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Farm Input & Labor Estimation Worksheet

1. Visit a vegetable farm near to your school or home
2. Get the following data
a. Area
b. Crop
c. Age of crop
d. Quantity of planting materials (in kgs)
e. Number of workers prepared the land
f. Number of days consumed in preparing the area
g. Amount of salary given to each worker during land preparation
h. Number of worker planted the area
i. Number of days consumed in planting the area
j. Amount of salary paid in planting the area
k. Number of worker fertilized the area from planting up to the date of
this survey.
l. Quantity of fertilizer used from planting up to the date where survey
was made
m. Amount of salary paid in applying fertilizer from planting to the date
of this survey
n. Quantity of fertilizer to be used after the survey until harvesting
o. Number of workers required to perform fertilization after the survey
until final harvesting
p. Amount of salary needed for fertilizer application after this survey
until harvesting
q. Estimated irrigation expenses from planting up to harvesting
r. Estimated worker hired to perform irrigation from planting to
s. Estimated days for spraying insecticides
t. Estimated workers needed for spraying insecticides
u. Estimated cost of insecticide used in spraying
v. Workers salary during spraying of insecticides
w. Estimated number of weeding operation
x. Estimated worker needed in weeding
y. Workers salary during weeding
z. Estimated worker employ during harvesting
3. Present your data in tabular form
1. Visit a vegetable farm near to your school or home
2. Get the following data
a. Area
b. Crop
c. Age of crop
d. Quantity of planting materials (in kgs)
e. Number of workers prepared the land
f. Number of days consumed in preparing the area
g. Amount of salary given to each worker during land preparation
h. Number of worker planted the area
i. Number of days consumed in planting the area
j. Amount of salary paid in planting the area
k. Number of worker fertilized the area from planting up to the date of
this survey.
l. Quantity of fertilizer used from planting up to the date where survey
was made
m. Amount of salary paid in applying fertilizer from planting to the date
of this survey
n. Quantity of fertilizer to be used after the survey until harvesting
o. Number of workers required to perform fertilization after the survey
until final harvesting
p. Amount of salary needed for fertilizer application after this survey
until harvesting
q. Estimated irrigation expenses from planting up to harvesting
r. Estimated worker hired to perform irrigation from planting to
s. Estimated days for spraying insecticides
t. Estimated workers needed for spraying insecticides
u. Estimated cost of insecticide used in spraying
v. Workers salary during spraying of insecticides
w. Estimated number of weeding operation
x. Estimated worker needed in weeding
y. Workers salary during weeding
z. Estimated worker employ during harvesting
3. Present your data in tabular form
1. Visit a vegetable farm near to your school or home
2. Get the following data
a. Area
b. Crop
c. Age of crop
d. Quantity of planting materials (in kgs)
e. Number of workers prepared the land
f. Number of days consumed in preparing the area
g. Amount of salary given to each worker during land preparation
h. Number of worker planted the area
i. Number of days consumed in planting the area
j. Amount of salary paid in planting the area
k. Number of worker fertilized the area from planting up to the date of
this survey.
l. Quantity of fertilizer used from planting up to the date where survey
was made
m. Amount of salary paid in applying fertilizer from planting to the date
of this survey
n. Quantity of fertilizer to be used after the survey until harvesting
o. Number of workers required to perform fertilization after the survey
until final harvesting
p. Amount of salary needed for fertilizer application after this survey
until harvesting
q. Estimated irrigation expenses from planting up to harvesting
r. Estimated worker hired to perform irrigation from planting to
s. Estimated days for spraying insecticides
t. Estimated workers needed for spraying insecticides
u. Estimated cost of insecticide used in spraying
v. Workers salary during spraying of insecticides
w. Estimated number of weeding operation
x. Estimated worker needed in weeding
y. Workers salary during weeding
z. Estimated worker employ during harvesting
3. Present your data in tabular form
1. Visit a vegetable farm near to your school or home
2. Get the following data
a. Area
b. Crop
c. Age of crop
d. Quantity of planting materials (in kgs)
e. Number of workers prepared the land
f. Number of days consumed in preparing the area
g. Amount of salary given to each worker during land preparation
h. Number of worker planted the area
i. Number of days consumed in planting the area
j. Amount of salary paid in planting the area
k. Number of worker fertilized the area from planting up to the date of
this survey.
l. Quantity of fertilizer used from planting up to the date where survey
was made
m. Amount of salary paid in applying fertilizer from planting to the date
of this survey
n. Quantity of fertilizer to be used after the survey until harvesting
o. Number of workers required to perform fertilization after the survey
until final harvesting
p. Amount of salary needed for fertilizer application after this survey
until harvesting
q. Estimated irrigation expenses from planting up to harvesting
r. Estimated worker hired to perform irrigation from planting to
s. Estimated days for spraying insecticides
t. Estimated workers needed for spraying insecticides
u. Estimated cost of insecticide used in spraying
v. Workers salary during spraying of insecticides
w. Estimated number of weeding operation
x. Estimated worker needed in weeding
y. Workers salary during weeding
z. Estimated worker employ during harvesting
3. Present your data in tabular form