TOTAL: 75 